jGameBase jest javowskim odpowiednikiem programu GameBase pozwalającym na łączenie kolekcji gier, w postaci obrazów nośników dla poszczególnych platform, z dodatkowymi informacjami, których rozpiętość zależy tylko od widzimisię twórcy takiego archiwum.
→ NOWSZY [GameBase] jGamebase 0.71-4 24/11/2023
jGamebase 0.71-4
- Updated C64lite to GBC19
jGamebase 0.71-3

New Features
- Updated C64lite to GBC17
- Support for alternate emulator roms (GEMUS function "findRom()")
- C64 VICE script now supports different fast loader roms (if supplied)
Bugs Fixed
- Edit musician, even when "Photo" directory is missing
- Creating views with years before or after fixed
- When launching an extra as game the KeyValuePairs from the original game are used
- When launching an extra as game all extracted files are added as items
jGamebase 0.71-2
Bugs Fixed
- Finding a game's "file_to_run" in an extracted archive is now working
- Shortcut "F2" for "Key=Value" pairs
- New/Edit musician dialog now opens in front of other dialogs
jGamebase 0.71-1
New features
- Included GraalsJS because since Java V15 JavaScript is no longer bundled
Bugs Fixed
- "key=value" pairs are case sensitive
jGamebase 0.70-4
Bugs Fixed
- Corrected debian package dependencies for java jre
jGamebase 0.70-3
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed setting "enabled" flag on extras like GameBase does
- Fixed bug exporting to mdb causing an error while importing in GameBase
→ NOWSZY [GameBase] jGamebase 0.70-2
jGamebase 0.70-2
- Bugs Fixed - Fixed bug displaying game most played in About dialog
- Fixed display bug when using a dark theme
jGamebase 0.70-1
New features
- GUI updated for font scaling
- Fonts scalable via options dialog (requires restart) -
- Game emulators started in own process (GUI stays responsive)
- Option to end running game when starting a new one
Removed features
- Extractor plugin for 7z
- Extractor plugin for rar
jGamebase 0.68-6
Bugs Fixed
- Workaround if though the desktop API is supported the used action is not
- Changed default picture viewer from "eog" to "xdg-open"
→ NOWSZY [GameBase] jGamebase 0.70-1
jGamebase 0.70-1
New features
- GUI updated for font scaling
- Fonts scalable via options dialog (requires restart) -
- Game emulators started in own process (GUI stays responsive)
- Option to end running game when starting a new one
Removed features
- Extractor plugin for 7z
- Extractor plugin for rar
jGamebase 0.68-6
Bugs Fixed
- Workaround if though the desktop API is supported the used action is not
- Changed default picture viewer from "eog" to "xdg-open"
→ [GameBase] jGamebase 0.64-6
jGamebase 0.64-6
New features
- Changed minimum Java version to Java 8
- Speed up of image loading by separating image loading per panel
- Implemented image cache
- Updated libraries (derby, hibernate, etc.)
- Applied patches from Paweł Majkutewicz (thanks!)
- Applied jSparrow suggestions
Bugs Fixed
- Reworked "Verify Available Files" GUI
- First game file was not copied if it was not a zipped file and more media files were present
- Implemented workaround for problem in GTK look and feel (thanks to John Negoita)
- fixed that derby.log would be created where user had no write access
→ [GameBase] jGameBase 0.64-5
→ [GameBase] jGameBase 0.64-4
→ [GameBase] jGameBase 0.64-3
jGamebase 0.64-3
Bugs Fixed
- fixed a problem with current rhino (java-javascript engine) releases
jGamebase 0.64-1
New Functionality
- adding a database name and an item id (as displayed in the GUI in the lower left corner) to the command line will launch the specified item (e.g. "jgamebase c64lite G726" will start "Benji - Space Rescue" and "jgamebase c64lite M20544" will play "Another One Bites the Dust"). Thanks to Jim Torelli!
Bugs Fixed
- games spanning multiple disks are extracted correctly
- fixed a problem with scaled down animations