
[AMIGA] Winuae 4.9(5).0 beta XXXV 28/09/2021

[1] # EAB Winuae 4.9.0 | !!! Wtorek, 28 Września 2021 19:10 CET [24-04-2021 23:46 CET]

[AMIGA] Winuae 4.9(5).0 beta XXXV 28/09/2021

Kolejna testowa wersja WinUAE -  emulatora całej rodziny komputerów Commodore Amiga.

Ostatnia pełna  wersja emulatora to WinUAE 4.4.0

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XXXV 28/09/2021

  • Adjusted 68000 IPL sampling timing. (Spectre Party / Phenomena, F1GP by MicroValue. Not Microprose!)
  • Blizzard PPC: if RESET m68k instruction executed, apparently board logic also forces external CPU reset.
  • Fixed GDI handle leak (GUI panel change always leaked 2 font handles)
  • Updated GUI tab order.
  • If emulator was started by selecting statefile and GUI was opened after starting emulation, every time GUI Misc panel was opened, selected statefile was set to reload when GUI exited. (b31?)

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XXXIV 19/09/2021

Jara-Tava: The Isle of Fire (Satchel Software, 1992)
  • Harmnless bug causing "Negative nr_color_changes.. " log messages fixed.
  • Copper VBLANK startup was 2 cycles too early. (Previous fix was not correct)
  • Partially reverted b9 sound update that caused worse sound stability on some systems. It also makes FPS value slightly less stable.
  • Audio volume (from AUDxVOL) is only loaded to internal volume register when period counter is loaded. Volume changes during period counting don't affect audio until next period load.
  •  Copper writes to AUDxDAT in non-cycle exact modes had inaccurate timing.
  • AUDxDAT undocumented feature: AUDxDAT write has 1 cycle delay, state machine==3 INTREQ test is done when period counter==1, not when it is zero. (Thanks to ross again, another weird test set )
  •  RTG screen was not fully cleared in some situations when switching modes (b25)
  • Changed debugger "dp" to "dppc" (switch to PPC disassembly mode)
  • Ateo Pixel 64 RTG board emulation. Another Cirrus Logic based RTG board. Very quickly done, only works with recent Picasso96 versions, does not work with drivers that need ateobus.library (will be done if someone disassembles it, I am too lazy, as usual). 256 color mode has wrong colors and right edge wraps around. Does not autoswitch.
  • "Smooth Copper" works correctly again.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XXXIII 12/09/2021

  • Chipset updates are almost done. Priority is moving to bug hunting, for example previously reported weird crashes need to be confirmed (if it still happens).
  • Also PCem update graphics boards (Voodoo, CV64, CV3D, Cirrus Logic based) and bridgeboard emulation needs some testing.

Beta 33:

  • DMACONR blitter busy bit state is 1 cycle later than copper waking up from blitter finished. (Circle Scroller / United Force)
  • Direct3D9 mode crash was possible when switching screen modes (b32).
  • Disassembler configuration (upper/lower case options, show calculated EA, show data pointed by EA, condition true/false), hex number prefix, min and max number of opcode/opwords. Currently only available via direct ini or registry editing, first enter debugger, then quit emulator to create default entries. Debugger sub section, debug_disasm_flags is bit mask, bits 0 to 4 are lower case bits (0=instruction name, 1=registers, 2=hex values, 3=instruction size), 4=show T/F, 5=show EA, 6=show EA contents, 7=show instruction opcode/opwords. Currently they only affect disassembler output. Defaults changed to lower case.
  • Don't log flood "DMAL error" messages if (totally unusable) programmed mode with HTOTAL smaller than last audio DMA slot.
  • DMAL (Serial DMA slot allocation information from Paula to Agnus) start cycle was not updated to match new custom chipset emulation.
  • Small audio period causing repeated samples is now fully accurate, including 1 extra cycle delay if DMA request includes pointer reset (sample restart).
  • Very strange programmed modes could have made it impossible to quit emulator normally.
  • Adjusted behavior of CPU reads from write-only custom registers (Bozebobs / Area08)
  • Fixed crash when loading some old A500 statefiles with CD32 CD incorrectly enabled.
  • Adjusted "Smooth Copper" hack to work with new custom chipset emulation (not fully correct yet).
  • Console log/debugger DPI adjustment.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XXXII 7/09/2021

  • HDIW blanking could get stuck in always-on state if VPOSW was written mid screen with out of range values. (Agony Psygnosis title screen become fully border color blanked if ECS)
  • Wait 2 fields before updating visible screen after display parameter change. Hides glitches at the bottom of screen that can appear when last visible line is actually line 0 or higher. Direct 3D output is still refreshed normally, only difference is that data comes from old frame. Most "real" displays would either roll (CRT) or blank temporarily (LCD etc) in this situation.
  • On the fly config changes are again checked and processed before vertical position 0 starts. Previous display updates moved it to line 1 or later, depending on mode. This might have caused unexpected side-effects.
  • Hardwired vertical blanking didn't work correctly if OCS Denise was configured.
  • Removed OCS Denise H-blank bug advanced chipset option. It is now always enabled (if OCS Denise configured) but "buggy" top and bottom line is only visible if overscan mode is Overscan+ or Extreme.
  • Switching from some other config to/from ECS Agnus 512k/512k configuration where Agnus sees 1M chip RAM (Agnus sees upper half of chip RAM at usual $800000 address but CPU sees it at $c00000) didn't always change config correctly. For example loading statefile that uses ECS 512k/512k config when current config is OCS 512k/512k, didn't switch config correctly. (Very old bug)
  • ECS Denise + EXTHBLANK=1: vertical blanking (display blanking only) is fully disabled.
  • New undocumented feature: DIGHIGH bits 3 and 11 are vertical start/stop bit 11 in ECS Agnus. AGA replaces them with horizontal H0 bits. It is not documented in HRM ECS chapter documents them, officially V10 bit is highest (and even V10 is almost totally useless). VPOSR/W V11 does not exist and vertical counter is only 11 bits (0 to 10) which makes DIWHIGH V11 feature that makes no sense.
  • CIA/CPU timing fix in b21 was partically broken.
  • Programmed mode vertical display start/end calculation adjustments.
  • Bitplane refresh slot conflict emulation was "too random". Internal behavior is still unknown. (First demo / Starline corruption if ECS)
  • INTREQ write that clears interrupt(s) didn't use cycle accurate (delayed) code path. (La Weird / Cave)
  • Vblank interrupt horizontal start was not adjusted to new custom chipset emulation (Spectre Party / Phenomena and others)
  • VHPOSR was not adjusted to new chipset emulation (hpos=0 reads previous vertical line)
  • CD32 NVRAM write that wraps around caused NVRAM file size to increase

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XXXI 29/08/2021

This version updated superhires resolution accuracy (hblank, sprites, bitplanes, borderblank etc..). Note that superhires can be only seen fully accurately in subpixel mode (chipset panel) + superhires emulation resolution (display panel) and SVGA/x86 bridgeboard updates to latest (and final?) PCem.
All currently known weird chipset (including programmed mode) features are also fully implemented. (I know I have said same previously but really this time.. I know who to blame if something new is found)

  • Sprite right overscan fixes.
  • Programmed mode adjustments. HSSTOP does not affect display position. HSSTRT - HSSTOP only needs to be long enough for display device to detect it. Note that WinUAE will accept invalid HSSTOP and other impossible in real world programmed modes, there is no validation against real world video signal standards.
  • HBSTRT/STOP accuracy improved in really weird situations (like having multiple HBLANK regions in single scanline..). Undocumented special case emulated: if HBSTRT to HBSTOP is less than 1 lores pixel (4 shres pixels), 4-(HBSTOP-HBSTRT) shres pixels of bitplane is visible before COLOR0 starts. Subpixel mode required. Apparently switching border on takes 1 lores pixel. (HB is Denise/Lisa internal trigger for border on state)
  • Bitplane to refresh strobe vs refresh-only slot conflict behavior fixed (Water intro / Acme, Vectors Again / Armada etc, glitches are now correct if ECS Agnus)
  • Optimized bitplane allocation now works correctly in NTSC mode, needs 2 alternating buffers because line length alternates in NTSC.
  • Writing to horizontal DIWSTRT/STOP just before it would match missed the check.
  • DIWHIGH full AGA hires/shres positioning bit support.
  • Line buffer size was not large enough to fit "extreme" overscan superhires mode.
  • HCENTER 8/9 CCK horizontal blanking period emulated. HCENTER generates extra sync pulse when it matches and current line is vsync line and long field. This is normally invisible but it can be visible in (weird or badly configured) programmed modes. Visible result is small black box, about at the middle of last line(s), ECS Denise only. This is never visible on AGA because blanking is generated by Lisa using internal registers. ECS Denise uses CSYNC pin to detect blanking condition. OCS Denise does not have CSYNC pin and uses internal hardwired blanking only.
  • Fixed wrong border color/black color in right border when horizontal centering was enabled. Probably also possible in some other situations.
  • ECS Denise hires resolution sprite horizontal position bit works strangely if bitplane resolution is lores or hires: first pixel row of sprite becomes transparent. Horizontal bit only works correctly if bitplane resolution is superhires.
  • Subpixel emulation mode + superhires had single shres pixel offset in horizontal hblank and borderblank positioning. This change also means borderblank/border bug can't be anymore visible without subpixel mode + superhires resolution.
  • DMA debugger uses first refresh slot to show if line is vertical blanking (B), vertical sync (S) or vertical diw is open (=), second refresh slot is used for long field (F) and long line (L). These special slots are marked with '*' to not (too easily) confuse them with same symbols in other slots. Horizontal diw ('(' and ')'), programmed horizontal blanking ('[' and ']') and programmed horizontal sync ('{' and '}') are also marked.
  • PCem v17 merge. Some SVGA updates, Voodoo 3 updates, x86 CPU updates. (Probably moving to 86box in the future, PCem is not updated anymore.)
  • Misc panel statefile text box was empty (might be Windows version specific or something) even when loaded config had statefile configured.
  • fs debugger command fixed, display emulation updates made it randomly inaccurate.
  • Seems to run normally under Windows 11 insider build.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XXX 15/08/2021

