
[zx] Spud 0.307b 30/12/23

[3] # EmuFrance | !!! środa, 12 Czerwca 2024 11:30 CET [12-06-2024 11:29 CET]

[zx] Spud 0.307b 30/12/23

Jest taki zestaw emulatorów, albo w zasadzie autorów emulatorów, którzy do swoich programów podchodzą w sposób mistyczny - albo piszą do poduszki i wrzucają od czasu, do czasu, na jakimś forum informację o nowej wersji, albo informują o nim tylko nielicznych. Do tej grupy na pewno należy SPUD, miły i fajny emulatorek sprzętu ZX Spectrum autorstwa Richarda Chandlera (kto śledzi kolejne wersje SpecEmu ten się nie dziwi skąd taka późna informacja;)
Skoro już ponarzekałem, to informuje za #EF, że pojawiła się nowa odsłona tego projektu i to nie tak dawno temu, bo w ostatnie dni AD2023 (co to jest pół roku, jeśli ostatni raz o SPUDZIE pisałem w 2015 roku);).

W sumie nie wiem, co jest gorsze publikować nową wersję aplikacji bez changelogu, czy też publikować skrzętnie ukrywając przed światem informację, że się go opublikowało;)

Spud v0.307b 30/12/2023

  • FIXED: Drag and drrop issues. [Mark Woodmass]


  • ADDED: SIT snapshot format
  • ADDED: SNP snapshot format
  • ADDED: ZXS snapshot format (loading only)
  • FIXED: Some tape loading issues.


  • ADDED: Paste BASIC text files from clipboard
  • ADDED: Drag and Drop BASIC code
  • ADDED: SEM snapshot format
  • FIXED: Load BASIC text file failed to interpret a couple of commands correctly.


  • FIXED: Small bug in JR instruction.
  • FIXED: Stopped load tzx's using Pure Tone block.


  • FIXED: HALT, new information discovered on HALT.
  • FIXED: Made debugger window bigger.
  • FIXED: Improved Snapshot Analyser (more work to be done)


  • ADDED: Sound enhancement (Echo & Reverb)
  • ADDED: Alter sound channels
  • FIXED: Streamlined display code


  • ADDED: CG shaders
  • FIXED: Fuller joystick emulation was reversed. [Luzie]
  • FIXED: autoload from command line didn't work


  • ADDED: ULA snow effect
  • ADDED: Attribute disable
  • FIXED: 128K Contention bugs. Can now emulate some of the more complicated effects (inc. border) [Mark Woodmass]
  • FIXED: 128k sna didn't load every possible file [Mark Woodmass]
  • FIXED: You could invoke the debugger whilst playing a RZX. Not desirable. [Mark Woodmass]
  • FIXED: AY sound bug, which distorted some game music (e.g. Amaurote & Outrun) [Mark Woodmass]
  • FIXED: Recreated Keyboard now 100% compatible with Spud.
  • FIXED: AMX mouse emulation is better (but it's still crap and pretty unusable)


  • FIXED: Recreated Keyboard was not detecting M key [Luzie]
  • FIXED: A couple of Z80 opcodes were not being correctly decoded [Mark Woodmass]
  • FIXED: Calculator was not clearing stack correctly for logical equations [Arjun Nair]
  • FIXED: Spud crash when F3 was pressed when MF was live from startup [Luzie]
  • FIXED: ULA palette didn't return to default when Spectrum was reset [Arjun Nair]


  • ADDED: RZX loading and recording
  • ADDED: Recreated ZX Spectrum keyboard emulation
  • ADDED: Debugger windows now work with keyboard and mouse wheel
  • ADDED: POKE Finder.
  • ADDED: Memory Map. Location of pointer in RAM in status window.
  • ADDED: You can now load a BASIC text file
  • ADDED: Autoload for tapes
  • ADDED: Autoload for disks
  • ADDED: Keyboard Helper
  • ADDED: Snapshot Viewer
  • FIXED: Plus3 Disk emulation now works properly again
  • FIXED: Debugger Single Step doesn't (hopefully!!) crash Spud randomly
  • FIXED: Opening debugger Hardware Info window would crash Spud if memory windows had been used
  • FIXED: RUN menu item would crash debugger
  • FIXED: Sound disable option
  • FIXED: Infoseek. Now updated to use the new API. More to be added as Lee updates API.
  • FIXED: Disabled being able to open debugger (F5) whilst in full screen
→ [zx] Spud81 0.020

