
[Arcade] DevMAME [log only] 2023/06/30 22:00

[6] @ !!! Piątek, 30 Czerwca 2023 22:00 CET [01-06-2023 04:00 CET]

[Arcade] DevMAME [log only] 2023/06/30 22:00

Raz na jakiś czas będę publikował nowe deweloperskie binarki projektu MAME, natomiast BobBudowniczy będzie się starał na bieżąco śledzić zmiany w changelogu tego  największego projektu emulacyjnego. W wypadku binarek udostępniam także resztę plików z folderu MAME. Link przy każdym wpisie umożliwia samodzielne pobranie źródeł i skompilowanie na własne potrzeby deweloperskiej wersji tego emulatora.

  • 2023-06-30 20:48:57 cave.cpp: simplify prev commit [hap]
  • 2023-06-30 20:18:05 misc/cave.cpp: Corrected YMZ280B clock frequency for Gaia Crusaders and Thunder Heroes. (#11389) [Sergio G]
  • 2023-06-30 15:34:28 lastfght: Modernize VBLANK interrupt [AJR]
  • 2023-06-30 12:06:56 New systems marked not working [Patrick Mackinlay]
    • Motorola M8120 [Xolod]
  • 2023-06-30 08:39:30 casloopy.xml: Redumped ltlromance [TeamEurope] [Philip Bennett]
  • 2023-06-30 06:44:07 funworld/supercrd.cpp: last bunch of XOR tables tweaks for now [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2023-06-30 06:14:54 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Quick & Crash (V2.200) [CoolFox, DragonMinded, The Dumping Union]
  • 2023-06-30 04:28:35 New clones marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Cue Ball Wizard (older display rev.) [PinMAME] Bare Knuckle III (bootleg of Mega Drive version, protected) [H4M573R, Hammy]
  • 2023-06-29 21:41:51 6532riot: update irqstate when en/disabling a7 irq [hap]
  • 2023-06-29 17:56:30 heathkit/z37_fdc.cpp: Fixed some minor issues and cleaned up code. (#11374) [Mark Garlanger]
    • Updated port read values for the non-existent ports. Clear interrupt block on reset. Removed redundant member variables. Added logging options.
  • 2023-06-29 17:29:44 new NOT_WORKING machine [MetalliC]
    • - Galileo Factory (main) [Darksoft, MetalliC, rtw]
  • 2023-06-29 16:48:12 6532riot: remove use of devcb pointers [hap]
  • 2023-06-29 14:48:20 victory,exidy440: similar collision timer fix as exidy.cpp, [hap]
    • exidysound: add todo note, PIA irq is from pin 38, not pin 37
  • 2023-06-29 12:46:27 exidy: increase number of collision detection timers (like how it was before the timer_set refactor) [hap]
  • 2023-06-29 07:46:59 machine/atastorage.cpp: Made the CF Card behave more like a CF card. [Vas Crabb]
    • machine/ataflash.cpp: Derive from CF card base rather than hard disk base. konami/konamigs.cpp: Use ATA CF card device (true IDE mode 4).
  • 2023-06-29 06:46:06 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Name Club Ver.4 (J 971202 V1.000) [TeamEurope]
  • 2023-06-29 03:54:45 pc/pc_sis.cpp: hookup Voodoo 1 to sis85c496 driver [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-29 03:53:53 machine/sis85c496.cpp: add preliminary IDE support [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-29 02:52:29 bus/a2bus/romcard.cpp - fix typo in description (#11384) [ksherlock]
  • 2023-06-29 00:01:50 pc/pcipc_sis.cpp: fix irq ack [angelosa]
    • machine/sis85c496.cpp: perform some cleanups
  • 2023-06-28 22:17:32 cpu/i960: Corrected disassembly of dcinva instruction. (#11378) [Joshua Scoggins]
    • 0xad should be disassembled as dcinva, not 0xac.
  • 2023-06-28 22:05:31 docs: Remove link to Gaming-History/Arcade-History since the front page is covered in dodgy gambling links. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2023-06-28 21:48:06 sony/taitogn.cpp: Fixed Flash card image tags. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2023-06-28 21:31:33 machine/ataflash.cpp: Untangle from the parallel ATA interface. [Vas Crabb]
    • This isolates the ATA disk drive interface implementation from the physical parallel ATA device interface. The ATA Flash PC Card is no longer a kind of parallel ATA device.
  • 2023-06-28 18:38:14 sony/taitogn.cpp: modified as per review, booting problem stands [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2023-06-28 18:24:14 sony/taitogn.cpp: avoid outright crash, booting still stops with 'system error' [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2023-06-28 06:36:09 New clones marked as NOT_WORKING [Roberto Fresca]
    • Bingo Roll (Vip2 v26.02.02) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
  • 2023-06-28 06:03:04 New systems marked not working [Roberto Fresca]
    • Bingo Roll 2001 (v22.1) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
  • 2023-06-28 05:14:02 New clones marked as NOT_WORKING [Roberto Fresca]
    • Bingo Roll (209 / 19-1-95) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
  • 2023-06-28 03:37:31 machine/sis950_lpc.cpp: doesn't have a BIOS anymore [skip ci] [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-28 03:30:43 machine/pc87306.cpp: should use KBDC8042_DOUBLE for set_interrupt_type [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-28 03:26:54 chore: start moving sis85c496 BIOSes from pc/at.cpp to pc/pcipc_sis.cpp [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-28 03:25:42 machine/sis950_lpc.cpp: convert to use PS/2 HLE version [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-27 23:10:57 machine/sis85c496.cpp: add DRAM boundary regs, hookup ISA bus [angelosa]
    • pc/pcipc_sis.cpp: fix host PCI mapping (at 05.0), hookup ISA slots
  • 2023-06-27 22:08:39 Merge tag 'mame0256' into HEAD [Vas Crabb]
    • MAME 0.256
  • 2023-06-27 18:33:57 tmnt2: get rid of unused k053251_glfgreat_w [hap]
  • 2023-06-27 18:12:29 tmntucbl: Fix configuration (and unused function error) [AJR]
  • 2023-06-27 16:39:55 Update mame.lst for 53aabfcc8e096b682914ac31c560cd646fca0fe1 [AJR]
  • 2023-06-27 15:52:14 tmnt.cpp: Driver overhaul [AJR]
    • - Split all games except cuebrick, mia, tmnt & clones to a separate driver (tmnt2.cpp); consolidate driver emulation within one file each - Eliminate runtime tag lookups for memory banks and I/O ports - Only allow CPU access to one byte at a time from the 052109 - Modernize VBLANK interrupts, sourcing them from 052109 except for remaining tmnt.cpp games and Sunset Riders bootlegs - Remove now-superfluous methods from 052109 device emulation
  • 2023-06-27 12:57:44 giclassic: fix array oob accesses [hap]
  • 2023-06-27 05:05:14 New systems marked not working [Roberto Fresca]
    • Rolling Joker (3 sets) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
  • 2023-06-27 02:45:28 Added complete DIP switches to Fruit Star T10S & v810. [Roberto Fresca]
  • 2023-06-27 01:26:57 machine/w83977tf.cpp: implement keyboard port PnPs [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-26 23:39:19 sunelectronics/markham.cpp: Removed unused class member. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2023-06-26 23:21:22 video/riva128.cpp: add Riva 128ZX variant [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-26 22:45:03 Tidy up some stuff, combine sunelectronics/markham.cpp source files. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2023-06-26 22:44:22 msx1_cart.xml: Added 77 items, 73 working (#11372) [wilbertpol]
    • New working software list items (msx1_cart.xml) - Mega Assembler (Brazil) [file-hunter] Merlin (Spain) [file-hunter] Merlin (Spain, alt) [file-hunter] Monkey Academy (Japan, alt 4) [file-hunter] MSX Rugby (Korea) [file-hunter] Multitext (France, v1.4) [file-hunter] Ninja Kopimaru Kun (Japan) [file-hunter] Mazes Unlimited (Arab) [file-hunter] Moon Rider (Arab) [file-hunter] M-Tanks [MSXDev] M.A.Z.E. [file-hunter] Mag the Magician [file-hunter] Magical Stones (16KB) [MSXDev] Magical Stones (8KB) [MSXDev] Magnet [file-hunter] Mahjong Solitaire [MSXDev] Majikazo [file-hunter] Majikazo (alt) [file-hunter] Make Them Fall [MSXDev] Make Them Jump [MSXDev] Malaika - Prehistoric Quest (rev 3) [MSXDev] Malaika - Prehistoric Quest (rev 2) [MSXDev] Malaika - Prehistoric Quest (rev 1) [MSXDev] Malaika - Prehistoric Quest (rev 0) [MSXDev] Malaika (v1.2) [MSXDev] Malaika (v1.1) [MSXDev] Malaika (v1.0) [MSXDev] Manicomio [MSXDev] Market Master [MSXDev] Mars Lander [msxblue] MayQ Buster [cobinee] MayQ II [cobinee] MayQ Keeper [cobinee] MayQ Slayer [cobinee] MayQ Slayer (alt) [cobinee] MayQ Slayer (alt 2) [cobinee] Maze Chase [jltursan] Mazogs [MSXDev] Mazy [inufuto] Mecha 8 (Matra) [file-hunter] Mecha 8 (MSXDev) [MSXDev] Mecha 9 [file-hunter] Mecha Taisen on Planet Oldskool+ [MSXDev] Mecha Taisen on Planet Oldskool [MSXDev] Melody Party EX [Clube MSX] Menace [MSXDev] Menace (alt) [file-hunter] Meteoros [file-hunter] Meteoros (alt) [file-hunter] Mine Finder (v1.2) [MSXDev] Mine Finder (v1.1) [MSXDev] Minimagos [unepicfran] Mission2Mir (v1.2) [file-hunter] Mission2Mir (v1.1) [MSXDev] Mission2Mir (v1.0) [file-hunter] Mix (v1.2) [MSXDev] Mix (v1.1) [MSXDev] Mix (v1.0) [MSXDev] Monster Hunter (English) [MSXDev] Monster Hunter (Spanish) [MSXDev] Motkonqe [n.i] Motkonqe (older) [file-hunter] Mr. Chef & the Sausages [MSXDev] Mr. Chef & the Sausages (alt) [file-hunter] Mr. Cracksman [MSXDev] Mr. Mole (SCC) [MSXDev] Mr. Mole [MSXDev] MSX Swimming Game (Japan) [file-hunter] MSX Swimming Game (Japan, alt) [file-hunter] MSX Wars Scorched Battles [file-hunter] Mutants from the Deep [retroworks] Mutants from the Deep (alt) [retroworks] My Sacred Place [MSXDev]
      New NOT_WORKING software list additions (msx1_cart.xml)
      Miller Graph (Spain) [file-hunter] Expert TM-2 Multi Modem (Brazil) [file-hunter] MT-Telcom II (Netherlands) [file-hunter] MT-Viditel (Netherlands) [file-hunter]
  • 2023-06-26 22:25:00 Add nVidia Geforce 256/Geforce 256 DDR/Quadro [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-26 21:39:44 video/rivatnt.cpp: add nVidia Riva TNT2/TNT2 Ultra/Vanta/TNT2 Model 64 [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-26 19:41:39 mb88xx: revert irq change too (bosco shot sound broken) [hap]
  • 2023-06-26 19:27:39 namco54: change rom back to how it was (missing sound effects) [hap]
  • 2023-06-26 18:03:06 champbas: merge driver files [hap]
  • 2023-06-26 13:46:52 gorf: improve internal artwork lamps [hap]
  • 2023-06-26 11:50:06 astrocde: fix stereo sound regression in wow [hap]
  • 2023-06-26 08:44:44 funworld/supercrd.cpp: minor XOR tables tweaks [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2023-06-26 04:46:28 New systems marked not working [Roberto Fresca]
    • Bell Star Plus [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
  • 2023-06-25 23:55:33 Merge branch 'release0256' into mainline-master [Vas Crabb]
  • 2023-06-25 22:53:22 cdimono: reorder things a little [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2023-06-25 22:41:01 cdimono: fix cdrom regions [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2023-06-25 23:26:37 Metadata cleanup. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2023-06-25 22:53:22 cdimono: reorder things a little [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2023-06-25 22:41:01 cdimono: fix cdrom regions [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2023-06-25 19:45:16 New working clones [hap]
    • Elite Avant Garde (model 6117) [ProteusArts]
  • 2023-06-25 09:11:04 Added default NVRAM to both Fruit Star Bonus (Ver 8.17BGL-3, Burgenland) sets. [Roberto Fresca]
  • 2023-06-25 09:00:04 New working clones [Roberto Fresca]
    • Fruit Star Bonus (Ver 8.17BGL-3, Burgenland, set 1) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca] Fruit Star Bonus (Ver 8.17BGL-3, Burgenland, set 2) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
  • 2023-06-25 08:12:06 Set Fruit Star Bonus (Ver 8.23PSTK, Steiermark) temporarily as clone. [Roberto Fresca]
  • 2023-06-25 08:01:08 Fruit Star Bonus (Ver 8.23PSTK, Steiermark): [Roberto Fresca]
    • Added default NVRAM.
