Kolejne poprawki w nowej serii wersji testowej emulatora Atari ST - STEEM SSE (Steven Seagal Edition) wraz z Boiler - debuggerem emulatora. 221 (220?) to mała poprawka w debuggerze i zaktualizowanie wersji linuksowej do r218.
→ NOWSZY [Atari] Steem SSE 3.6.0.x beta r222
→ [Atari] Steem SSE 3.6.0.x beta r219
→ [Atari] Steem SSE 3.6.0.x beta r216
Steem v3.6.0 beta changes (R216)
- VSync, Triple buffer: try to avoid crash when switching apps using DirectX
- Bugfix: bogus value added to PSG emulation when no DMA sound
- There are now 3 P.S.G. mods in Steem SSE:
- 'P.S.G.' changes the tables used for both "envelope" and "volume". I don't know where the original Steem values come from, but the new ones are based on Yamaha doc. The difference isn't dramatic, it's a bit louder overall.
- 'Samples' uses another table, done by ljbk, based on actual measurements, when it's reckoned that samples are being played (check on the "mixer"). Many samples will sound better. Not all, but it may be due to other emulation issues. The table can't be used (in Steem) when chip music is mixed with samples, like in Goldrunner.
- 'Filter' was already there before, it's a different, more open, low-pass filter when sound option 'Monitor Speaker' is selected.
- New Boiler option 'Mute DMA sound'
→ [Atari] Steem SSE 3.6.0.x beta r211
Steem v3.6.0 beta changes (R211)
- bugfix FDC bogus "lost data" flag: Super Monaco Grand Prix
- bugfix FDC IRQ staid on with command $D8: Super Monaco Grand Prix
- Shifter tricks line +2 on STE, reverse "first line" hack
- motor noise: disable when pasti mode and drive empty: ACSI HDD images
- disable "fast STE TOS boot" hack when pasti is on: ACSI HDD images It's a bit gross but we lack pasti documentation to do better.
- new blitter browser
- New memory browser 6301
→ [Atari] Steem SSE 3.6.0.x beta r209
Steem v3.6.0 beta changes (R209)
- hard drive: correct date & time (from Petari)
- drive led: disable when pasti mode and drive empty: ACSI HDD images
- SSE options are persistent
- New option 'Monitor: specific value'. When this is checked, each time you set a Read or Write watch in a memory browser, Steem will read the value in the find box and will stop only if the value written or read is the same (BYTE/WORD). You can type decimal or hexadecimal values (use $). If you use !, don't use $. There's only one value so defined for all the browsers, the last one read. If you type a new value, you must disable and enable again the watch. If there's no value when you enable a watch, it will not check. Those limitations to limit bloat.
- New option 'Monitor: address range' When this is checked, the first two watches will be considered as the limits of a range to check.
- New option 'Dump 6301 RAM'
- New option '68030 stack frame'. It's interesting to check if programs are compatible with Falcon or TT computers. From Petari.
→ [Atari] Steem SSE 3.6.0.x beta r208
Steem v3.6.0 beta changes (R208)
- CPU: remove "intercept OS" on RTE: ReDMCSB Megamax C project
- OSD show gemdos command if log option 'Hard Disk' (new name for Stemdos) checked
- better traces for hard disk (copied from Steem's own log)
→ [Atari] Steem SSE 3.6.0.x beta r206
Steem v3.6.0 beta changes (R206)
- Shifter Stabiliser, ignore R0/R0 fake switches: Ventura/Naos
- 50Hz 'right off' and line -2 have no effect on shifter registers: Ventura/Naos
- Better tests to decide when an unstable 'left off' will shift the video RAM, still hacks: Overdrive Menu vs. Dragon, Ventura/Naos
- WU2 generally necessary for those effects: DOLB, Omega, Dragon, Ventura/Naos
- CPU bugfix rounding in <EA> = -(An), now more specific in ADD.L and ADDA.L: Fullparts
- Microwire (STE) enforce register write latency: XMas 2004
- New shifter hack for STE HScroll and write SDP: XMas 2004
- Bugfix shifter trick line+20 on large display, Hacks on: Riverside
- Reverse video enabled timers (yeah!)
- New 'Vectors' browser (simply lower RAM)
- New shifter browser (just a $FF8240 -... memory browser)
- New options to mute PSG channels
- New menu title SSE
- Display shifter draw pointer in timings page
- Display shift mode and sync in timings page
- New option 'Run to RTS'
- Shortcut for blazing Step Over ("fast forward")
→ [Atari] Steem SSE 3.6.0.x beta r202
STeem v3.6.0 beta changes (R202)
- Report video counter on click (yeah!)
- "shifter_tricks": better res, sync values at start of frame
- "shifter_tricks": report video counter at start of every scanline with "fetching"
- remove useless 'a' and 'd' parameters (PSG sound filter)
- big register letters (question of taste)
- "other SP" renamed A7#2 and moved
- SR's hex value also given (before, only bits)
- And there's place for more info!
- Mouse wheel scrolling (yeah!)
Long requested I think, the mouse wheel will now scroll the memory and instruction browsers. Shift or left button command 'scroll page'. As an unexpected bonus, it also works in the main Boiler. - Display current interrupt (yeah!)
It tries to figure out which interrupt if any is being executed when the Boiler is stopped. MAIN means the CPU isn't executing an interrupt OVF means 'Overflow', interrupts keep coming without corresponding RTE. This happens with a lot of programs that directly manipulate the stack. Even the TOS does it on bus error. That's why Steem's original interrupt_depth variables quickly goes all the way. For this reason, a click on the control will reset it if in overflow. If not, it will show previous interrupt. So much power!
Unix 32 (sorry, still R181)
→ [Atari] Steem SSE 3.6.0.x beta r197
STeem v3.6.0 beta changes (R197)
- single sided drive: beta fix pasti drive number
- MFP beta bugfix IRQ delay: Sinfull Sinuses plasma jerkiness
- XY on right click
- Wipe TRACE.txt on option "Wipe Logfile"
- More useful reporting of Timer B
Unix 32 (sorry, still R181)
wstecz24/02/2014 23:31