Nowe wersja testowa Altirry emulatora ATARI XE/XL/5200/2600.
Ostatnia pełna wersja tego emulatora, autorstwa Avery 'Phaeron' Lee, jaka publicznie została udostępniona to Alirra 4.20 z 29 grudnia 2023 r.
[20] faust # AtariAge Altirra 4.30 | !!! Wtorek, 9 Lipca 2024 00:29 CET [30-12-2023 12:57 CET]
Nowe wersja testowa Altirry emulatora ATARI XE/XL/5200/2600.
Ostatnia pełna wersja tego emulatora, autorstwa Avery 'Phaeron' Lee, jaka publicznie została udostępniona to Alirra 4.20 z 29 grudnia 2023 r.
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The issue with drag-and-drop from 7z/rar archives in Explorer is an annoying one: the new Windows File Explorer archive support seems to be broken and doesn't support any proper data types in its drag-and-drop data object other than a shell ID list, which is useless to get the actual data. There was a bug in Altirra where it wasn't checking the data formats early enough, so it looked like you could drag from such archives, but it would fail at the last minute without warning. It now shows a blocked cursor to indicate that the drop can't be accepted. There doesn't seem to be any usable way to get data out other than to tell it to copy to a temporary file, which is annoying. This doesn't affect .zip archives, which do support stream interfaces.
Enhanced CIO text mode has been rewritten:
It is now a regular screen editor instead of a line-oriented terminal and has a specified fixed size, so it works more like the regular Display Handler. There are a number of other improvements:
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1025 and 1029 now make some representative sounds, particularly the 1029, thanks to rather clean audio from the video. 1025 has line feed sound, but not 1029 as I couldn't get a clean enough sample yet. The pin sound is still a bit quiet, but that might have to wait for the audio pipeline to be reconfigured, as all sound sample playback is currently behind the second high-pass filter.
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The standard printer emulation accurate timing mode should be reasonably accurate for the printing action; it's still inaccurate for the line feed, which I need to tune against the full emulators. However, because the standard emulators don't need to run the controller firmware, they can also run much faster with accurate timing turned off. The standard emulators should emulate all of the escape handling quirks now, especially the 1029 corner cases with mixing text and graphics output on the same line.
The printing sound is still placeholder. I tried putting in a sound sample but it didn't go well; the problem is that strong resonance/echo effects are involved and the videos I've been able to find are too poor quality and have too much being printed to extract a good impulse sound. Might try playing around with some IIR resonators to try to synthesize a sound sample.
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When I run Altirra, I'm getting "BOOT ERROR" instead of a self test.
I'm using the profile "XL/XE", with the device "Printer (P:)" (Printer Output, no attached devices) in devices. If I remove the device, it works well.
Such issue isn't in "test12".
It's a bug in the printer device ID checking code with a flipped comparison, I'll fix it next test release (14) -- in the meantime stick with test12 if you need to use the standard printer emulation.
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Adds emulation support for the 820 and 1025 printers. Previously, there was only a single HLE printer device, which supported a general feature set interpreting incoming characters at ATASCII. The 820 and 1025 devices emulate the specific character sets supported by those printers, which in the case of 820 is a subset of ASCII and the 1025 is the international ATASCII character set. The Printer Output pane now maps the special characters to Unicode. The unique Sideways mode of the 820 is also supported, though not being able to actually rotate the characters, it at least renders them backwards as the 820 does. 1025 control codes are supported, though some of them like line spacing are ignored.
Also added is low-level emulation of the 820, running the actual 6507-based firmware. This includes rasterization of the actual dot matrix output:
There is a simplistic sound emitted for the pins on the print head, though there is currently no sound for the head or paper movement. The print timing and geometry is estimated from the timings and measurements given in the 820 service manual. The output can be saved as a PNG image, at either 96 or 300 dpi, though the right-click context menu. Note that this can create a large image, if you've been printing for a while. A full 96 dpi listing of Nazz, for instance, is 372 x 13657.
When trying this, you'll notice that the printer stops periodically during printing. This is normal and is the anti-overheat mechanism in the firmware. It does slow down long printouts quite a bit.
I have plans for 1025 emulation as well, but need to implement 8051 emulation first.
