
[multi] Ep128Em

[4] @ !!! Niedziela, 22 Stycznia 2017 00:39 CET [22-01-2017 00:26 CET]

[multi] Ep128Em

EP128emu to emulator mikrokomputerka Enterprise 64/128 - konstrukcja pochodzi z lat 83 - 85, opartym na architekturze Z80 Zilog, która podbiła przede wszystkim rynek węgierski. Enterprise (a w fazie przygotowań nazywany także DPC, Samurai, Oscar, Elan czy też Flan) pozwalał... udawać ZX Spectrum (po wymianie ROM) i wspierał AmiSoft Amstrada.

Tak samo i emulator, po podmianie romów i przebrnięciu przez ustawienia możemy mieć emulator i Sinclaira, i Amstrada. W chwili obecnej emulator instaluje się z trzema gustownymi skrótami pozwalającymi na odpalenie go w trybie ZX Spectrum, Amstrada i Enterprise - fajne.

Changes in version

  • fixed error on Windows with non-ASCII characters in the user name
→ [multi] Ep128Em 2.0.11

Changes in version 2.0.11

  • implemented Videoton TVC emulation
  • the epimgconv utility has a graphical user interface now, and it can also convert images to TVC format
  • various improvements and new features in the epcompress utility
  • SID card emulation using reSID 1.0
  • the debugger window has been made resizeable within a limited range
  • improved support for Unicode characters in file names on Windows
  • unformatted or non-FAT floppy disk images default to 80/2/9 geometry if the file size is 737280 bytes
  • fixed bug in re-opening files selected with a file chooser dialog
  • fixed FILE device bug in EXOS 10 with files larger than 64 KB
  • some other bug fixes
→ [multi] Ep128Em 2.0.10
Sorcery na Enterprise. Bardzo trudno znaleźć tytuł dedykowany na Enterprise (zresztą i tak były to zazwyczaj porty), ale komputer był zgodny z CPC/Spectrum więc tytułów, w które na nim można pograć nie brakuje.

EP128emu v2.0.10 13/11/2016

  • implemented mouse (EnterMice) support in the Enterprise emulation
  • when loading a snapshot from the command line, the machine type is autodetected from the file if not specified
  • window icons have been implemented on non-Windows platforms if the emulator is built with FLTK 1.3.3 or newer
  • on the Enterprise and CPC, the external joysticks can now have a second and third fire button, configured as keys 0x75-0x76 (EXT1) and 0x7D-0x7E (EXT2)
  • more accurate emulation of NICK port reading and floating data bus
  • improved timing accuracy of NICK and DAVE port I/O (this may break compatibility with some demo files recorded with older versions)
  • implemented EXOS function 10 (set and read channel status) in the FILE: device and epfileio.rom
  • screenshots are saved in PNG format instead of BMP
  • new Lua functions: writeROM(), writeWordROM(), and loadROMSegment()
  • building with Lua 5.2 or 5.3 is now supported
  • added support for building 64-bit Windows binaries
  • OpenGL has been made an optional dependency at compile time
  • epimgconv and other utilities are included with the emulator package
  • snapshot and demo files can be compressed in epcompress format
  • experimental SD card emulation using code from LGB's Xep128, included only if enabled at compile time
  • various bug fixes and minor optimizations
wstecz22/01/2017 00:39
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