- 26737 Cleanups and version bump [Miodrag Milanovic]
2013-12-24 08:24:51
Changed: gp32.xml, pet_hdd.xml, makedep.c, a2alfam2.c, lux21046.c, lux21056.c, fdc.c, pagefox.c, iskr1030.c, std.h, std.h, 8x300.c, 8x300.h, 8x300dasm.c, cpu.mak, t11.c, tms57002.c, z8.c, diimage.c, diserial.h, mc2661.c, netlist.c, netlist.h, nscsi_cb.c, nscsi_s1410.c, nscsi_s1410.h, t10mmc.c, t10sbc.c, tmp68301.c, tmp68301.h, upd4992.c, upd4992.h, z80dart.c, z80dma.c, net_lib.c, net_lib.h, nld_7400.h, nld_7402.h, nld_7404.c, nld_7404.h, nld_7410.h, nld_7420.h, nld_7425.h, nld_7427.h, nld_7430.h, nld_7474.c, nld_7474.h, nld_7483.c, nld_7483.h, nld_7486.c, nld_7486.h, nld_7490.c, nld_7490.h, nld_7493.c, nld_7493.h, nld_9316.c, nld_9316.h, nld_legacy.c, nld_legacy.h, nld_log.c, nld_log.h, nld_ne555.c, nld_ne555.h, nld_signal.h, nld_solver.c, nld_solver.h, nld_system.c, nld_system.h, nld_twoterm.c, nld_twoterm.h, nl_base.c, nl_base.h, nl_config.h, nl_lists.h, nl_parser.c, nl_parser.h, nl_setup.c, nl_setup.h, nl_time.h, nl_util.h, pstate.c, pstate.h, pstring.c, pstring.h, discrete.c, discrete.h, es5506.c, es5506.h, k054539.c, k054539.h, k056800.c, k056800.h, mpeg_audio.c, nes_apu.h, sn76477.c, sn76477.h, speaker.h, wave.h, ymz770.c, fixfreq.c, mb_vcu.c, v9938.c, abc800_dsk.c, adam_dsk.c, itt3030_dsk.c, taito_en.c, taito_en.h, 1942.c, 2mindril.c, acefruit.c, arachnid.c, arcadia.c, aristmk4.c, atari_s1.c, atarig42.c, bfm_sc4h.c, capbowl.c, cham24.c, cinemat.c, csplayh5.c, deco_ld.c, exidy440.c, famibox.c, galaxold.c, ghosteo.c, harddriv.c, hng64.c, hornet.c, konamigq.c, konendev.c, lbeach.c, legionna.c, lethal.c, maygayv1.c, mcr3.c, meritm.c, midyunit.c, midzeus.c, multigam.c, mw18w.c, naomi.c, peplus.c, pgm.c, pinkiri8.c, plygonet.c, pong.c, qdrmfgp.c, rungun.c, sangho.c, seta.c, superchs.c, toaplan2.c, twinkle.c, ultrsprt.c, vegas.c, zr107.c, 40love.h, astrocde.h, bfm_sc45.h, bfm_sc5.h, harddriv.h, maygay1b.h, namcos1.h, pgm.h, plygonet.h, rungun.h, stv.h, vsnes.h, asic65.c, asic65.h, harddriv.c, igs025.c, k573npu.c, pgmprot_igs027a_type3.c, pgmprot_orlegend.c, seicop.c, seicop.h, zs01.h, mame.lst, 1942.c, hng64.c, tia.c, a7800.c, apple2gs.c, atari400.c, bullet.c, c80.c, cbm2.c, ec184x.c, esqasr.c, esqkt.c, ht68k.c, isbc.c, iskr103x.c, itt3030.c, mc1502.c, mkit09.c, myvision.c, next.c, pc.c, poisk1.c, prof80.c, rainbow.c, sh4robot.c, tiki100.c, v1050.c, v6809.c, wicat.c, xavix.c, xerox820.c, mc1502.h, poisk1.h, prof80.h, rainbow.lay, dec_lk201.c, kb_poisk1.h, mb8795.c, mc1502_fdc.c, nes_mmc5.c, p1_fdc.c, p1_hdc.c, prof80mmu.c, prof80mmu.h, xsu_cards.c, mess.lst, isa_cga.c, isa_cga.h, pc_t1t.h, poisk1.c, vtvideo.c, drawd3d.c, vconv.c, window.c, jedutil.c, nltool.c, romcmp.c, version.c
237 files changed, 6801 insertions, 6852 deletions
- ? (MESS) bbc: fixed character position in mode 7 [robbbert]
2013-12-24 03:56:11
Changed: bbc.c
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 9 deletions
- ? (mess) fixed name (nw) [crazyc]
