Ukazała się nowa wersja emulatora mikrokomputerów Video Technology Laser 200, Texet TX8000, Dick Smith Electronics VZ200 z połowy lat osiemdziesiątych (jedna maszyna, nazwy związane z miejscem dystrybucji) - DSVZ200, autorstwa Monty Stein.
DSVZ200 Update: 21/8/2016
- Debug Tab upgrades (now redraws when stepping)
- Delta Timing
- Emulation improvements
→ NOWSZY [Z80] DSVZ200 24/10/2016
DSVZ200 Update: 26/9/2016
- Now using Windows Timer Queues fixes incorrect FPS.
→ NOWSZY [Z80] DSVZ200 26/09/2016
DSVZ200 Update: 26/9/2016
- Improvements to Setup and the emulator.
→ NOWSZY [Z80] DSVZ200 08/09/2016
DSVZ200 Update: 8/9/2016
- fixed DAA instruction fixing VZ Circus
- fixed SCF had incorrect H flag result
→ [Z80] DSVZ200 27/06/2016
→ [Z80] DSVZ200 11/07/2014
Fixed incorrect timing of LD (HL),r Group of instructions.
→ [Z80] DSVZ200 29/06/2014
- Updated Memory Map Dialog Descriptions.
→ [Z80] DSVZ200 26/06/2014
→ [Z80] DSEVZ200 28/09/2013
- Transfer Files via Cassette Audio Port to Real Computer.
- Disk images now save in real time.
- New Debug features:
- Enable Write to ROM option
- Save/Load Break Points
- Subroutine Cycle Timer
- Printers Text/Graphics are output to file
- Dot Matrix Printer Sound Effects
- New feature: Replay - Record Game Action, Playback and Save.
→ [Z80] DSEVZ200 20/07/2013
Whats new:
- DSEVZ200 - Updated sound.
wstecz25/08/2016 00:23