
[psx] Highly-Experimental Playstation Simulator x64 0.028.0

[2] @ Czwartek, 2 Stycznia 2020 22:36CET

Nowa edycja  Highly-Experimental Playstation Simulator. Autor projektu, ukrywający się pod nickiem TheGangster wykorzystując kod MESS i PCSX i dzięki pomocy Martina Kortha (seria no$cash, w tym no$psc) i drHell twórcy emulatora Xebra/Abrex, powoli idzie w kierunku dobrego emulatora psx1, a może i kiedyś pełnokrwistego psx2.

hps1x64 - Playstation 1 simulator

  • Status: In development - Pre-initial Source code and binary release - Development/Testing usage only

Current Version:

  • hps1x64 v0280 - fixed LB/LH bug in recompiler

Older Version

  • hps1x64 v0270 - fixed a problem with DMA PCR, corrected a timing issue in R3000A recompiler for scratchpad writes
    hps1x64 v0260 - Window size options, R3000A optimizations (LWL/LWR/SWL/SWR)
    hps1x64 v0252 - compatibility fixes
    hps1x64 v0250 - GUI optimizations
    hps1x64 v0244 - R3000A recompiler optimizations (load/store), fixed potential COP2 register issue in R3000A recompiler load/store
    hps1x64 v0243 - initial R3000A recompiler optimizations (load/store)
    hps1x64 v0241 - source code cleanup
    hps1x64 v024 - pad remapping
    hps1x64 v0232 - removed OpenCL references and non-standard windows dlls
    hps1x64 v0231 - fixed GetOverlappedResultEx Windows 7 issue reported by Hector
    hps1x64 v023 - fixed pad set mode command, faster graphics, multi-threading capability, async disk reads, program window fixes

hps2x64 - Playstation 2 simulator

  • Status: In development - Not ready for release

Current Version:

  • hps2x64 v013 - invalidate crash fix, improved mfifo, RGET/RNEXT fixes, fixed LB/LH/LW bug in recompiler, fixed JALR bug in VU recompiler

Older Version

  • hps2x64 v012 - GPU bug fixes, VU#0 macro/micro mode load/store recompile, R5900 optimizations (PADDSW/PADDUW/PSUBSW/PSUBUW), VU bug fixes (LQI/LDI/SQI/SDI)
    hps2x64 v011
    - Window size options, bug fixes, compatibility fixes, R5900 optimizations (LWL/LDL/SWL/SWR/SDL/SDR/QFSRV)
    hps2x64 v0102
    - compatibility fixes
    hps2x64 v010
    - GUI optimizations, multi-threading optimizations, early SPU2 backend multi-threading
    hps2x64 v0094
    - more R5900 load/store recompiler optimizations (LBU,LHU,LWU)
  • hps2x64 v0093 - R5900 recompiler optimizations (load/store), vectorized GPU backend
  • hps2x64 v009 - R5900 FPU recompiler, R5900 unaligned load/store recompilation, VU macro recompiler, VU micro recompiler, pad remapping
    hps2x64 v0091 - R5900 recompiler fixes, FPU recompiler fixes, VU recompiler fixes, GPU fixes
  • hps1x64 v0082 - removed OpenCL references and non-standard windows dlls
    hps2x64 v0081
    - fixed GetOverlappedResultEx Windows 7 issue reported by Hector
    hps2x64 v008
    - R5900 2-way i-cache, R5900 recompiler fixes, gpu templates, multi-threading capability, async disk reads, program window fixes


NOWSZY [psx] Highly-Experimental Playstation Simulator x64 0.0460

hps1x64 - Playstation 1 simulator 31/12/2024

  • Status: In development - Pre-initial Source code and binary release - Development/Testing usage only

Current Version:

  • hps1x64 v0460 - improved switching between software and gpu shader renderers, yaml menu

