Pojawiła się kolejna pełna wersja STEEM'a i oprócz poprawek pojawił się wątek nazewnictwa - pierwotnie ten fork Steem'a nazwany został Steaven Seagal Edition, obecnie ponoć skrót SSE należy rozwijać jako ST Enhanced Emulator Sensei Software Edition - przynajmniej tak pisze jego twórca. Tak czy siak to Steem SSE, nie ważne jak go nazwać, jest jednym z ciekawszych emulatorów maszynek ze stajni Tramiela.
Po latach pozwala powrócić do tytułów na ATARI ST (co prawda bez fikuśnego i egzotycznego Falcona) i namacalnie sprawdzić, co ta platforma miała do zaoferowania (a że miała i co ciekawsze przetrwała jako symbol 16 biciaka do pracy, a nie do zabawy jest niepodważalne).
Do pobrania pod "okienka" trzy wersje - "DD" (Dx7) i "D3D" (DirectDraw3D9), ta ostatnia powinna fajniej chodzić pod Windows 10. Wersja debug jest wersją z dodatkowymi narzędziami, pozwalającymi na śledzenie procesu emulacji.
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R32
- Fix regression in keyboard click check (Game Over II)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R31
- Fix large border at startup and other glitches
- Emulation thread less hang-prone
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R30
- Fix fullscreen colour bitmap of Colour control on second monitor
- Emulation thread less crash-prone when changing ST Video/display options live As mentioned in the blog we say Steem SSE again instead of Steem 4
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R29
- Fix emulation thread/fullscreen random hanging
- Fix fullscreen crash in Windows XP 64bit (thx Marc)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R28
- Fix some glitches for GUI, fullscreen, option Lock aspect ratio

Steem SSE 4.0.2 R27
- Debugger fixes only
- Patches for Monkey Island, Chrono Quest, Formula One Grand Prix (I saw the bugs while doing the patches!)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R26
- Fix save screenshot to file when freeimage.dll loaded
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R25
- Fix crash on Disk manager 'Get contents' of a unrecognised, non-archive file
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R24
- (re)Fix PRG/TOS support STF
- Debugger (re)fix crash on config change
- Fix save screenshot to clipboard when freeimage.dll loaded (D3D)
- 6301 random mouse state on reboot
- Faster rendering in medium resolution (32bit)
- Fix overscan, no border corruption
- Green disk manager
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R23
- Reset LINEWID (thx Vincent Rivière)
- Fix .TOS file support on STE
- 64bit: real clippling for OSD texts
- Some debugger fixes
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R22
- Mapping files for US keyboard on UK TOS and UK keyboard on US TOS
- Some Status info page fixes
- Fix wrong doc files (v4.1.0) in package
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R21
- R21 Fix PRG or TOS file not reloaded on startup
- Fix loading AUTOMATION PACKER V2.3r PRG files
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R20
- MFM emulation write to disk (R9 bug)
- Fix display rendering method on startup with no borders and other little glitches
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R19
- Fix Use Pasti for all floppies and ACSI option (R9 bug)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R18
- Restore Windows XP compatibility of Steem 64
- Disk manager little glitches
- Bug using unrar multifiles
- WD1772 clear CRC on good ID
- EDIT quick fix autoinsert 2nd disk broken again :)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R17
- Fix Disk manager Get contents for archives handled by ArchiveAccess (such as 7z)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R16
- Some floppy drive fixes
- Added some protection patches
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R15
- Fix Steem can start on any screen (R13 bug)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R14
- Fix stretched display modes (R13 bug)
- Monochrome rasters only for palette 0 (Starglider 2)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R13
- Auto insert disk B broken (R12 bug)
- Fix file association (this one is older)
- FPS: don't display if zero
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R12
- Glitches on loading a config and other minor fixes
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R11
- Steem can start on any screen
- Fix timeout bug in MFM emulation
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R10
- 64bit build not compatible with Windows XP for better performance
- Fix regression mono digital sound (Talk talk 2 steps, argh!)
- Fix Microwire mixer write 0 (Pacemaker)
- Fix potential bugs in ghost disk
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R9
- Fix ACSI + STX mixing
- Fix HD GEMDOS Atari Works (R8 bug)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R8
- Fix old bug when mixing MFM and STX or CAPS disk images
- (Re)fix interference between interrupts and GEMDOS HD emulation
- Remove confusing default A, W, S, Z joystick keys
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R7
- Compatibility with Windows XP restored
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R6
- Fix little GUI glitches
- Improved resuming of memory snapshots involving an IPF/CTR disk image
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R5
- Fix crash on take screenshot (R4 bug)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R4
- 14MB RAM hack
- Extended monitor hack
- Random corruption possible on load snapshot
- Fullscreen in some display modes (DD)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R3
- Fix some large border glitches
- Fix some other cases of stalling after loading memory snapshot
- Revert recent mod in CAPS interface (OutRun CTR)
- steem.ini-only option TrueFullScreenGui (see manual)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R2
- Fix some cases of stalling after loading memory snapshot
- Remove misc. Warnings option
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R1
- Fix reading HSCROLL updates the MCU register (Kultur Melk)
- Can log IO writes in Trace.txt
- Fix R/W log wrong end of line in Trace.txt
- Fix history window with few instructions
- Monitor distinguish CPU and DMA R/W
→ NOWSZY [Atari] Steem SSE 4.1.2 3/04/2022
Steem SSE 4.1.2 has been released on 3 April 2022.
v4.1.2 Features
- Key mappings
- New keyboard mappings for French and German PC keyboards targeting serious software running in UK TOS ("what you type is what you get"), or menu disks and games (what counts is the key position, check Megaroids and Thrust).
