
[Atari] Virtual Jaguar Rx R4B 21/07/2022

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[Atari] Virtual Jaguar Rx R4B 21/07/2022

Powrót emulatora ATARI Jaguar - Virtual Jaguar, tym razem z dodatkowym RX w nazwie (ma zaznaczyć dodany do emulatora debugger), z kodem na GitHub, przepisanym pod bibliotekę QT i paroma innymi zmianami... Cieszy, że ktoś wrócił do tej zacnej platformy, mniej cieszy, że póki co, dość ciężko idzie emulacja (stara wersja jest znacznie stabilniejsza).

Będzie lepiej... emuFrance wrzuciło link do pełniejszego zestawu ostatnich releasów - warto również zerknąć.

Virtual Jaguar v2.1.3 R4B PreRelease GCC/Qt

  • Added a save state feature (based from PvtLewis's patch - Atari Age's forum).
  • Help|Content updates.
  • Merged convenience fixes #64 from 42Bastian.
    • Start of RISC disassembly moved to F03000, GPU memory browser in longs, and fixed object list display.
  • Fix parameter's address pointer and update icons usage for the Local variables window.
  • Added a command line option to fill the entire system space with 0.
  • M68K disassembly display the Bcc's logic result only when the line match with current PC.

Virtual Jaguar v2.1.3 R4A GCC/Qt

Dragon: Bruce Lee Story (1993, Atari)
  • Fix specific breakpoints for ROM cartridge writing or unknown memory location writing

Virtual Jaguar v2.1.3 R4 GCC/Qt

  • Fixed a crash legacy issue when emulator launches in Alpine mode without a valid rom
  • Stability improvements for the DWARF information decoding, the all watch, and the debugger memory windows
  • Improvements and fixes for the Heap allocation, the Alpine tab, the emulator status, Local & all Watch variables windows
  • Debugger mode improvements, better source code file reading and ELF/DWARF structures decoding
  • Breakpoint / alert box may now occur in case of writing at unknown memory location or in case of ROM writing
  • UI modifications mostly for the debugger mode, key bindings, and icons
  • Added screenshot & call stack window features, Jaguar model & BIOS configurations, and a source code files list viewer
  • Added multiple breakpoints feature but only for M68K functions
  • Added a Save Dump As... feature to save a memory zone to a file
  • Added a cartdridge view menu to display cartdridge directory system and his files list
  • Added some log information for the emulator initialisations
  • Added search paths in case of missing DWARF directories information
  • Added ELF sections check so a potential unknown section will stop, or not stop, the ELF structure decoding
  • Minor misspellings fixes and text help update
  • The -d command line option, dedicated to the debugger, has been renamed with -D
  • Updates for the setup registries

Virtual Jaguar v2.1.3 R3 GCC/Qt

  • Added an Exception Vector Table browser window
  • Modified the About window to update the credits list in a more appropriate way
  • Fixed a crash when reading the DWARF information in the case of the DWARF2 format has not been used
  • Added ui, alpine & debugger groups in the settings
  • Added the possibility to erase settings
  • Added the --es-all, --es-ui, --es-alpine & --es-debugger options to erase specific settings
  • Added a key bindings tab and adapted the configuration dialog tabs
  • Fixed a crash, in Release mode, when the HW labels setting is turn on
  • Fixed the SP (Stack) window UI potential missing data
  • Create a directory for EEPROMs (based on the EEPROMs setting) if it doesn't already exist
  • Keep the scrollbar position in accordance of the M68K PC pointer
  • Fixed a crash when DWARF information report a source line number exceeding the number of lines present in a source file
  • Improved the .heap section detection to avoid a detection error
  • Fixed a crash when DWARF information does references to missing source code files
  • Added a Local browser window for local variables

Virtual Jaguar v2.1.3 R2 GCC/Qt

  • Added some error detections when reading the ELF executable file
  • Added all hardware labels (based on the document scans from the Version 2.4 - June 7, 1995)
  • "Step Over" code function for BSR/JSR functions
  • Added the .debug_ranges detection to avoid a detection error
  • DWARF format support
  • Added an All Watch browser window for non-local variables
  • Added a heap allocator browser window based on my own memory allocation functions
  • Added additional 4 memory browser windows with address input based on hexa, decimal or symbol name
  • Windows refreshing executed only if windows is visible
  • Added a restart function
  • Updated the About window to update the credits list
  • Fixed (hacking) the display of the SP (Stack) memory browser
  • Set the emulator in Halt mode when launched in alpine debug mode without a loaded rom
  • Added some information in the --help/-h/-? option
  • --debugger option no longer force the log file
  • Added a --dram-max option to extend the DRAM size to 8MB
  • Added the "enter" key support when setting the BPM (Breapoint)
  • Save the windows positions, size and visibilities (show or hide) status

Virtual Jaguar v2.1.3 R1 GCC/Qt

  • BPM (Breapoint) now stop at the designated address and no longer stop after executing the code
  • Added SP (Stack) memory browser
  • User can change now the number of lines of disassembly displayed in the tracing window
  • User can turn on/off the op-codes associated in the disassembly lines displayed in the M68K tracing window
  • Added an emulator status window (GPU status, M68K debugger & tracking status)
  • Added a GPU disassembly tracing window - Display the current PC pointer
  • Added a DSP disassembly tracing window - Display the current PC pointer
  • Added possibility to change refresh rate of browser windows when emulation is launched
  • Display partial hardware labels (Internal Memory & Graphics sub-system address space) in the disassembly lines displayed in the M68K tracing window
  • User can turn on/off the hardware labels associated in the disassembly lines displayed in the M68K tracing window

Virtual Jaguar v2.1.3 R0 GCC/Qt

  • New option --debugger
  • ELF format support
  • ELF debug symbol support
  • "Step Into" code function
  • Menus layout dedicated to the debugger
  • Added a dedicated main window for tracing (M68K)
  • Added a Debugger tab in the config tab
→ [Atari] Virtual Jaguar 2.1.2 Bugfix
Atari Jaguar:VirtualJaguar:RayMan:Ubi Soft Entertainment Software:Ubi Soft Entertainment Software:1995:
RayMan (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software, 1995)

Virtual Jaguar v2.1.2 GCC/Qt

  • Bugfix for catastrophic failure in Controller config dialog. Thanks to ggn for reporting this! [Shamus]
→ [Atari] Virtual Jaguar 2.1.1

Virtual Jaguar v2.1.1 GCC/Qt

  • Added controller profiles. What this means is that if you left your gamepad behind and/or have a different one, VJ will let you create a controller config for the new controller without destroying the old one. This also means that if you have *no* controllers, you can still play VJ with the keyboard. [Shamus]
  • Fixed a few problems with the DSP a timing; as a result, the sound in Rayman and the FACTS demo is correct now. [Shamus]
  • Removed toolbar from full screen mode. [Shamus]
  • Added analog inputs to gamepad support. [Shamus]
  • Fixed 6MB cartridge space access limitation. 6MB carts should work now. [Shamus]
  • Fixed problem with JERRY interrupts corrupting the M68K core. [Shamus]
wstecz22/07/2022 00:43
Do ściągnięcia
virtualjaguar-wDebugger x64 R5b pre-Release-t2e.pl.zip
virtualjaguar-wDebugger x64 R4a Release-t2e.pl.zip
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