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MAME 0.274 31 Jan 2025
Today’s the day you get to experience MAME 0.274 for the first time! As previously mentioned, our Windows binary releases now require a CPU with x86-64-v2 functionality. The most anticipated feature completed this month is almost certainly the 64-bit ARMv8 recompiler back-end. It’s been tested on macOS, conventional Linux and Android, and provides some very welcome performance improvements when emulating systems with RISC CPUs, including MIPS III, PowerPC and SuperH. In addition to the new back-end, we’ve fixed some bugs in the existing back-ends and made some performance improvements for x86-64. Keep in mind that the actual performance benefits you experience will vary substantially depending on your CPU and the emulated system and software.
While that was happening, emulation work continued to progress. This release adds support for numerous digital pets, a couple more Tronica LCD games, and several synthesisers. Several CD-i graphics formats have been fixed, and speaking of Philips, video emulation for their Minitel 2 terminal has been improved as well. Our NEC µPD17771C emulation has been completely overhauled, which is particularly noticeable in Star Speeder on the Epoch Super Cassette Vision.
Lots has been going on in computer emulation this month. We’ve taken a few steps along the road to emulating the first-generation Power Macintosh systems; the Heath/Zenith computers now have hard-sectored floppy formats and working joystick support; the JUKU E5104 now has mouse support; the Silicon Graphics Professional IRIS 4D workstations are now considered working. There’s also been some work on Amiga graphics emulation, although some of the improvements missed this release.
MAME Testers bugs fixed
- 01595: [Sound] (galaxian/galaxold.cpp) drivfrcg, drivfrcb, drivfrct, drivfrcsg: The crash sound doesn’t play. (Robbbert)
- 04095: [Sound] (namco/namcos1.cpp) splatter, splattero, splatterj: Music for the second stage boss scene is incorrect. (hap)
- 04546: [Graphics] (snk/lasso.cpp) pinbo, pinboa, pinbos: The background color is incorrect. (hap)
- 04729: [Misc.] (namco/namcond1.cpp) ncv1: [possible] The graphics ROM appears to have an incorrectly set bit. (MASH)
- 05592: [Graphics] (konami/asterix.cpp) All games in asterix.cpp: The windmill animation doesn’t work properly. (hap)
- 06865: [Interface] (taito/undrfire.cpp) undrfire and clones: The fake “Show gun target” switch doesn’t work. (hap)
- 07312: [DIP/Input] (irem/m72.cpp) poundfor: Trackball inputs don’t work properly. (hap)
- 07543: [Misc.] (konami/rungun.cpp) rungund, rungunad, rungunbd, rungunuad, rungunud, slmdunkjd: Out-of-bounds accesses. (hap)
- 07573: [Sound] (orca/espial.cpp) netwars: Sounds/music play too slowly. (hap)
- 07938: [Known Issues/To-Do's] (konami/konamim2.cpp) totlvice, evilngt: Second and third player light gun inputs are missing. (hap)
- 07958: [Sound] (sony/taitogn.cpp) kollon, kollonc: Sound is distorted. (hap)
- 08472: [Misc.] (sinclair/atm.cpp) some sinclair/* drivers: The emulator crashes on out-of-bounds palette accesses. (holub)
- 08510: [Gameplay] (midway/balsente.cpp) stocker: The gear shift control should be a toggle switch. (John IV)
- 08660: [DIP/Input] (namco/skykid.cpp) drgnbstr: The “Allow Continue” DIP switch settings are reversed. (Zach S.)
- 08731: [DIP/Input] (taito/taito_z.cpp) bsharkjjs: Left/Right inputs are reversed. (Uncle Petros)
- 08962: [DIP/Input] (konami/zr107.cpp) jetwave, jetwavej: Analog inputs are too sensitive. (hap)
- 08980: [Known Issues/To-Do's] (konami/konamim2.cpp) all sets in konamim2.cpp: Poor performance while loading. (David Haywood)
- 09052: [Misc.] (sega/segaybd.cpp) rchase: Recoil outputs for both gun controllers are sent to a single output. (AchillesPDX)
- 09054: [Speed] (taito/bublbobl.cpp) tokio and clones: CPU time slices are unnecessarily short. (hap)
- 09060: [Graphics] (gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp) krull: Graphics may not display correctly after loading a saved state. (JimCarlTay)
- 09061: [Color/Palette] (nintendo/spacefb.cpp) spacedem: [possible] The background should be black. (hap)
- 09062: [Sound] (sanritsu/drmicro.cpp) drmicro: PSG sound pitch is too high. (125scratch)
- 09063: [Graphics] (pacman/pacman.cpp) alibaba and clones: The mystery item timer is not displayed. (hap)
- 09065: [Sound] (snk/lasso.cpp) lasso, chameleo, wwjgtin: Sound pitch and tempo are incorrect. (hap)
- 09067: [Interface] The tilemap viewer maps the pointer location incorrectly if the tilemap is flipped on either axis. (hap)
- 09077: [Interface] (nichibutsu/nbmj8891.cpp) mjcamerb, mmcamera: Version on older hardware is not marked as a clone. (Vas Crabb)
- 09084: [Sound] (galaxian/galaxold.cpp) 4in1: Explosion sounds do not play. (Robbbert)
- 09087: [Gameplay] (philips/cdi.cpp) quizardi_10: The game does not boot correctly. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 09094: [Interface] (snk/prehisle.cpp) gensitou: The description does not include the release region. (JimCarlTay)
- 09095: [Interface] UI: The menu item highlight texture is not symmetrical. (Vas Crabb)
- 09097: [DIP/Input] (seta/seta.cpp) drgnunit: The undocumented eighth DIP switch in the first bank adjusts stage time. (GoldS_TCRF)
New working systems
- Bandai Digital Monster (Japan) [hap, azya]
- Bandai Digital Monster Ver. 2 (Japan) [hap, azya]
- Bandai Digital Monster Ver. 3 (Japan) [hap, azya]
- Bandai Let's! TV Play Nou to Karada o Kitaeru Taikan Zunou Family Mattore (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Bandai Mothra no Tamagotchi (Japan) [hap, azya]
- Bandai Tamagotchi (Gen. 2, Japan) [hap, azya]
- Bandai Tenshitchi no Tamagotchi (Japan) [hap, azya]
- Casio Casiotone 8000 [=CO=Windler, Devin Acker]
- Casio Casiotone FK-1 [BCM, Devin Acker]
- Code Magik (Ver 5.5) / Super 7 (stealth game) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, Jeff Hamelin]
- Cuty Line (ver.1.01) [Taksangs, charlie]
- CXG Systems / Newcrest Technology / Intelligent Chess Software Pocketchess (CXG) [hap, Sean Riddle]
- Epoch Chibi Pachi: Alien Fever [hap, azya]
- Epoch Minna no Tetris (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Hasbro Giga Pets Explorer (Version 1.34.1, Mar 17 2006) [QUFB]
- Hegener + Glaser Mephisto Excalibur [hap, anonymous, Berger]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / Handheld Games Disney Pixar Classics (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / Handheld Games Power Rangers S.P.D. (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / Handheld Games Spider-Man 3 (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / HotGen Ltd Pirates of the Caribbean - Islands of Fortune (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) (Jun 1 2007 12:34:28) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / HotGen Ltd Superman in Super Villain Showdown (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) (26 Jan 2006 A) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Nikko Beans Collection: Venus Diet Monogatari [hap, azya]
- Novag Industries / Intelligent Heuristic Programming Beluga [hap, Berger]
- Oberheim DMX [m1macrophage]
- Pyuuta-kun (Japan) [hammy]
- Takara / SSD Company LTD Webdiver DX W-05 Gladion (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Tandy Corporation Stack Challenge [hap, azya]]
- Techno Source Interactive Coloring Book: Disney / Pixar Cars [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Techno Source Interactive Coloring Book: Disney / Pixar Toy Story [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- Techno Source Interactive Coloring Book: Disney Princess [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- Tronica Diver's Adventure [Milan Galcik, algestam]
New working clones
- Cherry Bonus III (ver.1.40, set 7) [hammy]
- Cherry Master I (E-Z Spin Hands Count bootleg / hack, set 1) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Cherry Master I (E-Z Spin Hands Count bootleg / hack, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Cherry Master I (ver.1.01, set 12) [hammy]
- Egg Venture (Release 4) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Endless Riches (Ver 1.10) [hammy]
- Fidelity International Excel 68000 Mach IV 68020 Master 2325 (set 1) [Berger]
- Gradius III: Densetsu kara Shinwa e (Japan, version 3, newer) [alamone]
- Hegener + Glaser Mephisto Excalibur (WCCC 1983 New York TM) [hap, anonymous, Berger]
- Long Hu Da Manguan Duizhan Jiaqiang Ban (V200C3M) [dyq, little0]
- N-Sub (cocktail) [system11]
- New Lucky 8 Lines (set 14, W-4, Yamate) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- New Lucky 8 Lines (set 15, W-4, Cleco bootleg) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (F-5, Witch Bonus, Yamate, 1985) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Witch Bonus, Yamate, 1988, set 1) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Witch Bonus, Yamate, 1988, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Novag Industries / Intelligent Heuristic Programming Diablo 68000 (set 1) [Gavin Fance]
- Rocket Convoy [Luis Arrufat]
- Run and Gun (ver UAB 1993 9.10, dedicated twin cabinet) [Bryan McPhail]
- Super Poker (v120IN) [The Dumping Union]
- Toride II (Japan, revision I) [twistedsymphony]
- Tronica Clever Chicken [Milan Galcik, algestam]
Systems promoted to working
- Bonanza's Joker Poker [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
- Silicon Graphics Professional IRIS 4D/50 [Patrick Mackinlay]
- Silicon Graphics Professional IRIS 4D/70 [Patrick Mackinlay]
- Super Mini-Boy [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
Clones promoted to working
- IPM Invader (set 2) [system11]
New systems marked not working
- 7 Gold [hammy]
- Alesis MIDIverb [m1macrophage]
- AtGames 40 Bonus Games in 1 (AtGames) [TeamEurope, Patryk Stefanski]
- AtGames Atari Flashback Portable (version 4) [Devin Acker]
- AV-Mahjong Two Shot (Japan Ver 1.00 1990/05/21) [hammy]
- Bandai / Koto Digimon X Arena (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Bandai / SSD Company LTD Let's! TV Play Disney Characters Oto! Iro! Ton-Ton! Miracle Parade (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Bandai / SSD Company LTD Let's TV Play Dragon Ball Z Battle Experience Kamehameha 2 ~Ossu Ome Goku Tenkaichi Budokai~ (Japan) [TeamEurope David Haywood]
- Bandai / SSD Company LTD Let's! TV Play Futari wa PreCure MaxHeart Mat de Dance MaxHeart ni Odotchaou (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Bandai / SSD Company LTD Let's! TV Play Narikiri Taikan Boukenger Hashire! Ute! Mission Start!! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Bandai / SSD Company LTD Let's! TV Play Taikan Cast Off - Kamen Rider Kabuto Clock Up & Rider Kick!! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Bandai Let's! TV Play Digital Monster Battle Junction (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Beetlemania (Atronic) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73]
- BornKid 32 Bit Preloaded 139-in-1 Handheld Game Console [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Casio Casiotone MB-1 [=CO=Windler, Devin Acker]
- Champion 3001 Regular [hammy]
- Cherry Bonus (A.A.I. bootleg) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Cherry Bonus II (V2.00 06/01) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Chickendales (Atronic) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73]
- Enter Tech Leadsinger II (LS-K2) [David Haywood, Sean Riddle]
- Epoch / SSD Company LTD Doko Demo Doraemon Nihon Ryokou Game DX Taikan! Doko Dora Grand Prix! (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Epoch / SSD Company LTD Doraemon Taikan Take-copter! Sora Tobu Daibouken (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Epoch / SSD Company LTD Doraemon Ugoku! Oekaki (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Epoch / SSD Company LTD Hello Kitty Piano PC (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Epoch / SSD Company LTD Ishikawa Ryou Excite Golf (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Fisher-Price 3-in-1 Smart Sports! (US) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- Fizz Creations Pac-Man Arcade in a Tin [TeamEurope]
- Fizz Creations Tetris Arcade in a Tin [TeamEurope]
- Golden Number [hammy]
- Gwasuwon (Korea) [Taksangs, David Haywood]
- Hana Night Rose (Japan, TSM008-04) [hammy]
- Happy Happy Hippy (Atronic) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / Digital Eclipse EA Sports Classics: NHL 95 & FIFA Soccer 96 (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / HotGen Ltd Bob the Builder - Project: Build It (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) (JUN 2 2006 14:42:01) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / HotGen Ltd Power Rangers to the Rescue (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) (Aug 8 2008 16:46:59) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / Santa Cruz Games The Amazing Spider-Man and The Masked Menace (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Jixiang Ruyi (V116CN) [dyq, little0]
- Jin Hua Zhengba (V113CN) [dyq, little0]
- JoyPalette / SSD Company LTD Anpanman Kazoku de! Ikunou Mat DX (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- JoyPalette / SSD Company LTD Anpanman Pyon-Pyon Ikunou Mat (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Lexibook Arcade Center (JL1800_01) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Mahjong Tenho (Japan, P016B-000) [hammy]
- Moog Music Memorymoog [m1macrophage]
- New Mondo Plus (V0.6I) [hammy]
- Oberheim OB8 [m1macrophage]
- Omatsuri Yasan: Ganso Takoyaki [SnakeGrunger]
- Pairs (Italian gambling game) [hammy]
- Radica / Sega Menacer (Radica Plug & Play) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Senario The Amazing Spider-Man (Senario, floor mat) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- Shayu Daheng (V104CN) [dyq, little0]
- Shuang Long Qiang Zhu Tebie Ban (V104CN) [dyq, little0]
- Skill Chance (W-7, set 1) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Super Ball 2001 (Italy version 5.23) [hammy, The Dumping Union]
- Thinkway Toys Interactive M.A.G. Motion Activated Gear: Teen Titans Arena Showdown [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- Tic Tac Toe (Sundance bootleg of New Lucky 8 Lines) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Top-7 (V8.8, set 1) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Typhoon Lagoon (Atronic) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73]
- unknown TAX game [hammy]
- unknown VT369 based 128-in-1 (GC31-369-20210702-V2) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Vibes Retro Pocket Gamer 240-in-1 [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- VTech Paw Patrol: The Movie Learning Tablet (Spanish) [ArcadeHacker]
- WinFun TV Art Design Center [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Xiaoyao Dou Dizhu [dyq, little0]
- YSN Play Portable Color GameU+ (90-in-1) (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Zupapa (Italian gambling game) [hammy]
New clones marked not working
- Atronic SetUp/Clear Chips [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73]
- Babooshka (Atronic) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73]
- Batman Forever (Italian, 4.0, Sept. 26 1995, Display Rev. 4.00) [Corrado Tomaselli]
- Batman Forever (Italian, 4.0, Sept. 26 1995, Display Rev. 4.00, earlier sound ROM) [Corrado Tomaselli]
- Bonus Chance (W-8, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Cherry Bonus III (ver.5.1) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Cherry Bonus V Five (V1.1) [Taksangs, charlie]
- Cherry Master '97 (V1.7, set 2) [hammy]
- Cuty Line (LC-88 bootleg, ver.7C.14) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Cuty Line (LC-88 bootleg, ver.8.05C) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Dream Maker (Atronic) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73]
- El Dorado (V1.1J) [Taksangs, charlie]
- F-16 Super 8 Lines [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Fever Chance (W-6, Japan, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Fever Chance (W-6, Taiwan) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Golden Regular (version 388/2000) [hammy]
- I C Money (Atronic) (set 2) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73]
- Inquizitor (V1.1) [Paul-Arnold]
- Inquizitor (V1.2, alt) [Paul-Arnold]
- Magic Bomb (Ver. A3.0) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Magic Bomb (Ver. AB4.3A, 10/30/01S) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Magic Bomb (Ver. AB5.3, 20/06/03) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Magic Bomb (Ver. EB4.0, 05/04/01) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Magic Touch (v. 28.05) [hammy]
- Monkey Land (Ver. A1.2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Monkey Land (Ver. AA.21.B) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Monkey Land (Ver. AA.21.C) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- NtCash (set 2) [hammy]
- Omatsuri Yasan: Kingyo Sukui [SnakeGrunger]
- Pentacup (rev. S) [Ken Sumrall, PinMAME]
- Radica / FarSight Studios Connectv Real Swing Golf (set 2) [David Haywood, Sean Riddle]
- Skill Chance (W-7, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Sphinx II (Atronic) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73]
- Top-7 (V8.8, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
New working software list items
- amiga_cd: Aminet Games [redump.org]
- apple2_flop_clcracked: The Coveted Mirror (version 1983) (4am crack) [4am, A-Noid]
- apple2gs_flop_orig:
2088: The Cryllan Mission, Draw Plus (version 1.0), First Categories, MultiScribe IIgs (version 3.01c), The New Talking Stickybear Alphabet, Peanuts Maze Marathon IIgs, Photonix II (version 2.50), Reading Magic Library: Jack and the Beanstalk IIgs, TopDraw (version 1.01A (8/4/87)), The Ugly Duckling (version 1.1) [4am, A-Noid]
List Plus (version 1.0 (11-Dec-87)), Panzer Battles IIgs, Skate or Die! IIgs (version 1.0), Transylvania III IIgs [4am, ianoid, A-Noid]
The New Talking Stickybear Opposites [4am, LoGo, A-Noid] - cdi: Validation Disc (Version 1.0) [redump.org]
- ibm5170_cdrom:
Win32 Software Development Kit (version 3.51), Win32 Software Development Kit and Device Driver Kit (version 3.1), Windows NT 3.1 Service Pack 2, Windows NT 3.1 Service Pack 3, Windows NT 3.5 Service Pack 2, Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 1, Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 3, Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 4, Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack, Windows NT Resource Kit (version 3.1), Windows NT Resource Kit (version 3.5), Windows NT Resource Kit (version 3.51), Windows NT Server Resource Kit (version 3.1), Windows NT Workstation Resource Kit (version 4.0) [Mike Swanson]
Sonic CD (China), Sonic CD (Europe), Sonic CD (USA), Sonic CD (USA, 1996 release), Sonic CD (USA, 1997 release), Sonic CD (USA, Packard Bell) [redump.org] - juku: E5104 System Disks, EKTA Utilities Disk #4 [Elektroonikamuuseum, Märt Põder]
- m3: M3 Utilities (Release 3) [Steve Hunt]
- pc6001_cart:
Turpin (1982-10-12) [Mike Stedman]
Turpin (1983-01-29) [bsittler] - pc8801_flop: Berserkers Front Gaiden 3 Plus - Turning Point [krugman]
- psx: 007 - Demain ne Meurt Jamais (France), 007 - Der Morgen Stirbt Nie (Germany), 007 - Die Welt Ist Nicht Genug (Germany), 007 - El Mundo Nunca es Suficiente (Spain), 007 - Le Monde ne Suffit Pas (France), 007 - The World Is Not Enough (Europe), 007 - The World Is Not Enough (Sweden), 007 - The World Is Not Enough (USA, prototype 20000826), 007 - Tomorrow Never Dies (Europe), 007 Racing (Europe), 007 Racing (France), 007 Racing (Germany), A Ressha de Ikou 4 - Evolution Global (Japan), A Ressha de Ikou 4 - Evolution Global (Japan) (PlayStation the Best), A.IV - Evolution Global (Europe), Actua Golf (Europe), Actua Golf (Japan), Actua Golf 2 (Europe), Actua Golf 3 (Europe) [redump.org]
- spectrum_cass:
Channel 1 - Spectrum Music Club - Double Issue 6 + 7 (Sept. 1991), Channel 1 - Spectrum Music Club - Issue 5 (Jan. 1991), Computer Form Pools Predictions, Sample Editor, Silent 'e' & /y/ Rules, VTX 711 Prestel & Terminal Software [Planeta Sinclair, Steven Brown]
Libreria de Software Spectrum № 6 (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 6 (covertape, alt), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 7 (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 7 (covertape, alt), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 8 (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 9 (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 9 (covertape, alt), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 10 (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 10 (covertape, alt), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 11 (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 12 (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 12 (covertape, alt), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 13 (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 14 - Spy Chip (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 14 - Spy Chip (covertape, alt), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 15 - Invasion (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 16 - Carr-2001 (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 17 - Xirius (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 18 - Zortron (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 18 - Zortron (covertape, alt), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 19 - Argon (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 19 - Argon (covertape, alt), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 20 - Night (covertape, alt), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 21 - Voyager (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 22 - Blue Lands (covertape), Light Force (Zafi Chip), Lode Runner (48K), Misiles [Spectrum Computing] - zx81_cass:
3D Monster Maze (ZX Data), Astral Convoy, Gulp II (ZX Data), Monstro das Trevas, ZX Breakout [Spectrum Computing]
Centipede (Kayde), Constellation (red logo inlay), The Damsel and the Beast (red logo inlay), Dictator (red logo inlay), House of Gnomes, Multifile (Bug-Byte), Videograph [Steven Brown, Mark Westmoreland, Planeta Sinclair]
3D 3D! (Kayde), 3D Monster Maze (Aackosoft), Asteroids (dK'tronics), Can of Worms (alt), Frogs (Aackosoft), Gulp II (Aackosoft), Invasion Force (Aackosoft), Love and Death, Mazeman, Morse Decoder, Ny Teknik - 7 Program till din Sinclair ZX 81, Skak, Stock Car (alt), ZX Breakout (pink inlay), ZX Nightmare Park (Aackosoft) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair]
Software list items promoted to working
- amigaocs_flop: Abandoned Places - A Time for Heroes (Europe), Alien Breed (Europe), Australo Piticus Mechanicus (Europe), B.C. Kid (Europe), BMX Simulator (Europe), Battle Isle (Europe), Bio Challenge (Europe), Body Blows (Europe, v2), Brutal - Paws of Fury (Europe), Ghouls 'n' Ghosts & Venus the Flytrap (Europe, Chart Attack), Lost Patrol (Europe), Lost Patrol (USA), Road Rash (Europe) [Angelo Salese]
- zx81_cass: 3D 3D! [ArcadeShadow]
New software list items marked not working
- amiga_cd: 17 Bit - Level 6 (Europe), 17 Bit - Phase Four (Europe), 17 Bit - The Fifth Dimension (Europe), The Big Red Adventure (Europe), Emulators Unlimited Plus (Germany), Final Odyssey: Theseus Verses the Minotaur (Europe), Gunbee F-99: The Kidnapping of Lady Akiko (Europe), Kang Fu, Pinball Brain Damage (Europe), Red Hat Linux 5.1 [redump.org]
- ibm5170_cdrom: Sonic CD (USA, Pentium Processor Edition), Sonic CD (USA, Pentium Processor Edition, alt) [redump.org]
- zx81_cass:
Space Invaders (Kayde) [Steven Brown, Mark Westmoreland, Planeta Sinclair]
ZXED [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair]
Merged pull requests
- 12984: bus/hp_dio: Added the HP98628 and HP98629 communication cards. [F.Ulivi]
- 13040: frontend/luaengine.cpp: Expose mame_ui_manager::show_menu() to scripts. [Nathan Woods]
- 13040: bus/heathzenith: Use machine configuration fragments to supply additional connections to cards. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13047: sega/segas32_v.cpp: Use 10-bit tilemap position values when zooming and 9-bit values otherwise. [mahoneyt944]
- 13070: 3rdparty/bgfx: Cherry-picked upstream improvements for Wayland desktops. [Belegdol]
- 13074: tvgames: Added eight XaviX-based TV games (not working), and improved XaviX video emulation. [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- 13080: 3rdparty/lzma: Don't treat K&R function definitions as an error. [FlykeSpice]
- 13082: bus/heathzenith/h19/tlb.cpp: Added a machine configuration option to disable page 2 RAM for UltraROM. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13089: psx.xml: Added nine working James Bond games and replaced three items with better dumps. [redump.org, ArcadeShadow]
- 13090: moog/memorymoog.cpp: Added preliminary Memorymoog emulation (no sound output). [m1macrophage]
- 13091: namco/mappy.cpp: Moved Phozon to a derived state class and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13095: namco/namco_cus4xtmap.cpp: Converted CUS42 + CUS43 tilemap hardware to a device. [cam900]
- 13105: bus/heathzenith/h89: Added the Z-89-11 multi-function interface card. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13106: cpu/upd177x: Replaced high-level µPD17771C emulation with a CPU core. [Wilbert Pol]
- 13107: cpu/mpk1839/kl1839vm1.cpp: Improved user-space VAX-11 instruction decoding. [holub]
- 13108: cpu: Fixed various recompiler issues and added four UML instructions. [Windy Fairy]
- 13109: machine/ncr5385.cpp: Mask auxiliary status bits if no interrupts are pending. [Adam Billyard]
- 13110: tvgames/spg2xx_dreamlife.cpp: Added Hasbro Giga Pets Explorer. [QUFB]
- 13112: moog/source.cpp, nec/pc88va.cpp: Fixed two Microsoft Visual C++ implicit conversion warnings. [Meerkov]
- 13114: ibm5170_cdrom.xml: Added eight versions of Sonic CD. [redump.org, Mike Swanson]
- 13115: taito/taito_z.cpp: Corrected Battle Shark left/right 8-way joystick directions (MT08731). [Uncle Petros]
- 13119: neogeo: Reduced run-time tag lookups, suppress side effects for debugger reads, and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13121: konami/nemesis.cpp: Moved games to derived state classes to reduce optional object finders, and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13123: sinclair/atm.cpp, sinclair/pentevo.cpp: Fixed out-of-bounds palette accesses (MT08472). [holub]
- 13134: taito/taitotz.cpp: Fixed FIFO packet size calculation and cleaned up code. [Ryan Holtz]
- 13126: tvgames/spg2xx_jakks.cpp: Added Pirates of the Caribbean - Islands of Fortune. [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- 13127: philips/mcd212.cpp: Fixed CD-i DYUV color format decoding. [Vincent-Halver]
- 13129: tvgames/spg2xx_jakks.cpp: Added Superman in Super Villain Showdown. [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- 13130: bus/heathzenith/h89/sigmasoft_sound.cpp: Fixed reading joysticks, and tidied code. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13132: cpu: Fixed more recompiler back-end issues, particularly when handling 32-bit operands. [Windy Fairy]
- 13133: atari: Cleaned up various Atari 2D arcade system drivers. [cam900]
- 13134: tvgames/spg2xx_jakks.cpp: Added JAKKS Pacific Spider-Man 3. [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- 13135: imagedev/flopdrv.cpp: Removed code supporting functionality that’s no longer used. [Priit Laes]
- 13136: tvgames/spg2xx_jakks.cpp: Added JAKKS Pacific Power Rangers S.P.D. [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- 13137: osd/interface/inputcode.h: Fixed enumeration range warnings in debug builds. [AJR]
- 13140: handheld/hh_e0c6x.cpp: Fixed a typo in a comment. [einstein95]
- 13141: tvgames/spg2xx_jakks.cpp: Added the third button for JAKKS Pacific Spider-Man 3. [David Haywood]
- 13142: Updated README.md links and compiling instructions, and rearranged for readability. [Dirk Best]
- 13144: cpu/hcd62121/hcd62121.cpp: Register recently added member variables for save states. [QUFB]
- 13145: sinclair/tsconf.cpp Improved decoding of graphics tiles. [holub]
- 13146: apple2gs_flop_orig.xml, apple2_flop_clcracked.xml: Added sixteen working items and updated one crack. [A-Noid33]
- 13149: pc6001_cart.xml: Added two versions of Turpin. [Mike Stedman, bsittler, David Silva]
- 13151: atari/atarig1.cpp, atari/atarig42.cpp, atari/atarigt.cpp, atari/atarigx2.cpp, atari/atarirle.cpp: Cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13153: Added two TV Games (not working), and improved SPG110 SoC emulation. [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- 13154: bus/heathzenith/h89/sigmasoft_sound.cpp: Fixed joystick polarity. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13155: nmk/quizpani.cpp: Added comments noting the purpose of the video timing PROMs. [cam900]
- 13156: nmk/ddealer.cpp: Clarified that the sprite DMA PROM bit is not used at all for this system. [cam900]
- 13157: atlus/patapata.cpp: Added comments noting the purposed of the video timing PROMs. [cam900]
- 13158: nmk/quizdna.cpp: Cleaned up memory banking, palette handling and graphics decoding. [cam900]