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--rmc (remove from changelog - why? I dunno;P (Faust))
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Rant about global hotkeys: It seems that almost any program these days feels entitled to commandeer random global keyboard shortcuts without warning, messing up other programs. The hall of shame includes: Macrium Reflect (Ctrl+Alt+M), Alienware Command Center (Ctrl+Shift+Y), and the winner, Intel Arc Control Panel with the ridiculous and unchangeable Alt+I and Alt+O keys. Some of these programs also fail to unregister global hotkeys even if you've disabled them in the UI, which leaves the corresponding key shortcuts simply inexplicably broken. There is also no way built into Windows to tell that this is happening. So now Altirra can tell you if another program is doing this.
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The command-line device support allows adding and removing most devices; the new switches are /cleardevice, /adddevice, and /removedevice and are described briefly in the online help. This allows doing things like: /adddevice:vbxe,alt_page=true. There is not a direct way to determine the device tag or parameter names, but they are the same names used in the JSON obtained when copying out of the device tree.
The raw audio cassette path has been overhauled a bit, it is now multithreaded, has some support for AVX2 optimizations, and has two new filters that can be enabled in Cassette options. The first one is a crosstalk reduction filter to reduce crosstalk from the data track to the audio track. This allows muting the faint high pitch whine of the 4KHz/5.3KHz FSK tones heard in many talking tapes. The second filter is a speed correction filter, which attempts to track the FSK tones compared to their ideal 3995Hz and 5327Hz, and corrects the speed/pitch of the tape in response.
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The spectrogram in the tape editor is pre-tuned for FSK decoding analysis and helps show what's going on in the tape signal when decoding issues occur. It's set to use a 128-point window at the internal sampling rate (32KHz) with a Kaiser window and a Roseus-inspired color scheme, interpolating the frequency range around FSK tones (2-6KHz). As with the waveform, it's only available once the tape has been reloaded in the Tape Editor with the Store Waveform option enabled.
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Adds 1020 Color Printer emulation:
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I'm trying to derive a Unicode mapping for the 1029 Polish version, but the glyphs are kind of hard to read. Plain characters in a 5x7 matrix are tight enough, accented characters are worse:
I attempted to decode them based on cross-referencing with the Polish ATASCII chart on atariki since the character set appears to be the same:
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The PDF printer output now works by embedding a dynamically generated TrueType font with combinations of dot columns and rendering bands using the text primitives. It turns out that this is both massively more efficient to encode in the PDF and faster to render compared to using the vector graphic primitives. The downside is that PDF's character set encoding mechanism is horrific and arguably broken. Also, Acrobat Reader will let you copy the "text" even though it's gibberish.
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825 printer emulation is based on the manual and sample printouts, as the controller firmware isn't available. It should support all of the documented behavior, at least:
As the 825 is a parallel port printer, you can't add it directly -- a parallel port adapter is needed. The 850 emulation now supports the printer port, and the 825 can be connected to other devices that have printer ports, like the Black Box.
PDF export is added as an experiment, though admittedly it has some problems. PDF export itself wasn't too hard, but the PDF file format is less effective at encoding vector geometry than I expected.
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The graphical printer output storage has been reworked to take less memory, so keeping long printouts shouldn't be an issue -- it now only takes 8 bytes per column of pins printed. Printer output is now also stored per printer output, so if you have multiple printers, each printer will get its own output. However, the UI doesn't currently let you see the other printer outputs until you remove the primary one. Rewind recording is the big new thing in this test release. It is disabled by default due to slight overhead, and enabled in System > Configure System > Speed. Once this is enabled, the emulator will automatically take snapshots every second, which can be returned to by the Quick Rewind command (System > Rewind > Quick Rewind). By default, this will rewind to between one half and 1.5 seconds back, and repeating in quick succession will rewind farther back. The emulator stores up to 20 rewind saves and the ones farther back are spaced farther apart, so it is possible to rewind up to a few minutes. This command is keyboard bindable through the usual methods (Tools > Keyboard Shortcuts or right-clicking on the menu option) and it is also controller bindable.
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Bloom has been reworked in this version from a gaussian blur to a blur pyramid. This gives better control over the shape of the bloom so it has more of a long tail. It is supported in both D3D9 and D3D11, though the D3D11 version is somewhat faster. A simple tone mapping curve with a soft shoulder has also been added to soften the clamping at the high end (disabled when HDR is active).
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Adds support for J(atari)Cart and DCart cartridge types.
All of the new cartridge types of 128K or above are flashable. The flash configuration is not well defined for these types, so they have been mapped as follows:
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