Kolejny test emulatora AMIGI - WinUAE. Warto też pamiętać, że Toni Wilen udostępnia zawsze wersję surową - jeśli więc coś nie działa przy oficjalnym teście, to może poprawił już w wersji roboczej.
Winuae 3.4.0 Beta 4 31/08/2016
- Fixed uaegfx 8-bit mode palette updates.
- Added A2630 v4 to ROM scanner. (v2, v3 and v5 to go)
- Force UAE mapping mode if 1G Z3 Chip RAM size.
- Do not map Z3 RAM (and crash) if RAM allocation fails.
- Improved some "Too much RAM" edge cases when deciding UAE/REAL mode and if JIT direct supported.
- cpuboard_settings config entry wasn't loaded correctly if it had any multiselect options.
- Added IVS Vector accelerator board emulation.
- Added support for accelerator 68000 mode fallback, IVS Vector has different boot menu logo in 68000 mode (It is not possible to boot directly in 68000 mode, IVS Vector boot code needs to initialize first in 68030 before menu in 68000 mode will work)
- Blizzard 1230/1260/2060 68EC020 fallback mode supported. Hard reset restores original CPU configuration. Very pointless but IVS Vector support code already handles it.
- Stop PPC emulation first, before freeing any emulation resources to prevent random crashes at exit.
- Added some predefined autoconfig RAM board choices. Few popular options copypasted from amiga.resource.cx. More later..
→ NOWSZY [AMIGA] Winuae 3.4.0 beta 20 Release Candidate 3
Winuae 3.4.0 Beta 20 RC3 17/12/2016
- Selecting item from HDF "history" drop down worked strangely depending on Windows version.
- Custom event string delay handling fix if delay was last or single event. (But I don't think anyone uses it this way..)
→ NOWSZY [AMIGA] Winuae 3.4.0 beta 19 Release Candidate 2
Winuae 3.4.0 Beta 19 10/12/2016
- Some WASAPI buffer size + frequency combinations caused immediate hang at startup.
- Reset confused display vertical positioning in some situations (Incorrectly detected it as "fake" 60Hz-like hack).
- Some adjustments to GUI panel tree view and main view tab order.
→ NOWSZY [AMIGA] Winuae 3.4.0 beta 18 Release Candidate 1
Winuae 3.4.0 Beta 18 04/12/2016
- Input device on the fly change support now ignores all non-input device change events.
- On the fly switching from keyboard connected to disconnected did nothing.
- Added MIDI out and Genlock video volume setting to Sound panel volume drop down menu.
→ NOWSZY [AMIGA] Winuae 3.4.0 beta 17
Winuae 3.4.0 Beta 17 27/11/2016
- Allow non-power of 2 manually configurable memory size, in 64k blocks. (Unsupported with JIT)
- If possible bitplane overrun situation is active, skip BPLCON0 non-delayed modification optimization. (Massive / Skarla)
- Do not steal focus from tree view GUI panel when moving selection up or down using keyboard.
- Switching from 32-bit to 24-bit address space CPU with Z3 UAEGFX: Mode was changed to Z2 without validating old size.
- Some Z2 fast mem only configs crashed at startup.
- American Laser Games arcade hardware emulation. ROMs added to ROM scanner, LD drive is also emulated. LaserDisc emulation uses recently added genlock video emulation to play the video. (Games will run without video but it also makes them completely unplayble..). NVRAM load/save support. ALG input events added to Input panel. (Pointless genlock video was useful after all!)
- Genlock video file sound track is also supported but it is only played in ALG LD emulator mode.
- Genlock image/video is now always scaled to screen, previous limited integer only scaling is gone.
- Added genlock keep aspect option.
- Picasso IV and x86 VGA ROM file was cleared when loaded. (b12)
- Updated to Visual Studio 2017 RC
American Laser Games configuration:
- Standard A500, KS 1.3, ECS Agnus. Extended ROM = game ROM selection.
- Genlock ALG mode, with video path pointing to LaserDisc video file.
- Input config: Lightpen (do not configure mouse in Amiga mouse port), ALG Right Trigger = fire. Service = service menu. Right Start and Right Coin needed to start the game and use service menu. Mad Dog McCree also needs Right Holster (reload). Player 2 is not fully supported.
ALG discussion: http://eab.abime.net/showthr...
