
[TOOLS] Romulus 0.035

[5] @ !!! Czwartek, 8 Czerwca 2017 00:25 CET [08-06-2017 00:23 CET]

[TOOLS] Romulus 0.035

Pojawiła się kolejna wersja Romulusa, który podobnie jak ClrMAME pozwala porządkować i zarządzać romsetami emulowanymi przez MAME/MESS. Program jest w stanie importować pliki .dat (stary format i pliki XML), radzi sobie też całkiem dobrze z Messem, czyta także pliki spakowane w formatach ZIP, RAR i 7z. 


4- 06 - 2017

  • IMPROVED Hashing speed for uncompressed files using a new cache method. Thanks to Agus.
  • ADDED Speed hacks when scanning profiles with compressed files but must be scanned as uncompressed.
  • ADDED Support for hashlists *.hsi dat files.
  • ADDED Sorted Scan/Rebuild files in a non NTFS Drives.
  • ADDED For profiles and scanning lists a column sorted color with direction arrow, this visual can be removed from settings.
  • ADDED Support for XML new param <MAME> able to import last Connie Arcade and MAME dats. Thanks to Agus.
  • CHANGED Zip and uncompressed files in write mode access only when needed. Thanks to ErAzOr.
  • CHANGED Process screen with a indeterminated animation.
  • UPDATED Torrentzip to 0.8 version. Now no more problems with >4Gb ZIP files. Thanks to Serafín Villar.
  • UPDATED CHDMAN to 0.186 version.
  • FIXED Problems scanning different file types like ROMs, SAMPLES, CHDs in same profile. Thanks to Agus.
  • FIXED Problems sorting list at found duplicates Profiles window.
  • FIXED Minor bugs.
NOWSZY [TOOLS] Romulus 0.049 06/12/20


  • FIXED Updater list extraction information.
NOWSZY [TOOLS] Romulus 0.048 15/11/20


  • ADDED Updater new DAT group. Antopisa - Progetto Snaps. Thanks to Rowlaxx
  • ADDED Updater new DAT group. Retroplay - Amiga. Thanks to Rowlaxx
  • FIXED Windows defender positive virus by unknow reason.
NOWSZY [TOOLS] Romulus 0.047 19/10/20


  • FIXED Updater displaying profiles list. Thanks to Rowlaxx
  • ADDED Information at bottom of Main form if window is set as stay on top or normal.
  • ADDED Updater new DAT group. Gruby's Adventure packs.
  • ADDED Updater new DAT group. Retroplay - English translations and MSU chips.
  • ADDED Updater new DAT group. Super Mario World Hacks.
  • ADDED to Updater an option to store downloaded DATs after imported it or delete it.
  • ADDED to Updater a button to display downloaded DATs folder in your file explorer.
  • ADDED to Updater popuplist. Select all and invert selection options.
  • ADDED to Updater popupmenu new option, download without prompts.
  • CHANGED Updater doubleclick in list now will download selected profile DAT.
  • FIXED Some minor visuals.


  • IMPROVED Speed at scanning when profile has big compressed sets with thousand of files inside folders.
  • IMPROVED Compatibility importing softwarelist DATs.
  • WRITED Native CHD header reader. No more CHDMAN binaries needed. Now CHDs detection is more fast.
  • FIXED Extract to option of Scanner details list popupmenu.
  • FIXED Popupmenu display when right click at Profiles treelist at a new node.
  • FIXED Import DAT from MAME based EXE option.
  • FIXED Lost displaying file extension when using generator in a not compressed files.
  • FIXED Locked folders when search files inside for scan/rebuild process.
  • FIXED Mousewheel function at lists when list is in a dissabled window.
  • FIXED Duplicated files copying files from Scanner - copy selection popupmenu option. Thanks to ToniBC
  • FIXED Some visuals.
  • RECODED All updater search dats process. Now is more accurate.
  • ADDED Description column to updater dats list.
  • ADDED Autodownload dats option at updater dats list. Including batch download process. Thanks to RowlaxX for his incredible work.
  • ADDED Tons of new dats groups like Connie, DatsSite, MAME, Dos Collections.
  • ADDED Statusbar information if main form is on stay normal or stay on top mode.
  • REMOVED Rawdump from Updater list. Seems Rawdump project is dead :(


  • CHANGED Romulus web host to https://romulus.cc
  • ADDED shutdown or hibernate OS when scan or rebuild process ends. From scanner/rebuilder window use the hourglass button to set this option.
  • ADDED support for longpaths at add DATs function.
  • ADDED support for longpaths at Builder option
  • ADDED support for XML DATs without header information. Thanks to ToniBC
  • ADDED Tagalog "Philippine" language. Thanks to Elijah067
  • ADDED Tagalog language OS autodetection on Romulus first run.
  • IMPROVED Speed at dislaying profiles list.
  • FIXED Copy file option from scanner list popupmenu when origin drive is same as destination drive doing a move operation not a copy. Thanks to ToniBC
  • FIXED Displaying header filename when batch process are running.
NOWSZY [TOOLS] Romulus 0.044 10/10/19


  • ADDED A lot of new code for Community module. Working hard to make this dream reality.
  • CHANGED Romulus web host to https://romulusrommanager.000webhostapp.com/
  • FIXED Popupmenu from Scanner-Profiles tabs.
  • FIXED Rare rendering problem when updating status icons of Scanner-Profiles tabs.
  • FIXED Notifications display in Windows 10.
  • FIXED Center on screen forms by compiler bug.
  • FIXED Visuals displaying forms.


