Nowa wersja emulatora FSUAE Frode Solheima, bazujący na kodzie pozostałych emulatorów z rodziny UAE.
A sam emulator? Mocny komp i chęć zabawy tylko grami plus niesamowicie przyjemny tryb pracy Arcade to najlepsze, co może spotkać fanów Amisi;)
FSUAE nie zdetronizuje WinUAE ale stanowi jego świetne uzupełnienie.
FS-UAE 3.1.59 2021-11-21
- version 3.1.59 is available now with the previously mentioned option rename. You can now usejoystick_port_[index]_controller_[event] to match a game controller in a specific port, or controller_[event] to match all connected controllers
- updated some included controller configurations that were broken
FS-UAE 3.1.58 2021-11-18
- Prefer $HOME/FS-UAE if it exists, otherwise use $DOCUMENTS/FS-UAE.
- Support joystick_port_[port]_[gamepadinput] input mapping.
- Read [guid].fs-uae-controller controller configs.
FS-UAE 3.1.51 2021-11-18
- new version of FS-UAE & Launcher 3.1 with lots of controllers config
FS-UAE 3.1.48 2021-11-15
- Translations were missing from FS-UAE Launcher on Windows and Linux
- Also, due to changes in SDL2, some controllers (Xbox controllers at least) have new GUIDs and the bundled configurations no longer match. So you need to remap your controller in Launcher settings if you cannot utilize all buttons anymore. I'll see if I can get new and updated controller configs included in an update!
FS-UAE 3.1.35 2021-10-10
Arcade Center - stara fotka, wiem ale sama nakładka nie podległa wielkim zmianom... trudno jest poprawiać coś, co jest naprawdę dobrze zrobione;P
Version 3.1:
- Fix device helper for xinput devices with recent SDL2 versions.
- Support for multiple mice disabled by default on macOS due to security
warning. Use option multiple_mice = 1 to enable.
- Disable expect_version option (no longer synchronized with launcher).
- Added support for more physical keys (when using rawinput).
- Compilation fixes for Apple M1 hardware.
- Netplay desync fixes related to file system (directory hard drives).
- Better virtual memory reservation algorithm.
- Option to automatically pause on menu screen [mrsilver76].
- Use RTLD_DEEPBIND with dlopen on Linux when loading plugins.
- Changes to how plugins are looked up.
- Ide patch.
- SCP floppy image doesn't wrap to revolution #0 cleanly [keirf].
- Fixed crash in nname_to_aname [PowderedToastMan].