  • BEAMCON0 LOLDIS modification was ignored unless display setup needed reinitialization (programmed refresh rate change etc..)
  • Programmed VBLANK (BEAMCON0 bit 12) didn't blank lines after VBSTRT in some situations.
  • Fixed scanline offset if resolution and BPLCON1 was changed during same scanline.
  • Sprite horizontal wrap around support was only partially implemented.
  • Horizontal display window (DIWSTRT/DIWSTOP) didn't support some wrap around/start larger than stop conditions correctly.
  • Borderblank glitch emulation improved. If HDIW is open before first BPL1DAT access, there is 1.5 lores pixel COLOR00 gap between borderblank and first bitplane pixel.
  • Reset didn't clear CIA-A/B B data port/direction.
  • Bitplane first refresh slot conflict (strobe signal) was not reported and didn't trigger simulated conflict corrupted graphics.
  • Added A590/A2091 v4.4 ROMs to ROM scanner. Probably original release version because ROMs had labels 390388-01 and 390389-01.
  • If on the fly (emulation has already been started) Quickstart model or model specific change modifies expansion devices, force internal "Restart"-button press. Without it not all expansion devices initialize correctly.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XXIX 09/08/2021

Chipset updates are almost done. Really. At least I hope. If there was some other updates I delayed until chipset update is done, now it is time to remind me (FloppyDriveBridge thing does not need reminding. It will probably happen.)

Beta 29:

  • b28 copper update was wrong. Second attempt. (Hotbleeps etc. This time without breaking others.)
  • Sprite fix, sprite DMA does not start if frame's initial SPRxPOS/SPRxCTL fill loads vertical start position that matches current vertical position.
  • Fixed uaegfx indirect mode BlitTemplate() harmless one byte buffer out of bounds read.
  • VPOSW register access always clears LOL bit (if it was set = NTSC long line). It can't be set to one by writing to VPOSW.
  • NTSC long/short line order was wrong after horizontal wrap around.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XXVIII 05/08/2021

  • Fixed buffer overflow if more than 9 devices were found when enumerating NPCap/WinCap devices. (Special SLIRP cases ignore max size check)
  • Mid screen HBlank change didn't force current scan line redraw. It could have caused glitches in some weird situations.
  • Fixed crash when display DMA start/stop/position was too weird. (Can happen if setup changes mid scanline with DMA already active)
  • AGA borderblank hires pixel delay is working again.
  • b27 bitplane allocation optimization fix.
  • Copper WAIT can't wake up at the start of scanline. (This was lost when custom emulation rewrite started)
  • Sprite emulation fix, vblank end sprite reset and first possible sprite DMA didn't use same line.
  • Blitter register modification while active support was partially broken few betas ago.
  • ECS Denise H/V-blank emulation updates.
  • RTS/RTE/RTR/RTD disassembly shows also return address, calculated using current stack pointer value.
  • DMA debugger now includes DDFSTRT (0), DDFSTOP (1) and hardwired DDFSTOP (2) positions if match caused bitplane DMA to start (DDFSTRT) or stop (DDFSTRT/hardwired DDFSTOP).

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XXVII 28/07/2021

  • Graphics glitches fixed (b26 and b25)
  • Some programs (for example Wings of Death) that use OCS compatible 60Hz hack didn't have working vblank interrupt. If write to VPOSW jumped to mid last line, vblank start line check was missed.
  • Added some optimizations (for example don't create new bitplane allocation table for current scanline if previous line had identical bitplane cycle sequence)
  • Added bitplane/audio DMA conflict emulation that can happen in bitplane overrun situations. In this situation no DMA transfer is done (neither BPL or audio).
  • Integer scale filters usually forced all scanlines to be fully redrawn, even if content didn't change.
  • VPOSW fake 60Hz now uses 60Hz height if refresh rate is >=55Hz and 50Hz height if less than 55Hz. Matches 1081/1084 etc CRT behavior better.
  • "Remove interlace artifacts" last line flickering fixed.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XXVI 28/07/2021

  • Write to most programmed mode registers (ECS/AGA only) caused display emulation reinitialization, even when modified register was not in use. Now reinitialization is only done if matching BEAMCON0 bit(s) is set. Fixes BC Kid screen flashing, game updates color registers but writes too much and modifies first few programmed mode registers.
  • Remove interlace artifacts option works again but is not fully functional. (last line might flicker, copper modifications are not always accurate)
  • On the fly switch to subpixel mode caused hang in some situations.
  • Default overscan mode had one extra pixel row and line. Overscan+ size also fixed.
  • Fixed display glitches in 68020+ memory cycle exact modes (memory cycle exact only).
  • Shader files are again supported in Direct3D 11 mode. FX11 moved to separate static library.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XXV 25/07/2021

  • Last missing "weird programmed mode" feature was implemented (I hope, unless someone who does not need to be mentioned finds even more interesting programmed mode undocumented features)
  • Next step: bug fixes and optimizations.

Beta 25:

  • On the fly PAL/NTSC switch (VPOSW trick or BEAMCON0) incorrectly adjusted screen width in some situations. Height is now adjusted relative to total vertical lines, some games use VPOSW trick to generate 56Hz mode which was previously scaled as NTSC.
  • Programmed mode (BEAMCON0 bit 7 set) with PAL/NTSC like parameters are not anymore considered as VGA-like.
  • Hardwired vblank end line was 1 too late.
  • Fixed repeating autoresize.
  • Yet another HBLANK related undocumented feature: HBLANK start enables border. If HBLANK start is moved to visible area and bitplanes are active during HBLANK: border gets re-activated and bitplane re-starts when next BPL1DAT write happens. This probably can't be used for anything useful because display's black level detection will get confused (weird colors, wrong black level etc) if HSYNC period is not blanked.
  • And another undocumented feature: if horizontal display window was closed due to HBLANK and next BPL1DAT access is close enough (and after HBLANK end in visible region, so probably can only happen in bitplane overun condition, normally shift registers empty and only background color is shown), display window opens 1.5 lores pixel early, showing previous BPL1DAT loaded pixel pattern.
  • Horizontal diw now works correctly even if display horizontally "wraps around" due to (much) larger than normal HSYNC position.
  • Light gun/pen fix.
  • Partial fix to cycle-exact + MMU emulation (but could also happen without MMU) weird copper behavior. Internal cycle counter was not always guaranteed to be chipset cycle aligned.
  • GUI lists (for example Hardware info) column DPI support.
  • Fixed D3D11 OSD led crash (D3D9 worked) if display moved monitors and they had different DPI.
  • Fixed RTG unexpected display size/scaling, introduces few betas ago.
  • Fixed RTG related crash when switching fullscreen modes (possibly also in other modes).
  • Fixed chipset emulation buffer overflow in some programmed modes, buffers need to be slightly larger now that vertical "overrun" is supported.
Pacmania (Grandslam Entertainments Ltd., 1988)

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XXIV 19/07/2021

Chipset update is almost done but there is still some hopefully minor (and hopefully it stays minor) "weird screen mode" side-effects remaining..

  • usegfx Picasso96 DISPLAYCHAIN is now only forced if uaegfx monitor is monitor id=0 (shared with native chipset). Previously DISPLAYCHAIN was always forced.
  • uaegfx in other monitor than native: uaegfx window was tiny before it resized to selected Picasso96 resolution. Now reset default is 640x480 instead of 0x0. uaegfx window also didn't re-open after reset.
  • Extra multi monitor mode window positions are now stored to registry/ini.
  • Bitplane wrap around (extreme bitplane overrun condition where BPLxDAT fetches before hsync start are visible after hsync end) is now fully supported.
  • Sprite fix (Shadow of the Beast 3 missing sprite)
  • Adjusted extreme overscan positioning and filter (for example integer scaling) support improved.
  • Two (or more) horizontal DIWSTRT/STOP regions are now supported. Previously only first region was visible.
  • Programmed mode WB modes should now have 100% correct vertical and horizontal blanking. Hardwired blanking is now correct in overscan+ modes.
Hybris (Discovery Software International, Inc., 1988), czasami obrazek tytułowy nawet na Amidze był lepszy od wyglądu samej gry;P

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XXIII 15/06/2021

  • Display positioned was shifted in some programs. (b22)
  • Fixed horizontal jitter in some AGA programs. (b22)
  • Black screen in some programs. (b22)
  • Automatic scaling fixed. (b22)
  • Switching from programmed horizontal blanking back to hardwired h-blanking didn't work.
  • Added Overscan option to Display panel. Overscan selection is default from previous versions. This probably will replace will TV filter options in the future. Overscan+ and Extreme are even more larger modes, only useful if programmed blanking is enabled, more details later. TV options probably need some calibration.
Infestation (Psygnosis Limited, 1990)

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XXII 13/06/2021

Still some custom chipset updates to do. Most likely official release will be delayed until autumn 2021.