- 13160: philips/minitel_2_rpic.cpp: Corrected the default serial frame settings for the second serial port. [Fabio D'Urso]
- 13162: cpu/drcbearm64.cpp: Added a 64-bit ARMv8 (AArch64) recompiler back-end. [Windy Fairy]
- 13163: moog: Tidied code to better follow MAME conventions. [m1macrophage]
- 13165: oberheim/dmx.cpp: Added preliminary Oberheim DMX emulation (no sound output or cassette I/O). [m1macrophage]
- 13168: sound/dac76.h: Corrected pinout in comment and noted equivalence to AM6070. [m1macrophage]
- 13170: koei/pasogo.cpp: Fixed apparent copy/paste errors in the real-time clock code (fixes setting alarm). [einstein95]
- 13171: bus/heathzenith/h19/tlb.cpp: Added joystick support to the SigmaSoft IGC board. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13172: pasogo.xml: Updated the list of undumped software in the header comment. [David Silva]
- 13173: nmk/nmk004.cpp, nmk/nmk16.cpp: Improved save state support and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13174: zx81_cass.xml: Added 29 items (27 working), and promoted one item to working with usage instructions. [ArcadeShadow]
- 13176: misc/4enraya.cpp: Corrected the speed and difficulty DIP switch settings. [Uncle Petros]
- 13177: oberheim/dmx.cpp: Allow faders to be controlled with a single pointing device. [m1macrophage]
- 13178: psx.xml: Added ten working items and replaced two items with better dumps. [redump.org, ArcadeShadow]
- 13179: apple/macadb.cpp: Added support for second button of an ADB mouse (used by Apple IIgs). [as-tb-dev]
- 13180: bus/heathzenith/h89: Don’t register fixed configuration member variables for save states. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13182: gaelco/goldart.cpp: Changed main CPU clock frequency, and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13184: machine/dl11.cpp: Added 1801VP1-065 variant and implemented more functionality. [shattered]
- 13185: misc/4enraya.cpp: Labelled DIP switch on bit 1 (0x02) as unknown (it does not control demo sounds). [Uncle Petros]
- 13186: moog: Added General MIDI note mappings to piano key inputs. [m1macrophage]
- 13187: roland/roland_d70.cpp: Added five program versions as BIOS options and adjusted LCD palette. [Felipe Sanches]
- 13189: dataeast/exprraid.cpp: Corrected DIP switch locations for Express Raider. [Uncle Petros]
- 13193: bus/heathzenith/h89: Removed signals not present on a real H-89 bus. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13194: gaelco/gaelco3d.cpp: Suppress side effects for debugger reads and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13195: gaelco/gaelco.cpp: Cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13196: bfm/bfcobra.cpp: Load Inquizitor attract mode ROM, and added alternate versions as clones. [Paul-Arnold]
- 13198: galaxian/galaxian.cpp: Added Rocket Convoy (War of the Bugs clone from Radar Ltd.). [Luis Arrufat, ClawGrip]
- 13199: megacd.xml: Combined the Mega CD and Sega CD software lists. [Mike Swanson]
- 13200: philips/minitel_2_rpic.cpp: Corrected the palette so all colors are distinct. [Fabio D'Urso]
- 13203: irem/m72.cpp: Corrected the demo sounds DIP switch settings for Battle Chopper/Mr. HELI. [David Haywood]
- 13204: handheld/hh_sm510.cpp: Added Tronica Diver’s Adventure. [Milan Galcik, algestam]
- 13205: ussr/juku.cpp: Use a memory view for switching memory mapping, and added the mouse and fixed timer. [Märt Põder]
- 13206: oberheim/dmx.cpp: Added sound emulation. [m1macrophage]
- 13209: sound/roland_sa.cpp: Emulated the CPU-B board sound generation used in Roland SA-synthesis digital pianos. [Giulio Zausa]
- 13210: sinclair/tsconf.cpp: Register data members for save states. [holub]
- 13211: gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp: Moved systems with LaserDisc players to a derived state class and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13212: roland/roland_d70.cpp: Added an internal layout. [Felipe Sanches]
- 13213: excellent/excellent_spr.cpp: Fixed sprite delay and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13214: oberheim/ob8.cpp: Added a skeleton driver for for the Oberheim OB8. [m1macrophage]
- 13215: barcrest/mpu3.cpp: Corrected the 100 Hz input to the 6821 PIA IC3. [blueonesarefaster]
- 13217: juku.xml: Added JUKU E5104 system disks from 1988 to 1989. [Elektroonikamuuseum, Märt Põder]
- 13218: handheld/hh_sm510.cpp: Added Tronica Clever Chicken. [Milan Galcik, algestam]
- 13219: matsushita/kn5000.cpp: Show feedback for pressed buttons and added some details to the internal layout. [Felipe Sanches]
- 13221: edevices/edevices.cpp: Derive from device_gfx_interface to decode graphics, and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13222: formats/h17disk.cpp: Added Heath hard-sectored floppy disk formats. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13223: oberheim/dmx.cpp: Added support for pitch tuning and optimized pitch calculations. [m1macrophage]
- 13224: cpu/mcs51/mcs51.cpp: Implemented the PES bit for the DS5002FP. [cam900]
- 13225: video/ef9345.cpp: Implemented the service row for the TS9347 variant (used for Minitel 2 status display). [Fabio D'Urso]
- 13226: heathzenith/h89.cpp: Simplified GPP handling for the MMS floppy controller. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13228: oberheim/dmx.xpp: Added anti-aliasing/reconstruction filters, and refactored and optimized the code. [m1macrophage]
- 13230: ibm5170_cdrom.xml: Added Windows NT service packs, resource kits and development kits. [Mike Swanson]
- 13232: cpu: Calculate negative and zero flags for shifts/rotates with a zero shift count in DRC back-ends. [Windy Fairy]
- 13234: misc/changyu.cpp: Identified contents of sound ROMs and set year to 1991 for 999 based on an advertisement. [flama12333]
- 13235: Added eleven TV games and karaoke systems (two working). [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Sean Riddle]
- 13236: vtech/vtech5303.cpp: Added a partial dump of the Spanish VTech Paw Patrol Learning Tablet. [ArcadeHacker, ClawGrip]
- 13237: casio/ct8000.cpp: Emulated the Casiotone 8000 keyboard and related systems. [Devin Acker, BCM, =CO=Windler]
- 13238: alesis/midiverb.cpp: Added a non-working driver for the Alesis MIDIverb digital delay/reverb unit. [m1macrophage]
- 13239: cpu/drcbearm64.cpp: Fixed ADRP instruction usage (destination must be an X register. [Windy Fairy]
- 13240: dataeast/deco156_m.cpp: Updated comments and cleaned up code a little. [cam900]
- 13241: tvgames: Added seventeen TV games (four working). [TeamEurope, Sean Riddle, Patryk Stefanski, David Haywood]
- 13243: philips/mcd212.cpp: Fixed CD-i RLE decoding and transparency color key bit mask. [Vincent-Halver]
- 13244: alesis/midiverb.cpp: Hooked up the audio path with a pass-through placeholder for the DSP. [m1macrophage]
- 13245: Added 34 working items, and improved metadata. [ArcadeShadow]
- 13246: philips/mcd212.cpp: Implemented RBG decoding and RGB transparency bit. [Vincent-Halver]
- 13247: tvgames/monkey_king_3b.cpp: Dumped the AtGames Atari Flashback Portable console. [Devin Acker]
- 13249: util/corestr.cpp, sound/sdl_sound.cpp: Added missing standard library headers. [Belegdol]
- 13251: bus/spectrum/zxbus.cpp: Use a memory view for shadow I/O selection. [holub]
- 13252: kaneko/snowbros.cpp: Added Gwasuwon (made playable using protection data from another game). [Taksangs, David Haywood]
- 13254: sinclair/scorpion.cpp: Added three variants of the new Scorpion GMX ProfROM +GMX V.6.xx.043.9226s BIOS. [holub]
- 13256: sinclair/scorpion.cpp: Added the new ProfROM V.4.xx.043.9226su BIOS for the ZS-256 TURBO+. [holub]
- 13257: oberheim/dmx.cpp: Emulated stereo sound output, improved voice balance, and optimized VCA emulation. [m1macrophage]
- 13262: hash/pc8801_flop.xml: Updated usage comments for Babylon. [Marc Roy]
- 13265: tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_rom.cpp: Added Power Rangers to the Rescue (not working). [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- 13266: oberheim/dmx.cpp: Added tuning trim sliders to the internal layout. [m1macrophage]
- 13267: seta/downtown.cpp: Adjusted Meta Fox/Arbalester video refresh rate to improve Meta Fox music tempo. [cam900]
- 13269: pc8801_flop.xml: Added Berserkers Front Gaiden 3 Plus - Turning Point. [krugman, Marc Roy]
- 13270: seta/simple_st0016.cpp: Removed unnecessary trampoline functions; seta/st0016.cpp: Improved member function names. [cam900]
- 13272: tvgames/spg2xx_jakks.cpp: Added JAKKS Pacific Disney Pixar Classics. [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
→ NOWSZY [arcade] HbMameUI x64 0.245.22 2025/02/02
HBMAME x64 0.245.22 2025-02-02
- NAM-1975: Enabled the demo in the attract mode
- Galaxian hardware: fixed bugs in sprite drawing cocktail mode
New Games
- [cbarrel] Captain Barrel
- [doubled] Double Dragon One demo (2025-01-23)
- [doubled1] Double Dragon One demo (2025-01-03)
- [galaxiann2] Galaxians (beta 2, 2023-06-23) (Neo-Geo port)
- [pakupaku] Paku Paku (v0.01)
- [pakupaku2] Paku Paku (v0.02)
- [sgz] Shadow Gangs demo
- [shinobin] Shinobi v1.0 (Neo-Geo port)
- [shinobin1] Shinobi v1.1 (Neo-Geo port)
- [shinobint] Shinobi Test
HBMAME x64 0.245.21 2024-11-13
New Games
- [bubblem01] Bubble Memories: Black Edition (World)
- [bubblemu01] Bubble Memories: Black Edition (USA)
- [dilith] Dilithium Lift
- [dkongjr01] Donkey Kong Junior (bugfixed)
- [galaga03] Galaga Challenging Only (2024-03-26)
- [knightsch] Knight's Chance
- [kof94s40] Kof'94 (Team Edit Edition v1.4.2)
- [quarth01] Quarth (Cooperative)
- [redearthep] Red Earth (NO CD, Easy Password)
- [sf2ce59] Street Fighter II' (Golden Magic)
- [sf2ce60] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Aimed Barrels)
- [sf2ce61] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Aimed Fires)
- [sf2ce62] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Barrels of Fun)
- [sf2ce63] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Bird in Hand)
- [sf2ce64] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Burning Fires)
- [sf2ce65] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Fire Serpent)
- [sf2ce66] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Vampiric)
- [sf2ce67] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (L735 [CL1785])
- [sfz3mix] Street Fighter Zero 3 (Turbo Mix 0.31) [zero800]
- [ssf2t10] Street Fighter II Turbo (940223U, difficulty fix)
→ NOWSZY [Arcade] MAMEui x64 0.274 31/01/2025
MameUI 0.274 31/01/2025
- Fixed minor issues with galaxian-based games such as 4in1, frogger, pacmanbl, mooncrst and jumpbug [MT 02074, 02077, 09084, 05208, 01598]
- Centralised version control to the top of the makefile
- Fixed crash sound in drivfrcg and clones [MT 01595]
- ELF2: fixed numerous bugs to get this system working [MT 09076]
MameUI 0.273.1 31/12/2024
- cdibios: fixed crash at start [MT9037]
- vp415: fixed regression and crash at start [MT9024]
- svision: fixed crash at start if no cartridge [MT9017]
MameUI 0.273 25/12/2024
- sync with mame v0.273 (If it was skipped they would make an entry at mamedev.org (like last year), and my version would have been (0.272.2).)
- Removed option to change clone colours - it hadn't been working for a long time.
- Fixed crash in mononcol if no cartridge used.
- Fixed quickload in jaguar which had been crashing for the last few years. Many games now playable. See hash/more/jaguar_quik.xml
- Got rid of annoying popup messages in supracan.
Please note that gameinit.dat which previously only contained arcade-related info now additionally has console, computer, and pinball information. You can grab a copy at https://github.com/Robbbert/Startup/blob/main/gameinit.dat. This information will show at the top of the history tab.
MameUI 0.272 29/11/2024
- The only major change is the ability to get proper crash dumps in case something goes wrong. Most people can ignore this, but if you think you can help with tracking down problems you must start MAMEUI with a redirection parameter. For example:
>mameui > crash.txt
Various internal things will be written to crash.txt which can be ignored, but should a crash occur, the dump will go into crash.txt as well. The dump uses the new file mameui.sym which has been included in the download package. When a crash occurs, MAMEUI will appear to freeze for about 60 seconds, before exiting. No need to panic. If the freeze goes on for too long then you can terminate the process.
MameUI 0.270 26/09/2024
- sync with mame v0.270
- The software listed in hashmore now number 39158, spread over 102 lists.
MameUI 0.269 29/08/2024
- sync with mame v0.269
MameUI 0.268.1 01/08/2024
- sync Mame 0.268
- Found that some zn games were crashing, so fixed that and uploaded version 0.268.1
MameUI 0.266 30/05/2024
- sync Mame 0.266
MameUI 0.265 25/04/2024
- sync Mame 0.265
MameUI 0.264 27/03/2024
- sync Mame 0.264
MameUI 0.263 28/02/2024
- sync Mame 0.263
In case you're unaware, many of UI controls on the function keys have been reassigned. For example, instead of P for Pause, now it's F5.
We got annoyed one time too many at the interactions of the P key with drivers that would need it (keyboards, virtual piano keyboards, lots of stuff). So we decided an overhaul was in order. Of course, all that is still customizable, so one can trivially change things back in the UI if needed.
- F5: pause
- shift-F5: single-stepping in pause
- F4: single-stepping in rewind
- F6: save state
- shift-F6: quicksave (save without confirmation to a save state called quick, at least for now)
- F7: load state
- shift-F7: quickload
- F8/F9: frameskip level up/down
- shift-F8: toggle cheats
Plus a number of unchanged controls:
- F4: show graphics/tilemaps
- F10: (un)throttle
- F11: show fps
- shift-F11: show profiler
- F2/shift-F2: tape stop/start
- F12: screenshort
- shift-F12: record mng
- shift-ctrl-F12: record avi
Hopefully, that will help. Also, the easier-to-access save/load keys could be nice.
→ [Arcade] Mame Classic 10.2.0 - 04/01/2025
MAME CLASSIC Version 10.2.0 - 05/01/2025
- Added: Support for AntoPISA's gameinit.dat and command.dat.
- Changed: Included mess.dat and portable.dat now have a .txt extension to differentiate them from official MAME .dat files. Be sure to replace or rename your portable.dat before running this version for the first time.
- Changed : The Information screen now loads individual files selected by the user.
- Fixed: MAME Classic would error if you clicked on a button or link during the delay while loading a software list.
→ [arcade] Mame x64 0.273 31/12/2024
MAME 0.273 31 Dec 2024
New working clones
- 3 Bags Full (4XF5196I02, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (France) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (Germany) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, France) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, Germany) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, Sweden) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, UK) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (rev 4, France) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (rev 4, Germany) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (rev 4, Sweden) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (rev 4, UK) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (Sweden) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (UK) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, France) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, Germany) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, Sweden) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, UK) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //e (France) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //e (Germany) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //e (enhanced, Germany) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //e (enhanced, Sweden) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //e (Platinum, France) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //e (Platinum, Germany) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //e (Platinum, Sweden) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //e (Platinum, UK) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //e (Sweden) [as-tb-dev]
- Arctic Wins (4XF5227H04, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Bachelorette Party (BHG1247, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Black Panther (FHG0949-01, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Boot Scootin' (AHG1433, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Boot Scootin' (GHG1012-01, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Caribbean Gold II (4XF5182H04, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- CXG Systems / Newcrest Technology Sphinx Dominator (v2.04) [Mr. Lars]
- Dolphin Treasure (FHG4076-02, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Double Agent (3XF5287H04, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Future Flash (set 2) [chaneman]
- The Gambler (11XF528902, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Golden Poker Double Up (tearoomundefinedsara hack) [Roberto Fresca, hammy]
- Heath Company H-89 with CDR Equipment [Mark Garlanger]
- Jack Potten's Poker (set 16, ICP-1 PCB) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, hammy]
- Jack Potten's Poker (set 17, ICP-1 PCB) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, hammy]
- Janyou Part II (ver 7.02, July 1 1983) [hammy]
- K.G. Bird (3XF5264H04, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Magic Mask (AHG1207, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- New Lucky 8 Lines (set 13) [hammy]
- Penguin Pays - Cash Express (AHG1295, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Player's Edge Plus (PP0045) 10's or Better (set 6, Circus Circus) [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (PP0045) 10's or Better (set 7, Old Reno Casino) [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (PP0045) 10's or Better (set 8, Harrah's) [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (PP0050) Joker Poker (set 5, El Cortez) [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (PP0055) Deuces Wild Poker (set 5) [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (PP0102) Standard Draw Poker [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (PP0123) Deuces Wild Poker [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (PP0197) Standard Draw Poker (International) [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (PP0231) Deuces Joker Wild Poker [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (PP0242) Deuces Wild Poker [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (PP0540) Double Bonus Poker (set 3) [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (PS0278) 4th of July Slots [Nathan Carlson, Brian Troha]
- Psion MC 200 [Nigel Barnes]
- Psion MC Word [zedstarr, Nigel Barnes]
- Psion MC Word (German) [The Last Psion, Nigel Barnes]
- Punk Shot (Asia 2 Players, hacked?) [Dragos]
- Sega SC-3000 (PAL) [AJR]
- SRD: Super Real Darwin (Japan, bootleg) [Roberto Fresca, Gabriel Vega (El Pampa), Emmanuel Firmapaz, Club Argentino de Arcades, hap]
- Turpin (Novatronic bootleg) [Luis Arrufat, Recreativas.org]
- White Tiger (4XF5139I08, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Systems promoted to working
- Apple Computer Macintosh PowerBook 140 [R. Belmont]
- Apple Computer Macintosh PowerBook 160 [R. Belmont]
- Apple Computer Macintosh PowerBook 180c [R. Belmont]
- Business Computer Corporation Busicom 141-PF [Robbbert]
- The Yakyuken [hap]
- Clones promoted to working
- Apple Computer Macintosh PowerBook 145 [R. Belmont]
- Apple Computer Macintosh PowerBook 145B [R. Belmont]
- Apple Computer Macintosh PowerBook 165 [R. Belmont]
- Apple Computer Macintosh PowerBook 165c [R. Belmont]
- Apple Computer Macintosh PowerBook 170 [R. Belmont]
- Apple Computer Macintosh PowerBook 180 [R. Belmont]
- Jack Potten's Poker (set 15, w/fever, ICP-1 PCB) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
- The Real Ghostbusters (US 3 Players, revision 2) [hap]
- Real Mahjong Haihai (Japan, bootleg) [AJR]
- New systems marked not working
- Amazonia (Ming-Yang Electronic / TSK) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Bandai / SSD Company LTD Let's! TV Play Ongeki Battle! Kamen Rider Hibiki: Kimero! Ikki Kasei no Kata (Japan)
- [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Bandai / SSD Company LTD Let's! TV Play Taikan Taitoku Kekkaishi: Houi! Jouso! Ketsu! Metsu! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Black Rhino (IGT) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Casio Color Picky Talk - Super Denshi Techou [QUFB]
- Casio Picky Talk - Super Denshi Techou [QUFB]
- Casio Plet's (MK-300) [QUFB]
- Casio Plet's (MK-350) [QUFB]
- Casio Super Picky Talk - Access Pet [QUFB]
- Chaku Melo Collection [Darksoft]
- Cherry Bonus IV (V5.0) [hammy]
- Clavia Nord Lead 2X [DBWBP]
- CPS1 Multi Game [hellshinox, H4M573R, NTDEC, nnap, hammy, TeamEurope]
- Crazy Bell (V1.2D) [hammy]
- Dream 9 Flower (v1.00c) [hammy]
- DT7 (prototype) [TT19xx_DigitalFoundary, David Haywood]
- Epoch / SSD Company LTD TV de Asobou! Manabou! Chou Nouryoku AIUEO Zukan (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Epoch Cassette Vision [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- Halloween (Ming-Yang Electronic / TSK, version 1.0) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Hana Doujou (set 1) [hammy]
- Harikiri Junior Baseball (Japan, main ver. 1.0, video ver. 1.3) [hammy]
- Joker Poker (0301477V, New Zealand) [anonymous, Heihachi_73]
- Lucky 88 (Wing) [hammy]
- Lucky Star (newer Z180-based hardware) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Mahjong Dai-Reach (Japan, TSM012-C01) [hammy]
- Multi Game (IGT, M0000133) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Multi Game (IGT, M0000156) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Multi Game (IGT, M0000159) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Multi Game (IGT, M0000164) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Multi Game (IGT, M0000166) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Multi Game (IGT, M0000214) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Multi Game (IGT, M0000247) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Multi Game (IGT, M0000394) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Multi Game (IGT, M0000535) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- The Munsters [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Roland MT-100 [buffi]
- Scatter Magic - Cash Express (0251026, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Special Dream 9 (v1.0.5G) [nnap]
- Super 8 Race [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Takara Tomy / Capcom / SSD Company LTD Ryuusei no Rockman: Denpa Henkan! On Air! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Tsukuda Original Disney Characters - Tegaki Electronic Note [QUFB]
- unknown Belatra slot machine [TeamEurope]
- unknown Falcon gambling machine [Mark Beckford]
- Venteta [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Vision printer [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Wheel of Fortune (IGT) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Wild Cat [hammy]
- New clones marked not working
- Bubblen Roulette (Japan, main ver. 1.7, video ver. 1.3) [hammy]
- Bumble Bugs (CHG0479-02, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Chariot Challenge (RHG0635-02, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Double Dolphins (0351006, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Dragon Mahjong (Ver 1.03) [hammy]
- El Dorado (V2.0D) [hammy]
- Geisha (0101153V, NSW/ACT) [anonymous, Heihachi_73]
- Hana Doujou (set 2) [hammy]
- Hanafuda Hana Gokou (Japan, ver. A) [hammy]
- IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station 'For Girls' (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station (Japan, set 2) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station (Japan, set 3) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station (Japan, set 4) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station (Japan, set 5) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station (Japan, set 6) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Jan Oh (set 3) [hammy]
- Jumpin' Joeys (DHG4735-02, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Magic Garden (AHG1211-03, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Mine, Mine, Mine (NHG0416-02, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Wild Angels (QHG0477-04, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Wild Cougar (NHG0632-07, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- New working software list items
- a2600: Fix-It Felix Sr., Fix-It Felix Sr. (PAL) [Cybearg]
- amiga_hardware: Rainbow II Diashow Professional V1.92, RainbowPainter V0.99b [Amiga Hardware Database]
- apple2_flop_misc: Apple II Diagnostic Disk (version 3.1) (800K 3.5") [anonymous]
- ibm5170: Transport Tycoon (German) [The Good Old Days]
- ibm5170:
- Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1) [3.5" floppy], Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1 (3.10.511.1) [3.5" floppy],
- Windows NT Workstation 3.51 (3.51.1057.1) [3.5" floppies] [Mike Swanson]
- ibm5170_cdrom:
- Civilization: Call to Power (Limited Edition, v1.1), Corel Linux Deluxe [David Silva]
- Windows 2000 Advanced Server (5.00.2195.1), Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Service Pack 1 (5.00.2195.1620),
- Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Service Pack 2 (5.00.2195.2951),
- Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Service Pack 3 (5.00.2195.5438),
- Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Service Pack 4 (5.00.2195.6717), Windows 2000 MultiLanguage Version,
- Windows 2000 Professional (5.00.2195.1), Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 1 (5.00.2195.1620),
- Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 2 (5.00.2195.2951), Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 3 (5.00.2195.5438),
- Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 4 (5.00.2195.6717), Windows 2000 Server (5.00.2195.1),
- Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 1 (5.00.2195.1620), Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 2 (5.00.2195.2951),
- Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 3 (5.00.2195.5438), Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 4 (5.00.2195.6717),
- Windows 2000 Service Pack 1, Windows 2000 Service Pack 2, Windows 2000 Service Pack 3, Windows 2000 Service Pack 4,
- Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1, en-US), Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1, MSDN, de-DE), Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1, MSDN, es-ES),
- Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1, MSDN, fr-FR), Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1, MSDN, it-IT), Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1, MSDN, nl-NL),
- Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1, MSDN, sv-SE), Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.528.1, en-US), Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.528.1, MSDN, da-DK),
- Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.528.1, MSDN, en-US), Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.528.1, MSDN, fi-FI), Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.528.1, MSDN, no-NO),
- Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.528.1, MSDN, pt-BR), Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 2, Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3,
- Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4, Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 5, Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a,
- Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1 (3.10.511.1, en-US), Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1 (3.10.528.1, en-US),
- Windows NT Server 3.51 (3.51.1057.1), Windows NT Server 3.5 (3.50.807.1), Windows NT Server 4.0 (4.0.1381.1),
- Windows NT Server 4.0 with Service Pack 1 (4.0.1381.2), Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition 4.0 (4.0.1381.4),
- Windows NT Server, Terminal Server Edition 4.0 (4.0.419.1), Windows NT Workstation 3.51 (3.51.1057.1),
- Windows NT Workstation 3.5 (3.50.807.1), Windows NT Workstation 4.0 (4.0.1381.1),
- Windows NT Workstation 4.0 with Service Pack 1 (4.0.1381.2) [Mike Swanson]
- Transport Tycoon, Transport Tycoon Deluxe [redump.org]
- megadriv:
- Wreck It Ralph (Russian translation bootleg), Wreck It Ralph (Russian translation bootleg, alt) [anonymous]
- Fix-it Felix Jr., Fix-it Felix Jr. (v1.0) [Mike Swanson]
- nes: PCM Demo With Graphics [frantik]
- pc98:
- Chitty Chitty Train (Ver 1.00, .hdm installed hack) [Angelo Salese]
- Lemmings, Shikinjou [Neo Kobe Collection]
- psx: Transport Tycoon (Europe) [redump.org]
- pv1000:
- Aerial, AntiAir, Ascend, Battlot, Bootskell, Cacorm, Cavit, Cracky, Guntus, Hopman, Lift, Mazy, Neuras, Osotos, Ruptus, Yewdow
- [Inufuto]
- pv2000:
- Cross Chase [Fabrizio Caruso]
- Aerial, AntiAir, Ascend, Battlot, Bootskell, Cacorm, Cavit, Cracky, Guntus, Hopman, Lift, Mazy, Neuras, Osotos, Ruptus, Yewdow
- [Inufuto]
- sc3000_cass:
- Addition Tutor, Australian General Knowledge Tutor, Columbia, Creation des Sprites, Crocky, Faites Vos Jeux - Niveau 1,