- Joystics
- 6 setups instead of 3
- Shortcut to select the setup, as an alternative to selection through Num Lock and Scroll Lock (laptops typically don't have those keys).
- Snapshot & screenshot (D3D)
- Steem SSE will save a screenshot together with the memory snapshot, and on load it will display that screenshot instead of trying to draw the video memory (didn't work with overscan and Spectrum 512-like pictures).
- If the option Restore previous state isn't checked, a nice picture will be loaded at startup, provided you copied it in Steem's directory. You can of course customise this.
Floppy Disk
- Write-protect
- New option to write-protect the disk (the sliding tab on the floppy is up), this is now used instead of the Read Only file property in drive emulation. When you insert a disk, the option will be set if the file is read-only or an archive, then you can change it if you will.
- MFM emulation
- Disk image format STW v2: handling fuzzy bits, timing variation and variable track length
- New context option to convert SCP images to STW
ACSI hard drive
- Create
- New button to create a hdd image file. Enter the number of megabytes you wish (1MB=1,000,000 bytes). The file is filled with zeroes. It's up to you to make it a working hdd image. ICD Pro and other ST software may help. The feature isn't much but without it you need special utilities just to create the file.
- Single pixels
- New option Single pixels, it is like scanlines but vertical.
- Gamma correction
- If option Show all settings isn't checked, there's only one slider for gamma control.
- New option Slow fade for MicroWire emulation. The feature already existed but it was commanded by option Hacks before, now it is clearer. Use it If you want to avoid pops when the program changes the volume too fast.
Status bar
- Little redesign, by default the 2nd pane contains useful info, ROM and RAM info is moved to the 3rd pane. Click on panes to change the behaviour.
- Save backup snapshot on reset. This was automatic, now it's optional (because saving is a file operation, it can cause a glitch).
Features enabled in Linux builds
Various features that were only available in Windows builds have been ported to Linux:
Ghost disks
MFM Emulation for standard disk images and conversion of image disks to STW
Option Count DMA cycles on disk operations
PRG/TOS support
Special adapters (dongles etc.)
YM -12db hack for STE
Joystick jump button
v4.1.2 Emulation improvements
- Blitter
- Closer to hardware for the NFSR flag
- MFP (MC68901)
- Some timing modifications to increase compatibility
- Floppy Disk
- MFM emulation
- Better timings on SCP images
- MFM emulation
→ NOWSZY [Atari] Steem SSE 4.1.1 16/07/2021
Steem SSE 4.1.1 has been released on 16 July 2021.
v4.1.1 Notices
- As of version 4.1.1, a 64bit build of Steem SSE is available for Linux.
v4.1.1 Features
- Display
- VSync (D3D): VSync now also works with double frequencies (eg 100Hz). Remark that VSync generally consumes more CPU on the 64bit builds.
- Microseconds (Windows): Use precise hardware counters to time video rendering, if it's not checked milliseconds are used. Microseconds allow emulating the real video frequencies, which are fractional. Timing of display still depends on the hardware and OS (better with FreeSync). This setting is ignored when VSync is engaged.
- BFI (D3D): BFI stands for Black Frame Insertion. When the option is checked, Steem SSE will update the display at twice the ST rate, one frame will be black, one frame will be the emulated image. It results in less movement blur on LCD screens, but video gets dimmer and some flicker may be perceptible. This option operates in windowed and fullscreen modes, with or without VSync, but better with VSync. The screen must be set at a high frequency or in FreeSync.
- Timing Loop: Steem SSE will start a hard polling loop so many milliseconds before the planned time of blit (video rendering). A higher setting means more CPU use. Generally 2ms seems to be a good compromise (1ms is the previously hardcoded setting).However, if your PC is very busy, no matter how high the setting, Steem SSE may lag. The general option Make Steem high priority has a greater impact here. This setting is ignored when VSync is engaged.
- US Border: The normal border size now depends on the TOS language, fewer scanlines for a US TOS, to avoid the black bands.
- ACSI hard drive manager: For Linux too.
- Joystick select: New shortcuts that simulate key presses on Num Lock or Scroll Lock for keyboards missing those keys (laptops...).
- On Screen Display: Bad jokes. Yes, now it's an apart option!
