Nowa wersja jednego z najstarszych programów umożliwiający utrzymanie w ryzach kolekcji dumpów dla MAME - ClrMamePro 4.034 (cool little rom manipulation and management engine) już jest dostępna do pobrania.
- added: batcher, scanner, auto save have/miss list options
- fixed: case rename on eFAT formatted drives does not work
- fixed: profiler sorting of items in "new datfiles
- fixed: possible archive loss when fixing names in password protected 7z sets and not using 7z's native rename
- fixed: setinformation attributes (size/hashes) for clonesamples/clonechds aren't listed sometimes
- fixed: clone sets which only consist of chd nodumps appear wrongly as missing
- fixed: chd-only clone sets which only consist of a parent clone are wrongly listed as missing set
- fixed: bad 32bit cast causes name check to fail for > 32bit sized files
- fixed: hashcollision check different sha1 values are not detected when crc32s are identical
- misc: strenghten merge attribute rule when datfile holds merge attributes and you got parse merge attributes on
- misc: don't show "Sets Option Disabled" warning in batch mode
- misc: prompt rebuilder errors only once per destination file
- misc: updated to 7z sdk 18.05, rar to 5.60, zipArchive lib to 4.6.6
→ NOWSZY [arcade] ClrMamePro 4.049 22/08/2024
Clrmamepro 4.049 22/08/2024
- fixed: falsely remove backup's _unknown folder in case of a failed backup which might remove already backuped and removed unneeded files. Only if _unknown folder isn't present before.
- fixed: skip a non software list rompath if it is also assigned to a non active software list which would list all sets in that path as fully missing (combined mode only)
- fixed: missing disk merging information within softwarelists, so that some identical chds stay in the clone set (combined mode only)
- added: verify delta chds (via chdman)
Clrmamepro 4.048d 28/11/2023
- fixed: softwarelists can lack some possible mergings
- fixed: possible assertion during delta checks
Clrmamepro 4.048c
- fixed: wrong "Error while..." message after delta operation succeeded but backup is disabled.
- misc: minor changes to the delta output messages
Rebuilder 0.7 28/11/2023
- fix software list rom sizes determination (wasn't limited to loadflag value)
- fix software list merging (SL/SL collections don't use merge attributes, so lookup by hash in a parent/clone relationship)
- don't use # in default pattern (rompath) names since such names would be cut off when used in mame.ini due to comment handling
- pattern names can't end with '.' (Windows doesn't like this), replaced cases with "_"
- minor changes to the stats count output
- updated 3rd party libs (spdlog, bit7z, pugixml)
2023-05-04 Rebuilder V0.06 released
- run source and destination file matching in multiple threads (speed up)
2023-04-14 Rebuilder V0.05 released
- general unicode handling overhaul, utf8 chars in pathnames, patterns, xml, files, folders, archives, console output should be fine now
2023-03-12 Rebuilder V0.04 released
- support reading of (split)rar/(not split)7z and writing of 7z files
- detection of zip, 7z, rar, chd files by byte signature (instead of extensions, but not within archives)
- selectable tempfolder in settings.xml
- minor speed up due to upfront matching size check
- updated various 3rd party libs, added 7z.dll
- ctrl-c will stop the rebuilding and cleans up temporary files/folders
- various internal cleanup
2022-10-05 Rebuilder V0.03 released
- use a real move operation in case of copy/deleting single files (incl. chds)
- add option -u, --uselinks to generate filesystem hard or sym links instead doing a file copy or move operation
2022-08-16 Rebuilder V0.02 released
- since MAME can't handle subfolders in decompressed sets, decompressed sets and chds are always stored flat in folders (no clone/dependency subfolders in full or standalone mode). When kept compressed, the archives will hold subfolders
- not existing romOf reference leads to removed merge information for the machine
2022-07-13 Rebuilder V0.01 released
→ NOWSZY [arcade] ClrMamePro 4.048b 29/10/2023
Clrmamepro 4.048b 2023-10-29
- In full merged mode, delta chd warning could show identical chds for revert...fixed that now.
