Skoro jest nowy FCE Ultra X z poprawkami CaH4e3 to nie mogło zabraknąć i updejtu emulatora FCEU (mod), który służy autorowi do testowania zmian pozwalających na udźwignięcie kolejnych, najcześciej nigdy niezdumpowanych cartów dla NINTENDO 8 (lub jego klonów).
FCEU MM 23.06.2015
- UNIF DRAGONFIGHTER - new board for a new dump
- cheat ram fix sync with FCEUX
FAMI Dumping project
Most interesting thing from bunch of carts provided by Oreanor today is a "Dragon Fighter" game by so called "Flying Star". This game is a fighting with the hard mix of the Mortal Kombat and some others SMD/SNES characters. There are total 10 fighters, 10 locations, all characters have at least 2 special moves. In addition, the engine here is something new, all the data and code here has maximum parametrization, so most of the game data is a something like scripts, the native code is only 16K in size.
→ NOWSZY [Nes8] CaH4e3: Nowe dumpy i FCEUX...
FCEUX DEV 4.01.2018
Revision 3387
Author: cah4e3 | Date: czwartek, 4 stycznia 2018 17:22:48
- mapper 213 - updated for a new dump "168-in-1_[p1][!]"
- UNIF HPxx - new board added for various multigame dumps
Revision 3386
Author: zeromus | Date: piątek, 29 grudnia 2017 02:06:17
- fix #790 (conditional debugger can crash when using divide by zero)
[04 january 2018]
Haven't planned any releases by now but got some special Christmas-themed dump with help of HardWareMan (thanks a lot!), so here we are. Nothing really special, just Santa on the menu with simple already known games. However I modified mapper 213 implementation in order to run this particular dump. So, all code is in FCEUX repository already, use the build-bot to get the recent version.
The second dump is also from HardWareMan. Has a set of UNROM games hacked to mapper 178 used in some education computer cartridges. Nothing interesting apart form menu, though...
Since there are nothing to dump currently (and maybe won't be like the last year), I think I can dig into my old dumping archives of unemulated dumps made by all period but left unemulated by some reasons. I released some of them already, just interesting ones in the first place. So the rest are mostly a multigame dumps. The emulation wasn't a problem for all them, but I need some more research on currently emulated mappers, if there any duplicates may be present.
So, here are dump on the same unemulated before hardware similar to FK23C (mapper 176), but with more strictly defined much simpler commands. UNIF board added to the FCUEX repository as well already.
Sometimes, the same menu types can use different types of mapper. See, 7-in-1 with Lost World and Cricket here uses HP10xx/HP20xx board as against other similar multigame carts released by me previously. These boards has no unsoldered dip-switch pins for menu selection, however they has the same ability which you may see on two last pictures here.
- 2-in-1_-_Aladdin_2_+_Lion_King,_The_[p1][U][!]
- 2-in-1_-_Boogerman_+_Flintstones,_The_[p1][U][!]
- 2-in-1_-_Mortal_Kombat_+_Super_Aladdin_[p1][U][!]
- 2-in-1_-_Sonic_5_+_Batman_3_(YH226)[p1][U][!]
- 3-in-1_-_Harry_Legend_+_Pokemon_+_Aladdin_II_[p1][U][!]
- 4-in-1_-_Chessmaster_[p1][U][!]
- 4-in-1_-_Digital_Monster_[p1][U][!]
- 4-in-1_-_Harry_Legend_(YH3139)[p1][U][!]
- 6-in-1_-_Lost_World,_The_(HP10xx-HP20xx_board)[p1][U][!]
Here more examples to the similar menus. First two dumps are from HP10xx/HP20xx boards (first two pictures), there are no different menus in it. The third one (by HardWareMan too) has the same menu, but on FK23C board (two last pictures)
7-in-1 dump here was the same where I ripped my old Spiderman 2 and Poke Tetris bad roms back in the 2007. Note, if you look at the post above on the same 2007 year page, you'll see another FK23C version of such menu similar to the HardWareMan's dump with a different set of games.