Emulation improvements
- CPU: Closer to a real MC68000 for BCD operations and for undefined flags.
- ACSI hard drive: Some ICD-protocol SCSI commands are now emulated ($25, $28, $2A, $2B), disk image larger than 1GB are handled.
- DMA: Refill FIFO buffer as soon as it's empty when writing to device (no more hack for laser printing).
- 6301:
- The 6301 uses an independent 1MHz quartz, not a fraction of the Shifter clock.
→ NOWSZY [Atari] Steem SSE 4.1.0 28/02/2021
Steem SSE 4.1.0 has been released on 28 February 2021.
v4.1.0 Notices
- As of version 4.1.0, three full downloads (with doc and some plugins) are offered: Windows D3D 32bit and D3D 64bit, and Linux 32bit. All other builds, including the debugger builds, are in one separate archive.
v4.1.0 Features
Options design
- Some options have been moved around again. The advanced settings concept has changed. Now it's called all settings and should be checked only if you want those rarely used settings. The GUI is clearer if it's not checked (for instance the ST model option is a radio button control and not a menu).
Big GUI (Windows)
- Steem can now sport bigger icons and fonts. Useful for high DPI screens. It's a startup option, Steem doesn't adapt its GUI dynamically. Because of those bigger icons, the status bar has been moved to the bottom of the window, and its functionality extended. You even get the CAPS NUM SCRL info! Two "crisp" sizes have been added too: x3 and x4, also for those screens.
Printers (SMM804, SLM804)
- The SMM804 was an Epson-compatible dot matrix printer, the SLM804 was Atari's famous laser printer. Output is an RTF file for formatting (SMM804) or BPM files for graphics (both printers).
Colour Control
- Three new cool options for more vivid colours and for monochrome, grey or green.
CRT Pixel Shaders (D3D9)
- New ST Video option. It uses the SweetFX Shader Suite from Guru3D.com. Available on D3D builds only, highly customisable (manually), with this you can emulate cathodic screens in Steem. Guess it's even possible to add new effects.
Smart Disk Swapper
- Steem now features a disk swapper. It is smart because you don't need to create a list, Steem will look for disks in the current folder or archive. Accessible through shortcuts, the classic menu or the context menu. Optionally it can look for series with the same name and a different number or letter, or just load the next or previous disk images. If you so fancy, you can go through the full Automation set with just the disk swapper.
- More portable, using relative paths for TOS and disk in A, B. Can customise ST model name.
v4.1.0 Emulation improvements
Mega STE
- Finally the last ST model is handled in Steem SSE. We emulate the essential: 16MHz CPU and cache, blitter timing differences, 1.44 MB floppy disks.
GEMDOS Hard Drive
- GEMDOS hard drive emulation has been refactored and improved. Now operation on TOS 1.00 and 1.02 is quite reliable (there was a little memory leak in all previous versions of Steem). Also, it is now possible to save and restore state snapshots with open HD files.
Floppy Drive Sound
- Still not perfect, but good enough to drive you crazy.
- Your dream has come true, you can boot from the external drive.
- More realistic input and output timings.
Note: this doesn't remove jitter, Steem still uses a real-time precision of about 1ms.
- Computed relation between CPU clock and timer crystal instead of a random delay, different default crystal for STE (IMO the simple reason for some weird cases).
- Pirate alert! An STX image of Dungeon Master is included in the Windows 32bit download. The boot sector has been altered so that the game runs at 16MHz on the newly emulated Mega STE, for better response.
→ [Atari] Steem Steven Seagal Edition (SSE) 4.0.2 R21 04/10/2020
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R21
- R21 Fix PRG or TOS file not reloaded on startup
- Fix loading AUTOMATION PACKER V2.3r PRG files
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R20
- MFM emulation write to disk (R9 bug)
- Fix display rendering method on startup with no borders and other little glitches
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R19
- Fix Use Pasti for all floppies and ACSI option (R9 bug)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R18
- Restore Windows XP compatibility of Steem 64
- Disk manager little glitches
- Bug using unrar multifiles
- WD1772 clear CRC on good ID
- EDIT quick fix autoinsert 2nd disk broken again :)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R17
- Fix Disk manager Get contents for archives handled by ArchiveAccess (such as 7z)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R16
- Some floppy drive fixes
- Added some protection patches
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R15
- Fix Steem can start on any screen (R13 bug)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R14
- Fix stretched display modes (R13 bug)
- Monochrome rasters only for palette 0 (Starglider 2)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R13
- Auto insert disk B broken (R12 bug)
- Fix file association (this one is older)
- FPS: don't display if zero
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R12
- Glitches on loading a config and other minor fixes
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R11
- Steem can start on any screen
- Fix timeout bug in MFM emulation
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R10
- 64bit build not compatible with Windows XP for better performance
- Fix regression mono digital sound (Talk talk 2 steps, argh!)
