WinDS PRO jest zestawem emulatorów konsolek NINTENDO DS i GameBoy Advance, składa się z udawaczy i przydatnych narzędzi dla nich - NO$Zoomer, NO$GBA, NO$MOOZ, NOZ, myZOOM, NGZoom, NO$GBA 2X, iDeaS, DeSmuME, VBA Link i VBA-M plus USRCHEAT pozwalający na modyfikację gier - np. wieczne życie;).
→ NOWSZY [MULTI] WinDS PRO 2022.09.29
WinDS Pro 2022/09/29
- Aktualizacja emulatorów ares, bizhawk, flycast, melonDS, proyect64, mGBA, dolphin, pcsx2, yuzu, ppsspp, rpcs3, xenia, cxbx.
WinDS Pro 2022/09/22
- ???
WinDS Pro 2022/09/08-15
- ???
WinDS Pro 2022/07/14
- dodano emulator Project64 (n64 i Ares (Multiemulator)
WinDS Pro 2022/06/30
- dodano emulatory CITRA i CXBX
WinDS Pro 2022/06/23
- ???
WinDS Pro 2022/06/16
WinDS Pro 2022/01/02
- New version of WinDS PRO 2022.01.02 now with color themes to choose from, in addition to the already known Light and Dark themes, you can choose Light Yellow, Light Cyan, Light Green, Dark Blue, Dark Red and Dark Magenta.
- We simplified the finder so that it shows more icons at the same time, with Windows 11 style.
- Search for the game console name to find the emulators for the console you want to play.
WinDS Pro 2021/09/05
- New WinDS PRO 2021.09.05. We simplify the search engine to show more icons at the same time, with Windows 11 style.
- Search for the name of the game console to find the emulators for the console you want to play.
→ NOWSZY [MULTI] WinDS PRO 2020.10.12
→ NOWSZY [MULTI] WinDS PRO 2019.10.13
→ NOWSZY [MULTI] WinDS PRO 2019.05.04
→ NOWSZY [MULTI] WinDS PRO 2015.11.2
WinDS PRO 2015.11.20:
- New version 2015.11.20
- New DeSmuME r5322 (32 and 64 bit)
- New VBA-M 2015.11.19
- New Citra 2015.11.19 (64 bits)
- Citra now runs "Use hardware renderer" and "Use shader JIT" for speed It is installed alongside the emulators "Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015" to use Citra.
→ NOWSZY [MULTI] WinDS PRO 2015.07.20
→ NOWSZY [MULTI] WinDS PRO 2015.03.1
→ NOWSZY [MULTI] WinDS PRO 2015.01.27
→ NOWSZY [MULTI] WinDS PRO 2015.0.0
→ NOWSZY [MULTI] WinDS PRO 2014.12.06
wstecz02/10/2013 23:21