
[GB] Zboy 0.71

[4] @ !!! Poniedziałek, 3 Lutego 2020 14:04 CET [02-02-2020 01:59 CET]

[GB] Zboy 0.71

Mateusz Viste opublikował nową wersję emulatora ZBoy, który pozwoli nam odpalić pod linuksem i windowsem udawaną konsolę NINTENDO GameBoy. Biorąc  pod uwagę dwuletni zastój to i zmian jest odpowiednia ilość, warto z nich nadmienić o supporcie dla spakowanych archiwów (zip), dodanie emulacji dźwięku, zmiany w obsłudze gry poprzez sieć (emulator pozwala na prowadzenie potyczek pomiędzy dwoma emulatorami) i sporą ilość zmian technicznych, które uprzyjemnią nam granie na wirtualnej konsoli.

Zboy posiada również inne funkcjonalności, o których warto wspomnieć - przy praktycznie zerowym wysiłku można podkolorować dowolną grę używając specjalnie spreparowany plik z paletą, czy też pozwala przechowywać tabele highscore dla niektórych gier, które natywnie tego nie potrafiły (brak baterii).

Uwaga, autor przestał rozwijać program pod Windowsy (teoretycznie, można skompilować kod i używać go pod współczesne systemy - Zakładając, że ktoś ma wszystko co trzeba poinstalowane, to kompilacja ogranicza się  do "make -f Makefile.win".), natomiast dołączony plik wykonawczy pozwala emulator odpalić pod staruteńkim DOS'em (ponoć i 486 da radę;))

zBoy v0.71 [30 Jan 2020]

  •  Joypad emulation fix (Galaga & Galaxians controls work now),
  •  --showfps displays fps on-screen instead of using the window's title bar,
  •  video backends (SDL2, Allegro) optimizations,
  •  MMU code simplified (faster, lower RAM usage),
  •  minor sound bug fixes,
  •  dropped Eagle scaling support (Scale2x and Scale3x are much better).
NOWSZY [GB] Zboy 0.71 Windows 27/11/2023
Bomber Boy (1990, Hudson Soft)


zBoy v0.71 27/11/2023

  • The Windows binary has been kindly compiled by Daniel Bruno. It should be compatible with 64-bit editions of Windows.

zBoy v0.71 [30 Jan 2020]

  •  Joypad emulation fix (Galaga & Galaxians controls work now),
  •  --showfps displays fps on-screen instead of using the window's title bar,
  •  video backends (SDL2, Allegro) optimizations,
  •  MMU code simplified (faster, lower RAM usage),
  •  minor sound bug fixes,
  •  dropped Eagle scaling support (Scale2x and Scale3x are much better).


→ [GB] Zboy 0.70
Podkolorowany Bomb Jack (1992, Tecmo LTD)

zBoy v0.70 [22 Jan 2019]

  • Sound support (can be disabled with --nosound),
  • Added ZIP support (zBoy detects ZIP archives, tries to load the first file inside),
  • Adapted code so it compiles fine with -Werror=format-security (thanks to Andrea Musuruane for suggesting that),
  • Implemented hi-scores retention for Crystal Quest, Flipul, SolarStriker, Tail Gator and Quarth,
  • Added colorization support for Crystal Quest, Bomb Jack, Sensible Soccer and Prince of Persia,
  • Fixed joystick support,
  • Fixed the '--noshowfps' command-line parameter,
  • Fixed window computation when WINY is less than 7 (fixed scrolling text on intros in Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and Swamp Thing),
  • Added emulation of incomplete ROM address decoding (fixed several games: WordZap, Blaster Master, Pac-Man special color edition, Turok, Quarth, Zen Intergalactic Ninja),
  • Complete redesign of the Netplay support, compatibility is significantly higher now: works with Tetris Attack, Tetris Blast, F-1 Race and many others,
  • Netplay link peering autodetection on LAN ('--netplay auto' or F12 during gameplay).
→ [GB] Zboy 0.60
GameBoy Classic:Nintendo:ZBoy:F15 Strike Eagle:
F15 Strike Eagle

zBoy v0.60 [30 Apr 2015]

  • Migrated from SDL to SDL2,
  • Created a DOS port using the Allegro library (the port comes with its own setup utility),
  • Dropped the '--noscreensaver' parameter (always enabled now), and replaced the custom screen-saver inhibitor by SDL2's generic routine,
  • zBoy's configuration changes are persistent now,
  • Added a custom colorization feature (--custcolor), so players can colorize games themselves,
  • Fullscreen can be switched in-game on the SDL2 backend (ALT+ENTER),
  • Added colorization support for Pipe Dream,
  • Removed the '--bootlogo' option,
  • Added '--resetcfg' to reset the configuration to default values,
  • Hi-score persistent memory (--hiscores) is enabled by default,
  • PCX screenshots are saved with a 4bpp depth (results in 50% smaller screenshot files),
  • Renamed the '--colorization' option to a shorter '--colorize',
  • Renamed '--hiscoresmem' to '--hiscores' and added '--nohiscores',
  • Renamed '--nospeedlimit' to '--fullspeed' and added '--nofullspeed',
  • Renamed '--nocpuidle' to '--cpuburn' and added '--nocpuburn'.

zBoy v0.53 [16 Mar 2014]

  • Added checks on emulated memory address before writing, to avoid writing in non-allocated areas (Alfred Chicken is not crashing the emulator anymore),
  • Fixed a pointer bug that was making zBoy crashing on ROMs with invalid checksums (was trying to fill a NULL pointer with an error message),
  • Cleaned up the code to compile without warnings on gcc 4.7.2,
  • Fixed interrupts handling (now Bomb Jack and Kingdom Crusade work fine),
  • Fixed HALT handling when IME is OFF (zBoy passes the Blargg interrupt test now),
  • Dropped GUI support (zBoy is command-line driven only - it's too much of a mess to maintain a cross-platform GUI inside zBoy - should be a separate project, but I won't do it myself).


wstecz03/02/2020 14:04
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