Spud 0.020

  • ??
→ [ZX] SpudAce 0.322


  • FIXED: Spooling didn't interpret ' and, correctly. [spt]


  • FIXED: SpudACE had a tendency to crash after saving a tap file. [spt]
→ [zx] Spud 0.240
ZX Spectrum:Spud:Crazy Cars:Titus France SA:Titus France SA:1988:
Crazy Cars (Titus France SA, 1988)

Spud v0.240 08/02/2015

  • ADDED: Press F1 for instant snapshot save. Enable/disable in Options.
  • ADDED: Memory map viewer
  • ADDED: Joystick emulation.
  • ADDED: Keystick emulation.
  • ADDED: Kempston mouse emulation. F7 enables/disables.
  • ADDED: Fastload option for tapes. Not instant loading but quite a bit faster.
→ [ZX] SpudAce 0.320


  • Fixed: SpudACE crashed when "Pause emulation when SpudAVE when loses focus" was selected. [Pegaz] 
→ [ZX] SpudAce 0.319


  • FIXED: SpudACE crashed when stereo sound was deselected. [Pegaz]
  • FIXED: Sound wasn't paused when doing UI related stuff. [Pegaz]
  • FIXED: Auto rewind & focus statuses weren't being saved when SPudACE was shut down. [Pegaz]


  • - FIXED: Load File didn't load .wav or .tap files [Pegaz]


→ [ZX] SpudAce 0.317


  • ADDED: Check the Edit ROM menu item to be able to edit the ROM.
  • ADDED: Onscreen keyboard.
  • ADDED: Added extra suffixes for Spool file loading ( .ja4, .fs)
  • FIXED: The Copy, Fill and Find function didn't actually work properly!!
  • FIXED: If you cancelled load WAV file in WAV browser SpudACE crashed.
  • REMOVED: OpenGL buttons in Options.


→ [zx] Spud81 0.019
ZX81 Spectrum:Sinclair:Starwars
Starwars (19xx)(R.V.D. Steen & K. Jurkuhn)(Nl)

Spud 0.019

  • ??
→ [zx] Spud 0.230
ZX Spectrum:Sinclair:Spud:F1 Tornado (a.k.a. F1 Tornado Simulator):Zeppelin Games Limited:1990:
F1 Tornado (a.k.a. F1 Tornado Simulator) (Zeppelin Games Limited, 1990)

Spud v0.230 30/09/2013

  • ADDED: Options. When selected in Options F6 now becomes a Rewind button for up to 10 seconds.
  • ADDED: Drag'n Drop now extends to tape files.
  • ADDED: You can now save a screenshot of the current screen to either .bmp or .scr file format.
  • ADDED: You can now save the BASIC in memory to a file.
  • REMOVED: All OpenGL references. (I never could get it to work properly).


→ [zx] Spud 0.229
ZX Spectrum:Sinclair:Spud:Turbo Outrun:U.S. Gold Ltd.:SEGA Enterprises Ltd.:1989:
Turbo Outrun (U.S. Gold Ltd., 1989)

Spud v0.229 26/09/2013

  • ADDED: Load Files. Spud now has a universal file loading routine.
  • ADDED: Poke Memory. You can now POKE memory to add cheats and also use the SGD .pok files.
  • ADDED: Speed in % in status window.
  • ADDED: Current tape loaded now displays in status window (Only in 200% display size.)
  • FIXED: Trigger NMI. I inadvertantly broke the menuitem (though it still worked via the keyboard.)
  • FIXED: Manic Miner seemed to have a life of it's own so I made a slight adjustment to the keyboard reading routines.

Spud v0.226 16/09/2013

  • FIXED: Debugger. View Memory. Due to updating page accessing.
  • FIXED: Debugger. Edit Memory. Due to updating page accessing.
  • FIXED: Debugger. Disassembly. Due to updating page accessing.
  • FIXED: Debugger. Find bytes/text. Due to updating page accessing.
  • FIXED: Keyboard reading. JSW willy would randomly walk/jump.
  • FIXED: Options. Wasn't able to select which keyboard issue, was defaulting to issue 3.
wstecz12/06/2024 11:30
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Spud v0.307b 301223-t2e.pl.zip
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