  • 2023-06-25 07:54:17 New working clones [Roberto Fresca]
    • Fruit Star Bonus (Ver 8.23PSTK, Steiermark) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
  • 2023-06-25 06:05:06 Fix clang build [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-25 05:56:23 Super Card driver: Completed DIP switches for Red Line. [Roberto Fresca]
  • 2023-06-25 05:50:34 Super Card driver: Completed DIP switches for Super Stars v834. [Roberto Fresca]
  • 2023-06-25 05:45:53 Super Card driver: Added DIP switches for Super Stars v839 [Roberto Fresca]
  • 2023-06-25 05:36:22 Super Card driver: [Roberto Fresca]
    • - Added inputs for Super Stars v839 & v834. - Added inputs for Red Line. - Added instructions to boot these games.
  • 2023-06-25 05:25:28 Add nVidia Riva TNT (NV4) [angelosa]
    • misc/ez2d.cpp: repair ez2d2m BIOS from OEM image inside HDD
      New systems marked not working
      Asus CUBX [The Retro Web]
  • 2023-06-25 03:46:01 pc/pcipc.cpp: add base PCI for Cirrus Logic CL-GD5465 Laguna 3D [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-25 01:06:22 chore: misc cleanups in PCI world [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-24 22:22:22 -cpu/mb88xx/mb88xx.cpp: Don't automatically disable interrupts on servicing external interrupt. (#11371) [Mike]
    • -namco/namco54.cpp: Fixed apparently bad bit in program ROM.
  • 2023-06-24 20:42:49 edevices/stlforce.cpp: Fixed sound clock frequency, and add placeholders for Mortal Race PLDs. (#11370) [ClawGrip]
  • 2023-06-24 18:27:45 hash/a800.xml: Added aDawilah Arabic software. (#11369) [Angelo Salese]
    • New software list items marked not working
      a800.xml: Akhtabar Dhakayik, Altaaqa, Bank Almaelumat, Qamus Najm, Kayf Yaemal Alkumbiutar [archive.org]
  • 2023-06-24 17:36:05 srcclean in preparation for 0.256 release branch. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2023-06-24 17:13:10 sunelectronics/markham.cpp: Fix PSG chip balance in banbam/pettanp (#11367) [ValleyBell]
  • 2023-06-24 11:47:38 funworld/supercrd.cpp: brought gampo812 as far along as gampo816 [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2023-06-24 08:42:23 Super Card driver: [Roberto Fresca]
    • - Fixed colors in almost all games (need to get them decrypted to be sure). - Added the Super Card version in the description. - Sorted out parent-clone relationship.
  • 2023-06-24 08:23:17 funworld/supercrd.cpp: redline uses the same XOR table as the supst sets [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2023-06-24 04:01:24 caramball: Add memory map, interrupt and some stub write handlers [AJR]
  • 2023-06-24 02:10:39 hiscore.dat: update changed sets [cracyc]
  • 2023-06-23 23:07:55 Miscellaneous cleanup [Vas Crabb]
  • 2023-06-23 20:29:22 funworld/supercrd.cpp: tweaked XOR tables [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2023-06-23 19:57:47 neocd.xml: CD matrix info belongs on the disc iteself. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2023-06-23 18:57:38 funworld/supercrd.cpp: preliminary XOR tables for the gampo and supst sets, some fixes to the one for the fruitstr sets [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2023-06-23 17:59:13 gbcolor.xml: Added Grimace's Birthday promotional games. [Vas Crabb]
    • New working software list items (gbcolor.xml) - Grimace’s Birthday (original release) [nickisarchivinget] Grimace’s Birthday (V1.1) [nickisarchivinget] Grimace’s Birthday (V1.2) [nickisarchivinget] Grimace’s Birthday (V1.3) [nickisarchivinget] Grimace’s Birthday (V1.4) [nickisarchivinget] Grimace’s Birthday (V1.5) [nickisarchivinget]
  • 2023-06-23 17:23:00 skeleton/happyvideo.cpp: Added notes. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2023-06-23 10:27:43 machine/sis85c496.cpp: fix validate [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-23 03:16:44 pda600: iterators are not required to be pointers (#11362) [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2023-06-23 03:05:49 a2bus/romcard.cpp: Use a more period-correct loadout for the Integer ROM card. [R. Belmont, Tom Greene] [arbee]
  • 2023-06-23 02:54:45 chore: generate new driver for sis85c496 from pc/at.cpp (pc/pcipc_sis.cpp) [angelosa]
    • machine/sis85c496.cpp: rename device to SIS85C496_HOST, fix constructor
      pc/calchase.cpp: remove now unused ldac/rdac on main machine_config
  • 2023-06-23 02:12:49 funworld/photoply.cpp: add QA testing notes [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-22 21:45:55 skeleton/caramball.cpp: Added a skeleton driver for a Spanish air hockey table. (#11357) [ClawGrip]
    • New systems marked not working - Caramball [Retromaniacs, Recreativas.org]
  • 2023-06-22 21:36:36 misc/neomania.cpp: extend video/audio card notes [Angelo Salese]
  • 2023-06-22 21:07:36 ibm5170.xml: Added eleven working items. (#11142) [ArcadeShadow]
    • Moved Risky Woods from ibm5150 to ibm5170 software list. Removed Eye of the Beholder 3: Assault on Myth Drannor (Eye of Beholder Trilogy release).
      New working software list items (ibm5170.xml)
      Basket Playoff (re-release) [Total DOS Collection] Brutal: Paws of Fury [Total DOS Collection] Discworld [Total DOS Collection] Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep [Total DOS Collection] Eye of the Beholder: Trilogy [Total DOS Collection] Hoyle: Official Book of Games - Volume 3 (VGA, Futura release) [Total DOS Collection] Risky Woods (Futura release) [Total DOS Collection] Super Space Invaders (Big Games release) [Total DOS Collection] The Colonel's Bequest (Futura release) [Total DOS Collection] Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Electronic Paint Box [Total DOS Collection] Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - The Collection [Total DOS Collection]
  • 2023-06-22 21:02:55 exidy/exidy.cpp: Corrected palettes for Targ and Spectar. (#11237) [TimothyShiels]
  • 2023-06-22 20:58:21 New clones marked as NOT_WORKING [Roberto Fresca]
    • Fruit Star (v810, encrypted) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
  • 2023-06-22 20:35:00 unico/unianapc.cpp: add possible video card candidate [skip ci] [Angelo Salese]
  • 2023-06-22 20:30:11 misc/compucranes.cpp: Dumped and added a crane game from Covielsa. (#11364) [ClawGrip]
    • New clones marked not working
      Octopussy [Victor Fernandez (City Game)]
  • 2023-06-22 20:03:48 pc/queen.cpp: add QA notes [Angelo Salese]
  • 2023-06-22 19:11:38 phoenix/phoenix.cpp: Added a Valadon Automation bootleg of Phoenix. (#11358) [ClawGrip]
    • New working clone
      Condor (Valadon Automation bootleg of Phoenix) [Retromaniacs, Recreativas.org]
  • 2023-06-22 19:08:36 misc/arachnid.cpp: Added a new 'English Mark Darts' set (as new parent). (#11361) [ClawGrip]
    • New systems marked not working
      Super Six Plus II English Mark Darts (v3.3) [ClawGrip]
  • 2023-06-22 11:59:39 popeye: set screen always_update flag depending on interlace config [hap]
  • 2023-06-22 10:58:03 various: add missing precompiled header [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2023-06-22 03:30:35 atari/pong.cpp: Added note about an orange overlay in Rebound (#11187) [Michael Sanborn]
  • 2023-06-21 21:51:12 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Gamushara Battle! Puchi Monster (Japan 990519) [nnap]
  • 2023-06-21 21:16:32 atari/atari400.cpp: fix a5200 assert failure on cart [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-21 20:43:51 New systems marked not working [Roberto Fresca]
    • Gamble Poker (v816, encrypted) [TeamEurope, Roberto Fresca]
      New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
      Gamble Poker (v812, encrypted) [TeamEurope, Roberto Fresca]
  • 2023-06-21 19:39:41 New systems marked not working [Roberto Fresca]
    • Red Line (v808, encrypted) [TeamEurope, Roberto Fresca]
  • 2023-06-21 18:32:54 New clones marked as NOT_WORKING [Roberto Fresca]
    • Super Stars (v839, encrypted) [TeamEurope, Roberto Fresca] Super Stars (v834, encrypted) [TeamEurope, Roberto Fresca]
  • 2023-06-21 17:42:16 misc/silverball.cpp: HW monitoring Super I/O is a W83782M [Angelo Salese]
  • 2023-06-21 16:54:38 -machine/68340.cpp, machine/scc68070.cpp: Don't mess with devcbs in device_start. [Vas Crabb]
    • -bfm/bfm_swp.cpp: Fixed ROM offset mask (it's words, not bytes).
  • 2023-06-21 14:32:42 turbosub: more consistent romset shortnames [hap]
  • 2023-06-21 11:55:38 harddriv, racedrivc: swap coin inputs, [hap]
    • galastrm: fix coin counter 2
  • 2023-06-21 03:15:25 Cdg turbosub - Add new romsets for TurboSub and add start inputs back to new prototype (#11359) [lupinthird]
    • Added TSB8 TurboSub prototype driver and added inputs back that were needed
      Added TurboSub entry to mame.lst
      Changed new turbosub ROM set name to more accurately reflect version
      Tweaked inputs for new TurboSub TSB8
      Added remaining TurboSub romsets and checksums
      IO_PORT cleanup and resolved spacing issues in ROM and driver areas
      Fixed the rest of the spacing issues
  • 2023-06-20 22:24:21 misc/silverball.cpp: base conversion to PCI model for i440zx BIOS [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-20 21:23:03 machine/pc87306.cpp: add keyboard enable mechanism [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-20 18:00:28 misc/chsuper.cpp: descrambled GFX for lstislnd. Renamed to losttrea since ot shows a Lost Treasure title. [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2023-06-20 17:58:28 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • unknown Top game [caius]
  • 2023-06-20 05:06:22 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Lost Island (V1.03) [caius]
      New working clones
      Euro League (Italian hack of Tecmo World Cup '90, set 3) [Nnap] Psycho-Nics Oscar (World revision 0, bootleg) [Armando78] Sky Fire [IZ8DWF]
      - nintendo/snes51.cpp: dumped a newer bios for snes4sl [Bonky]
  • 2023-06-19 23:45:58 misc/odyssey.cpp: write a skeleton device for PC87306 Super I/O [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-19 21:52:48 gameboy.xml: Added Debagame Tester, and set correct cartridge type for bartescj. (#11267) [ICEknigh7]
    • New working software list items - Debagame Tester: Second Impact [Christopher Graves, LuigiBlood]
  • 2023-06-19 21:38:45 dragon_cart.xml: Replaced cyrus dump with individual chip dumps. (#11273) [ClawGrip, ICEknight] [ICEknigh7]
    • Also changed sizes and offsets to hexadecimal throughout the software list.
  • 2023-06-19 21:12:13 cdi.xml, megacd.xml, megacdj.xml, segacd.xml: Cleaned up disc info. [Vas Crabb]
    • Moved matrix codes from various info elements to cd_matrix feature elements on the disc parts.
      Added a few generic part_id features for multi-disc software that was lacking them.
  • 2023-06-19 20:03:07 segacd.xml, megacdj.xml: Added various CD dumps. (#11344) [David 'Foxhack' Silva]
    • New working software list items - segacd.xml: Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia v2.00S (USA) [redump.org] Note! Color Mechanica (USA) [redump.org] Note! Color Mechanica (USA, alt) [redump.org] What is X'Eye Multi Entertainment System (USA) [redump.org] megacdj.xml: Heavenly Symphony - Formula One World Championship 1993 Hibaihin (Japan) [redump.org] Keiou Yuugekitai Taikenban Hibaihin (Japan) [redump.org] Lunar - Eternal Blue Hibaihin Auto Demo (Japan) [redump.org] Microcosm Demo CD (Japan) [redump.org] Night Trap Hibaihin (Japan) [redump.org] Popful Mail Taikenban Hibaihin (Japan) [redump.org] Silpheed Hibaihin (Japan) (Fixed) [redump.org] Sonic The Hedgehog CD Hibaihin (Japan) [redump.org] Thunderhawk Hibaihin (Japan) [redump.org] Urusei Yatsura - Dear My Friends Hibaihin (Japan) [redump.org] Yumemi Yakata no Monogatari Hibaihin (Japan) [redump.org] WonderMega Collection - Game Garden (Japan, alt) [redump.org]
      New software list items marked not working
      segacd.xml: Surgical Strike (Brazil, 32X) [redump.org] megacdj.xml: Psychic Detective Series vol.3 - AYA Auto Demo (Japan) [redump.org] Silpheed Hibaihin (Japan) [redump.org]
  • 2023-06-19 19:48:18 spectrum_cass.xml: Added 44 items (38 working). (#11350) [ArcadeShadow]
    • Also updated metadata with information from Spectrum Computing, and replaced one item with a better dump.