- Indiana Jaune & Super Lab, Kamikaze, Keyboard Learning Program, Moniteur Désassembleur, Pre-School Shape and Colour Quiz,
- Skull Island, Subtraction Tutor, Supertape 1, Télécran, Watch Me Draw [6502MAN]
- spectrum_cass:
- Vowels of the Earth: Part 2 - In Search of 'E', Vowels of the Earth: Part 3 - Discovering 'I',
- Vowels of the Earth: Part 4 - Go for 'O', Vowels of the Earth: Part 5 - The Hunt for 'U' [ArcadeShadow]
- Boxform, Crook, The Crystal of Chantie (PD), Micro Drivin' (PD), Play for Peace,
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 1 (Portuguese release, covertape),
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 3 (Portuguese release, covertape),
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 4 (Portuguese release, covertape),
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 6 (Portuguese release, covertape), Ruleta Parlante,
- Space Raiders - Invasores Galácticos (alt), Time Warrior (Guild), Winning Games on the ZX Spectrum [Planeta Sinclair]
- Éditeur de Manoir, Infrared (Elettronica), Klub Uzivatelu Desktopu 4, Konami's Tennis (Erbe),
- Land of Mire Mare (v1.03, 5678 keys), Laser Squad (System 4, large case), Laser Squad (System 4, small case),
- Libreria de Software Spectrum № 1 (Febrero 85) (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 1 (Febrero 85) (covertape, alt),
- Libreria de Software Spectrum № 2 (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 2 (covertape, alt),
- Libreria de Software Spectrum № 3 (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 3 (covertape, alt),
- Libreria de Software Spectrum № 4 (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 4 (covertape, alt),
- Libreria de Software Spectrum № 5 (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 5 (covertape, alt),
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 2 (covertape), Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 3 (Spanish release, covertape),
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 4 (Spanish release, covertape), Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 5 (covertape),
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 6 (Spanish release, covertape), Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 7 (covertape),
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 8 (covertape), Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 9 (covertape),
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 17 (covertape), Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 25 (covertape),
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 28 (covertape), Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 31 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing]
- A to Z, Answer Back Factfile 500 - Super Sports, Antony and Cleopatra, Bounce Panic + Hangman, Britain in the Age of Total War,
- The Final Glide, Graph, TX-3 [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair]
- spectrum_betadisc_flop:
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, English, AY chip sound), Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, English, Turbo Sound),
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, Polish, AY chip sound), Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, Polish, Turbo Sound),
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, Russian, AY chip sound), Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, Russian, Turbo Sound),
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, Spanish, AY chip sound), Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, Spanish, Turbo Sound) [Sinc LAIR]
- Mysterious Dimensions [Spectrum Computing]
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, English, AY chip sound), Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, English, Turbo Sound),
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, Polish, AY chip sound), Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, Polish, Turbo Sound),
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, Russian, AY chip sound), Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, Russian, Turbo Sound),
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, Spanish, AY chip sound), Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, Spanish, Turbo Sound) [ZX Art]
- videopac:
- Melrep (Europe, prototype), Service Test Cartridge (Europe, plus), Spaans (Europe, prototype), Syracuse+ (France, plus, prototype)
- [anonymous]
- zx81_cass:
- Aerial, AntiAir, Ascend, Battlot, Bootskell, Cacorm, Cracky, Guntus, Hopman, Lift, Mazy, Neuras, Osotos, Ruptus, Yewdow [Inufuto]
- Blitz Balle, Comp-U-Tax/82, Game of Life, Monitor and Disassembler, Scorpirus [Team Zeddy, Planeta Sinclair]
- Jogos 80 - Ano 12 - Número 19 (Julho 2018) (cover tape), MicroGame: Caçadores do Tesouro, MicroGame: Challenger,
- MicroGame: Pinball Wizard [ZX81 Never Die]
Software list items promoted to working
- pc98: Spindizzy II [Angelo Salese]
- psion_ssd:
- EROS Ver.4.0 (Licensed to The Yorkshire Post), MC Missile, Spreadsheet, System Disk (MC Word) V2.50, System Disk V2.12,
- System Disk V2.20 [Nigel Barnes]
- New software list items marked not working
- a2600: Fix-It Felix Sr. (PAL60) [Cybearg]
- abc832_flop: Teletex 800 [robcfg]
- cassvisn_cart:
- Astro Command, Baseball, Battle Vader, Big Sports 12, Elevator Panic, Galaxian, Monster Block, Monster Mansion, New Baseball,
- PakPak Monster, Yosaku [Sean Riddle]
- leapfrog_leappad_cart:
- Korasho Land 1: Gakkou e Ikou! (Japan), Korasho Land 2: Tanoshii Ichinichi (Japan), Korasho Land 3: Tanjoubi Omedetou (Japan),
- Korasho Land 4: Machi no Naka o Tanken! (Japan), Korasho Land 5: Bokutatchi no Ichinen (Japan),
- Oyako Eigo Jump 1-gatsu gou - Shougakkou Taiken Report (Japan), Oyako Eigo Jump 5-gatsu gou - Okashi no Kuni no Daibouken (Japan),
- Oyako Eigo Jump 9-gatsu gou - Monjaa Gou de Tankenja! (Japan), Oyako Eigo Step - January 2007 (Japan),
- Oyako Eigo Step - March 2006 Welcome gou (Japan), Oyako Eigo Step - May 2006, July 2006 (Japan),
- Oyako Eigo Step - September 2006, November 2006 (Japan), Oyako Eigo Step 1-gatsu gou - Doubutsuen ni Ikou! (Japan),
- Shimajirou to Ribby no ABC Adventure / Touch and Step Game de Asobou! (Japan),
- Shimajirou to Ribby no CoCoPad Game Party / Shougakkou Tanken (Japan),
- Shimajirou to Ribby no Eigo Jiten / Onahashi CoCoPad Time Machine de Daibouken! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix]
- sc3000_cass: Reversi Champion [6502MAN]
- spectrum_betadisc_flop: Batty [Spectrum Computing]
- Merged pull requests
- 11927: cpu/upd777, epoch/cassvisn.cpp: Added preliminary Epoch Cassette Vision emulation. [David Haywood]
- 11938: toaplan/dt7.cpp: Added preliminary emulation for the Toaplan prototype DT7. [David Haywood]
- 12756: apple/apple2e.cpp, apple/apple2video.cpp: Improved Apple IIe/IIc keyboard layout and language switch handling. [as-tb-dev]
- 12783: ibm5170.xml, ibm5170_cdrom.xml: Added good dumps of several variants of Windows NT 3.1, 3.5.1, 4.0 and 2000. [Mike Swanson]
- 12801: pv1000.xml: Added sixteen working homebrew cartridges. [Inufuto, telanus]
- 12851: ui/selmenu.cpp: Scale up small icons (for cases where icons were designed for a much lower pixel density). [jflatt]
- 12908: sinclair/sprinter.cpp: Detect the Game Configuration bitstream in use by checksum. [holub]
- 12917: moog/source.cpp: Added a driver for the Moog Source synthesizer (no sound output). [m1macrophage]
- 12986: zx81_cass.xml: Added 24 working items. [ArcadeShadow]
- 12988: philips/cdicdic.cpp: Fixed handling of coding 0xFF in audio map (fixes MT08833). [Andre Zeps]
- 12995: ibm5170_cdrom.xml: Added Corel Linux Deluxe and Civilization: Call to Power Limited Edition. [David Silva]
- 13000: Updated GENie and changed Visual Studio target to Visual Studio 2022. [Patrick Mackinlay]
- 13009: spectrum_betadisc_flop.xml: Added eighteen items (seventeen working). [ArcadeShadow]
- 13010: epoch/scv.cpp: Implemented video register 0 bit 2 (sprite count). [David Hunter]
- 13011: misc/compucranes.cpp Corrected mastcranea program ROM. [ClawGrip]
- 13012: toaplan/mjsister.cpp: Cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13015: cpu/hcd62121: Implemented timer register updates, fixed instruction 0xC5; casio/pickytlk.cpp: Added six systems. [QUFB]
- 13017: roland/roland_mt32.cpp: Dumped the ROMs for the Roland MT-100 synthesizer. [buffi]
- 13018: jaleco/tetrisp2.cpp: Use configured banking for sound ROMs, and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13020: cirsa/cirsa2080606.cpp: Added a note about the version of Lucky Player based on this platform. [ClawGrip]
- 13021: formats/ap2_dsk.cpp: Cleaned up constants, and replaced some literal numbers with symbolic constants. [Roman Donchenko]
- 13022: toaplan: Split the toaplan/toaplan.cpp file into fourteen smaller files at the cost of some duplication. [David Haywood]
- 13024: bus/heathzenith/h89: Converted the SigmaSoft Parallel Port to a slot card device. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13026: frontend/mame/luaengine.cpp: Exposed the session phase as a property of the running machine class. [Nathan Woods]
- 13027: heathzenith/h89.cpp, bus/heathzenith/h89: Added H89 variant with CDR Systems BIOS and floppy controller. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13028: capcom/cps2.cpp: Order Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara games from newest to oldest. [Igor-Arabe]
- 13030: midway/williamsblitter.cpp Converted the Williams SC1/SC2 blitter to a device. [Ryan Holtz]
- 13032: a2gameio/joyport.cpp: Mention permanently attached joysticks in the Sirius JoyPort device description. [as-tb-dev]
- 13033: igs/igs011.cpp: Moved Virtua Bowling to a derived class and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13038: trs/gime.cpp: Fixed lines per row calculation for legacy video modes and fixed a border color issue. [Tim Lindner]
- 13039: toaplan/dt7.cpp: Implemented text layer row select (used on course select screen). [David Haywood]
- 13049: sega/timetrv.cpp: Changed LED display decoder pattern for uppercase “I” to better match the hardware. [PDAisAok]
- 13050: tvgames/spg2xx.cpp: Added Boku wa Plarail Untenshi - Shinkansen de Ikou! [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- 13051: skeleton/easy_karaoke.cpp: Dumped six more Bandai Karaoke Station units. [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- 13052: apple/apple2gs.cpp, apple/apple2video.cpp: Implemented the Apple IIgs LANGSEL soft switch. [as-tb-dev]
- 13055: formats/ap2_dsk.cpp: Restored the ability to load some apparently malformed disk images. [Roman Donchenko]
- 13057: ibm5170.xml, ibm5170_cdrom.xml, psx.xml: Added four Transport Tycoon releases. [Mike Swanson]
- 13058: tvgames/xavix2.cpp, tvgames/xavix_2002.cpp: Added four TV games (not working). [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- 13059: bus/spectrum/zxbus/neogs.cpp: Added support for extended memory mapping configuration. [holub]
- 13060: bus/spectrum/zxbus/neogs.cpp: Register data members for saved states. [holub]
- 13066: shared/xbox_nv2a.cpp: Fixed a spelling error in two comments. [cam900]
- 13067: jaleco/megasys1.cpp: Hooked up the microcontroller for E.D.F.: Earth Defense Force. [Darren Olafson, Sergio Galiano]
- 13068: a2600.xml, megadriv.xml: Added some Fix-It Felix Jr. homebrew games. [Mike Swanson]
- 13069: gaelco/gaelco3d.cpp: Added the start lamp output for Radikal Bikers. [KabukiFlux]
- 13073: Fixed cross-compiling bgfx for MinGW under Linux. [FlykeSpice]
- 13076: cpu/e132xs: Sign-extend divisor for DIVS (signed division) instruction when using recompiler (fixes MT08942). [Ryan Holtz]
- 13077: jaleco/megasys1.cpp: Corrected the I/O microcontroller clock frequency for the System B variant. [Sergio Galiano]
- 13079: sinclair/atm.cpp: Fixed ZX video mode detection. [holub]
- 13083: cpu/upd177x: Fixed disassembly of some MVI instructions, and added step over/out flags for call and return. [Wilbert Pol]
- 13084: bus/a2bus/4play.cpp: Corrected input types for the fourth joystick. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13085: ibm5170.xml: Added Windows NT 3.10.511.1; ibm5170_cdrom.xml: Corrected Windows NT 3.1 boot floppies. [Mike Swanson]
- 13086: apple/apple2e.cpp: Added German and Swedish Apple IIe and Apple IIc variants. [as-tb-dev]
- 13087: cpu/upd177x: Fixed disassembly of JPP instructions. [Wilbert Pol]
- 13088: spectrum_cass.xml: Added 50 working items and improved metadata. [ArcadeShadow]
- 13092: a2600.xml: Fixed the ROM label for the NTSC version of Fix-It Felix Sr. [Mike Swanson]
- 13093: pv2000.xml: Added seventeen working homebrew cartridges. [Inufuto, Fabrizio Caruso, telanus]
- 13094: nes.xml: Added the homebrew PCM Demo with Graphics. [frantik, Mike Swanson]
- 13096: galaxian/galaxian.cpp: Added a Spanish Turtles bootleg from Novatronic. [Luis Arrufat, Recreativas.org, ClawGrip]
- 13098: leapfrog_leappad_cart.xml: Added sixteen items (not working). [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix, Ivan Vangelista]
- 13099: misc/cvs.cpp: Added notes about sound registers based on results of hardware testing. [Paul Swan]
- 13101: namco/toypop.cpp: Use tilemap helpers, fixed saved states, and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- Source changes
- gotcha: remove audiocpu nmi (unknown purpose, causes music bug), and merge driver [hap]
- scv: Implement video register 0 bit 2: hide sprites 64-127 (#13010) [David Hunter]
- undefined Two games -- Kung Fu Road and Super Golf -- set this bit to hide half of the sprites.
- undefined This replaces the "screen_sprite_start_line" hack, which only worked on Kung Fu Road.
- misc/compucranes.cpp: Fix hash for 'mastcranea' program ROM (#13011) [ClawGrip]
- romcmp: Print error message when decompression fails [AJR]
- sega/sg1000.cpp: Eliminate ram_device [AJR]
- sega/sg1000.cpp: Revert speculative change [AJR]
- k007121: correct 32x32 sprite code mask [hap]
- labyrunr: fix tile/sprite priorities regression [hap]
- k007121: no need for is_flakatck param, labyrunr: correct sprite layer priority bit [hap]
- cdicdic: Fix restarting audio map after stopping it (MT #8833) (#12988) [Andre Zeps]
- sc3000_cart.xml: Add extra 2K of RAM to BASIC Level 2 cartridge [AJR]
- toaplan/mjsister.cpp: Cleaned up code: (#13012) [cam900]
- undefined Reduced literal tag usage and runtime tag lookups.
- undefined Make some variables constant, reduced preprocessor macros.
- undefined Use more appropriate types for some variables.
- cvs/quasar.cpp: fixed MT08973 [Ivan Vangelista]
- k007420: apply same sprite code mask fix as with k007121 [hap]
- k007342: add interface for sending sprite related flags to paired chip [hap]
- k007342: update notes [hap]
- bus/isa/sb16.cpp: convert fifo size checks to a named entity [angelosa]
- isa/sb16.cpp: halve DMA length if Stereo mode is selected [angelosa]
- ata/atapihle.cpp: clamp buffer size to word units in command packet [angelosa]
- undefined fix CD audio playback in PC-based systems
- s2650: move s2650cpu.h contents to s2650.cpp [hap]
- misc: improve scaling of 2-bit blue for commonly copy pasted color decoder [hap]
- Cleanup: [Vas Crabb]
- undefined toaplan/mjsister.cpp: Use memory share creator for VRAM, put banked ROM in its own region so the fixed ROM region can be sized
- correctly.
- undefined cpu/s2650: Use util::sext rather than goofy lookup table.
- undefined Fixed a lot more #include guards that didn't match header paths.
- bus/interpro/keyboard/hle.h: fixed compile [Ivan Vangelista]
- sc3000_cass.xml: Added 17 items (16 working), and improved metadata a little. [AJR]
- New working software list items
- Addition Tutor [6502MAN]
- Australian General Knowledge Tutor [6502MAN]
- Columbia [6502MAN]
- Creation des Sprites [6502MAN]
- Crocky [6502MAN]
- Faites Vos Jeux - Niveau 1 [6502MAN]
- Indiana Jaune & Super Lab [6502MAN]
- Kamikaze [6502MAN]
- Keyboard Learning Program [6502MAN]
- Moniteur Désassembleur [6502MAN]
- Pre-School Shape and Colour Quiz [6502MAN]
- Skull Island [6502MAN]
- Subtraction Tutor [6502MAN]
- Supertape 1 [6502MAN]
- Télécran [6502MAN]
- Watch Me Draw [6502MAN]
- New software list items marked not working
- Reversi Champion [6502MAN]
- sc3000_cass.xml: Fix hashes for Indiana Jaune [AJR]
- quasar: fix soundlatch, irq vector, 'effect' colors, added dipswitch locations [hap]
- quasar: correct bullet size, hook up videochip sound channels, galaxia: correct bullet size, better screen refresh rate [hap]
- sshot: change screen refresh rate to 50 [hap]
- New systems marked not working
- CPS1 Multi Game [hellshinox, H4M573R, NTDEC, Nnap, Hammy, TeamEurope]
- unknown Belatra slot machine [TeamEurope]
- leapfrog/leappad.cpp: verified the Cocopad BIOS ROM matches the corresponding Leappad one [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- tecfri/ambush.cpp: dumped PROMs and unprotected PALs for mariobl [f205v]
- apple/apple2e.cpp, apple/apple2video.cpp: Improved IIe keyboard layout/language switch handling. (#12756) [as-tb-dev]
- undefined Added UK variants of Apple IIe Platinum and Apple //c.
- undefined Removed the 40/80 column switch from Apple //c+.
- undefined Added the 40/80 column switch the the Franklin Ace 500 and VTech Laser 128 series.
- undefined Added the keyboard/language selection switch to UK, French and Spanish //e variants and various clones.
- undefined Added the character set switch to the Franklin ACE.
- undefined Added DVORAK mod support to US Apple //e models and VTech Laser 128 series.
- undefined Improved key labels and default assignments, and added notes about keyboards and ROMs.
- undefined Initialize //c+ drive state variables on start.
New working clones
- Apple Computer Apple //c (UK) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (France) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, UK) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, France) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, UK) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, France) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (rev 4, UK) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //c (rev 4, France) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //e (Platinum, UK) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //e (Platinum, France) [as-tb-dev]
- Apple Computer Apple //e (France) [as-tb-dev]
- New clones marked not working
- Super Real Darwin (Japan, bootleg) [Roberto Fresca, Gabriel Vega (El Pampa), Emmanuel Firmapaz, Club Argentino de Arcades]
- tools/imgtool/modules: Fixed remaining calss memory access warnings. [Vas Crabb]
- tools/imgtool/modules/vzdos.cpp: Fixed function returning floperr_t value as imgtoolerr_t. [Vas Crabb]
- devices: Fixed a bunch more #include guards that don't match file paths. [Vas Crabb]
- seibu/deadang.cpp: added missing text layer disable, fixes missing text flickering at game start [David Haywood, Corrado Tomaselli]
- new machines marked as NOT_WORKINGundefinedDynamic Trial 7 (#11938) [mamehaze]
- new machines marked as NOT_WORKING
- DT7 (prototype) [Graham Noble]
- make it compile again
- Co-authored-by: David Haywood
- new machines marked as NOT WORKINGundefinedCassette Vision (#11927) [mamehaze]
- undefined abandoned cassette vison work
- undefined remove comment now that the useful table is gone
- undefined force github to rebuild because github is being github
- undefined add a note based on earlier research
- undefined bring this part over from the previous tree too, it seems worth having still
- undefined actually use this version instead, I thought it was broken, but it actually has advantages
- undefined I've been informed this will be merged if I assign a copyright holder, so as I don't really recognize it as my own design
- anymore, I'm assigning Vas.
- undefined Update cpu.lua
- undefined Start cleaning up:
- undefined cassvisn_cart.xml: Fixed program region width.
- undefined cassvisn_cart.xml: Added Japanese titles and proper markup for release dates.
- undefined epoch/cassvisn.cpp: Removed unnecessary byte swapping when loading software list items.
- undefined cpu/upd777.cpp: Made order of declarations and definitions more consistent with each other, added more inline and const hints.
- undefined tools/unidasm.cpp: Make data source big Endian to match CPU core.
- epoch/cassvisn.cpp: Digit grouping for big numbers, better error messages.
- Co-authored-by: David Haywood
- Co-authored-by: Vas Crabb
- screen: prevent race condition on drivers with vblank at y=0, causing partial updates to fail after load state [hap]
- chanbara: guru confirmed that enemy spawn bug happens on pcb [hap]
- galaxia: remove partial updates, it was problematic for this driver and unneeded, quasar: correct cpu speed and improve vblank
- duration to fix game speed bug on 3rd level, s2636: remove render_first_line, add a start_new_frame instead [hap]
- source org: rename mr to modelracing [hap]
- ibm5170_cdrom.xml: New software items added (#12995) [David 'Foxhack' Silva]
- New software list items
- ibm5170_cdrom.xml: Corel Linux Deluxe, Civilization: Call to Power (Limited Edition, v1.1 Linux) [Foxhack]
- nec/pc9801.cpp: fix upper ARTIC port reads [angelosa]
- isa/sb16.cpp: add +1 to DMA length for stereo mode as well [angelosa]
- jaleco/tetrisp2.cpp: Use configured banking for sound ROMs, cleaned up code: (#13018) [cam900]
- undefined Moved Rock'n Tread to a separate state class, and moved more members to the state classes that use them.
- undefined Use driver device lifecycle functions for initialization.
- undefined Use generic graphics decoding layouts.
- undefined Reduced use of literal tags and run-time tag lookups.
- undefined Reduced redundancy in member names.
- New working systems
- Joker Card (encrypted) [TeamEurope]
New working clones
- Future Flash (set 2) [chaneman]
- Updated GENie and changed Visual Studio target to Visual Studio 2022. (#13000) [Patrick Mackinlay]
- undefined Updated to GENie 1181.
- undefined Applied local fix for GENie resource include directory bug, sent upstream as bkaradzic/GENie#572.
- undefined Set MSVC flags to use conformant preprocessor, standards conformance mode, and assume UTF-8 encoding.
- dynax/dynax.cpp: Added DIP switches that are sometimes populated to Ougon no Pai. [Vas Crabb]
- undefined Also fixed a bunch more #include guards.
- Enable tautological-compare warning as error. [Vas Crabb]
- undefined If it causes too much trouble with a supported compiler, it can be downgraded to a warning.
- Demote tautological-compare to a warning again. [Vas Crabb]
- undefined clang on Windows x86-64 is getting upset about code that is making no assumptions about the relative sizes of uint64_t and long.
- undefined Also, fixed more #include guards.
- Actually demote tautological-compare to a warning. [Vas Crabb]
- cirsa/cirsa2080606.cpp: Add note about Lucky Player (#13020) [ClawGrip]
- undefined To avoid mistakes when looking for undumped sets
- Sega SC-3000/SK-1100 overhaul [AJR]
- undefined Add BASIC functions and katakana symbols to key labels
- undefined Add variant of keyboard device with diareses instead of kana
- undefined Eliminate sc3000h clone set since SC-3000H has no emulatable differences from SC-3000
- undefined Add PAL version of SC-3000 with different VDP and keyboard with diareses
- undefined Add some XTAL-derived clocks to sf7000
- s2650: fix issue with add/sub half carry flag, small cleanup [hap]
- raiders: remove MUP flag, game works fineundefinedif it's about the collision detection: it looks like it's intended that enemies that
- haven't separated from the group yet can't be shot down, superbik: remove todo note, can't repro bug on current build tms5110:
- small cleanup [hap]
- s2650: forgot to put back default debugger config [hap]
- misc/belatra.cpp: dumped PAL for unkbel [Porchy, TeamEurope]
- misc/joystand.cpp: dumped GFX ROMs for x180 [buffi, f205v, Hammy]
- New working software list items
- pc98: Chitty Chitty Train (Ver 1.00, .hdm installed hack) [angelosa]
- dynax/dynax.cpp: More I/O improvements: [Vas Crabb]
- undefined Replaced hjingi hopper hack with a hopper device.
- undefined Improved DIP switch labels for mjembase and hooked up hopper.
- undefined Improved a few DIP switch labels for mjelctrn.
- Fixed some more #include guards and added a CI task to check them in src/devices and src/mame. [Vas Crabb]
- zx81_cass.xml: Added 24 working items (#12986) [ArcadeShadow]
New working software list additions
- Aerial [Inufuto]
- AntiAir [Inufuto]
- Ascend [Inufuto]
- Battlot [Inufuto]
- Blitz Balle [Team Zeddy, Planeta Sinclair]
- Bootskell [Inufuto]
- Cacorm [Inufuto]
- Comp-U-Tax/82 [Team Zeddy, Planeta Sinclair]
- Cracky [Inufuto]
- Game of Life [Team Zeddy, Planeta Sinclair]
- Guntus [Inufuto]
- Hopman [Inufuto]
- Jogos 80 - Ano 12 - Número 19 (Julho 2018) (cover tape) [ZX81 Never Die]
- Lift [Inufuto]
- Mazy [Inufuto]
- MicroGame: Caçadores do Tesouro [ZX81 Never Die]
- MicroGame: Challenger [ZX81 Never Die]
- MicroGame: Pinball Wizard [ZX81 Never Die]
- Monitor and Disassembler [Team Zeddy, Planeta Sinclair]
- Neuras [Inufuto]
- Osotos [Inufuto]
- Ruptus [Inufuto]
- Scorpirus [Team Zeddy, Planeta Sinclair]
- Yewdow [Inufuto]
- zx81_cass.xml: Add metadata to a few entries [AJR]
- gk2000: update notes [hap]
- cvs: fill initial char ram with 0xff, simplify discrete sound placeholder [hap]
- fix windows build [Patrick Mackinlay]
- undefined use MPARAM for GENie build architecture
- undefined avoid escaping issue in 3rdparty/expat
- New systems marked not working
- Lucky Star (newer Z180 based hardware) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- wing/luckgrln.cpp: added missing MNW flag for luckstrn [Ivan Vangelista]
- s2650: add logerror o illegal opcodes [hap]
- cvs: add logmacro, remove set_vblank_int [hap]
- quasar: untangle from cvs_base [hap]
- source org: move quasar driver to zaccaria folder [hap]
- split monster 'toaplan2.cpp' file into smaller per-board parts + slight modernization (#13022) [mamehaze]
- undefined toaplan2 - splitup the big driver
- undefined move some common logic to a device
- undefined further tidyups
- undefined raizing.cpp - begin tidy
- undefined raizing.cpp cleanups
- undefined raizing tidyups
- undefined more raizing cleanups
- undefined sort mame.lst
- undefined attempt to fix CL
- undefined restore original copyright holders to files where not every line is my code (although most of these are no so distant from the
- files from 20 years ago due to the amount of rewriting they've undergone it's questionable they still apply)
- undefined tekipaki.cpp - remove unused shared_ram
- undefined anonymous namespaces
- undefined rename functions that still had _toaplan2 and _truxton2 in them
- move all the old game specific notes to the drivers containing those games now
- Co-authored-by: David Haywood
- video/upd7220.cpp: fix vsync timings and update_partial for graphics partition [angelosa]
Software list items promoted to working
- pc98.xml: Spindizzy II [Angelo Salese]
- New working software list items
- pc98.xml: Lemmings, Shikinjou [Neo Kobe]
- heathzenith/h89.cpp: Convert SigmaSoft parallel port into an h89 left card. (#13024) [Mark Garlanger]
- New systems marked not working
- Lucky 88 (Wing) [Hammy]
- Mahjong Dai-Reach (Japan, TSM012-C01) [Hammy]
- bus/heathzenith/h19/tlb.h: Fix #include guards [AJR]
- undefined .github/workflows/includeguards.yml: Fix spelling
- New working systems
- MC 400 [The Last Psion, Nigel Barnes]
New working clones
- MC 200 [Nigel Barnes]
- MC Word [zedstarr, Nigel Barnes]
- MC Word (German) [The Last Psion, Nigel Barnes]
Software list items promoted to working
- psion_ssd: EROS Ver.4.0, MC Missile, Spreadsheet, System Disk V2.12, System Disk V2.20, System Disk (MC Word) V2.50 [Nigel Barnes]
- psion/mc400.cpp: Fixed unused-function error. [Nigel Barnes]
- upd7220: correct hsync width and invert the vsync wait time. [cracyc]
- Add a skeleton for Roland MT-100 (#13017) [buffi]
- New systems marked not working
- MT-100 [buffi]
- capcom/cps2.cpp: swap ddsomjr1, ddsomjr2 romsets (#13028) [Igor-Arabe]
- nec/pc9801.cpp: bind vrtc irq to 7220 vsync [angelosa]
- cvs_base: simplify star generator a bit (no difference here yet) [hap]
- galaxia: correct screen resolution, correct astowar colors, small cleanup, starfield removed temporary [hap]
- galaxia: correct colors [hap]
- galaxia: untangle from cvs_base [hap]
- galaxia: improve stars, not 100% accurate yet [hap]
- cvs,quasar,galaxia: shorthand variable types [hap]
- source org: move galaxia driver to zaccaria folder [hap]
- zaccaria.cpp: merge driver [hap]
- cvs_base: merge with cvs driver [hap]
- source org: move cvs driver to misc folder [hap]
- intelfsh: Add SST_39SF010 variant, add missing address mask check to erase command [Dirk Best]
- bus/amiga/zorro: Add support for the RIPPLE IDE controller [Dirk Best]
- galaxia: add dipswitches, add different address map for galaxiaa [hap]
- galaxia: reorder sets, pretty sure rom 13H was a bad dump anyway [hap]
- galaxia: woops, picked the wrong 13h rom [hap]
- Clean up sound reset handling in various Toaplan drivers [AJR]
- dynax.cpp: More I/O stuff: [Vas Crabb]
- undefined Added hopper to Mahjong Electron Base games.
- undefined Suppress side effects for Mahjong Electromagnetic Base keyboard read.
- undefined Started moving common mahjong DIP switches to macros.
- toaplan: Cleanup: [Vas Crabb]
- undefined Renamed "reset" member function as it clashes with device_t: :reset.
