
[ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 3.20 test XX/XXI

[4] # AtariAge Altirra 3.20 | !!! Czwartek, 4 Kwietnia 2019 23:53 CET [04-04-2019 23:43 CET]

[ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 3.20 test XX/XXI

Parę dni nie miałem czasu na "bycie nie bieżąco" i proszę - dwie wersje testowe Altirry, emulatora ATARI XE/XL/5200. Ostatnia pełna wersja tego emulatora, jaka publicznie została udostępniona to Alirra 3.10 z 12 sierpnia 2018 r.

Bomb Jack (2008, Port: Tebe, Vega, Tezz). VXBE req.

Altirra 3.20 Beta XXI 31/03/2019


  • nw

features added

  • Cassette: Added option for detecting and automatically switching BASIC when booting tapes based on whether the tape starts with a BASIC or binary program.

bugs fixed

  • Cartridge: Manually inserted BASIC cartridges are now persisted across runs of the emulator.
  • Cassette: References to tapes mounted directly as .zip files without a direct reference to a file within the zip are now persisted properly across runs.

Author's Comment:

  • Fixed regression in ANTIC display text selection.
  • Manually attached BASIC cartridges (File > Attach Special Cartridge > BASIC) now restore correctly on next run.
  • Added option to detect whether a tape starts with a BASIC program. If so and this option is enabled, the emulator bypasses holding the Start button, enables BASIC, and types CLOAD.

Altirra 3.20 Beta XX 29/03/2019


  • nw

features added

  • nw

bugs fixed

  • nw

Author's Comment:

  • There was a bug where the Input State controllers were being merged between the input maps. That's wrong since the Input State controllers target per-map flags. These are now excluded from merging.


NOWSZY [ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 3.20 test XXVI

Altirra 3.20 Beta XXVI 26/05/2019


  • nw

features added

  • nw

bugs fixed

  • Cartridge: Corrected definition of MegaMax 2M mode (CAR type 61) to support banking on reads.
  • Simulator: Fixed crash when single-stepping prior to computer being turned on with disk drive CPU selected.

Author's Comment:

  • ARM64 build fix.
  • Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when single stepping after a cold reset when the computer is still off due to power-up delay.
  • Fixed MegaMax 2M cartridge type (CAR 61) to also switch banks on reads.


NOWSZY [ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 3.20 test XXV

Altirra 3.20 Beta XXIII 12/05/2019


  • nw

features added

  • nw

bugs fixed

  • Cartridge: Fixed The!Cart disable mode sometimes leaving bank windows active.
  • Cartridge: Corrected definition of 2M megacart mode (CAR type 64).

Author's Comment:

  • Compiler updated to VS2017 15.9.12.
  • Fixed definition of 2M MegaCart (CAR type 64).
  • Another banking fix for The!Cart.
NOWSZY [ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 3.20 test XXIV

Altirra 3.20 Beta XXIII 12/05/2019


  • nw

features added

  • Disk: Fixed XF551 standard emulation mode to force SD format with command $21 when the current mode is enhanced density.

bugs fixed

  • Cartridge: Fixed broken DB 32K mode (CAR type 5).
  • Cartridge: The!Cart 16K banking modes no longer use the secondary bank write protect flag.
  • Debugger: .readmem and .writemem now accept quoted paths.

Author's Comment:

  • XF551 standard emulation mode now forces single density when the current mode is enhanced density and the regular $21 format command is issued.
  • .readmem and .writemem debugger commands now accept quoted paths.
  • Fixed broken DB 32K cartridge banking mode.
  • Fixed The!Cart $8000-9FFF window using the secondary banking window's read/write bit in 16K banking modes. The primary banking window's R/W enable bit is now used.
NOWSZY [ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 3.20 test XXIII
Pitfall II: Lost Caverns (1984, Activision)(2019, TiX - GFX add)

Altirra 3.20 Beta XXIII 21/04/2019


  • The direct read filter for cassette tapes has been lowered in bandwidth to reduce load failures on FSK-encoded glitches. The filter bandwidth can now be adjusted in Configure System, Cassette.

features added

  • nw

bugs fixed


Author's Comment:

  • WarpOS now issues a different warning for missing vs. bad firmware.
  • Added firmware manager button on devices pane.
  • Firmware issues are now listed on the overview pane.
  • The filter bandwidth for direct tape reads (SKSTAT) has been lowered to match earlier versions and is now tunable.
NOWSZY [ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 3.20 test XXII
H.E.R.O (1984, Activision)

Altirra 3.20 Beta XXI 31/03/2019


  • nw

features added

  • nw

bugs fixed


Author's Comment:

  • Rewrote hook for loading BASIC tapes. It now uses CIO hooking for injecting the CLOAD and RUN commands like the BASIC program loader does, for better speed and reliability.
  • Fixed a bug in the ROM validator for WarpOS 32-in-1. Haven't seen failures of this in the wild.
→ [ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 3.20 test XIX
Dig Dug (1982, Atari)

Altirra 3.20 Beta XIX 24/03/2019


  • nw

features added

  • UI: Alt+click message help has been extended to also decode common POKE and PEEK addresses.

bugs fixed

  • nw

Author's Comment:

  • Fixed a regression that caused line breaks to be dropped on pasting.
  • Adjusted pots to return min value 1 after some testing. (Paddles always returned 1 on the 800XLs and 130XE, Keyboard Controller returned 2-3 on XLs and 1-3 on XE.)
  • Fixed a bug in the new digital pot inputs where they sometimes failed to update depending on the initial value.
  • Another attempt at fixing some redraw bugs in the debugger history view.
  • Alt+click can now also decode addresses in PEEK and POKE statements.


