Cloanto, odpowiedzialne, za dwa komercyjne projekty AmigaForever i C64Forever, stanowiące nomen omen jedno z nielicznych oficjalnych źródeł gier i plików systemowych Amigi i Commodore, od czasu, co czasu publikuje swoje wersje emulatorów, które stanowią podstawę ich pakietów - WinUAE i nieznacznie zmodyfikowany VICE. Tym razem Cloanto upubliczniło nową wersję VICE, który pozwala na emulację ośmiobitowych komputerów ze stajni Commodore.
W pakiecie znajdują się jedynie binarki, reszta plików niezbędnych do odpalenia emulatora albo w oficjalnej paczce od Cloanto albo z dystrybucji Vice.
Katakis (Rainbow Arts Software GmbH, 1988)
VICE 3.0.cloanto2 Released 18 Apr 2017 21:00:00 UT
- VICE 3.0.cloanto2 (based on official VICE 3.0) is available. Updated to the RetroPlatform Player 7.1 API, which requires C64 Forever 7. Improved multi-monitor, text input and game controller support. See the ChangeLog file in the archive for a detailed list of changes compared to VICE 3.0.
→ NOWSZY [c64] WinVice 3.1 v13 by Cloanto 21/07/2021
VICE 3.1.cloanto 13 21 Jul 2021 16:20:00 UT
- Virtual mouse: improved visual feedback and solved a potential crash on startup.
VICE 3.1.cloanto 12 14 Jul 2021 12:30:00 UT
- VICE 3.1.cloanto12 (based on official VICE 3.1) is available. Added support for square vs. original pixel ratio. Improvements to virtual mouse, screen capture and clipboard text handling. Resolved issues in joystick input, startup keyboard commands, CBM-II disk I/O, and CBM 610 graphics garbage.
Pakiet Forever64 firmy Cloanto ułatwia emulację maszynek 8 bitowych Commodore. Nie jest to może skok jakościowy ale plusem są gotowe konfigurację - np. GEOS z emulacją myszki na jedno kliknięcie.
VICE 3.1.cloanto 11 18 Feb 2021 21:00:00 UT
- VICE 3.1.cloanto11 (based on official VICE 3.1) is available. Improved MAX Machine support.
VICE 3.1.cloanto10 Released 10 Jun 2020 15:00:00 UT
- VICE 3.1.cloanto10 (based on official VICE 3.1) is available. Autostart improvements and bug fixes (resolved issues in C128 80-column mode and launching standalone .prg files with "short" file names).
VICE 3.1.cloanto8 Released 09 Dec 2019 17:30:00 UT
- VICE 3.1.cloanto8 (based on official VICE 3.1) is available. Added support for Cloanto feedback server, implementing application crash handling. Added synchronization code to prevent concurrent calls to the DirectX screen update function, resolving a crash on some systems. Added support for Open Debugger and for Scale 2X video filter RetroPlatform features.
C64 Forever 8 "R3" Released 07 Dec 2019 00:08:03 UT
- C64 Forever 8 "R3" ( released, consolidating more than 75 documented fixes and enhancements, and numerous minor improvements from previous early access updates. The title editor, the setup wizard and the changelog and update experience again received special attention, and so did features relating to keyboard and audio handling. A general priority of this release cycle has been on adding an extra level of polish, once more fixing all known bugs and setting a foundation for improved processing of future issues. This includes support for a new feedback server (for user feedback and application crash handling), which is now also available to emulation plugins. Version 8 users can get the update through the Help/About dialog. The updated full installation package can also be accessed via the original confirmation email or from the new Help/My Downloads and Keys menu item. Additional details can be found in the built-in Changelog feature (in Help/About).
2019-12-02 Version 3.1.cloanto7
- added support for Cloanto crash reporting
2019-03-01 Version 3.1.cloanto6
- added support for Scale 2X RetroPlatform video filter
- added support for Open Debugger RetroPlatform shortcut
2018-12-10 Version 3.1.cloanto5
- added support for RetroPlatform Virtual Mouse
- added screen overlay functionality (for fullscreen controls)
- added TAPE RESET command
- added scale-2x support
2017-09-28 Version 3.1.cloanto4
- added log error details when RetroPlatform startup initialization fails
- added new code to disable the system screen saver
- removed mouse-jitter code to disable the system screen saver
→ NOWSZY [c64] WinVice 3.1 v7 by Cloanto
2019-12-02 Version 3.1.cloanto7
- added support for Cloanto crash reporting
2019-03-01 Version 3.1.cloanto6
- added support for Scale 2X RetroPlatform video filter
- added support for Open Debugger RetroPlatform shortcut
2018-12-10 Version 3.1.cloanto5
- added support for RetroPlatform Virtual Mouse
- added screen overlay functionality (for fullscreen controls)
- added TAPE RESET command
- added scale-2x support
2017-09-28 Version 3.1.cloanto4
- added log error details when RetroPlatform startup initialization fails
- added new code to disable the system screen saver
- removed mouse-jitter code to disable the system screen saver
→ NOWSZY [c64] WinVice 3.1 v3 by Cloanto
VICE 3.1.cloanto3 Released 12 Jul 2017 13:20:00 UT
- VICE 3.1.cloanto3 (based on official VICE 3.1) is available. Addresses performance and compatibility issues with some CPUs.
