
[TOM] DCMOTO Version 2018.03.17

[5] @ Niedziela, 18 Marca 2018 18:31CET

[TOM] DCMOTO Version 2018.03.17

Emulator maszynek serii Thomson  MO5, MO5E, MO5NR, MO6, T9000, TO7, TO7/70, TO8, TO8D, TO9, TO9+ i Olivetti PC128, kompletnie mi nieznanej serii francuskich konstrukcji z lat osiemdziesiątych. Po Biosy poszczególnych mikro- odsyłam do strony DcMoto.

Version 2019.02.20

  • New help system and release notes based on .html files that can be translated by online tools.
  • Enable Windows shortcut keys in the Removable Devices and Keyboard Simulation dialog boxes.
  • Emulation of the nanoreflector controller TO. Allows dcmoto to emulate a TO7, TO7 / 70, TO8, TO8D or TO9 + connected to the server of the server.
  • Emulation of the nanoreflector controller MO. Enables dcmoto to emulate an MO5, MO5NR, or MO6NR (W series) connected to the server of the server.
  • New function of the Files menu: Loading a binary file. The loading address is defined in the debugging tool.
  • Fixed emulation error of 6309: In case of invalid instruction branch to the address read in $ FFF0.
  • Fixed emulation error of 6309: V must be initialized to $ FFFF at cold start.
  • New debugging of mrx_mo5.sd and mrx_to770.sd files generation.
  • New option to invert the coding of MO and TO type colors.
  • Debugging tool: 16-bit V-reg, Hardreset button, stop execution if the break parameters are modified.
  • Fixed an error in mrx_mo6.sd files.
  • Fixed the immediate LDQ instruction of the 6309 processor.
  • New version 2019.11.09 of the SDDRIVE controller. The .sd file remains selected after a warm reset.
  • The loading function of a binary file makes it possible to modify the entire ROM of the MO5 (BASIC and System Monitor).
  • Added an option to emulate the joysticks with a CTRL key (left = joystick 0, right = joystick 1), arrows, SPACE and ENTER.
  • Fixed an error processing the ENTER key on the numeric keypad in joystick emulation mode.
  • Update of the SDDRIVE controller in version 20181001 (sddrive.sel launched automatically at the first reading of a sector).
  • Fixed two dialog boxes causing small memory leaks (Removable Devices and Tools / Keyboard ...).
  • The types of shutdowns checked in the debug tool are saved to be restored at the next run.
  • In the debugging tool, remove the display of three lines before the current line of disassembly.
  • Added emulation of the ARDDRIVE interface to access an SD card with an Arduino.
  • Improvement of the debugging tool in step-by-step execution and subroutine jump.
  • Generation of the files mrx_mo5.sd, mrx_to770.sd and mrx_mo6.sd adapted to the new versions of the controllers CS91-280 and SDDRIVE.
  • Fixed a TO8 keyboard emulation error when using the AltGr key on the PC.
  • New version of the SD card controllers CS91-280 and SDDRIVE.
  • Added the creation of mrx_mo6.sd files for MO6 and PC128 computers.
  • Fixed SD card emulation error with mrx_mo5.sd and mrx_to770.sd files.
NOWSZY [TOM] DCMOTO 2025/01/01

Version 2025.01.01

  • The SDDRIVE EPROM program is updated to version 2025.01.01.
  • Support for Compactflash cards and old SD card controllers: SDANIM7, ARDDRIVE and SDSTREAM has been discontinued.
  • To emulate these old devices it is still possible to use previous versions of dcmoto.
  • New version of the .sddrive files to restore the emulator state on real MO5, MO6 and TO7/70 with SDDRIVE.
  • These new files are no longer compatible with old CS91-280, SDDISK and SDSTREAM controllers.
  • To create compatible files it is still possible to use previous versions of dcmoto.
  • Improved SDMO interface simulation to ensure compatibility with the SDMODISK controller.
  • Replaced the (obsolete) CS91-282 controller with the new SDMODISK controller for MO5.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the SDMO interface from working since version 20190411.
NOWSZY [TOM] DCMOTO 2024/10/15

Version 2024.10.15

  • Release of a second version of dcmo5 with a Hitachi 6309 processor (experimental version without warranty).
  • Improved presentation of 6809 emulation source code, without impacting logic.
  • Broadcast of the file 40ans_mo5.lep, to allow you to appreciate the sound when playing the cassettes.
  • Display of cartridge name after closing and reopening MEMO5 graphics tool.
  • Displaying cassette name and index after closing and reopening the LEP graphics tool.
  • Improved calculation of LEP counter value.
  • Added emulation of cassettes in .lep format.
  • New F7 hotkey to increase CPU speed by 32x.
  • Realistic simulation of the behavior of the Program Initialization key (ESC key).

Version 2024.10.02

  • This is the first version released to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of the MO5.

Version 2024.09.28

  • Added emulation of Peritek 8K memory extension for TO7 and T9000.
  • Fixed a calculation error of the size of MEMO5 causing an unwanted bank switch.
  • Fixed two MEA8000 emulation bugs (integer division by 32 and initialization of the amplitude after the first frame).
  • Fixed a MEA8000 emulation bug (remains silent after sending a $1A command).

