Team Demula emulatora Segi Dreamcast/Systemu NAOMI zdecydował się publikować wersje testowe (alpha) swojego programu. Piekło jednak istnieje;).
Planuje właśnie letnie kanikuły więc zachęcam do samodzielnego śledzenia zmian w tym projekcie na forum Emu-Rossija.
Afterburner II - minigame in Shenmue2
Demul v0.7 alpha 190715
- Crackin' DJ 1&2 playable
- Ferrari F355 Deluxe have sound/music
- fix Naomi 2 materials, lights refactor (gpuDX11ng)
- foolproof VMU files creation
- remember last path in gdrCHD, gdrImage, etc
- better Xinput deadzone handling
- fix GDI audio in gdrCHD (this plugin is recommended now for usage with GDI images too)
- workarounds for newest ATI bugs in 15.7 drivers (gpuDX11)
- SH4 MMU fixes & improvements, Shenmue's Afterburner II minigame playable
- several minor tweaks
→ NOWSZY [arcade] Demul v0.7 WIP 26/04/18
Demul v0.7 180426
- fully emulated scaler/filter, should fix most if not all games which was cut in size if in TV-modes
- filtered NaN UV texture coordinates (Soul Reaver lifebar)
- filtered negative vertex coords (MK Gold with ATI fix)
- allowed upto 128 layers
- emulated primary/secondary render target buffers for Opaque/PunchTrought lists (Agartha proto flashlight)
- fixed MvSC2 SCORE blinking
- handle edge case ELAN IRQs
- auto hide mouse cursor when in full screen (5sec timeout)
- prettify "start in full screen" option
- renamed SPG/GPU display to FPS/RPS
- corrected purupuru device reply (Resident Evil 2)
- fixed xinput crash if attempt to configure inputs during emulation
- fixed few games with inverted "pedal" inputs
- fixed AEG/FEG which might stuck in edge cases (some sounds in MvSC2, ReVolt jump sound, etc)
- fixed RF ID generators for Dinoking, Love&Berry, etc
- small correction JVS I/O Sense line
- patch for Orion Puzzle Collection (workaround for Kalisti SDK bug)
- documented actual game developers in game list
→ NOWSZY [arcade] Demul v0.7 WIP 11/11/17
DEmul 0.7 WIP 11 november 2017
Misc updates.
- ARM: DP immediate Carry little fix
- CAVE YMZ770: implemented main volume and clip control
- CAVE: Akai Katana added
- DX11: fixed Cave bilinear filter
- DX11OLD: fixed shader filter settings load
- GAELCO: improved ball mechanic simulation
- MISC: basic analogs simulation when playing from keyboard (arcade only)
- MISC: fixed Dreamcast game name handle
- NAOMI: Mushiking IV/V/VI added. A new card codes included (to change 4-5-6 game version go to game test mode BACKUP CLEAR and hold both players buttons 1 for 3 seconds).
→ NOWSZY [arcade] Demul v0.7 WIP 12/10/17
DEmul 0.7 WIP 12/10/17
Critical compiler error fix version.
