SugarBox autorstwa Thomas Guillemin jest, jak zresztą pełna jego nazwa głosi, kolejnym emulatorem mikrokomputerów firmy Amstrad-Schneider - CPC464, 646, 6128. Głównym celem jego rozwoju jest dokładne odwzorowanie pracy monitora wraz z nieznacznymi poprawkami w emulacji procesora Z80, w który były wyposażone flagowe konstrukcje tej marki.
W chwili obecnej skok w numeracji podyktowany jest kompletną zmianą programu (wersja pod Linuksa i Windows), co owocuje, że imo obecna wersja dla Win jest bardziej siermiężna niż ostatnia V1 (0.30).
Sugarbox_1.99.2 17/11/20
- ???
Sugarbox_1.99.1 / Linux version
- add XPR support, and debug through socket.
- upadte travis deploy (through CPack) (#15)
→ NOWSZY [cpc] SugarBoxV2 2.0.4 (Yet another CPC emulator) 24/11/2024
Sugarbox_2.0.4 24/11/24
- Merge pull request #52 from Tom1975/develop
- Memory debug window & CRTC debug window
- Fix display problems: Bad position, synchronisation error (with the "Sync with sound" version).
- Add Future OS update
Sugarbox_2.0.3 17/11/24
- Feature/tape counter edit (#37)
- Feature/script engine (#38)
- Script: drag'n'drop and handling.
- Add CSL loading menu + command line.
- update CPCCore
- Command line handling. Loading settings / media is optimized (no more multiple loading)
- Open debugger if flag is set in command line. Also, don't start running the emulation if so.
- Debug window is no longer a child window.
- Add memory windows for debug
- Add CRTC debug dialog
- Fix memory windows + installer with qt
- Handle keyboard + tab key
- Fix Qt drag'n' drop that can throw exception in debug
- Fix unit test crashing on linux
- Set to latest CPCCore dev branch.
- Update build for ubuntu (24.04)
- Update keyboard layout. remove grabing keyboard for main display window
- Handle deadkey for windows
→ NOWSZY [cpc] SugarBoxV2 2.0.2 (Yet another CPC emulator) 29/11/2023
Sugarbox_2.0.2 29/11/23
- Merge to Qt6
- Add CSL support, and SSM
- Add some command line options ( -cart, -d, -s, -cfg
- Change autotype behaviour: function key are no longer linked to digits
- Add screenshot command
- ...Few minor fix
→ NOWSZY [cpc] SugarBoxV2 2.0.1 (Yet another CPC emulator) 26/05/2023
Sugarbox_2.0.1 26/05/23
- Develop (#35) Set version v2.0.1
→ NOWSZY [cpc] SugarBoxV2 2.00.0 (Yet another CPC emulator) 14/04/2023
Sugarbox_1.99.2 17/11/20
- Continuous integration and version automatic generation (#30)
- CI and automatic version creation.
→ [cpc] SugarBox 0.29 (Yet another CPC emulator)
Sugarbox v0.29 22/01/2017
- Complete PLUS family support: 464+, 6128+, GX4000. All ASIC functions are supported (making modern demo like « CRTC3″ or « Eerie forest » functionnal).
- SNA v3 is supported, with BRKS chunks (breakpoints generated by RASM or Winape)
- Various fix on full screen management (should not crash anymore)
- Various fix on DSK management. More dumps should be analyzed correctly
- IPF support: Generated IPF file should be more reliable (no more crash with Samdisk or DTC from kryoflux)
- Joystick support is better
- Sound have been reworked.
→ [cpc] SugarBox 0.28 (Yet another CPC emulator)
Sugarbox v0.28 30/06/2017
- [Gate Array]: Fix mode changing: Imperial Mahjong now looks better !
- [Expansions]: Add support for the Playcity
- [Expansions]: Add support for the Multiface II cards.
- [Z80]: Complete recoding of the Z80 core. It now use the real M and T states, and handle WAIT states correctly. More accurate.
- [General]: ZIP support (only zip file at the moment) for tape and disks
- [IPF] : IPF created is striclty equivalent to the original dump (in term of MFM track)
- [IPF]: Minor fixes in IPF reading
- [DSK] : Fix some wrong behaviour. Dsk reading should be more reliable (and will no longer crash)
- [DSK]: Fix a bug in saving DSK file. It should no longer crash (anyway, if you can avoid using it, prefer HFE or IPF format !)