- undefined Removed some pointless tests of required object finders.
- undefined Sorted #includes.
- Tidied some other stuff. [Vas Crabb]
- toaplan/dogyuun.cpp: Fix refactoring [AJR]
- Converted Williams SC1/SC2 blitter to a device. (#13030) [MooglyGuy]
- undefined -williams: Converted SC1/SC2 blitter to a device. [Ryan Holtz]
- undefined Flipped some always-present optional finders to required.
- midway/williamsblitter.h: Remove unused variable [AJR]
- cpu/hcd62121,casio/pickytlk.cpp: Add support for more Picky Talk models (#13015) [qufb]
- machine/nscsi_bus.cpp/.h: Add some more framework for future support of later SCSI command sets. [R. Belmont]
- undefined nscsi/hd.cpp: Support SYNCHRONIZE CACHE command, fix off-by-1 MODE SENSE size reporting. [R. Belmont]
- cpu/m68000: Support direct FPU moves to A registers, not just indirect. [R. Belmont]
- ui/selmenu.cpp: Allow icons to be scaled up as well as down (#12851) [jflatt]
- a2gameio: Updated Sirius JoyPort description to mention Atari joysticks being connected to it (#13032) [as-tb-dev]
New working clones
- Punk Shot (Asia 2 Players, hacked?) [Dragos]
- New systems marked not working
- unknown Falcon gambling machine [Mark Beckford]
- skeleton/vgame.cpp: corrected hashes for hilice [Ivan Vangelista]
- astrowar: let's flip that bad bit on rom 13i, correct extended play dipswitch [hap]
- s2650: correct subtract overflow flag [hap]
- s2650: correct interrupt cycles [hap]
- busicom: driver was demoted by mistake, it's working ok afterallundefinedwho to credit if it must be in the whatsnew? the person that
- demoted it and found out they were wrong? which would be [Robbbert]
- quasar: correct screen height [hap]
- kangaroo: dumped mb8841 internal rom [Sean Riddle]
- cvs: make interrupts edge triggered, increase cpu clock freq, set screen refresh to 50 [hap]
- cpu/m6805: Split off HD6305/63705 emulation to a separate source file [AJR]
- sony/psx.cpp: Forgot to commit this file in 7a5fcb5ac946e2d696a87cba2962aee368c675f7 [AJR]
- hd6305: update copyright holders now that a large part of this file is OG's, and make code style consistent [hap]
- namco/namcos2.cpp: MCU note [AJR]
- gime: Fixed lines-per-row and improved border color for legacy modes (#13038) [tim lindner]
- dynax/ddenlovr.cpp, dynax/dynax.cpp: More I/O improvements: [Vas Crabb]
- undefined Fixed 2P side inputs for tenkai, ougonhai and mjmyster.
- undefined Use hanafuda input types for hginga.
- undefined Use proper bookkeeping and memory reset inputs for hginga and hanakanz.
- undefined Started using I/O port finders for mahjong keyboards.
- undefined More side effects checks.
- undefined Reduced some duplication.
- dynax/ddenlovr.cpp: Fixed mjmyornt inputs, improved hgokou service inputs. [Vas Crabb]
- hgokou: Use standard hanafuda panel input matrix [AJR]
- hgokou: Disable the correct inputs [AJR]
- dynax/ddenlovr.cpp: Further input cleanups [AJR]
- undefined Use standard input types for service keys in many games
- undefined hnkochou, hjingi, htengoku: Remove some unused inputs
- hanakanz: Use different controls in bet and non-bet modes [AJR]
- apple/macadb.cpp: Updates [R. Belmont]
- undefined Added ADB power key callback
- undefined Added "any key down" callback used in PowerBooks
- undefined Removed the last bits of the old adb_vblank() service routine.
- - apple/pseudovia.cpp: Added support for SCSI IRQs. [R. Belmont]
- - apple/macprtb.cpp: Support sleep and wake-up for Macintosh Portable and PowerBook 100. [R. Belmont]
- - apple/macpwrbk030.cpp: Updates [R. Belmont]
- undefined Fixed issues with Shut Down and Restart functionality
- undefined Support sleep and wake-up for all supported models
- undefined Cleanups and save state support
- Systems promoted to working
- Macintosh PowerBook 140 [R. Belmont]
- Macintosh PowerBook 160 [R. Belmont]
- Macintosh PowerBook 180c [R. Belmont]
- Clones promoted to working
- Macintosh PowerBook 145 [R. Belmont]
- Macintosh PowerBook 145B [R. Belmont]
- Macintosh PowerBook 165 [R. Belmont]
- Macintosh PowerBook 165c [R. Belmont]
- Macintosh PowerBook 170 [R. Belmont]
- Macintosh PowerBook 180 [R. Belmont]
- gekisha: Identify some DIP switches [AJR]
- mb88xx: add pla mask option [hap]
- misc/calomega.cpp: Use tilt input type [AJR]
- misc/amuzy.cpp, skeleton/banpresto_tomy_h8s.cpp: improved metadata [Wayder]
- skeleton/guchokipa.cpp: identified as a bootleg of Omori's The Yakyuken [Wayder]
- video/upd7220.cpp: reset_origin on CRT reprogramming [angelosa]
- New systems marked not working
- Nord Lead 2X [DBWBP]
- shared/mahjong.cpp: Moved "standard" mahjong matrix to shared project. [Vas Crabb]
- undefined The "standard" mahjong matrix can easily be shared by Dynax, Jaleco, Seta and IGS with minor adjustments.
- undefined dynax/ddenlovr.cpp: Hooked up hopper device for Hanafuda Hana Tengoku.
- kangaroo: hook up protection mcu, mb88xx: increment timer when taking irq cycles [hap]
- seta/ssv.cpp: Better effort at using common mahjong matrix. [Vas Crabb]
- dynax/ddenlovr.cpp: Demoted Hanafuda Hana Gokou and Hanafuda Gokou Bangaihen to not workingundefinedneither of these games works
- properly. [Vas Crabb]
- dynax/dynax.cpp: Improved majxtal7 and janyuki DIP switches: [Vas Crabb]
- undefined Added Mahjong X-tal 7 and Jan Yu Ki DIP switch locations based on input test display.
- undefined Corrected some Mahjong X-tal 7 DIP switch settings, and marked some as unknown as they were clearly wrong.
- dynax/ddenlovr.cpp: Demoted Hanafuda Hana Gokou and Hanafuda Gokou Bangaihen to not workingundefinedneither of these games works
- properly. [Vas Crabb]
- dynax/dynax.cpp: Identified most DIP switch settings for Mahjong Reach. [Vas Crabb]
- New working software list items
- videopac: Melrep (Europe, prototype), Spaans (Europe, prototype), Syracuse (France, plus, prototype) [anonymous]
- wyse/wy85.cpp: Slight optimization [AJR]
- mb88xx: make tc pin an inputline, don't clear irq pin state at reset, small cleanup [hap]
- New systems marked not working
- Black Rhino (IGT) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Super 8 Race [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Wheel of Fortune (IGT) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- cswat: redumped romset, hooked up color prom and a sn76489a [Phil Bennett]
- i8244: fix collision detection edge case [hap, bataais]
- emu/ioport.h: retire PORT_VBLANK / PORT_HBLANK [angelosa]
- Natural keyboard improvements [AJR]
- undefined NUL is no longer a reserved character, and PORT_CHAR(0) is meaningful now. The ioport_field structure now uses a reserved Unicode
- character rather than 0 as a filler.
- undefined PORT_CHAR() with no arguments (formerly illegal) may be used to skip over shift positions that produce no useful codes.
- - ioport.h: Use the empty string rather than nullptr as default tag for ioport_condition. (ioport_condition::operator== was
- blindly passing the null pointers to strcmp.)
- suna/suna8.cpp: Add provisional raw parameters for screen [AJR]
- dataeast/metlclsh.cpp: convert to set_raw [angelosa]
- igs/igs011.cpp: Moved Virtua Bowling to a derived class and cleaned up code: (#13033) [cam900]
- undefined Corrected title of Dongbang Jiju in description (Korean version of Dragon World.
- undefined Improved keyboard and DIP switch matrix reading code.
- undefined Use generic graphics decoding layout for debugging.
- undefined Suppress side effects for debugger reads.
- undefined Generally cleaned up code and improved and fixed some comments.
- videopac: let's mark spaans as partially supported anyway [hap]
- ef9340_1: add window boxing and y zoom mode [hap]
- New working software list items
- videopac: Service Test Cartridge (Europe, plus) [anonymous]
- videopac: add 7seg outputs for testcartpl [hap]
- enigma2: better star blink rate [hap]
- timelimt,suprridr: take clock freqs from thepit driver [hap]
- t6a84: no need for PAGE_SIZE, it's a given that a 16-bit address space has a length of 0x10000 [hap]
- ef9340_1: revert wrong change from prev commit [hap]
- o2_cart_slot: allow user to configure cart pin b [hap]
- capcom/cps1.cpp: remap IPT_SERVICE as IPT_SELECT for CPS Changer games [angelosa]
- mcs48: remove todo note about EN/DIS I opcode not incrementing the timer, doc is wrong, and add another note [hap]
- New systems marked not working
- Chaku Melo Collection [Darksoft]
- Multi Game (IGT, M0000133) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Multi Game (IGT, M0000156) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Multi Game (IGT, M0000159) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Multi Game (IGT, M0000164) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Multi Game (IGT, M0000166) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Multi Game (IGT, M0000214) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Multi Game (IGT, M0000247) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Multi Game (IGT, M0000394) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Multi Game (IGT, M0000535) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- The Munsters [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Vision printer [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- animaljr, funkyfig, mmpanic, mole: Use normal input types for player buttons [AJR]
- rendlay: fix crash with rect element alpha of 0 < n < 1.0/255, misc: small cleanup [hap]
- Systems promoted to working
- The Yakyuken [hap]
- nyny: correct ay clocks, yakyuken: add nvram [hap]
- skeleton/falconun.cpp: Add PIA and 8035 [AJR]
- New systems marked not working
- Venteta [Ioannis Bampoulas]
New working clones
- New Lucky 8 Lines (set 13, W-4, encrypted) [Hammy]
- dt7.cppundefinedimprove text layer handling (adds rowselect, fixes course select screen) [David Haywood] (#13039) [mamehaze]
- pv1000.xml: Added sixteen working homebrew cartridges (#12801) [Ectoplasm]
- New working software list additions:
- Aerial [Inufuto]
- AntiAir [Inufuto]
- Ascend [Inufuto]
- Battlot [Inufuto]
- Bootskell [Inufuto]
- Cacorm [Inufuto]
- Cavit [Inufuto]
- Cracky [Inufuto]
- Guntus [Inufuto]
- Hopman [Inufuto]
- Lift [Inufuto]
- Mazy [Inufuto]
- Neuras [Inufuto]
- Osotos [Inufuto]
- Ruptus [Inufuto]
- Yewdow [Inufuto]
- trckydoc: add sprite y flip, crzrally: copy over sprite x clipping from sauro driver [hap]
- Various mahjong input improvements: [Vas Crabb]
- undefined igs/igs011.cpp: Use common mahjong matrix definitions.
- undefined igs/igs011.cpp Fixed DIP switches for lhb2, nkishusp and xymg.
- undefined dynax/ddenlovr.cpp: Fixed DIP switches for mjmyornt based on manual.
- undefined dynax/ddenlovr.cpp: Identified some DIP switches for mjmyster based on similarity to mjmyornt.
- dynax/ddenlovr.cpp: Eliminate custom key assignment for test (service mode) input [AJR]
- undefined dynax/hnayayoi.cpp: Use bookkeeping input type for "analizer" key
- irobot: fix compile issue, small cleanup [hap]
- cinemat: move watchdog trigger to fake vblank handler [hap]
- namco cus30: add waveform counter readback [hap]
- Clones promoted to working
- Real Mahjong Haihai (Japan, bootleg) [AJR]
- emu/natkeyboard.cpp: Add CAPSLOCK, CR and LF escapes to post_coded [AJR]
- srumbler: lower screen refresh rate, misc capcom: small cleanup [hap]
- capcom/sidearms.cpp: Use raw parameters for screen; minor PCB note [AJR]
- kchamp: use main pcb xtal for cpu/ay clock, assume audiocpu has m1 wait states [hap]
- kchamp, kchampvs: Use raw parameters for screen [AJR]
- undefined kchampvs: Add "Player Vs Player" to game title
- ds1643_device: fix wrong constructor [hap]
- mcm70: fix bitmap array oob access [hap]
- dataeast/bwing.cpp: Use raw parameters for screen; reduce MC6809E clocks by 25% [AJR]
- apple/apple2gs.cpp: implement the LANGSEL soft switch (#13052) [as-tb-dev]
- Exposing running_machine: :phase() to LUA (#13026) [npwoods]
- ap2_dsk.cpp/h: clean up constants (#13021) [Roman Donchenko]
- undefined convert `#define` to `constexpr`.
- undefined remove unused constants.
- undefined replace magic numbers with constants where appropriate.
- undefined Fix style issues.
- m72: no need for all those youtube video links in source to back verification claim of irq frequency [hap]
- ap2_dsk.cpp: fix loading bardstl3 (#13055) [Roman Donchenko]
- undefined I accidentally broke this in 47d8c69b, where I forgot to account for the "oddball" images from the software list. AFAICS,
- bardstl3 is the only software to be broken, because its images are _shorter_ than they're supposed to be.
- undefined In addition, disk 3 of this image has a different size that's not listed in `identify()`, so it couldn't even be loaded before
- that commit. Fix that too.
- spectrum_betadisc_flop.xml: Added 17 working items + 1 not working (#13009) [ArcadeShadow]
- undefined spectrum_betadisc_flop.xml: Added 17 working items + 1 not working
New working software list additions
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, English, AY chip sound) [ZX Art]
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, English, Turbo Sound) [ZX Art]
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, English, AY chip sound) [Sinc LAIR]
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, English, Turbo Sound) [Sinc LAIR]
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, Polish, AY chip sound) [ZX Art]
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, Polish, Turbo Sound) [ZX Art]
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, Polish, AY chip sound) [Sinc LAIR]
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, Polish, Turbo Sound) [Sinc LAIR]
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, Russian, AY chip sound) [ZX Art]
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, Russian, Turbo Sound) [ZX Art]
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, Russian, AY chip sound) [Sinc LAIR]
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, Russian, Turbo Sound) [Sinc LAIR]
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, Spanish, AY chip sound) [ZX Art]
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, Spanish, Turbo Sound) [ZX Art]
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, Spanish, AY chip sound) [Sinc LAIR]
- Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, Spanish, Turbo Sound) [Sinc LAIR]
- Mysterious Dimensions [Spectrum Computing]
- New NOT working software list addition
- Batty [Spectrum Computing]
- Update spectrum_betadisc_flop.xml [ArcadeShadow]
- undefined Remove unnecessary region tag
- heathzenith/h89.cpp: Add h89 clone with CDR hardware (#13027) [Mark Garlanger]
- sinclair/sprinter.cpp: Detect Game Configuration bitstream with checksum (#12908) [holub]
- video/pc_vga_paradise.cpp: fetch configuration pins when entering VGA setup mode [angelosa]
- undefined fix macpb180c setting the wrong monitor type on restarts & waking up from sleep mode
- kchamp: improve sound nmi frequency [hap]
- cvs: improve starfield density and blink rate [hap]
- kyugo: merge driver files [hap]
- kyugo: add screen raw params, shaolins: fix nmi freq regression [hap]
- dynax/dynax.cpp: Fixed more DIP switches. [Vas Crabb]
- undefined Fixed hjingi, mjcomv1, neruton and nerutona DIP switches based on manuals and observing behaviour.
- undefined Removed some unused inputs from neruton and nerutona.
- undefined Filled in descriptions for mjreach DIP switches from the one manual page could find a photo of.
- igs/igs011.cpp: Some unusued inputs cause garbage to show in test mode because the code doesn't expect them. [Vas Crabb]
- bmc/bmcpokr.cpp, kaneko/jchan.cpp: Add screen raw parameters [AJR]
- kchamp: separate kchampvs romset from kchamp [hap]
- dataeast/kchamp.cpp: Fix clone relationship [AJR]
- misc/epos.cpp: Add screen raw parameters for Tristar 8000 hardware [AJR]
- cinematronics/leland.cpp: Add raw parameters for screen [AJR]
- h8_dma: Handle forced aborts [AJR]
- misc/vamphalf.cpp: Add screen raw parameters [AJR]
- undefined xtal.cpp: Add value for later use
- technos/tagteam.cpp: Add raw parameters for screen [AJR]
- kchamp: assume maincpu is 3mhz after all, quasar: use palxbit functions for effect colors [hap]
- technos/tagteam.cpp: Periodic IRQ modernization [AJR]
- genie: restore MPARAM for non-Windows OS builds [Patrick Mackinlay]
- New working systems
- Double Agent (3XF5287H04, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Let's Go Fishing (5XF5196I02, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Penguin Pays Deluxe (AHG1198, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- The Gambler (11XF528902, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Thunder Heart (13XF528902, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Trick or Treat (7XF5183H04, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
New working clones
- 3 Bags Full (4XF5196I02, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Arctic Wins (4XF5227H04, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Bachelorette Party (BHG1247, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Black Panther (FHG0949-01, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Boot Scootin' (AHG1433, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Boot Scootin' (GHG1012-01, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Caribbean Gold II (4XF5182H04, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Dolphin Treasure (FHG4076-02, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- K.G. Bird (3XF5264H04, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Magic Mask (AHG1207, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Penguin Pays - Cash Express (AHG1295, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- White Tiger (4XF5139I08, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- New systems marked not working
- Scatter Magic - Cash Express (0251026, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- New clones marked not working
- Bumble Bugs (CHG0479-02, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Chariot Challenge (RHG0635-02, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Double Dolphins (0351006, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Jumpin' Joeys (DHG4735-02, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Magic Garden (AHG1211-03, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Mine, Mine, Mine (NHG0416-99, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Wild Angels (QHG0477-04, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- Wild Cougar (NHG0632-07, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
- New clones marked not working
- Hanafuda Hana Gokou (Japan, ver. A) [Hammy]
- zxbus/neogs: Added support of extended memory mapping configuration (#13059) [holub]
- ibm5170, ibm5170_cdrom, psx: Transport Tycoon images (#13057) [Mike Swanson]
- undefined Scouring archive.org for these images : )
- New working software list items (ibm5170.xml)
- Transport Tycoon (German) [goodolddays.net]
- New working software list items (ibm5170_cdrom.xml)
- Transport Tycoon [redump.org]
- Transport Tycoon Deluxe [redump.org]
- New working software list items (psx.xml)
- Transport Tycoon (Europe) [redump.org]
- New clones marked not working
- El Dorado (V2.0D) [Hammy]
- zxbus/neogs: Added save state (#13060) [holub]
- dorachan: make sure interrupts happen at scanline 0 and 128, increase cpu clock, beaminv: small cleanup, change color overlays
- [hap]
- xbox_nv2a.cpp: add support for texture bilinear filtering [yz70s]
- exedexes: add bonus life dipswitch and dip locations [hap]
- shared/xbox_nv2a.cpp: Fixed a spelling error in two comments. (#13066) [cam900]
- cop01: lower soundcpu clock, copy over sound timer from magmax, misc nichibutsu: small cleanup to long comment lines [hap]
- skykid: small cleanup to dipswitches [hap]
- nbbatman2bl: fix palette array oob access [hap]
- qbeebing: add missing change button [hap]
- system1: increase 2nd sn volume [hap]
- radikalb: add output start lamp to Gaelco Radikal Bikers (#13069) [Kabuki Flux]
- jaleco/megasys1.cpp: Hooked up microcontroller for E.D.F.: Earth Defense Force. (#13067) [Sergio G.]
- undefined Dumped E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force microcontroller. [Darren Olafson]
- undefined Added support for Mega System 1 Type B with emulated microcontroller.
- undefined Removed microcontroller simulation support for E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force.
- tvgames/xavix2.cpp, tvgames/xavix_2002.cpp: Added four TV games (not working). (#13058) [mamehaze]
- undefined cpu/m6502/oxavix2000.lst: Don't treat unemulated instructions as fatal errors.
- undefined tvgames/xavix_v.cpp: Implemented more drawing modes.
- New systems marked not working
- Epoch / SSD Company LTD TV de Asobou! Manabou! Chou Nouryoku AIUEO Zukan (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Bandai / SSD Company LTD Let's! TV Play Ongeki Battle! Kamen Rider Hibiki: Kimero! Ikki Kasei no Kata (Japan)
- [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Bandai / SSD Company LTD Let's! TV Play Taikan Taitoku Kekkaishi: Houi! Jouso! Ketsu! Metsu! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Takara Tomy / Capcom / SSD Company LTD Ryuusei no Rockman: Denpa Henkan! On Air! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Windows NT 3.x/4.0/2000 pristine images (#12783) [Mike Swanson]
- undefined hash/ibm5170{,_cdrom}.xml: Pristine Windows NT 3.1 builds
- - The image that was listed here is a hacked-up warez version from 2003 that doesn't function properly (won't install on most
- computers NT 3.1 should be able to install on).
- - In its stead, this is a list of pristine images direct out of Microsoft, no modifications have been made to them, and NT 3.1's
- (admittedly limited) full hardware compatibility is supported.
- - All language variants are included here, too.
- - Taking from the BeOS example, floppy images that are intimately tied to the CD-ROM are listed in the same entry in
- ibm5170_cdrom.xml, since they are only useful in booting a computer in order to install from CD-ROM (which requires a
- compatible SCSI controller and SCSI CD-ROM drive). Installing from MS-DOS is always another possibility.
- undefined hash/ibm5170{,_hdd}: Name Windows NT 3.1 the way Microsoft did
- - “Workstation” wasn't the name of the client SKU yet
- undefined hash/ibm5170{,_cdrom}.xml: Windows NT 3.5
- - The existing floppy-edition images checked out with official sources, but renamed to be consistent with Microsoft's own naming
- of the operating system.
- undefined hash/ibm5170{,_cdrom,_hdd}: Windows NT 3.51
- - Changed the CD-ROM hash of Workstation to a known-good copy from an original CD, added Server, added the full floppy disk
- edition of Workstation.
- undefined hash/ibm5170_cdrom: add Windows NT 4.0
- - This is the first version that shipped without a floppy-only edition, the only floppy disks are to assist in booting the
- installer on computers that don't support floppy boot. It is likewise the first version to support El Torito booting.
- undefined hash/ibm5170_cdrom: add/fix Windows 2000
- - The Windows 2000 image existing in prior commits was _slightly_ off an official build. Official builds use the AutoCRC feature
- of cdimage to make sure images have a CRC32 hash of 0xffffffff, accomplished by editing a few bytes in extraneous sectors of
- the ISO-9660 file system that are not user visible. The prior image did not have these bytes, albeit everything else was a
- match.
- - Listed here are a complete set of Windows 2000 Professional, Server, Advanced Server in all service pack levels and RTM. The
- "Select" licensing disc was used for all of them; this version was released for volume licensing and does not require a
- product key to be entered.
- - Also included are the MUI language packs and standalone service pack 1-4 installers, sourced from official CD-ROMs also.
- undefined hash/ibm5170_cdrom.xml: Windows NT 4.0 service packs
- - These are all sourced from Microsoft distributed CDs, containing support for all architectures and an autorun file.
- undefined hash/ibm5170_cdrom: standardize win2kmui's language list
- undefined Correct language identifier for NT Finnish
- undefined Summarize NT commits
- New working software list items (ibm5170.xml)
- Windows NT 3.1 Advanced Server (3.10.511.1) [3.5" floppy] [chungy]
- Windows NT Workstation 3.51 (3.51.1057.1) [3.5" floppies] [chungy]
- New working software list items (ibm5170_cdrom.xml)
- Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.528.1, MSDN, en-US) [chungy]
- Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.528.1, en-US) [chungy]
- Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1, en-US) [chungy]
- Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1, MSDN, de-DE) [chungy]
- Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1, MSDN, es-ES) [chungy]
- Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1, MSDN, fr-FR) [chungy]
- Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1, MSDN, it-IT) [chungy]
- Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1, MSDN, nl-NL) [chungy]
- Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1, MSDN, sv-SE) [chungy]
- Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.528.1, MSDN, da-DK) [chungy]
- Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.528.1, MSDN, fi-FI) [chungy]
- Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.528.1, MSDN, no-NO) [chungy]
- Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.528.1, MSDN, pt-BR) [chungy]
- Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1 (3.10.528.1, en-US) [chungy]
- Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1 (3.10.511.1, en-US) [chungy]
- Windows NT Workstation 3.5 (3.50.807.1) [chungy]
- Windows NT Server 3.5 (3.50.807.1) [chungy]
- Windows NT Workstation 3.51 (3.51.1057.1) [chungy]
- Windows NT Server 3.51 (3.51.1057.1) [chungy]
- Windows NT Workstation 4.0 with Service Pack 1 (4.0.1381.2) [chungy]
- Windows NT Workstation 4.0 (4.0.1381.1) [chungy]
- Windows NT Server 4.0 with Service Pack 1 (4.0.1381.2) [chungy]
- Windows NT Server 4.0 (4.0.1381.1) [chungy]
- Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition 4.0 (4.0.1381.4) [chungy]
- Windows NT Server, Terminal Server Edition 4.0 (4.0.419.1) [chungy]
- Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 2 [chungy]
- Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 [chungy]
- Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 [chungy]
- Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 5 [chungy]
- Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a [chungy]
- Windows 2000 Advanced Server (5.00.2195.1) [chungy]
- Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Service Pack 1 (5.00.2195.1620) [chungy]
- Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Service Pack 2 (5.00.2195.2951) [chungy]
- Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Service Pack 3 (5.00.2195.5438) [chungy]
- Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Service Pack 4 (5.00.2195.6717) [chungy]
- Windows 2000 Professional (5.00.2195.1) [chungy]
- Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 1 (5.00.2195.1620) [chungy]
- Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 2 (5.00.2195.2951) [chungy]
- Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 3 (5.00.2195.5438) [chungy]
- Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 4 (5.00.2195.6717) [chungy]
- Windows 2000 Server (5.00.2195.1) [chungy]
- Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 1 (5.00.2195.1620) [chungy]
- Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 2 (5.00.2195.2951) [chungy]
- Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 3 (5.00.2195.5438) [chungy]
- Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 4 (5.00.2195.6717) [chungy]
- Windows 2000 MultiLanguage Version [chungy]
- Windows 2000 Service Pack 1 [chungy]
- Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 [chungy]
- Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 [chungy]
- Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 [chungy]
- New working systems
- Wonder Circus (Japan, v1.1.1) [nnap]
- mame.lst: added dblagent entry I missed earlier [Ivan Vangelista]
- atari/jaguar.cpp: Fix various bugs in quickload handling. [Robbbert]
- hd6305: refresh port outputs when ddr changes, pass ddr through mem_mask [hap]
- hd6305: move common peripherals to base class [hap]
- hd6305: change port functions to templates [hap]
- hd6305: add hd6305y0 [hap]
- m6805: add cycle tables for hd6305 and hd63705 [hap]
- m6805: don't decrement 0 cycles for illegal opcodes [hap]
- warrior: modify internal artwork because of unsupported blend mode (it looks the same) [hap]
- New working systems
- Roulette (ICP-1 PCB) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, Matt B]
- MAME Testers bugs fixed (#13076)
- 08942: [Gameplay] (misc/vamphalf.cpp) coolmini: Minigames don't work [MooglyGuy]
- properly/softlock [MooglyGuy]
- e132xs: Sign-extend the divisor in DIVS instructions. [Ryan Holtz]
- undefined Co-authored-by: Ryan Holtz
- ns32000: fix 32532 reset [Patrick Mackinlay]
- New systems marked not working
- Amazonia (Ming-Yang Electronic / TSK) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Halloween (Ming-Yang Electronic / TSK, version 1.0) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Special Dream 9 (v1.0.5G) [nnap]
- excellent/es9501.cpp: Improve PCB description [AJR]
- jaleco/megasys1.cpp: Use the proper clock signal for I/O microcontroller in System B (#13077) [Sergio G.]