- MISC: The About box no longer crashes lol
DEmul 0.7 WIP Bugfix version 11/10/17
- MISC: -listxml now generate "merge" tags
- MISC: minor romset corrections
- AICA: fix DSP recompiler state load crash
DEmul 0.7 WIP 10/07/17
Up-to-date build of almost year of developing. Enjoy
- SH4: OnChip access correct bit width only
- SH4: add flti0/1 PR flag check
- SH4: reg binding cleanups and fixes, PR sanity checks
- SH4: fix DIV0S, optimize DIV1 and add linking current block
- SH4: fix Invalidation code
- SH4: fix delayed slot exceptions
- SH4: interrupts fixes / improvements
- GD-ROM: fix CD PLAY after SEEK for Taxi2
- GD-ROM: small fix for bleemcast (almost work)
- GD-ROM: G1 DMA discrete step
- AICA: use less attenuated ALFO
- AICA: mixing levels fixes
- AICA: EG timer fixes
- AICA: properly handle Decay level = 0 case
- AICA: optimize IRQs
- HOLLY: rewrite SPG
- HOLLY: fix Holly registers for wince
- HOLLY: add real HOLLY IDs for all supported platforms
- GAELCO: speedup boot
- GAELCO: decode boot from Altera firmware
- GAELCO: render fixes: offset color flag, handle flats
- GAELCO: add Gaelco Footall
- GAELCO: preliminary support Gaelco Footall analog inputs
- MISC: SCIF link for AW Maximum Speed and Chase1929
- MISC: fix Marvel vs Capcom 2 intro Guile character head
- MISC: disable menu in fullscreen (fix clicking it with mouse in light gun games)
- MISC: netplay: add option to disable flash/sram sync
- MISC: set windows timer resolution to min possible value
- MISC: rom loading refactoring, NAOMI GD-ROM sets now require security PIC dumps, old GD-rip binaries not supported anymore
- MISC: fix save states crash
- MISC: improved creation of Dreamcast flash and "timehack"
- MISC: fix mouse X/Y calc then screen rotated
- MISC: fix error when set memcard time in DC bios
- MISC: fix DC flash erase, handle correct sector sizes
- MISC: Elo touchscreen fixes for Atomiswave and NAOMI StarHorse
- MISC: emulated HW210 IC card reader (Dragon Treasure, WCCF)
- MISC: SHIO hopper board HLE, Kick'4'Cash playable
- MISC: Added all recently dumped games for supported platforms
- MISC: Romset in sync with current MAME
and many other changes and fixes, not worth or forgot to mention.
→ NOWSZY [arcade] Demul v0.7 alpha 180816
Demul v0.7 alpha 180816
- fixed hang in KalistiOS based games with DC keyboard controller
- fixed hang in some WinCE games if VMU present
- better Dev.Box emulation
- patches for Cycraft InitialD and ClubKart (boots, but not yet playable)
- better aspect correction and filtering for Cave CV1000
- InitialD, ClubKart and Derby Owners magnetic card readers emulated (press PUSH6 key then game ask insert/take card)
- fixed Marvel vs Capcom 2 character pictures during intro
- ClubKart2003 input fixes
- WWF Royal Rumble 4 players inputs
- NAOMI DIMM Board emulated
- added recently dumped NAOMI and Atomiswave sets
- romset in sync with MAME
- bunch of minor things not worth mention
- fix current LBA after Mil-CD security check
- ADPCM decoder tweaks (thanks kode54 for info)
→ NOWSZY [arcade] Demul v0.7 alpha 221215
Half Life, Sierra
Demul v0.7 alpha 221215
- ATI texture perspective correction fix is an option now (cause glitches on Nvidia GPUs)
- ancient CDI v2 parsing was killed by accident
- GD-ROM status/irq corrections (Gauntlet Legends)
→ NOWSZY [arcade] Demul v0.7 alpha 201215
→ NOWSZY [arcade] Demul v0.7 alpha 181215
Demul v0.7 alpha 181215
- SH4 MMU optimizations, many WinCE games works at fullspeen on ~recent PCs
- Tile Accelerator rewrite&optimize
- Xinput devices without vibration supported
- automatic DC video mode selection
- simple deinterlace for TV-modes
- fix rotate and aspect ratio
- optional Bilinear filter
- libchd doesn't require SSSE3 anymore
- crash fix at exit after fullscreen switching (I hope)
- gdrImage subcodes emulation fixes and improvements
- gdrImage fix cue/bin booting support
- SH4 exceptions handlindg fixes
- Supid Invaders boots now
- fixes for recent indie games
- sync romset with current MAME
- other minor things was fixed or rewritten, I forget about
→ NOWSZY [arcade] Demul v0.7 alpha 200915
Demul v0.7 alpha 200915
- NAOMI 2 emulation rewritten almost from scratch, must be really close if not the same as real hardware, a lot of optimizations, can use separate thread (DX11NG)
- shadow render fix (Cosmic Smash)
- romset sync with current MAME
→ NOWSZY [arcade] Demul v0.7 alpha 310715
Demul v0.7 alpha 310715
- Naomi2 shadows improvements (DX11NG)
- Naomi2 screen scale (DX11NG)
- DirectInput thread close fix AKA 'VMU window not closes'
- VMU's windows auto open/close
- exit by ALT+F4
- romset corrections to make some rom managers happy
- more precise SH4 FSRRA opcode
- several minor corrections
Vox populi
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