- Fix Microwire mixer write 0 (Pacemaker)
- Fix potential bugs in ghost disk
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R9
- Fix ACSI + STX mixing
- Fix HD GEMDOS Atari Works (R8 bug)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R8
- Fix old bug when mixing MFM and STX or CAPS disk images
- (Re)fix interference between interrupts and GEMDOS HD emulation
- Remove confusing default A, W, S, Z joystick keys
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R7
- Compatibility with Windows XP restored
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R6
- Fix little GUI glitches
- Improved resuming of memory snapshots involving an IPF/CTR disk image
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R5
- Fix crash on take screenshot (R4 bug)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R4
- 14MB RAM hack
- Extended monitor hack
- Random corruption possible on load snapshot
- Fullscreen in some display modes (DD)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R3
- Fix some large border glitches
- Fix some other cases of stalling after loading memory snapshot
- Revert recent mod in CAPS interface (OutRun CTR)
- steem.ini-only option TrueFullScreenGui (see manual)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R2
- Fix some cases of stalling after loading memory snapshot
- Remove misc. Warnings option
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R1
- Fix reading HSCROLL updates the MCU register (Kultur Melk)
- Can log IO writes in Trace.txt
- Fix R/W log wrong end of line in Trace.txt
- Fix history window with few instructions
- Monitor distinguish CPU and DMA R/W
→ [Atari] Steem Steven Seagal Edition (SSE) 4.0.2 R19 17/09/2020
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R1
- Fix reading HSCROLL updates the MCU register (Kultur Melk)
- Can log IO writes in Trace.txt
- Fix R/W log wrong end of line in Trace.txt
- Fix history window with few instructions
- Monitor distinguish CPU and DMA R/W
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R2
- Fix some cases of stalling after loading memory snapshot
- Remove misc. Warnings option
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R3
- Fix some large border glitches
- Fix some other cases of stalling after loading memory snapshot
- Revert recent mod in CAPS interface (OutRun CTR)
- steem.ini-only option TrueFullScreenGui (see manual)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R4
- 14MB RAM hack
- Extended monitor hack
- Random corruption possible on load snapshot
- Fullscreen in some display modes (DD)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R5
- Fix crash on take screenshot (R4 bug)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R6
- Fix little GUI glitches
- Improved resuming of memory snapshots involving an IPF/CTR disk image
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R7
- Compatibility with Windows XP restored
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R8
- Fix old bug when mixing MFM and STX or CAPS disk images
- (Re)fix interference between interrupts and GEMDOS HD emulation
- Remove confusing default A, W, S, Z joystick keys
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R9
- Fix ACSI + STX mixing
- Fix HD GEMDOS Atari Works (R8 bug)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R10
- 64bit build not compatible with Windows XP for better performance
- Fix regression mono digital sound (Talk talk 2 steps, argh!)
- Fix Microwire mixer write 0 (Pacemaker)
- Fix potential bugs in ghost disk
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R11
- Steem can start on any screen
- Fix timeout bug in MFM emulation
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R12
- Glitches on loading a config and other minor fixes
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R13
- Auto insert disk B broken (R12 bug)
- Fix file association (this one is older)
- FPS: don't display if zero
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R14
- Fix stretched display modes (R13 bug)
- Monochrome rasters only for palette 0 (Starglider 2)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R15
- Fix Steem can start on any screen (R13 bug)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R16
- Some floppy drive fixes
- Added some protection patches
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R17
- Fix Disk manager Get contents for archives handled by ArchiveAccess (such as 7z)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R18
- Restore Windows XP compatibility of Steem 64
- Disk manager little glitches
- Bug using unrar multifiles
- WD1772 clear CRC on good ID
- EDIT quick fix autoinsert 2nd disk broken again :)
Steem SSE 4.0.2 R19
- Fix Use Pasti for all floppies and ACSI option (R9 bug)
→ [Atari] Steem SSE Beta 15/08/2020
Steem SSE Beta, 15/08/2020
Revision 1066
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 15 sierpnia 2020 15:23:36
- Fix Steem can start on any screen (obsolete compile switches again)
Revision 1064
Author: steven-seagal | Date: piątek, 14 sierpnia 2020 13:56:16
- Fix stretched display modes (R13 bug)
Revision 1063
Author: steven-seagal | Date: środa, 12 sierpnia 2020 10:10:21
- Improved memory snapshot resuming with SCP images
Revision 1062
Author: steven-seagal | Date: poniedziałek, 10 sierpnia 2020 18:03:00
- new breed of patches
Revision 1060
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 8 sierpnia 2020 12:43:17
- refactoring stjoy
Revision 1059
Author: steven-seagal | Date: czwartek, 6 sierpnia 2020 16:54:08
- Auto insert disk B broken (R12 bug)
Revision 1058
Author: steven-seagal | Date: środa, 5 sierpnia 2020 10:26:40
- fix file associations +
- 1 optimisation in draw.cpp +
- code clean-up +
- remove fiction of v403, next version is v410!