- New systems marked not working
- Dream 9 Flower (v1.00c) [Hammy]
- excellent/es9501.cpp: added forgotten ROM [Ivan Vangelista]
- Fixed cross-compiling bgfx for MinGW under Linux. (#13073) [FlykeSpice]
- a2600.xml, megadriv.xml: Added some Fix-It Felix Jr. homebrew games. (#13068) [Mike Swanson]
- New working software list items (megadriv.xml)
- Fix-it Felix Jr. [Mike Swanson]
- Fix-it Felix Jr. (v1.0) [Mike Swanson]
- Wreck It Ralph (Russian translation bootleg) [unknown]
- Wreck It Ralph (Russian translation bootleg, alt) [unknown]
- New working software list items (a2600.xml)
- Fix-It Felix Sr. [Cybearg]
- Fix-It Felix Sr. (PAL) [Cybearg]
- Fix-It Felix Sr. (PAL60) [Cybearg]
- Jack Potten's Poker with fever feature: [Roberto Fresca]
- undefined New full addressing memory map
- undefined New proper machine driver.
- undefined Fixed ROM load.
- undefined Worked proper inputs.
- undefined Added extra DIP switches.
- sinclair/atm.cpp: Fixed ZX video mode detection. (#13079) [holub]
- skeleton/easy_karaoke.cpp: Dumped six more Bandai Karaoke Station units. (#13051) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- New clones marked not working
- IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station (Japan, set 2) [mamehaze]
- IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station (Japan, set 3) [mamehaze]
- IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station (Japan, set 4) [mamehaze]
- IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station (Japan, set 5) [mamehaze]
- IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station (Japan, set 6) [mamehaze]
- IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station 'For Girls' (Japan) [mamehaze]
- bus/amiga/zorro: Cleanups and 32-bit zorro support for various cards [Dirk Best]
- ad1848: Add support for auto-calibration [Dirk Best]
- bus/amiga/zorro: Add support for the Toccata SoundCard [Dirk Best]
New working clones
- Jack Potten's Poker (w/fever, ICP-1 PCB) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
- bus/amiga/toccata.cpp: fixed Clang compile [Ivan Vangelista]
- New systems marked not working
- Crazy Bell (V1.2D) [Hammy]
- goldnpkr.cpp: fixed set list [Roberto Fresca]
- Jack Potten's poker with Fever: Added coinage DSW. [Roberto Fresca]
- tvgames/spg2xx.cpp: Added Boku wa Plarail UntenshiundefinedShinkansen de Ikou! (playable but SEEPROM still needs hooking up). (#13050)
- [mamehaze]
- New working systems
- Takara Tomy Boku wa Plarail Untenshi - Shinkansen de Ikou! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- dynax/ddenlovr.cpp, dynax/dynax.cpp: Improved DIP switches for mjflove and mjdialq2. [Vas Crabb]
- undefined More updates based on manuals and playing the games.
- undefined Also some random cleanup and Coverity warning fixes.
- New working systems
- Chinese Chess [hap, Sean Riddle]
- cnchess: correct copy pasted comment [hap]
- New clones marked not working
- Dragon Mahjong (Ver 1.03) [Hammy]
- New systems marked not working
- Cherry Bonus IV (V5.0) [Hammy]
- hd6305y2: Add special function registers to internal map [AJR]
- hd6305: update header file after prev commit [hap]
- cpu/upd177x/upd177xd.cpp: Some small fixes (#13083) [wilbertpol]
- undefined Fix disassembly of MVI in the 0x4000 range.
- undefined Rename mdi/mdo to md1/md0.
- undefined Add STEP_OVER/STEP_OUT to call and ret instrucitons.
- m6502: add g65sc02 subtypes [hap]
- m6502: rename m65sc02.* to g65sc02.* [hap]
- m6502: add r65c02 subtypes [hap]
- dec0,dec8: correct audiocpu type [hap]
- m6502: rename m65c02 to w65c02 as well [hap]
- g65sc02: correct constructor [hap]
- g65sc02: Remove Rockwell bit opcodes (source comment appears to be mistaken) [AJR]
- undefined g65sc102, r65c102: Add internal clock divider
- dynax/dynax.cpp: Corrected 7jigen DIP switches based on a very blurry photo of the manual. [Vas Crabb]
- clcd: add maincpu xtal [hap]
- cpc_cass.xml: Metadata updates [AJR]
- undefined Add author, developer and serial fields to many entries (particularly Amsoft games)
- undefined Correct a few titles and publishers somewhat, adding diacritics to some French titles
- Driver for Moog Source, including an interactive layout. No sound. (#12917) [m1macrophage]
- undefined Driver for Moog Source, including an interactive layout. No sound.
- undefined moogsource: Fix invalid mirroring. It was a last-minute change from mask() to mirror(), and missed updating map(...).
- undefined moog_source.lay: bugfix - attach `interval` input to the button, not the text.
- undefined Added checksum.
New working clones
- Golden Poker Double Up (tearoomundefinedsara hack) [Roberto Fresca, Hammy]
- a2bus/4play.cpp: Fix player 4 joystick definition (#13084) [Mark Garlanger]
- undefined Fix an apparent copy-n-paste error.
New working clones
- Janyou Part II (ver 7.02, July 1 1983) [Hammy]
- taito/tnzs.cpp: removed kageki sample playback HLE [MetalliC]
- cpu/upd177x/upd177xd.cpp: Fixed disassembly of jpp instruction. (#13087) [wilbertpol]
New working clones
- Jack Potten's Poker (set 16, ICP-1 PCB) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, Hammy]
- Jack Potten's Poker (set 17, ICP-1 PCB) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, Hammy]
- potnpkro & potnpkrp sets: Corrected docs. [Roberto Fresca]
- hash/ibm5170{,_cdrom}: Original Windows NT 3.1 floppy distribution (#13085) [Mike Swanson]
- undefined Cleaning up the NT 3.1 entries, the existing floppy set is actually build 528, so simply rename that. Place the original (build
- 511) floppy set as winnt31o_35.
- undefined The floppy disk connected to the cdrom set winnt31o2 actually belongs to winnt31o (build 528 instead of 511), and the build 511
- 3.5" install floppy is now marked as “nodump.” Users can still start the installation from DOS and use the CD-ROM version, but
- a direct boot from floppy is only an option for 5.25" drives until a dump is made.
- undefined The old floppy disk connected to cdrom winnt31/winnt31o has been replaced by what was in winnt31o2. The only difference is that
- this disk has unused sectors filled out with f6 bytes, the same as what happens from Microsoft's format utilities of the day.
- New working software list items (ibm5170.xml)
- Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1) [3.5" floppy] [chungy]
- namco/mappy.cpp: added PLD dumps for phozons, removed PROM not actually present on PCB [Corrado Tomaselli, f205v]
- New clones marked not working
- Jan Oh (set 3) [Hammy]
- mconfig: allow sub-mcfg to unset perfect quantum [hap]
- system1: clean up mcfg names, lower sound hw clocks for starjack and upndown [hap]
- bus/amiga/zorro: Make sure to reset zorro cards on manual calls [Dirk Best]
- bus/amiga/zorro: Preliminary Picasso II+ support [Dirk Best]
- video/pc_vga_cirrus: replace cirrus_define_video_mode with VGA arch recompute_params [angelosa]
- hash/mac_cdrom: add sharedfeat for hexen, add spacing between entries [angelosa]
- midcoin/24cdjuke.cpp: update reference URL [angelosa]
- spectrum_cass.xml: Added 50 working items (#13088) [ArcadeShadow]
New working software list additions
- A to Z [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair]
- Answer Back Factfile 500 - Super Sports [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair]
- Antony and Cleopatra [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair]
- Bounce Panic + Hangman [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair]
- Boxform [Planeta Sinclair]
- Britain in the Age of Total War [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair]
- Crook [Planeta Sinclair]
- Éditeur de Manoir [Spectrum Computing]
- Graph [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair]
- Infrared (Elettronica) [Spectrum Computing]
- Klub Uzivatelu Desktopu 4 [Spectrum Computing]
- Konami's Tennis (Erbe) [Spectrum Computing]
- Land of Mire Mare (v1.06, 5678 keys) [Spectrum Computing]
- Laser Squad (System 4, small case) [Spectrum Computing]
- Laser Squad (System 4, large case) [Spectrum Computing]
- Libreria de Software Spectrum № 1 (Febrero 85) (covertape) [Spectrum Computing]
- Libreria de Software Spectrum № 1 (Febrero 85) (covertape, alt) [Spectrum Computing]
- Libreria de Software Spectrum № 2 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing]
- Libreria de Software Spectrum № 2 (covertape, alt) [Spectrum Computing]
- Libreria de Software Spectrum № 3 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing]
- Libreria de Software Spectrum № 3 (covertape, alt) [Spectrum Computing]
- Libreria de Software Spectrum № 4 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing]
- Libreria de Software Spectrum № 4 (covertape, alt) [Spectrum Computing]
- Libreria de Software Spectrum № 5 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing]
- Libreria de Software Spectrum № 5 (covertape, alt) [Spectrum Computing]
- Micro Drivin' (PD) [Planeta Sinclair]
- Play for Peace [Planeta Sinclair]
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 1 (Portuguese release, covertape) [Planeta Sinclair]
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 2 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing]
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 3 (Portuguese release, covertape) [Planeta Sinclair]
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 3 (Spanish release, covertape) [Spectrum Computing]
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 4 (Portuguese release, covertape) [Planeta Sinclair]
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 4 (Spanish release, covertape) [Spectrum Computing]
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 5 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing]
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 6 (Portuguese release, covertape) [Planeta Sinclair]
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 6 (Spanish release, covertape) [Spectrum Computing]
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 7 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing]
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 8 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing]
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 9 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing]
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 17 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing]
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 25 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing]
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 28 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing]
- Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 31 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing]
- Ruleta Parlante [Planeta Sinclair]
- Space Raiders - Invasores Galácticos (alt) [Planeta Sinclair]
- Time Warrior (Guild) [Planeta Sinclair]
- TX-3 [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair]
- The Crystal of Chantie (PD) [Planeta Sinclair]
- The Final Glide [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair]
- Winning Games on the ZX Spectrum [Planeta Sinclair]
- Cleanups and fixes: parent/cloneof relationships, descriptions, publishers, years and languages info (information provided by
- spectrumcomputing.co.uk). [ArcadeShadow]
- spectrum_cass.xml: Add author and serial fields to Sprites games [AJR]
- dec8: correct cpu clocks for some games, make mcu-side comms edge-triggered, remove non-existant coin3 on 2 player games (it was
- service coin in some cases), misc cleanups, ghostb3a: this version expects longer irq trigger, srdarwinb: hook up coin inputs [hap]
- Clones promoted to working
- The Real Ghostbusters (US 3 Players, revision 2) [hap]
- SRD: Super Real Darwin (Japan, bootleg) [hap]
- cvs: add 0x1884 sound trigger [hap]
- espial: swap button1/2 [hap]
- gng: Use 4-way joysticks [AJR]
- potnpkro and potnpkrp sets: Dumped the correct bipolar PROMs, and reproduced the wire hack [Roberto Fresca, Hammy]
- video/pc_vga_cirrus: workaround crash for zorro/picasso2, fix bit 3 in blitting status [angelosa]
- dynax/royalmah.cpp: dumped PROM for janohb [Hammy]
- igs/goldstar.cpp: verified PROMs for eldoraddob [Hammy]
- New systems marked not working
- Hana Doujou (set 1) [Hammy]
- New clones marked not working
- Hana Doujou (set 2) [Hammy]
- amiga/amiga_v.cpp: guard against out of bounds bitmap writes [angelosa]
- undefined fix: #9936
- undefined fix: MT8483
- Updated timetrv.cpp to improve segment display accuracy (#13049) [PDAisAok]
- cvs: add 0x1885 sound trigger, route16: small cleanup [hap]
- pv2000.xml: Added seventeen working homebrew cartridges (#13093) [Ectoplasm]
- undefined Aerial [Inufuto] AntiAir [Inufuto] Ascend [Inufuto] Battlot [Inufuto] Bootskell [Inufuto] Cacorm [Inufuto] Cavit [Inufuto] Cracky
- [Inufuto] Cross Chase [Fabrizio Caruso] Guntus [Inufuto] Hopman [Inufuto] Lift [Inufuto] Mazy [Inufuto] Neuras [Inufuto] Osotos
- [Inufuto] Ruptus [Inufuto] Yewdow [Inufuto]
- hash/a2600.xml: Fix file name of Fix It Felix Sr NTSC (#13092) [Mike Swanson]
- route16: don't do the color OR trick for route16 (see titlescreen reveal) [hap]
- route16: split off jongpute class [hap]
- route16: merge driver [hap]
- source org: add success folder [hap]
- ui/ui.cpp: Make failure to mount required media fatal if file manager can't be displayed. [Vas Crabb]
- undefined ui/filemngr.cpp: Show warnings in a box above the menu so they can be wrapped rather than being truncated to the point of being
- useless.
- route16: copy over screen raw params from kangaroo driver [hap]
- ui/menu.cpp: Fix calculation mistake that resulted in NaNs being passed to the renderer, causing assertion failures in debug builds
- [AJR]
- v25: Improve peripheral emulation [AJR]
- undefined Add preliminary DMA controller (capable of doing burst memory transfers)
- undefined Make timer 1 cause two different interrupts
- undefined Add kludge for one timer edge case
- - tvdear: Map some more ROM; add P0 readback
- misc/cvs.cpp: Add documentation in comments about the effects of the sound registers observed by poking values on a real CVS PCB.
- (#13099) [Paul Swan]
- emu/gamedrv.h: get rid of MACHINE_IS_SKELETON[_MECHANICAL] [angelosa]
- undefined cfr. https: //github.com/mamedev/mame/pull/13090#issuecomment-2551146118 for details
- New software list items marked not working
- abc832_flop: Teletex 800 [robcfg]
- luxor/abc80x: Rename tags to match BASIC device names. [Curt Coder]
- apple/macquadra700.cpp: Remove remainder of no-longer-used timer (Github #13100). [R. Belmont]
- leapfrog_leappad_cart.xml: Added 16 items (not working). (#13098) [Ivan Vangelista]
- New software list items marked not working (leapfrog_leappad_cart.xml)
- Oyako Eigo Step 1-gatsu gou - Doubutsuen ni Ikou! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix]
- Oyako Eigo Jump 5-gatsu gou - Okashi no Kuni no Daibouken (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix]
- Oyako Eigo Jump 9-gatsu gou - Monjaa Gou de Tankenja! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix]
- Oyako Eigo Jump 1-gatsu gou - Shougakkou Taiken Report (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix]
- Korasho Land 1: Gakkou e Ikou! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix]
- Korasho Land 4: Machi no Naka o Tanken! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix]
- Korasho Land 2: Tanoshii Ichinichi (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix]
- Korasho Land 3: Tanjoubi Omedetou (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix]
- Korasho Land 5: Bokutatchi no Ichinen (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix]
- Oyako Eigo Step - March 2006 Welcome gou (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix]
- Oyako Eigo Step - May 2006, July 2006 (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix]
- Oyako Eigo Step - September 2006, November 2006 (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix]
- Oyako Eigo Step - January 2007 (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix]
- Shimajirou to Ribby no ABC Adventure / Touch and Step Game de Asobou! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix]
- Shimajirou to Ribby no Eigo Jiten / Onahashi CoCoPad Time Machine de Daibouken! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix]
- Shimajirou to Ribby no CoCoPad Game Party / Shougakkou Tanken (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix]
- New working systems
- Sphinx Junior [hap, Sean Riddle]
New working clones
- Sphinx Dominator (v2.04) [Mr. Lars]
- ti/ti99_2.cpp: Add note related to MT 09020 [AJR]
- bus/amiga/zorro: Add support for the Rainbow II/FrameMaster [Dirk Best]
New working software list additions
- Rainbow II Diashow Professional V1.92 [Amiga Hardware Database]
- RainbowPainter V0.99b [Amiga Hardware Database]
- i960: fix regression with emul opcode [hap]
- apple/apple2e.cpp: Add DE and SE Apple IIe/IIc models (#13086) [as-tb-dev]
- mjreach: Fill in DIP switch names from second manual page [AJR]
- bus/rs232/teletex800: Add front panel layout. [Curt Coder]
- m7501: correct device name [hap]
- dec8: let's make meikyuh a parent set [hap]
- dec0: small cleanup, darwin: remove comment about prom, 0xf0 is definitely bitrot [hap]
- bwing: correct audiocpu clock, correct paletteram size, remove rgb boost dip switch [hap]
- ui/filemngr.cpp: Show warnings at the bottom. [Vas Crabb]
- dynax/royalmah.cpp: Improved DIP switch settings for ippatsu. [Vas Crabb]
- dynax/royalmah.cpp, seibu/seibuspi.cpp: Use standard mahjong matrix. [Vas Crabb]
- seibu/seibuspi.h: Update object finder tag for standard mahjong matrix. [Vas Crabb]
- gottlieb: remove unneeded nmi timer [hap]
- New working systems
- King's Ransom (0301689V, New Zealand) [anonymous, Heihachi_73]
- Player's Edge Plus (X000126P+XP000038) Deuces Wild Poker [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (X002001P+XP000038) Double Double Bonus Poker [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (X002133P+XP000043) Faces 'n' Deuces Double Bonus Poker [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (X002278P+XP000038) Joker Poker (Two Pair or Better) [Brian Troha]
New working clones
- Player's Edge Plus (PP0045) 10's or Better (set 6, Circus Circus) [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (PP0045) 10's or Better (set 7, Old Reno Casino) [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (PP0045) 10's or Better (set 8, Harrah's) [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (PP0050) Joker Poker (set 2) [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (PP0055) Deuces Wild Poker (set 3, Casino Rouge) [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (PP0102) Standard Draw Poker [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (PP0123) Deuces Wild Poker [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (PP0197) Standard Draw Poker (International) [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (PP0231) Deuces Joker Wild Poker [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (PP0242) Deuces Wild Poker [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (PP0540) Double Bonus Poker (set 2) [Brian Troha]
- Player's Edge Plus (PS0278) 4th of July Slots [Nathan Carlson, Brian Troha]
- New systems marked not working
- Harikiri Junior Baseball (Japan, main ver. 1.0, video ver. 1.3) [Hammy]
- Joker Poker (0301477V, New Zealand) [anonymous, Heihachi_73]
- Wild Cat [Hammy]
- New clones marked not working
- Bubblen Roulette (Japan, main ver. 1.7, video ver. 1.3) [Hammy]
- Geisha (0101153V, NSW/ACT) [anonymous, Heihachi_73]
- Add a new Spanish Turtles bootleg (#13096) [ClawGrip]
New working clones
- Turpin (Novatronic bootleg) [Luis Arrufat, Recreativas.org]
- v25: Correct mistaken idea about DMA [AJR]
- v25: Fix syntax error in previous commit [AJR]
- apple/dafb.cpp: Allow "no monitor" as a valid monitor selection to disable the internal video on Quadras. [R. Belmont]
- gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp: Work around race condition at soft reset [AJR]
- namco/toypop.cpp: Use tilemap helpers, fixed save states, and cleaned up code: (#13101) [cam900]
- undefined Use tilemap helpers for tile maps.
- undefined Register member variables for save states, and suppress side effects for debugger reads.
- undefined Derive sound chip clock frequency from master crystal frequency.
- undefined Simplified graphics decoding.
- undefined Reduced run time tag lookups, reduced preprocessor macros, and made some variables const.
- hash/nes.xml: Added homebrew PCM Demo With Graphics. (#13094) [Mike Swanson]
- New working software list items (nes.xml)
- PCM Demo With Graphics [frantik]
- srcclean and cleanup [Vas Crabb]
- docs: Updated compiling instructions to refer to Visual Studio 2022, bumped version to 0.273. [Vas Crabb]
- yakyuken: correct ay and irq frequency [hap]
- Corrected some metadata. [Vas Crabb]
→ [arcade] Mame x64 0.272 29/11/2024
MAME 0.272. 30 Nov 2024
The end of the year is almost upon us, but before that happens, make sure you try MAME 0.272! We’re very happy to announce that the early SNK game Tangram Q is now supported. This game was never widespread, and working examples are rarer than ever. MAME now gives you the unprecedented opportunity to experience this piece of gaming history. Another obscure system that’s starting to take shape is the Estonian EKTA Juku. This 8-bit educational computer was powered by a Soviet 8080 clone and ran the CP/M-derived EKDOS operating system.
The French Thomson computers have been receiving some attention lately, and software compatibility is starting to improve. Progress on the NEC PC-98 family is still coming along nicely. Our CD-ROM drive emulation has been getting better, which has a positive impact on numerous computers as well as game systems. The Epoch Super Cassette vision also got some nice fixes this month.
Numerous reported issues were fixed in this release, including some long-standing issues that had eluded developers for years. There are lots of new working bootleg arcade games to try out. Several TV games have been promoted to working this month, too.