      New working software list additions (spectrum_cass)
      3D Tanks (Elettronica) [Spectrum Computing] Anttown-3D [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Archivio [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Astroblaster [Spectrum Computing] Astrodata 3000 №4 [Spectrum Computing] Backgammon (1982, Pi Software) [Spectrum Computing] Backgammon (pirate) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Biorhythms (type-in from book "Cambridge Colour Collection") [Spectrum Computing] Bioritmi (pirate) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Bomber (1984, Prince) [Spectrum Computing] Briscola [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Campo Minado (Microparadise) [Spectrum Computing] Campo Minato (pirate) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Carambola (pirate) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Carrarmati Tanx (pirate) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Chequered Flag (pirate) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Cookie (pirate) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Dragons of Flame (Erbe) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Everest Ascent (pirate) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Firebirds (Microbyte) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Firebirds (pirate) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Flight Joystick (pirate) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Futebol 87 (pirate) [João Cruz, Planeta Sinclair] Future Knight (Erbe, medium case) [Spectrum Computing] Future Knight (Erbe, small case) [Spectrum Computing] Hostages (Erbe) [Spectrum Computing] Mini Battle Tank [Spectrum Computing] Planetoids [Spectrum Computing] Son of Blagger (Paxman) [Spectrum Computing] Spitfire '40 (Zafi Chip) [Spectrum Computing] Splat! (System 4) [Spectrum Computing] Talisman (Aackosoft) [Spectrum Computing] Talisman of Lost Souls + The Guardian [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Temple of Vran (sample) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Temple of Vran (sample, alt) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] The Calling (48K, alt, Adventure Workshop) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] The Rocky Horror Show (Zafiro) [Luís Rato, Planeta Sinclair] Z80 Attack [Javi Ortiz]
      New NOT working software list additions (spectrum_cass)
      Asteroidi (pirate) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Astro Blaster (pirate) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Centipede (pirate) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Cruising On Broadway (pirate) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Dictator (Pirate) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Time-Gate (Investronica) [Spectrum Computing]
      Redump (spectrum_cass)
      Son of Blagger (Dixons) [Spectrum Computing]
  • 2023-06-19 19:42:16 msx1_cart.xml: Add twenty working items, and added floppy images for HB-3600. (#11347) [wilbertpol]
    • Added floppy disk images for HB-3600. [frs]
      New working software list items (msx1_cart) - Yeoja Wres (Korea) [file-hunter] Namake's Bridgedrome [MSXDev] Nayade Resistance - Episode I [MSXDev] Nayade Resistance - Episode I (alt) [file-hunter] NeoPONG512 (v1.0) [MSXDev] NeoPONG512 (v1.1) [MSXDev] Neuras [inufuto] Nice Soccer World Cup [file-hunter] Night City (English) [MSXDev] Night City (Spanish) [MSXDev] Night Driver [MSXDev] Night Escape [msxblue] Ninja Savior [MSXDev] No [file-hunter] No Back Down [MSXDev] Noborunoca (v1.0.0) [Hiromasa Tanaka] Noborunoca (v0.7.0) [Hiromasa Tanaka] Nogalious (demo) [file-hunter] Nohzdyve [crunchworks] Numberman [msx-org]
  • 2023-06-19 19:13:15 video/ati_mach32.cpp: Fix uninitialized variable that was causing a crash on some builds. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
  • 2023-06-19 16:50:34 funtech/supracan.cpp: Load Super A'Can internal 68k ROM. (#11354) [anonymous] [David Haywood]
  • 2023-06-19 15:41:20 cpu.lua: Correct name of header [AJR]
  • 2023-06-19 15:35:47 mame.lst: Update for 02192d18e1a47b44549bfc008a1c2bce3f39f8b1 [AJR]
  • 2023-06-19 15:32:26 New machines marked as NOT_WORKING [AJR]
    • Orla HK1000 Orla XM200 Orchestra Module
  • 2023-06-19 01:51:49 misc/odyssey.cpp: fix PCI config space [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-19 01:14:34 misc/odyssey.cpp: base conversion to i430hx chipset [angelosa]
    • Needs unemulated National Semiconductor PC87306B Super I/O to continue
  • 2023-06-18 23:19:46 misc/ez2d.cpp: add HDD dump QA notes [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-18 22:48:00 unidasm: Add disassemblers for ST9 and ST9+ architectures [AJR]
  • 2023-06-18 20:21:57 neocd.xml: Added a Double Dragon dump. (#11349) [David 'Foxhack' Silva]
    • New working software list items - neocd: Double Dragon (Japan) [redump.org]
  • 2023-06-18 19:26:51 yamaha/ympsr150.cpp: Added DD-9. (#11348) [Devin Acker]
    • sound/gew.cpp: Implemented reverse flag.
      New working machine
      Yamaha DD-9 Digital Percussion [BCM, Devin Acker]
  • 2023-06-18 18:16:55 casio/cz101.cpp: Added version 1 firmware as a BIOS option for cz101. (#11351) [BCM] [Devin Acker]
  • 2023-06-18 17:39:07 edevices/stlforce.cpp: Added Mortal Race. (#11341) [David Haywood]
    • edevices/edevices.cpp: Added additional video priority modes used by Mortal Race.
      New working systems - Mortal Race [Museo del Recreativo, David Haywood, ClawGrip]
  • 2023-06-18 17:35:48 misc/ez2d.cpp: ASUS CUBX is a i440bx flavour, basic driver conversion to PCI [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-18 17:33:28 heathkit/h19.cpp: Implemented Shift-Reset functionality. (#11339) [Mark Garlanger]
    • heathkit/h89.cpp: Hold the main CPU in reset while keys pressed.
      heathkit/z37_fdc.cpp: Implemented device reset.
  • 2023-06-18 12:19:59 New working systems [hap]
    • - Conchess Plymate Glasgow Plus (set 1) [Mr. Lars]
      New working clones
      Conchess (standard, set 1) [Mr. Lars] Conchess Plymate Glasgow Plus (set 2) [Mr. Lars]
  • 2023-06-18 10:56:26 sega 315-5296: correct logerror message, [hap]
    • stv: invert coincounters
  • 2023-06-17 22:15:56 bus/ata: Do slot output signals the sensible way (fixes GitHub #11346). [Vas Crabb]
  • 2023-06-17 19:54:58 m6502: Return to implicitly using read_arg to read operands at PC (fixes regression in all XaviX games) [AJR]
    • Side note: this changes the semantics of read_pc to what was formerly known as read_pc_noinc. Now that memory accesses themselves can be interrupted and restarted, updating PC as a side effect is obsolete anyway.
  • 2023-06-17 19:40:11 igt/peplus.cpp: fixed missing entries [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2023-06-17 19:38:40 segas16a: set 8255 tristate to 0 [hap]
  • 2023-06-17 18:36:43 taito/taitowlf.cpp: pf2012 ISA irq 7 is necessary for coin insertion [cracyc, Angelo Salese] [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-17 16:59:31 tx1: remove unpopulated DS3, fix steering wheel mask [hap]
  • 2023-06-17 13:18:12 segahang, tx1: set 8255 tristate to 0, [hap]
    • tx1: buggyboy coin3 is service coin, tx1 does not have it
  • 2023-06-17 11:42:39 Systems promoted to working [hap]
    • - Strobe [hap, Sean Riddle]
  • 2023-06-17 07:41:59 New working systems [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Player's Edge Plus (X000014P+XP000055) Standard Draw Poker [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (X002002P+XP000038) Double Double Bonus Poker [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (X002046P+XP000038) Ace$ Bonus Poker [Brian Troha]
      New working clones
      Player's Edge Plus (BE0013) Blackjack [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0005) Standard Draw Poker [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0042) 10's or Better (set 1) [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0083) 10's or Better (set 1) [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0094) Standard Draw Poker (set 2) [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0117) Standard Draw Poker [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0122) Deuces Wild Poker [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0143) Deuces Joker Wild Poker [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0418) Deuces Wild Poker (set 1) [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0420) Standard Draw Poker (set 1) [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0425) Joker Poker [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0430) Deuces Joker Wild Poker (set 1) [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0451) Bonus Poker Deluxe [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0459) Joker Poker (set 1) [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0469) Deuces Wild Poker [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0508) Loose Deuce Deuces Wild! Poker (set 1) [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0540) Double Bonus Poker (set 1) [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0729) Double Bonus Poker [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0750) Standard Draw Poker (set 1) [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0777) Royal Deuces Poker?? [Brian Troha]
      New clones marked not working - Montana Choice (MG0225) Multi-Game [Brian Troha] Player's Edge (PK0785-PC041) Tens or Better [Brian Troha] Player's Edge (PK0788-PC041) Tens or Better [Brian Troha] Player's Edge (PK1015-PC088) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker [Brian Troha] Player's Edge (PK1031-PC088) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (KE0026) Keno [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0079) Standard Draw Poker [Brian Troha]
  • 2023-06-17 00:37:22 taito/taitowlf.cpp: remove extra machine_config [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-17 00:28:33 taito/taitowlf.cpp: split pf2012 to own taitowlf_state, update QA, add debug bootscreen fn, srcclean [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-16 21:54:33 New clones marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Black Knight (L-2) [Quench]
      - taito/taito_o.cpp: updated dip switches according to manual [hammy]
  • 2023-06-16 17:34:29 seibu/raiden.cpp: Marked version with checkpoints as Japan release. (#11257) [cam900]
  • 2023-06-16 17:22:11 roland/roland_mt32.cpp: Added mt32 ROM version 2.0.7 as a BIOS option. (#11340) [Brandon Munger]
  • 2023-06-16 17:10:05 emu/devcb.h: Eliminated the need to call resolve() on callbacks. (#11333) [Vas Crabb]
    • Read callbacks now need a default return value supplied at construction.
      Replaced isnull() with isunset() which tells you if the callback wasn't configured rather than whether it isn't safe to call.
      Enabled validation of device callbacks (it seems it was disabled at some point, probably accidentally).
      Device callbacks and object finders now implement the same interface for resolution.