→ NOWSZY [AMIGA] Winuae 3.4.0 beta 16
Winuae 3.4.0 Beta 16 13/11/2016
- uaenet.device unit 0 and 1 (slirp units) didn't open (some previous beta)
- Floppy drive sound volume labels were swapped.
- HDF create size option now accepts decimal numbers. (4.5 = 4.5M. Size is always truncated to 512 byte boundary)
- Microbotics HardFrame SCSI controller emulation. v1.5 ROM added.
- Mainhattan A-Team IDE controller emulation. v1.8. ROM added.
- Immediately free previously allocated screenshot data if screenshot parameters change. (No need to close and open GUI)
- Improve floppy selection drop down behavior. Don't select image until drop down gets closed, sort history list only after combo box loses focus to allow keyboard shortcuts to work properly, cursor up/down works without qualifiers.
- GUI tab-key order updated.
Microbotics HardFrame:
- Adaptec AIC-6250 SCSI chip. Possibly only Amiga controller that uses this chip. Slightly more advanced than 5380.
- True DMA! Off the self 68430 DMA controller.
- v1.5 ROM ("MicroBotics HardFrame Driver 1.5")
- Incomplete emulation, only driver required SCSI chip and DMA controller features are emulated.
Mainhattan A-Team:
- Yet another basic PIO IDE controller.
- v1.8 ROM ("ateam at-bus device driver (romversion) V1.8 (19-Jun-92)"
- "ateam.asm,v 92/05/20 20:44:21 ML Rel $ Copyright (c)92 by MAINHATTAN-Data. Written by Mike Lamm. All Rights reserved!"
- Does not seem to support custom filesystems.
→ NOWSZY [AMIGA] Winuae 3.4.0 beta 15

Winuae 3.4.0 Beta 15 06/11/2016
- GUI created pre-formatted DD disks had wrong root block allocation in bitmap. (b7 or somewhere close)
- Enabling Quickstart mode didn't reset all new memory parameters (autoconfig etc), only size.
- Fixed WASAPI sound hang if sound device disappeared/changed modes when emulation was waiting for too full buffer to empty.
- WASAPI sound attempts to re-open automatically if for example Windows sound control panel parameters have been changed.
- Changing CPU config during reset (for example using reset input event) didn't always re-initialize all required CPU settings.
- Added RAM to UAESND board. (8M if Z3, 32k if Z2) Can be used for 1:1 physical/logical mapped sample set or sample data storage.
- UAESND sample type variable added, unused for now but if/when there needs to be compressed format support that can be transparently uncompressed using Windows codecs. (mp3 etc..). Sample set structure is not compatible with old version anymore.
- Added keyboard connected chipset option. Inserting keyboard on the fly does usual powerup keycode sequence like any real removable keyboard (for example A1000). Logica diagnostics ROM uses this to detect connected keyboard.
- Sprite to bitplane collision optimization, skip the collision calculation if collision bit(s) are already set (=program does not use collisions), previous fix removed (bad) optimization and unnecessarily increased CPU power requirements when program uses lots of sprites and does not care about collisions.
- Replaced Vector Falcon 8000 v7.1 ROM with correctly odd/even split version and added v7.6.
→ NOWSZY [AMIGA] Winuae 3.4.0 beta 14
Winuae 3.4.0 Beta 14 29/10/2016
- Ariadne network adapter emulation added. (Am79c960 based, improved Am79c90)
- uaesnd update, sample format byte changed, added support for little-endian and signed samples.
- Old NE2000 config entries overrode new style entries until config file was rewritten at least once.
- Sound output frequency max limit increased from 96KHz to 192KHz. (Useless but if you really want to do it..)
- Added missing drive type/feature level options to add harddrive dialog.
- Opalvision updates, OpalPaint palette is now fully visible, interlace mode missing lines fixed. King of Karate confirmed working. PlayAnim24 (which uses sort of polarity inverted control line) works.
→ NOWSZY [AMIGA] Winuae 3.4.0 beta 13
Winuae 3.4.0 Beta 13 22/10/2016
- Fixed double free in RTL8019 9346 EEPROM emulation. Caused random crashes.
- Implemented DP8390 NIC support (Same register set as NE2000 but without on board RAM "fake DMA" support)
- Added DP8390 based NICs, ASDG LAN Rover/EB920 and Hydra AmigaNET.
- Moved slirp/winpcap option to Expansions -> Network Adapters. Note: Still can't have more than 1 network device active.