Version 2024.03.13

  • New distribution method without .exe file, to avoid blocking the download by antiviruses.
  • The version number is now in the "About dcmoto" screen automatically displayed on the first use of the emulator.
  • Fixed the position when opening the debug tool windows in "move with the main window" mode.

Version 2024.01.23

Bactron (1986, Loricels). Photo@Thomson Gamebase
  • New option to choose whether the focus tool windows should follow or not follow the movements of the main window.
  • Memory extensions in MEMO5 and MEMO7 formats are no longer selected in the dcmoto options. They load in the menu "Removable media", like other cartridges. The files to load are in the Programs section of the dcmoto site. Direct link.
  • Emulation of the ASELEC MEMO7 RAM cartridge for all TO computers.
  • Fixed an error in controller emulation using keyboard arrows. North direction is working again.

Version 2023.11.03

  • Debug Tool: New function to stop the program at the end of the currently running subroutine.
  • Focus tool: The two windows can no longer move completely off the screen if the emulator window is moved.
  • Fixed SDDRIVE not working properly if the SDSTREAM checkbox was checked in the Removable Media dialog.
  • Debug tool: The second window and the Disassembly and Hex Dump lists can be resized. Each time you close, the dimensions are reset to default values. The position of the two focus tool windows is linked to the position of the main emulator window. They are retained if the main window is moved or the tool is reopened. Saving the position of the main emulator window to open it in the same place the next time you launch it.
  • Faithful emulation of the "Program Initialization" button of MO6, TO8, TO8D, TO9, TO9+ with the ESC key (black screen while pressed).
  • Faithful emulation of the "Program Initialization" button of the T9000, TO7 and TO7/79 with the ESC key (white border when pressed).
  • Faithful emulation of the MO5 "Program Initialization" button with the ESC key (orange border while pressed).

Version 2023.09.30

  • Experimental emulation of 6-button SEGA joypads. Operation is not guaranteed because it has not been tested well enough.
  • Controller emulation using keyboard arrows: the left-SHIFT key replaces right-CTRL to select the second controller.
  • Controller emulation via keyboard: If two opposite direction keys are used simultaneously, only the last one pressed is active.

Version 2023.08.25

  • The SDDRIVE controller allows the 512K extension to be used as a RAMDISK with all MO computers by selecting drive 3:.
  • The 512K memory expansion of MO computers is emulated. It functions as the 64K extension of the nanogrid and can replace it.
  • Update to version 2023.03.15 of the sddrive.sel program (selection of the .sd file for SDDRIVE).
  • Fixed TO8 and TO8D ramdisk size overwriting when loading a floppy or quickdisk.
  • Fixed TO9 ramdisk emulation error.
  • Emulation of $59 and $5b advanced graphics modes for TO8, TO8D, TO9, TO9+, MO6 and Olivetti Prodest PC128.
  • New "wav file" option to save dcmoto sound output in "dcmoto.wav" file.
  • Added YM2413 synthesizer emulation and a checkbox in the options to select it.

Version 2023.02.08

  • Fixed a synchronization bug causing the emulation to be a bit too fast in some cases. (this bug had been introduced with the 2017.08.19 version of dcmoto and had not been detected since that date).
  • In the Options dialog, added the SN76489 synthesizer command address.
  • The F7 key changes the CPU frequency to 32 MHz as long as it is pressed. Return to 1 MHz after release.
  • Redesign of the dcmoto audio mixer to integrate the SN76489 synthesizer. The samples change from 8 bits to 16 bits.
  • Emulation of a sound card based on the SN76489 synthesizer (four-channel complex digital sound generator).
  • In the Options dialog box, added the selection of synthesizers (MEA8000 and/or SN76489).
  • Fixed an action button emulation error with USB or bluetooth controllers connected to the PC.
  • Display of a different cursor for the mouse and the light pen, depending on the connected devices and their selection.
  • Added an option to select the external music and games extension when the computer does not have an internal controller.
  • Fixed formatting error with CQ90-028 controller. This error made it impossible to create a new .qd file.
  • If the mouse is connected (checked in the options) it is selected by default when starting the TO8, TO8D and TO9+.
  • Correction of an error introduced in version 2022.09.14: absence of buzzer sound and cna in TO8, TO8D and TO9+ mode.
  • Added automatic conversion of single density .sap files to single density .fd files.
  • In the absence of 256K memory expansion, reading TO8 banks 16 through 31 returns the color byte at the video beam position.
  • The selection program sddrive.sel goes to version 20221119 (addition of the selection with the joysticks).
  • Removal of the modification of the PCR of the 6846 when loading a diskette, to avoid a crash with the MEMO7 Assembler.
  • Improved PIA 6821 emulation (transition processing on interrupt lines CA1, CA2, CB1, CB2).
  • Simulation of the keyboard by a text file: Adjustment of time delays, to avoid the possible loss of a character in TO8 mode.

Version 2022.06.15

  • Fixed a fatal error for 6309 emulation, introduced in version 2021.06.17 and never reported since that date.
  • New option to show or hide the Windows mouse pointer in the Thomson screen.
  • Added Alt-F4 keyboard shortcut in the File / Exit menu.
  • Restoring a machine to a state with a .lep file loaded removes the ROM changes to read .k7 files.
  • Added emulation of the second controller button by the 0 and 4 keys on the numeric keypad.
  • Updated SDDRIVE.SEL. Only .sd files are displayed and STOP exits without selection.