- [Emulation]: All peripherals are now running in the correct timings.
- [FDC]: Index detection fixed on Sector writing (Imperial Mahjong is able to save its configuration)
- [FDC]: Dump with missing tracks will no longer crash Sugarbox
- [FDC]: Fix wrong behaviour for double sided dumps that needs flipping of disk (fix altered beast double sided CTRaw)
- [FDC]: Fix wrong status than can set « Seek end » incorrectly in some cases
→ [cpc] SugarBox 0.27 (Yet another CPC emulator)
Sugarbox v0.27 27/11/2016
- [Emulation] :Add some optimizations. MAX speed should be faster (about 100% gain from v0.26)
- [Emulation] :Remove memory leaks in IPF writing process
- [Config files] :Fix the ‘-’ and ‘_’ for french keyboard: « From scratch » now autorun properly.
- [Display] :Screenshots are fixed: No more unwanted black line at the top.
- [Dump support] :Fix the code used to compute multi revolution dump, to be more reliable (when a revolution is wrecked, dont use it)
- [FDC] :Lots of fix in the FDC: The ‘acid tests’ of arnoldEmu are almost all corrects now.
- [FDC] :Fix some bugs when reconstructing the tracks (fix some dump of « Le Necreomancien », and various CTRaw files also)
- [FDC] :The ‘Flip’ fonction (used to flip double sided dumps) is now working correctly. Double faces IPF are now working
- [FDC] :’10′ bits used for bit synchronisation can be in a smaller number: 40 bits are enough to consider the PLL as correctly fixed between clock/data bits
- [General] :Fix a deadlock that occurs when a command is used during a dump disk is read
- [General] :Fix the autotype feature: the feature is more relevant. Also, the « | » character is correctly rtanslated to ‘ù’ on french keyboard.
- [General] :Add a function to recording every frame into a screenshot
- [General] :Autorun feature is a bit more reliable (more rules added)
- [General] :Added some command line switches :
- -sn xx (load xx as a Snapshot file),
- -drivea xx to set xx into drive A,
- -driveb (same for drive B)
- -fullscreen to start in full screen mode,
- -config xx to load xx as config file,
- -command xx to run xx as basic command at start
- [GUI] :Fix the incorrect update of « Save as.. » menu when inserting a disk.
- [Multiface II] :Add preliminary support for Multiface II (no config yet)
- [PPI] :Rewrite most of the 8255 implementation. Now run the ‘acid test’ properly (when it have meanings)
- [PSG] :Correct lots of bugs (sound is now a LOT better, and digitized sound works correctly). Fix Dick tracy, Antiriad, Crazy cars 2, and probably a lot more !
- [PSG] :Also run the ‘acid test’ of PSG correctly.
- [Z80] :Support for NMI added
→ [cpc] SugarBox 0.26 (Yet another CPC emulator)
Sugarbox v0.26 5/04/2016
This update is mainly focused on IPF and Disk support, but it includes also a debugger (rather simple at the moment, should be improved in the next releases). Z80 emulation is a bit better (all Z80 tests are now correct).
- [CT-RAW/IPF]: Native support of these two format. CAPSLib dll from SPS is no longer used. This will fix some non-working dump( due to bug in the lib).
- [IPF]: Add a SAVE IPF option. You can save your current disk in IPF format, to generate a 3″ disk. You can even write dump with weak sectors.
- [HFE]: Now it’s possible to save HFE file !
- [edsk]: Added some tuning to handle sector of header size lower than real size.
- [edsk]: Fixed some nasty memory overrun.
- [edsk]: Fixed the way of handling overlapped disk: « Corsarios (UK) (1988) (CPM) [Original].dsk » disk now run correctly. In fact, all dsk should now retrieve their original size of 6k/track
- [edsk]: Fixed support for ALLGAP dumps
- [FDC]: New paradigm: Weak bits are now handled by bit. Multi-revolution dump are converted to single revolution with weak bits data.