  • Copper vblank start was delayed by few cycles.
  • uaegfx used unsafe (assumes unrecoverable state if invalid address) address translation function without validating the address first. Invalid VRAM address would have crashes emulated Amiga.
  • "Add harddrive" tried to incorrectly guess logical geometry and didn't enable full drive mode if drive didn't already have RDB. (and it become weird and useless drive)
  • Picasso96 v3.0+ uaegfx screen dragging support fixed.
  • Extended window border mode joystick/mouse direction/buttons indicators fixed.
  • Overscan blanking filter settings added to filter profiles.
  • DMA debugger now shows AGA FMODE>0 bitplane and sprite fetch read values fully (both 32-bit and 64-bit). Previously it was always truncated to 16-bit.
  • Memwatch points now fully support AGA FMODE>0 bitplane and sprite fetches.
  • Memwatch log only (L) flag was not cleared when memwatch point was replaced or reset.
  • Bitplane graphics wrapping around is now emulated (BPLxDAT fetch done before hsync but it is long enough to be partially visible after hsync). Normally can't happen but it can happen in bitplane DMA overrun situations or if weird programmed mode. Not fully working yet.
  • Hard reset tried to free hardware emulated RTG VRAM twice causing memory corruption. More programmed mode/normal mode special case related updates, including really weird never before used modes (Thanks to Ross again). Still work to do.
  • Many programmed screen modes had corruption.
  • Vertical now also supports wraparound (Horizontal added in b18), if vblank starts at line 0 or later (normal PAL/NTSC vblank start is last line), they will be correctly drawn after "real" last line. More lines are shown if VB starts later than normally.
  • BPLCON3 EXTBLKEN (horizontal blanking) is now fully emulated and accurate. Note that ECS Denise works differently than AGA:
    • ECS Denise: ECSENA=1 + EXTBLKEN=0: blanking disabled, including vertical (except tiny blanking during hsync to keep display black level detection working), ECSENA=1 + EXTBLKEN=1 and ECSENA=0: hardwired blanking. No programmed blanking, itseems HBSTRT/HBSTOP registers don't exists in ECS Denise.
    • AGA: ECSENA=0 and ECSENA=1 + EXTBLKEN=0: hardwired blanking. ECSENA=1 + EXTBLKEN=1: HBSTRT/HBSTOP programmed horizontal blanking.

      Note that display devices need blanked signals during part of hsync period (and vsync), it is used to set black levels, without blanking, image might become very dark or have strange colors, have strange brightness pulsing etc. This is not emulated.
  • Increased internal max native display width by 2 lores pixels. ECS Denise/AGA can show 1 lores pixel more in right overscan compared to OCS. (Increased by 2 to keep display width even)
  • Programmable vertical blanking is now handled accurately. VBSTOP = line when sprites are reset and first loads are done. VBSTOP+1 = first visible line. Sprites are also now emulated correctly even if VBSTRT is after vsync period. Display is now correctly blanked if vertical blank period is in visible part of display. First line of display is also adjusted depending on VBSTOP value when BEAMCON0 VARVBEN is enabled, even if other bits are not set.
  • Advanced chipset "OCS H-Blank glitch" implemented (option already existed few betas ago). When enabled, first blanked line has background color visible in right border and last visible line has right border blanked. Not emulated by default because it looks really ugly and it is usually invisible when using real hardware due to overscan.
  • Programmable horizontal (HSSTRT and HSSTOP) and vertical sync (VSSTRT and VSSTOP) emulation improved. Previously h/v-sync and h/v-blank was combined, now they are fully separate.

Part of below was already known previously but this time all chipset versions have been tested one by one and fully emulated now:

  • A1000/OCS Denise/ECS Denise last line differences:
    • When A1000 Denise gets VB strobe, vertical blanking starts next line.
    • When OCS Denise gets VB strobe, vertical blanking starts after 2 lines.
    • When ECS Denise/AGA gets VB strobe, vertical blanking starts next line.
  • A1000 Agnus sends first VB strobe when current line is first line, line zero. (Which as a side-effect causes delayed vblank interrupt, interrupt is generated when line 1 starts) Other Agnus versions sends first VB strobe when current line is last line.
  • Bitplane DMA vertical DIW is forced closed when VB starts and sprite DMA is inhibited during all VB lines. Unless ECS/AGA and BEAMCON0 HARDDIS=1 or VARBEAMEN=1 or VARVBEN=1. (Note: DDFSTRT/STOP limits are not same, BEAMCON0 HARDDIS=1 or VARBEAMEN=1 or SHRES=1 or UHRES=1)
  • A1000: first blanked line is line 1. Line 0 is last visible line at the bottom of screen.
  • OCS Denise: first blanked line is line 1. Line 0 is last visible line at the bottom of screen. (This was not previously emulated, some programs might suddenly have different colored last line)
  • ECS Denise/AGA: first blanked line is line 0. Last line (312/313/262/263) is last visible line at the bottom of screen.
  • (Back in the CRT days last line was almost always invisible)
  • Normally only COLOR0 changes are visible during last line. All chipset versions have same first visible line. OCS Denise outputs 1 more visible line than ECS Denise/AGA in default PAL/NTSC modes.
  • Vertical blanking in this context means RGB output DAC (after Denise/Lisa) is in blanked mode. Vertical sync usually is different than vertical blanking in programmed modes.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XXI 20/05/2021

Custom chipset emulation rewrite is almost done. Some tweaks and optimizations to do.

  • Blitter line draw with B channel enabled supported. Flexible Zoom / Upfront uses it to load line pattern using DMA (undocumented feature, not really useful because it wastes lots of DMA time) instead of using static BLTBDAT 16-bit pattern.
  • Blitter got stuck in some 68020+ CE configs.
  • Copper blitter wait glitches are now accurately emulated.
  • Cycle-exact mode CPU to CIA E-clock syncronization was not accurate.
  • BPLxDAT CPU/copper write timing fix.
  • FSINCOS native FPU mode had SIN and COS values swapped.
  • If CPU reads from non-existing address space and code is executed from ROM, return all zeroes. This might not be exactly correct because it was only quickly checked on real hardware. Fixes Batman Vuelve slideshow II / Batman Group.
  •  A2410 works again (broke in 4300b1)

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XX 16/05/2021

Custom chipset emulation rewrite is almost complete. Non-chipset emulation related bugs can be reported and they aren't ignored anymore

  • Blitter internal RGA bus pipeline emulation implemented.
  • When blitter was started for the first time and cycle-exact mode: blitter idle time from start of scanline to BLTSIZE write position was not emulated cycle-exactly. Almost harmless previously, now it caused visible problems with statefiles that expected blitter to steal all cycles. Very old bug.
  • Copper didn't stop when both COPJMP1 and COPJMP2 was strobed without active copper DMA. (b18)
  • Copper WAIT wrong special case fixed. (Hotbleeps and EyeQlazer)
  • Blitter register modification while active update. (For example fixes Demo Mix 5 intro / Tommyknockers). Not 100% yet.
  • AGA FMODE bit 14 bitplane scandoubling odd/even scanlines were swapped. (b18)
  • Optimized mode bitplane emulation didn't do anything if scanline's bitplane pointers crossed end of chip ram. Normally never happens but really weird programs or free running bitplane pointers might not have been 100% accurately emulated ("Warning: Bad playfield pointer" message). Ancient bug with ancient comment (probably from pre-0.8 UAE) that this should be fixed someday..
  • Some more UHRES parts implemented. (Yes, this is useless but cycle usage still should match real hardware if UHRES is enabled for some weird reason!)
  •  b18 FSINCOS update broke non-softfloat FSINCOS.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XIX 28/04/2021

Most b18 glitches fixed.

  • Bitplane max plane limit was calculated before internal aga=true variable was set. Loading AGA statefile forced OCS/ECS limits if FMODE was not updated in copper list.
  • Fixed sprite glitches in some situations.
  • Fixed graphics glitches if resolution was changed in horizontal blanking region.
  • Different bitplane delay for odd and even planes didn't work correctly in some situations.
  • Fixed memory buffer overflow when some types of file dialog was opened. (old bug)

Note: "Remove interlace artifacts" Display panel option is currently not supported. It must be disabled.
Note: Blitter cycle allocation is not yet pipelined. (Which is the real cause for 2 idle cycles after writing to BLTSIZE.) This will most likely affect copper blitter wait timing.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XVIII 24/04/2021

WARNING: don't use it you aren't sure, this is "more beta" than usually.
32-bit only. Better only have single version until things stabilize.

Beta 18: Version bumped to 4.9. (Which will become 5.0 later this year. Probably. New chipset and Voodoo 3 emulation are big enough features.)

Display emulation rewrite. Bitplane sequencer, copper (mostly) and internal pipelining is rewritten to match schematics.


  • Performance is slower when running custom chipset heavy programs. Will be improved later.
  • There should be no visible differences when running "normal" programs.
  • Horizontal positions shown by debugger are now shifted by 4 cycles compared to previous versions. Old versions basically used wrong origin (based on DDFSTRT immediately starting BPL DMA which was not correct). I'll write more detailed notes about internal Agnus logic later.
  • Programmed mode (BEAMCON0 and friends) rewrite is still work in progress, some glitches might be visible.
  • D3D9 shaders are not currently supported in D3D11 mode.