→ NOWSZY [c64] WinVice 3.1 v2 by Cloanto
VICE 3.1.cloanto 2 Released 04/07/2017
- VICE 3.0.cloanto 2 (based on official VICE 3.0) is available. Updated to the RetroPlatform Player 7.1 API, which requires C64 Forever 7. Improved multi-monitor, text input and game controller support. See the ChangeLog file in the archive for a detailed list of changes compared to VICE 3.0.
VICE 2.4.cloanto10 Released 2 06 2016 18:30
- VICE 2.4.cloanto10 (based on official VICE 2.4) is available. Fixed screen capture in 3X and 4X screen modes. Fixed resuming of fullscreen mode after application switching.
Commando (Data East USA, Inc., 1985) w wersji poprawionej i wzbogaconej przez grupę Nostalgia - warto po nią sięgnąć zmian i ugładzeń tego hitu rodem z salonu arcade naprawdę jest sporo i są one odczuwalne.
2014-06-13 Cloanto RetroPlatform Team <>
- Version 2.4.cloanto8
- src/arch/win32/RetroPlatform.c: keyboard code now supports dead keys (e.g. input of apostrophes with German keyboard)
2014-01-03 Cloanto RetroPlatform Team <>
- Version 2.4.cloanto7
- src/resources.c: added support for comments in resource (INI) files
2013-12-30 Cloanto RetroPlatform Team <>
- Version 2.4.cloanto6
- src/cmdline.c, arc/arch/win32/archdep.c: added -rpdatapath <path> command line option
- src/sound.c, src/sounddrv/sounddx.c: sound initialization errors no longer displayed on screen (log output only) when operating as a RetroPlatform guest
2013-09-03 Cloanto RetroPlatform Team <>
- Version 2.4.cloanto5
- src/arch/win32/fullscrn.c, src/arch/win32/fullscrn.h: improved selection of best fullscreen mode
- src/arch/win32/RetroPlatform.c: added turbo floppy support;
- fixed aspect ratio in full window mode for 80-column systems;
- fixed selection of best fullscreen mode for 80-column systems
- src/arch/win32/video-dx9.c: fixed video_canvas_reset_dx9() return code
- src/sysfile.c: added verbose log info for failed system file load attempts
2013-08-19 Cloanto RetroPlatform Team <>
- Version 2.4.cloanto4
- src/arch/win32/RetroPlatform.c, src/arch/win32/ui.c, src/arch/win32/ui.h: added code for "Cartridge Freeze" key (support for Action Replay cartridges in RetroPlatform player)
- src/cbm2/cbm2mem.c: added NULL pointer check in mem_mmu_translate() (fix for "signal 11" error)
2013-05-23 Cloanto RetroPlatform Team <>
- Version 2.4.cloanto3
- src/arch/win32/RetroPlatform.c, src/arch/win32/RetroPlatform.c:
- src/arch/win32/ui.c: enhanced CPU speed reporting;
- added support for AltGr-generated characters; fixed mouse capture
2013-04-30 Cloanto RetroPlatform Team <>
- Version 2.4.cloanto2
- src/log.c: auto enable log when log filename is set from command line
- src/sysfile.c, arc/arch/win32/archdep.c: loading of system files with alternate names and from alternate path in C64 Forever environment
- src/arch/win32/RetroPlatform.c: updated screen capture code, added support for read-only media, and fixed startup in 80-column mode (C128)
2013-02-26 Cloanto RetroPlatform Team <>
- Version 2.4.cloanto1
- src/arch/win32/archdep.c: fixed a memory allocation issue
- src/arch/win32/RetroPlatform.c: added logic for
- runtime joystick insertion/removal; RP_HOSTINPUT_KEYBOARD support; fixed Pause key handling; improved DirectInput keys support; added support for read-only media
- src/arch/win32/ui.c: added logic for runtime joystick insertion/removal
- src/arch/win32/uicbm2model.c: fixed list of cbm2 systems
- src/drive/driveimage.c: fixed a memory leak in drive_image_attach()
- src/plus4/plus4speech.c: fixed loading of v364 speech ROM
- src/sysfile.c: added alternate naming/location support for system files
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