
[z80] ColEm 4.8

[1] @ Wtorek, 26 Listopada 2019 22:38CET

[z80] ColEm 4.8

Marat Fayzullin opublikował nową wersję emulatora konsoli ColecoVision - ColEm 4.8.

New in This Version

  • Fixed state saves for games using SRAM.
  • Fixed wrong SRAM contents being saved.
  • Fixed SGM AY8910 wave effects.
  • Now updating sound every 8 scanlines.
  • Now muting AY8910 channels when Fnum is set to 0.
  • Enabled AY8910 sound channels in ColEm-Unix.

authors' comment

  • The latest version, published on November 24 2019, fixes AY8910 PSG emulation used in SGM games. I have also fixed saving gameplay states in games with built-in SRAM.
NOWSZY [z80] ColEm 5.6
Bank Panic (Team Pixel, 2011). Remade from Sega, 1985 (SG1000)

ColEm 5.6

  • Now switching between ColecoVision and Adam modes when loading ROMs.
  • Most command line options should now work in Windows version.
  • Added "Video | Show Framerate" menu option to ColEm-Windows.
  • Increased synchronization timer precision in Windows version.
  • Added -fps command line option to ColEm-Linux.

authors' comment

  • The latest version, published on March 3 2021, makes most command line options work on Windows and adds optional frame rate display. The previous release also added the "Hardware | Paste Clipboard" option to ColEm-Windows, when running in Coleco Adam mode. This option allows pasting Windows clipboard contents directly into Adam software.
NOWSZY [z80] ColEm 5.5
Children of the Night (2016, Hikaru Games )

ColEm 5.5

  • Made VDP compute 5th sprite status even when not drawing screen.
  • Recent Uridium and Gauntlet ports to ColecoVision work now.
  • Added "Paste Clipboard" option to ColEm-Windows in Adam mode.

authors' comment

  • The latest version, published on January 19 2021, makes VDP compute 5th sprite status even if the screen is not being drawn. I have also added the "Hardware | Paste Clipboard" option to ColEm-Windows, when running in Coleco Adam mode. This option allows pasting Windows clipboard contents directly into Adam software.
NOWSZY [z80] ColEm 5.4
BC's Quest for Tires (a.k.a. B.C.'s Quest) (Sierra On-Line, Inc., Nov, 1983)

ColEm 5.4

  • Added simple CPU-based linear interpolation scaler.
  • Added file drag'n'drop support to ColEm-Windows.
  • Added -linear command line option to ColEm-Linux.

authors' comment

  • The latest version, published on October 21 2020, adds a simple CPU-based linear interpolation scaler, used when GPU-based interpolation is unfeasible. The new ColEm-Windows includes drag'n'drop support and a separate option for linear interpolation scaling.

ColEm 5.3

  • System ROM files location now defaults to where executable is.
  • Refactored scaling and special effects framework.
  • Optimized scaling for large screens and windows.
  • Fixed ColEm-Windows behavior with multiple displays.
  • Added "File | Load .PAL Palette" option to ColEm-Windows.
  • Added "File | Load .CHT Cheats" option to ColEm-Windows.
  • Added "Video | Interpolate Video | Linear Scaling" option to ColEm-Windows.
  • Enabled "Video | Stretch Full Screen" option with effects enabled.
  • Enabled "Video | Force 4:3 Screen" option with effects enabled.
  • Renamed snapshot saving options in ColEm-Windows

authors' comment

  • The latest version, published on September 7 2020, improves scaling and special effects framework. The new ColEm-Windows has better support for multiple displays and optimizes scaling for large screens and windows. I have also added separate options for linear image scaling, loading palette (.PAL) and cheat (.CHT) files.

New in ColEm 5.2

  • Reorganized built-in configuration menu.
  • Added built-in menu options for saving printer and MIDI outputs.
  • Added built-in menu for hardware model and options.
  • Added built-in menu for Adam disks and tapes.
  • Fixed built-in menu palette selection.
  • Added "File | Clear Settings and Quit" option to ColEm-Windows.
  • Fixed small windows behavior in ColEm-Windows.
  • Fixed window position behavior in ColEm-Windows.
  • Saving physical joystick/gamepad selection in ColEm-Windows.
  • The LoadFile() function will now try loading .STA files.

New in ColEm 5.1

  • Added Coleco Adam state saving, loading, and rewinding.
  • Added support for more Coleco Adam keys (see documentation).
  • Disabled loading disks or tapes with no Adam firmware ROMs.
  • Added support for default palette file named ColEm.pal.
  • Now able to supply .PAL filename to -palette parameter.
  • Changing palette in Windows no longer resets emulation.

New in ColEm 5.0

  • Coleco Adam emulation is now operational, with keyboard, printer, disk, and tape drives. Use -adam command line option or "Hardware | Adam" menu to enable. Requires EOS.ROM and WRITER.ROM files.
  • Emulator will load .DSK files into disk drive A: and enable Adam mode.
  • Emulator will load .DDP files into tape drive A: and enable Adam mode.
  • Printer output can be sent to a file with -printer option.
  • Adam disk drives can also be loaded with -disk* options.
  • Adam tape drives can also be loaded with -tape* options.
  • Windows version has got full support for Adam-specific media images and hardware.
  • Added "File | Save Printer Output" menu to ColEm-Windows.
  • Added "Hardware | Disk Drives" menu to ColEm-Windows.
  • Added "Hardware | Tape Drives" menu to ColEm-Windows.
→ [z80] ColEm 4.7

New in This Version

  • Fixed sprite collision code to take into account early-sync flag.
  • Fixed scoring in the Carnival bear scene.
  • Fixed saved state compatibility between 32bit and 64bit architectures.
  • Fixed several problems with saving and loading TMS9918 states.
  • Fixed PulseAudio hangup on exit in ColEm-Linux.