  • 2023-06-16 16:35:08 m6801: remove i/o ports tri-state callback [hap]
  • 2023-06-16 15:17:09 flower: assume cpus are 3mhz instead of 4.6mhz, and assume vblank rising edge is irq set, latch falling edge is irq clear [hap]
  • 2023-06-16 13:01:35 m6801: add i/o ports tri-state callback, [hap]
    • misc: correct some typos
  • 2023-06-16 11:36:33 turbo,zaxxon: set 8255 tristate to 0, [hap]
    • m6800: zerofill more class variables, misc: change "Bios" to "BIOS"
  • 2023-06-16 11:11:48 floppy.cpp: add Teac FD55-A and FD55-B drive types (#11342) [Mark Garlanger]
  • 2023-06-16 01:57:29 taito/taitowlf.cpp: fix CPU type and speed [angelosa]
    • entering service mode now works (watchdog resetting from '510nio if the host CPU isn't enough)
  • 2023-06-15 23:30:30 taito/taitowlf.cpp: add pf2012 EEPROM hookup [angelosa]
    • it now enters attract mode after first time init thru service mode
  • 2023-06-15 22:20:38 misc/anes.cpp: identified some more inputs, dips from manual, added nvram, enabled save state support [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2023-06-15 20:47:49 mc68681: Delay setting of TxRDY until start bit time has passed (fixes DUART test on att630) [AJR]
  • 2023-06-15 20:21:09 lw30: remove custom beep device [hap]
  • 2023-06-15 18:40:14 pc/igspc.cpp: QA the video card note [Angelo Salese]
  • 2023-06-15 18:14:12 mu5: increase battery level [hap]
  • 2023-06-15 16:50:37 New systems marked not working [hap]
    • Strobe [hap, Sean Riddle]
  • 2023-06-15 07:15:18 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Pit & Run - F-1 Race (set 3) [Shane Reel, Jeff Willard]
      - technos/vball.cpp: redumped vball [twistedsymphony]
  • 2023-06-15 01:30:31 taito/taitowlf.cpp: convert $cbxxx to map area, add tc0510nio inputs, remove unnecessary by now VGA card [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-15 00:41:01 misc/anes.cpp: Really fix build [Vas Crabb]
  • 2023-06-14 23:48:30 taito/taitowlf.cpp: redump u20 [Guru] [angelosa]
    • taito/taitowlf.cpp: convert ROM disk to address_map_bank, goes in service mode
  • 2023-06-14 22:49:51 misc/anes.cpp: Fixed build. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2023-06-14 22:16:56 x68k: slightly change pcg/text layer combining [cracyc]
  • 2023-06-14 21:58:36 msx1_cart.xml: Add 60 working items. (#11332) [wilbertpol]
    • New working software list items (msx1_cart) - MSX Pasocalc (Japan) [file-hunter] Picture Painter (Japan) [file-hunter] Picture Painter (Japan, alt) [file-hunter] Print Soft Print Lab (Japan) [file-hunter] Perfect Math for First Preparatory Class - Part 1-1 (Arab) [file-hunter] Perfect Science for First Preparatory Class - Part 1-2 (Arab) [file-hunter] O [cobinee] Olion [file-hunter] Open Wide! [MSXDev] Operation Wolf (v1) [MSXDev] Operation Wolf (v3) [file-hunter] Othello Competicao (Portuguese) [file-hunter] PAC-01 [MSXDev] Pacific (v1.0.0) [file-hunter] Pacific (v1.1.0) [file-hunter] Pacific (v1.2.0) [MSXDev] Pacific (v1.2.4) [file-hunter] Paco el Bombas [msx-org] Paco el Bombas REDUX (English) [msx-org] Paco el Bombas REDUX (Italian) [msx-org] Paco el Bombas REDUX (Spanish) [msx-org] Paco el Bombas REDUX (Spanish, older) [msx-org] Paco Time Attack (v1.0) [msx-org] Paco Time Attack (v1.1) [msx-org] Pair Logic [MSXDev] Pak Pak [ochixn] Parachuteless Joe [MSXDev] Peek-A-Boo [MSXDev] Peek-A-Boo (older) [file-hunter] Pegged [under4mhz] Penguin Café (English) [MSXDev] Penguin Café (French) [MSXDev] Penguin Mind [MSXDev] Penguin Race [MSXDev] Penguin Run [MSXDev] Perfect Fit [file-hunter] Phantomas Saga Infinity [file-hunter] Photon [file-hunter] PickinX [MSXDev] Picture Puzzle [MSXDev] PIHKAL [file-hunter] Pippo La Scopa Ficcanaso [MSXDev] Pitman [MSXDev] Plumber [MSXDev] Pointless Platform (release 2) [tni] Pointless Platform (release 1) [MSXDev] Pointless Shooting [MSXDev] MSX Pong! [nightfoxandco] Pretty Kingdom [MSXDev] Pretty Kingdom (older) [file-hunter] PSGed (v0.82b) [aorante] PSGed (v0.8b) [aorante] PSGed (v0.4b) [aorante] Puzzybox [MSXDev] PWND - Of je worst lust [MSXDev] PWND - Of je worst lust (alt) [MSXDev] PWND part 2 - Of je assembly lust [file-hunter] PWND part 2 - Of je assembly lust (alt) [file-hunter] PWND part 3 - Full Metal Snake (v1.1) [MSXDev] PWND part 3 - Full Metal Snake (v1.0) [file-hunter]
  • 2023-06-14 21:26:06 misc/anes.cpp: Got it to boot and added preliminary video and inputs. (#11324) [Luca Elia, David Haywood] [David Haywood]
    • Implemented ROM banking. Added preliminary blitter and palette support. Added preliminary inputs.
  • 2023-06-14 20:56:56 Revert "heath/h19.cpp Implement Shift-Reset functionality (#11330)" [Vas Crabb]
    • This reverts commit 2c0246059f81a9f486f19708cecae2516d205966.
      This PR obviously wasn't reviewed properly. It has very obvious issues, in particular: Resetting child devices from device_reset/machine_reset. Child devices are automatically reset when a device is reset. Changing input state on reset. This leads to state getting out of sync. Devices that change their outputs on reset are responsible for pushing out the update.
  • 2023-06-14 20:48:27 heath/h19.cpp Implement Shift-Reset functionality (#11330) [Mark Garlanger]
  • 2023-06-14 20:41:19 leapfrog/leappad.cpp: Dumped and added a new LeapPad model BIOS (#11321) [ClawGrip]
    • New systems marked not working - LeapFrog LeapPad Plus Microphone [Sean Riddle, ClawGrip]
  • 2023-06-14 20:39:25 Addd three Roland card dumps and a placeholder driver. (#11323) [ValleyBell]
    • New systems marked not working
      Roland Music Style Card TN-SC2 Software List holder
      New software list items marked not working
      r8_card: SN-R8-09 Power Drums U.S.A. roland_tnsc2: TN-SC2-04 Dance u110_card: SN-SPLA-01 Sound Elements Vol. 1 (U-01)
  • 2023-06-14 20:21:05 bfm/bfm_sc2.cpp: Added sound ROM to Majestic Bells non-protocol version (sc2majes). (#11338) [Paul-Arnold]
    • ROM taken from protocol version.
  • 2023-06-14 17:23:27 New clones marked as NOT_WORKING [Roberto Fresca]
    • Wheel of Fortune (P517 V16, English) [Roberto Fresca, Gerald (COY)]
  • 2023-06-14 15:43:29 xbox_nv2a: better fix for dangling pointer warning, [hap]
    • coleco: remove romhacked bios rom
  • 2023-06-13 23:43:48 taito/taitowlf.cpp: upper ISA bank port is a view select [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-13 22:02:09 New clones marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Arkanoid (Phoenix Electronics Co. license) [Darran Allen, The Dumping Union]
      - taito/arkanoid.cpp: dumped the arkanoidja 68705 A75 23 MCU [Sean Riddle, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
      - taito/arkanoid.cpp, taito/taito_b.cpp: ROM labels corrections / standardization [Brian Troha]
  • 2023-06-13 21:43:00 new WORKING software list additions (#11335) [David Haywood]
    • - gamate.xml: mightbox - Mighty Boxer [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Kirkegaard]
  • 2023-06-13 17:02:10 taito/taitowlf.cpp: change CMOS type, add Voodoo 1 [angelosa]
    • allows pf2012 to draw a 3Dfx logo then page faults
  • 2023-06-13 15:15:00 emu/devdelegate.h: Added resolve_safe and resolve_all_safe helpers. [Vas Crabb]
    • Uses decay rules, so if a delegate returns a reference and you want to supply a referene to an object you don't want copied as the default result, remember to use std::ref.
      Updated a few devices to use resolve_safe on device delegates to streamline code.
  • 2023-06-13 02:14:37 coinmvga: Incremental improvements [AJR]
    • - Add I2C EEPROM and RTC - Hook up YMZ280B IRQ properly - Use standard VGA screen parameters
      h8: Add PC to unhooked port logging message; add notes about and slightly adjust cycle counts
  • 2023-06-13 00:49:37 taito/taitowlf.cpp: convert to new PCI model (#11334) [Angelo Salese]
    • taito/taitowlf.cpp: convert to new PCI model
      taito/taitowlf.cpp: add proper pf2012 main BIOS [Guru]
      video/atirage.cpp: hookup ATI Rage II+ DVD variant to p5txla
      taito/taitowlf.cpp: virtualize CMOS and RTC as MB resources, initial implementation of Taito Wolf ROM DISK ISA pf2012 now manages to start loading the DOS process, failing with EMM386
  • 2023-06-12 17:14:01 Coinmaster Wheel of Fortune: Swapped program roms names and correct rom load. [Roberto Fresca]
  • 2023-06-12 13:43:26 tigeroad: remove tilerom tag lookup, [hap]
    • midas: remove neogeo.h dependency
  • 2023-06-12 05:54:47 New systems marked not working [Roberto Fresca]
    • Wheel of Fortune (P517.v11, Belgium) [Roberto Fresca, Gerald (COY)]
  • 2023-06-12 04:57:40 Coinmvga.cpp driver: Added more documentation about the H8/3002/3007 CPU used, [Roberto Fresca]
    • and other components.
  • 2023-06-12 04:09:07 Coinmvga.cpp driver: Fixed the 8bpp graphics. [Roberto Fresca]
  • 2023-06-12 01:51:23 bus/a800: modernize cart slot interface (#10528) [Angelo Salese]
    • - use address_maps instead of catch-all handlers; - implement rd4 and rd5 line views; - converted a800_rom_williams_device to the new system, make almost every entry in mega and prisma SW to actually boot; - bus/a800: implement maxflash_1mb / maxflash_8mb devices. This allows loading arbitrary collection of .xex files built thru Maxflash Cartridge Studio program as flash ROM binaries; - bus/a800: implement sic_128kb / sic_256kb / sic_512kb flash ROM devices; - bus/a800: implement ast2k, atrax, Blizzard 32kb, Adawliah, SpartaDOS 128KB, A5200 Super Cart variants; - bus/a800: implement Super Charger math unit device; - a800_slot.cpp: fix xegs cart default slot for loose cart loading; - a800_carts.h: merge a800_turbo64 and a800_turbo128 into single a800_turbo slot option; - bus/a800/a800_slot: split a5200 to own interface
      New working software list additions - a800.xml: Maxflash Cartridge Studio - Demonstration Workbook [Atarimax Team], SIC! 31-in-1 Demonstration [SIC! Team] a800.xml: Atrax 01, Atrax 02, Atrax 03, Atrax 04, Atrax 05, Atrax 06, Atrax 08, Atrax 09, Atrax 10, Atrax 11, Atrax 12, Atrax 13, Atrax 15 [Atarimania] a800.xml: Prince of Persia (AtariMAX i/f), Prince of Persia (SIC! i/f) [AtariAge]
      New software list items marked not working
      a800.xml: Atrax 14, Atrax 16 [Atarimania], Turbo Hit (Blizzard 32kb) [atari.area] a5200.xml: Bosconian 5200 - Star Destroyer (Ultimate Version) [AtariAge]
  • 2023-06-12 01:33:05 misc/esripsys.cpp: remove non-existant PORT_PLAYER(3) tags [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-11 23:47:00 coco_fdc: Allow FLEX to work on CoCo machines (#11329) [Michael R. Furman]
    • There are two parts to the change. First is a correction to the coco_fdc hardware emulation. Second is file format ordering adjustments wich make things easier for using FLEX on CoCos.
      For the hardware change: Before the change FLEX was unable to boot on CoCo machines. The behaviour and troubleshooting showed that while the FLEX kernel started up it was unable to read anything from Track 0. Standard FLEX disks have SD(FM) on Track 0, and the remainder of the disks (for CoCo FLEX) are normally DD(MFM) or could also be SD(FM). The bug was in the handling of the WDC FDC's INTRQ line. Reviewing the available documentation and schematics showed that when the FDC asserts INTRQ two things happen. NMI is asserted on the CoCo bus and the HALT signal is cleared. The MAME code added an incorrect condition on clearing HALT: It only happened when Double-Density operation was selected. This change fixes the logic to work the same way as is shown in the schematics, that HALT is cleared any time INTRQ is asserted. SD(FM) disk operations work properly and FLEX boots completely and runs correctly after making this change.
      File Format Ordering Adjustments: This part of the change makes it easiser to use FLEX in CoCo emulation with a wider variety of FLEX-formatted disk images. The issue here is that due to the way the JVC disk format works it winds up being a catch-all for disk images. Because FLEX has specific formatting requirements and code to handle this and JVC has no support for this special formatting, FLEX formats along with DMK and SDF are moved to come before JVC in the formats list. This allows a wider variery of FLEX-formatted disk images to be properly detected.
      The DMK disk image from the following recent restoration of FHL Color FLEX was used for testing:
  • 2023-06-11 19:14:42 emu/devfind.h: Added a lookup() member function to device finders. [Vas Crabb]
    • This simplifies looking up the target device during configuration. It is useful when configuring child devices in things like CPUs with integrated peripherals.
      emu/device.h: Allow templated subdevice() and siblingdevice() to work with classes that don't derive from device_t (e.g. classes that derive from device_interface).
      util/delegate.h: Added more noexcept. Won't make much difference as most of the affected member functions are inline anyway.
  • 2023-06-11 16:57:13 heathkit/h89.cpp add support for z37 soft-sector controller (#11276) [Mark Garlanger]
    • Machines promoted to WORKING - Heathkit H89 [Mark Garlanger]
  • 2023-06-11 12:21:44 namcos10: put test switch on F2 [hap]
  • 2023-06-11 10:17:37 h8.8: remove erroneous "auto" [hap]
  • 2023-06-11 01:07:57 las3000: Add cassette and joystick interfaces (both untested); correct clocks [AJR]
  • 2023-06-10 22:47:23 osd/modules: Cleaned up most macOS deprecation warnings up to and including 10.13. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
    • This raises the hard minimum macOS and SDK versions to 10.13. In practice, the minimum since 0.252 has been macOS 11 Big Sur. 10.13/10.14/10.15 can be built and run with this unsupported patch: https://gist.github.com/rb6502/8a1736ee3775f998e8e71faa47ae4b59 The patch works for me, but no guarantees are offered and it may break at any time.
