XuR czyli XavSnap Unofficial Release to rozbudowana wersja jednej z najstarszych konstrukcji ze świata mikrokomputerów, które rozpoczęły erę komputerów domowych - Sinclair ZX81. Z ciekawostek, emulator posiada moduł pozwalający generować mu grafikę z trybu tekstowego tego mikrokoputerka i rozbudowany monitor.
VB81 XuR (10/09/2019)
- Add AGB Centronics card.
- In progress: Memotech ISF & ICF (not linked)
- In prograss: Memotech MemoText. (Inactive icon)
- "Save D_File" / "Load D_file" fixed.
→ NOWSZY [ZX81] VB81 XuR - ZX81 Emulator 1.4 28/04/23
VB81 XuR 28/04/2023
- Minor release to improve the ASM compressed screen snapshot.
VB81 XuR 13/08/2022
- "External Processor" added
VB81 XuR 04/06/2022 (minor update)
- Fixed menus, comments and undocumented icons. (Bugs repport from Greg, many thanks for support.)
- Add a full screen mode.
VB81 XuR 21/05/2022 (major update)
- Add a "TASM" compatible Z80 compiler window. (text buffer limited to 64535 bytes)
- Able to recompile the labeled "TASM" files, generated by the inboard disassembler.
- Add a new entry in the Basic converter :
1 REM [SPH: hex length] and 1 REM [SPD: dec length]
To build a blank REM line and host your machine code.
- Memotech CIF card; "PRINT AT" error fixed (Thanks Greg !)
VB81 XuR "Paper background" release. 17/05/2022 (minor update)
- Fixed a ZxPrinter bugg (line#8) in the printed picture recently introduced in the previous
VB81 XuR 12/05/2022
- Add a new "6 Bits" entry in the Basic converter: 1 REM [TX6: mytext /~~] (up grey character to end)
VB81 XuR 09/05/2022
- Add the "Asm screen shot" in the "D_File tool" popup menu.
VB81 XuR 08/05/2022
- Tasm export error in case of RAM/ROM special name. (Thanks Greg.)
VB81 XuR 04/05/2022
- ZxPrinter paper for screen shot, line feed.
- "Save printer picture" changed the main Basic path directory... now return to the selected project path.
VB81 XuR 16/04/2022
- ZxPrinter paper background added.
→ NOWSZY [ZX81] VB81 XuR - ZX81 Emulator 1.4 16/04/22
VB81 XuR 16/04/2022
VB81 XuR 18/03/2022
- Disassembler/TASM export labels fixed up to $8000 memory offset.
VB81 XuR 03/10/2021
- RomServer selected by the $1F IO card added. It drive almost 4 ROMs (or 8 on the 1.52 released card)
VB81 XuR 17/09/2021
VB81 XuR 14/07/2021
Black Crystal (Carnell Software Ltd, 1982)
- Added the "Save REM in a text line" [DEC] [HEX] to clipboard.
- CDFlag NMI keyboard patch added. (again!)
VB81 XuR 08/07/2021
- Tasm export format fixed.
- CDFlag NMI keyboard patch added.
VB81 XuR 28/09/2020
→ NOWSZY [ZX81] VB81 XuR - ZX81 Emulator 1.4 23/09/20
VB81 XuR 23/09/2020
- Add: The Memotech IF Centronics card.
The RAW format buffer is located in the "PrintOut" directory.
Note: * A REM line listed with LLIST can hang or crash the computer!
The Raw format, sent to the printer use different hardware argument,
And can't be properly displayed in a simply text editor.
The Line-return is a $0A:$00, and some graphics/specials argument are not suitable to be open in the Note-pad.
* Use the buffer viewer in the Hardware windows to retrive Ascii chars.
Thanks to Christopher and http://www.zx81stuff.org.uk for the ROM dump.
→ NOWSZY [ZX81] VB81 XuR - ZX81 Emulator 1.4 20/08/20
VB81 XuR 23/08/2020
- Added: SAVE"MYPROGRAM.WAV" to save your program in slow Wav Format. ("*.FL" save the program in OTLA fast-load format)
- Added: In the files explorer, in the "P" file info window,
- the new green icon able to convert the selected P file in a wav format.
→ NOWSZY [ZX81] VB81 XuR - ZX81 Emulator 1.4 26/11/19
VB81 XuR 26/11/2019
- Disassembler window set free... (Thanks Greg.)
VB81 XuR 17/10/2019
- Minor update. (Tasm disassembler output fixed JR errors list)
→ NOWSZY [ZX81] VB81 XuR - ZX81 Emulator 1.4 03/10/19
VB81 XuR 03/10/2019
- Welcome to the Gif, Jpeg and Png picture formats!
- Added in the manual ScreenShoot and the automatic feature [F11].
- Just add the right attribut or select the picture format in the "color & capture..." option window.
- The "Multicolumns" printer picture, can be saved in PDF format! (have a look to the "libhpdf_GDIplus.docs" directory for more informations)
→ NOWSZY [ZX81] VB81 XuR - ZX81 Emulator 1.4 19/09/19
VB81 XuR 19/09/2019
- Minor update.
- In progress: ICF (not linked)
- In progress: Memotech MemoText. (no ROM)
→ [ZX81] VB81 XuR - ZX81 Emulator 1.4 18/08/19
VB81 XuR (18/08/2019)
- fixed floating point numerics in imported text
→ [ZX81] VB81 XuR - ZX81 Emulator 1.4 03/08/19
VB81 XuR (03/08/2019)
- add AGB dual Joystick.
- add Campston Joystick.
Vox populi
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