What to check:

  • Old bug(s) reappearing (hack removed but missing edge case wasn't reimplemented properly)
  • Other bugs.
  • Really bad performance. (But buy a new PC if you have something like pre-Sandy Bridge era CPU). New emulation is more complex but also some previous "lazy evaluation" optimizations might not be fully working.
  • Bitplane logic internal pipeline is accurately emulated (DDFSTRT/limit check, BPRUN latch, sequencer output, RGA output latch = 4 cycle delay from DDFSTRT decision to first possible BPLxDAT slot). All known side-effects can be easily explained now. For example bitplane/copper/sprite DMA on/off mid scanline is now fully accurate (including all side-effects) with explanation that actually makes sense.
  • Copper free cycle check uses pipelined bitplane allocation, copper decisions are done early (2 cycles).
  • Display rendering part of emulation is now from hsync to hsync. Was previously scanline to scanline which required extra hacks to support displaying early horizontal positions in right border. All of that simply work automatically now.
  • Bitplane DMA "overrun" condition special cases removed, it isn't needed anymore to handle overrun correctly. Lots of other similar hacks also become obsolete and are gone.
  • Bitplane overrun new undocumented "feature": because BPL sequencer uses horizontal counter bit 0 as a clock signal, HPOS 226 to 0 transition does not increment BPL sequencer counter: same BPL cycle gets repeated.
  • Lots of special case BEAMCON0 blanking/sync improvements. (Thanks Ross)
  • HBSTRT/HBSTOP now supports AGA-only 140ns/70ns/35ns resolution bits.BPLCON3 EXTBLKEN didn't affect blanking timing if it was changed after BEAMCON0 was written to enable programmable blanking.
  • Sprite emulation is now also pipelined but because most of sprite decision logic is in "STCMSD" black box, exact behavior is still not 100% known. No non-working programs known.
  • DMA debugger now shows DMA cycle conflicts, top/left contains string "!<register number that conflicts>" if conflict.
  • Programmed display mode vblank timing calculation fixed (usually was less than 1Hz off), also correctly uses NTSC base clock if NTSC hardware.
  • Copper debugger (od) now stores also copper jumps and copper disassembler follows jumps automatically (if not after SKIP). o3 = start from vblank (COP1LC value when vblank started).
  • Loading statefiles created with 4.4 or older and blitter was active when statefile was created: loading statefile corrupted memory. Old-style blitter active statefiles are not supported: blitter is restored in stopped state. I haven't yet decided if support gets re-implemented.
  • Prometheus PCI config word wide access byteswap fix. Fixes Prometheus Voodoo 3 Picasso96 driver hang. Note that 8-bit has graphics corruption, driver is buggy and has off by one error when it tries render fonts (extra line of garbage) and when rendering icons (and probably other image elements), it sets host-to-screen blit height to 1 but actually keeps writing multiple lines worth of data to blitter's CPU data input register. It seems real Voodoo 3 blits all extra lines and drops the last line. Partial workaround implemented.
  • Saving config file: Confirm overwrite (which is actually rename as configuration.backup) if it is read-only.
  • Softfloat FMOD, FREM update. FSINCOS implemented, calculates both SIN and COS simultaneously, previously FSINCOS called SIN and COS separately. (Andreas Grabher)
  • uaeserial.device CMD_WRITE with io_Length=-1 is now supported. Sends data until first zero byte.
  • uaeserial.device EOFMODE support implemented.
  • uaeserial.device io_ExtFlags Mark and Space parity support implemented.
  • American Laser Games Platoon and Space Pirates v1.4 descrambling support added.
  • Add quotes to serial, parallel and MIDI port names in config file if they begins or ends with a space. Also escape if name contains quotes.


→ [AMIGA] Winuae 4.5.0 beta XVII 21/02/2022

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XVII 22/01/2020

  • OSD led status bar positioning fixed (b16)
  • OSD led status bar is now DPI aware. (NOTE: moving window from monitor to another monitor with different DPI does not yet work correctly)
  • BPLCON0 UHRES-bit also disables DDFSTRT/STOP limits according to Alice schematics.
  • Sprites in right border were still not fully correct when they crossed "hidden" hpos=0 position. Sprite didn't disappear if start position was after hpos=0 wraparound and sprite wrap around if it started just before hpos=0 stopped too early, last few pixels were missing before start of hblank. (Thanks ross for test program)
  • One more blitter fix, last D write was done even if blit didn't have D channel enabled.
  • CPU Idle slider value added to GUI. (It was not very clear which end of slider disabled it)
  • Loading CD32 statefile with CD audio playback active: mute state was not always correctly restored.
  • Loading CD32 statefile with CD audio playback active but paused: pause state was ignored.
  • Loading CDTV statefile with CD audio playback active but paused: very short bit of audio was played before audio paused.
  • Added "Restart emulation" input target. Does same as GUI "Restart" button.
  • Reverted few b1 bitplane emulation changes. Complete rewrite will be planned for later because current emulation behavior is not really correct when compared against Alice schematics.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XVI 22/01/2020

  • Hard reset leaked indirect mode allocated memory banks (outside of JIT compatible address range), for example Z3 RAM outside of partially outside of first ~2G of address space.
  • GUI misc list powerled dims option never worked, option was always cleared. (Only manual config file editing worked)
  • fi debugger command now accepts assembly syntax (for example "fi trap #0"). Only max first 3 words (if it is longer than 3 words) are used in breakpoint condition.
  • CPU% OSD leading zero removed.
  • "Blacker than black" display panel option did nothing in non-AGA modes.
  • 68060 unimplemented integer instruction mode + unimplemented instruction with -(A7)/(A7)+ addressing mode in user mode: exception stack frame was created first, then -(A7)/(A7)+ modification was incorrectly restored using supervisor stack pointer.
  • 68040/060 unimplemented FPU instructions also update FPIAR. Some invalid instructions don't but this seems to be undefined behavior. 6888x only update FPIAR if FPU exception(s) are enabled.
  • 68040/060 unimplemented FPU mode arithmetic exception fixes, all 68060 FPSP test package tests now pass. (and when run using 68040 or 6888x: test errors will match real hardware 100%)
  • Fixed FMOVEM.L #xxx,<more than one control register> disassembly.
  • Windowed mode status bar height is correctly calculated when window is moved to different DPI monitor.
  • Removed ROM scan expansion device result list. It is out of date and code was almost unmaintainable.
  • Hopefully last blitter update related fix, copper blitter waits should work correcly again. (This is a hack. Copper emulation also needs an update.)
Pomidor aka Mr. Tomatoe (1995, LK Avalon)

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XV 09/01/2020

  • PCI Virge emulation. Not much point but Virge emulation already existed, so... Not all byteswapping modes emulated, only what Mediator driver needs to work correctly. G-REX + Virge also works but 24-bit modes have some byteswap problems.
  • PCem PCI device config byte wide reads fixed (Voodoo/Virge + G-REX in CSPPC boot screen PCI list PCI device type is now shown correctly)
  • Voodoo 3 now works with G-REX CGX4 drivers.
  • G-REX didn't detect any PCI cards after FM801.
  • PCI RTG board native/RTG mode autoswitching improved.
  • Aranym JIT update missed move from FPU register to data register clamping (for example FPn -150.0 to Dn.B should become -128). Re-added.
  • Fixed FPU instruction JIT blacklist support.
  • Combitec HD 20 A/HD 40 A (not 100% sure it is exactly this model but very likely) emulation.
  • Another blitter/copper timing bug fix. (b12)

Combitec HD 20 A/HD 40 A:

  • OMTI compatible HD controller. Usual OMTI IO offset 0x641. Base address is at $800000 + autoboot ROM at $f00000.
  • Autoboot ROM supports autoboot under KS 1.2 (seems to use same hack that other KS 1.2 autobootable HD controller use)
  • Boot ROM version string: "autoboot.device (autoboot.device 6.18 (27.8.89), Rom_1.2, FFS, Bildchen, Search, New Boot Partition Programmiert von Bernhard Möllemann & Hartmut Sprave (C) Combitec 1988,1989"

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XIV 02/01/2020

  • Fixed possible out of bounds array access when virtual mouse driver is installed.
  • Added more strict coordinate/size validation to uaegfx blitter functions.
  • JIT shift instruction fix rewrite, they still didn't work fully correctly and my tester didn't catch them because JIT uses registers differently in different use cases etc.. But it did break most Cirrus Logic based chipset Picasso96 drivers. Corrupt icons and text, at least with some Picasso96 versions. (Still need more optimal fix later)
  • Improved PCem RTG mode scanline based display update timing.
  • CyberVision64 (S3Trio64) vsync interrupt fix, could have caused stuck interrupt when monitor driver was started.
  • Hardware emulated RTG boards interlace modes fixed (again).
  • Gaps between on screen leds are now smaller.
  • FAS246 SCSI chip apparently has Features Enable always set (or bit does not exist anymore). DKB RapidFire tests if transfer count high register works (write something, read it back) and assumes it is enabled without modifying Configuration 2 Register. Rapidfire worked when it first implemented because transfer count high was not originally correctly conditionally emulated. Datasheet seems to be MIA.
  • Fixed 32-bit Chip RAM size string array out of bounds access if 768M or 1G was selected. (b11)
  • Voodoo 3 byteswapped modes Mediator PCI sound card DMA hack fix.
  • Yet another 2D/3D registers-only Voodoo 3 byteswap mode emulated. Some W3D drivers use it. (Without it nothing was rendered and log was mostly filled with "triangle_setup wrong order" messages)
  • Blitter line mode was partially broken in non-cycle exact modes and CE mode wasn't fully accurate (b12). Still some edge cases to fix.
  • DMA debugger blitter slots are now marked as BLT-x (normal), BLF-x (fill) or BLL-x (line). x = channel. RFS, DSK, AUD, SPR and BPL slots include channel numbers. (Easier to remember than xxxDAT register address numbers)


→ [AMIGA] Winuae 4.5.0 beta XIII 20/12/20

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XIII 20/12/2020

Final release will be delayed to beginning of 2021. Voodoo 3 and blitter updates (chip schematics "leaked") caused unexpected delay.

Beta 13:

  • PCI Voodoo 3 3000 emulation from PCem.
  • Fixed existing PCI bridge emulation memory mapped space address calculations (previous PCI boards were all IO only)
  • According to Alice schematics, AGA delays blitter finished signal until last D write is done (2 cycles later, only if not line mode and D is enabled). Previous chipsets clear blitter busy (and trigger interrupt) when last D write still pending.
  • Added GVP G-Force040. Basically same as G-Force030 (same ROM, same memory config), different internal GVP hardware ID.
  • Fixed GUI debugger hang if something was selected in debugger and then focus was changed.
  • MAST Fireball DMA address pointer handling fix, some address nybbles were decoded incorrectly. (I did say it has really strange DMA address pointer setup)
  • PCem RTG boards didn't always refresh screen fully when switching modes.
  • b12 blitter fixes, start up delay was 1 cycle too long, idle cycle before final D write does not need to be free cycle.
  • b12 blitter fixes, blitter fill mode setup missed some conditions.
  • Mainboard RAM settings disappeared in b11.
  • GD5446 (Picasso IV) blitter fix, "Invert Color Expand Source Sense" bit was not handled correctly in all blitter modes. (For example caused MUI 3.8 "REGISTER NOW" window corruption)
  • Vooodoo 3 3000 details: (Discussion thread here: http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?p=1447598)
  • 16M VRAM (max supported) First hardware emulated board that supports full HD at 32-bit.
  • PCI board, PCI bridgeboard must be also configured.
  • BIOS ROM seems to be required (at least Mediator Voodoo Picasso96 driver reads some data from BIOS), currently must be in ROM path and named voodoo3.rom. Must be from PCI Voodoo 3 3000.
  • Native/RTG switching is implemented by checking status of SVGA screen blank bit. Might not always work correctly.
  • Hardware accelerated 3D confirmed working. (This is also partially JIT accelerated so it should be much faster than CV643D)
  • PCI to PCI DMA supported, compatible with Voodoo 3 + SB128 or FM801 sound card Mediator DMA hack.