  • 2023-06-10 15:40:10 misc/coinmvga.cpp: fix most of GFX decoding [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-10 12:34:07 buraikenb: comparing the rom data, it's a bootleg after all [hap]
  • 2023-06-10 12:27:42 1943: fix recent regression with bootleg sets [hap]
  • 2023-06-10 03:08:20 pc1000, misterx, ordisava: Emulation overhaul [AJR]
    • - Fix bank switching of ROM areas - Replace LCDC with type that has the correct accented characters for European versions - Add localized key definitions for all three systems; identify all unknown keys and rebind keys to better match QWERTY/QWERTZ/AZERTY layouts - Eliminate runtime port tag lookups - Separate driver from pc2000.cpp
  • 2023-06-10 03:00:50 sed1200: Modernize emulation [AJR]
    • - Reduce bus to 4 bits (but note that an 8-bit variant exists), and add CS write handler to ensure multiple writes go to the correct nibbles. This results in considerable uglification of the mt32 driver code, but is more hardware-accurate. - Speculatively eliminate cursor wraparound at first and last positions. This may or may not be accurate, but seems to produce neater results. - Save state of internal variables.
  • 2023-06-10 02:21:42 specpls3_flop.xml: Software list additions (#11326) [ArcadeShadow]
    • New working software list additions
      19 Part One - Boot Camp [El Trastero del Spectrum] 2 por 1: Rock'n Roller + Wells & Fargo [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Averno [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Dragons of Flame [El Trastero del Spectrum] Dungeons of Gomilandia (v0.1a) [RetroWorks] Dungeons of Gomilandia (v0.1) [Spectrum Computing] El Asombroso Spider-Man y Capitán America en La Venganza del Dr. Muerte! [El Trastero del Spectrum] El Equipo A [El Trastero del Spectrum] Frightmare (Zafiro) [El Trastero del Spectrum] Gunship (Erbe, alt) [El Trastero del Spectrum] High Steel (Erbe, alt) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Pit-Fighter (Dro Soft) [El Trastero del Spectrum] Power Magic (alt) [El Trastero del Spectrum] Rainbow Islands (Erbe, alt) [El Trastero del Spectrum] Reaper [Spectrum Computing] Renaud [El Trastero del Spectrum] Seto Taisho Special Edition [Spectrum Computing] Shadow Warriors (Erbe) [El Trastero del Spectrum] Solo [El Trastero del Spectrum] Starlife [El Trastero del Spectrum] Test Match [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] The Dragonslayer Trilogy [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] The Duel - Test Drive II (Dro Soft) [El Trastero del Spectrum] The Sunflower Number Show (alt) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] The Tears of the Moon + Laskar's Crystals [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Ulises [El Trastero del Spectrum]
      New NOT working software list additions
      Heavy Metal [El Trastero del Spectrum] Skate Wars [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Spectrum +3 Spectacular [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] The Archon Collection [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair]
      Redump software list
      NARC (Erbe) [El Trastero del Spectrum]
      Metadata cleanups: update descriptions, added region and language info tag, moved XML comments to XML notes tag
  • 2023-06-10 02:11:03 pc1000.xml: Correct a few release years to match copyright text [AJR]
  • 2023-06-09 22:21:24 misc/coinmvga.cpp: remove extra backslash [skip ci] [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-09 22:19:24 misc/coinmvga.cpp: fix CPU type after OG feedback, fix video a bit [angelosa]
  • 2023-06-09 19:04:54 avengers: dumped protection mcu [Caps0ff, Phil Bennett] [hap]
  • 2023-06-09 14:26:48 Dumped and added a Chinese kiddie ride (#11292) [ClawGrip]
    • New NOT_WORKING machine - Happy Video [jordigahan, Recreativas.org]
  • 2023-06-09 14:25:36 Dumped (partially) and added a skeleton driver for a Spanish electromechanical hockey coinop (#11304) [ClawGrip]
    • New NOT_WORKING machine - Mini Hockey [Museo Arcade Vintage, ClawGrip]
  • 2023-06-09 14:21:59 pkspirit - show something (#11325) [David Haywood]
  • 2023-06-09 13:57:34 namco/namcos23.cpp: fixed regression [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2023-06-09 13:49:10 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • TeddyBoy Blues (315-5111, Old Ver.) [TeamEurope]
  • 2023-06-09 08:40:08 abc1600: Add deprecation note. [Curt Coder]
  • 2023-06-09 03:27:29 Add missing file. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
  • 2023-06-09 02:37:09 apple/apple2.cpp: added Apple ROM/Firmware card with 3 options: Applesoft, Integer, and User-Defined. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
    • Use "-rom file.bin" with the user-defined ROM card to make your own custom Apple. File must be 12KiB and goes in D0/D8/E0/E8/F0/F8 order.
      a2bus: wire up a method to assert the reset line on the slots. This is important for the ROM card. [R. Belmont]
      apple/apple2.cpp,apple2e.cpp,apple2gs.cpp,apple3.cpp: Reset the a2bus when the 6502/65816 is reset. [R. Belmont]
      apple/apple2gs.cpp: Reset the softswitches like a IIe on Control-Reset. [R. Belmont]
      apple/apple3.cpp: Now has the same Control-Reset behavior improvements as the Apple IIs. [R. Belmont]
  • 2023-06-08 21:52:43 Note to self: -valid is good for the soul [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2023-06-08 21:50:26 seta: merge driver files [hap]
  • 2023-06-08 19:02:12 h8_sci: Bring interface up in the cpu [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2023-06-08 21:08:49 ncr5380/ti99: Use DRQ to set DMA state on controller card; remove in_dma_mode again [Michael Zapf]
  • 2023-06-08 18:16:47 h8 io: More simplifications, thanks everyone for the pointers [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2023-06-08 18:05:44 vsystem: improve soundlatch timing where applicable [hap]
  • 2023-06-08 17:46:20 ti99: Some debug output improvements [Michael Zapf]
  • 2023-06-08 17:42:02 ncr5380: Add a function to check for DMA mode. [Michael Zapf]
  • 2023-06-08 16:44:34 taito_f3_v.cpp: fix line zoom regression (trstar) (#11322) [ywy]
  • 2023-06-08 15:51:58 namco/namcos12.cpp: Update documentation (#11233) [simzy39]
  • 2023-06-08 11:34:58 yamaha: remove unused adc methods [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2023-06-07 11:00:37 h8_adc, h8_port: convert i/o to devcb at cpu level [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2023-06-07 14:24:04 mpu4plasma.cpp: Add SCC [AJR]
  • 2023-06-07 14:23:45 seta.h: Remove some leftover stuff [AJR]
  • 2023-06-07 09:18:01 downtown: fix compile warning [hap]
  • 2023-06-07 06:55:10 zaccaria/zac2650.cpp: dumped PROM for tinv2650 [Andrew Welburn] [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2023-06-07 05:21:28 z80scc.cpp: Reset Highest IUS command is available on NMOS versions too according to manuals [AJR]
  • 2023-06-07 04:02:34 mips3: fix tlb modify exception registers [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2023-06-07 03:58:18 z80scc: fix access to wr7' [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2023-06-07 03:56:44 mc68681: separate transmitter holding and shift registers [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2023-06-07 03:44:17 cdi: fix quizard cdrom region [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2023-06-07 02:02:37 seta.cpp: Driver overhaul [AJR]
    • - Split out downtown and related games to a separate driver - Eliminate set_vblank_int and reduce usage of HOLD_LINE - Replace remaining uPD71054 simulation with PIT device
  • 2023-06-06 22:55:01 missile: add addressmap via bankdev [hap]
  • 2023-06-06 14:32:14 missile: use ioport_array [hap]
  • 2023-06-06 14:20:15 missile: correct irq timing [hap]
  • 2023-06-03 17:57:05 h8_dma: reorganize, upgrade [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2023-05-28 23:40:30 h8: Use finders [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2023-06-06 07:24:20 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Sprint 4 (Rev 03) [Andrew Welburn]
  • 2023-06-05 12:47:27 missile: add debugger side effects check [hap]
  • 2023-06-04 22:15:47 z80: Clean up error message and inconsistent bracing [AJR]
  • 2023-06-04 20:48:59 z80.cpp - Add EI to IM0 handler (#11307) [Mark Garlanger]
    • z80.cpp - Add EI to IM0 handler
      The heath/h89.cpp with a z37 soft-sectored controller uses IM0 and places an EI instruction on the bus when DRQ signal is received from the WD disk controller.
      I'm putting this part up early to get comments. Maybe someone with more experience with the z80 code could implement the top TODO in this file ``` - Interrupt mode 0 should be able to execute arbitrary opcodes ```
  • 2023-06-04 18:43:17 Fix LeapFrogs' softwarelist name (#11310) [ArcadeShadow]
    • Lowercase on media support "cartridges" word
  • 2023-06-04 18:42:29 compis.xml: Add some recently spotted undumped software to list (#11309) [Rebecca Wallander]
  • 2023-06-04 18:41:44 taito_f3_v.cpp: Fix visible tile check for alternate tilemap lines (#11311) [ywy]
  • 2023-06-04 17:12:49 addocalc: remove power off timer [hap]
  • 2023-06-04 16:50:11 msx1_cart.xml: Add four Quick Disk interfaces (not working). (#11306) [wilbertpol]
    • New NOT_WORKING software list additions (msx1_cart.xml)
      DPQ-280 Quick Disk Drive DPQ-280 Quick Disk Drive (alt) QDM-01 Quick Disk Drive VY-0002 Quick Disk Drive
  • 2023-06-04 15:01:26 New working systems [hap]
    • - Addometer Calculator [hap, Sean Riddle]
  • 2023-06-04 02:27:30 Some more sprintf() deprecation warning fixes. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
  • 2023-06-03 22:52:00 Clean up several sprintf() deprecation warningss in non-3rdparty code. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
  • 2023-06-03 21:11:01 flower.cpp: VBLANK interrupt modernization [AJR]
  • 2023-06-03 20:35:26 mips3: remove stray printf [hap]
  • 2023-06-03 15:35:18 k28: (re)add imperfect sound flag [hap]
  • 2023-06-03 15:20:40 votrax: It's more than good enough to remove the flag [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2023-06-03 15:22:16 iteagle_fpga: fix issue with LOG_SERIAL [hap]
  • 2023-06-03 13:25:36 m68000: Remove leftover debug logerror [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2023-06-03 13:19:25 1943: correct mcu interrupt pin [hap]
  • 2023-06-03 13:02:24 1943: don't ignore audiocpu reset line [hap]
  • 2023-06-03 12:02:00 mcs51: add rxb8 to uart reset [hap]
  • 2023-06-03 02:53:35 x68k.cpp: Avoid dereferencing null pointers when fewer than 4 floppy drives are configured [AJR]
  • 2023-06-02 13:13:38 New working software list items [Curt Coder]
    • - abc1600_hdd: Formatted Micropolis 1325A 69MB, Formatted NEC D5216A 20MB. [Curt Coder]
  • 2023-06-02 11:59:59 m68000: When a SR S-flag update happens in parallel to a bus access, be careful to delay the update to after the access because it is otherwise seen too early through fc, and acts on mmus&co. Fixes hp_ipc [ajrhacker, O. Galibert] [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2023-06-02 03:51:34 blockcarb: Add music [AJR]
  • 2023-06-01 21:55:56 misc/micro3d.cpp: Use more plausible input ranges (MT08656). [Vas Crabb]
  • 2023-06-01 20:47:24 psikyo/psikyo.cpp: Corrected screen timings and interrupts for Gunbird and Sengoku Ace. (#11303) [buffi]
    • Gunbird is verified to use the same timings as Strikers 1945 and Tengai, so Sengoku Ace can be assumed to be similar.
  • 2023-06-01 16:57:27 namco/namcos10.cpp: Add Taiko no Tatsujin RT: Nippon no Kokoro. (#11302) [987123879113]
    • New working systems
      Taiko no Tatsujin RT: Nippon no Kokoro [nnap, Hajime0512, Peter Wilhelmsen, Samuel Neves]
  • 2023-06-01 13:39:04 qkracer: swap parent/clone [hap]
    • tmvolleyb: fix display problem with left digit
  • 2023-06-01 11:47:04 Cleanup of Markham.cpp documentation (#11299) [ToastmanJack]
  • 2023-06-01 08:04:08 video/epic12.cpp: Apply clipping to Blitter calculations as well. (#11295) [buffi]
    • Fixes excessive blitter delays when games do large over-draws. The fog in stage 1 of Mushihimesama Futari 1.5 is a good example of this.