Revision 1056
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 1 sierpnia 2020 11:22:08
- v402R12 final
Revision 1055
Author: steven-seagal | Date: piątek, 31 lipca 2020 14:56:18
- print degas, refactoring
Revision 1054
Author: steven-seagal | Date: czwartek, 30 lipca 2020 14:50:32
- move some code from acsi to printer
Revision 1053
Author: steven-seagal | Date: czwartek, 30 lipca 2020 14:05:05
- dot matrix printer support, text to rtf, graphics to pbm
Revision 1052
Author: steven-seagal | Date: piątek, 24 lipca 2020 09:53:04
- refactoring
Revision 1051
Author: steven-seagal | Date: środa, 22 lipca 2020 11:41:32
- double click loads config
Revision 1050
Author: steven-seagal | Date: wtorek, 21 lipca 2020 10:43:09
- can have precise ST model name in status bar +
- R12 fixes
Revision 1049
Author: steven-seagal | Date: poniedziałek, 20 lipca 2020 10:04:46
- linux status info
Revision 1048
Author: steven-seagal | Date: poniedziałek, 20 lipca 2020 09:12:17
- linux kbd mapping
Revision 1047
Author: steven-seagal | Date: niedziela, 19 lipca 2020 15:05:22
- code mods for linux quick build
Revision 1046
Author: steven-seagal | Date: niedziela, 19 lipca 2020 14:57:08
- update linux scripts
Revision 1044
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 18 lipca 2020 11:35:13
- v402 R11 final
Revision 1043
Author: steven-seagal | Date: piątek, 17 lipca 2020 10:56:05
- linux drive sound (not working)
Revision 1042
Author: steven-seagal | Date: środa, 15 lipca 2020 10:43:02
- linux build fix display size
Revision 1041
Author: steven-seagal | Date: środa, 15 lipca 2020 09:50:52
- Fix timeout bug in MFM emulation + refactoring
Revision 1040
Author: steven-seagal | Date: poniedziałek, 13 lipca 2020 09:40:44
- fix linux build + gamma control
Revision 1039
Author: steven-seagal | Date: niedziela, 12 lipca 2020 22:48:46
- Steem can start on any screen
Revision 1037
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 11 lipca 2020 11:51:52
- v402R10 really final
Revision 1036
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 11 lipca 2020 11:19:37
- v402R10 final
Revision 1035
Author: steven-seagal | Date: czwartek, 9 lipca 2020 15:46:38
- quick amalgamation scripts
Revision 1034
Author: steven-seagal | Date: czwartek, 9 lipca 2020 15:23:43
- refactoring
Revision 1033
Author: steven-seagal | Date: środa, 8 lipca 2020 10:20:15
- refactoring, beta bugfix
Revision 1032
Author: steven-seagal | Date: niedziela, 5 lipca 2020 11:20:13
- linux build fix archive +
- add st video page (HW overscan, border size, WS) +
- refactoring
Revision 1031
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 4 lipca 2020 10:22:09
- refactoring, fix linux build
Revision 1029
Author: steven-seagal | Date: wtorek, 30 czerwca 2020 15:35:48
- 402R9 + beta Laser Printer +
- Because of the SLM804 laser printer emulation, some files have a new name: dma instead of disk_dma and acsi instead of hd_acsi.cpp.
- It's an upload in one go because I had to fix some bugs to implement the new feature.
Revision 1027
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 20 czerwca 2020 14:14:15
- v402R8 final
Revision 1026
Author: steven-seagal | Date: piątek, 19 czerwca 2020 20:06:27
- refactoring + beta bugfix HW overscan
Revision 1025
Author: steven-seagal | Date: czwartek, 18 czerwca 2020 11:15:13
- refactoring + give real version of Windows >=8 in trace
Revision 1024
Author: steven-seagal | Date: środa, 17 czerwca 2020 19:37:17
- refactoring, MFP fixes
Revision 1023
Author: steven-seagal | Date: wtorek, 16 czerwca 2020 17:03:09
- beta bugfix Pacmania STE
Revision 1022
Author: steven-seagal | Date: wtorek, 16 czerwca 2020 15:33:42
- refactoring, beta bugfix Wipe-Out
Revision 1021
Author: steven-seagal | Date: poniedziałek, 15 czerwca 2020 15:01:05
- Refactoring + Fix old bug when mixing MFM and STX or CAPS disk images
Revision 1020
Author: steven-seagal | Date: niedziela, 14 czerwca 2020 12:56:33
- refactoring mostly name changes but could be buggy
Revision 1019
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 13 czerwca 2020 12:00:15
- bad and risky refactoring
Revision 1018
Author: steven-seagal | Date: środa, 10 czerwca 2020 10:41:36
- GEMDOS HD emu mega improvements +
- traces for VDI and AES calls +
- log cartridge reads (option wasn't implemented!)