Version 2022.03.31

  • Fixed debugging tool to remove unnecessary gap generation.
  • Enlarged input areas in the debugging tool for compatibility with the new Windows 11 font.
  • Improved the keyboard simulation function to avoid a hang if the keyboard is not scanned.
  • Updated to version 2021.11.22 of the emulation of the SDDRIVE controller and of the selection program sddrive.sel.
  • Updated SDDISK controller emulation to version 2021.11.12.
  • Automatic closing of the keyboard simulation dialog when all keys have been processed.
  • The default key layout of the PC128 keyboard is adapted to the key layout of Italian PC keyboards.

Version 2021.10.30

  • PC keys not used for emulation are no longer interpreted (This anomaly dated from version 2015.05.01).
  • Modification of the index type of SD cards to avoid a negative index (the signed integer becomes unsigned).
  • In TO8 mode, the keyboard scan no longer tests the equality of the start and end pointers in the buffer of pending keys.
  • With a cartridge with two 4 KB banks, the bank number is limited to 0 and 1. (To run the TO7 / 70 BASIC 128 version of Dossier Boerhaave.)
  • New default PC key layout for PC128 keyboard emulation.
  • Update of the emulation of SDDISK and SDDRIVE controllers in version 2021.07.19.
  • Improvement of the trace function: addition of interrupts, deletion of redundant lines, modification of details.
  • Fixed a 6809 disassembler error, to restore the sign of indexed instructions with 5-bit displacement.
  • Fixed an anomaly in the display of indirect indexed instructions in the disassembler (first bracket replaced by minus sign).
  • Execution stops automatically when the trace file is full. The limit of the trace is expressed in seconds.
  • Addition of the number of cycles in the Trace and possible selection of the size limit of the generated file.
  • Fixed an initialization error for 6846. (Spells did not load since version 2020.06.04).
  • Improvement of the breakpoints on Read and Write, addition of the selection of the ram bank when the ram covers the rom.
  • Added bank types and numbers for each breakpoint in debugging tool.
  • Removal of the function of converting a .txt file into a .k7 file (The simulation of the keyboard allows the same function to be carried out).
  • New organization (without impact for the user) of the message table in three languages, to prepare for Unicode compatibility.
  • In the disassembler, the 8-bit and 16-bit movements of the indexed instructions have the sign - if they are negative, as in 5 bits.
  • Option (not yet activated) to define messages in UTF-8 and display them in Unicode with two bytes per character.
  • Fixed a fatal error in the emulation of the CWAI instruction causing SLAP-FIGHT to crash.
  • The mrx.sddrive files for MO5, MO6 and TO7 / 70 equipped with SDDRIVE or CS91-280 controllers also become compatible with SDDISK.

Version 2021.05.08

  • While playing a .lep file, the remaining time of the current period is retained in case of MOTOROFF.
  • The frequency adjustment range of the processor is widened. The interval is now between 10 and 64,000 kHz.
  • Fixed generation of mrx.sddrive files for compatibility with versions 20210212 and later of SDDRIVE.
  • Added number of repeats and system, ram, rom and video banks to dcmoto_trace.text file.
  • Replacement of the trace in memory (maximum 2000 instructions) by the dcmoto_trace.txt file (1 million instructions).
  • Correction of the xxxxx.key keyboard customization files directory.
  • Correction of a 10-cycle offset in the 6846 timer countdown.
  • Correction of an operating anomaly of the CAPSLOCK key of the TO8 and TO8D.
  • Correction of the number of cycles of the indexed CMPX instruction (6+ replaces 4+).
  • Emulation of the Cedic-Nathan speech synthesizer and its MEA8000 integrated circuit.

Version 2021.02.16

  • Correction of an error when loading a floppy disk (The Yellow Mark now works in .fd and .sd versions).
  • The new version of the SDDRIVE controller initializes the density indicator ($ 2058 / $ 6058) to zero (double density).
  • The new version of the SDDRIVE controller reverses the two halves of the FAT loaded into memory.
  • Update of the SDDRIVE controller to version 20210212.
  • Display of the three processor interrupt signals (NMI, FIRQ and IRQ) in the debugging tool.
  • Fixed an accidental error resetting the processor IRQ interrupt signal.

Version 2020.12.09

  • Addition of a keyboard shortcut: When the F7 key is pressed the processor frequency changes to 10 MHz.
  • Fixed an error in the emulation of the CWAI instruction for processors 6809 and 6309.
  • The debug function displays the number of cycles since the last stop of execution.
  • Update of SDDRIVE.SEL (version 20190624) and SDDRIVE EPROM (version 20200918).
  • Fixed a 6846 emulation error concerning the generation of the timer IRQ.
  • Initialization of the 6846 PCR register according to the floppy disk loaded (floppy for QDD or standard floppy).
  • Added .sd * extensions when selecting an SD card file (For .sds and .sdstream among others).

