Co nagle to po diable, porzednia wersja miała wrzucone i stare pliki, i stary changelog - najwyższy czas podczyścić download. Nowa wersja STEEM'a w mutacji o dźwięcznej nazwie Steaven Seagal Edition czyli emulator maszynek ATARI ST/STFM doczekał się kolejnej modyfikacji. Wersja beta, autor zachęca do zgłaszania poprawek i błędów na forum
Steem Beta SSE v.3.9.2, 17/06/2017
v3.9.2 Features
- nw
v3.9.2 Emulation improvements
- nw
v3.9.2 Refactoring
- nw
v3.9.2 Bugfixes
- nw
Revision 622
Author: steven-seagal | Date: 21 czerwca 2017 10:30:05
- arg snaphsot+disk
→ NOWSZY [Atari] Steem Steven Seagal Edition (SSE) 4.1.2 R16 2/06/2023
Steem SSE 4.1.2 R16 2 June 2024 / Windows + Linux
- [Forum] Fix Getbpb() and Fsnext() in GEMDOS emulation (Geneva/NeoDesk)
Steem SSE 4.1.2 R15 7 April 2024 / (Windows-only, debugger only)
- Debugger bugfixes (see Steem SSE Debugger 4.1.2.rtf)
→ NOWSZY [Atari] Steem Steven Seagal Edition (SSE) 4.1.2 R14 31/12/2023
Steem SSE 4.1.2 R14 31 December 2023 / Windows + Linux
"New year 2024 bugfix release"
- Fix options tool bar and status bar failing to update the window at once
Steem SSE 4.1.2 R13 24 December 2023 / Windows + Linux
"Christmas 2023 bugfix release"
- Fix OSD reset info
- Fix trash with ST Video/Single pixels
Steem SSE 4.1.2 R12 15 December 2023 / Windows + Linux
- Fix LEGACY My socks are weapons, broken R6
- Fix STE sound, broken R11 (oops!)
→ NOWSZY [Atari] Steem Steven Seagal Edition (SSE) 4.1.2 R11 2/12/2023
Steem SSE 4.1.2 R11 (Windows) 2 December 2023 / Windows + Linux
- Fix "turbo drive" extremely slow for STW, HFE disk images!
Steem SSE 4.1.2 R10 (Windows) 7 October 2023
- Fix bit order of Mega STE CPU control
Steem SSE 4.1.2 R9 (Windows) 17 September 2023
- Various bugfixes
Steem SSE 4.1.2 R8 (Windows) 2 July 2023
- Fix serious bug in selecting window size for each resolution when the option Show all settings is checked
Steem SSE 4.1.2 R7 (Windows + Linux) 28 May 2023
- OSD: no more unwanted debug info
- Fix ACSI command wrongly interpreted as SCSI
- Adjust MFP timer reading timing (Lethal Xcess, broken again!)
→ NOWSZY [Atari] Beta Steem Steven Seagal Edition (SSE) 4.1.2 R12 13/09/2023
Steem SSE 4.1.2 BETA R12 (Windows) 13/09/2023
Standalone beta features:
- ST Ports can connect to TCP/IP (Windows)
- Native support for Pasti disk images (Windows + Linux)
- STXtoSTW converter
- MIDI: support for DirectMusic (Windows)
- ST Control Panel: funny imitation of the GEM accessory (Windows)
- Parameters: can control some emulation parameters in settings (Windows)
- Emulation of high resolution bottom border removal (Windows + Linux)
- STF can run TOS 2.06 (Windows + Linux)
- AdSpeed emulation for Mega ST (Windows + Linux)
- Turbo button works for Mega ST too (Windows + Linux)
- Mouse auto-release (Windows)
- DM option Protect image files (Windows + Linux)
Steem SSE 4.1.2 BETA R11 (Windows) 13/08/2023
Some features were recently uploaded but they were developed some time ago, it's been a few months since I stopped messing for real with Steem. For the moment there's nothing more I want to do with it. Currently, the v4.2 beta doesn't offer any real emulation improvements, only features. That would be the first time for a major release...
Emulation improvements are different from features, they're far more interesting. For example, adding native support for STX disk images was interesting because there were some emulation issues to solve, but those improvements are already in v4.1.2. The Control Panel was still fun because it's a hybrid feature. DirectMusic and TCP/IP were frankly boring (probably buggy as hell too).
So until I find something fun to do or get new ideas or new emulation insights, there will be a little pause in development. Release date of v4.2 is undetermined (features must be tested).