NOWSZY [TOOLS] Romulus 0.043 19/07/19


  • ADDED Cache for compressed files. Up to 5000% speedup reading compressed files after 1st scan. Thanks to Agus for his insistence.
  • ADDED Cache for rebuilding uncompressed and compressed files. Up to 5000% speedup process after 1st rebuild. Thanks to Agus for his insistence.
  • ADDED At Updater DATs option popupmenu to select to open URLs with integrated navigator or default system navigator.
  • ADDED Copy to clipboard option at popupmenu in lists. With this you can copy to clipboard under mouse text.
  • ADDED detection of param at importation DATs.
  • INCREASED Cache compression.
  • REWRITED Cache for Offlinelist updating images. Now is more accurate.
  • FIXED Reading 7z files with some special compression methods. Thanks to Agus
  • FIXED Rebuild results when a compressed file is manually removed and is added again using rebuild function.
  • FIXED Close tab button position.
  • FIXED Saving default XML header filename when a new DAT is imported.
  • FIXED incorrect behavior in some parts when mouse buttons are swapped.
  • FIXED Sorting profiles and games list on column click.
  • UPDATED CHDMAN binaries to 0.211 version.
  • UPDATED 7z binaries to 19.00 version
  • UPDATED RAR binaries to 5.71 version
NOWSZY [TOOLS] Romulus 0.042 14/03/19


  • FIXED problems reading/writing files and sometimes crashes when managing long path filenames.
  • IMPROVED Speed at Offlinelist profiles updating/downloading pictures and less CPU usage.
  • ADDED Cache for Offlinelist profiles images updater.
  • ADDED Close button for tabs.
  • ADDED Polish language. Thanks to Michip
  • ADDED Polish O.S language detection when Romulus first run.
  • CHANGED Languages list from settings in native language country names.
  • MINOR Bug fixes.
NOWSZY [TOOLS] Romulus 0.041 04/01/19


  • FIXED batch scan/rebuild start problem from profiles list option

I would like to remind you that it is possible to add more languages to Romulus with your help. Just only have to edit the translation file found at downloads section.

NOWSZY [TOOLS] Romulus 0.040 01/01/19


Happy new year and happy new Romulus.

Here are the changes :

  • FIXED problems getting information from CHDs in paths with "%" chars.
  • FIXED rebuilding files in profiles with CHDs and no ROMs.
  • IMPROVED recovering last focus when closing forms to go back.
  • NO MORE flickering when batch run for rebuild or scan. More speed added because is not necessary to close and reopen window for every profile.
  • REWRITED saving cache by some problems. Now old cache files won't work you must rescan again to save new cache files.
  • REMOVED Trurip dat group for Updater. Trurip is dead ?
  • UPDATED CHDMAN binaries to 0.205 version.
NOWSZY [TOOLS] Romulus 0.039 11/09/18

11 - 09 - 2018

Finally a new Romulus version is out.

Here are the changes:

  • ADDED A copy files option from Scanner master list. Now you can select sets and use this option to copy to a folder without extract them. Thanks to Michael Lachmann
  • FIXED bug releasing Zip file(s) after extract them from "extract selected files to..." option from scanner main menu.
  • FIXED Importation problems when Clone/s has same file/s of Master set with different checksums.Now this is detected and the Master/Clone relationshing must be dissabled.
  • FIXED Problems managing compressed files in RAR and 7z format that contains "%" chars.
  • FIXED XML param <homepage> to <homeweb> in DAT files.
  • FIXED Problems reading PNG images with unicode path at Windows 10 and maybe other last OS.
  • FIXED Bugs releasing vars when closing Romulus.
  • SPEED new hack for uncompressed files scan.
NOWSZY [TOOLS] Romulus 0.038 27/04/18


  • FIXED Problems with invert selection and mark and unmark option at Constructor. Thanks to Agus
  • FIXED Problems with minimization/maximization with Modal Forms. Thanks to Teo Teorex
  • FIXED RTF encoding problems again to display messages.
  • FIXED Problems executing commandline problems with non ASCII characters in Asian Windows versions. Thanks to xlmldh.
  • FIXED Samples detection at Clrmamepro old DATs format. Thanks to zousizhe
wstecz08/06/2017 00:25
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