NOTE: At least Cirrus logic based chipsets have JIT related problems (weird looking corruption if JIT is enabeld).

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XII 6/12/2020

  • 68000/010 cycle-exact/prefetch: If long write access, check IPL when first word of long has been written, not after last word. Fixes Made in Croatia / Binary (again).
  • Cycle-exact blitter DMA sequencer emulation now matches real hardware shift register based logic. Includes almost accurate emulation of on the fly modifications of BLTCON0/BLTCON1 (blitter cycle diagram changes). This should fix remaining A500 demos that do stupid things with the blitter. For example TLC Lotus 2 crack intro which is very broken.
  • When in warp mode, alternate between 10 and 11 skipped frames (was always 10). Previously if program showed exactly 10 frame animation, it looked like emulation had paused.
  • Reverted b1 copper skip update, it broke Tek/Rampage.
  • Added Hardital Synthesis emulation.
  • Added M.A.S.T. Fireball emulation


Hardital Synthesis:

  • Clone of ICD AdSCSI (It seems to be common theme: Hardital Dotto is a clone of ICD AdIDE, Hardital TQM appears to be a clone of DKB Cobra)
  • Identical autoconfig data.
  • Driver has strings "ICDBoot.device", "ICD BootRom (C)1992" "hidden" in nibble part of boot ROM. All visible strings have been edited from "ICD" to "SYN". Different than AdSCSI ROMs, probably based on later not yet dumped AdSCSI ROM version.

M.A.S.T. Fireball:

  • True DMA! Has really weird way to set up DMA controller address pointer, it needs minimum of 7*2 IO writes, max (7+6*7)*2 IO writes to configure it. Yes, amount of writes depends on DMA address value.
  • Not RDB compatible. Uses same partition table structure as A2090.
  • ROM version string: "FireBall 0.4 (10 Mar 1990)"

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XI 21/11/2020

Out Run (SEGA Enterprises Ltd., Dec, 1988)
  • S3Trio/S3Virge double scan mode detection fixed. Calculation used size parameters before bit depth specific screen width adjustments.
  • Hardware emulated RTG boards interlace modes fixed.
  • Added DMA capable RAM checkbox to RAM GUI panel.
  • Added force 16-bit checkbox to RAM GUI panel. Affects more compatible and cycle-exact CPU modes only. If 68020+ and 16-bit: CPU always splits 32-bit accesses to two 16-bit accesses. Defaults have not changed, chip ram is 32-bit if A3000 or AGA, all other RAM is 32-bit if 68020+ CPU. Most common use case is to be able to change "slow" RAM bus width. ("Real" 16-bit "slow" ram vs 32-bit accelerator board "slow" ram)
  • Lightpen cursor left trails if vertical centering was enabled.
  • Effects 11 (FX11) updated to latest (and apparently final) version. WinUAE uses it to support D3D9 shaders in D3D11 mode.
  • Fixed HAM left border corruption if overscan HAM mode and bitplane horizontal start was earlier than current filter horizontal start. (Old bug)
  • scp disk image format support fix (keirf). Account for residual flux time at end of final revolution. Fix double replay of revolution #0 when track is initially loaded.
  • uaedbg does not anymore report word reads from execbase or exception vectors as invalid if CPU is 68000/68010 or if chip ram is 16-bit wide.
  • $bfff00 debug logging word/long behavior changed. Format string without %l (except pointers: %p, %s and %b) is now consided word even if long was written to $bfff00.
  • A2386SX 1.2M floppy error workaround. It expects to read 1.2M and 1.4M floppies using 720k floppy bit rate. 1.4M was already worked around previously. (Software thinks it is using shared Amiga 1760k drive, "Flipper" hardware is not emulated).

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta X 8/11/2020

  • Added workaround for Windows socket behavior difference compared to Unix/Amiga. Windows return truncated data and error status if bsdsocket.library recv/recvfrom() supplied buffer is smaller than available data. Unix/Amiga sockets will also return truncated data but don't return error status.
  • Debug logging $bfff00 write truncated long words to words.
  • Log window size was not stored in ini mode.
  • ini file is now only saved if contents has been modified.
  • Fixed CV64/3D in Z2 mode. (CGX4 hang, Picasso96 wrong colors in some modes)
  • Fixed PicassoIV overlay. (Possibly can only happen with some P96 versions, at least some set overlay at VRAM address zero which accidentally worked)
  • Fixed Cirrus Logic blitter bug that was introduced few betas ago (for example some CGX4 modes had ghost shell window cursor images)
  •  uaedbg invalid access message now includes information if it was caused by any chipset DMA channel. Memwatch logging must be enabled (w + return in debugger or any memwatch point enabled)

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta IX 5/11/2020

Piracy on the High Seas (International Computer Entertainment Ltd., 1992)
  • 64-bit JIT used wrong flag handling mode which broke some programs (b1).
  • Improved chipset display mode frame rate timing stability.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta VIII 1/11/2020

Soldiers of Fortune (a.k.a. The Chaos Engine) (Renegade Software, Feb, 1993)
  • Remaining JIT shift instruction bugs fixed. (I really didn't want to but I had to learn a bit more how JIT internally works..). My tester now passes all normal tests.
  • Some hardware emulated boards bypassed byte/word swapping if accessed by PPC CPU.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta VII 31/10/2020

Elite (1988, Firebird)
  • Fixed incorrect bitplane DMA overrun condition that made Zool 2 AGA flicker strangely (b1) (AGA game with 7 planes but FMODE=0. What a waste of DMA slots.)
  • JIT FPU 80-bit host mode should work again (b1)
  • Emulated clockport expansions (Prelude A1200 is currently the only one) now support 4 port clockport expander. "-" = no expander (Same device mapped to all 4 slots), "1" = expander slot 1 and so on.
  • Added Zorro 2/A500/CDTV DMA controller 24-bit DMA checkbox in Expansion panel. (Unticked = full 32 addressing capable, ticked = 24-bit access only, real world behavior) Previously some emulated 24-bit DMA controllers had full 32-bit support, some didn't.
  • All Z2/Z3 RAM banks now have DMA capable checkbox in RAM panel. If not ticked and DMA HD controller tries to access it, read returns all ones and writes do nothing. (In real world result could be memory corruption, hang etc). This can be used to quickly test if some real world DMA controller + accelerator combination with accelerator RAM set to no DMA causes similar problems in emulation. Other RAM banks only have config file support. Find RAM name in config file and then replace "*_size" with "*_options=nodma=true". For example "bogomem_options=nodma=true" makes slow ram not DMA capable. NOTE: Chipset DMA is not affected even if chip ram DMA is disabled, it only affects mainboard (CDTV and CD32) and expansion CD/HD DMA controllers.
  • Added CD image select/eject keyboard shortcut. END+F5 = select CD image, END+SHIFT+F5 = eject CD. Statefile quick restore moved to END+F6. NOTE: currently END+F5 opens even if there is no emulated CD drive.
  • If game controller was plugged in after config was loaded and loaded config had game controller configured in game ports panel, game controller was correctly remembered but type and autofire mode was set to default values.
  • Hardware emulated Z3 RTG boards had wrong autoconfig size configuration. This caused access faults if MMU was enabled.
  • SVGA chip vblank interrupt acknowledge forced unnecessary full display refresh.
  • ALT+Space does not anymore open WinUAE window standard menu when input is captured.
  • JIT + Hardware emulated RTG board should fully work again.
  • JIT MOVEM/MOVE16 direct RAM access optimization (calculate address only once, then do moves vs do separate multiple calculate address+move combinations) is now automatically disabled if hardware emulated RTG board is enabled, most have byte/word swapping logic which would cause cause graphics corruption if same MOVEM/MOVE16 copy was first used for RAM reads or writes and then later (when it was still in translated format) it was used for VRAM reads or writes. At least CGX4 does this.
  •  JIT LSL/LSR fixed (temporary fix, better fix later that should also fix other shift instructions). jit_blacklist config entry should be removed now.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta VI 18/10/2020

  • Fixed CV64/3D 3D vertical clipping. Fixes at least warptest corruption when test texture goes out of screen vertically.
  • Fixed CV64 and CV64/3D weird behavior (pauses, possible "hpos" error dialog) due to interrupt triggering being called from a thread.
  • Fixed possible crash if hardware mouse pointer was very near to end of VRAM.
  • Debugger TO, Te and Tf didn't fully use current mmmu mapping mode. (For example TO output was corrupted if system was A3000 with loaded superkickstart)
  • x86 bridgeboard VGA display stopped updating every time display when mode changed. (b1)
  • Previously known issues: CGX + Warp 3D: no textures (reason unknown, 3D part of Virge is not accessed at all when running warptest if texturing is enabled but is accessed normally if texturing is disabled). JIT direct + hardware RTG mode = glitches.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta V 10/10/2020