- [FDC]: Fix a bug with the SZ byte = 0 in read track command (this fixed « War In Middle Earth (UK) (1987) (CPM) [Original].dsk » dump)
- [Tape]: Add a delay when motor is on/off. This fixed « Last Mission »
- [Z80]: Interrupt mode 0 is partially fixed: It does nothing, but no longer corrupt the Z80 registers
- [Z80]: Fix some wrong behaviour of undocumented opcodes
- [Z80]: Add the undocumented ‘Q’ register used for Flags, and fix the SCF/CCF instructions regarding this register
- [Z80]: All Z80 tests from Patrik Rak, adapted to the CPC by Kevin Thacker, are now correct.
- [Display]: Fixed wrong behaviour for 100%speed with 100hz screen without black frame insertion: Speed was twice what was intendeed
- [General]: Add Autorun disk on insertion which try to guess the best file to run.
- [General]: Optimization: Everything is now running 60-80% faster than before
- [General]: Add a support for auto-executing BIN file (with AMSDOS header), through drag’n'drop.
- [General]: Fixed the Spanish configuration for 464, and added support for Danish keyboard.
- [General]: Added -fullscreen command line to enable fullscreen by default
- [General]: Fixed the « -command » option: In order to run a disc, just launch your command as Sugarbox -command run »disc » for example
- [General]: Added sound for disk drive
- [General]: Fix copy/paste for english/spanish/danish
- [GUI]: Added a feedback when loading tape/disk/SNA/SNR
- [GUI]: Added a preliminary debugger, with Register edition, breakpoints, flags
- [Joystick support]: Fixed diagonals not supported with some joypads (now, games should be far more playable !)
- [Memory]: Fixed the configuration: 64k computer no longer have improper PAL
- [Settings]: Fixed some nasty bugs preventing the keyboard settings to work
→ [cpc] SugarBox 0.25 (Yet another CPC emulator)
Sugarbox v0.25 16/10/2015
- [General]: Optimisations (Emulation is about 15% faster)
- [General]: Generic Joystick are supported through Direct Input. 2 Joysticks can be used, in the order they appear in the os. Work with Xbox controler, as well as standard usb joystick.
- [SNR]: Add feature to watch SNR file (playbacks) – Preliminary
- [Z80]: Fixed timing issue in interrupt following some opcodes
- [Z80]: Fixed incorrect R increment for DD CB and FD CB instructions
- [FDC]: Fixed « Format » command. Now, a Format command from discology (for example) produce a disk that is correct.
- [FDC]: Fixed the MSR, that was not handled correctly. This fix Bobby bearing and Camelot warriors original dsk.
- [FDC]: Fixed the Step Rate Time computation, which was twice longe than expected
- [FDC]: Fixed behaviour with SK bit and deleted sectors (making Nigel Mansell works)
- [FDC]: Fixed how read track over the index hole works. The current sector is finished,then the command is ended (fix Skyx)
- [eDSK]: Fixed an incorrect behaviour with non formatted tracks on some dump. This prevents Bobby Bearing (UK) (1986) (CPM) [Original].dsk to crash when trying to load
- [eDSK]: Fixed some rare problematic case with offset-info datas
- [CT-Raw]: Fixed write bug when multiple revolutions exists (which somewhere shifted what’s written, leading to CRC error). Fix « Le maitre absolu » in ct-raw format
- [Memory]: Fixed a bug in the PAL, preventing SymbOs to use full memory.
- [GUI]: Fixed missing space and enter for Autotype
- [GUI]: Added a PAUSE feature, accessible via menu or the « Pause » key on the keyboard
- [Z80]: Fixed a rare bug that can lead to potential unwanted deadlock with HALT command
- [TAPE]: FAST loading enabled: If a tape is read, refresh are cut, so speed can be 2 to 3 time faster.
- [Display]: SDL2 lib is now used. Fullscreen option is now better, as it can be fully configured. Also, black screen insertion for 100hz display can be used for buttery smooth scrollers
- [Display]: Screen size and position is now more correct
- [Display]: Screenshots are now better (and without any toolbar)
- [Printer]: A really basic printer is now plugged ! You can see print result in the PRINT directory. (no graphical printing is done, only text)
- [Online libraries]: Preliminary integration of CPC-Power and online libraries.
Vox populi
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wstecz18/11/2020 23:43
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