
[ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 4.10 test XIII 30/05/2022

[1] # AtariAge Altirra 4.01 | !!! Wtorek, 31 Maja 2022 00:39 CET [26-04-2022 21:20 CET]

[ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 4.10 test XIII 30/05/2022

Nowe wersja testowa Altirry emulatora ATARI XE/XL/5200/2600. 

Ostatnia pełna wersja tego emulatora, autorstwa Avery 'Phaeron' Lee,  jaka publicznie została udostępniona to Alirra 4.00 z 13 listopada 2021 r.


Abu Simbel Profanation (Felipe De Toro Year, 2022), org. Dinamic Software, 1985. Cholerny pixel perfect i perfect timing - już pierwsza plansza uczy pokory - prawie jak w Spiky Harold.


Altirra 4.01 Beta XIII (13) 30/05/2022


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features added

  • Display: Reduced buffered frame latency in display paths.

bugs fixed

  • Debugger: Fixed .printf command outputting a garbled character with %
  • Input: Add Ctrl+Shift+Alt+0 as an alias for Ctrl+Shift+0 to work around Windows stealing this key for a keyboard layout switching shortcut.
  • POKEY: Fixed glitches in low linked timer 3 audio output when updating linked timer 3+4 state.

authors comment:

  • The default keyboard layouts now have Ctrl+Shift+Alt+0 aliased to Ctrl+Shift+0, to work around the bug with Windows 10 text services randomly eating it.
  • Fixed a bug in the debugger's .printf command with %d/%i and very large numbers.
  • Fixed performance analyzer not seeking to the correct instructions when the history pane has Collapse Loops disabled.
  • Added still image device to complement the video generator for ComputerEyes input.
  • Made a couple of experimental changes to reduce latency. The video output path tries harder to avoid buffering frames ahead of the display code, the display code uses double buffering instead of triple buffering, and the D3D11 path requests 1-frame latency on both the swap chain and device as appropriate.
  • Fixed a couple of issues with reinitializing linked timers that were causing glitches, including the above noted issue. The primary culprit was a 3-cycle skew adjustment to the ch1+2 path that hadn't been applied to the ch3+4 path.

Altirra 4.01 Beta XII (12) 9/05/2022

ComputerEyes firmy Digital Vision pozwalał na przechwytywanie klatek z kamery i VCR dla tak zaawansowanych maszynek jak AppleII, Commodore C64 i ATARI. Fajna ciekawostka. Fot. Worthpoint


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features added

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bugs fixed

  • Debugger: Fixed long pauses or broken history listings when toggling the collapse options in the History window.
  • HDevice: Fixed append mode not working for files on H6-H9:.

authors comment:

  • Adds initial support for the ComputerEyes Video Acquisition System.
  • Fixes H6-H9: not supporting append mode.
  • Fixes very long delays or garbled instruction readouts when toggling the collapse modes in the history pane.
    • The ComputerEyes device needs a composite video input, of which there is currently one sub-device that sends a static test image. If no video device is attached, then the CE will act as with no video signal (no sync). The ComputerEyes device digitizes one column per threshold per frame, so an 8-level image will take 43 seconds to capture. It is capable of 16-level capture but you need V2.0 of the software to do it. Theoretically, VBXE would be able to display 320x240x16 grayscale from this. A quirk of the CE software is that the bi-level Normal mode uses the maximum threshold, so the brightness needs to be adjusted up for multi-level and down for bi-level. I don't know why they didn't use mid-level threshold for bi-level.

Altirra 4.01 Beta XI (11) 2/05/2022


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features added

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bugs fixed

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authors comment:

  • Fixed incomplete banking setup for 5200 Super Cart in 128K and 256K sizes.