  • 2023-06-01 04:42:17 atari/atarist.cpp: (ste) don't segfault immediately when starting (#11296) [ksherlock]
  • 2023-06-01 03:28:01 apple/macrtc.cpp: Don't cache the time reference, it's somehow different for different timezones. (GitHub #11298) [R. Belmont] [arbee]
NOWSZY [Arcade] DevMAME [log only] 2025/01/25 22:00
  • 2025-01-25 19:59:56 srcclean and manual cleanup [Vas Crabb]
  • 2025-01-25 19:30:52 amiga/amigaaga.cpp: increment fmode 3 offset hack [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-25 19:06:24 apple2gs_flop_orig.xml, apple2_flop_clcracked.xml: Added sixteen working items and replaced one crack. (#13146) [A-Noid33]
    • apple2gs_flop_misc.xml: Removed a duplicate dump. Also cleaned up metadata and spacing around comment delimiters.
      New working software list items (apple2gs_flop_orig.xml) - 2088: The Cryllan Mission Draw Plus (version 1.0) First Categories List Plus (version 1.0 (11-Dec-87)) MultiScribe IIgs (version 3.01c) Panzer Battles IIgs Peanuts Maze Marathon IIgs Photonix II (version 2.50) Reading Magic Library: Jack and the Beanstalk IIgs Skate or Die IIgs (version 1.0) The New Talking Stickybear Alphabet The New Talking Stickybear Opposites The Ugly Duckling (version 1.1) TopDraw (version 1.01A (8/4/87)) Transylvania III IIgs
      New working software list items (apple2_flop_clcracked.xml) - The Coveted Mirror (version 1983) (4am crack)
      Redumped software list items (apple2_flop_clcracked.xml) - Un Día Típico (4am crack)
      Removed (apple2gs_flop_misc.xml) - Transylvania (Duplicate of Transylvania III)
  • 2025-01-25 19:03:18 seta/downtown.cpp: Adjusted Meta Fox/Arbalester video refresh rate to improve Meta Fox music tempo. (#13267) [cam900]
    • Also improved names of some member functions and updated comments.
  • 2025-01-25 18:56:09 galaxian/galaxian.cpp: Added Rocket Convoy (War of the Bugs clone from Radar Ltd.). (#13198) [ClawGrip]
    • New working clones
      Rocket Convoy [Luis Arrufat]
  • 2025-01-25 18:47:44 casio/ct8000.cpp: Emulated Casiotone 8000 keyboard and related systems. (#13237) [Devin Acker]
    • sound/flt_biquad.cpp: Added Sallen-Key high-pass filters. sound/bbd.cpp: Added MN3207P variant. sound/upd931.cpp: Emulated µPD931 synthesis chip.
      New working systems
      Casio Casiotone 8000 [=CO=Windler, Devin Acker] Casio Casiotone FK-1 [BCM, Devin Acker]
      New systems marked not working
      Casio Casiotone MB-1 [=CO=Windler, Devin Acker]
  • 2025-01-25 18:31:51 philips/mcd212.cpp: Implemented RBG decoding and RGB transparency bit. (#13246) [Vincent-Halver]
  • 2025-01-25 17:54:26 amiga/amiga_m.cpp: impose DDFSTOP HW limit on bits 15-8 writes [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-25 17:53:25 sinclair/scorpion.cpp: Added three variants of the new Scorpion GMX ProfROM +GMX V.6.xx.043.9226s BIOS. (#13254) [holub]
  • 2025-01-25 16:30:13 hiscore.dat: Updates [cracyc]
  • 2025-01-25 08:23:47 seta/seta.cpp: identified an unknown DIP switch for drgnunit [GoldS_TCRF] [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2025-01-25 08:09:49 New working systems [mamehaze]
    • - Disney Pixar Classics (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
  • 2025-01-25 00:55:29 hash/pc8801_flop.xml: Added 1 working item. (#13269) [Marc Roy]
    • New working software list addition
      Berserkers Front Gaiden 3 Plus - Turning Point (Developer Studio K2) [krugman on archive.org]
      Updates metadatas of other Studio K2 doujin games.
  • 2025-01-25 00:47:19 amiga/amigaaga.cpp: update QA [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-25 00:46:26 amiga/amigaaga.cpp: implement BRDRBLNK, extend DDF stop for hires fmode 3 to +16 [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-25 00:36:10 New software list items marked not working [angelosa]
    • amiga_cd: Gunbee F-99: The Kidnapping of Lady Akiko, Pinball Brain Damage, 17 Bit - Phase Four, 17 Bit - The Fifth Dimension, 17 Bit - Level 6 [redump.org]
  • 2025-01-24 11:51:02 namco/ygv608: update_screen -> screen_update [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-24 19:00:05 seta/simple_st0016.cpp: Remove unnecessary trampoline (#13270) [cam900]
    • seta/simple_st0016.cpp: Remove unnecessary trampoline
      seta/st0016.cpp: Fix naming
  • 2025-01-24 17:45:53 mspacman: correct return value after bankswitch [hap]
  • 2025-01-24 16:03:13 msx_keyboard: remove most PORT_CHAR hex literals, [hap]
    • dbridgec: small tweak to internal artwork: misc: update some notes
  • 2025-01-24 11:53:08 oberheim/dmx.cpp: Surfacing mouse-controlled tunning trimmers on the layout. (#13266) [m1macrophage]
    • Also made slider script and the sliders in the layout more reusable.
  • 2025-01-24 07:28:25 added Power Rangers to the Rescue (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) (Aug 8 2008 16:46:59) (#13265) [mamehaze]
    • New systems marked not working
      Power Rangers to the Rescue (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) (Aug 8 2008 16:46:59) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
  • 2025-01-24 02:35:57 ns32081: avoid link failure due to inline virtual functions [Patrick Mackinlay]
    • also use correct name for /SPC output
  • 2025-01-24 01:32:53 machine/mv_sonora.cpp: Support 2, 4, and 16bpp modes. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
    • apple/macpdm.cpp: Fix HMC reads and writes, map RAM properly, and hook up NuBus. [R. Belmont]
  • 2025-01-24 00:42:10 dbridgec: correct company string [hap]
  • 2025-01-23 19:56:58 hash/pc8801_flop.xml: Updated comments for Babylon. (#13262) [Marc Roy]
    • Noted that PC8801mk2SR is needed (uses V2 mode). Noted that instructions for creating a Crimson user disk are applicable.
  • 2025-01-23 19:46:04 tvgames: Added seventeen tvgames (4 working). (#13241) [mamehaze]
    • tvgames/elan_eu3a14vid.cpp: Improved emulation of 2*1 pages and 1*1 pages video modes.
      New working systems
      Epoch Minna no Tetris (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood] Techno Source Interactive Coloring Book: Disney / Pixar Toy Story [Sean Riddle, David Haywood] Techno Source Interactive Coloring Book: Disney / Pixar Cars [TeamEurope, David Haywood] Techno Source Interactive Coloring Book: Disney Princess [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
      New systems marked not working - AtGames 40 Bonus Games in 1 (AtGames) [TeamEurope, Patryk Stefanski] Bandai / Koto Digimon X Arena (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood] BornKid 32 Bit Preloaded 139-in-1 Handheld Game Console [TeamEurope, David Haywood] Fisher-Price 3-in-1 Smart Sports! (US) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood] Fizz Creations Pac-Man Arcade in a Tin [TeamEurope] Fizz Creations Tetris Arcade in a Tin [TeamEurope] Lexibook Arcade Center (JL1800_01) [TeamEurope, David Haywood] Radica / Sega Menacer (Radica Plug & Play) Senario The Amazing Spider-Man (Senario, floor [TeamEurope, David Haywood]mat) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood] Thinkway Toys Interactive M.A.G. Motion Activated Gear: Teen Titans Arena Showdown [Sean Riddle, David Haywood] unknown VT369 based 128-in-1 (GC31-369-20210702-V2) [TeamEurope, David Haywood] Vibes Retro Pocket Gamer 240-in-1 [TeamEurope, David Haywood] YSN Play Portable Color GameU+ (90-in-1) (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
  • 2025-01-23 19:25:44 spectrum_cass.xml: Added 34 working items. (#13245) [ArcadeShadow]
    • Also improved metadata with information from Spectrum Computing.
      New working software list additions (spectrum_cass.xml)
      Channel 1 - Spectrum Music Club - Issue 5 (Jan. 1991) [Planeta Sinclair, Steven Brown] Channel 1 - Spectrum Music Club - Double Issue 6 + 7 (Sept. 1991) [Planeta Sinclair, Steven Brown] Computer Form Pools Predictions [Planeta Sinclair, Steven Brown] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 6 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 6 (covertape, alt) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 7 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 7 (covertape, alt) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 8 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 9 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 9 (covertape, alt) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 10 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 10 (covertape, alt) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 11 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 12 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 12 (covertape, alt) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 13 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 14 - Spy Chip (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 14 - Spy Chip (covertape, alt) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 15 - Invasion (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 16 - Carr-2001 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 17 - Xirius (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 18 - Zortron (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 18 - Zortron (covertape, alt) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 19 - Argon (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 19 - Argon (covertape, alt) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 20 - Night (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 21 - Voyager (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 22 - Blue Lands (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Light Force (Zafi Chip) [Spectrum Computing] Lode Runner (48K) [Spectrum Computing] Misiles [Spectrum Computing] Sample Editor [Planeta Sinclair, Steven Brown] Silent 'e' & /y/ Rules [Planeta Sinclair, Steven Brown] VTX 711 Prestel & Terminal Software [Planeta Sinclair, Steven Brown]
  • 2025-01-23 19:20:12 dynax/royalmah.cpp: Improved DIP switch labels for Mahjong Diplomat and Mahjong Deringer. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2025-01-23 18:12:56 sinclair/scorpion.cpp: Updated new ProfROM V.4.xx.043.9226su BIOS for ZS-256 TURBO+. (#13256) [holub]
  • 2025-01-23 13:18:05 prehisle: re-add 1930 to title anyway [hap]
  • 2025-01-23 00:38:15 Improve DL11 emulation (maintenance mode, break rx/tx) and add support for (#13184) [shattered]
    • 1801VP1-065 variant. Passes ZDLDH0 test and works with TU58 driver (DD.SYS).
  • 2025-01-22 23:57:28 fex68km4: update rom labels [hap]
  • 2025-01-22 20:44:02 mcs51: clean up source code spacing [hap]
  • 2025-01-22 20:42:43 misc: remove "all rights reserved" copyright comment, [hap]
    • mcs51: remove old changelog from comments, remove copypasted comment block
  • 2025-01-22 19:00:31 ui/widgets.cpp: Use a smooter, symmetrical highlight texture (MT09095). [Vas Crabb]
  • 2025-01-22 18:55:08 prehisle: remove 1930 from title [hap]
  • 2025-01-22 18:50:12 New working clones [hap]
    • Excel 68000 Mach IV 68020 Master 2325 (set 1) [Berger]
  • 2025-01-22 17:40:43 New working systems [hap]
    • - Pocketchess (CXG) [hap, Sean Riddle]
  • 2025-01-22 12:29:56 mcs51: remove unneeded powerdown check [hap]
  • 2025-01-22 18:41:47 amiga/amigaaga.cpp: calculate fmode at copper time, remove dubious XOR calculation for fmode 1 delays [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-22 18:25:17 New clones marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Magic Bomb (Ver. A3.0) [Ioannis Bampoulas] Magic Bomb (Ver. AB4.3A, 10/30/01S) [Ioannis Bampoulas] Magic Bomb (Ver. AB5.3, 20/06/03) [Ioannis Bampoulas] Magic Bomb (Ver. EB4.0, 05/04/01) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
  • 2025-01-22 18:17:45 dynax/royalmah.cpp: Identified demo sounds and auto reach DIP switches for Mahjong Deringer. [Vas Crabb]
    • Added DIP switch locations for Mahjong Deringer from input test. Also improved labels for first and second banks of DIP switches for Mahjong Vegas.
  • 2025-01-22 18:15:12 oberheim/dmx.cpp: Stereo output. VCA optimizations and docs. (#13257) [m1macrophage]
    • - Optimized VCA sound processing. - Emulated the stereo output, along with the fixed panning of voices. - This also improved accuracy of relative voice volume. - Added config option for selecting audio output. - Documentated the VCA.
  • 2025-01-22 16:22:14 misc/changyu.cpp: address QA feedback [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-22 12:06:09 amiga/amigaaga.cpp: align hires fmode 3 DDFs, experimentally enable drawing even if bitplane fetch DMA disabled [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-22 10:58:04 hash/ibm5170.xml: sort out pbfant [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-22 04:29:26 Bonanza's Joker Poker: Added docs and technical notes. [Roberto Fresca]
  • 2025-01-22 04:19:58 Bonanza's Joker Poker improvements [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]: [Roberto Fresca]
    • - Lot of fixes and new machine driver, getting Joker Poker working. - Fixed crystal/clocks and derivatives. - Added lamps support and button-lamps layout for Joker Poker. - Worked Super Joker Poker inputs and DIP Switches from the scratch. - Added more technical and games notes.
