Ukazała się pełna publiczna wersja francuskiego frontendu FTX3 który wzorowany na interfejsie SONY pozwala nam oprócz obsługi emulatorów (ponad 40 emulowanych platform, w tym także MAME) pozwala także przeglądać obrazki i odtwarzać filmy i pliki mp3.
Jednym słowem, potężna multimedialna kobyła, którą naprawdę warto przynajmniej przetestować, dodatkowym atutem FTX3 jest automatyczny download biosów dla obsługiwanych platform.
Co najfajniesze autor jest również autorem modeli 3D starych konstrukcji i jego rendery mogą cieszyć oko, więc warto - nawet dlatego;)
Jak zwykle, frontend można zassać z serwerów MEGA
FTX3 release 1.73B 01/07/16
What's news :
- save position of game, system when exit (v2)
- optimise screen display (v2)
- change design menu (v2)
- ADD 11 new systems v1 & v2 (3d models in v2)
- Gamemaster
- Casio pv1000
- Epoch super vision
- Game pocket computer
- Adventurevision
- Sinclair ZX 81
- Sinclair ZX spectrum
- MS2 sony hitbit
- Tomy tutor Puyaa
- ZX80
- Wiiu
- change many tv screen (V1)
- add FLV format to play (V1 and V2)
- Add SFC snes format roms (V1 and V2)
- ADD 4 player gamecube config, for xbox joystick, thank to "Dragan Slaye" (V1 and V2)
- 2 Players and 1080p for SATURN, thank to "Dragan Slaye" (V1 and V2)
- Add option to disable EXIT on Right stick button, ONLY 3 button reset works after (V1 and V2)
- replace to dolphin-master-4.0-9507-x64 (V1 and V2)
- allow MemoryCard for GAMECUBE (V1 and V2)
- correct exit windows when not joystick ,(speed)
- Correct keys for cpc 6128
- Correct Activation / desactivation system menu (setup)
- Correct purge no used memory cause crash when all system are used!
- note: Activation removed !
→ NOWSZY [Frontend] FTX3 v1.75 beta 1/11/16
FTX Multi tryb v2, fajny graficznie, sterowanie wymaga jeszcze poprawek.
FTX3 1.75 B - 01/11/16
- Correct size 3d box's
- Correct position of 3d box
- Correct mapping 3d box coleco
- Correct mapping 3d box 32x
- correct mapping 3d odyssey 2
- Correct mapping 3d box virtualboy
- Correct mapping 3d box Nintendo DS
- Correct mapping 3d box sega sg1000
- correct missing polygon on 3d objet Nintendo DS
- correct display video on 2 screen, on nintendo DS
- remake box 3d of dreamcast
- correct crash when archives is broken to test crc
- modify range of second light when box3d appear
- correct problems when data not found in one game, display other media of another game !
- correct slow speed when video are playing in V2, due at new ATI card drivers!
- Correct Hide display list when select Screenscrapper on mode 1
- correct input 4 player for gamecube > thank to "Dragan Slaye" to config joys
- correct input 4 player for n64 > thank to "Dragan Slaye" to config joys
- Correct order main Button
- Correct SORT MENU Dsplay problems when 3d BOX are activated
- to play video, install my recommended codecs ,!ucYBGZZQ!AVl_VAU1AiVbIugmcjxfnw!HQIBUSTS
- desinstall you old codecs pack, and install ADVANCED_codecs_v635.exe or >
- win8 / win10 user install Directx_2009.redist.exe and dxwebsetup.exe (same directory as codecs) important for many emulators. n64, ps1, ps2, saturn, etc....
FTX3 1.75 B - 22/10/16
- - correct crash when archives is broken to test crc
- - modify range of second light when box3d appear
- - correct problems when data not found in one game, display other media of another game !
- - correct slow speed when video are playing in V2, due at new ATI card drivers!