Older Version

  • hps1x64 v0450 - fixed problem with some instructions being missed in ps1 vm
  • hps1x64 v0442 - loading/saving states was broken by previous change but now fixed
  • hps1x64 v0441 - early ps1 virtual machine
  • hps1x64 v0440 - timer 0 pixel clock fix, fixed a typo in dma priority, vulkan software mode
  • hps1x64 v0430 - CHD v5 support, scanline support in hardware renderer
  • hps1x64 v0420 - new R3000A decoder, compute shader renderer v2
  • hps1x64 v0410 - spu/spu2 reverb bugfix, early experimental hardware renderer (compute shader)
  • hps1x64 v0400 - fixed wrong pal/ntsc ps1 timer settings in ps2 mode, last bios used saved in settings and loaded automatically on open     
  • hps1x64 v0390 - json settings, json menubar, Visual Studio compatibility, SPU2 fixes
  • hps1x64 v0380 - dma priority changes, spu2 KON/KOFF fixes, spu2 LOOP flag fixes, dma timing fix, cdvd early dual layer support

hps2x64 - Playstation 2 simulator 31/12/2024

  • Status: In development - Not ready for release

Current Version:

  • hps1x64 v0330 - fixed problem with zero/sign flag, improved switching between software and gpu shader renderers, multi-threaded shader rendering, yaml menu

Older Version

  • hps1x64 v0320 - new avx2 vu engine, avx2 r5900 optimizations, optimized div/sqrt/rsqrt, dma fixes, fixed an issue with instructions getting missed by ps2 vm
  • hps1x64 v0312 - loading/saving states was broken by previous change but now fixed
  • hps2x64 v0311 - early ps2 virtual machine
  • hps2x64 v0310 - q reg update fix in interpreter, vulkan software mode
  • hps2x64 v0300 - fixed a vu Q flag bits timing issue, CHD v5 support, dither support in hardware renderer
  • hps2x64 v0290 - new R5900 decoder, compute shader renderer v2
  • hps2x64 v0280 - R5900 PDIV* fixes, early experimental hardware renderer (compute shader)
  • hps2x64 v0270 - pal/ntsc timing fixes, pcrtc fixes, IPU fixes, last bios used saved in settings and loaded automatically on open
  • hps2x64 v0260 - json settings, json menubar, Visual Studio compatibility, vu static analysis, VU fixes
  • hps2x64 v0250 - fixed an issue with HWREG, compatibility improvements, ps2 dma start/continue fixes


NOWSZY [psx] Highly-Experimental Playstation Simulator x64 0.038


hps1x64 - Playstation 1 simulator 06/03/2022

  • Status: In development - Pre-initial Source code and binary release - Development/Testing usage only

Current Version:

  • hps1x64 v0380 - dma priority changes, spu2 KON/KOFF fixes, spu2 LOOP flag fixes, dma timing fix, cdvd early dual layer support

Older Version

  • hps1x64 v0370 - spu2 interrupt fixes
  • hps1x64 v0360 - removed multi-threading from hps1
  • hps1x64 v0351 - reference dependency issue again after compiler switch - fixed thanks to Sharpnull (added to special thanks), spu2 SPUDIF fix, more logical adma
  • hps1x64 v0350 - dma interrupt fixes
  • hps1x64 v0340 - improved multi-threading, multi-player control pad fixes, R3000A reg read recompiler fix
  • hps1x64 v0330 - fixed SPU cmvol/vol l/r clamp bug, R3000A recompiler bug fixed (uninitialized variable), NAXH/NAXL fixes (spu2)
  • hps1x64 v0320 - R3000A recompiler optimizations, spu2 core 1 bug fixed, spu2 manual write fixed
  • hps1x64 v0310 - some recompiled instruction optimizations (SLT,SLTI,SLTU,SLTIU), SPU2 IRQ bug fixed, SPU2 VOL L/R inc/dec mode bug fixed
  • hps1x64 v0301 - bug report fixed - checked for and removed all dll dependencies
  • hps1x64 v0300 - spu improvements (ADSR, auto-dma)
  • hps1x64 v0290 - fixed dma lock/freeze problem, fixed a wraparound invalidation bug, preliminary direct input control pad api, multi-player fixes
  • hps1x64 v0280 - fixed LB/LH bug in recompiler

hps2x64 - Playstation 2 simulator 06/03/2022

  • Status: In development - Not ready for release

Current Version:

  • hps2x64 v025 - fixed an issue with HWREG, compatibility improvements, ps2 dma start/continue fixes