Revision 1016
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 30 maja 2020 11:01:20
- GLUE predecode high byte of addresses
Revision 1015
Author: steven-seagal | Date: poniedziałek, 25 maja 2020 13:04:57
- Mega STE 16MHz corrections
- 1) ROM is not cached but it is as fast as cache
- 2) Blitter runs at 8MHz anyway
Revision 1013
Author: steven-seagal | Date: piątek, 22 maja 2020 10:45:13
- fix linux build
Revision 1012
Author: steven-seagal | Date: czwartek, 21 maja 2020 12:58:49
- move log functions from acc to debug
Revision 1011
Author: steven-seagal | Date: czwartek, 21 maja 2020 11:12:18
- refactoring
Revision 1010
Author: steven-seagal | Date: środa, 20 maja 2020 10:25:49
- debugger: Monitors on reading ROM/cartridge
- maybe it works
Revision 1009
Author: steven-seagal | Date: poniedziałek, 18 maja 2020 12:56:56
- Improved resuming of memory snapshots involving an IPF/CTR disk image +
- refactoring for performance
Revision 1008
Author: steven-seagal | Date: niedziela, 17 maja 2020 21:04:22
- little refactoring, especially floppy disk
Revision 1007
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 16 maja 2020 11:21:17
- fix CRT emu true fullscreen +
- same fullscreen AR ratio options in D3D as in DD
Revision 1006
Author: steven-seagal | Date: piątek, 15 maja 2020 11:13:47
- refactoring CPU flags
Revision 1005
Author: steven-seagal | Date: piątek, 15 maja 2020 08:30:16
- refactoring GetRealVKCodeForKeypad(),StemWinResize() +
- probably useless, buggy
- + VS2008, 2015 settings
Revision 1004
Author: steven-seagal | Date: czwartek, 14 maja 2020 11:04:50
- refactoring
Revision 1003
Author: steven-seagal | Date: środa, 13 maja 2020 10:36:52
- CRT emu
- using 3rd party SweetFX
Revision 1001
Author: steven-seagal | Date: wtorek, 12 maja 2020 17:53:41
- Fix crash on take screenshot (R4 bug)
Revision 999
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 9 maja 2020 14:35:46
- v402R4 final
Revision 998
Author: steven-seagal | Date: piątek, 8 maja 2020 21:04:32
- refactoring SSE_D3D now necessary for D3D builds
- so a Windows build can be no D3D no DD
Revision 997
Author: steven-seagal | Date: czwartek, 7 maja 2020 23:23:15
- beta bugfix <4MB +
- Fullscreen broken if stretch display mode (DiirectDraw)
Revision 996
Author: steven-seagal | Date: środa, 6 maja 2020 12:20:27
- bugfixes 402R4
Revision 994
Author: steven-seagal | Date: piątek, 1 maja 2020 10:15:01
- v402R3 final
Revision 993
Author: steven-seagal | Date: czwartek, 30 kwietnia 2020 16:06:46
- refactoring for v402R3
Revision 992
Author: steven-seagal | Date: środa, 29 kwietnia 2020 19:52:21
- disk fixes + spurious x64
Revision 991
Author: steven-seagal | Date: środa, 29 kwietnia 2020 10:32:03
- no stall final? +
- beta fix lle ym
Revision 990
Author: steven-seagal | Date: wtorek, 28 kwietnia 2020 20:21:06
- Fix some large border glitches +
- Fix some other cases of stalling after loading memory snapshot +
- Some refactoring
Revision 988
Author: steven-seagal | Date: niedziela, 26 kwietnia 2020 13:14:02
- some refactoring of sound + 402R2 fix
Revision 987
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 25 kwietnia 2020 11:25:04
- refactoring + beta x64 fixes
Revision 986
Author: steven-seagal | Date: czwartek, 23 kwietnia 2020 15:07:49
- VS2015 warnings
Revision 985
Author: steven-seagal | Date: czwartek, 23 kwietnia 2020 10:59:46
- Steem64 uses a 32Mhz main timer instead of 8Mhz
- poc ambition=runs the same, potential of higher precision
Revision 984
Author: steven-seagal | Date: czwartek, 23 kwietnia 2020 09:56:34
- beta bugfix mfp
→ [Atari] Steem SSE Beta 4.0.2 R1 19/04/2020
Steem SSE R1 v.4.0.2, 19/04/2020
DD = DirectDraw7 D3D = Direct3D9
- Fix reading HSCROLL updates the MCU register (Kultur Melk)
- Can log IO writes in Trace.txt Fix R/W log wrong end of line in Trace.txt
- Fix history window with few instructions
- Monitor distinguish CPU and DMA R/W
Revision 983
Author: steven-seagal | Date: poniedziałek, 20 kwietnia 2020 17:26:32
- rename cpu cycles > sys cycles
- less confusing for Mega STE ~16MHz
Revision 982
Author: steven-seagal | Date: poniedziałek, 20 kwietnia 2020 16:16:53
- refactoring SSE_INT_MFP_410
Revision 980
Author: steven-seagal | Date: niedziela, 19 kwietnia 2020 17:55:04
- oops
Revision 979
Author: steven-seagal | Date: niedziela, 19 kwietnia 2020 17:48:43
- SSE402R1 refactoring + some debugger fixes
Revision 978
Author: steven-seagal | Date: niedziela, 19 kwietnia 2020 17:41:29
- Fix reading HSCROLL updates the MCU register (Kultur Melk)
Revision 977
Author: steven-seagal | Date: środa, 15 kwietnia 2020 21:44:15
- Mega STE feature (beta)
- (for v4.1, it's been ready for a few weeks but waited for the release of v402, now we upload it before we need to fix v402 bugs!)
