Arthur Jordison opublikował CBM prg Studio w wersji 3.20.0 czyli wygodny framework, pozwalający nie tylko na edycję plików napisanych w basicu ale też assemblerze. Dodatkowo Studio posiada moduł do tworzenie duszków ("sprite"), edycji fontów i obsługi SID'ów. Nowa wersja to wsparcie dla Mega65 czyli próbą odświeżenia ideii Commodore C65 w stylu Spectrum Next, support dla KickAssemblera i
Autor zachęca do dotacji projektu - warto go wesprzeć, bo do wpalcowywania programów w Basicu jest bardzo poręczny.
New features in v4.1.0:
System Requirements:
- CBM prg Studio will run on any recent PC hardware, The only requirement is .NET 4.6 must be installed.
New features in v4.1.0:
- Hash table generator for Kick assembler.
- List generator for Kick assembler.
- Simple recording tool for SID keyboard for Mega65 projects. This just stores the note value of the last key played as a string to be used with the Play keyword.
- A tool to combine files of the same type (basic or asm) into one file.
- Ability to select some text and save it as a file, optionally opening it in the editor.
- Add import/export as CHARDEF function for Mega65.
- Force users to use the Kick assembler with Mega65 projects. Added a warning if the user tries to untick it but can still use BASIC projects.
- The Data Generator tool can clamp Y values to within a range.
Bugs Fixed:
- Plus/4 target was not saving or loading screen designer background and luminance colours.
- Mega65 basic import not working for certain keywords.
- When creating a project, if you tick the 'Add Basic' or 'Add assembly' file the file is created with no filename, just the file extension.
- Repeat directve.
- There was a slash within a macro definition but not followed by a number but by a label.
- Screen designer does not prompt to save if the only change was to change the colours.
- Background and foreground colours not saving/loading properly for C64 projects.
- In the debugger, searching memory would only search for labels in the watch list. It now searches the label list too.
- BASIC Statistics tool would crash on lines with no BASIC statements.
→ NOWSZY [c64] CBM prg Studio 4.5.0 13/12/2024
New features in v4.5.0:
- Native debugger can record and playback a transcript of user actions.
- Project explorer.
- The 'record' function for the SID tool is now available to C64 projects and has been upgraded to record note frequencies.
- For the screen designer, the colour of the space character can be shown when in re-colour mode.
- 40/80 column selector available for Mega 65 screen designer.
Bugs Fixed:
- Problem with upgrading a project if a backup already exists in the project folder.
- The output directory for kick assembler projects was being ignored.
- For the screen designer, the 'add zero terminator' setting was not being retained on the assembly export form.
- Sprite editor was not available to Mega65 projects.
- When debugging with the VICE debugger, switching projects would use the previous project’s output file.
→ NOWSZY [c64] CBM prg Studio 4.4.0 1/09/2024
CBM prg Studio 4.4.0 1/09/2024
New features in v4.4.0:
- Support for Waterloo Structured BASIC.
- Added custom load address for BASIC programs.
- Added configuration options for SEQ files.
- Added character count for SEQ files.
- The task list can be exported to csv file.
- The File Information window now shows if a file is included in the project and part of the build.
- In-line number base conversion for code editor.
Bugs Fixed:
- pBASIC not processing blank or '!-' style comments.
- .SEQ files could not be opened from the project explorer.
- .SEQ files were not being marked as saved, resulting in prg studio complaining that the file hadn't been saved when quitting.
- 'Close all but current' would show the wrong menu if the current file was .SEQ.
- File not opening at project load if the last open file was .SEQ.
- Clone tool not working for .SEQ files.
- Corrected token values for BASIC 8 programs.
- Problems renaming folders in the project explorer.
- Problem renumbering BASIC code containing RUN.
- PETSCII and CHARCODE commands failed with strings containing spaces.
- Removing files from the project not working for all types of files.
- Adding an existing item to the project when the filename was the same as another file in a different directory would give a 'file already exists' error.
- WHILE and EXIT BASIC65 token values were swapped.
- GO keyword (Hare basic) not tokenised properly for C64 target.