Clrmamepro 4.048a 2023-10-29
- Fix the exit/crash when finding unneeded files and limiting delta chd support to chd version >=5
4.047b 2023-10-22
- fixed: don't mark delta chds as missing
- misc: updated unrar (6.24.0)
4.047a 2023-09-26
- fixed: pick wrong file for backup during a failed rename where multiple files are involved
4.047b 2022-12-20
- updated ziparchive (4.6.9) and unrar (6.20.3)
- misc: show warning when trimming removed a whitespace rom names with subfolders
4.046b 2022-08-18
- Another small rare thing fixed
4.045 (2022-06-06)
- misc: updated to ZipArchive 4.6.8, unrar, 7Zip SDK/DLL 21.07
- fixed: rarely list a set as missing when it does not contain any files on its own
- fixed: 4.044d misplaced a romset regression (full merged sets only)
→ NOWSZY [arcade] ClrMamePro 4.044d 1/06/2022
4.044d (2022-06-01)
- fixed: wrong bios set assignments for clones which don't use the bios roms themselves (pwrshovla, v4frfact*)
- fixed: not showing files as unneeded which became empty sets over time (e.g. microvsn, mach64, msm6222b, o2_voice)
4.044c (2022-03-30)
fixed: Scanner fix missing, backup fails when replacing a file in an archive and file is replaced silently
4.044b (2022-02-25)
mainly a little xml parser fix
4.044a (2022-02-22)
- fixed: xml parser comment/cdata issue
- fixed: falsely prompt for creating not existing but not active sysdefpaths
4.044 30/11/2021
- fixed: file can get lost under some rare rename/set conditions (MAME238 diablo68 u2)
- misc: update 7Zip SDK/DLL to 21.06, update unrar SDK/DLL to 6.10.2
- misc: compiled with Visual Studio 2022 / Win 11
4.043 08/10/2021
- fixed: xml cdata parsing error
- fixed: sample stats count for nodump sets which reference a sampleonly set
4.042 14/09/2021
- misc: support parent/clone relationship of devices
- misc: systems auto assign can detect empty software list folders in case they are named accordingly
- misc: software list import's default setting is off
- misc: changed behaviour of context menu "move all incomplete sets" to "move all sets with problems" (similar for delete). This also covers wrong named etc ones, not only missing files.
- misc: contextMenu options Delete/Move/Copy Current/all [not fixed]/all sets with problems use the parent set in full merged mode
- misc: cleaning cache also cleans hashes folder
- misc: batcher's scanner merge mode overwrite does not overwrite the information from a datfile's forcemerging option
- misc: batcher's rebuilder pack overwrite does not overwrite the information from a datfile's forcepacking option
- misc: don't stop multiple downloads on first failure
- misc: wrote a wrapper class to handle all filefind calls which weren't 32k path length ready. This should fix all remaining long path (32k) issues.
- fixed: invalid wrong-case messages on chds with very long filenames
- fixed: wrongly list valid chds as unneeded when a no dump chd of the same name exists and 'mark no dump as unneeded' option is enabled
- added: Select Sets variables %R %G to filter by for Region / Language
- added: Batcher, rebuilder setting to avoid message prompts
- misc: support dat date attribute format YYYY-MM-DD without specifying timestamp
- misc: rar/7z/uncompressed files timestamps are handled as UTC based, zip as non UTC based
- fixed: some unpack/pack zip operation fail on very long file/path names
- fixed: interative folder creation for UNC paths is broken
- fixed: systems auto assign fails for software lists
- fixed: fail to load dats from www when www profiler definition file doesn't use http/https in the links
→ NOWSZY [arcade] ClrMamePro 4.040
- fixed: falsely hiding some missing information (split merged sets with nodump chds)
- fixes a crash bug when loading dats with bad date entries
- fixed: www profiler, don't truncate protocol from page url, so you can use http or https (however you need to update your settings once)
- fixed: www profiler shows downloaded and updated dats still as update
- fixed: don't prompt user that the download was ok when www profiler loaded a decompressed dat
- fixed: downloaded and not moved decompressed dats get removed when closing cmpro
- fixed: some sets don't get marked as unneeded or weird renames are proposed in mame/software list combined mode only
- fixed: parent/clone relationship of software list roms got lost under some circumstance
- fixed: 32k pathlength support doesn't work for profiles/datfiles
- fixed: fixing a wrong sysdefpath issue only worked when you got "ask before fixing" enabled
- fixed: xml parser fails on xml files with
- fixed: falsely trim "." characters at the end of filenames
- fixed: falesly check 'marked disabled sets as unneeded' sets for wrong names
- fixed: falsely hide missing bios roms in bios sets when separate bios sets is disabled
- fixed: falsely skip rebuilding bios roms in bios sets when separate bios sets is disabled
- fixed: falsely load not updated profiler cache after delete profile operations
- fixed: 32k path support failed for paths which are exactly MAX_PATH long
- fixed: scanner font selection isn't applied/saved when you use the default font (blank name)