Older Version

  • hps2x64 v024 - vu recompiler state cache, gpu optimizations, better pcrtc, gpu code fixes, removed/disabled multi-threaded vu1 option, temporarily disabled R5900 DCache
  • hps2x64 v023 - gpu buffer in/out/copy fixes, gpu optimizations, early vu state cache
  • hps2x64 v022 - proper handling of disabled gpu packets
  • hps2x64 v021 - reference dependency issue again after compiler switch - fixed thanks to Sharpnull (added to special thanks)
  • hps2x64 v020 - early experimental multi-threaded vu1 option (disabled by default), R5900 DCache fixes
  • hps2x64 v019 - improved multi-threading, partial data cache implementation (except lock bit), partial btac simulation, R5900 reg read recompiler fix
  • hps2x64 v018 - IPU fixes, DMA fixes, vu0 watchdog timer implemented
  • hps2x64 v017 - fixed bugs in R5900 (PSUBSW,PSUBUW,PADDSW,PADDUW,SRAV), VU1 External Unit fixes, faster R5900 wait state for VU0, path 3 mask fixesr
  • hps2x64 v016 - improved floating-point vector multiply accuracy, improved RNEXT accuracy, vif1 fifo cpu reads implemented
  • hps2x64 v0151 - bug report fixed - checked for and removed all dll dependencies
  • hps2x64 v015 - fixed GPU local copy bugs, fixed problems with MR32 and MTIR, crash fixes
  • hps2x64 v014 - fixed VU unpack lock/freeze problem, fixed gpu buffer copy bug, faster optimized gpu


NOWSZY [psx] Highly-Experimental Playstation Simulator x64 0.033.0

hps1x64 - Playstation 1 simulator

  • Status: In development - Pre-initial Source code and binary release - Development/Testing usage only

Current Version:

  • hps1x64 v0330 - fixed SPU cmvol/vol l/r clamp bug, R3000A recompiler bug fixed (uninitialized variable), NAXH/NAXL fixes (spu2)

Older Version

  • hps1x64 v0320 - R3000A recompiler optimizations, spu2 core 1 bug fixed, spu2 manual write fixed
  • hps1x64 v0310 - some recompiled instruction optimizations (SLT,SLTI,SLTU,SLTIU), SPU2 IRQ bug fixed, SPU2 VOL L/R inc/dec mode bug fixed
  • hps1x64 v0301 - bug report fixed - checked for and removed all dll dependencies
  • hps1x64 v0300 - spu improvements (ADSR, auto-dma)
  • hps1x64 v0290 - fixed dma lock/freeze problem, fixed a wraparound invalidation bug, preliminary direct input control pad api, multi-player fixes
  • hps1x64 v0280 - fixed LB/LH bug in recompiler

hps2x64 - Playstation 2 simulator

  • Status: In development - Not ready for release

Current Version:

  • hps2x64 v018 - IPU fixes, DMA fixes, vu0 watchdog timer implemented

Older Version

  • hps2x64 v017 - fixed bugs in R5900 (PSUBSW,PSUBUW,PADDSW,PADDUW,SRAV), VU1 External Unit fixes, faster R5900 wait state for VU0, path 3 mask fixesr
  • hps2x64 v016 - improved floating-point vector multiply accuracy, improved RNEXT accuracy, vif1 fifo cpu reads implemented
  • hps2x64 v0151 - bug report fixed - checked for and removed all dll dependencies
  • hps2x64 v015 - fixed GPU local copy bugs, fixed problems with MR32 and MTIR, crash fixes
  • hps2x64 v014 - fixed VU unpack lock/freeze problem, fixed gpu buffer copy bug, faster optimized gpu


→ [psx] Highly-Experimental Playstation Simulator x64 0.027.0
Mega Man Legends 2

hps1x64 - Playstation 1 simulator

  • Status: In development - Pre-initial Source code and binary release - Development/Testing usage only

Current Version:

  • fixed a problem with DMA PCR, corrected a timing issue in R3000A recompiler for scratchpad writes

Older Version

  • hps1x64 v0260 - Window size options, R3000A optimizations (LWL/LWR/SWL/SWR)
    hps1x64 v0252 - compatibility fixes
    hps1x64 v0250 - GUI optimizations
    hps1x64 v0244 - R3000A recompiler optimizations (load/store), fixed potential COP2 register issue in R3000A recompiler load/store
    hps1x64 v0243 - initial R3000A recompiler optimizations (load/store)
    hps1x64 v0241 - source code cleanup
    hps1x64 v024 - pad remapping
    hps1x64 v0232 - removed OpenCL references and non-standard windows dlls
    hps1x64 v0231 - fixed GetOverlappedResultEx Windows 7 issue reported by Hector
    hps1x64 v023 - fixed pad set mode command, faster graphics, multi-threading capability, async disk reads, program window fixes