- 6-in-1_-_Spider_Man_2_(FK23C_board)[p1][!]
- 7-in-1_-_Spider_Man_2_(HP10xx-HP20xx_board)(KY7005)[p1][U][b1]
- 6-in-1_-_Spider_Man_2_(FK23C_board)[p1][!]
And finally, one more set of similar menus on the different hardwares. The first one is HP10xx/HP20xx board from the same long time not emulated bunch of dumps which I didn't released by now at all (haven't seen them in the wild also). The second one - same menu on FK23C board dumped also by HardWareMan. Both have different sets of menus. However, the default setting for the first one should be 7-in-1 which isn't supported currently so it starts from the 4-in-1. The second one has the same default mode for menu as on the hardware cart, so it starts from 9-in-1 as intended. Note, the menu position for 4-in-1 version of the HP10xx/HP20xx boars is incorrect, which is fixed in the FK23C version.
→ NOWSZY [Nes8] CaH4e3: Nowe dumpy i FCEUMM...
FCEUX DEV 18.12.2017
Revision 3385
Author: cah4e3 | Date: 18 grudnia 2017 19:42:15
- Mapper 036 - update with mirroring command used by 4-in-1 MGC-026 (not break other game though)
Revision 3384
Author: cah4e3 | Date: 17 grudnia 2017 23:28:37
- BMC 80013-B unif mapper added for "90-in-1 Hwang Shinwey" dump
Revision 3377
Author: cah4e3 | Date: 27 października 2017 22:03:43
- fk23c fixes
17 december 2017
Let's make some more dumps before the end of the year for a great justice... Today we have a rare guest - Panda Baby. This game was made on the same engine as Lion King III, Felix The Cat, The Hacker and other games by Dragon Co., but with an unusual ID (DY0001 for PCB, DJ08006 for Cart, while the regular cart labels for Dragon Co. are DHxxxx, which you can see at the pirates ID list on this site). Who exactly and when produced this game currently unknown and still the object of research but as against the other similar games this one is a seemingly rare so we have a great luck to have one here. Surprisingly, this game exploiting the same Donkey Kong Country background while using the Panda as the main character like the Shin-Shin Electronics version does. So we have another question here: are there any DKC versions ever existed? Maybe all these games are used Panda character instead by default? However, the game itself is so shitty so the AVGD won't play it at all.
Along with the Panda got an interesting multigame cart by Hwang Shinwei - Cartridge Story III. There are some later versions of this cart known on the net (150/210/260-in-1 bad dumps). But the main difference in this dump is a presence of previously undumped simple games by Hwang Shinwei. There are no dumps for part I and II still, as well as proper dumps of 210/260-in-1 carts. But I hope I can fix this the next year though.
This dump can be played only on later FCEUX. So you need either to build a current SVN repository or download the dayli build by official build bot.
And finally, a simple multigame carts with a set of total rehacks of regular games. Some are known from the other dumps, some maybe not, don't know.
→ NOWSZY [Nes8] CaH4e3: Nowe dumpy i FCEUMM...
[29 october 2017]
Haven't any news for a long time, sorry. No time for this stuff as well as no actually new stuff to release. But sometimes miracles happens. lol Accidentally, TheCurvedMind appears and send me one interesting cartridge (thanks a lot man!). As I see, it already popped out here in 2011 with a small review. My cart looks little different but has the same code and the games list. The odd thing, DendyGames didn't noticed two more interesting original games on this cartridge: "Hunter" and "Magician". First is a some kind of "Flappy" clone for NES. The second one is a surprisingly nice looking NES port of Arcade game Wiz by Taito. All new games, including "Shoot the Goof" as against most of pirate hacks uses the Codemasters' music and sounds, which sounds odd and some kind of "legitimates" these pirated games. lol
And one more thing. FCEUmm finally dropped. Will not modify it anymore. All mappers are already in FCEUX sources and I'm using it for a long time already. All new changes for new dumps will be added to FCEUX repository, a binaries can be downloaded from this build bot.
