
[ATARI] Emu7800 5.5.0 25/11/2024

[2] @ Czwartek, 11 Kwietnia 2024 23:08CET

[ATARI] Emu7800 5.5.0 25/11/2024

Emulator konsoli Atari 7800/2600 - emu7800 autorstwa Mike Murphy'ego został zaktualizowany.
Warto odnotować, iż emulator posiada i całkiem sporą bazę tytułów, i całkiem sporą kolekcję obrazów kartów, a jeśli dodatkowo posiadamy pada można "od kopa" z niego korzystać.

Fight Night (1988, Atari)

emu7800 v5.4.0.1 25/11/2024

  • .net sdk update

emu7800 v5.4.0.1 08/04/2024

  • .net sdk update; lightgun movement fix


→ [ATARI] Emu7800 29/12/22
Fatal Run (Atari Corporation, 1990)

Emu7800 28/12/2022

  • restore titlebar icon, update to 7.0.101

Emu7800 1/12/2022

Imposible (Atari Corporation, Dec, 1988). Epyx, Inc
  • .net7 update

Emu7800 1/07/2022

Apple Snaffle (Mark Ball, 2010)
  • Maintenance release

Emu7800  9/11/2021

  • .net6 update

Emu7800 9/07/2021

  • Fixed bugs related to mouse input, menu jitter, different controller configurations per ROM; SDK updated to 5.0.301.



→ [ATARI] Emu7800 1.8
Atari 7800:Emu7800:Ballblazer:Epyx, Inc.:Lucasfilm Games LLC:1985:
Ballblaze (Epyx, Inc., 1985)

Emu7800 31.05.2014 v1.8

  • Initial release for Android (see above for download link)
  • EMU7800.D2D.exe, EMU7800.Launcher.exe: Added ability to start a recognizable ROM by providing its path on the command-line
  • No changes to the core emulation library
  • No changes to EMU7800 Classic
→ [ATARI] Emu7800 1.7
Atari 7800:emu7800:Dig Dug:Atari Corporation:Namco Limited:1987:
Dig Dug (Atari Corporation, 1987)

Emu7800 31.05.2014 v1.7

  • Increased joystick deadzone to make Xbox 360 wireless controllers usable under Windows 8.1
  • Added the ability to swap input jacks via the W key
  • No changes to the core emulation library
  • No changes to EMU7800 Classic
→ [ATARI] Emu7800 1.6
Atari 7800:Emu7800:Ballblazer:Epyx, Inc.:Lucasfilm Games LLC:1985:
Ballblaze (Epyx, Inc., 1985)

Emu7800 29.11.2013 v1.6

  • EMU7800.D2D: Included EMU7800.Launcher.exe to enable launching of ROMs not recognized by EMU7800 D2D
  • EMU7800.D2D: Corrected paddle swapping
  • EMU7800.D2D: Minor correction in .a78 file recognition
  • Project format updates to VS2013 (applicable to source release only)
  • No changes to the core emulation library
  • No changes to EMU7800 Classic


  • Release of Win32 port of new Windows Store version (a.k.a., "EMU7800 D2D")
  • Source distribution includes source code for the new D2D version, as well as a POKEY sound emulator for homebrew developers
  • Upgrade to .NET 4.5
  • Windows Installer and ClickOnce installations are now discontinued. Source and binaries for the Windows Desktop are distributed exclusively as .zip archives. For a no-hassle installation experience, look for EMU7800 in the Windows Store—free with no advertisements
  • EMU700.DumpBin.exe utility included to assist in making updates to the ROMProperties.csv rom-recognizer repository by reading a.78 headers and computing MD5 hashes
  • No changes to the core emulation library


  • Added several 7800 homebrew entries to ROMProperties.csv (the list of recognized ROM files.)
  • Windows Phone: Added hardware keyboard support, changed genre to apps.games, added more 7800 homebrews


  • 7800 Emulation Fixes:
  • Discovered that Asteroids, Pole Position, and Xevious use a scheme to detect the joystick type (2600 vs. 7800) and alters the controller mapping accordingly. Brakes now work in Pole Position and missles and bombs are on separate joystick buttons in Xevious (thanks to Tom Hafner for the hardware report)
  • Moved VBLANK OFF up by four scanlines, making the track selection screen in Pole Position II work with the joystick (thanks to Tom Hafner for the hardware report)
  • Added support for the 2600-daptor II device, enabling use of real 7800 joysticks and 2600 keypad controllers
  • Changed default keyboard bindings such that Z=Left 7800 Fire Button and X=Right 7800 Fire Button (previously transposed)
  • Serialization fixed for the 78S4 cart type, affecting Karateka, RealSports: Baseball, Tank Command, and Water Ski
  • Fixed: Integration of .zip format for ROM files prevented use of 7800 BIOS startup screen
  • Windows Phone: By popular demand, added D-Pad input control


wstecz11/04/2024 23:08
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