- - correct input 4 player for gamecube thank to "Dragan Slaye" to config joys
- - correct input 4 player for n64 thank to "Dragan Slaye" to config joys
ftx3 1.72b (06/04/16)
add :
- add commodore 64
- add atari 800
- sega sg1000
- add megaduck cougar boy
- add supervision
- add oric
- add amstrad cpc 6128
- v2, add information of manufacture, model, year of system
- v2, add information of type of mask, extension roms/iso
- (v2), sort videogames by, manufacture, name system, year, alphabetic
- (v2) on mess handheld system you can choose playing in view handheld (megaduck, supervision, etc....), (V1 impleted today)
- update pcsx2 to v-20160321-x86
- change joystick plugin xinput for xinput joy model on ps2, work better old, and now vibrate mode
- correct in menu all system select, choice error
- correct little actefacts bugs in scroll list game when antialiasing is activated on amd card
ftx3 1.71b (21/02/16)
add :
- change neoraine to 0.64.10
- add in main setup extensions roms/iso choose
- v2 now for choose systems (all system trumbail) with pov pad and stick systems
- commodore 64 is add and model 3d too (v1 and v2)
- manage, arrange, sort, hide systems (v2)
- add some translation (v2)
- to change preview and view trumb, now dpad and stick (speed move) to control available
bugs: (v2)
- language selection error in main setup
- correct joypad xbox problems atari jaguar (only dpad for correct bug)
- correct problem joystick pc engine
- button not appear correctly when aff roms foldfers.
- Arcade cabinet model displayed to change preview, now is not displayed
- correct problems when add image big size...
- Correct problems when no image preview there no video can play
- correct many problems to assign video / play / display pictures
- improve the scrolling selection - correct random problems playing in arcade video
- correct bad position games in handheld - correct crash in setup emu when select the 4 laster emulator to modify
ftx3 1.70b (16/01/16)
add :
- mail activation to use ftx3, now ! (But ftx3 is free)
- frogger coleco handheld (v1 and v2)
- zackman tandy handheld (v1 and v2)
- astro command radio shack handheld (v1 and v2)
- stargate entex handheld (v1 and v2)
- add reel name of handheld
- v2 add many vintage handheld in 3d model (others models come later)
- v2 and v1 antialiasing 3d for nvidia card .
- Pcsx2 20151130-x86
- dolphin master-4.0-8252-x64
- ppsspp-v1.1.1-359 (directx mode because crash on many ati card)
- correct crash when not (0) sphere and change system (v2)
- on v1 correct bugs no return to ftx3 when launch game on dolphin...
- Button are not displayed before launch game info if change form button, corrected..
ftx3 1.69b
add: (v1 and v2)
- v2, add model 3d of atari st, amiga 500, amiga 1200, with fonctionnal systems
- add language french, italian, spanish, english to options v2
- atari tos not found....
- Customise v2 selection bar is not set by default (blue color)
Frontend. Photo@Forum FTX
What News on Ftx3 1.68B
ADD: (v1 and v2)
- DEMUL Updated to v0.7
- NullDC updated by 10.4 r150
- MESS updated by Mess no nag 0.165
- Supermodel Updated to r274
- Dolphin updated to Git 4.0-7478
- EPSXE updated to 1.09.25
- PCSX2 updated to Git-20150828
- MODEL 2 Update to 1.1a
- New Pack BIOS (Need to install)
- Correct bubble not display in arcade first mode MAME (V2)
- Correct when launch arcade model type ftx3 is Stopped and go back on windows .... corrected ... (v2)
- TV model are displayed on background when choice model arcade, naomi ,model 2, model3, corrected (v2)
- Correct on MODEL 2 game not starting (V2)...
- Correct launch problems MODEL 3 when select 4:3 ratio screen (V1)
- Model 2, Only Use Joytomouse for Shooter gun game ( correct PAUSE gamming bugs in game V1, V2)....
- Model 2, Add missing config controler for 12 games
- WINUAE ADD 2 MEGA fast memory for AMIGA CD 32, A500
- SEGA MODEL 3 with controler Xbox, 2 player, credits on same joystick, now corrected ......
What News on Ftx3 1.67B
- Add scanlines Effects to KEGAF (sms, megadrive, 32x)
- Add choice D3D or OPENGL for Dolphin emulator
- Add Customisation tool for Ftx3 V2
- Correct down black strip on video game preview.(V1)
- Correct problems on screen effect to KEGAF, now work :) !!!!
