MASTERGEAR (MG) to kolejny emulator ze stajni Marata Fayzullin (ColEm, Speccy, fMSX i masa innych), tym razem pozwalający na emulację konsol wyprodukowanych przez firmę SEGA Mark 3, SEGA MasterSystem, przenośnej konsoli SEGA GameGear oraz ich poprzedników (SMII, SG1000, SC3000 i SF7000).
MasterGear 4.9 released on March 31 2021
- Fixed audio randomly not working on MG-Windows startup.
- Added "Video | Show Framerate" menu option to MG-Windows.
- Most command line options should now work in MG-Windows.
- Increased synchronization timer precision in MG-Windows.
- Added
command line option to MG-Linux. - Added
command line option to MG-Linux.
Authors comment:
- MasterGear 4.9 released on March 31 2021, makes most command line options work on Windows, adds optional frame rate display, and fixes Windows sound initialization, among other things.
- Added functionality for injecting ASCII text via SC-3000 keyboard.
- Added "Hardware | Paste Clipboard" option to MG-Windows.
- During paste, replacing backslash with slash, underscore with minus.
- Swapped YEN and AT keys.
Authors comment:
- MasterGear 4.8 released on February 18 2021, adds Windows clipboard paste function in SC-3000 home computer mode. I have also swapped [YEN] and [AT] keys and made a few more changes.
→ [SMS] MasterGear 4.7 5/10/2020
New in This Version
- Added CPU-based simple linear scaling algorithm.
- Added file drag'n'drop support to MG-Windows.
- Added
command line option to MG-Linux.
Authors comment:
- MasterGear 4.7 released on October 5 2020, adds drag'n'drop support to the Windows version and a simple CPU-based linear interpolation algorithm, used in cases where hardware linear interpolation is unfeasible. Linux users can enable linear interpolation with
command line option.
→ [SMS] MasterGear 4.6 24/08/20
New in This Version
- Refactored scaling and special effects framework in MG-Windows.
- Optimized scaling for large screens and windows.
- Added option to force hardware linear scaling.
- Enabled "Video | Stretch Full Screen" option with effects enabled.
- Enabled "Video | Force 4:3 Screen" option with effects enabled.
- Added "Video | Interpolate Video | Linear Scaling" option to MG-Windows.
- Added "File | Clear Settings and Quit" option to MG-Windows.
- Fixed small windows behavior in MG-Windows.
- Fixed window position behavior in MG-Windows.
- Saving physical joystick/gamepad selection in MG-Windows.
Authors comment:
- MasterGear 4.6 released on August 24 2020, contains multiple fixes and improvements to the Windows version. Window moving and resizing has been fixed. The scaling and special effects framework has been majorly fixed and optimized for larger computer screens. There is now a separate option for hardware-based linear scaling, as well as an option to clear all application settings.
→ [SMS] MasterGear 4.5 28/12/18
New in This Version
- Now truncating all VRAM table addresses to 16kB boundary.
- Fixed accidental crashes when running SC-3000 programs.
- Now only hitting MIDI drums once per screen when recording.
- Moved "Light Gun" option to the "Input" menu in MG-Windows.
Authors comment:
- MasterGear 4.5 for Windows and Linux, released on December 26 2018, fixes crashes when running some SG-1000 and SC-3000 software. All VDP table addresses are now truncated to 16kB VRAM address space when in SG-1000 mode.
→ [SMS] MasterGear 4.4 02/08/18
New in This Version
- Made replay save states approximately every 170ms.
- Added ability to browse through paused replay.
- During replay, the [UP] button to pause.
- Press [LEFT] and [RIGHT] to browse through paused replay.
- Press [UP] to resume replay, any other key to continue.
- Made
exit when window closed.
Authors comment:
- MasterGear 4.2 for Windows and Linux, released on August 2 2018, adds ability to pause replay with
button and then single-step through your gameplay withLEFT
buttons. Once satisfied, pressUP
to resume, or any other button to continue playing. Try pressingF8
during your gameplay if you do not know what replay feature is.
→ [SMS] MasterGear 4.3 11/05/18
New in This Version
- Fixed saved state compatibility between 32bit and 64bit systems.
- Recompiled sources with
and fixed warnings. - Deprecated
compilation option. - Deprecated
compilation option.