Altirra 4.01 Beta X (10) 1/05/2022


  • Input: Light pens and light guns have been split for 4.10+. Input presets may need to be updated and offsets readjusted.

features added

  • Input: Improved accuracy of light pen/gun trigger pulse timing.
  • Input: Added an option for light pen/gun noise.
  • UI: Keyboard shortcut dialog now has better support for binding Alt+keys and is more keyboard accessible.

bugs fixed

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authors comment:

  • Improved Keyboard Shortcuts dialog to be more reliable at binding Alt+key combinations.
  • Shortened and adjusted timing offset light pen/gun trigger pulse to be more realistic.
  • Split light pen/gun controllers apart so they have different offsets and to get rid of the inversion on the pen switch. Existing input maps need to be remade to take advantage of this.
  • Removed extraneous secondary button from light pen/gun controllers.
  • Added light pen noise emulation.

Altirra 4.01 Beta IX (9) 26/04/2022

Gacek + VXBE Version (Bomb Jack clone) (Shanti77, 2022). Pobrać można np. z Atari Area


  • Input: Light pen/gun offsets have been reset in this 4.10+ to accommodate offset errors in previous versions. 

features added

  • Display: Added support for DXGI 1.3 seamless custom refresh rate support on integrated display panels.
  • Input: Extended immediate pots option to allow support immediate light pen/gun inputs.
  • Input: Added interactive tool to recalibrate light pen/gun offset.

bugs fixed

  • Input: Fixed vertical offset on light pen/gun position in PAL.

authors comment:

  • Adds support for DXGI 1.3 seamless custom refresh rates, which can be enabled in Tools > Options > Display. There are narrow circumstances in which this works: you need Windows 8.1 or newer and both a video driver and internal LCD panel that supports appropriate custom refresh rates, with no external displays connected, and running borderless full screen. When this works, the emulator can switch the LCD panel to 50Hz for smooth PAL operation even if the display doesn't normally report 50Hz as a supported refresh rate. Unfortunately, Windows doesn't provide usable ways to determine when a custom refresh rate actually takes effect, so this can only be verified visually.
  • Fixed a possible crash when scaling up in the video recorder.
  • Added a bunch of advanced debug config vars for the display code.
  • The D3D11 driver now displays some vsync timing information and composition mode when debug info is enabled.
  • Fixed light pen/gun vertical position being way off in PAL. As a result of this fix, the light pen/gun offset has been reset in 4.10-test9 to be separate from previous versions. (0,0) is now an average-ish position for some XEGS light gun games.
  • Added a command to recalibrate the light pen/gun offset. Unlike the dialog settings, this is interactive where you can click on where the emulated program thinks the light pen/gun position is, and the emulator will auto-compute the offset adjustment based on that.
  • The immediate paddle option now also enables immediate light pen/gun updates, which can also remove 1 frame of latency for light pen/guns.
  • Some internal code reorganization to improve building of the RMT plugins, removing some more extraneous dependencies and formally relicensing the remaining ones. The RMT plugins and the libraries used in them are now GPLv2 with an explicit linking exception for noncommercial use. This additional exception is retroactive. See COPYING.RMT in the source archive for details. Note that there is no functional change in the RMT plugins in this version.
  • YASM has been removed as a build dependency.

A few misc notes:

  • This version contains some pre-work on trying to reduce latency, but the WIP was not stable enough to release yet. One thing I discovered is that some night light reduction programs, notably f.lux, can introduce an extra frame of latency in full-screen mode. This is because the default settings for that program force the DWM to composite. You can tell if this is happening if the D3D11 debug info says that the composition mode is [Composed: Flip] instead of [Hardware: Independent Flip].
  • Multiple monitors can also cause additional latency in windowed mode. With two monitors, the Windows 10 DWM will sometimes lose track of the flip queue and queue more than one frame, raising the minimum latency to 2+ frames. Also, in some cases it cannot promote a window to hardware overlay if two monitors are active.
  • The light pen calibration screen in the Atari Graphics cartridge is somewhat difficult to get past because it has a strict limit on the PENH values it will accept, and as a result it will not accept the calibration positioning unless you either aim left of it or set the offset negative. I suspect that this is because the Atari light pens have a different horizontal offset than light guns, but need to get data from an actual light pen to verify. If this is the case, I'll need to put in a separate offset for light pens.
wstecz31/05/2022 00:39
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