Pojawiła się kolejna wersja Romulusa, który podobnie jak ClrMAME pozwala porządkować i zarządzać romsetami emulowanymi przez MAME/MESS. Program jest w stanie importować pliki .dat (stary format i pliki XML), radzi sobie też całkiem dobrze z Messem, czyta także pliki spakowane w formatach ZIP, RAR i 7z.
13 - 06 - 2014 Romulus 0.024 version is here and this are the changes ...
I wish to remember to Romulus users possibility to Donate. Romulus has over 4 years of development and a small donation is always good news for me and a recognition of my hard work.
- FIXED 7z file validation problem. Causing a read file error in some cases.
- FIXED Rebuilding files with CRC FFFFFFFF, other hashes are forced and checked. Bug found at UnRenamed ISOs - PC Compatibles [ISO] [MSDN] Dat.
- FIXED Importation XML files with symbol "<!--" to exclude inside content.
- FIXED Error when making report using Scanner option in TXT format.
- FIXED Displaying problems with modified Windows settings fonts. Like 125 %.
- FIXED XML importation conversion chars based in numbers using this param&number;
- FIXED Writing in disk very random problem caused by Windows creating a file read error when scan/rebuild files.
- FIXED Send to requests list problems for Community option using Scanner menus.
- FIXED In Generator processing checksums with multivolume compressed files and forzed to get info inside compressed files.
- FIXED Correct displaying windows on extended desktops.
- FIXED Restore and bring to from Romulus when is trying to run a Romulus second instance.
- ADDED Screensnap "magnetic desktop borders" to Romulus windows.
- REMOVED "No disk in drive" Windows error when a Drive is not ready.
- UPDATED CHDMAN to 0.153 version.
→ NOWSZY [TOOLS] Romulus 0.049 06/12/20
- FIXED Updater list extraction information.
→ NOWSZY [TOOLS] Romulus 0.048 15/11/20
- ADDED Updater new DAT group. Antopisa - Progetto Snaps. Thanks to Rowlaxx
- ADDED Updater new DAT group. Retroplay - Amiga. Thanks to Rowlaxx
- FIXED Windows defender positive virus by unknow reason.
→ NOWSZY [TOOLS] Romulus 0.047 19/10/20
- FIXED Updater displaying profiles list. Thanks to Rowlaxx
- ADDED Information at bottom of Main form if window is set as stay on top or normal.
- ADDED Updater new DAT group. Gruby's Adventure packs.
- ADDED Updater new DAT group. Retroplay - English translations and MSU chips.
- ADDED Updater new DAT group. Super Mario World Hacks.
- ADDED to Updater an option to store downloaded DATs after imported it or delete it.
- ADDED to Updater a button to display downloaded DATs folder in your file explorer.
- ADDED to Updater popuplist. Select all and invert selection options.
- ADDED to Updater popupmenu new option, download without prompts.
- CHANGED Updater doubleclick in list now will download selected profile DAT.
- FIXED Some minor visuals.
- IMPROVED Speed at scanning when profile has big compressed sets with thousand of files inside folders.
- IMPROVED Compatibility importing softwarelist DATs.
- WRITED Native CHD header reader. No more CHDMAN binaries needed. Now CHDs detection is more fast.
- FIXED Extract to option of Scanner details list popupmenu.
- FIXED Popupmenu display when right click at Profiles treelist at a new node.
- FIXED Import DAT from MAME based EXE option.
- FIXED Lost displaying file extension when using generator in a not compressed files.
- FIXED Locked folders when search files inside for scan/rebuild process.
- FIXED Mousewheel function at lists when list is in a dissabled window.
- FIXED Duplicated files copying files from Scanner - copy selection popupmenu option. Thanks to ToniBC
- FIXED Some visuals.
- RECODED All updater search dats process. Now is more accurate.
- ADDED Description column to updater dats list.
- ADDED Autodownload dats option at updater dats list. Including batch download process. Thanks to RowlaxX for his incredible work.
- ADDED Tons of new dats groups like Connie, DatsSite, MAME, Dos Collections.
- ADDED Statusbar information if main form is on stay normal or stay on top mode.
- REMOVED Rawdump from Updater list. Seems Rawdump project is dead :(
- CHANGED Romulus web host to https://romulus.cc
- ADDED shutdown or hibernate OS when scan or rebuild process ends. From scanner/rebuilder window use the hourglass button to set this option.
- ADDED support for longpaths at add DATs function.
- ADDED support for longpaths at Builder option
- ADDED support for XML DATs without header information. Thanks to ToniBC
- ADDED Tagalog "Philippine" language. Thanks to Elijah067
- ADDED Tagalog language OS autodetection on Romulus first run.