Version 2020.04.29

  • Complete overhaul of the 6846 emulation to best meet specifications despite the simplifications.
  • Saving the current state generates a sdstream.sd file allowing recovery to a real MO5 or MO6.
  • Correction of a management error of the TO7 / 70 keyboard blocking the Androides game for this computer.
  • Addition of the emulation of the SDSTREAM interface allowing the sequential reading of a file on SD card.
  • Abandonment of the ARDDRIVE controller emulation.

Version 2019.11.12

  • Correction of a simulation error of the TO8 keyboard.
  • Correction of a cassette writing error introduced when adding the .lep format.
  • Correction of an error in the interface emulation with a CompactFlash card.
  • The F8 keyboard shortcut allows you to choose another .mrx file if the last backup is not found.
  • Addition of the emulation of the QDD 90-280 with the internal controller of the TO8 and TO8D.
  • Reading emulation of .lep files for all computers (except modified version with OS / 9 ROM).
  • Fixed a QDD controller emulation error introduced when adding the nanonetwork controller emulation.


NOWSZY [TOM] DCMOTO 2024/09/28

Version 2024.09.28

  • Added emulation of Peritek 8K memory extension for TO7 and T9000.
  • Fixed a calculation error of the size of MEMO5 causing an unwanted bank switch.
  • Fixed two MEA8000 emulation bugs (integer division by 32 and initialization of the amplitude after the first frame).
  • Fixed a MEA8000 emulation bug (remains silent after sending a $1A command).

Version 2024.03.13

  • New distribution method without .exe file, to avoid blocking the download by antiviruses.
  • The version number is now in the "About dcmoto" screen automatically displayed on the first use of the emulator.
  • Fixed the position when opening the debug tool windows in "move with the main window" mode.

Version 2024.01.23

Bactron (1986, Loricels). Photo@Thomson Gamebase
  • New option to choose whether the focus tool windows should follow or not follow the movements of the main window.
  • Memory extensions in MEMO5 and MEMO7 formats are no longer selected in the dcmoto options. They load in the menu "Removable media", like other cartridges. The files to load are in the Programs section of the dcmoto site. Direct link.
  • Emulation of the ASELEC MEMO7 RAM cartridge for all TO computers.
  • Fixed an error in controller emulation using keyboard arrows. North direction is working again.

Version 2023.11.03

  • Debug Tool: New function to stop the program at the end of the currently running subroutine.
  • Focus tool: The two windows can no longer move completely off the screen if the emulator window is moved.
  • Fixed SDDRIVE not working properly if the SDSTREAM checkbox was checked in the Removable Media dialog.
  • Debug tool: The second window and the Disassembly and Hex Dump lists can be resized. Each time you close, the dimensions are reset to default values. The position of the two focus tool windows is linked to the position of the main emulator window. They are retained if the main window is moved or the tool is reopened. Saving the position of the main emulator window to open it in the same place the next time you launch it.
  • Faithful emulation of the "Program Initialization" button of MO6, TO8, TO8D, TO9, TO9+ with the ESC key (black screen while pressed).
  • Faithful emulation of the "Program Initialization" button of the T9000, TO7 and TO7/79 with the ESC key (white border when pressed).
  • Faithful emulation of the MO5 "Program Initialization" button with the ESC key (orange border while pressed).

Version 2023.09.30

  • Experimental emulation of 6-button SEGA joypads. Operation is not guaranteed because it has not been tested well enough.
  • Controller emulation using keyboard arrows: the left-SHIFT key replaces right-CTRL to select the second controller.
  • Controller emulation via keyboard: If two opposite direction keys are used simultaneously, only the last one pressed is active.

Version 2023.08.25

  • The SDDRIVE controller allows the 512K extension to be used as a RAMDISK with all MO computers by selecting drive 3:.
  • The 512K memory expansion of MO computers is emulated. It functions as the 64K extension of the nanogrid and can replace it.
  • Update to version 2023.03.15 of the sddrive.sel program (selection of the .sd file for SDDRIVE).
  • Fixed TO8 and TO8D ramdisk size overwriting when loading a floppy or quickdisk.
  • Fixed TO9 ramdisk emulation error.
  • Emulation of $59 and $5b advanced graphics modes for TO8, TO8D, TO9, TO9+, MO6 and Olivetti Prodest PC128.
  • New "wav file" option to save dcmoto sound output in "dcmoto.wav" file.
  • Added YM2413 synthesizer emulation and a checkbox in the options to select it.