PSX2 Bios

hps2x64 - Playstation 2 simulator

  • Status: In development - Not ready for release

Current Version:

  • GPU bug fixes, VU#0 macro/micro mode load/store recompile, R5900 optimizations (PADDSW/PADDUW/PSUBSW/PSUBUW), VU bug fixes (LQI/LDI/SQI/SDI)

Older Version

  • hps2x64 v011 - Window size options, bug fixes, compatibility fixes, R5900 optimizations (LWL/LDL/SWL/SWR/SDL/SDR/QFSRV)
    hps2x64 v0102
    - compatibility fixes
    hps2x64 v010
    - GUI optimizations, multi-threading optimizations, early SPU2 backend multi-threading
    hps2x64 v0094
    - more R5900 load/store recompiler optimizations (LBU,LHU,LWU)
  • hps2x64 v0093 - R5900 recompiler optimizations (load/store), vectorized GPU backend
  • hps2x64 v009 - R5900 FPU recompiler, R5900 unaligned load/store recompilation, VU macro recompiler, VU micro recompiler, pad remapping
    hps2x64 v0091 - R5900 recompiler fixes, FPU recompiler fixes, VU recompiler fixes, GPU fixes
  • hps1x64 v0082 - removed OpenCL references and non-standard windows dlls
    hps2x64 v0081
    - fixed GetOverlappedResultEx Windows 7 issue reported by Hector
    hps2x64 v008
    - R5900 2-way i-cache, R5900 recompiler fixes, gpu templates, multi-threading capability, async disk reads, program window fixes


→ [psx] Highly-Experimental Playstation Simulator x64 0.025.0

hps1x64 - Playstation 1 simulator

  • Status: In development - Pre-initial Source code and binary release - Development/Testing usage only

Current Version:

  • GUI optimizations

Older Version

  • hps1x64 v0244 - R3000A recompiler optimizations (load/store), fixed potential COP2 register issue in R3000A recompiler load/store
    hps1x64 v0243 - initial R3000A recompiler optimizations (load/store)
    hps1x64 v0241 - source code cleanup
    hps1x64 v024 - pad remapping
    hps1x64 v0232 - removed OpenCL references and non-standard windows dlls
    hps1x64 v0231 - fixed GetOverlappedResultEx Windows 7 issue reported by Hector
    hps1x64 v023 - fixed pad set mode command, faster graphics, multi-threading capability, async disk reads, program window fixes

hps2x64 - Playstation 2 simulator

  • Status: In development - Not ready for release

Current Version:

  • GUI optimizations, multi-threading optimizations, early SPU2 backend multi-threading

Older Version

  • hps2x64 v0094 - more R5900 load/store recompiler optimizations (LBU,LHU,LWU)
  • hps2x64 v0093 - R5900 recompiler optimizations (load/store), vectorized GPU backend
  • hps2x64 v009 - R5900 FPU recompiler, R5900 unaligned load/store recompilation, VU macro recompiler, VU micro recompiler, pad remapping
    hps2x64 v0091 - R5900 recompiler fixes, FPU recompiler fixes, VU recompiler fixes, GPU fixes
  • hps1x64 v0082 - removed OpenCL references and non-standard windows dlls
    hps2x64 v0081
    - fixed GetOverlappedResultEx Windows 7 issue reported by Hector
    hps2x64 v008
    - R5900 2-way i-cache, R5900 recompiler fixes, gpu templates, multi-threading capability, async disk reads, program window fixes


→ [psx] Highly-Experimental Playstation Simulator x64 0.024.4

hps1x64 - Playstation 1 simulator

  • Status: In development - Pre-initial Source code and binary release - Development/Testing usage only

Current Version:

  • hps1x64 v0244 - R3000A recompiler optimizations (load/store), fixed potential COP2 register issue in R3000A recompiler load/store

Older Version

  • hps1x64 v0243 - initial R3000A recompiler optimizations (load/store)

    hps1x64 v0241 - source code cleanup
    hps1x64 v024 - pad remapping

    hps1x64 v0232 - removed OpenCL references and non-standard windows dlls
    hps1x64 v0231
    - fixed GetOverlappedResultEx Windows 7 issue reported by Hector
    hps1x64 v023
    - fixed pad set mode command, faster graphics, multi-threading capability, async disk reads, program window fixes

hps2x64 - Playstation 2 simulator

  • Status: In development - Not ready for release

Current Version:

  • hps2x64 v0094 - more R5900 load/store recompiler optimizations (LBU,LHU,LWU)

Older Version

  • hps2x64 v0093 - R5900 recompiler optimizations (load/store), vectorized GPU backend
  • hps2x64 v009 - R5900 FPU recompiler, R5900 unaligned load/store recompilation, VU macro recompiler, VU micro recompiler, pad remapping
    hps2x64 v0091 - R5900 recompiler fixes, FPU recompiler fixes, VU recompiler fixes, GPU fixes
  • hps1x64 v0082 - removed OpenCL references and non-standard windows dlls
    hps2x64 v0081
    - fixed GetOverlappedResultEx Windows 7 issue reported by Hector
    hps2x64 v008
    - R5900 2-way i-cache, R5900 recompiler fixes, gpu templates, multi-threading capability, async disk reads, program window fixes


→ [psx] Highly-Experimental Playstation Simulator x64 0.024.3

hps1x64 - Playstation 1 simulator

  • Status: In development - Pre-initial Source code and binary release - Development/Testing usage only

Current Version:

  • hps1x64 v0243 - initial R3000A recompiler optimizations (load/store)

Older Version

  • hps1x64 v0241 - source code cleanup
    hps1x64 v024 - pad remapping

    hps1x64 v0232 - removed OpenCL references and non-standard windows dlls
    hps1x64 v0231
    - fixed GetOverlappedResultEx Windows 7 issue reported by Hector
    hps1x64 v023
    - fixed pad set mode command, faster graphics, multi-threading capability, async disk reads, program window fixes

hps2x64 - Playstation 2 simulator

  • Status: In development - Not ready for release

Current Version:

  • hps2x64 v0093 - R5900 recompiler optimizations (load/store), vectorized GPU backend

Older Version

  • hps2x64 v009 - R5900 FPU recompiler, R5900 unaligned load/store recompilation, VU macro recompiler, VU micro recompiler, pad remapping
    hps2x64 v0091 - R5900 recompiler fixes, FPU recompiler fixes, VU recompiler fixes, GPU fixes
  • hps1x64 v0082 - removed OpenCL references and non-standard windows dlls
    hps2x64 v0081
    - fixed GetOverlappedResultEx Windows 7 issue reported by Hector
    hps2x64 v008
    - R5900 2-way i-cache, R5900 recompiler fixes, gpu templates, multi-threading capability, async disk reads, program window fixes


→ [psx] Highly-Experimental Playstation Simulator x64 0.024
Megaman legends (1997, Capcom)

hps1x64 - Playstation 1 simulator

  • Status: In development - Pre-initial Source code and binary release - Development/Testing usage only

Current Version:

  • hps1x64 v024 - pad remapping

Older Version

  • hps1x64 v0232 - removed OpenCL references and non-standard windows dlls
    hps1x64 v0231
    - fixed GetOverlappedResultEx Windows 7 issue reported by Hector
    hps1x64 v023
    - fixed pad set mode command, faster graphics, multi-threading capability, async disk reads, program window fixes

hps2x64 - Playstation 2 simulator

  • Status: In development - Not ready for release

Current Version:

  • hps2x64 v009 - R5900 FPU recompiler, R5900 unaligned load/store recompilation, VU macro recompiler, VU micro recompiler, pad remapping

Older Version

  • hps1x64 v0082 - removed OpenCL references and non-standard windows dlls
    hps2x64 v0081
    - fixed GetOverlappedResultEx Windows 7 issue reported by Hector
    hps2x64 v008
    - R5900 2-way i-cache, R5900 recompiler fixes, gpu templates, multi-threading capability, async disk reads, program window fixes
→ [psx] Highly-Experimental Playstation Simulator x64 0.022
Highly-Experimental Playstation Simulator x64 0.022 i próby z emulacja PSX1 (Final Fantast VIII)

hps1x64 - Playstation 1 simulator

  • Status: In development - Pre-initial Source code and binary release - Development/Testing usage only

Current Version:

  • hps1x64 v022 - GPU updates, CPU updates, improved CUE support, Scanline option, R3000A recompiler

hps2x64 - Playstation 2 simulator

  • Status: In development - Not ready for release

Current Version:

  • hps2x64 v007 - R5900 recompiler

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Nr GaduGadu
wstecz02/01/2020 22:36
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