      Systems promoted to working - Bonanza's Joker Poker [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
  • 2025-01-21 21:05:26 excal: update notes [hap]
  • 2025-01-21 19:51:59 xavix: Clean up some machine-translated Japanese titles [Justin Kerk]
  • 2025-01-21 18:57:47 Clones promoted to working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • IPM Invader (set 2) [system11]
  • 2025-01-21 17:58:59 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - N-Sub (cocktail) [system11]
  • 2025-01-21 17:07:46 new NOT WORKING machines (#13252) [mamehaze]
    • Gwasuwon (Korea) [Taksangs, David Haywood]
      Co-authored-by: David Haywood
  • 2025-01-21 13:48:14 alesis/midiverb.cpp: Routed entire audio path. DSP just a passthrough. (#13244) [m1macrophage]
    • - Routed the entire audio path. - DSP is mostly a passthrough. Just does quantization (ADC) right now. - Using 'samples' mechanism for audio input. - Other style and code organization fixes.
  • 2025-01-21 12:36:20 misc: set_clock_scale takes a double, not a float [hap]
  • 2025-01-21 08:20:39 mg1: handle display disable [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2025-01-21 03:52:52 bus/nubus: Updates and minor cleanup [R. Belmont] [arbee]
    • - Refactored around an internal address space object so both 32 and 64-bit host machines just work - A few minor bits of cleanup/modernization
      apple/maclc.cpp: Patch macclas2's ROM to fix a verified-on-hardware illegal 68030 instruction that manages to work by accident. This fixes MAME showing a sad Mac after POST in 32-bit mode (pending determination of what the 68030 actually does). [Doug Brown, R. Belmont]
  • 2025-01-21 03:24:21 Super Mini-Boy improvements: [Roberto Fresca]
    • - Implemented and documented the PIA port B multiplexion. - Lot of fixes, getting the game working. - Added lamps support and button-lamps layout. - Fixed the color scheme. - Worked inputs and DIP Switches from the scratch. - Added technical and games notes. - Some clean-up.
      Systems promoted to working - Super Mini-Boy [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
  • 2025-01-21 00:47:08 excal: correct rom labels [hap]
  • 2025-01-20 23:48:13 glasgow: add waitstates, [hap]
    • mmdisplay1: more sane shift register
      New working systems - Mephisto Excalibur [hap, anonymous, Berger] Mephisto Excalibur (WCCC 1983 New York TM) [hap, anonymous, Berger]
  • 2025-01-20 20:37:37 device: round scaled clock to nearest integer [hap]
  • 2025-01-20 19:53:54 New clones marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Monkey Land (Ver. A1.2) [Ioannis Bampoulas] Monkey Land (Ver. AA.21.B) [Ioannis Bampoulas] Monkey Land (Ver. AA.21.C) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
  • 2025-01-20 19:52:03 util/corestr.cpp, sound/sdl_sound.cpp: Added missing standard library headers. (#13249) [Julian Sikorski]
  • 2025-01-20 16:54:47 tvgames/monkey_king_3b.cpp: Dumped AtGames Atari Flashback Portable [Devin Acker]
    • New systems marked not working - AtGames Atari Flashback Portable (version 4) [Devin Acker]
  • 2025-01-20 15:25:02 bus/spectrum/zxbus.cpp: Use memory view instead of bank device for shadow IO handling (#13251) [holub]
  • 2025-01-19 16:21:15 Tidied up some stuff. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2025-01-19 16:11:07 excellent/excellent_spr.cpp: Fix sprite delay and cleaned up code: (#13213) [cam900]
    • Implemented sprite RAM DMA triggered by vertical blanking. Use internal graphics decoding layout. Removed unused variables, reduced duplication and corrected comments. excellent/gcpinbal.cpp: Fixed background tilemap bank switching, simplified ROM loading, cleaned up code. excellent/aquarium.cpp: Cleaned up code.
  • 2025-01-19 15:48:51 mcs51: max opcode cycles is 4 [hap]
  • 2025-01-19 15:32:51 hash/amigaocs_flop.xml: QA stuff [angelosa]
    • hash: standardize Brutal Sports Series: Football entries
  • 2025-01-19 15:25:18 dec8: increase quantum for games with mcu, [hap]
    • bang: tweak gun sensitivity
  • 2025-01-19 15:20:14 mcs51: improve execute_run icount timing [hap]
  • 2025-01-19 11:37:50 New working software list items [angelosa]
    • - cdi: Validation Disc [redump.org]
  • 2025-01-19 10:31:49 CD-i: Fix RLE (#13243) [Vincent-Halver]
    • This change: 1. Fixes RLE encoding which was short by 50% 2. Simplifies code, reducing by >100 lines. 3. Renames Channel to Path to match the Green Book spec. 4. Adds TODO for QHY DYUV images. This image type can't be tested without 625 scanline resolution which is currently blocked. So this will remain a known gap until several other features are added.
  • 2025-01-19 10:12:28 konami/zr107.cpp and some related devices: initialized some variables [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2025-01-19 07:51:24 philips/cdi.cpp: removed quizardi_10 set, as the 1.0 CD doesn't support Italian language [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2025-01-19 07:38:45 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Egg Venture (Release 4) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
      - seta/macs.cpp: dumped motherboard PAL [buffi]
  • 2025-01-19 05:50:39 ibm5170_cdrom: NT 3.x floppies, SDKs, resource kits, service packs (#13230) [Mike Swanson]
    • ibm5170_cdrom: NT 3.x floppies, SDKs, resource kits, service packs
      Found clean floppy disk images from MSDN sets, so build 528 of NT 3.1 now has a 5.25" floppy disk for CD-ROM based installs. Most translated versions have their floppy disks for CD-ROM based installs added, too.
      MSDN often contained whatever the latest service pack was at the time a set was made, those discs are here now too. Microsoft was cost-conscious of printing many CDs, so these are often combined with other software. A sole independent Windows NT 3.51 SP4 disc has been found and included here. Were other 3.x service pack CD-ROMs made? Most likely SP5 was, but I have not located one.
      Were 3.x service packs released on independent CD-ROMs from the MSDN sets? If so, they should replace the entries here.
      The resource kit CD-ROMs for 3.1, 3.5, 3.51, and 4.0 are all included here. These contain companion software to the "Windows NT Resource Kit" book that was published. Even without the book, many of the utilities prove useful for the operating system.
      Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6 has been replaced by a properly prepared/shipped disc from Microsoft with an autorun installer.
      New working software list items (ibm5170_cdrom.xml) - Win32 Software Development Kit (version 3.51) [chungy] Win32 Software Development Kit and Device Driver Kit (version 3.1) [chungy] Windows NT 3.1 Service Pack 2 [chungy] Windows NT 3.1 Service Pack 3 [chungy] Windows NT 3.5 Service Pack 2 [chungy] Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 1 [chungy] Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 3 [chungy] Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 4 [chungy] Windows NT Resource Kit (version 3.1) [chungy] Windows NT Resource Kit (version 3.5) [chungy] Windows NT Resource Kit (version 3.51) [chungy] Windows NT Server Resource Kit (version 4.0) [chungy] Windows NT Workstation Resource Kit (version 4.0) [chungy]
      hash/ibm5170_cdrom: add NT Option Pack
      New working software list items (ibm5170_cdrom).xml - Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack [chungy]
  • 2025-01-18 19:37:40 dec8: make number of rombanks power-of-2 [hap]
  • 2025-01-18 19:29:22 ICP-1 Roulette: Added instructions for setting the password [Roberto Fresca]
    • and booting the game with it.
  • 2025-01-18 18:11:10 micro3d: correct mcu type, re-add underclock hack, it was still crashing, just not specifically at the last stage, [hap]
    • mcs51: add some todo notes
  • 2025-01-18 17:30:45 cpu/mcs51/mcs51.cpp: Implemented PES bit for DS5002FP. (#13224) [cam900]
    • PES bit is peripheral enable select on bytewide bus.
  • 2025-01-18 17:24:07 philips/mcd212.cpp: Fixed CD-i DYUV color format decoding. (#13127) [Vincent-Halver]
    • The DYUV format incorrectly was too dark by 16/256. This corrects a previously incorrect attempt to fix that issue. The DYUV format does not allow Mosaic features. The Transparency flag was left-shifted incorrectly.
  • 2025-01-18 16:24:39 gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp: Moved sytems with LaserDisc players to a derived state class and cleaned up code. (#13211) [cam900]
    • Suppress side effects for debugger reads, use more appropriate integer types, made come variables const. reduced preprocessor macros.
  • 2025-01-18 16:16:28 pc6001_cart.xml: Added two versions of Turpin (#13149) [David 'Foxhack' Silva]
    • New working software list items (pc6001_cart.xml)
      Turpin (1982-10-12) [Mike Stedman] Turpin (1983-01-29) [bsittler]
  • 2025-01-18 16:03:55 ussr/juku.cpp: Use a memory view for switching memory mapping, added mouse and fixed timer. (#13205) [Märt Põder]
    • ussr/jukumouse.cpp: Emulated Juku mouse interface.
  • 2025-01-18 11:40:01 galaxold: remove no_cocktail flag for most games [Robbbert] [hap]
  • 2025-01-18 08:10:17 New clones marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Batman Forever (Italian, 4.0, Sept. 26 1995, Display Rev. 4.00, earlier sound ROM) [Corrado Tomaselli] Pentacup (rev. S) [Ken Sumrall, PinMAME]
  • 2025-01-17 20:53:51 leadsng2: Decrypt ROM and tentatively identify CPU architecture [AJR]
  • 2025-01-17 20:51:08 mc68681,micro3d: small cleanup [hap]
  • 2025-01-17 20:46:02 Tidy up some stuff. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2025-01-17 20:23:53 edevices/edevices.cpp: Use device_gfx_interface to decode graphics, and cleaned up code. (#13221) [cam900]
    • edevices/mwarr.cpp: Simplified graphics ROM loading and decoding, reduced literal tags, improved member and ROM region names. edevices/stlforce.cpp: Simplified graphics ROM loading and decoding, removed unused code.
  • 2025-01-17 20:09:30 tvgames/xavix_2002.cpp, vtech/vtech5303.cpp: Build fixes [AJR]
  • 2025-01-17 20:03:09 Dumped 11 systems (two working). (#13235) [mamehaze]
    • machine/generalplus_gpl16250soc_video.cpp: Treat DMA destination 0 sprite RAM to work around issue in jak_spmm. cpu/m6502: Use conventional call stack for SuperXaviX. super_tv_pc_cart.xml: Verified dump of Double Mouse Party. machine/spg_renderer.cpp: Fixed lower bit depth modes (added games use 6 bits per pixel modes).
      New working systems - Bandai Let's! TV Play Nou to Karada o Kitaeru Taikan Zunou Family Mattore (Japan) [David Haywood, Team Europe] Takara / SSD Company LTD Webdiver DX W-05 Gladion (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
      New systems marked not working
      Bandai Let's! TV Play Digital Monster Battle Junction (Japan) [David Haywood, Team Europe] Bandai / SSD Company LTD Let's! TV Play Narikiri Taikan Boukenger Hashire! Ute! Mission Start!! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Bandai / SSD Company LTD Let's! TV Play Taikan Cast Off - Kamen Rider Kabuto Clock Up & Rider Kick!! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Enter Tech Leadsinger II (LS-K2) [David Haywood, Sean Riddle] Epoch / SSD Company LTD Doraemon Taikan Take-copter! Sora Tobu Daibouken (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Epoch / SSD Company LTD Ishikawa Ryou Excite Golf (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] JAKKS Pacific Inc / Santa Cruz Games The Amazing Spider-Man and The Masked Menace (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Radica / FarSight Studios Connectv Real Swing Golf (set 2) [David Haywood, Sean Riddle] WinFun TV Art Design Center [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
  • 2025-01-17 19:14:44 dataeast/deco156_m.cpp: Updated comments and cleaned up code a little. (#13240) [cam900]
    • Updated source file names and system names in comments. Reduced variable scope, made some variables const, fixed tabulation.