  • If ADF started with 4 first bytes of executable (0x000003f3), it was mounted as a bootable executable. Even if it was disk image and too large to fit in 880k image. Exe mounting is now only done if size is smaller than 880k and file extension is not known disk image extension. (B.A.T. II disk #4)
  • Read random data also if disk image is inserted, drive is selected but motor is stopped. Previously random data was only returned if drive was empty.
  • CV64/3D 15/16/24-bit graphics glitch fix (b4 debugging code)
  • CV64/3D emulated chip model was wrong, fixes WarpTest in perspective correct mode.
    CV64/3D + Picasso96 + Warp3D stuff sort of works. CV64/3D + CGX4 + Warp3D does not, reason unknown. (at least in my test)

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta IV 10/10/2020

  • Implemented bsdsocket.library SBTC_GET_BYTES_RECEIVED and SBTC_GET_BYTES_SENT.
  • Fixed floppy max possible write length, was slightly too short, b1 fixed read timing.
  • Hardware emulated RTG sometimes rendered outside of right border.
  • Cirrus Logic updates: CGX double scan modes fixed. Vertical multiplication by 2x CL feature supported (used if height >1023).
  • All hardware emulation modes: Fixed crash when switching 24-bit modes.
  • Added missing safe S3 Virge and S3 Trio thread kill support. (Existing PCem code simply killed it, even if it was currently processing 3D or blitter queue)
  • Picasso IV byte VRAM access address "XOR 1" was missing in byteswap bank. (OS4 graphics corruption in 16-bit modes)
  • CV64 15/16-bit non-PC modes had wrong colors, one byteswap VRAM mode was missed.
  • PCem CV64 blitter emulation didn't support source/destination base address variables and clipping rectangle worked incorrectly if coordinates were negative. Caused graphics corruption if blitter accessed second 2M VRAM bank. Pre-Virge S3 blitter is strange, addressing is based on X and Y coordinates and width of current graphics mode relative to start of VRAM (+optional base offset, 0M, 1M, 2M or 3M), there are no blitter address registers.
  • Added horizontal doubling support to PCem SVGA emulation, enabled automatically if mode is doublescanned and tall enough, keeps aspect ratio. For example CGX4 512x384 mode is doublescanned.
  • If logging is enabled and PCem RTG board is active: board status gets logged periodically. This should fix remaining known new RTG emulation issues. JIT Direct still causes problems but it might not be directly JIT problem but due to syncronization issue with threaded S3 blitter emulation.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta III 2/10/2020

BAT (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software, 1990)
  • JIT + bsdsocket.library (and probably some other UAE expansions) hang fixed.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta II 28/09/2020

Atlantyda (1995, Mirage Software)
  • On screen led crash fix.
  • On screen leds size and font type is more closer to old style.
  • Added support for Aranym JIT blacklist string and added also opcode name blacklist (never compile listed opcode) support. jit_blacklist=<opcode in hexadecimal> or jit_blacklist=<opcode1>-<opcode2> or jit_blacklist=opcode to disable all "opcode" variants.
  • Fixed Picasso96 corruption when running program that opens new RTG screen. (This didn't happen if not yet released Picasso96 2.5.0 was installed)

2 known JIT bugs:

  1. If there are weird graphics corruption or similar only if JIT is enabled and Direct/Indirect makes no difference, try "jit_blacklist=lsl" (see above).
  2. UAE expansions that need to call m68k code might hang if JIT is enabled, for example bsdsocket.library.


→ [AMIGA] Winuae 4.5.0 beta XI 6/12/20

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XII 6/12/2020

  • 68000/010 cycle-exact/prefetch: If long write access, check IPL when first word of long has been written, not after last word. Fixes Made in Croatia / Binary (again).
  • Cycle-exact blitter DMA sequencer emulation now matches real hardware shift register based logic. Includes almost accurate emulation of on the fly modifications of BLTCON0/BLTCON1 (blitter cycle diagram changes). This should fix remaining A500 demos that do stupid things with the blitter. For example TLC Lotus 2 crack intro which is very broken.
  • When in warp mode, alternate between 10 and 11 skipped frames (was always 10). Previously if program showed exactly 10 frame animation, it looked like emulation had paused.
  • Reverted b1 copper skip update, it broke Tek/Rampage.
  • Added Hardital Synthesis emulation.
  • Added M.A.S.T. Fireball emulation


Hardital Synthesis:

  • Clone of ICD AdSCSI (It seems to be common theme: Hardital Dotto is a clone of ICD AdIDE, Hardital TQM appears to be a clone of DKB Cobra)
  • Identical autoconfig data.
  • Driver has strings "ICDBoot.device", "ICD BootRom (C)1992" "hidden" in nibble part of boot ROM. All visible strings have been edited from "ICD" to "SYN". Different than AdSCSI ROMs, probably based on later not yet dumped AdSCSI ROM version.

M.A.S.T. Fireball:

  • True DMA! Has really weird way to set up DMA controller address pointer, it needs minimum of 7*2 IO writes, max (7+6*7)*2 IO writes to configure it. Yes, amount of writes depends on DMA address value.
  • Not RDB compatible. Uses same partition table structure as A2090.
  • ROM version string: "FireBall 0.4 (10 Mar 1990)"

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta XI 21/11/2020

Out Run (SEGA Enterprises Ltd., Dec, 1988)
  • S3Trio/S3Virge double scan mode detection fixed. Calculation used size parameters before bit depth specific screen width adjustments.
  • Hardware emulated RTG boards interlace modes fixed.
  • Added DMA capable RAM checkbox to RAM GUI panel.
  • Added force 16-bit checkbox to RAM GUI panel. Affects more compatible and cycle-exact CPU modes only. If 68020+ and 16-bit: CPU always splits 32-bit accesses to two 16-bit accesses. Defaults have not changed, chip ram is 32-bit if A3000 or AGA, all other RAM is 32-bit if 68020+ CPU. Most common use case is to be able to change "slow" RAM bus width. ("Real" 16-bit "slow" ram vs 32-bit accelerator board "slow" ram)
  • Lightpen cursor left trails if vertical centering was enabled.
  • Effects 11 (FX11) updated to latest (and apparently final) version. WinUAE uses it to support D3D9 shaders in D3D11 mode.
  • Fixed HAM left border corruption if overscan HAM mode and bitplane horizontal start was earlier than current filter horizontal start. (Old bug)
  • scp disk image format support fix (keirf). Account for residual flux time at end of final revolution. Fix double replay of revolution #0 when track is initially loaded.
  • uaedbg does not anymore report word reads from execbase or exception vectors as invalid if CPU is 68000/68010 or if chip ram is 16-bit wide.
  • $bfff00 debug logging word/long behavior changed. Format string without %l (except pointers: %p, %s and %b) is now consided word even if long was written to $bfff00.
  • A2386SX 1.2M floppy error workaround. It expects to read 1.2M and 1.4M floppies using 720k floppy bit rate. 1.4M was already worked around previously. (Software thinks it is using shared Amiga 1760k drive, "Flipper" hardware is not emulated).

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta X 8/11/2020

  • Added workaround for Windows socket behavior difference compared to Unix/Amiga. Windows return truncated data and error status if bsdsocket.library recv/recvfrom() supplied buffer is smaller than available data. Unix/Amiga sockets will also return truncated data but don't return error status.
  • Debug logging $bfff00 write truncated long words to words.
  • Log window size was not stored in ini mode.
  • ini file is now only saved if contents has been modified.
  • Fixed CV64/3D in Z2 mode. (CGX4 hang, Picasso96 wrong colors in some modes)
  • Fixed PicassoIV overlay. (Possibly can only happen with some P96 versions, at least some set overlay at VRAM address zero which accidentally worked)
  • Fixed Cirrus Logic blitter bug that was introduced few betas ago (for example some CGX4 modes had ghost shell window cursor images)
  •  uaedbg invalid access message now includes information if it was caused by any chipset DMA channel. Memwatch logging must be enabled (w + return in debugger or any memwatch point enabled)

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta IX 5/11/2020

Piracy on the High Seas (International Computer Entertainment Ltd., 1992)
  • 64-bit JIT used wrong flag handling mode which broke some programs (b1).
  • Improved chipset display mode frame rate timing stability.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta VIII 1/11/2020

Soldiers of Fortune (a.k.a. The Chaos Engine) (Renegade Software, Feb, 1993)
  • Remaining JIT shift instruction bugs fixed. (I really didn't want to but I had to learn a bit more how JIT internally works..). My tester now passes all normal tests.
  • Some hardware emulated boards bypassed byte/word swapping if accessed by PPC CPU.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta VII 31/10/2020