Authors comment:
- MasterGear 4.2 for Windows and Linux, released on May 11 2018, has been rebuilt with the
compiler option and all new warnings fixed. I've also fixed state saves compatbility between 32bit and 64bit builds and removed deprecated code. Both-DNO_WAVE_INTERPOLATION
compilation options are now gone, since that code is on by default.
→ [SMS] MasterGear 4.2 12/02/18
New in This Version
- Added remaining time display during replay.
- Stopping replay when menu opens on Windows.
- Fixed replay rollover mechanism.
- Added shadow underneath the time display.
Authors comment:
- MasterGear 4.2 for Windows and Linux, released on February 12 2018, fixes several bugs in the replay feature and adds remaining replay time display.
→ [SMS] MasterGear 4.1 14/11/17
New in This Version
- Greatly improved automatic hardware and language detection.
- Fixed scanline length to 228 CPU clocks.
- Made NTSC screen length to be exactly 262 scanlines.
- Made PAL screen length to be exactly 313 scanlines.
- Added multiple monitor support to MG-Windows.
- Fixed disappearing window in MG-Windows.
- Fixed best full-screen mode detection in MG-Windows.
- Fixed window flicker that appeared after recent Win10 updates.
- Fixed DirectInput joysticks support in MG-Windows.
- Made directional pads work on XBox gamepads.
- Switched MG-Linux to using PulseAudio sound.
- Updated old PulseAudio driver for 64bit Linux
Authors comment:
- MasterGear 4.1 for Windows and Linux, released on November 14 2017, fixes SMS display timings (PAL and NTSC) and sets scanline length to 228 CPU clocks. The Windows version adds support for multiple monitors, improves the best full-screen mode detection, and removes flicker that appeared after the recent Win10 updates. I have also fixed DirectInput support and made directional pads on Xbox gamepads work. The Linux version now uses PulseAudio for sound, so you will not need to mess with the OSS sound emulation.
→ [SMS] MasterGear 4.0
New in This Version
- MasterSystem 2 is now the default hardware model.
- Implemented proper 224/240-line screen modes.
- Fixed Linus Spacehead (GG) flicker and offset screen.
- Fixed StarTrek Next Generation (GG) offset screen.
- Fixed Micro Machines (SMS/GG) scrolling problems.
- Fixed Madou Monogatari 2 (GG) by setting VDP[6]=0xFF on reset.
- Fixed missing "TM" letters in many title screens.
- Fixed World Series Baseball '95 (GG) hangup due to missing EEPROM.
- Fixed World Series Baseball (GG) hangup due to missing EEPROM.
- Added
command line option. - Added "Hardware | Console Model | MasterSystem 2" option to MG-Windows.
- Added support for DirectInput joysticks to MG-Windows.
- Moved all input-related options to the "Input" menu in MG-Windows.
- Fixed crash when changing audio sampling rate in MG-Windows.
- Added "Draw 65% Frames" option to MG-Windows.
- Fixed screen updates after changing scaling algorithm in MG-Windows.
Authors comment:
- MasterGear 4.0 released on July 6 2017, adds SMS2 hardware model and fixes many games, mainly ones made by Codemasters. The SMS2 is now the default hardware model, since some SMS games expect it. The Windows version now supports DirectInput joysticks, moving all input-related settings into a separate "Input" menu. I have also fixed problems when changing audio rate and special effects on Windows. .
→ [SMS] MasterGear 3.7
New in This Version
- Added "Nearest Neighbor" option to disable linear interpolation.
- Added "Force 4:3 Screen" option to MG-Windows.
- Fixed "Hit MIDI Drums" option in MG-Windows.
- Fixed 44kHz sound hiccups when 50Hz sync selected in MG-Windows.
- Computing effective waveform power when simulating samples via MIDI.
- MG-Windows will not overwrite last loaded file name with other names.
- Keys [1]-[8] will toggle individual sound channels in MG-Windows.
- Key [0] will toggle all sound channels in MG-Windows.
- Added -4x3 command line option to MG-Unix.
- Fixed creating file associations on Windows 8+.
- Added a new icon to MG-Windows.
Authors comment:
- MasterGear 3.7 released on February 15 2017, comes with options to force 4:3 "television" screen size and disable Direct3D linear interpolation. I have also improved MIDI sound playback and recording and made several other platform specific fixes.
wstecz04/04/2021 01:32
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