2013-12-23 17:43:31
Changed: ec1841.xml
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
- ? removed comments, pretty sure this isn't hooked up to econet (nw) [smf]
2013-12-23 15:37:03
Changed: poly.c
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 2 deletions
- ? compile fix (nw) [Miodrag Milanovic]
2013-12-23 15:24:22
Changed: poly.c
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1 deletions
- ? forgot to remove resolved read handler. (nw) [smf]
2013-12-23 13:33:42
Changed: z80sti.c, z80sti.h
2 files changed, 1 insertions, 5 deletions
- ? replaced read netin/dtr1/cts2 callbacks in ZX8302 with write handlers, which allows multiple chips to be connected together without using glue methods. [smf] [smf]
2013-12-23 13:31:00
Changed: ql.c, zx8302.c, zx8302.h
3 files changed, 37 insertions, 18 deletions
- ? removed removed unused rxd callback from MC6854 (this also appears to be mostly a skeleton). Removed dependency clutter from econet [smf] [smf]
2013-12-23 13:07:07
Changed: e01.c, e01.h, econet.c, econet.h, mc6854.c, mc6854.h, bbc.c, thomflop.c
8 files changed, 16 insertions, 43 deletions
- ? removed unused rxd callback from MC6852 (which is only a skeleton) [smf] [smf]
2013-12-23 12:47:47
Changed: tdos.c, mc6852.c, mc6852.h, victor9k.c
4 files changed, 12 insertions, 15 deletions
- ? removed unused rxd callback from z80sti [smf] [smf]
2013-12-23 12:39:00
Changed: grip.c, z80sti.c, z80sti.h
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 6 deletions
- ? reduced dependency clutter in ecbbus [smf] [smf]
2013-12-23 12:37:39
Changed: ecbbus.c, ecbbus.h
2 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
- ? forgot to actually remove the rxd callback variable. (nw) [smf]
2013-12-23 12:27:38
Changed: mos6551.c, mos6551.h
2 files changed, 1 insertions, 6 deletions
- ? changed write_rx to update the correct variable (nw) [smf]
2013-12-23 12:24:51
Changed: 6850acia.c
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
- ? removed unused rxd callback from mos6551 and made devcb2 consistent with other implementations [smf] [smf]
2013-12-23 12:23:58
Changed: a2ssc.c, swiftlink.c, turbo232.c, superpet.c, mos6551.c, mos6551.h, aim65_40.c, apple3.c, cbm2.c, clcd.c, concept.c, digel804.c, dragon.c, ec65.c, microtan.c, oric.c, plus4.c, rvoice.c, thomson.c, coco_232.c
20 files changed, 84 insertions, 70 deletions
- ? reduced dependency clutter in c64 expansion port & c128 driver. [smf] [smf]
2013-12-23 12:19:54
Changed: exp.c, exp.h, c128.c, c128.h
4 files changed, 72 insertions, 69 deletions
- ? replaced read rx callback in IM6402 with a write handler, which allows multiple chips to be connected together without using glue methods. [smf] [smf]
2013-12-23 11:34:34
Changed: im6402.c, im6402.h, kyocera.c, wangpc.c, wicat.c
5 files changed, 17 insertions, 11 deletions
- ? fixed description (nw) [Miodrag Milanovic]
2013-12-23 08:21:23
Changed: ec1841.xml
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