Version 2023.02.08

  • Fixed a synchronization bug causing the emulation to be a bit too fast in some cases. (this bug had been introduced with the 2017.08.19 version of dcmoto and had not been detected since that date).
  • In the Options dialog, added the SN76489 synthesizer command address.
  • The F7 key changes the CPU frequency to 32 MHz as long as it is pressed. Return to 1 MHz after release.
  • Redesign of the dcmoto audio mixer to integrate the SN76489 synthesizer. The samples change from 8 bits to 16 bits.
  • Emulation of a sound card based on the SN76489 synthesizer (four-channel complex digital sound generator).
  • In the Options dialog box, added the selection of synthesizers (MEA8000 and/or SN76489).
  • Fixed an action button emulation error with USB or bluetooth controllers connected to the PC.
  • Display of a different cursor for the mouse and the light pen, depending on the connected devices and their selection.
  • Added an option to select the external music and games extension when the computer does not have an internal controller.
  • Fixed formatting error with CQ90-028 controller. This error made it impossible to create a new .qd file.
  • If the mouse is connected (checked in the options) it is selected by default when starting the TO8, TO8D and TO9+.
  • Correction of an error introduced in version 2022.09.14: absence of buzzer sound and cna in TO8, TO8D and TO9+ mode.
  • Added automatic conversion of single density .sap files to single density .fd files.
  • In the absence of 256K memory expansion, reading TO8 banks 16 through 31 returns the color byte at the video beam position.
  • The selection program sddrive.sel goes to version 20221119 (addition of the selection with the joysticks).
  • Removal of the modification of the PCR of the 6846 when loading a diskette, to avoid a crash with the MEMO7 Assembler.
  • Improved PIA 6821 emulation (transition processing on interrupt lines CA1, CA2, CB1, CB2).
  • Simulation of the keyboard by a text file: Adjustment of time delays, to avoid the possible loss of a character in TO8 mode.

Version 2022.06.15

  • Fixed a fatal error for 6309 emulation, introduced in version 2021.06.17 and never reported since that date.
  • New option to show or hide the Windows mouse pointer in the Thomson screen.
  • Added Alt-F4 keyboard shortcut in the File / Exit menu.
  • Restoring a machine to a state with a .lep file loaded removes the ROM changes to read .k7 files.
  • Added emulation of the second controller button by the 0 and 4 keys on the numeric keypad.
  • Updated SDDRIVE.SEL. Only .sd files are displayed and STOP exits without selection.

Version 2022.03.31

  • Fixed debugging tool to remove unnecessary gap generation.
  • Enlarged input areas in the debugging tool for compatibility with the new Windows 11 font.
  • Improved the keyboard simulation function to avoid a hang if the keyboard is not scanned.
  • Updated to version 2021.11.22 of the emulation of the SDDRIVE controller and of the selection program sddrive.sel.
  • Updated SDDISK controller emulation to version 2021.11.12.
  • Automatic closing of the keyboard simulation dialog when all keys have been processed.
  • The default key layout of the PC128 keyboard is adapted to the key layout of Italian PC keyboards.

Version 2021.10.30

  • PC keys not used for emulation are no longer interpreted (This anomaly dated from version 2015.05.01).
  • Modification of the index type of SD cards to avoid a negative index (the signed integer becomes unsigned).
  • In TO8 mode, the keyboard scan no longer tests the equality of the start and end pointers in the buffer of pending keys.
  • With a cartridge with two 4 KB banks, the bank number is limited to 0 and 1. (To run the TO7 / 70 BASIC 128 version of Dossier Boerhaave.)
  • New default PC key layout for PC128 keyboard emulation.
  • Update of the emulation of SDDISK and SDDRIVE controllers in version 2021.07.19.
  • Improvement of the trace function: addition of interrupts, deletion of redundant lines, modification of details.
  • Fixed a 6809 disassembler error, to restore the sign of indexed instructions with 5-bit displacement.
  • Fixed an anomaly in the display of indirect indexed instructions in the disassembler (first bracket replaced by minus sign).
  • Execution stops automatically when the trace file is full. The limit of the trace is expressed in seconds.
  • Addition of the number of cycles in the Trace and possible selection of the size limit of the generated file.
  • Fixed an initialization error for 6846. (Spells did not load since version 2020.06.04).
  • Improvement of the breakpoints on Read and Write, addition of the selection of the ram bank when the ram covers the rom.
  • Added bank types and numbers for each breakpoint in debugging tool.
  • Removal of the function of converting a .txt file into a .k7 file (The simulation of the keyboard allows the same function to be carried out).
  • New organization (without impact for the user) of the message table in three languages, to prepare for Unicode compatibility.
  • In the disassembler, the 8-bit and 16-bit movements of the indexed instructions have the sign - if they are negative, as in 5 bits.
  • Option (not yet activated) to define messages in UTF-8 and display them in Unicode with two bytes per character.
  • Fixed a fatal error in the emulation of the CWAI instruction causing SLAP-FIGHT to crash.
  • The mrx.sddrive files for MO5, MO6 and TO7 / 70 equipped with SDDRIVE or CS91-280 controllers also become compatible with SDDISK.

Version 2021.05.08

  • While playing a .lep file, the remaining time of the current period is retained in case of MOTOROFF.
  • The frequency adjustment range of the processor is widened. The interval is now between 10 and 64,000 kHz.
  • Fixed generation of mrx.sddrive files for compatibility with versions 20210212 and later of SDDRIVE.
  • Added number of repeats and system, ram, rom and video banks to dcmoto_trace.text file.
  • Replacement of the trace in memory (maximum 2000 instructions) by the dcmoto_trace.txt file (1 million instructions).
  • Correction of the xxxxx.key keyboard customization files directory.
  • Correction of a 10-cycle offset in the 6846 timer countdown.
  • Correction of an operating anomaly of the CAPSLOCK key of the TO8 and TO8D.
  • Correction of the number of cycles of the indexed CMPX instruction (6+ replaces 4+).
  • Emulation of the Cedic-Nathan speech synthesizer and its MEA8000 integrated circuit.