MAME Testers bugs fixed
- 03108: [Color/Palette] (konami/finalizr.cpp) finalizr: Colours are inaccurate and sound is incorrect. (hap)
- 04989: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (irem/travrusa.cpp) shtrider, shtridera: Changes to screen flipping setting are not applied. (hap)
- 05419: [Crash/Freeze] (universal/docastle.cpp) idsoccera, asoccer: Emulated games crash showing a black screen. (hap)
- 05695: [Crash/Freeze] (misc/coolpool.cpp) amerdart, amerdat2, amerdart3: Emulated game freezes after completion. (Peter Ferrie)
- 05737: [Sound] (sega/system1.cpp) choplift and clones: Sampled speech playback rate is too high. (hap)
- 05782: [Graphics] (sega/system1.cpp) choplift: Graphics show a horizontal discontinuity on levels 3 and 4. (hap)
- 06435: [Sound] (seibu/dynduke.cpp) dynduke: Some sound effects are missing. (hap)
- 06472: [Gameplay] (mr/sshot.cpp) sshot: The game runs at over twice the speed it should. (hap)
- 07071: [DIP/Input] (universal/docastle.cpp) docastle, docastle2: “Advance Level on Getting Diamond” settings reversed. (OzFalcon)
- 07520: [Sound] (orca/zodiack.cpp) dogfight: Sound effects play too fast. (hap)
- 07740: [Sound] (nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp) yamato: Sound effects and music play too fast. (hap)
- 07777: [Sound] (gameplan/enigma2.cpp) enigma2: Music between stages plays incorrectly. (hap)
- 07869: [Gameplay] (sega/system1.cpp) choplift: The game pauses while speech is playing. (hap)
- 08842: [Misc.] (irem/travrusa.cpp) travrusa: Selecting the palette PROM layout is irritating. (hap)
- 08897: [DIP/Input] (jaleco/homerun.cpp) dynashot: The game starts with one credit before any coins are inserted. (hap)
- 08943: [Crash/Freeze] (misc/quizpun2.cpp) quizpun2: The game fails to boot, only showing a black screen. (hap)
- 08946: [Misc.] (sega/stv.cpp) znpwfvt: The system description does not match the displayed title. (Vas Crabb)
- 08954: [Graphics] (sega/system1.cpp) pitfall2 and clones: The main title is not displayed. (hap)
- 08963: [Crash/Freeze] (taito/tsamurai.cpp) ringfgta: The game fails to boot. (hap)
- 08966: [Interface] UI: The software selection menu is sorted incorrectly for systems with multiple software lists. (Vas Crabb)
- 08968: [Media Support] (vtech/vtech1.cpp) vz300 and clones: The system freezes when attempting to read floppy disks. (AJR)
- 08970: [Timing] (irem/travrusa.cpp) shtrider: The countdown to the start of the race is too slow. (hap)
- 08971: [Debugger] (pacman/pacman.cpp) mspacman: The emulated game crashes when debugger memory windows are open. (hap)
- 08973: [Gameplay] (cvs/quasar.cpp) quasar: Enemies never fire shots. (hap)
New working systems
- Jungle Soft Classic Max Pocket Mx-10 - 12 in 1 (vertical) [TeamEurope, David Haywood, AJR]
- Konami Chusenoh [hammy, R. Belmont]
- Tangram Q [systm11, buffi, rtw, f205v, Sean Sutton, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, Ivan Vangelista, hap]
- Tomy /SSD Company LTD IDATEN Jump: Gekisou IDATEN Battle (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Wantouchable [Darksoft, TeamEurope]
- YSN GameU Joint TV Bank 108-in-1 (model AH9069) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
New working clones
- Astro Blaster (French) [Victor Fernandez (City Game)]
- Big 10 (1986, System Make) [hammy]
- Bumba (bootleg of Head On) [Jordi Tuells, Jordi Beltrán]
- Captain X [Dirk Best, Brian Troha, Sean Riddle]
- Carnival (ManilaMatic bootleg) [Trol]
- dreamGEAR My Arcade Pac-Man Pocket Player (DGUNL-3227) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- Falcons Wild - World Wide Poker (Falcon original) [hammy]
- Fidelity Deutschland Elite Private Line (EAG 6081 conversion) [hap, Berger]
- Golden Poker Double Up (bootleg, set 5) [hammy]
- Jack Potten's Poker (set 14, ICP-1 PCB) [hammy]
- Janyou Part II (ver 7.03, July 1 1983, no title screen) [hammy]
- Jump Bug (bootleg, set 3) [Arcadedealer aka Edgar Solé aka Dios, Recreativas.org, Ivan Vangelista]
- Jungle King (V200PR) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- Lode Runner III - Majin no Fukkatsu (Japan, rev. C) [kebrank]
- Mad Motor (prototype, set 2) [SnakeGrunger!!11one]
- Makaimura (Japan Revision B, alt GFX) [Roberto Fresca, Gabriel Vega (El Pampa), Emmanuel Firmapaz, Club Argentino de Arcades]
- New Double Bet Mahjong (bootleg of Royal Mahjong, set 2) [hammy]
- Radica / SSD Company LTD ConnecTV Opus (PAL) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Radica / SSD Company LTD Plug & Play Opus (NTSC) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Saitek Kasparov GK 2000 (H8/3212 version) [hap, Sean Riddle]
- Super Crowns Golf (Japan, set 2) [hammy]
- Takara / SSD Company LTD Machi o Tsukurou: Kouji no Kuruma 5 (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Tarzan (V103M) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- Tarzan (V202FA) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- Thunder Heroes (set 2) [twistedsymphony]
- Ukiyo Box (Japan, v1.3.7) [hammy]
- Wonder Boy - Monster Land (English bootleg set 4) [hammy]
- World Rally (US, version 1.0, checksum 75A5) [Pr3tty F1y]
- Yamato (set 1) [caius, Josef Schaffer, The Dumping Union]
Systems promoted to working
- EKTA Juku E5104 [Märt Põder]
- Jungle Soft Classic Max Pocket PCMX11 - 12 in 1 Colour Games Console (horizontal, France) [David Haywood. AJR]
- Jurassic Park (bootleg of Mega Drive version) [Dirk Best, Darksoft, hammy]
- Lexibook Toy Story 3 (Lexibook) [David Haywood, AJR]
- NJ Pocket 60-in-1 handheld 'X zero' (NTSC) [David Haywood, AJR]
- Portable Game Station 268-in-1 [David Haywood, AJR]
- unknown VT1682-based 101-in-1 handheld (PAL) [David Haywood, AJR]
- Wai Wai Jockey [hap]
Clones promoted to working
- American Soccer (Japan) [hap]
- Gun Champ (newer, Super Shot hardware) [hap]
- Indoor Soccer (set 2) [hap]
- Indoor Soccer (Tecfri) [hap]
New systems marked not working
- Arthur's Knights [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- AST Advantage! 6050d/6066d [The Retro Web]
- AST Advantage! 610/611 [The Retro Web]
- Bandai Tamagotchi Pix [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- BornKid 16 Bit Handheld Games 100-in-1 (model GB-10X) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Cellage [hammy]
- Chibi Maruko-chan - Wanage de Asobo!! [Darksoft, TeamEurope]
- Crayon Shin-chan - Arashi o Yobu! Sushitori Daigassen [Darksoft, TeamEurope]
- Diamond Heart New (v20.0) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- Dojokko Tsukami (Japan, ver 1.02) [Darksoft, TeamEurope]
- Dragon Ball Z - Bucchigiri no Chou Kessen [Darksoft, TeamEurope]
- Dragon Mahjong (Ver 1.20) [hammy]
- Dynasty (1992, V5.1G) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Fruit Cat (v2.00) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- Ginga Yakyu [Darksoft, TeamEurope]
- Gu, Choki, Pa [mindstorm88]
- Handheld Game Console 319-in-1 [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Haunted Hunter (Japan, ver 1.00) [Darksoft, TeamEurope]
- Hi Lice (V102FA) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- Honey-Bee (v3.0) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- Itazura Cockroach (Japan, ver 1.02) [Darksoft, TeamEurope]
- Joker Bonus [hammy]
- Lucky 75 [caius]
- Lucky Star [hammy]
- Major Poker 2 (set 1) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- Mite Shinzeyou [hammy]
- Multi GAME XL [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- PK Rainbow (v 1.5) [hammy]
- PK Turbo Great 2 [hammy]
- Pump it Up Extra (Mar 21 2001) [smf, Windy Fairy]
- Pump it Up The O.B.G: The 3rd Dance Floor (v3.04 - Jun 02 2000) [smf, Windy Fairy]
- Pump it Up The O.B.G: The Season Evolution Dance Floor (R4/v3.25 - Aug 27 2000) [smf, Windy Fairy]
- Pump it Up The Premiere: The International Dance Floor (R6/v4.01 - Feb 22 2001) [smf, Windy Fairy]
- Pump it Up The Premiere 2: The International 2nd Dance Floor (Premiere 2/2002) [smf, Windy Fairy]
- Pump it Up The Premiere 3: The International 3rd Dance Floor (Premiere 3/2003 - 28th Mar 2003) [smf, Windy Fairy]
- Pump it Up The PREX: The International Dance Floor (REV2 / 101) [smf, Windy Fairy]
- Pump it Up The PREX 2 (Premiere 2/2003) [smf, Windy Fairy]
- Pump it Up The PREX 3: The International 4th Dance Floor (X3.2MK3) [smf, Windy Fairy]
- Pump it Up The Rebirth: The 8th Dance Floor (Rebirth/2002) [smf, Windy Fairy]
- Pump it Up: The 2nd Dance Floor (Feb 28 2000) [smf, Windy Fairy]
- Pump it Up: The Collection (R5/v3.43 - Nov 14 2000) [smf, Windy Fairy]
- Pump it Up: The Perfect Collection (R5/v3.52 - Dec 18 2000) [smf, Windy Fairy]
- Rodeo King (Japan, ver 1.00) [Darksoft, TeamEurope]
- Ruleta Mágica [David Villaverde, Recreativas.org]
- San-X / Tomy Sumikko Gurashi - Sumikko Sagashi [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Satoyama Grand Prix [Darksoft, TeamEurope]
- Sega Ferie Kitten [QUFB]
- Sega Ferie Puppy [QUFB]
- Sega Ferie World Travel [QUFB]
- SSD Company LTD XaviX Aerostep (XaviXPORT, Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Takara / SSD Company LTD Beyblade Ultimate Shooter (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Takara / SSD Company LTD Zuba Zuba Blade (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Tomy / SSD Company LTD TV Hockey (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Toy Shop [anonymous]
- unknown Banpresto medal game [Darksoft, TeamEurope]
- unknown Boram poker game [hammy]
- Wanikko Punch (Japan, ver 1.20) [Darksoft, TeamEurope]
- Youkai VS Uchuujin [Darksoft, TeamEurope]
- YSN Play Portable Color GameU+ (108-in-1) (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Yujo Gattai Shishigami-o [Darksoft, TeamEurope]
- Zoids [Darksoft, TeamEurope]
New clones marked not working
- Apple Computer Macintosh PowerBook 165 [R. Belmont]
- Apple Computer Macintosh PowerBook 165c [R. Belmont]
- Batman Forever (Dutch, 3.02) [inkochnito, PinMAME]
- Black Beard (US.00, 2005/03/14) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- Cabal (Modular System) [Darksoft]
- Crisis Zone (World, CSZO2 Ver. B) [Guru]
- Double Dragon (Modular System) [Arcadedealer aka Edgar Solé aka Dios, Recreativas.org]
- Epoch / SSD Company LTD Let's Play Excite Striker (UK) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Gryzor (Modular System) [Arcadedealer aka Edgar Solé aka Dios, Recreativas.org]
- Jack Potten's Poker (set 15, ICP-1 PCB) [hammy]
- Jumanji (V113) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- Magical Kengo 2005 (Ver. USA 1.10) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- Major Poker 2 (set 2) [hammy, buffi]
- Major Poker 2 (set 3) [hammy, buffi]
- Ninja Emaki (Tecfri license) [hammy]
- Pump it Up Extra (Mar 08 2001) [smf, Windy Fairy]
- Pump it Up EXTRA + Plus (Premiere 2/2003) [smf, Windy Fairy]
- Pump it Up The O.B.G: The 3rd Dance Floor (v3.03 - May 07 2000) [smf, Windy Fairy]
- Pump it Up The Premiere: The International Dance Floor (R6/v4.01 - Feb 22 2001 USA) [smf, Windy Fairy]
- Pump it Up The Premiere 3: The International 3rd Dance Floor (Premiere 3/2003 - 17th Mar 2003) [smf, Windy Fairy]
- Pump it Up The PREX 3: The International 4th Dance Floor (INT X3.1MK3) [smf, Windy Fairy]
- Pump it Up The PREX 3: The International 4th Dance Floor (Korea X3.1MK3) [smf, Windy Fairy]
- Pump it Up: The 2nd Dance Floor (Dec 27 1999) [smf, Windy Fairy]
- Real Mahjong Haihai (Japan, bootleg) [hammy]
- Ron Jan (set 2) [hammy]
- Ron Jan Super (set 2) [hammy]
- Ron Jan Super (set 3) [hammy]
- Shadow Warriors (Modular System) [Darksoft]
New working software list items
- ekara_cart: e-kara Web cartridge 12M (used, with 5 songs) (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- gba: LOCKJAW: The Overdose, LOCKJAW: The Reference, Tetanus on Drugs (Milestone 3), Tetanus on Drugs (Preview Release 1) [Mike Swanson]
- ibm5170_cdrom: My First Math Adventure: Adding and Subtracting, Star Trek: 25th Anniversary (Enhanced CD-ROM), Star Trek: Judgment Rites (Collector's Edition), Ultimate Solitaire [Mike Swanson]
- juku: EKDOS 2.29, EKDOS 2.30 [Märt Põder]
- mac_cdrom: My First Math Adventure: Adding and Subtracting [Mike Swanson]
- nes: LJ65 (0.41, NTSC), LJ65 (0.41, PAL), Tetramino (0.1), Tetramino (0.2), Tetramino (0.27, NTSC), Tetramino (0.27, PAL), Tetramino (0.30, NTSC), Tetramino (0.30, PAL) [Mike Swanson]
- oric1_cass:
El Prisionero, Torreoscura [Commodore Plus]
Les Chemins de Galdeon (French), Los Camiños de Galdeon (Spanish), The Paths of Galdeon (English), Pulsoids, I Sentieri di Galdeon (Italian) [Defence Force]
Rodmän (demo) [The Future Was 8 Bit]
Aerial, AntiAir, Ascend, Battlot, Bootskell, Cacorm, Cavit, Cracky, Guntus, Hopman, Impetus, Lift, Mazy, Neuras, Osotos, Ruptus, Yewdow [Inufuto]
Killer Caverns [The Oric Site] - segacd: Sonic the Hedgehog CD (USA, R4C) [David Silva]
Software list items promoted to working
- fm7_disk: Daisenryaku FM (alt) [Angelo Salese]
- mo5_cass: Androïdes (alt), Androïdes (alt 2), Brigade du Feu, La Geste d'Artillac, La Geste d'Artillac (single tape), La Geste d'Artillac (single tape, alt), La Geste d'Artillac (single tape, alt 2), Las Vegas (WAV format), Tyrann (alt), Tyrann (alt 4) [AJR]
- pc98: Gakuen Bakuretsu Tenkousei!, Joker II, Mashou Denki La Valeur, Master of Monsters, PC-9801 Game Pack Vol. 1, PC-9801 Game Pack Vol. 2, PC-9801 Game Pack Vol. 3, PC-9801 Game Pack Vol. 4 [Angelo Salese, Carl]
- pc98_cd: Dies Irae [Angelo Salese, Carl]
- scv: Star Speeder [Wilbert Pol]
- spectrum_cass: Astro Blaster (pirate), Astroblasters, Batman (set 4), Comercio Cosmico, Cosmic Commerce (English), Cosmic Commerce (English, alt), Cruising On Broadway, Cruising On Broadway (pirate), Cruising On Broadway (Sunshine), Cruse On, Dictator, Dictator (pirate), Edd the Duck!, Edd the Duck! (Zeppelin), Mister Kung-Fu (set 1, v1.3), Mister Kung-Fu (set 2, v1.3), Mister Kung-Fu (set 3, v1.3, Plus 2a / Plus 3), Mister Kung-Fu (set 4, Plus 2a / Plus 3) [holub]
- x68k_flop: Emerald Densetsu, Strider Hiryuu [Carl]
New software list items marked not working
- ibm5170_cdrom: Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Special Edition 10, Multimedia Middle School Grammar [Mike Swanson]
- polysix: Factory presets [Sunshine Jones]
Translations added or modified
- Ukrainian [Stanley Kid]
Merged pull requests
- 9946: ussr/juku.cpp: Implemented sound and video, fixed floppy disk access, and added EKDOS to the software list. [Märt Põder]
- 11862: sega/sega_ferie.cpp: Added basic Sega Ferie emulation. [QUFB]
- 12828: ibm5170_cdrom.xml: Added Star Trek: 25th Anniversary and Star Trek: Judgment Rites. [Mike Swanson]
- 12831: megadriv.xml: Corrected two bad bytes in ESPN National Hocky Night cartridge dump. [Don Jones]
- 12871: Updated the Ukrainian UI translation. [Stanley Kid]
- 12879: jpm/jpmimpct.cpp: Added internal artwork for Cluedo? Murder Mystery Quiz Game. [as-tb-dev]
- 12886: seibu/cabal_ms.cpp: Dumped a Modular System bootleg of Cabal. [Darksoft, ClawGrip]
- 12891: ibm5170_cdrom.xml, mac_cdrom.xml: Added five CD-ROM dumps (three working). [Mike Swanson]
- 12905: video/upd7220.cpp: Reset command shouldn’t affect RA parameters (fixes PC-98 Mighty Head text display). [Angelo Salese]
- 12910: bus/epson_qx/multifont.cpp: Added font ROM dumps. [Khralkatorrix, Brian Johnson]
- 12913: sound/upd1771.cpp: Improved the end-of-stream check for ADPCM streams containing multiple samples. [Wilbert Pol]
- 12914: cpu/upd7810: Improved µPD7801 Mode C handling (fixes SCV Star Speeder ROM banking). [Wilbert Pol]
- 12918: heathzenith/h89.cpp, bus/heathzenith/h89: Connected the write-enable pull-up, and cleaned up code. [Mark Garlanger]
- 12919: Added sixteen TV games and handheld systems (five working), and an e-kara Web cartridge. [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- 12920: nichibutsu/galivan.cpp: Dumped a version of Ninja Emaki distributed by Tecfri (not working). [hammy, ClawGrip]
- 12922: skeleton/flashvga2.cpp: Dumped the Codere Ruleta Mágica video slot machine. [David Villaverde, Recreativas.org, ClawGrip]
- 12924: namco/namcos22.cpp: Moved the C17 internal ROM to a device, and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 12926: formats/ap2_dsk.cpp: Fixed crash when loading a NIB format disk image with an all-zero track. [Roman Donchenko]
- 12927: midway/cashline.cpp: Added the reel symbols to the comments, and improved the estimated year. [ClawGrip]
- 12928: bus/heathzenith/h89/h_88_3.cpp: Connected the interrupt outputs. [Mark Garlanger]
- 12929: heathzenith/h89.cpp: Used macros to reduce duplication in ROM definition. [Mark Garlanger]
- 12931: bus/heathzenith/h89: Converted the H-17 floppy drive controller to a slot card device. [Mark Garlanger]
- 12932: gba.xml, nes.xml: Added the Lockjaw games from Pin Eight. [Mike Swanson]
- 12933: epoch/scv.cpp, bus/scv: Fixed issues with sound and graphics, refactored code, and updated notes. [Wilbert Pol]
- 12934: tecmo/tehkanwc.cpp: Made palette RAM readable, and adjusted the video refresh rate to better match hardware. [jotego]
- 12935: toaplan/toaplan2.cpp: Corrected the label for the Batsugun - Special Version program ROM. [PabloArcade]
- 12936: nec/pc9801_kbd.cpp: Converted the PC-9801 keyboard device to use a serial interface with control signals. [Angelo Salese]
- 12937: misc/compucranes.cpp: Added OM Vending Toy Shop, and updated notes. [ClawGrip]
- 12938: sega/vicdual.cpp: Added a Niemer bootleg of Head On called Bumba. [Jordi Tuells, Jordi Beltrán, ClawGrip]
- 12939: gaelco/wrally.cpp: Added an additional Atari version of World Rally. [Pr3tty F1y, ClawGrip]
- 12940: sega/segag80r.cpp: Added a French version of Astro Blaster [Victor Fernandez (City Game), ClawGrip]
- 12941: namco/namcos23.cpp: Improved Super System 23 texturing, and allowed Angler King to boot. [Ryan Holtz]
- 12942: igs/igs_fear.cpp: Dumped remaining ROMs for Icescape. [TeamEurope, Peter Wilhelmsen, XingXing, David Haywood]
- 12943: video/upd7220.cpp: Corrected pitch for RDAT and WDAT operations [Brian Johnson]
- 12944: epson/qx10.cpp: Reverted misguided changes to video zoom handling. [Brian Johnson]
- 12945: bus/msx/slot/disk.cpp: Don’t connect the TC8566AF ready line. [Carl, Wilbert Pol]
- 12946: tecmo/shadoww_ms.cpp: Dumped a Modular System bootleg of Shadow Warriors and added a skeleton driver. [Darksoft, ClawGrip]
- 12948: util/cdrom.cpp: Fixed issues with the CUE, TOC and GDI parsers. [Windy Fairy]
- 12949: technos/ddragon_ms.cpp: Dumped a Modular System bootleg of Double Dragon and added a skeleton driver. [Darksoft, ClawGrip]
- 12950: konami/gryzor_ms.cpp: Dumped a Modular System bootleg of Gryzor. [Edgar Solé, Recreativas.org, ClawGrip]
- 12951: sdl/window.cpp: Removed assertion that click count is not negative when a pointer is lost. [AJR]
- 12952: pacman/pacman.cpp: Dumped some of the PROMs for the Marti Colls Pengo bootleg. [Edgar Solé, Recreativas.org, ClawGrip]
- 12953: nintendo/vt1682.cpp: Improved emulation of the Classic Max Pocket units and marked six systems as working. [David Haywood]
- 12954: machine/t10mmc.cpp: Added stub CD-TEXT TOC read support; util/cdrom.cpp: Handle control flags in TOC files. [Windy Fairy]
- 12955: galaxian/galaxian.cpp: Dumped another Jump Bug bootleg. [Arcadedealer aka Edgar Solé aka Dios, Recreativas.org, ClawGrip]
- 12956: formats/ap2_dsk.cpp: Added read-only support D13 format disk images. [Roman Donchenko]
- 12958: cpu/mips: Added support for IDT R4650 multiply/accumulate instructions to the interpreter. [Ryan Holtz]
- 12959: mame/luaengine.cpp: Expose the full build version string in the emu table. [Nathan Woods]
- 12960: oric1_cass.xml: Added 26 working items, and removed speculation from metadata. [ArcadeShadow]
- 12961: irem/irem_cpu.cpp: Corrected encrypted opcode 0x37 for Dynablaster to cvtbw instruction. [Martin Donlon]
- 12962: Cleaned up code for various Namco 2D arcade systems. [cam900]
- 12964: nes.xml: Corrected titles for the Tetramino (LJ64 prototype) games. [Mike Swanson]
- 12965: spectrum_cass.xml: Promoted eighteen items to working, and added usage instructions. [holub]
- 12966: Corrected the Cluedo internal layout license from BSD-3-Clause to CC0-1.0. [as-tb-dev]
- 12967: sega/segas32.cpp: Use the same sound ROM banking for Stadium Cross and Title Fight. [Gamez Fan]
- 12968: sega/megadriv_rad.cpp: Dumped a newer version of My Arcade Pac-Man Pocket Player. [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- 12969: heathzenith/h89.cpp: Added SigmaROM v1.2 and v1.3 as BIOS options. [Mark Garlanger]
- 12972: tvgames/trkfldch.cpp: Added notes about how the Advance Bright 4 Player System plays sampled sounds. [David Haywood]
- 12973: sinclair/byte.cpp: Moved the PEVM Byte to a separate source file and improved emulation. [holub]
- 12975: heathzenith/h89.cpp: Changed GPP bit names to match schematics. [Mark Garlanger]
- 12976: igs/igs_fear.cpp: Confirmed Icescape and Fearless Pinocchio use the same microcontroller. [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- 12980: formats/ap2_dsk.cpp: Added I/O error handling. [Roman Donchenko]
- 12981: fuuki/fuukitmap.cpp: Extracted common tilemap handling from fuukifg2.cpp and fuukifg3.cpp. [cam900]
- 12982: ui/viewgfx.cpp: Fixed palette display when indirect pens are present. [cam900]
- 12983: irem/m72.cpp: Split the driver state class to reduce optional object finders, and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 12985: kaneko/kaneko_spr.cpp, kaneko/kaneko_tmap.cpp: Use generic graphics decoding layouts. [cam900]
- 12987: arcadia.xml, apfimag_cass: Use lowercase for descriptive text in descriptions. [ArcadeShadow]
- 12989: sega/segas32.cpp: Reverted the change to Title Fight sound ROM banking (reverts GitHub pull request #12967). [Gamez Fan]
- 12990: jaleco/ms32.cpp, jaleco/bnstars.cpp: Converted to use generic graphics decoding layouts, and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 12991: konami/88games.cpp: Use memory views rather than trampoline functions (simplifies memory banking). [cam900]
- 12992: konami/bottom9.cpp: Use memory views rather than trampoline functions. [cam900]
- 12993: efo/nightmare.cpp: Dumped the sound ROMs for Night Mare. [David Tallboom, Recreativas.org, ClawGrip]
- 12994: amstrad/pcw.cpp: Shift printer data on the rising edge of the clock bit. [Golden Child]
- 12996: segacd.xml: Added a dump of Sonic the Hedgehog CD (USA) with R4C ring code. [David Silva]
- 12997: konami/crimfght.cpp: Use memory views rather than address map bank devices. [cam900]
- 12998: vtech/geniusjr.cpp: Added accents to vowels in names of Spanish variants (e.g. the Pitagorín series). [ClawGrip]
- 12999: cpu/lh5801: Don’t add the PC value twice when disassembling relative addressing modes. [Golden Child]
- 13001: pinball/recel.cpp: Use a “Poker Plus” ROM dump known to work on hardware. [Recreativas.org, ClawGrip]
- 13005: konami/blockhl.cpp: Simplified palette RAM banking. [cam900]
- 13006: konami/aliens.cpp: Simplified palette RAM banking. [cam900]
→ [arcade] Mame x64 0.270 25/09/2024
MAME 0.270, 26 Sep 2024
We’re happy to announce that MAME 0.270 is ready! A lot of work has gone into a lot of different areas of MAME throughout September. One very interesting addition is the “Zoomer” PDA. Built by Casio and marketed under multiple brand names, this PDA ran MS-DOS 3.3, GEOS 2.0 and the PenRight user interface. It was one of the first PDAs to include software developed by Palm Computing. Other exotic systems include the Sony NWS-3270 workstation and 68000 development boards from Marion Systems and Motorola themselves.
The Hitachi Basic Master Jr. is now working, giving a glimpse of the Japanese home computer market in the early 1980s. UMC’s attempt at taking on Sega and Nintendo in the mid-1990s, the Super A'Can, is in a much better state than it was previously. Although it still isn’t considered working, numerous issues with graphics and sound have been addressed, and battery-backed cartridge memory is now supported. Several more Apple II input peripherals are now supported. Support for hard-sectored floppy disk formats has been added, which should open up storage options for computers from the S-100 era.
The effort to understand the IGS027A CPUs and dump their internal programs is paying off. Over a dozen slots, mahjong and card games from IGS are now playable. If you’re a fan of these games, you can now play them in the comfort of your home with no risk of blowing your paycheque.