- fixed: misleading wrong merged messages when using regions/languages
- misc: www profiler, allow redownload of local datfiles
- misc: use UTC based time/date for date/time fixing
- misc: allow odd second values (MS DOS times are over)
- misc: allow yyyymmddTHHMMSS as date/timestamp in dat
- misc: www profiler can handle urls which provide filenames by content-disposition header information
- misc: updated rar ddl
- added: %L=1/0 option for set-info select sets to enable/disble sets which reference software lists
- added: show number of selected profiles/datfiles in profiler window title
→ NOWSZY [arcade] ClrMamePro 4.036a
- fixed: broken rar support in 64bit version (64bit conflict of rar and sha1 class), updated rar dll to 5.8 (4.036a)
→ NOWSZY [arcade] ClrMamePro 4.036
- added: automatic 32k path length support, no more need to use ? prefixes (*)
- fixed: miss-list listed some sample-only-sets where the parent is autogenerated (e.g. fantasy_sound, nes_jf13, etc)
- fixed: wrong software list rom size for roms which imply an offset of 0x00000000 as default
- fixed: remembering window positions on multiple / virtual screens fails
- fixed: rebuilder match count for files with identical crc32 but different sha1
- fixed: rebuilder removal of rebuilt files for files with identical crc32 but different sha1
- fixed: detect chd clone to clone moves (aka MAME 206 vs4e to vs4eo rename)
- fixed: rom count for fully missing sets included bios roms even when the bios set is available
- fixed: select sets options like initial invert / incl. clones/devices etc should only be activate when select sets or from file is specified
- misc: rebuilder log adds software list information to file name
- misc: dir2dat writes chd files as disk
- misc: added cmpro.ini option Adv_WindowToFront = on (on / off) to handle the automatic bring window to front functionality
- misc: profiler cache which reduces rescanning datfiles/settings on each profiler visit, should speed up profiler for users which have lots and lots of dats. Delete/Add/Move operations will force a refresh at the moment though
- misc: limit extension removal to a max of 3 characters and no space after the .
- misc: updated zip, rar and 7z dlls (4.6.7, 5.71, 1900)
- misc: updated sha1 c++ class implementation to 2.1
- misc: switched to Visual Studio 2019
→ [arcade] ClrMamePro 4.034
- fixed: due to a cache flag error, in non-merged mode, cmpro took merge attribute information for names into account which is wrong
- fixed: setinfo, falsely hide empty parent set and its clones in tree when parent is empty but clones got content
- fixed: scanner, falsely list empty parents set in full merged mode as wrong named when parent is empty
- fixed: scanner, falsely list empty parent set in full merged, multi-software list mode as missing when set exists in various software lists
- fixed: miss list generator falsely lists sampleonly sets when they only reference parent samples
- fixed: scanner, falsely show wrong case set messages when missing option is turned off
- misc: allow romclones to be sampleparents
- misc: switched to visual studio 2017 (also for updater)
- misc: updated zipArchive lib to 4.6.5, 7z sdk to 18.01
→ [arcade] ClrMamePro 4.032
- fixed: dir2dat creates subfolders for found filenames with `. Now it translates it to ' (as the parser does anyway)
- fixed: unique softwarelist folder check can fail and only show an empty list instead of details
- fixed: batcher's "for rompath naming use "dafilefolder" created double foldernames when using dats with subfolders
- fixed: batcher's "for rompath naming use "datfile name tag" or "datfile file" was not working
- fixed: batcher's "for default naming use" options does not use the global profiler setting anymore
- fixed: don't list existing parent roms in completely missing clones' output
- fixed: profiler hides empty folders
- fixed: wrong bios set assignment in non rom-merge-parse-mode for some sets which use merge tags to link to bios roms
- fixed: profiler context menu tree delete folder switched to 'delete profile' when a profile in list view was selected
- fixed: problem with memoryfile exceptions when working with enabled headers
- added: batcher option to skip scan run when a batch rebuild did not create any files
- misc: updated fuzzy set name check routine (which is rarely used though) giving more robust results
- misc: better profiler tree display when delete/reset/clean cache on a folder or move profile (not jumping to root and collapsing the tree)
- misc: show red/green dot profiler tree folder icons when profiles contain at least one red or only green items
- misc: updated to zip archive: 4.6.4
→ [arcade] ClrMamePro 4.031c
- fixed: falsely create sampleOnly sets from empty sets (MAME >.180 genpin issue)
- fixed: statistic count values for sets which do not really exist (e.g. sets with only biosroms and nodumps/samples)
- fixed: fix test for unneeded rom/detecting not separated biosrom checks interfear and you need a 2nd scan to get rid of it (MAME .178 decoccass v0a-.7e issue)
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