M64p, którego przyznam się szczerze rozwój średnio obserwuje, pozwala na emulację Nintendo 64 pod Windowsy i Linuksa - robi to w miarę poprawnie i nie można w żaden sposób odebrać mu całkiem zacnej emulacji tej konsoli Nintendo. Dzięki fuzji muppen64 z paraLLEl-RDP (emulacja chipu graficznego N64, napisanego praktycznie od nowa i wykorzystującej Vulcan, czyli jest ciut szybciej) i frontendu mupen64plus-gui jest to ciekawa alternatywa dla statecznych, emerytowanych projektów emulacji tej konsoli - jak to jednak z alternatywami bywa rzadko po nią sięgam (oprócz momentów, kiedy prawie nieświadomienie człowiek wykorzystuje core muppen'a np. w retroarch w konsoli PSX Classic).
M64p 19/02/2022
- Add option for VSync
- Fix for some audio choppiness issues
M64p 18/02/2022
Changes in this release:
- Fix lag in Bottom of the 9th
- ROM entries for new Smash Remix versions, as well as SM64 splitscreen multiplayer
- Show .rom files in file picker
- Option to set vertical stretch in video settings. Meant to correct PAL roms with bad aspect ratios, thanks to @thekovic
M64p 7/02/2022
- Remove minizip dependency on Linux
M64p 3/02/2022
Changes in this release:
- Update URLs for main github repository
- Make mupen64plus-gui.ini portable
- Validate controller profile names
M64p 21/12/29
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D (a.k.a. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron)(Nintendo of America Inc., Dec 07, 1998)
- Fix for Radeon gfx when using the Linux Snap package
- Updated Parallel RDP
- Validate netplay room and player names
M64p 21/12/03
Donkey Kong Tag EveryWhere (Hack, 2021). Hack of Donkey Kong (USA ver) (RARE, 1999)
M64p 21/11/22
- Fix for broken audio from yesterdays release
M64p 21/11/21.2
- Just some minor fixes for the Snap package
M64p 21/11/21
- I know that most users are on Windows. But for those using Ubuntu or similar Linux distros, m64p is now on the Snap Store: https://snapcraft.io/m64p
- The only thing (that I know of) that does not yet work on the Snap release is the raphnet raw input plugin.
M64p 28/10/21
- Fixed a bug that totally broke netplay. It is no longer totally broken.
M64p 12/10/21
Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker (a.k.a. Batman of the Future: Return of the Joker) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software, Dec 01, 2000)
- Updates to ParaLLEl RDP, mostly to improve graphics card compatibility (fixes for newer Intel GPUs)
M64p 26/09/21
Super Smash Remix mod poprawiający gry Super Smash Brother dla Nintendo 64.
- Update custom ROM settings (performance improvements) for Smash Remix 1.0.0 and 1.0.1
M64p 10/09/21
- Updates dependencies (Vosk for voice, Qt, etc)
- Update Discord link
M64p 09/08/21
- Updates to Parallel RDP from the upstream repo
M64p 27/07/21
- Fix Dinosaur Planet crashes when loading a new game
- Misc Fixes
M64p 04/07/21
- Linux builds now built using Ubuntu 20.04
- Fix for corrupt screenshots and/or crashing when using non-native window resolutions
M64p 23/06/21
- IS Viewer support. You can view the output from IS Viewer by going to Emulation->View Log. This log view is now updated live, so you can leave that window open while you play
- Some bug fixes for the dynarec, including Indiana Jones crashes and Densha de Go (English) not booting.
- Improvements to VRU speech recognition
- Fix for flickering in San Francisco Rush
Inne treści związane z tematem
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[GB/CGB] GearBoy 3.6.1 [fix] 28/12/2024
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