- Correct position of screen Button when launch console type remplacements (V2)
What News on Ftx3 1.66B
- FTX3 V2 select and save video for each games
- SNES detect in name extension the country (USA)(EUROPE) to set snes model pal/ntsc(MESS)
- Ftx3 v2, play video (if exist) on Mess, Mame, format image choice before launch game
- When exit ADDMENU or CONFIG MENU3D the launcher is restarted
- ADD Scanlines options Mame and Mess
- Correct save video for game without game extension
- Problems on New MAME > = 0.162 release, correct HAT CONTROL not working
- Correct problems on directory Video / roms management import (display problems and crash corrected)
- correct bug on select invalid folders
- correct launch problems on MODEL3 when you use your folder with space on name
- correct launch NDS games (crashed with new monitor corrected)
- correct crash in italian and spanish where not joystick are connected in ftx3 V1
- Change default ftx3 MESS emulator (snes, channelf, a2600,a7800,a5200, cdi, vectrex.... ) to 0.162nag release
What News on Ftx3 1.65B
- PSX problems joystick left button mapping correct when low resolution (thank bobnono)
- SNES xbox joy (ABXY) not good mapping (thank bobnono)
- Correct bugs on ADD EMULATOR / many crash's
- Correct missing iso (default) folder in DOLPHIN gamecube & wii
- Correct PCSX2, (automatic installation and setup not work on w8.1), now work !
- Correct DOLPIN, (automatic installation and setup not work on w8.1), now work !
- Change sensibility deadzone for rotate objet 3d (xbox joy)
- Remake monitor system (v1 and v2)
- Steem for w7 and w8 (work correctly on w8 now)
- icon MAME in trumbail in v1 missing (strange bug)
- N64 change input plugins (same w7 as w8), old plugins dont worked on w8.1 and worked on w8.0 (shitting w8.x)
- mode Trumbail BIG SIZE icon crashed corrected when use YOUR ADD EMULATOR
- New PSX game format added = CUE to play PSX music
- correct bug artwork in mame, doesn't work correctly in old release of ftx3
- V1 missing mp4 format recognized for series and concert
- ADD information gamepad to FTX3 V2 at startup
- Correct detection for USERNAME on W8.1 for create setup GC/Wii and PCSX2 (microsoft account problems)
- Correct problem lost path when ADD your EMU and after change folder for another
- ADD position of played games on ADD EMUPERSO (your emulator) V2
- ADD possibility to install ROMS at NETWORK PATH (NAS) V2 (thank bobnono)
- New SATURN game format added = CUE to play music
What News on Ftx3 1.64B
- little correction to SNES objet 3D
- 34 vintage handheld installed
- correct bug in amiga disk swap
- correct crash when add more than 4 emupack and activate trumbaill system
- correct bugs launch config 3D menu and Add Emupack
Nowa funkcjonalność w FTX3 - pozwalająca na dodawanie nowych emulatorów do frontendu.
NEW PUBLIC version. FTX3 1.62 P
- Unpack non native compressed Games for system do not it !
- ADD your OWN emulator, MESS and other SYSTEM EMULATOR, can create one INPUT CONFIG for each games
- Create Portable PACK on your emulator to spread to other user... I have created 15 new systems
- ADD on FTX3 Native Amiga 500, Amiga 1200 (multi disk options in disk swapper)
- ADD SATURN yabause 0.9.13
bugs rectified.....
- Correct joystick detection and user name on win8
- Optimize 3D win7 and WIN 8
- and many others
Systems managed by FTX 3:
- M.A.M.E, SuperNes, nes, Arcadia 2001, Channel F, PC Engine, ColecoVision, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 7800, Vectrex, Playstation 1, Dreamcast, Nintendo 64, Flipper, Intellivision, Sega SATURN, PC Games, SEGA 32X,SEGA MasterSystem, SEGA GENESIS, SEGA MEGACD, ATARI JAGUAR, Amstrad GX4000, AMIGA CD 32, GAME CUBE, WII, GBA, PC-ENGINE CD, LYNX, Philips CDI, GAMEGEAR, GAMEBOY N/B, GAMEBOY COLOR, NEOGEO POCKET, WONDERSWAN, VIRTUALBOY, NAOMI 2, NEOGEOCD, SEGA MODEL 2, PS2, SEGA MODEL 3, TAITO TYPE x-x2, 3DO, NDS, PSP
NEW PUBLIC version. FTX3 1.61P (FR/EN/ES/IT) 22/9/2013
- SETUP UP joystick combo box was still visible after selection joystick.
- First launch two identical keys joystick! corrected .....
- Problems with two controllers connected, some buttons do not work, corrected.
- The Wii does not work correctly with a joystick xbox 360
Cover Box Creator
PATCH for ftx3 1.60 v0 18/9/2013
- correction bug with joystick
- new system Atari st
- new system Odyssey 2
- Cover box creator
- 2 players games for many system
- new console choose menu
- only activated console are displayed
- Support BZ format iso for PS2