Version 2021.02.16

  • Correction of an error when loading a floppy disk (The Yellow Mark now works in .fd and .sd versions).
  • The new version of the SDDRIVE controller initializes the density indicator ($ 2058 / $ 6058) to zero (double density).
  • The new version of the SDDRIVE controller reverses the two halves of the FAT loaded into memory.
  • Update of the SDDRIVE controller to version 20210212.
  • Display of the three processor interrupt signals (NMI, FIRQ and IRQ) in the debugging tool.
  • Fixed an accidental error resetting the processor IRQ interrupt signal.

Version 2020.12.09

  • Addition of a keyboard shortcut: When the F7 key is pressed the processor frequency changes to 10 MHz.
  • Fixed an error in the emulation of the CWAI instruction for processors 6809 and 6309.
  • The debug function displays the number of cycles since the last stop of execution.
  • Update of SDDRIVE.SEL (version 20190624) and SDDRIVE EPROM (version 20200918).
  • Fixed a 6846 emulation error concerning the generation of the timer IRQ.
  • Initialization of the 6846 PCR register according to the floppy disk loaded (floppy for QDD or standard floppy).
  • Added .sd * extensions when selecting an SD card file (For .sds and .sdstream among others).

Version 2020.04.29

  • Complete overhaul of the 6846 emulation to best meet specifications despite the simplifications.
  • Saving the current state generates a sdstream.sd file allowing recovery to a real MO5 or MO6.
  • Correction of a management error of the TO7 / 70 keyboard blocking the Androides game for this computer.
  • Addition of the emulation of the SDSTREAM interface allowing the sequential reading of a file on SD card.
  • Abandonment of the ARDDRIVE controller emulation.

Version 2019.11.12

  • Correction of a simulation error of the TO8 keyboard.
  • Correction of a cassette writing error introduced when adding the .lep format.
  • Correction of an error in the interface emulation with a CompactFlash card.
  • The F8 keyboard shortcut allows you to choose another .mrx file if the last backup is not found.
  • Addition of the emulation of the QDD 90-280 with the internal controller of the TO8 and TO8D.
  • Reading emulation of .lep files for all computers (except modified version with OS / 9 ROM).
  • Fixed a QDD controller emulation error introduced when adding the nanonetwork controller emulation.
NOWSZY [TOM] DCMOTO Version 2019.02.26

Version 2019.06.26

  • New version 2019.06.26 of the SDDRIVE controller. Fixed the WSECT function bug.
  • The SD card selection program for SDDRIVE (sddrive.sel) is now 2019.05.21.
  • Added ARDDRIVE controller emulation.
  • The SDDRIVE controller goes into version 20190410 (better detection of SD card access errors).
  • Fixed a joystick emulation error with the left and right CTRL keys.
  • Fixed a bug in the MO6 ROM bank switching for the $ B000- $ BFFF range.
  • Emulation of the MO6 with the OS / 9 system.
  • Emulation of the Overscan mode of computers of last generation (passage in screen mode of 525 lines).
  • Aborting DirectDraw for display. Using the StretchBlt function of the GDI (Graphics Device Interface).
NOWSZY [TOM] DCMOTO Version 2019.02.20

Version 2019.02.20

  • New help system and release notes based on .html files that can be translated by online tools.
  • Enable Windows shortcut keys in the Removable Devices and Keyboard Simulation dialog boxes.
  • Emulation of the nanoreflector controller TO. Allows dcmoto to emulate a TO7, TO7 / 70, TO8, TO8D or TO9 + connected to the server of the server.
  • Emulation of the nanoreflector controller MO. Enables dcmoto to emulate an MO5, MO5NR, or MO6NR (W series) connected to the server of the server.
  • New function of the Files menu: Loading a binary file. The loading address is defined in the debugging tool.
  • Fixed emulation error of 6309: In case of invalid instruction branch to the address read in $ FFF0.
  • Fixed emulation error of 6309: V must be initialized to $ FFFF at cold start.
  • New debugging of mrx_mo5.sd and mrx_to770.sd files generation.
  • New option to invert the coding of MO and TO type colors.
  • Debugging tool: 16-bit V-reg, Hardreset button, stop execution if the break parameters are modified.
  • Fixed an error in mrx_mo6.sd files.
  • Fixed the immediate LDQ instruction of the 6309 processor.
  • New version 2019.11.09 of the SDDRIVE controller. The .sd file remains selected after a warm reset.
  • The loading function of a binary file makes it possible to modify the entire ROM of the MO5 (BASIC and System Monitor).
  • Added an option to emulate the joysticks with a CTRL key (left = joystick 0, right = joystick 1), arrows, SPACE and ENTER.
  • Fixed an error processing the ENTER key on the numeric keypad in joystick emulation mode.
  • Update of the SDDRIVE controller in version 20181001 (sddrive.sel launched automatically at the first reading of a sector).
  • Fixed two dialog boxes causing small memory leaks (Removable Devices and Tools / Keyboard ...).
  • The types of shutdowns checked in the debug tool are saved to be restored at the next run.
  • In the debugging tool, remove the display of three lines before the current line of disassembly.
  • Added emulation of the ARDDRIVE interface to access an SD card with an Arduino.
  • Improvement of the debugging tool in step-by-step execution and subroutine jump.
  • Generation of the files mrx_mo5.sd, mrx_to770.sd and mrx_mo6.sd adapted to the new versions of the controllers CS91-280 and SDDRIVE.
  • Fixed a TO8 keyboard emulation error when using the AltGr key on the PC.
  • New version of the SD card controllers CS91-280 and SDDRIVE.
  • Added the creation of mrx_mo6.sd files for MO6 and PC128 computers.
  • Fixed SD card emulation error with mrx_mo5.sd and mrx_to770.sd files.
→ [TOM] DCMOTO Version 2018.03.17
Sorcery (Virgin Game, 1986)

