OpenMSX Launcher jest nakładką napisaną w javie dla OpenMSX - crossplatformowego emulatora całej rodziny mikomputerów MSX. Co prawda w dystrybucji OpenMSX mamy Catapult, jeśli jednak przytłacza kogoś ilość opcji może spróbować skorzystać z tego mininakładki.
Version 1.13 - released Mar 22, 2020
- Added find related games
- Added sound quick filter
- Added system field (MSX or ColecoVision) to game properties
- Minor graphical changes to game properties
Version 1.12 - released Nov 3, 2019
- Added quick filters
- Added tool tip showing current set filters when hovering over the filters box
- Added ability to filter by video source (if set manually in the profile)
- Added screenshot and sound and generation LED transition effects
Bug Fixes:
- Settings screen not closing when clicking OK while MSX News service was disabled
→ [msx] openMSX Launcher v1.11
Version 1.11 - released Aug 10, 2019
- Added support for input devices and GFX9000 in game profiles
- Changed the look of the search and favorite lists
Version 1.10.6 - released Dec 16, 2018
- Added number of disks or tapes in multi-disk/multi-tape games in the game properties window
- Added support for harddisk hdd extension
- Added JRE version to the About window
Bug Fixes:
- Disabled the delete button after deleting an entry in the list (after which no element is selected)
- Fixed JRE location via registry for version 9 and later
- Fixed the log filename to read when messages log is rotated
→ [msx] openMSX Launcher v1.10.5
Version Version 1.10.5 - released Mar 31, 2018
- Provided an option to allow TCL scripts to override or be added to other profile fields when starting a game. The old behavior was to always override. This is useful when, for example, running games that require GFX9000
- Allow the Windows executable to take an optional parameter that points to the location of the JRE on the machine
- Removed rarely updated MSX sites from the news service and kept only MSX Launchers, MRC and MSX Blog
- Added 'col' extension to the list of acceptable ROM types
- Added support for disk and tape XML databases (tape XML file is the one supplied by blueMSX). These will provide more info on known disk and tape dumps
- Added service to retrieve MSX news from common MSX websites
→ [msx] openMSX Launcher v1.10
Version 1.10 - released November 11, 2017
- Added support for disk and tape XML databases (tape XML file is the one supplied by blueMSX). These will provide more info on known disk and tape dumps
- Added service to retrieve MSX news from common MSX websites
→ [msx] openMSX Launcher v1.9
Version 1.9 - released July 9, 2017
- Added IPS and UPS patch tools
- Added ability to change machines in launcher profiles
- Added Polish language
- Changed the order of events in the Activity Viewer to show most reccent on top
- Made graphical changes to the menus
→ [msx] openMSX Launcher v1.8
Version 1.8 - released Septebmer 12, 2016
- Added ability to disable second or both disk drives per game. This is useful for some disk and tape games that require more memory
- Added Activity Viewer tool to view game launch history as well the most played games
Internal changes:
- Added logging. Currently game launch events (used by the new Activity Viewer tool) and launcher command line output are logged
→ [msx] openMSX Launcher v1.7
Version 1.7 - released July 30, 2016
- Changed main window look and added sound and generation indicators when selecting a game
- Allowed extensions to be set in addition to ROMs. In older versions, you could not set both ROMs and extensions at the same time
Bug fixes:
- Fixed many minor bugs
Version 1.6 - released May 1, 2016
- Added search for games by name or SHA1 code
- Improved keyboard support and added more keyboard shortcuts
- Removed 'Update all databases' from Action menu and incorporated the functionality in the upgrade system. Instructions on how to enable it are in the help file
Bug fixes:
- Enhanced the in-line upgrade system (accessible through 'Help->Check for Updates')
- Fixed many minor bugs
Version 1.5 - released October 17, 2015
- Switched to JDK 8. Now Java Runtime Environment 8 or higher is needed to run the launcher
- Added support for viewing, deleting and restoring database backups
- Drag and drop game files and directories on the main window of the launcher for quick adding to the current database
Bug fixes:
- Fixed many minor bugs
→ [msx] openMSX Launcher v1.4
Version 1.4 - released Feb 7, 2015
- Added favorites support
- Added ability to check for updates from within the launcher and the ability to update automatically
- Made changes to main window
- Allow only one instance of the launcher to run
Bug fixes:
- The extensions list in the Add/Edit profile was not showing the extensions for the latest versions of openMSX after the switch from directories to XML files. This should work now for all versions of openMSX. There is similar to the machines listing bug that was fixed in the previous version of the launcher
Internal changes:
- Switched to an embedded database (Apache Derby) from CSV files to store launcher data. All user's CSV files are migrated to the new embedded database automatically when new launcher is started for the first time
- Old backups are deleted. The new version allows to take backups but they still cannot be restored
→ [msx] openMSX Launcher v1.3
Version 1.3 - released July 6, 2014
- Switched to JDK 7. Now Java Runtime Environment 7 or higher is needed to run the launcher
- Added Database Manager to rename or delete databases
- Simplified the settings window by removing the machines field and adding a button to detect the openMSX path (Note: Mac users need to set the openMSX path value to /Applications or the directory where the launcher is installed)
- The update all databases tool now returns the number of updated profiles
- Added keyboard short-cuts
- Added a tool to import blueMSX Launcher databases (only for the Windows version)
- Added total known dumps to the profile properties window
Bug fixes:
- The machines list in the Add/Edit profile and Fill Database screens was not showing the machines for the latest versions of openMSX after the switch from directories to XML files. This should work now for all versions of openMSX
→ [msx] openMSX Launcher v1.2
Version 1.2 - released May 4, 2014
- Added ability to filter databases by company, year, country, medium, size, MSX generation, sound chip and genre
- Added game properties in the right-click contect menu
- Added ability to update game extra data in all databases. Useful when there's a new version of the accompanying extra-data.dat file
- Added slight display improvements to the Mac version
- Added ability to select a game in the list by typing the first few letters of its name
Bug fixes:
- Some fields set internally in the game profile (and only now displayable in the new properties screen) were not correct. The new 'Update all databases' feature fixes that automatically
wstecz21/03/2020 00:01
Inne treści związane z tematem
Po raz drugi udało się autorowi CPCEC zrobić mnie na szaro:) Właśnie wtedy kiedy nie było czasu na aktualizację i oko me powędrowało w inną stronę autor jednak postanowił się podzielić nową odsłoną:P Stąd i opóźnienie w newsach... zresztą jak widać takich niespodzianek już jest parę.
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[msx] Novo Player 1.11 08/12/2024
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[msx] openMSX v20.0 22/09/2024
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Po raz drugi udało się autorowi CPCEC zrobić mnie na szaro:) Właśnie wtedy kiedy nie było czasu na aktualizację i oko me powędrowało w inną stronę autor jednak postanowił się podzielić nową odsłoną:P Stąd i opóźnienie w newsach... zresztą jak widać takich niespodzianek już jest parę.
CPCEC to projekt Cesara Nicolas-Gonzaleza pakietu emulatorów ZXSEC - czyli ...
Po raz drugi udało się autorowi CPCEC zrobić mnie na szaro:) Właśnie wtedy kiedy nie było czasu na aktualizację i oko me powędrowało w inną stronę autor jednak postanowił się podzielić nową odsłoną:P Stąd i opóźnienie w newsach... zresztą jak widać takich niespodzianek już jest parę.
CPCEC to projekt Cesara Nicolas-Gonzaleza dwóch emulatorów ZXSEC - ...