For this particular cartridge some tweaks for 176 mapper source were made, but it seems they may break some older dump, but I don't know which one lol. If you find another cart which not working anymore, let me know, we will see whan can be done there.
→ NOWSZY [Nes8] CaH4e3: Nowe dumpy i FCEUMM...
[03 may 2016]
Accidentally, athene and nikita600 provided an interesting dump. Can't guarantee it's genuine, but it seems that we have here an unreleased prototype version of the Gimmick! game for Japanese region. There are some little differences from the released version, the rest of the game is exactly the same. There is the reason to tell that this is actually a proto version. The copy protection code in this game uses a couple of 4-byte data chunks to test its consistency. At least one of them is unused either in both released versions. This is an intro copyrights text "TOMO". In this ROM, this is actually part of the intro screen "A TOMOMI SAKAI GAME". This string has left in European version and completely unused, in the Japanese version, most of this string replaced with FF, the only "TOMO" is left to not to break the protection.
Also, there are other small differences: developer name "SAKAE" here is "SAKAI" instead in all other places, the debug buttons on the controller 2 are the same as for the European version, but enabled by default (see in my cheats data base, even if you disable it, you can't actually control the black enemy in the stage two on the ship, you just can jump with Select), instead of "AUTHENTIC ENTERTAINMENT" here is "GIMMICK ENTERTAINMENT TEAM" (this string is also present in european version, but with partially removed GIMMICK part) as well as the part of the title screen contains "original of e.g.t." instead of "presented by sunsoft". And finally, the "BLACK HOLE" message of the protection code here should be "IMPERFECT VERSION".
[24 april 2016]
There are two carts from the common famiclone sets, released around the world under a number of titles. The original one can be seen on the official site, at least some German variation can be seen here. The main feature of this set is the special IR bat, which is supported by one of the games. As against the other systems with similar functionality, the IR sensors are not integrated into the console, but instead used inside the cartridge itself. So you easily could use any other console to play it with the proper IR bat.
I were surprised how many offers for these cartridges are in auctions, but no one ever selling the console itself or even the IR bats for it. Before now I didn't touched any of these carts, but now I see it's really simple. There are no coordinates or movements detecion. The IR sensor in cart just detects the exposition from the IR led in the bat. But you need to hit it for a short time. This is doesn't work if you just put the bat against the sensor lol. So we have here a little more clever version of the zapper for the NES.
I did a quick hook of the bat to the left mouse button, but the main question is open, WHETHER IT IS POSSIBLE TO BEAT THIS DAMN GAME. As I see, the CPU player dodges ALL your balls even on easy mode, but the code itself has all needed branches for both players win. Also, there are at least two more opponents graphics inside the ROM, but currently it's unknown if we able to play against them. You don't need a special emulator to run this ROM, but you need at least latest FCEUMM (on the corresponding pag here) or SVN build of FCEUX to play it actually.
The second ROM is a generic multigame cart with common games. Need to mention, it has the same "Fantasy of Gun" game, which were dumped recently.
UPD. Didn't noticed this at the first time, but it seems that mapper 45 for this cart is kinda different, so except menu, there are very few games are working there. Will see the solution a little bit later.
UPD2. Ok, got it. This is a new type of mapper 45 cart, either mapper suport and dump were bad. This is the first mapper 45 dump with 4Mb of data. So redownload it as well as a new fcrumm build to play it.
Gameinis Pingpong (Unl)[!]
101-in-1 Games [p1][b1]
101-in-1 Games [p1][!]
So, finally I got my own rev 1.3 of this multigame cart. It appears to be much more common, than we thought previously, even the PCB mentioned that it has 1.3 rev inside (need to mention, some of the same PCBs appears don't have it at all). The question as usual was that nobody can check its carts for revs lol. The rev 1.4 now is wated.