→ [ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 3.20 test XVII/XVIII
Moon Patrol (1982, Williams Electronics Inc.)

Altirra 3.20 Beta XVIII 23/03/2019


  • nw

features added

  • Input: Digital sources can now be bound to the Paddle Knob input on paddle controllers to use the paddle lines as switches.
  • UI: Escaping is now supported for text copy and paste.

bugs fixed

  • ATBasic: Fixed crash when Break is pressed prior to startup banner.
  • Display: Fixed a high CPU usage issue with enhanced text display when paused.
  • Input: The Input State and Console controllers are no longer blocked in 5200 mode.

Author's Comment:


  • AltirraOS 3.17: Fixed regression in 3.16 that caused some fine scrolling code to execute in screen open when it shouldn't.
  • ATBasic 1.56: Fix for crash that occurred when hitting Break prior to startup banner.
  • Fixed Input State and Console controller types not activating in input maps in 5200 mode.
  • Added copy/paste escaping support: special keys like Invert and arrow keys can now be pasted with escape syntax in braces, i.e. {invert} and {left}. There is now also a copy escaped command that will use these escapes to produce keystrokes that can re-type those characters. ^ and + prefixes mean control and shift, i.e. {^tab} and {+tab}.
  • The paddle knob (linear) input on paddles can now be driven digitally to use it as a switch input.

Altirra 3.20 Beta XVII 19/03/2019


  • nw

features added

  • AltirraOS: Minor improvements to text I/O performance.

bugs fixed

  • AltirraOS: Pressing Help now sets HELPFG
  • SAP: Lowered SAP type D player from $0800 to $0400 to improve compatibility with files that have a low load address.

Author's Comment:

  • Compiler bumped to VS2017 15.9.9.
  • Fixed an issue with some sub-dialogs in the UI closing when Escape was pressed.
  • Lowered the load address of the type D SAP player from $0800 to $0400 so that some digisound demos work.
  • AltirraOS updated to 3.16:
    • Minor optimizations to text I/O (thanks to the crazy discussions on this in the programming manual thread!).
    • Help key and HELPFG are now implemented in the keyboard handler.
    • 816: The default emulation-mode COP instruction handler no longer crashes.


→ [ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 3.20 test XVI

Altirra 3.20 Beta XIV 08/03/2019


  • nw

features added

  • nw

bugs fixed

  • AltirraOS: Corrected ICBLLZ/ICBLHZ values after CIO get commands.
  • Disk Explorer: Fixed crash when write flush fails due to another program locking the disk image file.
  • Input: Fixed Shift key state sometimes being incorrect when Shift was pressed/released while holding another key. The emulated Shift key state is now updated on Shift key changes while other keys are held.

Author's Comment:

  • Inverted Option flag for internal BASIC is forced off when 32-in-1 is active.
  • AltirraOS 3.15: Adjusted ICBALZ/ICBAHZ to improve compatibility with Lightspeed DOS.
  • Fixed the Customize button being enabled too often in the keyboard customization page (when custom layout isn't enabled).
  • Fixed an issue with Shift key down not being reflected in SKSTAT while another key was already being held. (Thanks to MaPa)
  • The Recommendations page now has a note if the keyboard is set to cooked mode.
  • Fixed crash in Disk Explorer when write flush fails due to another program locking the disk image file, like a virus scanner.
  • Disk Explorer now forces read-only mode when the disk image file being mounted is marked read-only.


→ [ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 3.20 test XV
e=mc2 (Marcin Żołna, 1992)

Altirra 3.20 Beta XIV 17/02/2019


  • nw

features added

  • nw

bugs fixed

  • AltirraOS: Type 3 poll loop is now exited on user break error to fix infinite boot loop with Black Box firmware.
  • Audio: Fixed crash on system with no sound card.
  • VBXE: Overlay width setting %11 now correctly selects narrow width instead of wide width.

Author's Comment:

  • Automatically held keys are now re-enabled when a soft-reset occurs through the WarpOS 32-in-1.
  • AltirraOS 3.14: Fix for boot loop with BlackBox 2.16 firmware, which intercepts type 3 poll requests. The boot code now exits the poll loop on Y=$80 (user break).
  • Fixed crash with no sound card.

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Nr GaduGadu
wstecz04/04/2019 23:53
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