- Task list would refresh when no new tasks added.
- Character count shown when line starts with '!-' or 'TODO'.
- File Rename dialog was truncating long filenames.
- git repo status not being stored in project after init.
- Project backup would fail if project contained a git repo.
- Command line issues with unknown commands.
- git add would fail if the file was not in the project root folder.
- The specified output directory was not being used for all build options.
- Disk images could not use more than eight files.
- Various UI tweaks.
→ NOWSZY [c64] CBM prg Studio 4.3.0 26/05/2024
New features in v4.3.0 26/05/2024
- pBASIC, which allows you to write BASIC (V2) programs without line numbers.
- A screen designer's path can be translated to another position without dragging individual points.
- The assembler's character map can be exported as a list of CharMap directives.
- The character map can be turned on and off via the CharMap directive.
- Double clicking a disk image icon in the project explorer will open it in the configured editor/viewer.
- Improved disk image handling.
- Added Padbyte directive, which overrides the value in the project properties.
- Generated SYS() calls can be obfuscated.
- Better support for the C64Debugger and VICE debuggers from Kick Assembler projects.
- Support for user defined BASIC keywords.
Bugs Fixed:
- The screen designer's path functions were available if there was no path defined.
- The screen designer's path information was not being displayed while in path mode.
- The screen designer's import function does not set the default colour if there's no colour data in the import file.
- The screen designer was not exporting certain characters properly.
- Creating a new project (for non-C64 projects) or setting a project's target did not change the target drop down on the main form.
- The assembler's character map dialog was not handling hex values properly.
- Project properties 'include all' and 'exclude all' buttons ignoring 'show full path' setting.
- File combination tool crash.
- File combination tool not showing basic end line number.
- Screen Code Builder tool for C128 projects not using correct CBM key codes.
- Improved disk image handling.
- Caps lock indicator not working for assembly programs.
- SBC in decimal mode would not set flags correctly with underflow.
- Adding a new item would silently fail if nothing was selected in the project explorer.
New features in CBM prg Studio v4.2.1:
- The project explorer files can be filtered.
- The sprite editor can flip (U/D, L/R) a sprite to a different sprite. Makes creating character animations easier as there is no copying/pasting involved. Possibly extend this to other operations, such as invert, shift etc.
- The colour palette values can be seen by hovering the mouse over the colour selectors in the sprite, character and screen editors.
- The colour palette values can be saved to a VICE compatible file.
- The debugger's stack window can set the PC from an address on the stack.
Bugs Fixed:
- Decimal mode for ADC and SBC instructions.
- Append to disk image was not working.
- Function key codes for C128 projects were incorrect.
- Problems with changing the user palette values.
→ NOWSZY [c64] CBM prg Studio 4.2.0 28/10/2023
New features in v4.2.0:
System Requirements:
- CBM prg Studio will run on any recent PC hardware, The only requirement is .NET 4.6 must be installed.
New features in v4.2.0:
- Proper project directory structure. The Project Explorer now behaves like the Windows File Explorer in that you can create sub-directories, drag files between directories etc.
- .prg files now appear in the project explorer and can be launched in an emulator by double clicking them. They can also have their own output directory, away from the project root if necessary.
- File properties in the Project Explorer have been moved from hovering over the file to clicking on it. The properties are shown below the project explorer.
- Native debugger can save and load a snapshot. There is a new snapshot manager to help with this.
- Watch directive now can have an optional comment.
Bugs Fixed:
- Decimal mode for ADC and SBC instructions.
- Breakpoint directive setting wrong type of hit condition when using labels.
- Debugger's Set Registers form using wrong format.
- Loading a file into the debugger would format the load address to 24 bits for C64 projects.
- The breakpoint list would increase every time the debugger was started.
→ [c64] CBM prg Studio 4.0.1 29/12/2022
New features in v4.0.1:
- Added Emulator pre/post build command which returns the current emulator path.
- Option to choose BASIC import with upper or lower case keywords.
Bugs Fixed:
- Auto launch not working for Kick projects.
- If Kick assembly fails the last successfully built prg file is launched.
- Formed wrong address with indirect jump on page boundary.