Version 2018.03.17

  • Fixed NEG operation error: when resulting value is $80 condition code carry bit must be set.
  • Fixed keyboard simulation with text file (file selection not working).
  • Fixed SD card CMD52 emulation error with CS91-280 controller and SDMOTO device.
  • Added LEGO DACTA controller emulation.
  • With CS91-280 controller emulation the selection programme SDMOTO.SEL is automatically added to the selected SD card.
  • Fixed SYNC operation emulation for both 6809 and 6309 processors.
  • With SDDRIVE controller emulation the selection programme SDDRIVE.SEL is automatically added to the selected SD card.
  • Added SDDRIVE emulation parameters to .mrx files.
  • Added SDDRIVE controller emulation for simulating floppy disks on SD card.
  • Added new option to select emulator sound output sampling rate.
  • Italian help updated (translation by Giuseppe Papa).

Version 2017.09.03

  • Check .mrx file version before loading.
  • Use keyboard customisation files (.key) with Windows executable files (.exe).
  • Fixed 6809 DAA operation code emulation error (this error occured in 2017.07.04 version).
  • Fixed cartridge emulation error (this error occured in 2017.07.04 version).
  • Restore 'Pause' status after closing debugger tool (this error occured in 2017.07.04 version).
→ [TOM] DCMOTO Version 2017.07.14
Renagade (Ocean, 1988). Konwersja David C Bowler. Photo@DcMoto

Version 2017.07.14

  • Fixed tape read error with TO9, TO8, TO8D and TO9+.
  • In the debugging tool, the 2000 previous values of the processor registers are displayed.
  • In the debugging tool, the three previous instructions before current instruction are disassembled and displayed.
  • In the debugging tool, READ and WRITE breakpoints incorrect operation fixed .
  • In the debugging tool, three breakpoints are available.
  • In the debugging tool, the CC (condition register) bits are displayed separately.
  • The debugging tool is spread accross two windows in order to fit a low resolution PC screen.
  • Experimental simulation and disassembly of Hitachi HD63C09 processor instructions and registers.
  • Saving the current state in MO5 or TO7/70 mode create a .sd file, allowing restoring the emulator state on the actual hardware.
  • Return $CC when reading 'SYSTEME 2' register ($A7DD/$E7DD) with last generation computers.
  • Fixed brightness control with lightpen. Lightpen adjustment function now works fine with TO7 and TO7/70.
  • Added MO5 N emulation. The MO5 N is a MO6 prototype discovered in 2017.
  • Fixed mouse left button operation with MO5NR, MO6 and PC128.
  • New option to simulate a monochrome screen, white or green or amber.
  • Fixed memory bank selection error with the system PIA of the TO computers. UCSD Pascal is now working.
  • New option to force 4/3 aspect ratio of the emulated computer screen.
  • New option to simulates cathode ray tube scanlines.
  • The cartridge bank number is no more reset after program initialization.
  • Fixed a processing error with MO graphical keyboard Uppercase and Basic keys.
  • Added TO9+ computer with OS-9 ROM.
  • Fixed emulation and disassembly of CWAI microprocessor instruction.
  • Added 'actual speed' checkboxes for tape and floppy disks.
  • Allow to load a removable media with an empty image file.
  • Loading a SD card image file shows the actual filename instead of 'boot.sd'.
  • Fixed an error (introduced in 2015.05 version) with simutaneous SHIFT and BASIC keystrokes.
  • Added CS91-282 SD card controller emulation for the MO5.
  • Fixed Shift-Lock LED display error with MO6 and PC128 graphical keyboards.
  • With Arduino option, each byte in files with .wav extension .wav is converted to 6 bits.
  • Added Arduino option in .mrx file to allow playing audio streaming demos with dcmoto.
  • Fixed mouse pointer shape error when resizing emulator window.
  • PC keyboard does not emulate joysticks when option is not checked in sttings dialog box..
  • Not-documented instructions $41 et $42 are no more used for MO5 and MO6 copy-protected tapes.
  • Fixed Arduino interface and joystick emulation conflict.