→ NOWSZY [Atari] Steem SSE 4.1.2 R6 18/12/2022
Steem Beta 4.1.2 R6 18 December 2022
- Disable snapshot saving when emulation thread running
- Some GUI adjustments
Steem Beta 4.1.2 R5 23 October 2022
- GUI: Fix bad interaction between ALT-triggered and optional menu bar (Windows)
- Various fixes
Steem Beta 4.1.2 R4 11 September 2022
- Fix Timer B tick timing (Cool STE)
Steem Beta 4.1.2 R3 27 August 2022
- ACSI: Can handle disk images bigger than 2GB
- ACSI: Fix DMA transfer speed with option 'Count DMA transfer cycles' on Reload
- TOS on reboot
- Some doc updates
Steem Beta 4.1.2 R2 25 June 2022
- Stability fixes
- Fix Stats max track wrong with the frequent $90-$D0 technique
- Timing of outwards single MIDI status messages, clock
Steem Beta 4.1.2 R1 (Linux-only) 10 April 2022
- Fix XSteem can only load 128K cartridge
- Fix XSteem GEMDOS hard disk emulation can't see folders
Steem Beta 4.1.1 R0 03 April 2022
- Initial release, full of bugs
→ NOWSZY [Atari] Steem SSE 4.1.1 R12 13/03/2022
Steem Beta 4.1.1 R12 13 March 2022
- Fix joystick port dongles (bug v4.1.0 R0); for Cricket Captain, the emulation never worked so it has been replaced with patches
→ NOWSZY [Atari] Steem SSE 4.1.1 R11 05/03/2022
Steem Beta 4.1.1 R11 5 March 2022
- Fix R10 bugs
Steem Beta 4.1.1 R10 5 March 2022
- Bugfix ArchiveAccess extracts wrong file if too many in archive
- Bugfix zip files unrecognized in Linux 64 builds
- Bugfix STW disks don't appear in disk manager in Linux builds
- Misc. fixes
Steem Beta 4.1.1 R9 5 February 2022
- Bugfixes in floppy disk MFM emulation
- Misc. stability fixes
Steem Beta 4.1.1 R8 19 December 2021
- Wrong data on DMA writes handled by pasti.dll
- Vertical sync interrupt timing on STF wakeup 1 (64bit)
Steem Beta 4.1.1 R7 11 November 2021
- Change handling of PC serial I/O (untested)
- Step sounds when drive empty, led if 'Hacks' not checked
- 64bit builds-only bugs: 1bit delay for 6301 serial interface (demo Froggies), high resolution rasters (demo Time Slices)
- Fix bug in loading snapshots that could lead to undefined behaviour
- Little GUI glitches
→ NOWSZY [Atari] Steem SSE 4.1.1 R6 06/11/2021
Steem Beta 4.1.1 R6 06 November 2021
- Fix VSync running amok on mixed low/medium resolution programs at double frequencies
Steem Beta 4.1.1 R5 24 October 2021
- Debug builds are now named SteemDebug... for clarity.
- Fix screenshot in stretch display (thx Cogweasel)
- Fix links to Microsoft runtimes in manual (not my fault)
Steem Beta 4.1.1 R4 09 October 2021
- Safer video rendering
- Fix need option Hacks to run a CTR image
- CPU-friendlier loops inside polling threads (Windows)
- Linux builds compatible with Ubuntu 20.04 (previous v4.1.1 releases needed 21.04)
- Fix no icons in taskbar (Linux)
- Shortcut to XSteem and icon (Linux)
Steem Beta 4.1.1 R3 04 September 2021
- Fix stack overflow on TOS option page (superb R2 bug) 04 September 2021
- Fix emulation freeze after some program-initiated resets (Auto053/Erebus TOS 1.0)
- More checks for the presence of plugins (disk images, archives)
- Lot of Disk Image database typo fixes (disk manager/F9)
- Fix MIDI output option (again)
Steem Beta 4.1.1 R2 (Windows-only) (unstable builds) 22 Augustus 2021
- Debug builds are now named SteemD... because the debugger is only part of them.
- Fix quicker joystick reading in 6301 emu for USB controllers
- GUI glitches on loading a config/snapshot
- Emulation thread: fix freezes when changing ST Video options live (not the first time I claim that!)
- Misc. fixes
Steem Beta 4.1.1 R1 02 Augustus 2021
- Ugly GUI bug in I/O ports options, output to file (Windows)
- ACSI add dummies for commands $07 and $1A
- Misc. fixes
Steem Beta 4.1.1 R0 16 July 2021
- Initial release, full of bugs
→ NOWSZY [Atari] Steem SSE 4.1.0 R7 12/06/2021
Steem 4.1.0 R7 12 June 2021
- Some little GUI glitches (essentially Windows builds)
Steem 4.1.0 R6 3 April 2021
- Option CPU clock in 64bit builds
- Extended monitor monochrome crash (thx Policarpo both)
- Wrong drive track on resuming a snapshot
Steem 4.1.0 R5 28 March 2021
- R5 Fullscreen on 4K screens (thx Cogweasel)
- No full path in TRACE.txt (privacy)
Steem 4.1.0 R4 22 March 2021
- Auto VSync on/off glitches
- True Fullscreen leaves on reset (D3D)
- Missing option Use video buffer (DirectDraw)
- Extended monitors bad display/crash (thx Pedro)
Steem 4.1.0 R3 14 march 2021
- VSync not taking effect until next window resize
- Don't show drive B: activity if it is disabled (OSD, status bar)
- GUI glitches
- Loops in drive sound samples (Linux) Don't reset CPU and MFP clocks on load TOS
- MFP for STE was a tad too fast
Steem 4.1.0 R2 11 march 2021
- Low-level YM-2149 emulation causing 5s freezes (32bit)
- Better hack for laser printing
- Linux: missing disk manager option ACSI hard drives
Steem 4.1.0 R1 5 march 2021
- Reading BLITTER X and Y count registers (old bug, thx ijor)
- Search disk database broken (thx John) + add database to Linux download 5 March 2021
Steem 4.1.0 R0 28 February 2021
- Initial release, full of bugs
→ NOWSZY [Atari] Steem SSE 4.1.1 Beta x86
Steem 4.1.1 Beta 1/05/2021
- ???