Elite (1988, Firebird)
  • Fixed incorrect bitplane DMA overrun condition that made Zool 2 AGA flicker strangely (b1) (AGA game with 7 planes but FMODE=0. What a waste of DMA slots.)
  • JIT FPU 80-bit host mode should work again (b1)
  • Emulated clockport expansions (Prelude A1200 is currently the only one) now support 4 port clockport expander. "-" = no expander (Same device mapped to all 4 slots), "1" = expander slot 1 and so on.
  • Added Zorro 2/A500/CDTV DMA controller 24-bit DMA checkbox in Expansion panel. (Unticked = full 32 addressing capable, ticked = 24-bit access only, real world behavior) Previously some emulated 24-bit DMA controllers had full 32-bit support, some didn't.
  • All Z2/Z3 RAM banks now have DMA capable checkbox in RAM panel. If not ticked and DMA HD controller tries to access it, read returns all ones and writes do nothing. (In real world result could be memory corruption, hang etc). This can be used to quickly test if some real world DMA controller + accelerator combination with accelerator RAM set to no DMA causes similar problems in emulation. Other RAM banks only have config file support. Find RAM name in config file and then replace "*_size" with "*_options=nodma=true". For example "bogomem_options=nodma=true" makes slow ram not DMA capable. NOTE: Chipset DMA is not affected even if chip ram DMA is disabled, it only affects mainboard (CDTV and CD32) and expansion CD/HD DMA controllers.
  • Added CD image select/eject keyboard shortcut. END+F5 = select CD image, END+SHIFT+F5 = eject CD. Statefile quick restore moved to END+F6. NOTE: currently END+F5 opens even if there is no emulated CD drive.
  • If game controller was plugged in after config was loaded and loaded config had game controller configured in game ports panel, game controller was correctly remembered but type and autofire mode was set to default values.
  • Hardware emulated Z3 RTG boards had wrong autoconfig size configuration. This caused access faults if MMU was enabled.
  • SVGA chip vblank interrupt acknowledge forced unnecessary full display refresh.
  • ALT+Space does not anymore open WinUAE window standard menu when input is captured.
  • JIT + Hardware emulated RTG board should fully work again.
  • JIT MOVEM/MOVE16 direct RAM access optimization (calculate address only once, then do moves vs do separate multiple calculate address+move combinations) is now automatically disabled if hardware emulated RTG board is enabled, most have byte/word swapping logic which would cause cause graphics corruption if same MOVEM/MOVE16 copy was first used for RAM reads or writes and then later (when it was still in translated format) it was used for VRAM reads or writes. At least CGX4 does this.
  •  JIT LSL/LSR fixed (temporary fix, better fix later that should also fix other shift instructions). jit_blacklist config entry should be removed now.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta VI 18/10/2020

  • Fixed CV64/3D 3D vertical clipping. Fixes at least warptest corruption when test texture goes out of screen vertically.
  • Fixed CV64 and CV64/3D weird behavior (pauses, possible "hpos" error dialog) due to interrupt triggering being called from a thread.
  • Fixed possible crash if hardware mouse pointer was very near to end of VRAM.
  • Debugger TO, Te and Tf didn't fully use current mmmu mapping mode. (For example TO output was corrupted if system was A3000 with loaded superkickstart)
  • x86 bridgeboard VGA display stopped updating every time display when mode changed. (b1)
  • Previously known issues: CGX + Warp 3D: no textures (reason unknown, 3D part of Virge is not accessed at all when running warptest if texturing is enabled but is accessed normally if texturing is disabled). JIT direct + hardware RTG mode = glitches.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta V 10/10/2020

  • If ADF started with 4 first bytes of executable (0x000003f3), it was mounted as a bootable executable. Even if it was disk image and too large to fit in 880k image. Exe mounting is now only done if size is smaller than 880k and file extension is not known disk image extension. (B.A.T. II disk #4)
  • Read random data also if disk image is inserted, drive is selected but motor is stopped. Previously random data was only returned if drive was empty.
  • CV64/3D 15/16/24-bit graphics glitch fix (b4 debugging code)
  • CV64/3D emulated chip model was wrong, fixes WarpTest in perspective correct mode.
    CV64/3D + Picasso96 + Warp3D stuff sort of works. CV64/3D + CGX4 + Warp3D does not, reason unknown. (at least in my test)

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta IV 10/10/2020

  • Implemented bsdsocket.library SBTC_GET_BYTES_RECEIVED and SBTC_GET_BYTES_SENT.
  • Fixed floppy max possible write length, was slightly too short, b1 fixed read timing.
  • Hardware emulated RTG sometimes rendered outside of right border.
  • Cirrus Logic updates: CGX double scan modes fixed. Vertical multiplication by 2x CL feature supported (used if height >1023).
  • All hardware emulation modes: Fixed crash when switching 24-bit modes.
  • Added missing safe S3 Virge and S3 Trio thread kill support. (Existing PCem code simply killed it, even if it was currently processing 3D or blitter queue)
  • Picasso IV byte VRAM access address "XOR 1" was missing in byteswap bank. (OS4 graphics corruption in 16-bit modes)
  • CV64 15/16-bit non-PC modes had wrong colors, one byteswap VRAM mode was missed.
  • PCem CV64 blitter emulation didn't support source/destination base address variables and clipping rectangle worked incorrectly if coordinates were negative. Caused graphics corruption if blitter accessed second 2M VRAM bank. Pre-Virge S3 blitter is strange, addressing is based on X and Y coordinates and width of current graphics mode relative to start of VRAM (+optional base offset, 0M, 1M, 2M or 3M), there are no blitter address registers.
  • Added horizontal doubling support to PCem SVGA emulation, enabled automatically if mode is doublescanned and tall enough, keeps aspect ratio. For example CGX4 512x384 mode is doublescanned.
  • If logging is enabled and PCem RTG board is active: board status gets logged periodically. This should fix remaining known new RTG emulation issues. JIT Direct still causes problems but it might not be directly JIT problem but due to syncronization issue with threaded S3 blitter emulation.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta III 2/10/2020

BAT (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software, 1990)
  • JIT + bsdsocket.library (and probably some other UAE expansions) hang fixed.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta II 28/09/2020

Atlantyda (1995, Mirage Software)
  • On screen led crash fix.
  • On screen leds size and font type is more closer to old style.
  • Added support for Aranym JIT blacklist string and added also opcode name blacklist (never compile listed opcode) support. jit_blacklist=<opcode in hexadecimal> or jit_blacklist=<opcode1>-<opcode2> or jit_blacklist=opcode to disable all "opcode" variants.
  • Fixed Picasso96 corruption when running program that opens new RTG screen. (This didn't happen if not yet released Picasso96 2.5.0 was installed)

2 known JIT bugs:

  1. If there are weird graphics corruption or similar only if JIT is enabled and Direct/Indirect makes no difference, try "jit_blacklist=lsl" (see above).
  2. UAE expansions that need to call m68k code might hang if JIT is enabled, for example bsdsocket.library.


→ [AMIGA] Winuae 4.5.0 beta IX 5/11/20

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta IX 5/11/2020

Piracy on the High Seas (International Computer Entertainment Ltd., 1992)
  • 64-bit JIT used wrong flag handling mode which broke some programs (b1).
  • Improved chipset display mode frame rate timing stability.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta VIII 1/11/2020

Soldiers of Fortune (a.k.a. The Chaos Engine) (Renegade Software, Feb, 1993)
  • Remaining JIT shift instruction bugs fixed. (I really didn't want to but I had to learn a bit more how JIT internally works..). My tester now passes all normal tests.
  • Some hardware emulated boards bypassed byte/word swapping if accessed by PPC CPU.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta VII 31/10/2020

Elite (1988, Firebird)
  • Fixed incorrect bitplane DMA overrun condition that made Zool 2 AGA flicker strangely (b1) (AGA game with 7 planes but FMODE=0. What a waste of DMA slots.)
  • JIT FPU 80-bit host mode should work again (b1)
  • Emulated clockport expansions (Prelude A1200 is currently the only one) now support 4 port clockport expander. "-" = no expander (Same device mapped to all 4 slots), "1" = expander slot 1 and so on.
  • Added Zorro 2/A500/CDTV DMA controller 24-bit DMA checkbox in Expansion panel. (Unticked = full 32 addressing capable, ticked = 24-bit access only, real world behavior) Previously some emulated 24-bit DMA controllers had full 32-bit support, some didn't.
  • All Z2/Z3 RAM banks now have DMA capable checkbox in RAM panel. If not ticked and DMA HD controller tries to access it, read returns all ones and writes do nothing. (In real world result could be memory corruption, hang etc). This can be used to quickly test if some real world DMA controller + accelerator combination with accelerator RAM set to no DMA causes similar problems in emulation. Other RAM banks only have config file support. Find RAM name in config file and then replace "*_size" with "*_options=nodma=true". For example "bogomem_options=nodma=true" makes slow ram not DMA capable. NOTE: Chipset DMA is not affected even if chip ram DMA is disabled, it only affects mainboard (CDTV and CD32) and expansion CD/HD DMA controllers.
  • Added CD image select/eject keyboard shortcut. END+F5 = select CD image, END+SHIFT+F5 = eject CD. Statefile quick restore moved to END+F6. NOTE: currently END+F5 opens even if there is no emulated CD drive.
  • If game controller was plugged in after config was loaded and loaded config had game controller configured in game ports panel, game controller was correctly remembered but type and autofire mode was set to default values.
  • Hardware emulated Z3 RTG boards had wrong autoconfig size configuration. This caused access faults if MMU was enabled.
  • SVGA chip vblank interrupt acknowledge forced unnecessary full display refresh.
  • ALT+Space does not anymore open WinUAE window standard menu when input is captured.
  • JIT + Hardware emulated RTG board should fully work again.
  • JIT MOVEM/MOVE16 direct RAM access optimization (calculate address only once, then do moves vs do separate multiple calculate address+move combinations) is now automatically disabled if hardware emulated RTG board is enabled, most have byte/word swapping logic which would cause cause graphics corruption if same MOVEM/MOVE16 copy was first used for RAM reads or writes and then later (when it was still in translated format) it was used for VRAM reads or writes. At least CGX4 does this.
  •  JIT LSL/LSR fixed (temporary fix, better fix later that should also fix other shift instructions). jit_blacklist config entry should be removed now.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta VI 18/10/2020

  • Fixed CV64/3D 3D vertical clipping. Fixes at least warptest corruption when test texture goes out of screen vertically.
  • Fixed CV64 and CV64/3D weird behavior (pauses, possible "hpos" error dialog) due to interrupt triggering being called from a thread.
  • Fixed possible crash if hardware mouse pointer was very near to end of VRAM.
  • Debugger TO, Te and Tf didn't fully use current mmmu mapping mode. (For example TO output was corrupted if system was A3000 with loaded superkickstart)
  • x86 bridgeboard VGA display stopped updating every time display when mode changed. (b1)
  • Previously known issues: CGX + Warp 3D: no textures (reason unknown, 3D part of Virge is not accessed at all when running warptest if texturing is enabled but is accessed normally if texturing is disabled). JIT direct + hardware RTG mode = glitches.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta V 10/10/2020

