
[N64] Larper64 0.3

[0] @ Wtorek, 28 Kwietnia 2020 01:15CET

Larper64 jest nowym emulatorem Nintendo 64 - zbieżność z wymaganiami Cen64 (cycle exact) zaważył na posądzeniach, iż jest to jedynie jego mutacja. Ponoć, nie...

Emulator wymaga, podobnie jak CEN64, pliku pifdata.bin (console rom), który bez trudu znajdziecie w biosach MAME/MESS, obsługuje również jedynie pliki w formacie doctor64 (rozszerzenie z64) - tutaj przyda się albo najnowsze GameBase Nintendo64 (.mad, wrzucę w najbliższych dniach), albo wizyta na rosyjskiej stronie TV Roms (który i tak trzeba odwiedzić jeśli chce się korzystać z najnowszego GameBase'a).

Wykorzystanie z64 i pifdata.bin to ponoć jedyne podobieństwa pomiędzy emulatorami, tak twierdzi przynajmniej autor projektu. Program powstaje od zera, jednak w odróżnieniu od większości współczesnych emulatorów z zamkniętym kodem, niedostępny na serwerach repozytoryjnych.

Larper64 0.3

After quite some time, I’m releasing a new version of Larper64. Compatibility has been improved and many more games are now working. Sound support has been added as well. I couldn’t add gamepad and save state support in this release due to time constraints and I wanted to push out a release before I get busy with work. Full changes:

  • Increased compatibility. Many more games now work including Golden Eye, Indiana Jones, Turok 2, Turok 3 and probably many more.
  • Preliminary sound support. Emulation is synced to audio so it will pop if your computer can’t run a game fast enough. There is some minor crackling in some games also.
  • PAL region support. You will need PAL PIF for many games to run.
  • Flashram support added. A sample database file is included to detect game save types.
  • Saving of game save types.
  • Zip file support. Only first file will be loaded.
  • New user interface.
  • Linux support. There are some quirks. Read the included documentation.
NOWSZY [N64] Larper64 0.4
Spiderman (Activision Publishing, Inc., Nov 20, 2000). Faktycznie cudów nie oferuje pod W10.

Larper64 0.4

During last year, I switched from Windows to Linux fulltime. Today, I booted to Windows to build a Larper64 release after quite some time and noticed that Larper64 performance on Windows was dogshit for some reason. I have no idea why this has happened and didn’t have time to investigate it further. Its mostly the same code for all three platforms so its kind of a bummer and I will conveniently blame Windows for now. Anyways, I’m still putting up the binary for Windows.

  • New platform native UI.
  • Fixed sound.
  • Save states support.
  • Improved memory PAK initialization. Thanks to bryc.
  • Interframe blending support.
  • Rumble PAK support.
  • Confgurable joypad/gamepad/keyboard support.
  • Probably some other stuff I can't remember now.
→ [N64] Larper64 0.2
Asteroids Hyper 64 (Crave Entertainment, Inc., Dec 01, 1999)

Larper64 0.2

  • Fixed D-pad handling
  • Implemented 60 FPS sync
  • Improved speed a little
  • Implemented fast-forward/unthrottle

Larper64  0.1

  • First public release for speed testing only.

Unimplemented stuff

  • Sound


  • 3D - Arrow keys
  • A -  A
  • B - S
  • Z -  D
  • Start :  Enter
  • L/R :   Q/W
  • C-pad:   IKJL
  • D-pad:   HOME/END/DEL/PGDN
  • TAB:  Hard Reset
  • BACKSPACE: Fast-forward/unthrottle (hold to fast-forward/release to resume normal)

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wstecz28/04/2020 01:15
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