MAME Testers bugs fixed
- 07470: [Graphics] (funtech/supracan.cpp) supracan [speedyd]: speedyd: The ground layer is not drawn. (Angelo Salese)
- 08789: [Interface] MAME may miss keys released while switching between windowed and full screen modes. (hap)
- 08900: [Crash/Freeze] (tangerine/oric.cpp) oric1, telstrat, orica, prav8d, prav8dd: Emulator crashes with disks mounted. (AJR)
- 08903: [Graphics] (trs/coco3.cpp) coco3: The rightmost column of the display not visible. (Tim Lindner)
- 08907: [Crash/Freeze] (sony/smc777.cpp) smc777: Emulator crashes with D88-format disk images mounted. (AJR)
- 08910: [Color/Palette] (nmk/nmk16.cpp) hachamf: Incorrect colors on the otter in the title screen animation. (hap)
- 08915: [Media Support] Any system that quickloads COM files: Error messages shown in failure cases are unhelpful. (Robbbert)
New working systems
- Aka Mahjong (Double Bet) [hammy]
- Casio / Tandy Zoomer (Z-PDA / Z-7000) [Devin Acker]
- CXG Systems / Newcrest Technology / Intelligent Chess Software Sphinx Royal [hap, Sean Riddle]
- DDRGame / Hyperkin 16-bit TV Dance Pad with 15 songs / Dance Dance Party Mix (DDRGame) [David Haywood, Sean Riddle]
- Marion Systems MS68K [Chris Hanson]
- Motorola 68000 Educational Computer Board [Chris Hanson]
- SciSys / Intelligent Software Travel Sensor Chess [hap, Sean Riddle]
- Sony NWS-3720 [Brice Onken, Plamen Mihaylov]
- Triple Slot (V200VE) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope, Vas Crabb]
New working clones
- Cherry Bonus III (ver.1.40, set 6) [hammy]
- CXG Systems / Newcrest Technology / Intelligent Chess Software Sphinx Granada [hap, Sean Riddle]
- CXG Systems / Newcrest Technology / Intelligent Chess Software Sphinx Supra [hap, Sean Riddle]
- Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 1) [Tailsnic Retroworks]
- Fidelity International The Classic (model CC8) [Berger]
- Fruit Paradise (V206US) [Ioannis Bampoulas, XingXing, Vas Crabb, David Haywood]
- Lunar Rescue (Artic bootleg) [Guru]
- New Lucky 8 Lines (set 12, W-4, encrypted) [hammy]
- Novag Industries / Intelligent Heuristic Programming Diablo 68000 (set 1) [Berger]
- P-47 - The Freedom Fighter (World) [Guru]
- Sega Toys Mega Drive Play TV 1 (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Triple Fever (V108US) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope, XingXing, Vas Crabb]
Systems promoted to working
- Chaoji Dou Dizhu [XingXing, Vas Crabb]
- Crazy Bugs (V204US) [XingXing, Vas Crabb]
- Fruit Paradise (V214) [XingXing, Vas Crabb, David Haywood]
- Hitachi Basic Master Jr. (MB-6885) [Angelo Salese]
- Jungle King 2002 (V209US) [XingXing, Vas Crabb]
- Long Hu Da Manguan [XingXing, Vas Crabb, David Haywood]
- Long Hu Zhengba 4 [XingXing, Vas Crabb, Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- Long Hu Zhengba III [XingXing, Vas Crabb, David Haywood]
- Long Teng Hu Yue [XingXing, Vas Crabb, David Haywood]
- Manguan Caishen 3 (V101CN) [XingXing, Vas Crabb]
- Manguan Zhizun (V101CN) [XingXing, Vas Crabb, David Haywood]
- Ocean Paradise (V105US) [XingXing, Vas Crabb, Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- Que Long Gaoshou [XingXing, Vas Crabb]
- Shuang Long Qiang Zhu 3 (China, VS107C) [XingXing, Vas Crabb, David Haywood]
- Zhongguo Chu Da D [XingXing, Vas Crabb, David Haywood]
Clones promoted to working
- Crazy Bugs (V200US) [XingXing, Vas Crabb]
- Crazy Bugs (V202US) [XingXing, Vas Crabb]
- Long Hu Da Manguan Plus [XingXing, Vas Crabb, David Haywood]
- Manguan Zhizun (V100CN) [XingXing, Vas Crabb, David Haywood]
- Ocean Paradise (V101US) [XingXing, Vas Crabb, Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- Triple Fever (V107US) [XingXing, Vas Crabb, Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
New systems marked not working
- Bandai / Koto Dragon Ball Z: Scouter Battle Taikan Kamehameha: Ora to Omee to Scouter (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Boo Boo Donpatchi (Japan) [Darksoft, TeamEurope]
- Cherry Bonus V Five (V1.3) [hammy]
- Cherry Master 2005 (Ver. 1.10U) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- Countertop Champion 2 (ver 2.11) [Siftware]
- Double 8 Line [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Elektronika PK-32 [holub]
- Fever 13 (Japan, v1.3) [hammy]
- Halloween Party (US.23.A) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- IBM ThinkPad 850 [ArcadeHacker]
- Jack's Venture - Inca Treasure [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- JoyPalette Anpanman: Let's Go! Ikunou Drive (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Konami Teleshibai (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Konami Teleshibai - Purple Version (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Lucky V Line [hammy]
- Magical Kengo [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Penguin Party [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- Reel Magic Turbo Play [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Sun Microsystems Ultra 45 [ArcadeHacker]
- Super Cherry Master Plus (V1.6) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Takara / SSD Company LTD Bakutou Sengen Daigunder DX (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- TV Mahjong Game (VTxx hardware) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
New clones marked not working
- Automat (bootleg of Robocop, Modular System) [Darksoft]
- Cherry Master 2005 (Ver. 0.14H) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- Cherry Master 2005 (Ver. 1.02U) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- Mushiking The King Of Beetles - Mushiking IV / V / VI (Taiwan) [Justin Zhan, MetalliC, rtw, Xue]
- Turbo PK (Ver 2.3B2, encrypted) [hammy]
- Triple Fever (V105US) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
- Yamaha MU90B [buffi]
New working software list items
- bmjr_cass: Wilwesp [Gaming Alexandria]
- bml3_cass: BM Tetris [Anna Wu]
- ekara_cart: Kids' Song Mini Volume 6 (Japan) (MC0017-KSM), Kids' Song Volume 4 (Yuuki Rinrin, Osakana Tengoku, etc.) (Japan) (DC0007-KID), e-kara Web cartridge 8M (used, with 8 songs) (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- ibm5170_cdrom: Chex Quest, Demon Gate: 666 New Levels for Doom & Doom II, Depths of Doom Trilogy, Doom Collector's Edition, Doom Collector's Edition (2001), Doom II, Doom II (French), Doom Shareware, Final Doom, Hell to Pay (Doom II add-on), Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders, Hexen: Beyond Heretic, Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel, Master Levels for Doom II, Strife: Quest for the Sigil, Strife: Quest for the Sigil (v1.1), The Ultimate Doom (DOS), The Ultimate Doom (DOS + Windows) [Mike Swanson]
- mac_cdrom: Chex Quest, Hexen: Beyond Heretic, The Ultimate Doom [Mike Swanson]
- megadriv:
Breach (prototype) [Gaming Alexandria]
Earthworm Jim (USA, prototype 19940728), Earthworm Jim 2 (Europe, prototype 19950824), Out of the Vortex (prototype 19950710) [Hidden Palace] - msx1_cart: The 4 Masters of Melody, The Battle on Gojo Ohashi, Ghost, Prisoner of War [anonymous]
- msx2_cart: Ark-A-Noah [anonymous]
- nes:
D-Pad Hero (version 1.0), D-Pad Hero (version 1.1), D-Pad Hero II [Kent Hansen, Andreas Pedersen]
Micro Mages [Mike Swanson] - samcoupe_flop:
Dave Infuriators, Dave Invaders, Lost Disks of Sam, Moby DX [Black Jet]
Boggle Bubble, Hexagonia [Spectrum Computing]
WaterWorks [TOSEC]
Wop Gamma (pre-release version) [World of SAM] - spectrum_cass:
Astor Musica, Chaos (Aackosoft), Ficheiro Astor (cracked), Impero Romano, Master Word (Hopkinson / Tribe), Simulador de Voo (Groupi, pirate), Soko Ban, Soko Ban (hack), SSTV, SSTV (sample pictures), Tabuada Infantil, Tabuada Infantil (master tape) [Planeta Sinclair]
Amnesia (v1.02, Spanish), Galivan (Erbe), Gridrunner (Century), Hydrofool (Zafi Chip), Indoor Soccer (System 4), Match Point (alt), Match Point (IBSA), N.O.M.A.D. (Erbe), Raptores de la Galaxia (Microbyte), Sokoban (Spanish), Strike Attack (alt) [Spectrum Computing]
Soko-Ban Perfect [Spectrum Zone]
Grand National (ABC), Grand National (Zafi Chip) [World of Spectrum] - zx81_cass:
AERI - Análise de Estruturas Recticuladas Isostácticas, Colunas - Dimensionamento de Colunas Montantes de Edifícios, Dis-ACSem, Geometria I, Grand Prix, Letter Hunt, Sabotagem (Timex Portugal), Simulador de Voo (Timex Portugal), Xadrez (Timex Portugal) [Planeta Sinclair]
Accounts, Adventure (Gavin Baker), The Nowotnik Puzzle & Other Diversions, Purchases, Racehorse Trainer, Star Trek + 3D O's and X's, Tutor (French), Zor [Simon Holdsworth]
Em Busca dos Tesouros, Tut-Tut [Spectrum Computing]
3D Formule 1, Air Traffic Control, Alien Invaders, Bridgehead, Le Chateau Hanté, Gamespack, Inheritance, Serpents Tomb, Zedman + Spacers [Team Zeddy, Planeta Sinclair]
Software list items promoted to working
- bml3_flop: MA-5370 Disk BASIC (Version 1.1) [AJR]
- supracan: Journey to the Laugh ~ Xi You Ji, The Son of Evil ~ Xie E Zhi Zi, Super Light Saga - Dragon Force ~ Chao Ji Guang Ming Zhan Shi [Angelo Salese]
New software list items marked not working
- megadriv: Pro Version Action Replay (Europe) [TeamEurope]
- nes: 8-bit Xmas 2023 [retroUSB]
- takara_daigunder_dx_cart: R-01 ROM Robo Aoki Inazuma Bulion, R-02 ROM Robo Jurassic Soldier Bonerex [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- thinkpad8xx: AIX 4.1.5, OS/2 Warp PowerPC Edition, Solaris 2.5.1 Limited Availability PowerPC Platform Edition, Windows NT Workstation 3.5 PowerPC Edition [ArcadeHacker, ClawGrip]
- zx81_cass: 1K Games Pack (Crystal), Deflexx, Lemonade [Team Zeddy, Planeta Sinclair]
Merged pull requests
- 12620: nmk/ddealer.cpp: Use timing PROM contents to trigger video interrupts. [Sergio Galiano]
- 12650: megadriv.xml: Added four working prototypes. [Hidden Palace, Gaming Alexandria, ArcadeShadow]
- 12660: misc/changyu.cpp: Added AY8910 to microcontroller external address space. [flama12333]
- 12666: bus/a2bus: Added Wico trackball card; bus/a2gameio: Added Sirius JoyPort and Wico Command Joystick. [as-tb-dev]
- 12668: zx81_cass.xml: Added twenty items (eighteen working). [ArcadeShadow]
- 12670: cpu/tms34010: Implemented TMS34020 cvdxyl_b instruction. [Priit Laes]
- 12690: sony/news_r3k.cpp: Added support for the NWS-3720 and cleaned up code. [Brice Onken, Plamen Mihaylov]
- 12692: dataeast/dietgo.cpp: Added a newer version of Diet Go Go with alternate graphics available. [Tailsnic Retroworks, ClawGrip]
- 12693: nintendo/vsnes.cpp: Fixed some save state and debugger issues. [cam900]
- 12695: dataeast/ffantasy_ms.cpp: Added a bootleg of Robocop on Gaelco Modular System called Automat. [Darksoft, ClawGrip]
- 12697: Fixed a number of places where comments said “complaint” when they meant “compliant”. [Michael Sanborn]
- 12698: Added three TV games (not working) and three e-kara cartridges. [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- 12699: sinclair/sprinter.cpp: Added support for 312-line/320-line video mode selection. [holub]
- 12700: sinclair: Clear caches after loading saved states. [holub]
- 12701: igs/pgmcrypt.cpp: Fixed decryption for the Fruit Paradise games, allowing them to boot. [David Haywood]
- 12702: tvgames/spg2xx.cpp: Added the DDRGame 16-bit TV Dance Pad with 15 songs. [David Haywood, Sean Riddle]
- 12703: irem/olibochu.cpp: Adjusted video and interrupt timings and cleaned up code. [jackson2k2]
- 12704: ibm/thinkpad8xx.cpp, thinkpad8xx.xml: Added a skeleton IBM ThinkPad 850 driver and software list. [ArcadeHacker, ClawGrip]
- 12705: igs/igs_m027.cpp: Identified lhzb3 CPU ROM and removed inappropriate tilemap ROM unscrambling. [XingXing, David Haywood]
- 12706: msx2_cart.xml: Added Ark-A-Noah. [Wilbert Pol]
- 12707: msx1_cart.xml: Added four working items. [Wilbert Pol]
- 12708: igs_m027.cpp: Corrected byte order for 16-bit tilemap ROMs for several games. [David Haywood]
- 12709: sun/ultra45.cpp: Added a skeleton driver for the Sun Ultra 45 workstation. [ArcadeHacker, ClawGrip]
- 12711: igs/igs_m027.cpp: Dumped IGS027A ROMs for five games. [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope, XingXing, Siftware, David Haywood]
- 12712: tvgames: Added four TV games (one working) and two associated cartridges. [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- 12713: motorola/mex68kecb.cpp: Added basic Motorola 68000 Educational Computer Board emulation. [Chris Hanson]
- 12718: nintendo/nes_arcade_bl.cpp: Added a note about the smb3bl timer CPU ROM content. [ClawGrip]
- 12719: motorola/mex68kecb.cpp: Added the Abort (non-maskable interrupt) button and fixed a comment. [Chris Hanson]
- 12720: apple/apple2e.cpp: Allow Apple IIc horizontal and vertical mouse movement flags to be set concurrently. [as-tb-dev]
- 12721: bus/a2gameio: Added support for the Softape Bright Pen. [as-tb-dev]
- 12723: trainer/ms68k.cpp: Emulated the Marion Systems MS68K single-board computer. [Chris Hanson]
- 12725: layout/mu2000.lay: Made internal Yamaha MU2000 artwork prettier. [Felipe Sanches]
- 12726: cpu/mipsx: Changed to 32-bit addresses, fixed disassembler bugs; tomy/kisssite.cpp: Improved addresss map. [Octocontrabass]
- 12727: imagedev/floppy.cpp: Set sectoring mode on the floppy connector rather than using different drive devices. [Mark Garlanger]
- 12728: igs/igs_m027.cpp: Dumped the internal IGS027A CPU ROM for Chaoji Dou Dizhu. [XingXing]
- 12729: yamaha/ymmu50.cpp: Hooked up LCD contrast and LED outputs. [Felipe Sanches]
- 12731: igs/igs_m027.cpp: Patched out Chess Challenge II startup checks to aid in verifying decryption. [David Haywood]
- 12732: cpu/mpk1839, ussr/pk32.cpp: Added preliminary L1839VM1 CPU and Elektronika PK-32 emulation (Soviet VAX-11 clone). [holub]
- 12733: sun/sun3.cpp, sun3/sun3x.cpp, sun/sun4.cpp: Added a SCSI tape drive as a slot option. [Chris Hanson]
- 12734: sun/sun3.cpp: Added the normal/diagnostic mode switch as a machine configuration option. [Chris Hanson]
- 12736: igs/pgm.cpp, igs/pgmcrypt.cpp: Use uploaded XOR tables for some games with their IGS027A CPU ROMs dumped. [David Haywood]
- 12737: bus/msx/slot/panasonic08r.cpp: Added the MSX turbo R internal firmware mapper. [Wilbert Pol]
- 12738: msx/msx.cpp: Reset MSX2+ boot flags on system reset. [Wilbert Pol]
- 12739: casio/zoomer.cpp: Emulated the Casio/Tandy “Zoomer” PDA. [Devin Acker]
- 12741: nes.xml: Added 8-bit Xmas 2023 (not working). [retroUSB, Mike Swanson]
- 12742: nes.xml: Added three D-Pad Hero homebrew games. [Kent Hansen, Andrean Pedersen, Mike Swanson]
- 12743: igs/igs_m027xa.cpp: Copied microcontroller interface and timers from igs/igs_fear.cpp (not working). [David Haywood]
- 12744: cpu/tlcs900: Replaced a number of preprocessor macro constants with enumerations and constexpr variables. [Felipe Sanches]
- 12745: taito/taito_f2.cpp: Distinguish PuLiRuLa World sets by the board sets they work with. [Tailsnic Retroworks, ClawGrip]
- 12746: bus/msx/slot: Use std::unique_ptr rather than std::vector for fixed size arrays. [Wilbert Pol]
- 12750: igs/igs_m027xa.cpp: Fixed communication with the microcontroller, and fixed sound and inputs for Crazy Bugs. [XingXing]
- 12753: msx/msx_s1990.cpp, msx/msxtr.cpp: Added preliminary MSX-Engine S1990 device and MSX turbo R emulation. [Wilbert Pol]
- 12758: cpu/tlcs900: Use callback arrays and member function templates to simplify I/O port handling. [Felipe Sanches]
- 12759: igs/igs027a.cpp: Improved timer interval calculation (fixes slowdown in Jungle King 2002). [XingXing]
- 12761: spectrum_cass.xml: Added 25 working items and improved metadata. [ArcadeShadow]
- 12763: attache.xml; smc777.xml: Edited software list descriptions. [ArcadeShadow]
- 12764: coleco.xml; coleco_homebrew.xml: Cleaned up software descriptions. [ArcadeShadow]
- 12766: igs/igs_m027.cpp: Implemented dual Oki sound sample banks and added non-volatile RAM. [XingXing]
- 12767: formats/mfi_dsk.cpp: Updated comments to cover newly supported hard-sectored formats. [Mark Garlanger]
- 12771: zx81_cass.xml: Added eleven items (ten working). [ArcadeShadow]
- 12772: atari/jaguar.cpp: Fixed comments incorrectly referring to GPIO as “GPI0”. [cam900]
- 12774: namco/namcos12.cpp: Edited comments about undumped games on the platform. [simzy]
- 12777: samcoupe_flop.xml: Added eight working items. [ArcadeShadow]
- 12779: igs/igs_m027.cpp, igs/igs_m027xa.cpp: Added three more video slots games. [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- 12780: trs/coco3.cpp: Corrected visible display width to 640 pixels (fixes MT08903). [tlindner]
- 12781: nes_kstudio.xml; nes_ntbrom.xml: Avoid unnecessary abbreviations in descriptions. [ArcadeShadow]
- 12785: sinclair/tsconf.cpp: Replaced the Centronics port and Covox sound output device with a DAC. [holub]
- 12788: sinclair/tsconf.cpp: Added BIOS upgrade 24.07.28 option and made it the default. [holub]
- 12794: ibm5170_cdrom.xml, mac_cdrom.xml: Added seventeen items using or for use with the Doom game engine. [Mike Swanson]
- 12795: cpu/xa: Implemented add with indexed addressing mode for the source operand. [David Haywood]
- 12797: skeleton/gm1000.cpp: Dumped the ROMs from the Nihon Eniac BH-1000 Sound Saurus MIDI module. [buffi]
- 12810: thinkpad8xx.xml: Fixed the boot floppy image sizes for Solaris and Windows NT. [ClawGrip]
- 12811: thinkpad8xx.xml: Fixed the label for the second AIX CD. [ClawGrip]
→ [arcade] Mame x64 0.269 29/08/2024
MAME 0.269 29/08/2024
It’s almost the end of August, which means it must be time for MAME 0.269 to be unleashed on the world! The widely-used Zilog Z8410 DMA controller emulation has had an overhaul this month. In concert with the recent Z80 CPU work, this allows more realistic I/O timings for numerous systems. If you’re curious about unreleased prototypes, BASIC is starting to show signs of life on the Commodore 65.
Two additional Japanese releases of Capcom fighting games on CPS-2 hardware have been found this month: a more recent version of X-Men Vs. Street Fighter than any previously dumped set, and a version of Hyper Street Fighter II released a bit over a week before the latest known update. The microcontroller for Irem’s Gallop on M72 hardware has been dumped, allowing simulation code to be removed. Thanks to Peter Wilhelmsen and XingXing, the pace of dumping internal ROMs from IGS027A ARM CPUs has picked up, so we might see more progress on IGS games soon.
Of course, there’s lots more to enjoy, including an 8085-based prototyping board, more chess computers, and improvements to MAME’s debugger.
MAME Testers bugs fixed
- 08902: [Gameplay] (casio/pv1000.cpp) pv1000: Running any game causes the emulated system to crash. (lidnariq)
New working systems
- Atlantis Computers MCG-85 [Nigel Barnes]
- Fidelity International Gambit Voice [hap, Sean Riddle]
- Jeux Nathan Mega 10.000: L'Encyclopédie Électronique [hap, Sean Riddle]
- Novag Industries Diamond [hap, Berger]
- Novag Industries Emerald Classic Plus [hap, Berger]
- Saitek / Heuristic Software Kasparov Blitz (set 1) [hap, Berger]
- Senario Drum Super Star [David Haywood, Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
New working clones
- Heavy Barrel (US, revision 3) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Japan 040123) [bugcutt]
- Nics TV Boy (Nics, NTSC) [Taksangs]
- Quiz Gakuen Paradise (Japan, ver. 1.02) [hammy]
- Quiz Gekiretsu Scramble (Japan, prototype) [hammy]
- Saitek / Heuristic Software Kasparov Blitz (set 2) [hap, Berger]
- Tarzan Chuang Tian Guan (China, V110) [hammy]
- Umi de Poker / Marine Paradise (Japan, newer) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Japan 970113) [bugcutt]
New systems marked not working
- Altos Computer Systems ACS586 [Lubomir Rintel]
- Bandai / Koto Dragon Ball Z x One Piece: Battle Taikan Gum-Gum no Kamehameha: Omee no Koe de Ora o Yobu (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Cai Jin Shen Long (link version, extension, S111CN) [dyq, little0, Guru]
- Cai Jin Shen Long (link version, host) [dyq, little0, Guru]
- Dancing Bells [hammy]
- Geki Makaimura [Darksoft]
- IVL Technologies (Disney / Memcorp Inc license) Karaoke Microphone Pro / KaraokeMicro Star (Greece) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- IVL Technologies (Lexibook / Imago license) Disney Princess Handheld Karaoke Player (DKS7000-P) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Jin Hu Lu 2 [dyq, little0, Guru]
- Long Hu Da Man Guan [dyq, little0, Guru]
- Long Teng Hu Yue [dyq, little0, Guru]
- Magical Jack (VA 4.00) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Magical Jack Plus (VA 6.03) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Manguan Caishen (link version, extension, S110CN) [dyq, little0, Guru]
- Manguan Caishen (link version, host) [dyq, little0, Guru]
- Mars Electronics Automatic Products Vending Machine model 110 (set 1) [Joan RF, jordigahan]
- Micro Concepts Microbox II [Nigel Barnes, David Rumball]
- PK - New Exciting Poker! [hammy]
- Poker & 21 [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Seiko MAP-1010 [Nigel Barnes, JLTurSan]
- Takara / SSD Company LTD Duel Masters: Duel Station (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Takara Tomy Boku wa Plarail Untenshi Shinkansen de Ikou! Plus (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Technics SX-KN5000 [Felipe Sanches, Angelo Salese]
- Tropical Fruits (V. 24-06.00 Rev. 4.0) [The Dumping Union]
- Turbo PK [hammy]
- unknown WHT gambling game [hammy]
- Wan Wan Dash [TeamEurope, Darksoft]
- Zanussi / Necta Firenze (vending machine) [Joan RF, jordigahan]
- Zanussi / Necta unknown Zanussi / Necta vending machine [Joan RF, jordigahan]
- Zanussi / Necta Venezia (coffee vending machine) [Joan RF, jordigahan]
New clones marked not working
- Crazy Balls (Bontempi) [Domenico Cervini]
- Fruit Genie (Version 1-1-03, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Fruit Genie (Version 1-1-03, set 3) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Fruit Genie (Version 1-1-03, set 4) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Fruit Genie (VT 2.11) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Long Hu Da Man Guan Plus [dyq, little0, Guru]
- Magical Jack (VA 2.0) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Magical Jack (VA 3.11) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Magical Jack (VA 3.30) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Magical Jack Plus (VA 6.01) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Manguan Caishen (China, V106CS) [dyq, little0, Guru]
- Mars Electronics Automatic Products Vending Machine model 110 (set 2) [Joan RF, jordigahan]
- Pentacup (rev. T) [Matt Walsh, PinMAME]
- Shuang Long Qiang Zhu 2 VS (China, set 2) [dyq, little0, Guru]
- Te Yi Gong Neng (China, V632C) [dyq, little0, Guru]
- Tic Tac Trivia (6221-25, U5-0E, 05/08/86, UK) [hammy, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
New working software list items
- altos586: Altos Diagnostic Executive [Lubomir Rintel]
- ekara_cart: Super Cartridge: Best Hit (Japan) (SP-07) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- hp98x6_rom: BASIC 4.0, BASIC 5.1, SSS HPL+II [F.Ulivi]
- microbox2_flop: Microbox II 6809 FLEX V3.01, Microbox II Distribution [David Rumball]
Software list items promoted to working
- c64_cart: Pitfall II: The Lost Caverns [Angelo Salese]
- msx1_cart: X & Y (Arab) [Wilbert Pol]
New software list items marked not working
- easy_karaoke_cart: Disney Princess 10-Song Karaoke Cartridge I (DK-P1), Karaoke Microphone Pro Cartridge 1 (Greece) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- leapfrog_leappad_cart: Anpanman no CoCoPad de AIUEO kyoushitsu Pinocchio (Japan), Benny and Friends English Book Vol. 2 -Majo to taiketsu! Daibouken- (Japan), CoCoPad ROM Cassette Kono men o ue ni shiteirete ne! (11 November 2007, 1 January 2008) (Japan), CoCoPad ROM Cassette Kono men o ue ni shiteirete ne! (3 March 2007 - 5 May 2007) (Japan), CoCoPad ROM Cassette Kono men o ue ni shiteirete ne! (7 July 2007, 9 September 2007) (Japan), Disney Princess (Japan), Disney's World of English 1: Birthday Fun (Japan), Disney's World of English 2: The Picnic (Japan), Disney's World of English 3: The Circus (Japan), Disney's World of English 4: The Zoo (Japan), ECC Junior no hajimete eikaiwa! 1 Eigo de tanoshiku Say Hello! (Japan), FUN-damentals Series - Smart Guide to 4th Grade (UK), Hello Kitty no gakkou no ichinichi (Japan), Idainaru Sakkyokukatachi (Japan), Kikansha Thomas to nakamatachi - Kikansha Thomas Yakunitatsu kikansha (Japan), Kodomo Challenge English CoCoPad ROM Cassette Kono men o ue ni shiteirete ne! (2008/3 March - Shimajirou to Libby no ABC Adventure, 2008/5 May - Shimajirou to Libby no Touch and step game de asobou) (Japan), Kuma no Pooh-san Hachimitsu no tsubo ga ippai Pooh-san to kazu·katachi (Japan), Kuma no Pooh-san: Pooh-san to Hachimitsu (Japan), Minna de tanoshiku! CoCoPad (Otameshi soft) (Japan), Okaasan to Issho: Goo Choco Lantan: Spoo no Fushigi na Oto no Daibouken! (Japan), Shinkenzemi Challenge 2-nensei Korasho to issho ni kuku o oboeyou! (Japan), Yuuki Rinrin Anpunch! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- psion1: Science Pack (alt), Utility Pack (alt) [Nigel Barnes]
Merged pull requests
- 11670: altos/altos586.cpp: Added preliminary Altos ACS586 emulation. [Lubomir Rintel]
- 12494: machine/z80dma.cpp: Implemented burst mode and refactored code, and hooked up BUSRQ/BUSAK in systems using it. [holub]
- 12564: misc/marywu.cpp: Improved peripherals – it’s now possible to trigger music from the debugger. [flama12333]
- 12569: skeleton/zfirenze.cpp, skeleton/zvenezia.cpp: Dumped three Zanussi/Necta vending machines. [Joan RF, jordigahan, ClawGrip]
- 12596: skeleton/marsvending.cpp: Dumped two Mars Electronics vending machines. [Joan RF, jordigahan, ClawGrip]
- 12604: dai_cass/xml: Moved language information to info elements; pcw.xml, xegs.xml: Cleaned up descriptions. [ArcadeShadow]
- 12610: debugger/debuggdbstub.cpp: Added an option to set the IP address to listen on. [Ramiro Polla]
- 12615: a800_flop.xml; a2600.xml: Improved descriptions. [ArcadeShadow]
- 12619: c128_flop.xml; plus4_cart.xml; vic1001_flop.xml; pet_rom.xml: Cleaned up descriptions. [ArcadeShadow]
- 12623: casio/pv1000.cpp: Assert BUSRQ during active display (gives more realistic performance). [lidnariq]
- 12624: Dumped three karaoke cartridges and two IVL Technologies karaoke systems. [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- 12626: leapfrog_leappad_cart.xml: Dumped 21 CocoPad cartridges and one LeapPad cartridge. [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- 12627: heathzenith/mms77316_fdc.cpp: Suppress side effects of data reads for debugger accesses. [Mark Garlanger]
- 12628: igs/igs_fear.cpp: Added more detail to manufacturer and description metadata. [Michael Sanborn]
- 12630: metro/metro.cpp: Split driver state class for different hardware configurations and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 12631: casio/pv1000.cpp: Fixed video scan line interrupt generation regression. [lidnariq]
- 12632: skeleton/koto_zevio.cpp: Added a skeleton Koto Laboratory Zevio SoC driver with one game. [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- 12633: tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_spi.cpp: Added a Plarail Shinkansen driving game (not working). [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- 12634: neogeo/neogeo_spr.h: Fixed horizontal video timings; neogeo/midas.cpp: Fixed zoom table RAM size. [cam900]
- 12638: capcom/cps2.cpp: Added newer revisions of Hyper Street Fighter II and X-Men Vs. Street Fighter. [bugcutt]
- 12639: tvgames/xavix_2000.cpp: Added preliminary support for Duel Masters: Duel Station. [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- 12640: gaelco/gaelco3d.cpp: Added placeholders for the undumped microcontroller used by Speed Up. [Recreativas.org, ClawGrip]
- 12641: konami/xmen.cpp: Added service switch inputs. [jotego]
- 12642: igs/pgm2.cpp: Dumped the CPLD for Bu Bu Car. [Victor Fernandez (City Game), Recreativas.org, ClawGrip]
- 12643: misc/changyu.cpp: Hooked up the OPLL sound chip and vertical sync interrupt. [flama12333]
- 12645: sgi_mips.xml: Renamed some NetBSD CD-ROM images to make labels unique across parent/clone sets. [jflatt]
- 12646: cpu/t11, ussr/bk.cpp: Improved interrupt handling on the 1801VM1 CPU and fixed miscellaneous issues. [shattered]
- 12647: sinclair/tsconf.cpp: Fixed graphics layer priorities and screen updates. [holub]
- 12649: matsushita/kn5000.cpp: Added a skeleton driver for the Technics SX-KN5000 keyboard. [Felipe Sanches, Angelo Salese]
- 12651: konami/k052109.cpp: Implemented a configuration bit used by xmen and gradius3 allowing a workaround to be removed. [jotego]
- 12652: tvgames/spg2xx.cpp: Added Senario Drum Super Star. [David Haywood, Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
- 12654: gaelco/gaelco3d.cpp: Added placeholder for Football Power ball controller microcontroller ROM. [Recreativas.org, ClawGrip]
- 12655: tvgames/spg2xx.cpp: Filled in the year for Drum Super Star. [David Haywood]
- 12656: atari/a2600.cpp: Added an NTSC TV Boy variant from Nics. [Taksangs, David Haywood]
- 12657: tvgames/spg2xx_wiwi.cpp: Filled in the year for Double Dance Mania: Mega 12 (shown on packaging). [David Haywood]
- 12659: casio/pv1000.cpp: Fixed I/O port reads and interrupt acknowledgement. [lidnariq]
- 12661: hp/hp98x6.cpp, hp/hp98x6_optrom.cpp, hp98x6_rom.xml: Added HP98x6 series option ROM support. [F.Ulivi]
- 12662: cirsa/neptunp2.cpp: Dumped B. Gaming Technology Dancing Bells (not working). [hammy, ClawGrip]
- 12663: atari/cops.cpp: Added default non-volatile RAM contents for Revelations. [David Haywood]
- 12664: igs/igs_fear.cpp: Save non-volatile RAM contents, and cleaned up inputs. [David Haywood]
- 12665: sat_cart.xml, sat_vccart.xml: Avoid abbreviations and use lowercase for descriptive text in descriptions. [ArcadeShadow]
- 12667: igs/igs_m027.cpp: igs/igs_m027xa.cpp: Dumped internal ROMs for two IGS027A CPUs. [Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
- 12671: igs/igs_m027.cpp: Dumped internal ROMs for four IGS027A CPUs. [Guru, XingXing, David Haywood]
- 12672: konami/k573fpga.cpp: Implemented proper MP3 decryption for Dance Dance Revolution Solo Bass Mix. [spicyjpeg, Windy Fairy]
- 12675: machine/intelfsh.cpp: Added ST M29W640GB 8K Flash device. [Wilbert Pol]
- 12677: igs/igs_m027.cpp: Dumped internal ROMs for two IGS027A CPUs. [Guru, XingXing, David Haywood]
- 12679: emu/debug/dvdisasm.cpp: Fixed horizontal scrolling; debugger/win: Don’t restrict maximum window width. [dave-br]
- 12680: igs/igs_m027.cpp, igs/igs_m027_link.cpp: Dumped internal ROMs for four IGS027A CPUs. [Guru, XingXing, David Haywood]
- 12681: msx1_cart.xml: Corrected ROM loading for X & Y. [Wilbert Pol]
- 12683: igs/igs_m027.cpp: Added decryption for lhdmg and lhdmgp. [XingXing, Happy]
- 12685: igs/pgmcrypt.cpp: Fixed decryption for mgcs3 and mgzz; igs/igs_m027.cpp corrected a game title. [XingXing, Happy]
→ [arcade] ClrMamePro 4.049 22/08/2024
Clrmamepro 4.049 22/08/2024
- fixed: falsely remove backup's _unknown folder in case of a failed backup which might remove already backuped and removed unneeded files. Only if _unknown folder isn't present before.
- fixed: skip a non software list rompath if it is also assigned to a non active software list which would list all sets in that path as fully missing (combined mode only)
- fixed: missing disk merging information within softwarelists, so that some identical chds stay in the clone set (combined mode only)
- added: verify delta chds (via chdman)
Clrmamepro 4.048d 28/11/2023
- fixed: softwarelists can lack some possible mergings
- fixed: possible assertion during delta checks
Clrmamepro 4.048c
- fixed: wrong "Error while..." message after delta operation succeeded but backup is disabled.
- misc: minor changes to the delta output messages
Rebuilder 0.7 28/11/2023
- fix software list rom sizes determination (wasn't limited to loadflag value)
- fix software list merging (SL/SL collections don't use merge attributes, so lookup by hash in a parent/clone relationship)
- don't use # in default pattern (rompath) names since such names would be cut off when used in mame.ini due to comment handling
- pattern names can't end with '.' (Windows doesn't like this), replaced cases with "_"
- minor changes to the stats count output
- updated 3rd party libs (spdlog, bit7z, pugixml)
2023-05-04 Rebuilder V0.06 released
- run source and destination file matching in multiple threads (speed up)
2023-04-14 Rebuilder V0.05 released
- general unicode handling overhaul, utf8 chars in pathnames, patterns, xml, files, folders, archives, console output should be fine now
2023-03-12 Rebuilder V0.04 released
- support reading of (split)rar/(not split)7z and writing of 7z files
- detection of zip, 7z, rar, chd files by byte signature (instead of extensions, but not within archives)
- selectable tempfolder in settings.xml
- minor speed up due to upfront matching size check
- updated various 3rd party libs, added 7z.dll
- ctrl-c will stop the rebuilding and cleans up temporary files/folders
- various internal cleanup
2022-10-05 Rebuilder V0.03 released
- use a real move operation in case of copy/deleting single files (incl. chds)
- add option -u, --uselinks to generate filesystem hard or sym links instead doing a file copy or move operation
2022-08-16 Rebuilder V0.02 released
- since MAME can't handle subfolders in decompressed sets, decompressed sets and chds are always stored flat in folders (no clone/dependency subfolders in full or standalone mode). When kept compressed, the archives will hold subfolders
- not existing romOf reference leads to removed merge information for the machine
2022-07-13 Rebuilder V0.01 released
→ [arcade] Mame x64 0.268 1/08/2024
MAME 0.268 31 Jul 2024
We’re pleased to announce that MAME 0.268 is available for your enjoyment. This release adds support for Au, an almost forgotten four-way shooter released by Tehkan in 1983. Two IGS redemption games, Fearless Pinocchio and Super Kids, are now playable and have working sound. Speaking of IGS, the Super Poker games were also made playable this month. After many years, the last major issues in Merit’s Match’em Up have been resolved. The quiz game Revelations has had its LaserDisc dumped, and the game is now emulated.
