Pojawiła się testowa aktualizacja wersji 1.8.7 emulatora mikrokomputera Thompson TO8 - TEO, który obok DCMoto i drivera w MESS pozwala całkiem dobrze odświeżyć sobie tą francuską konstrukcję. Jak widać, pełna wersja jest planowana dopiero na maj
Version 1.8.7 (May 2018 - May 2021)
- Improving THMFC1: now, the Amiga virtual disks HFE can be read by Amiga-To; it's also possible to initialize an HFE disk in simple density and using HFE disks with shifted data (like Kryoflux).
- Image files and configuration files are both INI files.
- The '.' key pad is working.
- The keyboard is reacting well.
Version 1.8.5 (November 2017 - April 2018)
- Reduction of the sound interferences with other applications
- Keys iopklm;:! for joystick 0
- Restoration of the automatic unprotecting for SAP, FD and direct access (thanks to emulix75)
Version 1.8.4 (August 2015 - October 2017)
- Emulation of the 6804
- Update the documentation about the activation of floppy drive under Linux (thanks to credenhill from forum.ubuntu-fr.org)
- Improve the sound generation behavior
- Improve the disk controller THMFC1's behavior
- Disk protection is now controled by checkboxes on the control panel (no more disk conversion error)
under Linux :
- Improvement of the debugger window
- Increasing of the fast speed
Updates of version 1.8.3 (June 2015)
Windows debugger
- Correct the disassembly coherence of lines at end of list
- Increase the width of breakpoints textedit
Version 1.8.3 (May 2013 - June 2015)
- Reorganization of the control panel
- Activation/deactivation of the memory extension
- Creation of the debugger for Windows
- Improvement of the debugger for Windows
- More safe management of the sound
- Total reset (including memory)
- Add a checkbox to force the reading of Thomson-like disc with selection of the disk sides
- Number of retries user-definable (only for the Thomson-like sides)
Updates of version 1.8.2 (April 2013 - November 2013)
- Improve image loading
- Allow debugger reaction whatever the mode is
- Joystick fire button is now emulated by R-CTRL and R-SHIFT when NUM_LOCK off (suggested by Wood)
- Oops! The cold reset button is doing its job again (thanks to Wood)
under Linux :
- Improve display
→ [PSX] PeteOpenGL2Tweak v2.0 (2015/12/16) i PCSX Reloaded 97972m
PeteOpenGL2Tweak - Tweaker for PeteOpenGL2 plugin
- Added FBE detection (requires setting Framebuffer Effect to 2 (Standard) !)
- NOTE: Detection happens when this icon is displayed on OSD: [IMG]
- FastFBE option to use Nearest Neighbor when FBE is rendered.
- Added (very lame) Texture Cache for scaler. Currently does not cache FBE textures (spam), and also have not size limitation so it may eat your RAM, be warned! :p
- Fallbacks removed, ForceNearest added as option.
- NOTE: TextureCacheSize is size in texture count !
- Also updated PCSXR
- NOTE: VS2015 Updated 1 fixes corrupted graphics bug.
- Updated to xBRZ 1.4 (ie. added 6xBRZ)
→ [PSX] PeteOpenGL2Tweak v2.0 (2015/07/19)
PeteOpenGL2Tweak - Tweaker for PeteOpenGL2 plugin 2015-07-17
- Added fallback to Nearest Neighbor
Vox populi
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