Revision 975
Author: steven-seagal | Date: środa, 15 kwietnia 2020 16:44:43
- adapt copyright note
Revision 974
Author: steven-seagal | Date: środa, 15 kwietnia 2020 16:38:02
- for v402
Revision 973
Author: steven-seagal | Date: wtorek, 14 kwietnia 2020 17:20:45
- fix nasty blitter bug: Lethal Xcess green dragons
- + refactor somewhat using stBlitter.sv by ijor
- +fix yesterday's fix
Revision 972
Author: steven-seagal | Date: poniedziałek, 13 kwietnia 2020 09:12:49
- bugfixes Antiques, Desktop Central, load old snapshot
Revision 971
Author: steven-seagal | Date: niedziela, 12 kwietnia 2020 12:46:23
- -improve stats
- -fix ste sound regression
Revision 970
Author: steven-seagal | Date: niedziela, 12 kwietnia 2020 09:51:34
- Steem can use plugins32 or plugins64 folder
Revision 969
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 11 kwietnia 2020 10:35:00
- refactoring
Revision 968
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 11 kwietnia 2020 09:22:22
- compiler warning level 3
- before it was 4 but with some pragmas to disable warnings
- now only C4996 is disabled (deprecated POSIX/unsafe function)
Revision 967
Author: steven-seagal | Date: środa, 8 kwietnia 2020 09:08:27
- STE sound precise fetch timing using sreq of STVL
- (client part)
Revision 966
Author: steven-seagal | Date: poniedziałek, 6 kwietnia 2020 11:08:00
- STE sound split fetch/play
Revision 965
Author: steven-seagal | Date: niedziela, 5 kwietnia 2020 21:47:27
- refactoring + fix STE sound
Revision 964
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 4 kwietnia 2020 21:05:19
- refactoring, new tos.cpp file
- + linux build compiles again
Revision 963
Author: steven-seagal | Date: piątek, 3 kwietnia 2020 19:44:07
- refactoring + fix old memory snapshots
Revision 962
Author: steven-seagal | Date: środa, 1 kwietnia 2020 19:39:01
- Option 'Prompt on breakpoint'
Revision 961
Author: steven-seagal | Date: niedziela, 29 marca 2020 20:50:45
- refactoring
Revision 960
Author: steven-seagal | Date: środa, 25 marca 2020 21:43:32
- v402 features
→ [Atari] Steem SSE Beta 4.0.1 R6 22/03/2020
Steem SSE R6 v.4.0.1, 22/03/2020
- Fix display glitch when writing video counter (20 Years STE Megademo/ex reset screen)
- Fix STE sound sample fetching hack (E605)
- Debugger: Fix history list dump
Steem SSE R5 v.4.0.1, 15/03/2020
- Fix wrong keys in non-English TOS
- Reassign standard keys when going from non-English to English keyboard
Steem SSE R4 v.4.0.1, 29/02/2020
- Update low-level YM's envelope ('buzzer') parameters in fast forward or muted modes
- Fix Convert to STW
- Fix disk image properties bugs
- Debugger: Monitor address wouldn't trigger on Blitter read or write
- Debugger: IO traces of v3.9.4 were missing
Steem SSE R3 v.4.0.1, 15/02/2020
- Fix fullscreen option Crisp Rendering not saved (D3D)
- Fix STE sound frame starting when still playing previous frame (MaxYMiser)
Steem SSE R2 v.4.0.1, 08/02/2020
- Fix spurious colours detected by Status page colour counter
- Compatibility with Windows XP restored
Steem SSE R1 v.4.0.1, 01/02/2020
- Fix wrong dialog window positions on new steem.ini
If you want to report a beta bug, please make sure you do have the latest beta https://sourceforge.net/projects/steemsse/
Revision 958
Author: steven-seagal | Date: niedziela, 22 marca 2020 13:17:52
- 401R6 MCU fixes for sound and video
- disk_stw.cpp little refactoring
Revision 957
Author: steven-seagal | Date: poniedziałek, 16 marca 2020 22:14:31
- debugger fix history list dump
Revision 955
Author: steven-seagal | Date: niedziela, 15 marca 2020 11:11:11
- beta 402 keyboard mapping files
Revision 954
Author: steven-seagal | Date: wtorek, 10 marca 2020 20:55:24
- some keyboard fixes for 401R5
Revision 953
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 7 marca 2020 20:54:52
- fix corrupt key_table
- attempt... there's ANSI/UTF-8 confusion due to Linux/Windows transfers or Notepad new features.