- Removed A2065, NE2000 PCMCIA and Realtek 8029 PCI GUI checkboxes. Everything is now under Network Adapters.
- Expansion device select menu sorting fixed.
- winpcap mode now by default uses generated local MAC address (aa-82-8a-xx-xx-xx xx=from physical NIC MAC), or if A2065, it uses real A2065 00-80-10-xx-xx-xx MAC. This fixes conflicts with Windows' use of same physical NIC. Custom winpcap MAC address can be forced by editing config file (*_rom_options=mac=xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx). GUI is not yet supported. Physical NIC is also switched to promiscous mode automatically if NIC MAC does not match Amiga side MAC.
- Ignore all received winpcap packets when emulation is paused.
- FFS partition HDF (with WB 1.3 disk L:FastFileSystem) now fully boots under KS 1.0.
WinPCap note: Use http://www.win10pcap.org/ if you have Windows 10. NOTE2: It has a bug that causes "FATAL Bad Memory Block." errors to appear in winuae's log. It is fortunately harmless. https://nmap.org/npcap/ may also work. (npcap DLL path locations are now supported)
NOTE: Only 3.3 (and older) config files with old style A2065 or RTL8029 PCI config entries are loaded. 3.4 beta created config files need manual A2065/RTL8029/NE2000 PCMCIA reconfiguration. Old config entries are still created for backwards compatibility but they are ignored when loading.
→ NOWSZY [AMIGA] Winuae 3.4.0 beta 12
Winuae 3.4.0 Beta 12 15/10/2016
- If genlock is active, mode is not "-" and new genlock alpha option is checked, screenshots and avioutput videos include alpha-channel generated from genlock transparency data. Only works in 32-bit mode and may not work if capture before filtering is not set.
- Added genlock video input events: restart, pause/unpause, next and previous frame.
- WASAPI shared mode uses lower latency mode introduced in Windows 10 that allows sub-10ms latencies in shared mode (if sound driver supports it). Buffers larger than 10ms and non-Windows 10 systems use "old" method.
- "Min" (WASAPI only) sound buffer setting added. Selects smallest buffer size that driver supports.
- WASAPI sound buffer size adjusted. All buffer size values now allocate smaller buffer than previously, pull (event) mode is much more stable than previously used push mode, there is no need for very large buffer sizes anymore.
- WASAPI sound automatically switches to default device if current device disappears (for example unplugged USB sound card/headset)
- Added RTL8019 9346 EEPROM emulation.
- Ariadne II NIC emulation. RTL8019AS based. (9346 contents are not correct but driver does not seem to care)
- X-Surf NIC emulation, also RTL8019AS based. (Including ISA PNP emulation that driver needs...) No IDE support.
- X-Surf 100 (Z2 and Z3) NIC emulation, uses RTL8019AS "compatible" chip. Does not emulate any AX88796B extra features (=only works if driver assumes chip only supports NE2000/RTL8019AS features. Official driver does not seem to use any extra features.)
- Ariadne II and X-Surfs are currently SLIRP-only, no configuration available. Multiple enabled NICs are still also not supported.
- Disable horizontal/vertical filter configured blanking if display port adapter is active that needs RGBI control lines.
- Try to uncapture mouse before showing crash report dialog.
→ NOWSZY [AMIGA] Winuae 3.4.0 beta 11
Winuae 3.4.0 Beta 11 8/10/2016
- Added generic Z2/Z3 autoconfig support to expansion.cpp. Previously each expansion type needed own separate autoconfig handling.
- Ariadne II added but not yet working. Drivers require working 9346 EEPROM chip. (RTL8029 is NE2000 clone with some extra features)
- Any archive mounted as a harddrive: skip files with zero length file names.
- LZX archive mounted as a harddrive: archives inside LZX archive didn't always unpack and zero size files failed to open.
- Genlock custom video file, capture device and image file support fully implemented. GUI support added. Uses obsolete DirectShow SampleGrabber method which is not necessarily supported with all video files/capture devices. Image support requires png image files. Scaling is simple integer scaling. Genlock display changes to blue if image, video or capture device fails to open. Capture option uses default capture device. You may get few seconds of blue genlock screen before capture/video initializes fully. Maximum pointlessness feature level reached!
- uaesnd updates. It can play sound for the first time.
- Test compilation with Visual Studio 15 Preview 5.