- Breakpoints not passed when debugging projects.
- Delete/disable all breakpoints only deletes/disables from current file, not all files.
- Corrected line length warning for Mega65 projects.
- Corrected aspect ratio for VIC screens.
New features in v4.0.0:
- Kick Assembler support.
- Mega65/Basic65 support.
- Revamped title screen.
- Plus many more. See the help documentation for details.
Bugs Fixed:
- Too many to list here, see the help for a complete list of new features and fixed bugs.
New features:
- Assembler:
- Added support for Kick Assembler.
- Use a label as a 'relocate' parameter.
- Change 'repeat' directive to accept hex parameters.
- Added a lowercase option to the preview dialog.
- Generate BASIC loader only creates uppercase code which can't be pasted into VICE.
- Remember the position and size of the assembly output window (native assembler).
- Debugger:
- Added 'warp speed' to run large chunks of code as fast as possible, bypassing the debugger's timer.
- Add cycle count breakpoint to debugger.
- Remember defaults on debugger settings.
- Add a hotkey to close the debugger (alt-f4).
- General:
- Added Mega65 target.
- Added tool to convert cps project to kick project. This only converts the CPS project info, not the source code.
- Optionally add new basic and/or assembly files when creating a project.
- Rename a project.
- Added link to CBM prg Studio to Kick Assembler tool.
- Add PETSCII and CHARCODE commands to generate petscii and char code values for strings.
- Process/edit/create SEQ files.
- Ctrl B to toggle a bookmark.
- Screen Editor:
- Added ability to load an image into the background of the screen designer to use as a template.
- Export a screen design in a raw format and optionally add a load address.
- SID Tool:
- Extended the 'copy voice' function to copy a voice to the two other voices at the same time.
- Character Editor:
- Add animator to character editor.
Bugs fixed:
- Assembler:
- The DebugStartAddress doesn't like a colon at the end of a label and also doesn't complain if it can't find the label.
- "Included file too large" error for files which aren't too large.
- Breakpoint list would grow every time a debugging session was started.
- LAX abs,y was wrong, it should have been encoded as $BF.
- Equals sign in a TEXT directive didn't assemble.
- Issue with creating variables with complex expressions.
- General:
- Custom colours are not saved/loaded.
- When creating a new project, BASIC programs sometimes have a line number as well as a character count.
- The gitignore file wasn't being stored in the project's directory but in the directory above that.
- Auto format settings for the Assembler settings weren't being saved.
- Renumbering a basic program with ON..GOSUB threw an exception.
- Importing basic 7 programs failed with extended basic keywords "RWINDOW" and "DSAVE".
- Screen Editor:
- When opening the "Import Characters from Bitmap" window, the "Colour Thresholds" controls are all enabled even if the "Multicolour" checkbox is unset.
- Recolour is temperamental.
- Wrong default address for VIC20 screen editor.
- Crash loading custom VIC20 screens.
New features in v3.14.0:
Well it's been nearly two years since the last release (v3.13) of CBM prg Studio and so I'm really pleased to announce the release of version 3.14!
There's a lot of new features and bug fixes in this version, and there's a huge thank you to OldSkoolCoder for encouraging me to get back into this project and also helping with the new Git integration feature.
- Git integration.
- BASIC 7 abbreviations.
- Connect SID tool to MIDI devices.
- Screen editor digitiser tool.
- Sprite editor character import.
- Resize VIC20 screen designs.
- Screen compression.
Bugs Fixed:
- Too many to list here, see the help for a complete list of new features and fixed bugs.
Note:In this version, screens saved from the screen designer are not compatible with previous versions of CBM prg Studio.
New features in v3.13.0:
This is mostly a bug-fix version, though there are some small new features. See the help file for details.
Bugs Fixed:
- Assembler:
- Problems with spaces in expressions.
- Problems with spaces in 'repeat' parameters.
- Screen codes in byte/text directives not generated properly.
- Breakpoints were not sent to a debugger properly when building projects.
- Some zero page optimisation issues.
- Renumber problems for programs with multiple 'ON' statements
- Problems with importing/generating PI and other characters.
