
[ZX] ZXIAN v18 2/01/2023

[1] # WOS | Sobota, 6 Stycznia 2024 00:50CET

Nowa wersja tego emulatora ZX Spectrum została wzbogacona o mały frontend pozwalający na wybór archiwum (tap, sna) i sposobu wyświetlania grafiki. Małymi krokami... ale do przodu:)

ZXIAN v18 2/01/2024

  • added zxianui, a friendlier, UI-based zxian starter
NOWSZY [ZX] ZXIAN v23 4/02/2025

ZXIAN 0.23 2/02/2025

  • fixed a border rendering bug after fast tape loading finishes. Fixed a TAP loading bug concerning custom-length header blocks. This fixes games such as Lemmings

ZXIAN v0.22 13/01/2025

  • added support for saving SNA snapshots

ZXIAN v0.21 7/01/2025

  • added support for more options to the UI. Fixed a border rendering bug in fullscreen display modes. Fixed minor scanlines effect bugs
NOWSZY [ZX] ZXIAN v20 21/12/2024

ZXIAN v0.20 21/11/2024

Versions 1 through 19 are compiled exclusively to 32bit.
Versions 20 and later are compiled exclusively to 64bit.

  • v20 - first 64bit version

  • v19 - optimizations: reduced host CPU usage by 75%-90% of previous version
→ [ZX] ZXIAN v17 6/11/2023

ZXIAN v17 6/11/2023

  • added support for taking screenshots

ZXIAN v16 31/10/2023

  • added support for CRT scanlines effect. Fixed a slowdown issue when using accelerated renderer. Removed an overly eager optimization which impacted CPU-screen sync - this fixes games where graphics are updated multiple times per frame

ZXIAN v15 12/10/2023

  • added fullscreen support

ZXIAN v14 07/10/2023

  • sound improvements via variable sync. This fixes sustained tones (such as the BEEP command in BASIC)

ZXIAN v13 26/09/2023

  • optimizations: reduced host CPU usage by 85%


ZXIAN v12 23/06/2023

  • CPU microcode fix: R register behaviour  this unfreezes some games which rely on R for timing, like Defender of the Crown
  • CPU microcode fix: DD/FD prefix opcodes fall-through to unprefixed cleaner application shutdown

ZXIAN v11 09/06/2023

  • added support for saving and loading state
  • added a UI which allows memory modification (pokes)

ZXIAN v.10 18/05/2023

  • v10 - fixed an interrupt bug which allowed reentrancy; this fixes games such as Zynaps

ZXIAN v.9 13/05/2023

  • v9 - fixed an overflow bug which deteriorated sound after 20 minutes
  • v8 - tape UI improvements: current block size and progress; sound improvements: configurability and parameter tweaks
  • v7 - added support for frame skipping. Improved sound quality and configurability

ZXIAN v.6 13/02/2023

  • v6 - significantly improved audio quality. Added support for TAP tape images
  • v5 - video frame duration can now be specified in milliseconds. Rewrote the "read key status" code to fix a bug, which fixes games such as Manic Miner
  • v4 - support for "floating bus", whereby data read by ULA can "leak" into hardware ports that are not wired, such as 0xFF. Some games rely on this for timing, instead of an interrupt handler. This fixes games such as Cobra and Arkanoid
  • v3 - improved game compatibility by supplying a well-known value for the LSB during IM2 handler lookup; previous behaviour can be attained through a switch. This fixes games such as Dizzy 7
  • v2 - fixed an SNA loading bug caused by incorrect IFF2 initialization; it was causing some games to soft reset, and some to have corrupted graphics
  • v1 - initial release
Dizzy II z małym helpem do ZXIAN, przyda się zdecydowanie.



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Nr GaduGadu
wstecz06/01/2024 00:50
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