This revision appears no to wor on the previous version of the mapper 212 code, so you could run it properly only on the latest FCEUMM or FCEUX.
9999-in-1 (Anim Splash, rev 13)[p1][!]
And last but not the least, multigame cart with interesting feature like memu to select between console and the keyboard games. Actually, there are no keyboard games on this cart at all. The data for it not programmed into the ROM, so you just hang if try to select it. I hope there is some console or cart with the full version for sure...
→ NOWSZY [Nes8] CaH4e3: Nowe dumpy i FCEUMM...
FCEU MM 10.12.2015
- UNIF F-15 - new dump "150-in-1 Unchained Melody (FIGHT 150 ver LOVE)[p1][U][!]"
FCEU MM 08.09.2015
- UNIF EH8813A - hw switch added
FAMI Dumping project
I don't know if I release something more interesting this year, so let this post be a teaser and the christmas release at the same time, if I don't find something more important. ;)
Finally I've got the Unchained Melody multigame cart 150-in-1 that I've seen before on some forums by our friends from Poland. This is one of a kind so called "hw test" carts with system self-test option called by press Start+Select at the menu. As against the 200-in-1 dumped by me recently, this is a newer and advanced revision. It has not the simple selftest, but a more complex one, than in previous multicarts. The main reason for this, actually, that this cart uses more complex MMC3-based board. And this is not so interesting about that. The main purpose for all this is that the last game in this multicart under the number 150, there is a full version of "Master Fighter II - The World Warrior", as against any other such multicarts just with maximum 8 of simple 16K+8K games.
The MFII itself not so interesting, it seems it has ripped from early multigame carts and hacked for a new mapper. But moch more interesting the "hw test" menu by itseld. It has not only the some kind of internal name "FIGHT 150", but a lot more interesting version string "ver LOVE" whatever that means.
As usual, UNIF board were assigned and added to latest versions of FCEUmm/FCEUX here on this site of on public SVN.
150-in-1 Unchained Melody (FIGHT 150 ver LOVE)[p1][U][!]
Prince of Persia (RX-02, Snake)(R)[!]
So, I mentioned previous time that I know that one more Prince of Persia russian translation from early 199x exist. So finally I got this one, thank a lot for this to EvgenP06 and Oreanor!
But last time I did a mistake it seems, counted total 4 different known translations of this game, but it's actually seems only 3 and all dumped by me. The possible fourth version can be found on some recent cartridges, but this is the same version with translated title as I dumped back in 2012, but just with no "1994" on the copyrights screen. Maybe I thought about "Prince of Rosia" famous pirate version with no russian translation, who knows ;). Anyway, now we got three different kind of russian translations of Prince of Persia made by different people back in 199x. All translations has different fonts and translation styles. Today's dump according to copyright screen made by already known Snake from Moscow, also there is particular cartridge label with a very specific ID code RX-02, used by Snake for its translations (see the main page list for details).
Stay tuned!
→ NOWSZY [Nes8] CaH4e3: Nowe dumpy i FCEUMM...
FCEU MM 31.08.2015
- UNIF EH8813A - fixed inplementation
FCEU MM 30.08.2015
- UNIF EH8813A - new dump "Dr. Mario II (Unl)[U][!]"
- UNIF HP898F - new dump "Prima Soft 10-in-1 (02 8807870-3)(Unl)[U][!]"
FAMI Dumping project
UPD 31.08.15: As I promised, here is the main dish, thanks to famiac for providing these carts! First, here is the rehacked and "inproved" version of Dr.Mario with number II on the title. Actually, this is 2-in-1 cart (precisely 1+8-in-1). One half it's mostly the same Dr.Mario with graphics similar to the regular version, but the second part is 8 different graphical skins to the regular game, ripped partially from Wario's Woods or Little Nemo or other games and partially is original. The pause screen contains some authors copyrights, a name of company "ES INC" and year 1996. There is an original bug in his game. Both title screens will hang when attempting to start a demo sequence, just like the original version does. This happens on the real console and in emulation, so maybe there were something that autohors overlooked.