Revision 952
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 7 marca 2020 11:29:57
- linux 7z support
- using the command line, like for unrar
Revision 951
Author: steven-seagal | Date: środa, 4 marca 2020 12:01:29
- minor refactoring
Revision 949
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 29 lutego 2020 10:53:32
- indicate bad TOS (beta)
Revision 948
Author: steven-seagal | Date: środa, 26 lutego 2020 18:39:10
- linux unrar support + R4 bugfixes
Revision 947
Author: steven-seagal | Date: niedziela, 16 lutego 2020 10:03:32
- Update low-level YM's envelope ('buzzer') parameters in fast forward or muted modes
Revision 946
Author: steven-seagal | Date: niedziela, 16 lutego 2020 09:19:52
- xsteem support for IPF and CTR disk images
Revision 945
Author: steven-seagal | Date: niedziela, 16 lutego 2020 09:10:01
- update caps (SPS) library for linux
Revision 944
Author: steven-seagal | Date: niedziela, 16 lutego 2020 08:50:26
- linux option VM-friendly mouse
- need it as I'm using a VM myself for linux dev
Revision 942
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 15 lutego 2020 11:11:06
- 401R3 final update
Revision 941
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 15 lutego 2020 09:47:51
- Fix STE sound frame starting when still playing previous frame (MaxYMiser)
Revision 940
Author: steven-seagal | Date: czwartek, 13 lutego 2020 20:07:00
- Fix fullscreen option Crisp Rendering not saved (D3D)
Revision 938
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 8 lutego 2020 11:32:37
- 401R2 final update
Revision 937
Author: steven-seagal | Date: czwartek, 6 lutego 2020 21:46:46
- beta-only fix spurious colours
Revision 936
Author: steven-seagal | Date: środa, 5 lutego 2020 22:16:04
- beta-only more traces for colour counter
Revision 935
Author: steven-seagal | Date: poniedziałek, 3 lutego 2020 21:05:51
- beta 401R2
- forgot one GetTickCount64 in CpuUsage (not XP-compatible)
Revision 934
Author: steven-seagal | Date: poniedziałek, 3 lutego 2020 20:29:44
- beta 401R2
Revision 932
Author: steven-seagal | Date: niedziela, 2 lutego 2020 23:29:55
- bugfix unitialised metrics used in constructors
Revision 930
Author: steven-seagal | Date: sobota, 1 lutego 2020 10:52:09
- ultimate upload v401 + xsteem beta
Revision 929
Author: steven-seagal | Date: poniedziałek, 27 stycznia 2020 21:53:18
- ellipsis use macros for compatibility (x64, Linux)
- needed for GCC optimisations O1+
→ [Atari] Steem Steven Seagal Edition (SSE) 4.0.1 bugfix 2/02/2020
Steem v4.0.1 2/2/2020.
- bugfix
Steem v4.0.1 1/2/2020.
v4.0.1 Notices
Direct3D builds
- The monochrome (71hz) rendering issues with Direct3D9 mentioned in v4.0.0 release notes have been fixed. Bugs were on our side! D3D9 builds available again, and recommended.
File names
- Since we have more builds available, file names have changed again, sorry about that.
- Nine builds of Steem 4 are available for download:
- Debugger32D3D.exe
- Debugger32DD.exe
- Steem32D3D.exe Main build
- Steem32DD.exe
- Debugger64D3D.exe
- Debugger64DD.exe
- Steem64D3D.exe
- Steem64DD.exe
- XSteem32 Linux build (beta-only)
- Debugger includes a powerful ST debugger interface but is heavier on the CPU. 32/64 stand for bits, DD/D3D for DirectDraw/Direct3D.
- For the moment, the Linux build is beta software because it has fewer features than the Windows builds. Features will be progressively added.
v4.0.1 Features
- Status
- A new page in the general information window (blue icon in the tool bar) gives you interesting statistics about what the program did between Start and Stop, such as disk activity, CPU exceptions, video, etc. Thx Ben Watson for the (PC) CPU use facility.
- You are also informed on what values the various chips of the ST might contain.
- Also a new option No OSD on stop to help the colour counter. Stop is then delayed by one frame.
v4.0.1 Emulation improvements
- -
v4.0.1 Bugfixes
- NEO screenshots
- Shortcut doesn't work
- X64 builds
- No MIDI out devices
- Display
- Fullscreen borders not erased
- D3D builds: VSync always on
- Start in fullscreen failing
- On Screen Display
- FPS crash if video counter above available memory (Lethal Xcess)
- Information window
- Pressing Enter resets the ST or other undesirable effects when this window open
- Emulation thread
- Crash if changing display/sound options live
- Incompatible with extended monitor hack
- Status bar
- Can't disable
- Wrong on STFM
- Demo
- A little demo is included as an example of ST disk image (STEEM401.ST), it should convince you of the ST's amazing possibilities.
Vox populi
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