Several more Apple Macintosh models are now working, including the high-end IIfx, Quadra 900 and Quadra 950, the Macintosh Portable, and the PowerBook 100. Three 68k-based workstations made by Hewlett-Packard in the early 1980s, the HP 9826A, HP 9836A and HP 9836C, have been added in this release. Speaking of Hewlett-Packard, the HP9133 external disk interface is now supported, giving you more storage options for the HP 9000/200 and HP 9000/300 series computers.
This release adds the original release of Pop’n Music Animelo 2, the Konami release of Guttang Gottong, and quite a few chess computers. Sanyo’s PHC-20 8-bit home computer and Thaler’s MPS-65 and CT-65 6502 development boards are now supported. Software list updates include a more complete collection of NV Magazine disks for MSX 2 computers and the latest clean cracks of Apple II software on floppy disks.
MAME Testers bugs fixed
- 08878: [DIP/Input] DIP switches and machine configuration menus do not refresh conditional setting correctly. (Vas Crabb)
- 08886: [Sound] (nichibutsu/terracre.cpp) terracren: Bass channel in background music is inaudible. (Lord Nightmare)
New working systems
- Au (Swimmer conversion) [Neill Baker Tech]
- Apple Computer Macintosh Quadra 900 [R. Belmont]
- Apple Computer Macintosh Quadra 950 [R. Belmont]
- Hewlett-Packard HP 9826A [F.Ulivi]
- Hewlett-Packard HP 9836A [F.Ulivi]
- Hewlett-Packard HP 9836C [F.Ulivi]
- Novag Industries Diamond II [hap, Berger]
- Novag Industries Sapphire [hap, Berger]
- Novag Industries Sapphire II [hap, Berger]
- Saitek Kasparov Centurion [hap, Berger]
- Saitek Kasparov GK 2100 [hap, Berger]
- Sanyo PHC-20 [Nigel Barnes, Tony Jewell]
- Sega Toys / Alpine Electronics, Inc. Car Beena [TeamEurope, QUFB]
- Thaler MPS-65 [Nigel Barnes]
New working clones
- Dodge City (9131-02, U9-2B) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- E&L Instruments MT-80Z [anonymous]
- Excalibur Electronics Ivan The Terrible (H8/3216 version) [hap, Sean Riddle]
- Guttang Gottong [system11]
- Hegener + Glaser Mephisto ESB II (ESB II board) [hap, Berger]
- Hegener + Glaser Mephisto II (set 3) [Berger]
- Jingle Bell (v200US) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Link (Korean bootleg of Atari Tetris) [Taksangs]
- Miss World 2002 [system11, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Missile Command (rev 1, A035467-01 PCBs) [Joe Magiera, The Dumping Union]
- Missile Command (rev 2, A035467-01/03 PCBs) [Joe Magiera, The Dumping Union]
- Missile Command (rev 3, A035467-01/03 PCBs) [Joe Magiera, The Dumping Union]
- Pop'n Music Animelo 2 (JAA) [Taro]
- Pop'n Music Animelo 2 (JAA, license expired) [Taro]
- Saitek Kasparov Cougar [hap, Berger]
- Street Smart (bootleg of World version 1) [f205v]
- Thaler CT-65 [Nigel Barnes]
- WOW New Fantasia [system11, The Dumping Union]
Systems promoted to working
- Apple Computer Macintosh IIfx [R. Belmont]
- Apple Computer Macintosh Portable [R. Belmont]
- Apple Computer Macintosh PowerBook 100 [R. Belmont]
- Fearless Pinocchio (V101US) [David Haywood, XingXing, Peter Wilhelmsen]
- Match'em Up (6221-51, U5-1) [Ivan Vangelista]
- Montana Super Draw (4436-05, U5-0) [Brian Troha]
- Multitech Micro-Professor 1 Plus [Nigel Barnes]
- Revelations [James Wallace]
- Super Kids (S019CN) [David Haywood, XingXing]
- Super Poker (v306US) [Ivan Vangelista]
- Superstar (4435-81, U5-1) [Ivan Vangelista]
- Wild Guns (SNES bootleg) [Devin Acker]
Clones promoted to working
- The Couples (set 1) [Ivan Vangelista]
- The Couples (set 2) [Ivan Vangelista]
- The Couples (set 3) [Ivan Vangelista]
- Dodge City (2131-82, U5-0 GT) [Ivan Vangelista]
- Dodge City (2131-82, U5-0D) [Ivan Vangelista]
- Dodge City (2131-82, U5-50) [Ivan Vangelista]
- Match'em Up (6221-55, U5-1, German) [Ivan Vangelista]
- Megatouch 5 (9255-60-01 R0C, Standard version) [Ivan Vangelista]
- Super Poker (v102UA) [Ivan Vangelista]
- Super Poker (v200UA) [Ivan Vangelista]
- Super Poker (v201UA) [Ivan Vangelista]
- Super Poker (v203US) [Ivan Vangelista]
- Super Poker (v205US) [Ivan Vangelista]
New systems marked not working
- Alcatel Web Touch One (model 2840, Terra, Spanish) [ArcadeHacker, ClawGrip]
- Azkoyen Vending machine model T6 [Joan RF, jordigahan]
- Azkoyen Vending machine model T8 [Joan RF, jordigahan]
- Azkoyen Vending machine model T12 [Joan RF, jordigahan]
- Azkoyen Vending machine model T61 (set 1) [Joan RF, jordigahan]
- Epoch / SSD Company LTD Croket! Itada Kinka! Banker Battle!! (Japan) [TeamEurope, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
- Epoch / SSD Company LTD Excite Ping Pong 2 (Japan) [TeamEurope, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
- Takara / SSD Company LTD Gun Gun Revolution (Japan) [TeamEurope, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
- Battle Gear 3 (Ver.2.01A) [Goilup, Camoyoshi, JCStahl1]
- Boo 1000 [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Dice Master [trol]
- Hard Puncher Hajime no Ippo 2 - The Fighting! - Ouja e no chousen (VER.2.00J) [hammy, buffi, Windy Fairy]
- Hill Climber [hammy, Boge, K.CAT]
- Icescape (V104FA) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- IVL Technologies (Disney / Memcorp Inc license) Disney Classic Handheld Karaoke Player (DKS7000-C) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- IVL Technologies (Memorex license) Star Singer Karaoke (MKS4001) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- Jungle King 2002 (V209US) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Lucky Cross (V106SA) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Multi-Action 6711-14-R0A [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Multi-Action 7558-01-R4 [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Multi-Action 8340-01-R1 [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Multi-Action 9800-20-R0 [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Ocean Paradise (V105US) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Olympic 5 (V112US) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Roland RD-500 Digital Piano [Giulio Zausa]
- Sciento b.v. Robot Training Arm CS-113 [anonymous]
- Sutjaro Haeyo Deluxe [Taksangs, David Haywood]
- Tektronix XD88/01 [CJ Reha]
- Terebi Denwa Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends [Phil Bennett]
- Tomy / SSD Company LTD Shooting King (Japan) [TeamEurope, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
- Triple Fever (V107US) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- UFO À La Carte [hap, David Viens]
- VTG Interactive Virtual Tennis (VTG) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- Wild Fruit (V208US) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
New clones marked not working
- Azkoyen Vending machine model T61 (set 2) [Joan RF, jordigahan]
- Crazy Bugs (V200US) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Crazy Bugs (V202US) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Crazy Bugs (V204US) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Grand Prix (Treasure Bonus bootleg) [Taksangs, charlie]
- Hamburger House 9 [Taksangs, charlie]
- Haunted House (IGS, V101US) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- IVL Technologies KaraokeTV Star (US, with 25 songs, 'FREE 35 Hit Songs / $35 value' packaging) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Ocean Paradise (V101US) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Olympic 5 (V107US) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Sega Yonin Uchi Mahjong MJ (Update Disc Ver.1.007, Japan) (CDP-10002A) [SBH]
- Sega Yonin Uchi Mahjong MJ (Update Disc Ver.1.011, Japan) (CDP-10002C) [SBH]
- Sega Yonin Uchi Mahjong MJ Network Taisen Ver. (Update Disc Ver.2.000, Japan) (CDP-10002D) [SBH]
- Sega Yonin Uchi Mahjong MJ Network Taisen Ver. (Update Disc Ver.2.002, Japan) (CDP-10002E) [SBH]
- Sega Yonin Uchi Mahjong MJ Network Taisen Ver. (Update Disc Ver.3.000, Japan) (CDP-10002F) [SBH]
- Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware, bootleg) [tirino73, f205v]
New working software list items
- aim65_cart: AIM 65 BASIC v1.1 (alt) [OldComputers ES]
- apple2_flop_clcracked:
Alpine Tram Ride (revision 0) (4am crack), Bike Hike (revision 0) (4am crack), Fantastic Animals (4am crack), Kinder Critters: Letters and Patterns (4am crack), Math Word Problems Volume 2: Money (4am and san inc crack), Mathosaurus: Computation (4am crack), Monster Smash (version 2.0) (4am crack), On Balance (4am crack), Pet Shop (A-347 version 1.0) (4am crack), Punctuation Rules (4am and san inc crack), Punctuation Skills: End Marks, Semicolon, and Colon (4am crack), Questprobe featuring Spider-Man (version B-258) (4am crack), Reader's Treasure Chest: Level One (4am crack), Real Math: Level I (4am crack), Real Math: Level II (4am crack), Real Math: Level III (4am crack), Success with Math: Multiplication/Division (4am crack), Teacher's Pet (4am crack), The Teacher's Tool Kit: Multiple Choice (4am crack), The Teacher's Tool Kit: Word Match (version 2.0) (4am crack), The Teacher's Tool Kit: Word Scramble (version 2.0) (4am crack), The Teacher's Tool Kit: Word Search (version 2.0) (4am crack), Tink!Tonk!: Tinka's Mazes by Mercer Mayer (4am crack), Top Readers' Club: Grade 2 (4am crack), Top Readers' Club: Grade 3 (4am crack), Top Readers' Club: Grade 4 (4am crack), Top Readers' Club: Grade 5 (4am crack), The Trivia Arcade (4am crack) [4am, A-Noid]
Questprobe featuring Spider-Man (version F-261) (4am crack), War (4am crack) [4am, A2_Canada, A-Noid]
Developing Writing Skills (4am crack), Earthquakes and Volcanoes (4am crack), Factactics Trivia Game: Sports (4am crack), Language Activities Courseware Level 3 (4am crack), Language Carnival 2 (4am crack), Peanuts Math Matcher (4am crack), Ray Tracing (version 1.0, July 1986) (4am crack), Scott Adams Graphic Adventure 1: Adventureland (version 2.0/416) (4am crack), Success with Algebra: Advanced Linear Equations (4am crack) [4am, txgx42, A-Noid] - carbeena: Car Beena Tentou-you Demo 1 [TeamEurope, QUFB]
- ibm5170: Aces of the Deep, Aces of the Deep: Expansion Disk, Aces Over Europe, Aces Over Europe (Germany), Arcade Pool (alt), Archon Ultra, Blackthorne, Lethal Weapon, Lethal Weapon (Big Games), Psycho Pinball, Sensible World of Soccer, Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Warriors, Worms, Zoop [Total DOS Collection]
- ibm5170_cdrom: Karaoke Manager Installation CD - Karaoke Manager Version 1.4 (bundled with KaraokeTV Star) [Sean Riddle]
- mpf1_rom: BASIC-IP, BASIC-MPF, FORTH-IP, Hex Download Program [anonymous]
- msx2_flop:
Sunrise IDE firmware (v2.40), Sunrise IDE firmware (v2.50) [anonymous]
NV Hokkaido Vol. 1 (Japan), NV Magazine 1-gou (Japan), NV Magazine 2-gou (Japan), NV Magazine #3 (Japan), NV Magazine 4 (Japan), NV Magazine #5 (Japan), NV Magazine #6 (Japan), NV Magazine #7 (Japan), NV Magazine #8 (Japan), NV Magazine #9 (Japan), NV Magazine #10 (Japan), NV Magazine #20 (Japan), NV Magazine #21 (Japan), NV Magazine #22 (Japan), NV Magazine #23 (Japan), NV Magazine #24 (Japan), NV Magazine #25 (Japan), NV Magazine #26 (Japan), NV Magazine 1996-10 (Japan), NV Magazine 1998-6 (Japan), NV Magazine 1998-9 (Japan), NV Magazine 1998-10 (Japan), NV Magazine 1999-1 (Japan), NV Magazine 1999-2 (Japan), NV Magazine 1999-3 (Japan), NV Magazine 1999-5 (Japan), NV Magazine 1999-6 (Japan), NV Magazine 1999-7 (Japan), NV Magazine 1999-8 (Japan), NV Magazine 1999-9 (Japan), NV Magazine 1999-10 (Japan), NV Magazine 1999-11 (Japan), NV Magazine 2000-1 (Japan), NV Magazine 2000-2 (Japan), NV Magazine 2000-3 (Japan), NV Magazine 2000-4 (Japan), NV Magazine 2000-5 (Japan), NV Magazine 2000-6 (Japan), NV Magazine 2000-7 (Japan), NV Magazine 2000-8 (Japan), NV Magazine 2000-9 (Japan), NV Magazine 2000-10 (Japan), NV Magazine 2000-11 (Japan), NV Magazine 2000-12 (Japan), NV Magazine 2002-1 (Japan), NV Magazine 2002-2 (Japan), NV Magazine 2002-4 (Japan), NV Magazine 2002-5 (Japan), NV Magazine SP #2 (Japan), NV Magazine Zoukan-gou #3 (Japan), NV Magazine Zoukan-gou #4 (Japan), NV Magazine Zoukan-gou #6 (Japan), NV RSDM #4 (Japan) [file-hunter] - psion_ssd: Widget Games Pack 3 [anonymous]
- spectrum_cass:
Farmer Jack In Harvest Havoc! (Bob Smith, digital release) [Bob Smith]
Moonraker, Puncman 3 and 4 (alt), Saboteur II - O Angelos Edikeitai (PIM) [Luís Rato, Planeta Sinclair]
1º Campeonato Nacional de Jogos de Computador, Cálculo de Cadernetas, Cálculo de Rumo e Base e Irradiação, Comilão (Timex), Dimensionamento de Vigas, Dimensionamento de Vigas (prototype), Programa "Zig Zag" - 1º Campeonato Nacional de Jogos de Computador, Promoção 84, Promoção 84 (split files), Rotinas para Efeitos Especiais [Planeta Sinclair]
Castlevania: Spectral Interlude (v1.1a, Portuguese, 128K) [Rewind]
Bride of Frankenstein (bugfix), Bride of Frankenstein (Dro Soft), Castlevania: Spectral Interlude (v1.1, Portuguese, 128K), Dark Star (MCM), Dustin (small case), Dyna Star (alt), Evaristo el Punky, Fallen Angel (Musical 1), Football Manager 2 (System 4), Football Manager 2 (System 4, small case), El Mantecas, Saimazoom (medium case), Saimazoom (small case) [Spectrum Computing]
Manchester United (System 4, alt) [El Trastero del Spectrum]
Software list items promoted to working
- pc8801_flop: Mid Garts (Dual Side), N88 BASIC MH System Disk (v2.3), N88-BASIC mkIIMR System Disk (v2.3), N88-BASIC mkIIMR System Disk (v2.3, alt), N88-BASIC mkIIMR System Disk (v2.3, alt 2), N88-Nihongo BASIC MA System Disk (v2.1), N88-Nihongo BASIC MA2 System Disk (v2.2), N88-Nihongo BASIC MC System Disk (v2.2), Yukar Mini [Roman Donchenko, Angelo Salese]
New software list items marked not working
- easy_karaoke_cart: Disney Princess 10-Song Karaoke Cartridge II (DK-P2), Disney Princess 10-Song Karaoke Cartridge III (DK-P3) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- fp1100_cass: Alien no Gyakushū, Attack Sea Monster, Backgammon, Golf Game, Kalah Game, Moo Game, Renga Kuzushi, Vegetable Crush [archive.org]
- hikara: Best Hit Collection Volume 6: Kids' Song 1, Hi-kara 10-song capacity user cartridge (used, with 10 songs, set 2) (Japan), Hi-kara 20-song capacity user cartridge (used, with 20 songs, set 2) (Japan), Hi-kara 5-song capacity user cartridge (used, with 2 songs) (Japan), Hi-kara 5-song capacity user cartridge (used, with 4 songs, set 2) (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- megaduck: Bilder Lexikon [PeT, TeamEurope, SSJ, Youkal3]
- msx2_flop: NV Magazine 1996-12 (Japan), NV Magazine 1998-11 (Japan), NV Magazine 2001-12 (Japan), NV Magazine 2002-3 (Japan) [file-hunter]
- nes: 150 Chāojí Bàng Hé Kǎ [Taksangs]
- psion_ssd:
OVAL Workabout Repro V0.24B, PC Card Adaptor Repro V1.00F, SidePDT V1.01F, System Disk V2.20 [anonymous]
MC Missile, System Disk V2.12 [The Last Psion]
EROS Ver.4.0 (Licensed to The Yorkshire Post), Spreadsheet, System Disk (MC Word) V2.50 [zedstarr]
Merged pull requests
- 12088: bus/mc10: Added minimum ROM size and block size checks for cartridge ROMs, and cleaned up code. [Sylvain Glaize]
- 12387: rockwell/aim65.cpp: Added DRAC-1 ROM BIOS option; aim65_cart.xml: Added another BASIC version. [OldComputers ES, ClawGrip]
- 12395: ibm5170.xml: Added fifteen working items and replaced one item with a better dump. [Total DOS Collection, ArcadeShadow]
- 12403: nes.xml: Added a pirate multi-game cartridge (not working). [Taksangs, ClawGrip]
- 12410: vsystem/vsystem_spr.cpp, vsystem/vsystem_spr2.cpp: Converted to use device_gfx_interface to decode graphics ROMs. [cam900]
- 12444: shared/rax.cpp: Converted to use device_mixer_interface for sound output and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 12446: nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp: Added Au (Swimmer conversion) and refactored code. [Neill Baker Tech]
- 12464: skeleton/easy_karaoke.cpp, ibm5170_cdrom.xml: Added KaraokeTV Star and Star Singer Karaoke sets. [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- 12467: alice32.xml, alice90.xml, nes_datach.xml: Avoid abbreviations and use lowercase for descriptive text. [ArcadeShadow]
- 12485: atari/cops.cpp: Dumped LaserDisc for Revelations and emulated necessary devices. [James Wallace, AintBigAintClever]
- 12502: heathzenith/mms77316_fdc.cpp: Hooked up wait output for burst mode used with 8" drives. [Mark Garlanger]
- 12503: sega/sega_beena.cpp, carbeena.xml: Added Car Beena and software list with one item. [TeamEurope, QUFB]
- 12504: cpu/xa: Added a disassembler for the Philips XA architecture. [David Haywood]
- 12506: cpu/tms32025.cpp: Added the TMS32020 variant. [cam900]
- 12509: tvgames/spg2xx.cpp: Added VTG Interactive Virtual Tennis (not working). [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- 12510: cpu/m68000: Fixed fmovem loads for mode 2. [Sven Schnelle]
- 12511: formats/fs_hplif.cpp, formats/hp300_dsk.cpp: Fixed HP 9121 format #4. [Sven Schnelle]
- 12513: emu/rendersw.hxx: Calculate cosine table at compile time. [FlykeSpice]
- 12514: bus/hp_dio: Added the HP98624 GPIB interface card. [Sven Schnelle]
- 12515: casio/pv1000.cpp: Fixed border colors. [lidnariq]
- 12516: pc/cuttherope.cpp: Corrected year and added notes clarifying which game has been dumped. [ClawGrip]
- 12519: atari/cops.cpp: Added more detailed setup instructions for Revelations in comment. [James Wallace]
- 12520: gaelco/atvtrack.cpp: Added notes and placeholder for ROM for the Gaelco Football I/O board. [Recreativas.org, ClawGrip]
- 12521: gaelco/gaelcopc.cpp: Added a note about the Tuning Race I/O board. [ClawGrip]
- 12522: heathzenith/h89.cpp: Fixed memory writes when ROM is enabled (fixes a boot issue with HDOS 2.0). [Mark Garlanger]
- 12523: heathzenith/mms77316_fdc.cpp, heathzenith/z37_fdc.cpp: Improved logging and tidied up code. [Mark Garlanger]
- 12524: machine/ncr5385.cpp: Assert interrupt output for invalid/reserved commands. [Adam Billyard]
- 12525: machine/spg2xx_audio.cpp, sound/imaadpcm.cp: Use IMA ADPCM sample format (rather than Oki ADPCM). [Simon Eriksson]
- 12526: heathzenith/z29.cpp: Added comments about I/O port connections based on ROM listing. [Mark Garlanger]
- 12528: bus/hp_dio: Moved all card implementation classes to anonymous namespaces. [Sven Schnelle]
- 12529: nmk/nmk16.cpp: Adjusted video timings to match real hardware and updated emulation status flags. [Sergio Galiano]
- 12530: cpu/z80: Started implementing the R800 instruction set and timings. [Wilbert Pol]
- 12531: sinclair/beta_m.cpp: Allow turbo clock to be used for WD179x floppy drive controller. [holub]
- 12532: sinclair/sprinter.cpp: Fixed #1f I/O detection and redirection. [holub]
- 12534: skeleton/webtouchone.cpp: Added a skeleton driver for the Alcatel Web Touch One phone. [ArcadeHacker, ClawGrip]
- 12535: heathzenith/z37_fdc.cpp: Always assert floppy drive controller’s ready input (fixes HDOS 2.0 formatting). [Mark Garlanger]
- 12537: konami/firebeat.cpp: Added Pop'n Music Animelo 2 (JAA); konami/twinkle.cpp: Added notes. [Taro, Windy Fairy]
- 12540: skeleton/madmoney2.cpp: Corrected ROM file name. [ClawGrip]
- 12542: toaplan/toaplan2.cpp: Sorted address map entries and updated a source file name in a comment. [cam900]
- 12543: skeleton/design.cpp: Added skeleton drivers for five more Azkoyen vending machines. [Joan RF, jordigahan, ClawGrip]
- 12544: apple2_flop_clcracked.xml: Added latest cracks (39 new working items) and improved metadata. [4am, A-Noid]
- 12545: nmk/nmk004.cpp: Extracted internal ROM using a new technique. [Sergio Galiano]
- 12547: atari/atetris.cpp: Added a Korean Tetris bootleg called Link and re-dumped the atetb5205 sound ROM. [Taksangs, ClawGrip]
- 12548: casio/pv1000.cpp: Corrected screen image position within borders. [lidnariq]
- 12549: trs/gime.cpp: Don’t latch video RAM bank at start of frame. [Tim Lindner]
- 12551: igs/pgmcrypt.cpp: Fixed decryption for Fearless Pinocchio. [XingXing, Happy]
- 12552: tvgames/xavix.cpp: Added four TV games (not working). [TeamEurope, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
- 12553: igs/igs_fear.cpp, igs/pgmcrypt.cpp: Dumped the internal IGS027A CPU ROM and fixed decryption for Fearless Pinocchio. [tormod, Peter Wilhelmsen, XingXing, David Haywood]
- 12554: seibu/goal92.cpp: Identified some DIP switch settings and added DIP switch locations. [Uncle Petros]
- 12555: Dumped Roland RD-500 and D-50 ROMs, added preliminary GP TC6116 sound chip device, and fixed some issues. [Giulio Zausa]
- 12558: atari/atetris.cpp: Re-dumped graphics ROM for Link. [Taksangs, ClawGrip]
- 12559: nmk/nmk16.cpp: Fixed sprite chip clock frequency for high-resolution games. [cam900]
- 12561: bus/ieee488: Added HP9133 Floppy/Fixed disk drive used with HP9000 systems. [Sven Schnelle]
- 12562: nmk/nmk16.cpp: Use PROM contents to configure video interrupts. [Sergio Galiano]
- 12563: igs/igs_fear.cpp: Implemented timer, real-time clock, interrupts and I/O, making games playable. [XingXing, Happy]
- 12565: nintendo/snesb.cpp: Identified DIP switch settings and fixed Wild Guns continue counter initialization. [Devin Acker]
- 12567: bus/isa/dectalk.cpp: Use unrealistically high DSP clock frequency to work around DAC output issues. [datajake1999]
- 12570: casio/pv1000.cpp: Fixed PCG tile banking, implemented video disable bit, and corrected default aspect ratio. [lidnariq]
- 12571: taito/buggychl.cpp: Listed undumped versions seen in videos in header comment. [negunma]
- 12572: machine/spg2xx_audio.cpp: Fixed behavior of audio channel enable and stop flags. [Simon Eriksson]
- 12575: seta/speglsht.cpp Added note about graphical issues in title screen animation. [cam900]
- 12580: machine/spg2xx_audio.cpp: Update wave address register during playback. [Simon Eriksson]
- 12582: msx2_flop.xml: Added 56 items (52 working), and removed one item. [file-hunter, Wilbert Pol]
- 12583: bus/msx/cart/ide.cpp: Added support for Sunrise ATA-IDE interfaces. [msxpro, Wilbert Pol]
- 12585: machine/upd765.cpp: Only clear drive busy bits on executing sense interrupt status command. [Brian Johnson]
- 12588: bus/rs232.cpp: Added Mouse Systems serial mouse to default RS-232 devices. [Brian Johnson]
- 12590: heathzenith/h8.cpp: Added serial console and layout views with keypad and console screen. [Jeff Tranter]
- 12591: konami/viper.cpp: Hooked up World Combat gun inputs, and removed some redundant clone sets. [Hydreigon]
- 12594: machine/at28c64b.cpp: Fixed reading off the end of small default non-volatile RAM content regions. [Kelvin Sherlock]
- 12595: kaneko/snowbros.cpp: Added Semicon Sutjaro Haeyo Deluxe (not working). [Taksangs, David Haywood]
- 12597: sound/scspdsp.cpp: Use util::sext for sign extension and use lowercase hexadecimal literals. [cam900]
- 12599: hp/hp98x6.cpp, hp/hp98x6_upi.cpp: Added support for the HP 9826A, HP 9836A and HP 9836C. [F.Ulivi]
- 12600: bus/msx/cart/ide.cpp: Removed unnecessary interface_pre_start and ROM bank. [Wilbert Pol]
- 12603: spectrum_cass.xml: Added 29 working items and improved metadata. [ArcadeShadow]
- 12606: skeleton/easy_karaoke_cart.cpp: Dumped a Disney-themed version and two associated cartridges. [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- 12607: namco/namcos10.cpp: Added notes and improved inputs for Hajime no Ippo 2. [Windy Fairy]
- 12608: sega/dsbz80.cpp: Fixed volume control, added member variables to save satates, and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 12612: pc8801_flop.xml: Added parent/clone relationships for D' sets. [ArcadeShadow]
- 12613: megaduck.xml: Added Bilder Lexikon for the Megaduck computer (not working). [PeT, TeamEurope, SSJ, Youkal3]
- 12614: mtx_cass.xml, n64.xml, snes_bspack.xml: Use lowercase for descriptive text in descriptions. [ArcadeShadow]
- 12616: hikara.xml: Added four user cartridges and one Best Hit Collection cartridge. [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- 12617: cpu/xa: Added initial Philips XA CPU emulation; igs/igs_fear.cpp: Hooked up XA sound CPUs. [David Haywood]
- 12618: hp_dio/hp98620: Implement device_execute_interface to schedule DMA transfers. [Sven Schnelle]
- 12621: nmk/macrossp.cpp: Cleaned up code and marked quizmoon as having imperfect graphics emulation. [cam900]
Vox populi
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