- IMPROVED Speed at dislaying profiles list.
- FIXED Copy file option from scanner list popupmenu when origin drive is same as destination drive doing a move operation not a copy. Thanks to ToniBC
- FIXED Displaying header filename when batch process are running.
→ NOWSZY [TOOLS] Romulus 0.044 10/10/19
- ADDED A lot of new code for Community module. Working hard to make this dream reality.
- CHANGED Romulus web host to https://romulusrommanager.000webhostapp.com/
- FIXED Popupmenu from Scanner-Profiles tabs.
- FIXED Rare rendering problem when updating status icons of Scanner-Profiles tabs.
- FIXED Notifications display in Windows 10.
- FIXED Center on screen forms by compiler bug.
- FIXED Visuals displaying forms.
→ NOWSZY [TOOLS] Romulus 0.043 19/07/19
- ADDED Cache for compressed files. Up to 5000% speedup reading compressed files after 1st scan. Thanks to Agus for his insistence.
- ADDED Cache for rebuilding uncompressed and compressed files. Up to 5000% speedup process after 1st rebuild. Thanks to Agus for his insistence.
- ADDED At Updater DATs option popupmenu to select to open URLs with integrated navigator or default system navigator.
- ADDED Copy to clipboard option at popupmenu in lists. With this you can copy to clipboard under mouse text.
- ADDED detection of param at importation DATs.
- INCREASED Cache compression.
- REWRITED Cache for Offlinelist updating images. Now is more accurate.
- FIXED Reading 7z files with some special compression methods. Thanks to Agus
- FIXED Rebuild results when a compressed file is manually removed and is added again using rebuild function.
- FIXED Close tab button position.
- FIXED Saving default XML header filename when a new DAT is imported.
- FIXED incorrect behavior in some parts when mouse buttons are swapped.
- FIXED Sorting profiles and games list on column click.
- UPDATED CHDMAN binaries to 0.211 version.
- UPDATED 7z binaries to 19.00 version
- UPDATED RAR binaries to 5.71 version
→ NOWSZY [TOOLS] Romulus 0.042 14/03/19
- FIXED problems reading/writing files and sometimes crashes when managing long path filenames.
- IMPROVED Speed at Offlinelist profiles updating/downloading pictures and less CPU usage.
- ADDED Cache for Offlinelist profiles images updater.
- ADDED Close button for tabs.
- ADDED Polish language. Thanks to Michip
- ADDED Polish O.S language detection when Romulus first run.
- CHANGED Languages list from settings in native language country names.
- MINOR Bug fixes.
→ NOWSZY [TOOLS] Romulus 0.041 04/01/19
→ NOWSZY [TOOLS] Romulus 0.040 01/01/19
Happy new year and happy new Romulus.
Here are the changes :
- FIXED problems getting information from CHDs in paths with "%" chars.
- FIXED rebuilding files in profiles with CHDs and no ROMs.
- IMPROVED recovering last focus when closing forms to go back.
- NO MORE flickering when batch run for rebuild or scan. More speed added because is not necessary to close and reopen window for every profile.
- REWRITED saving cache by some problems. Now old cache files won't work you must rescan again to save new cache files.
- REMOVED Trurip dat group for Updater. Trurip is dead ?
- UPDATED CHDMAN binaries to 0.205 version.
→ NOWSZY [TOOLS] Romulus 0.039 11/09/18
11 - 09 - 2018
Finally a new Romulus version is out.
Here are the changes:
- ADDED A copy files option from Scanner master list. Now you can select sets and use this option to copy to a folder without extract them. Thanks to Michael Lachmann
- FIXED bug releasing Zip file(s) after extract them from "extract selected files to..." option from scanner main menu.
- FIXED Importation problems when Clone/s has same file/s of Master set with different checksums.Now this is detected and the Master/Clone relationshing must be dissabled.
- FIXED Problems managing compressed files in RAR and 7z format that contains "%" chars.
- FIXED XML param <homepage> to <homeweb> in DAT files.
- FIXED Problems reading PNG images with unicode path at Windows 10 and maybe other last OS.
- FIXED Bugs releasing vars when closing Romulus.
- SPEED new hack for uncompressed files scan.
→ NOWSZY [TOOLS] Romulus 0.038 27/04/18
- FIXED Problems with invert selection and mark and unmark option at Constructor. Thanks to Agus
- FIXED Problems with minimization/maximization with Modal Forms. Thanks to Teo Teorex
- FIXED RTF encoding problems again to display messages.
- FIXED Problems executing commandline problems with non ASCII characters in Asian Windows versions. Thanks to xlmldh.
- FIXED Samples detection at Clrmamepro old DATs format. Thanks to zousizhe
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