VGB to kolejny emulator autorstwa Marata Fayzullina, który spłodził naprawdę spory zestaw emulatorów pod Androida i Symbiana (fMSX, VGB, iNES, MG, ColEm, Speccy, AlmostTI), jak nie trudno zgadnąć po skrócie pozwala on na emulację handheldów firmy Nintendo GameBoy, GameLink, GameBoy Pocket, GameBoy Light, GameBoy Color, Super GameBoy oraz dodatków do konsolek.
New in This Version
- Added support for DirectInput joysticks to VGB-Windows.
- Moved all input-related options to the "Input" menu in VGB-Windows.
- Fixed crash when changing audio sampling rate in VGB-Windows.
- Added "Draw 65% Frames" option to VGB-Windows.
- Fixed screen updates after changing scaling algorithm in VGB-Windows.
Author's comment
- The latest free VGB 5.2 was released on July 5, 2017. It adds support for DirectInput joysticks on Windows, fixes crashes when changing audio rate or special effects, adds an menu option to draw 65% of frames, and moves all input-related options to a separate "Input" menu.
→ [gba] Virtual GameBoy for Windows 5.1
New in Version 5.1
- Added "Nearest Neighbor" option to disable linear interpolation.
- Added "Force 4:3 Screen" option to VGB-Windows.
- Fixed "Hit MIDI Drums" option in VGB-Windows.
- Computing effective waveform power when simulating samples via MIDI.
- Fixed 44kHz sound hiccups in VGB-Windows.
- VGB-Windows will not overwrite last .GB file name with .PAL or .STA names.
- Keys [1]-[4] will toggle individual sound channels in VGB-Windows.
- Key [0] will toggle all sound channels in VGB-Windows.
- Added -4x3 command line option to VGB-Unix.
- Updated VGB-Windows icon.
Author's comment
- The latest version, released on February 8, 2017. This release adds options to disable linear interpolation on Windows and force 4:3 "television" screen ratio. I have also fixed several issues with MIDI sound playback and recording, stopped the Windows version from overwriting the last loaded game filename, and updated its icon.
wstecz07/07/2017 12:46