UPD 31.08.15: Shame on me! So hurry to dump and release and I didn't checked it carefully. Actually, nothing really bad, but previous dump was overdumped with garbage. It seems that this mapper was designed for a simple multigame cart with hardware menu selection. Sometimes carts do this using manipulation with address lines, which is enabed with some registers bit. This time, this cart clears lower 4 bits of address line if particular bit is set. So we have a series of repeated byte of every 16 data block. This game seems doesn't use this feature at all, so nothing is changed in emulation. Even if it would, nothing should happens too. With current mapper code and dumped garbage data, this cart woild be emulated exactly the same way as on hardware. Now I removed the overdumped data, fixed the mapper implementation and put all this here as a second option.
Second, a little dessert: small simple multigame cart with total graphical rehacks of the known simple licensed games, some of them are dumped already for sure, like Super Mario Bros. redrawn for Panda. Maybe there are some undumed before games too.
Both dumps are need a new mappers code, which are added to the latest FCEUmm build on this site as well as in FCEUX SVN repository.
[23 august 2015]
A small update before the main dish. As usual, this dump popped up accidentally and from accidental source. Here is the forum thread with cartridre repair discussion that went to the dumping thread. ;) The Dump from unknown not-working cartridre appears to be a dump of unknown until now russian translation of the "Top Gun" game from late 199x. Thanks to user alh for providing this dump. According to a phone number in game's texts, this translation was made by the same "Snake" person who make some other carts released here before.
[27 june 2015]
And to complete this dumping series today, a couple of not so interesting dumps. First we have another branch in the evolution three of the multicarts with "Unchained Melody" in menu. This specimen has blue (!) animated logo number "200", and it seems it the intermediate unit between 83/100 and 300 versions, since in this version HW test already removed, but the button code cheat to activate it still present and working as a screen clear, which sometimes may be misinterpreted as a cartridge hang. The rest is mostly the same - mapper, games, pictures... The second one is just a simple Galaxian hack, but with alternative title screen for some reason. Enjoy.
→ [Nes8] CaH4e3: Nowe dumpy i nowy FCEUMM...
FCEU MM 22.02.2015
- UNIF COOLBOY - small fix
- UNIF FK23C - 256K RAM fix
FAMI Dumping project
I'm a bit late with this release (11.02 => 22.02), but this is a birthday dump from HardWareMan! Thanks a lot! This time we have different version of COOLBOY PCB with 256K CHR RAM mounted as well as 8K SRAM chip, allowing to put more interesting games inside. To play it use a new version of FCEUmm.
Thanks to TeamEurope one more time for a new Famicom-based hanheld games. This one have a nice feature, you can select the menu language between English and Chinese. The ROM works fine on the any OneBus supporting emulators.
→ [Nes8] CaH4e3: nowy FCEUMM...
FCEU MM 10.01.2015
- mapper 35 - prot fix?
→ [Nes8] CaH4e3: Nowe dumpy i nowy FCEUMM...
FCEU MM 09.01.2015
- mapper 35 - savestate bug fix
FAMI Dumping project
HardWareMan once again delivered a new ROM, thanks a lot! He accidentally appears to have a new version of TeamEurope's cart released here 4th January. Previous version is older revision (internal signature of old version is "400 IN 1 zyx-8b2799", and new version is "400 IN 1 zyx-8b2922"), it has a lot of free space (about 700k). So this empty space was used in newer revision, three more new game hacks was added to the menu, so we now have 403-in-1 technically. There are many changes inside the newer ROM, but mostly this is shifted parts of various games, the rest of the games in list are identical to previous version.
Three new games is a title and sprite hacks of japanese Ninja Gaiden 3 and Adventure Island 1 and 2.