- ? movbi_mi second parameter is 8 bit signed & MSVC complains that 0xff is truncated unless you explicitly cast it. (nw) [smf]
2013-12-23 04:42:04
Changed: i8089_channel.c
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
- ? replaced read rx callback in MC2661 with a write handler, which allows multiple chips to be connected together without using glue methods. [smf] [smf]
2013-12-22 23:26:18
Changed: mc2661.c, mc2661.h, wangpc.c, wicat.c
4 files changed, 4 insertions, 17 deletions
- ? SDL: slightly more inclusive ARM check (nw) [rbelmont]
2013-12-22 23:25:27
Changed: sdl.mak
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
- ? use MCFG_TIMER_DRIVER_ADD_PERIODIC for tape timer (nw) [smf]
2013-12-22 23:06:05
Changed: osi.c, osi.h
2 files changed, 9 insertions, 7 deletions
- ? replaced read rx callback in Z80DART (and clones) with a write handler, which allows multiple chips to be connected together without using glue methods. [smf] [smf]
2013-12-22 23:05:13
Changed: sio.c, mcc.c, rtc.c, z80dart.c, z80dart.h, abc1600.c, abc80x.c, altos5.c, ampro.c, apricot.c, apricotf.c, apricotp.c, attache.c, bigbord2.c, bullet.c, bw12.c, compis.c, huebler.c, isbc.c, mikromik.c, mtx.c, mz2500.c, nanos.c, osbexec.c, pcm.c, qx10.c, rt1715.c, super6.c, superslave.c, tdv2324.c, tiki100.c, trs80m2.c, victor9k.c, x1.c, x1twin.c, xerox820.c, abc1600.h, abc80x.h, huebler.h, abc77.c, abc77.h, abc800kb.c, abc800kb.h, abc99.c, abc99.h, abckb.c, abckb.h, mc80.c, tf20.c
49 files changed, 337 insertions, 222 deletions
- ? Netlist: introduced more consistent and general state saving. Useful for regression tests going forward. [couriers]
2013-12-22 22:32:13
Changed: .gitattributes, netlist.c, netlist.mak, nl_base.c, nl_base.h, nl_setup.c, nl_setup.h, pstate.c, pstate.h
9 files changed, 152 insertions, 101 deletions
- ? (mess) mega Soviet clone patch [shattered] [crazyc]
2013-12-22 22:17:17
- - moves ec184*, iskr103* and mc1502 out of pc.c - moves CGA font upload support to a subclass - adds new drivers: poisk1, ec1847, pk88 - adds a skeleton of native iskr103* keyboard
i8089: implement remaining instructions and support execution from "io" space. [Carl] (mess) isbc-215g: add intel isbc-215g hdd controller, read only for now [Carl] (mess) isbc: add hdd support to isbc2861 (nw)
Changed: .gitattributes, ec1841.xml, mc1502_flop.xml, bus.mak, ec1841.c, iskr1030.c, iskr1030.h, keyboards.c, keyboards.h, i8089.c, i8089.h, i8089_channel.c, i8089_channel.h, i8089_dasm.c, i8089_ops.c, pc_cga.c, ec184x.c, isbc.c, iskr103x.c, mc1502.c, pc.c, poisk1.c, ec184x.h, genpc.h, mc1502.h, pc.h, poisk1.h, genpc.c, isa_cards.c, isbc_215g.c, isbc_215g.h, kb_poisk1.h, mc1502_fdc.c, mc1502_fdc.h, mc1502_rom.c, mc1502_rom.h, p1_fdc.c, p1_fdc.h, p1_hdc.c, p1_hdc.h, p1_rom.c, p1_rom.h, pc.c, xsu_cards.c, xsu_cards.h, mess.lst, mess.mak, isa_cga.c, isa_cga.h, poisk1.c, poisk1.h
51 files changed, 5204 insertions, 1309 deletions