  • If ADF started with 4 first bytes of executable (0x000003f3), it was mounted as a bootable executable. Even if it was disk image and too large to fit in 880k image. Exe mounting is now only done if size is smaller than 880k and file extension is not known disk image extension. (B.A.T. II disk #4)
  • Read random data also if disk image is inserted, drive is selected but motor is stopped. Previously random data was only returned if drive was empty.
  • CV64/3D 15/16/24-bit graphics glitch fix (b4 debugging code)
  • CV64/3D emulated chip model was wrong, fixes WarpTest in perspective correct mode.
    CV64/3D + Picasso96 + Warp3D stuff sort of works. CV64/3D + CGX4 + Warp3D does not, reason unknown. (at least in my test)

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta IV 10/10/2020

  • Implemented bsdsocket.library SBTC_GET_BYTES_RECEIVED and SBTC_GET_BYTES_SENT.
  • Fixed floppy max possible write length, was slightly too short, b1 fixed read timing.
  • Hardware emulated RTG sometimes rendered outside of right border.
  • Cirrus Logic updates: CGX double scan modes fixed. Vertical multiplication by 2x CL feature supported (used if height >1023).
  • All hardware emulation modes: Fixed crash when switching 24-bit modes.
  • Added missing safe S3 Virge and S3 Trio thread kill support. (Existing PCem code simply killed it, even if it was currently processing 3D or blitter queue)
  • Picasso IV byte VRAM access address "XOR 1" was missing in byteswap bank. (OS4 graphics corruption in 16-bit modes)
  • CV64 15/16-bit non-PC modes had wrong colors, one byteswap VRAM mode was missed.
  • PCem CV64 blitter emulation didn't support source/destination base address variables and clipping rectangle worked incorrectly if coordinates were negative. Caused graphics corruption if blitter accessed second 2M VRAM bank. Pre-Virge S3 blitter is strange, addressing is based on X and Y coordinates and width of current graphics mode relative to start of VRAM (+optional base offset, 0M, 1M, 2M or 3M), there are no blitter address registers.
  • Added horizontal doubling support to PCem SVGA emulation, enabled automatically if mode is doublescanned and tall enough, keeps aspect ratio. For example CGX4 512x384 mode is doublescanned.
  • If logging is enabled and PCem RTG board is active: board status gets logged periodically. This should fix remaining known new RTG emulation issues. JIT Direct still causes problems but it might not be directly JIT problem but due to syncronization issue with threaded S3 blitter emulation.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta III 2/10/2020

BAT (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software, 1990)
  • JIT + bsdsocket.library (and probably some other UAE expansions) hang fixed.

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta II 28/09/2020

Atlantyda (1995, Mirage Software)
  • On screen led crash fix.
  • On screen leds size and font type is more closer to old style.
  • Added support for Aranym JIT blacklist string and added also opcode name blacklist (never compile listed opcode) support. jit_blacklist=<opcode in hexadecimal> or jit_blacklist=<opcode1>-<opcode2> or jit_blacklist=opcode to disable all "opcode" variants.
  • Fixed Picasso96 corruption when running program that opens new RTG screen. (This didn't happen if not yet released Picasso96 2.5.0 was installed)

2 known JIT bugs:

  1. If there are weird graphics corruption or similar only if JIT is enabled and Direct/Indirect makes no difference, try "jit_blacklist=lsl" (see above).
  2. UAE expansions that need to call m68k code might hang if JIT is enabled, for example bsdsocket.library.


→ [AMIGA] Winuae 4.5.0 beta I 26/09/20

Winuae 4.5.0 Beta I 26/09/2020

  • Fully merged latest Aranym JIT. Previously it was only partially merged because of unsolved problem that made it completely unusable. It is solved now.
  • JIT should be now trace mode (debugger) compatible. If SR register T1 or T0 bit gets set, JIT transparently drops to normal emulation mode. JIT reactivates when trace gets cleared. Very rarely used M SR bit also does same.
  • Full CPU tester 68020 test set now passes in JIT mode, including trace mode tests. (NOTE: bcc.b and bsr.b tests fail unless Hard flush is also set)
  • JIT has two known not yet fixed bugs: edge case shift condition (shift count is divisible by 32) C-flag problem and ROR/ROL does not clear V-flag.
  • x86 Bridgeboard update: PCem x86 core updated to v16. Update added FPU support for pre-486 CPUs. FPU checkbox added to bridgeboard expansion settings.
  • uaegfx Picasso96 2.5.0 screen dragging support added.
  • CV64 RTG board emulation. S3 Trio 64 chipset emulation from PCem. Roxxler chip is not (yet?) emulated. CGX4 complains if Roxxler fails to work correctly. Picasso96 does not use it.
  • CV64/3D RTG board emulation, Z2 and Z3 mode. S3 Virge chipset emulation from PCem. (S3 Virge is very different than S3 Trio)
  • All Cirrus Logic based RTG boards now use PCem Cirrus Logic SVGA chip emulation.
  • Piccolo SD64 fixed.
  • Reordered RTG board list.
  • Hardware emulated graphics board screenshot support fixed.
  • x86 Bridgeboard VGA still use QEMU Cirrus Logic emulation. I'll keep it (at least for now) because it enables simultaneous use of bridgeboard VGA and PCem RTG board.
  • NOTE: JIT + Hardware emulated graphics board can cause glitches. Will be fixed later.
  • No. Don't ask. Permedia 2 (Cyber/BlizzardVision PPC) or complete enough Voodoo 3 chip emulation does not currently exist.
  • Audio and disk DMA: Agnus also ignores DMACON DMAEN bit. DMAEN bit is checked inside Paula. Audio: Paula audio DMA requests are only generated if DMAEN is set when channel generates DMA request (not when transferred via DMAL). DMAEN can be cleared after request has been generated and DMA request still goes to Agnus and Agnus does DMA to AUDxDAT during channel's DMA slot in next scanline. Disk: both DMAEN and DSKEN needs to be set. Previously DMAEN was checked in Agnus side when deciding current DMA slot state. Most likely no normal program cares, this is quite extreme edge case.
  • Copper write to BPLxDAT timing fix.
  • cpu_halt_auto_reset config entry added to GUI misc panel.
  • Analog joystick multiplier/offset default adjusted.
  • Load PAL mode, OCS Agnus state file directly from GUI/command line, start emulation, on the fly switch chipset to ECS Agnus: mode was changed to NTSC.
  • Switching off display DMA when display DMA was active still had more hidden side-effects. It results in "bad state" that is not reset until bitplane DMA is switched back on, when it is back on DMA restarts from state which normally happens when DDFSTOP has been passed. Result is either 1 or 2 "bitplane blocks" (1 or 2 depends on horizontal position relative to next BPL1DAT slot when DMA was switched off) starting from DDFSTRT (if switched on before DDFSTRT). The rest of scanline is drawn using border color. Following scan line works normally. No differences between OCS/ECS. (vAmiga test case)
  • Another undocumented feature: if BPLCON0 HAM and DPF are both set, result is weird. HAM replaces R/G/B component: replacement component value is palette _index_ of current pixel in dual playfield mode! HAM selection bits zero: palette selection works like in dual playfield mode. BPLCON2 works like mode is normal dual play field (including invalid BPLCON2 priority values). OCS/ECS only. (vAmiga test case).
  • Dual playfield mode illegal BPLCON2 priorities didn't work correctly in hires mode. (bottom part of above test case)
  • Blitter nasty off cycle counting update, emulatation code wasn't exactly doing what it was supposed to do.
  • A1000 blitter busy bug was ignored if copper waited for blitter.
  • Added DMA debugger non-nasty blitter extra information: 's' (CPU will get next blitter cycle) and 'S' (CPU stole this cycle from blitter)
  • Confirmed CIA register contents at power up. CIA control register should be zero, for some reason previous reset default was $04.
  • Disassemble FBF with zero offset as FNOP.
  • Debugger fi instruction breakpoint command now accepts up to 3 opcode words.
  • Config file list wasn't refreshed when config file was deleted. (4.4.0)
  • RTF_AFTERDOS is broken in KS 2.0, KS 2.0 now uses pre-WinUAE 3.3 hack and only KS 3.0+ use RTF_AFTERDOS. Clipboard sharing and uaenet.device work again under KS 2.0.
  • Added Amiga Bootblock Reader brainfile support (copy ABR package xml files to <winuae root>pluginsABR -directory). Used when clicking "?" button in quickstart and disk panels.
  • Fixed emulated floppy disk rotation speed, it was slightly too slow. This change could break some copy protections. Unexpected side-effects are always possible..
  • Copper SKIP wasn't updated when WAIT logic was updated ages ago. SKIP had wrong timing in some rare situations.
  • "Default" filter mode: PAL/NTSC switch automatically scales the image.
  • DF3: floppy led was drawn using very dark color if it was disabled and system didn't have NVRAM hardware.
  • OSD led font graphics is now generated from real Windows font and is high DPI aware. Led size multiplier config entries now also support non-integer values.
  • Added GVP A1230 Turbo+ Jaws. Boot ROM adds RAM outside of 24-bit address space and fake RAM autoconfig board.
  • Accelerator board RAM slider range was larger than supported range with some boards.
  • Added Trumpcard v1.5 and v3.1 ROM. Added also hardware interrupt checkbox, later trumpcard (still non-pro) variants have interrupt support. It seems 8k ROM variants don't have interrupt, 16k do have it. Setting is wrong if it hangs at boot.
  • Added A.L.F.2 OMTI variant and v2.2 boot ROM. ROM possibly also includes SCSI driver but I didn't examine how it works. A.L.F.2 OMTI IO port is exact same as in A.L.F.1.
  • Trifecta LX SCSI emulation fixed.

Vox populi

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Nr GaduGadu
wstecz28/09/2021 19:10
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