Version 2016.04

  • Emulate nanoreseau controller to enable communication with dcnanosereur.
  • Emulate non-documented 6809 microprocessor operation codes.
  • Fixed an error in last generation computer palette update.
  • Added memory read at the beginning of the CLR 6809 microprocessor operation.
  • Fixed several errors when loading and unloading image files (disk, tape and memory card).
  • Added Arduino interface emulation to read an SD card and send bytes to the joystick ports.
  • Fixed lowercase LED display in TO7 and TO7/70 keyboard, to avoid blinking screen with Crystann.
  • Carry bit in the CC register is no longer set when the TO8/TO8D/TO9+ disk drive is empty.

Version 2015.05

  • New dialog box to customize joystick emulation key mapping.
  • Added new computer emulation: german MO5, OS9 MO5, v1.0 and v1.1 MO5, serial U and V MO6.
  • Replace scancodes by virtual key codes to map PC keyboard keys.
  • Error fixed in computation of music and game 6821 PIA port A.
  • Error fixed in MO6 video bank selection.
  • New function in debugging tool, to save a binary file from emulated computer memory.
  • Updated CS91-280 controller code to version 2014.12.28 (to fix a bug with the MO6).
  • Updated CS91-280 controller code to version 2014.12.11 (to read SD card directory).
  • Added video page1 and page2 mode emulation for last generation computers.
  • Added superimposition and triple superimposition modes for last generation computers.
  • Error fixed in TO7/70 ram bank selection (DDRB selection).
  • Fixed INMOUSE return values when the mouse is not plugged (X = 0 and Y = 0).
  • Error fixed in time interruption (clear CSR0 bit as explained in 6846 datasheet).
  • Reading MO computer system PIA port B clears IRQ signal.
  • SD card SPI signal is now generated on clock falling edge.
  • Added SD card CMD12 emulation for SDMO and SDMOTO interfaces.
  • Added MO5 optional 4K EPROM at $B000.
  • Added TO8 #14 prototype emulation.
  • Added CS91-280 controller emulation for SDMOTO and SDMO interfaces.
  • Fixed error to avoid emulator crash during disk formating.
  • Fixed error in .mrx file color palette saving.
  • Added graphical keyborads to simulate Thomson keyboard and customize PC keyboard mapping.
  • Added binary file address different from dump address in debugging tool.
  • Added SDMO interface emulation for MO computers.
  • Added CFMO interface emulation for MO computers.
  • Error fixed in CD90-640 floppy disk controller emulation ($A7D8/$E7D8 byte writing).
  • Error fixed in TO9 floppy disk controller emulation ($E7D8 byte writing).
  • Error fixed in dcmoto.ini for CD90-351 controller option.
  • Error fixed in LEAX and LEAY 6809 instruction emulation: N bit in CC register must not be changed.
→ [TOM] DCMOTO v2013.3
Space Racer (Loriciels, 1988). Photo@DcMoto

Version 2013.03

  • SDMOTO emulation improvement: functions added to write to the SD card.

Version 2013.02

  • MO5 rom v1.1 replaced by v2.1 (last mechanical keyboard MO5 version).
  • Added one cycle to 6846 timer period to comply with real hardware.
  • Fixed key test error with T9000, TO7 and TO7/70 keyboards.
  • Fixed system PIA emulation with T9000, TO7 and TO7/70.
  • Added MC6846 timer emulation for the T9000, TO7 and TO7/70.
  • Fixed TO9 emulation freeze when launching Basic 1.0 with no disk loaded.
  • SDMOTO interface emulation with second joystick port (test in progress...).
  • Fixed condition code Z bit setting after KTEST with TO8 and TO8D keyboards.
→ [TOM] DCMOTO v2013.1
Sorcery (Virgin Games, 1986). Photo@DCMoto

Version 2013.01

  • Added right mouse button emulation for all computers.
  • Added mouse emulation for TO9 and german TO9 computers.
  • With Tape/load command, an ASCII .txt file is automatically converted to .k7 file.

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wstecz18/03/2018 18:31
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[TOM] DCMOTO Version 2019.02.26 [TOM] DCMOTO Version 2019.02.26
Emulator maszynek serii Thomson  MO5, MO5E, MO5NR, MO6, T9000, TO7, TO7/70, TO8, TO8D, TO9, TO9+ i Olivetti PC128, kompletnie mi nieznanej serii francuskich konstrukcji z lat osiemdziesiątych. Po Biosy poszczególnych mikro- odsyłam do strony DcMoto.
[TOM] DCMOTO Version 2019.02.20 [TOM] DCMOTO Version 2019.02.20
Emulator maszynek serii Thomson  MO5, MO5E, MO5NR, MO6, T9000, TO7, TO7/70, TO8, TO8D, TO9, TO9+ i Olivetti PC128, kompletnie mi nieznanej serii francuskich konstrukcji z lat osiemdziesiątych. Po Biosy poszczególnych mikro- odsyłam do strony DcMoto.
[TOM] DCMOTO Version 2018.03.17 [TOM] DCMOTO Version 2018.03.17
Emulator maszynek serii Thomson  MO5, MO5E, MO5NR, MO6, T9000, TO7, TO7/70, TO8, TO8D, TO9, TO9+ i Olivetti PC128, kompletnie mi nieznanej serii francuskich konstrukcji z lat osiemdziesiątych. Po Biosy poszczególnych mikro- odsyłam do strony DcMoto.
Do ściągnięcia
dcmoto 20180317-t2e.pl.zip
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