authors' comment

  • The latest version, published on May 22 2019, fixes sprite collision computation for sprites shifted left with early-sync flag. As result, the scoring in the Carnival bear scene works properly now. I have also made save states compatible between 32bit and 64bit architectures and fixed a PulseAudio hangup on exit in Linux. Recent ColEm releases also added support for 2kB SRAM found in the Lord Of The Dungeon game, Super Game Module (SGM) emulation, 24c08 and 24c256 EEPROM emulation, and other modern features important to the homebrew community.
→ [z80] ColEm 4.6
2010: The Graphic Action Game

New in This Version

  • Made replay save states approximately every 170ms.
  • Added ability to browse through paused replay.
  • During replay, press [UP] to pause or resume.
  • When replay paused, press [LEFT] and [RIGHT] to browse.
  • Press any other button to continue playing.
  • Now cancelling replay if any key or button is pressed.
  • Made WaitJoystick() exit when window closed.

authors' comment

  • The latest release, published on June 1 2018, lets you pause replay at any time with the UP key and single-step through it with LEFT and RIGHT keys. Resume replay by pressing UP again, or go back to gameplay with any other key. If you do not know what the replay feature is, press F8 and see what happens. Recent ColEm releases also added support for 2kB SRAM found in the Lord Of The Dungeon game, Super Game Module (SGM) emulation, 24c08 and 24c256 EEPROM emulation, and other modern features important to the homebrew community
→ [z80] ColEm 4.5
Congo Bongo (Coleco Industries, Inc., 1984)

New in This Version

  • Added battery-backed SRAM emulation (Lord Of The Dungeon works).
  • Added "Hardware | 2kB SRAM" menu option to ColEm-Windows.
  • Removed -noeeprom command line option, as useless.
  • Added -sram command line option.
  • Fixed saved state compatibility between 32bit and 64bit systems.

authors' comment

  • The latest release, published on May 2 2018, adds support for 2kB SRAM found in the Lord Of The Dungeon game. There is also support for the Super Game Module (SGM) hardware, 24c08 and 24c256 EEPROM chips, and other new hardware. Incompatibility between save states produced on 32bit and 64bit systems has been fixed as well. .


→ [z80] ColEm 4.4
Buck Rogers (Coleco Industries, Inc., 1984)

New in This Version

  • Added ROM page switch specific for carts with EEPROM.
  • Added 24c08 EEPROM support (Black Onyx saves now).
  • Added 24c256 EEPROM support (Boxxle works).
  • Now saving EEPROM state into .SAV files.
  • Now saving SGM state into .STA files.
  • Now accepting both AA55h and 55AAh MegaCarts.
  • SGM games Buckrogers, Subroc, Zaxxon, Dragon's Lair work.
  • Fixed restoring background screen color from .STA files.
  • Added EEPROM menu selections to ColEm-Windows.
  • Added links to CV Addict and AtariAge forums to ColEm-Windows.
  • Added -24c08, -24c256, and -noeeprom command line options.
  • Compiled ColEm-Unix with -Wall and eliminated warnings.
  • Replaced -DNO_WAVE_INTERPOLATION with -DWAVE_INTERPOLATION, off by default.
  • Removed old LoadSTA() and SaveSTA() code.
  • Finally deprecated -DNEW_STATES.

authors' comment

  • The latest release, published on April 3 2018, adds support for more modern cartridges, such as Buckrogers, Subroc, Zaxxon, and Dragon's Lair. The SGM emulation state is now saved to .STA files. I have also added support for 24c08 and 24c256 EEPROM chips, so both Black Onyx and Boxxle fully work now, saving EEPROM contents to .SAV files. ColEm will determine the need for EEPROM automatically, by ROM's CRC, or you can force EEPROM emulation with -24c08 and -24c256 options in Linux. The Windows version offers corresponding menu items.

    The previous release, published on March 15 2018, added Super Game Module (SGM) emulation, including AY8910 sound chip, and fixed high-frequency PSG noise (such as dynamite sounds in HERO).



→ [z80] ColEm 4.3

New in This Version

  • Added Super Game Module (SGM) emulation.
  • As part of SGM emulation, added AY8910 PSG chip support.
  • Added -sgm and -nosgm command line options.
  • Fixed high-frequency PSG noise (dynamite sounds in HERO).
  • Added remaining time display during replay.
  • Stopping replay when menu opens on Windows.
  • Fixed replay rollover mechanism.
  • Added shadow underneath the time display.

authors' comment

  • The latest release, published on March 14 2018, adds Super Game Module (SGM) emulation, including AY8910 sound chip. I have also fixed high-frequency PSG noise (such as dynamite sounds in HERO) and added remaining time display during replay. Finally, a few replay bugs have been fixed.


→ [z80] ColEm 4.2

New in This Version

  • Added multiple monitor support to ColEm-Windows.
  • Fixed disappearing window in ColEm-Windows.
  • Fixed best full-screen mode detection in ColEm-Windows.
  • Fixed window flicker that appeared after recent Win10 updates.
  • Fixed DirectInput joysticks support in ColEm-Windows.
  • Fixed directional pads on the XBox gamepads.
  • Switched ColEm-Linux to using PulseAudio sound.
  • Updated old PulseAudio driver for 64bit Linux.

authors' comment

  • The latest release, published on November 9 2017, adds support for multiple monitors on Windows, improves the best full screen mode selection, and fixes flicker that appeared with the recent Win10 updates. The DirectInput support has also been fixed, and you can now use directional pads on the XBox controllers. The Linux version switches to PulseAudio sound, so you no longer need to mess with the OSS sound emulation.. .


wstecz26/11/2019 22:38
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