- Some characters missing from import.
- Screen Code tool:
- CBM key would lock sometimes.
- General:
- Code snippets had to be re-generated.
- 'Go to' dialog crash with large files.
- 'Go to' dialog caused weird zooming issues.
- Issues with selected columns of text.
- Problems with compress/uncompress with some control codes.
New features in v3.12.0:
- Assembler:
- SaveBlock directive.
- Repeat..EndRepeat directive.
- Improved "IfDef" directive.
- Start address can be a label.
- Screen Editor:
- New export options for assembly and BASIC programs.
- General:
- "Go to" dialog can now use BASIC line numbers.
- Cursor colour can be changed.
- Cursor blinking can be turned on/off.
- Debugger:
- Variables can be watched.
- Separate windows for the stack, breakpoints and watches.
- Stack pointer shown in stack window.
- Support for the "C64 Debugger". See here for details of this debugger.
Bugs Fixed:
- Assembler:
- A comma in quotes as a text or byte directive was not being generated.
- Reformatting text issues.
- Global variables appearing twice in the autocomplete list.
- Forward references for local labels in macros not assembling.
- Incorrect 'Jump to destination' and 'return from jump' with 'similar' line numbers.
- Screen Editor:
- Screen mode not being saved/recalled properly.
- Binary file export problems.
- General:
- Crash when using certain mono fonts.
- Bad formatting of output from data generator tool.
New features in v3.10.0:
- Assembler:
- Increased sprite include limit to 256.
- 'Memory overwrite' error is now a warning.
- Use CTRL+[ and CTRL+] to go to previous/next label definition.
- Sprite Editor:
- Added new functionality to scratchpad.
- Functions can act over a range.
- Character Editor:
- Rotate character 90 degrees.
- General:
- Option to load last edited project automatically.
Bugs Fixed:
- General:
- Using space(s) with screen code builder.
- Wrong menu after creating a project.
- Occasionally throws an exception when closing and opening the project explorer, project information and output windows.
- 'User' palette settings not saved/used.
- 'User' tools menu not created properly.
- Generate and launch could use wrong filename.
- VIC 20 memory configuration not set properly in emulator.
- Tabs with different zoom levels would crash when changing tabs.
- Assembler:
- Uppercase PETSCII chars not generated properly.
- IncBin wrongly reporting file too large.
- Floating point value 0.0 not generated correctly.
- Renumber not working for certain uppercase keywords.
- Character code multiplier limited to 255.
- Compress should ignore comment lines.
- SID Tool:
- Incorrectly reporting that the tool was still open when quitting CBM prg Studio.
New features in v3.9.0:
- Assembler:
- TARGET directive.
- Logical operators with 'ifdef'.
- Complex expressions for constants.
- Debugger:
- Pass label names to debugger.
- Screen Editor:
- Show ECM register in status bar.
- Sprite Editor:
- Character Editor:
- Change scratchpad background colour.
- Easier navigation.
- General:
- Command window.
- Autolaunch prg name is per project.
- Import SEQ files.
- Force rebuild of source.
- Abbreviated commands for BASIC 3.5.
- Removed spaces on code generation.
- Force rebuild of source.
Bugs Fixed:
- Screen Editor:
- ECM tools (re-colour, box, text).
- Assembler:
- Some character translation issues ('[', ']', '_') etc.
- Fixed quoted and DATA strings for basic 3.5.
- Renumbering certain 'ON...' lines.
- Reformatting code.
- Syntax highlighting for BASIC 3.5
- Much faster code generation
- Some incorrect tokens for BASIC 7+
See the help for a complete list of new features and fixed bugs.
Note In this version, each target machine can have its own default project directory. If you are upgrading from a previous version (before version 2.5.1) of CBM prg Studio you may be asked to set up your project directories again. Your current projects will not be affected.
Although CBM prg Studio is a free application, please consider making a donation to encourage me to develop it further, especially if you use CBM prg Studio regularly or for commercial purposes. Donators get put onto my mailing list (with permission) which means you get:
- priority bug fixes,
- new beta versions for requested features or changes,
- my eternal gratitude!
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