  • 2025-01-17 19:03:44 vtech/vtech5303.cpp: Added a skeleton driver for the VTech Paw Patrol Learning Tablet. (#13236) [ClawGrip]
    • Internal CPU ROM is not dumped
      New systems marked not working
      Paw Patrol: The Movie Learning Tablet (Spanish) [ArcadeHacker]
  • 2025-01-17 18:17:46 juku.xml: Added JUKU E5104 system disks from 1988-1989. (#13217) [Märt Põder]
    • New working software list items (juku.xml) - E5104 System Disks [Elektroonikamuuseum, Märt Põder] EKTA Utilities Disk #4 [Elektroonikamuuseum, Märt Põder]
  • 2025-01-17 17:36:42 bfm/bfcobra.cpp: Load Inquizitor attract mode ROM, and added alternate versions as clones. (#13196) [Paul-Arnold]
    • New clones marked not working
      Inquizitor (V1.2, alt) Inquizitor (V1.1)
  • 2025-01-17 15:43:18 ef9345: implement service row for the TS9347 variant (#13225) [Fabio D'Urso]
    • With this change, the minitel2 can correctly display its status row at the top of the screen.
  • 2025-01-17 15:40:32 heathzenith/h89.cpp: Update gpp handling for MMS FDC (#13226) [Mark Garlanger]
  • 2025-01-17 15:11:46 nightmare: remove obsolete todo note, small cleanup [hap]
  • 2025-01-17 14:01:54 alesis/midiverb.cpp: Adding "non-working" driver for midiverb. (#13238) [m1macrophage]
  • 2025-01-17 12:08:13 misc/changyu.cpp: pinpoint CVSD sample ROMs for changyu [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-17 11:49:12 misc/changyu.cpp: change year 19?? to 1991 for changyu2, pinpoint voice roms (#13234) [flama12333]
  • 2025-01-17 11:45:37 cpu/drcbearm64.cpp: Fixed ADRP usage. (#13239) [987123879113]
    • ADRP output must always be an X register.
  • 2025-01-17 00:17:26 Break the parent/clone relationship between both big10 games. [Roberto Fresca]
    • They are very different games playing the same type of keno.
  • 2025-01-16 23:47:17 Night Mare: According to the manual, button 1 is INK, button 2 is JUMP. [Roberto Fresca]
  • 2025-01-16 23:04:29 lependu.cpp: Fix description in rom load. [Roberto Fresca]
  • 2025-01-16 22:58:44 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/mamedev/mame [Roberto Fresca]
  • 2025-01-16 22:58:10 lependu.cpp: Fix typo in input description. [Roberto Fresca]
  • 2025-01-16 21:31:37 gp9001: fix regression with vdpcount_r [hap]
  • 2025-01-16 21:15:52 raizing_batrider: hook up z80 busrq pin [hap]
  • 2025-01-16 18:29:57 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Cherry Master I (E-Z Spin Hands Count bootleg / hack, set 1) [Ioannis Bampoulas] Cherry Master I (E-Z Spin Hands Count bootleg / hack, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
      New systems marked not working
      Skill Chance (W-7, set 1) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
      New clones marked not working - Skill Chance (W-7, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
  • 2025-01-16 18:26:23 4in1: fix explosion sound [Robbbert] [hap]
  • 2025-01-16 17:49:28 cpu/drcbearm64.cpp, src/drcbec.cpp: Fixed off-by-one errors in map variable handling. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2025-01-16 16:00:19 amiga/agnus_copper.cpp: calculate cycles remainders on end of scanlines [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-16 14:46:34 Slight DRC code generation optimisation: [Vas Crabb]
    • cpu/drcbex64.cpp: Consider a RIP-relative LEA for generating 64-bit values (7-byte instruction versus a 10-byte MOV instruction). Seems to work pretty well for heap pointers.
      cpu/drcbearm64.cpp: Changed the near cache base pointer offset from 0x80 to 0x100. The value 0x80 was copied from the x86-64 back-end where it was choses to allow an 8-bit signed displacement to reach as much of the top of the near cache as possible. However, AArch64 use 9-bit signed displacements, so a quarter of the range was being wasted.
      cpu/drcbearm64.cpp: Consider an adrp/add sequence for generating immediate values as well as memory references.
  • 2025-01-16 14:36:24 drivfrcg: fix crash sound [Robbbert], [hap]
    • superbikg: don't mark game as bootleg, rom contents looks original, can't judge bootleg from overall pcb quality of a conversion kit
  • 2025-01-16 10:22:59 mg1: improve to mostly-working state [Patrick Mackinlay]
    • add hardware cursor emulation complete mouse emulation add iop vblank input fix iop to cpu interrupt
  • 2025-01-16 03:34:48 Code Magik / Super 7: Added game and technical notes. [Roberto Fresca]
  • 2025-01-16 01:49:54 Adjusted Le Pendu buttons-lamps layout intensity. [Roberto Fresca]
  • 2025-01-16 01:40:49 Systems promoted to working [Roberto Fresca]
    • - Code Magik (Ver 5.5) / Super 7 (stealth game) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
  • 2025-01-15 22:28:20 seta/macs.cpp: dumped GAL for kisekaem [buffi] [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2025-01-15 20:24:11 DRC cleanup and minor optimisation: [Windy Fairy, Vas Crabb] [Vas Crabb]
    • Build all native back-ends if any native back-end is enabled so errors caused by changing interfaces can be found faster. cpu/drcbeut.cpp: Moved resolved member function stuff to a place where it can be shared by back-ends. cpu/drcbearm64.cpp: Use ubfx instruction to extract unordered flag. cpu/drcbearm64.cpp, cpu/drcbex64.cpp: Bypass trampolines when calling get map variable value and debugger instruction hook functions. cpu/drcbearm64.cpp: Moved some internal helpers that don't need to be members to anonymous namespace. cpu/drcbearm64.cpp: Added a comment with some info to help when debugging generated code. cpu/drcbec.cpp: Put code in the drc namespace.
  • 2025-01-14 21:29:20 ci-linux.yml: Add libfontconfig-dev in preparation for ubuntu 24.04 [Dirk Best]
  • 2025-01-14 19:28:35 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • New Lucky 8 Lines (set 14, W-4, Yamate) [Ioannis Bampoulas] New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (F-5, Witch Bonus, Yamate) [Ioannis Bampoulas] New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Witch Bonus, Yamate, 1988, set 1) [Ioannis Bampoulas] New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Witch Bonus, Yamate, 1988, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas] New Lucky 8 Lines (set 15, W-4, Cleco bootleg) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
      New systems marked not working
      Top-7 (V8.8, set 1) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
      New clones marked not working - Tic Tac Toe (Sundance bootleg of New Lucky 8 Lines) [Ioannis Bampoulas] Top-7 (V8.8, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
      - misc/norautp.cpp: corrected PAL for drhl [f205v]
  • 2025-01-14 19:14:26 williams: small cleanup, fix splat regression [hap]
  • 2025-01-14 17:29:58 cpu/drcbe*.cpp: Added write byte with explicit mask. [Vas Crabb]
    • This wasn't added to the DRC implementations when it was added to the address space classes.
  • 2025-01-14 15:02:16 cpu/drcbearm64.cpp: Use saved return address from stack for op_recover. [Vas Crabb]
    • Handle landing pads save the LR/FP pair, so the return address for the first level of callh, exh or "no code" handler can be recovered from below the base frame pointer.
  • 2025-01-14 14:48:19 -cpu/drcbex64.cpp: Be nicer to the return address predictor. [Vas Crabb]
    • -cpu/drcbex86.cpp: Give hints to use short displacements for jumps to local unbound labels.
      -util/mfpresolve.h: Use references for some things that must not be null pointers.
  • 2025-01-14 14:44:27 amiga/paulafdc.cpp: stabilize wordsync [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-14 14:25:39 micro3d: remove obsolete underclock hack [hap]
  • 2025-01-14 11:40:22 amiga/agnus_copper.cpp: 0x5c is actual h blank minimum position [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-14 11:19:04 DRC: Calculate negative and zero flags for shifts/rotates with a zero shift count. (#13232) [987123879113]
    • cpu/drcbec.cpp, cpu/drcbearm64.cpp, cpu/drcbex64.cpp, cpu/drcbex86.cpp: Calculate NZ flags for shifts/rotates by 0 bits. cpu/drcbex86.cpp: Fixed flag calculation for 64-bit multiplication when result is zero.
  • 2025-01-14 09:00:37 oberheim/dmx.cpp: AA filters, VCA as a device, optimizations, bug fix. (#13228) [m1macrophage]
    • oberheim/dmx.cpp: AA filters, VCA as a device, optimizations, bug fix.
      - Refactored the gain and decay logic into its own VCA device, to make it easy to add the anti-aliasing filters. - Added the anti-aliasing / reconstruction filters. - Optimization: Gain and decay-RC-constant variations computed at initialization. - Bugfix: voices with pith control have 1 instead of 3 decay variations. Fixes decay speed in some TOM variations.
      dmx: Initializing with non-zero filter params in "default" constructor. Fixes validation errors.
  • 2025-01-14 08:57:19 mcs51: don't mask P3.1 at reset [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2025-01-14 08:24:13 8530scc: retire legacy device [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2025-01-14 07:53:33 x68k: add serial mouse [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2025-01-14 04:19:09 Code Magik: Standardized inputs. [Roberto Fresca]
  • 2025-01-14 03:58:49 lependu.cpp driver improvements [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]: [Roberto Fresca]
    • Created new machine config for Code Magik. Added proper PIAs connections for Code Magik. Added lamps set for Code Magik. Added button-lamps layout for Code Magik. Inputs from the scratch for Code Magik.
  • 2025-01-14 02:57:19 util/mfpresolve.h: Fix build with MSVC ABI. [Vas Crabb]
    • All ABI paths must be valid C++ - can't use a static assertion.
  • 2025-01-13 22:53:56 lependu.cpp driver improvements [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]: [Roberto Fresca]
    • Fixed the ROM_LOAD. Fixed the graphics banks. Fixed the color/bank selector bits.
  • 2025-01-13 20:07:26 drcbearm64.cpp: Add missing header (blind fix for Mac build) [AJR]
  • 2025-01-13 18:33:40 util/mfpresolve.h: Linux wants for ptrdiff_t. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2025-01-13 18:14:10 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Cherry Bonus (A.A.I. bootleg) [Ioannis Bampoulas] Cherry Bonus II (V2.00 06/01) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
      New clones marked not working - Cherry Bonus III (ver.5.1) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
  • 2025-01-13 17:59:02 -util/mfpresolve.cpp: Moved member function resolution code to a common location. [Vas Crabb]
    • util/delegate.cpp, cpu/drcbex64.cpp, cpu/drcbearm64.cpp: Use common member function resolution code.
      -cpu/drcbearm64.cpp, cpu/drcbex64.cpp, cpu/drcbex86.cpp: Moved some stuff to anonymous namespaces.
      -cpu/drcbex64.cpp, cpu/drcbex86.cpp: Defer allocating labels if they aren't always needed.
  • 2025-01-13 17:35:20 barcrestmpu3.cpp: Correct 100hz signal to pia6821 ic3 (#13215) [blueonesarefaster]
    • Correct 100hz signal to pia6821 ic3 Correct 50hz comment Correct toggling of 100hz and comment games which fail on boot
  • 2025-01-13 17:22:29 m62_v: remove note about guessed palette resistors [hap]
  • 2025-01-13 17:12:04 hc55516: add btanb note [hap]
  • 2025-01-13 17:07:55 beluga: make text labels a bit less bright [hap]
  • 2025-01-13 17:07:24 kblitz: detect cold boot differently, [hap]
    • fidelity card: reduce duplicate port handlers
  • 2025-01-13 16:44:16 cpu/drcbearm64.cpp: Added a 64-bit ARMv8 (AArch64) DRC back-end. (#13162) [987123879113]
    • cpu/uml.cpp: Removed unused vector type. 3rdparty/asmjit: Update asmjit to latest upstream. cpu/drcbex64.cpp: Fixed crash with LOG_HASHJMPS enabled (stack needs to be 16-byte aligned before calling debug_log_hashjmp_fail).
  • 2025-01-13 11:37:23 amiga/amiga_m.cpp: CLXDAT bit 15 is always high [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-12 19:54:28 cpu/drcbex86.cpp: Sorry, I’m an idiot, didn't stage this line. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2025-01-12 19:43:09 osd: Added helper for getting CPU cache line size. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2025-01-12 17:49:57 atari/tank8.cpp: Add addressable latch devices and XTAL definition; use raw parameters for screen [AJR]
  • 2025-01-12 17:45:17 amiga/amiga_v.cpp: fix sprite display in hires mode [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-12 17:04:49 New software list items marked not working [angelosa]
    • amiga_cd: The Big Red Adventure, Red Hat Linux 5.1 [archive.org], Emulators Unlimited Plus, Final Odyssey: Theseus Verses the Minotaur [redump.org]
  • 2025-01-12 17:27:13 formats/h17disk.cpp: Add format for Heath hard-sectored formats (#13222) [Mark Garlanger]
    • formats/h17disk.cpp: Add format for Heath hard-sectored formats
      fix compile error
      minor formatting changes
  • 2025-01-12 17:24:30 oberheim/dmx.cpp: Emulating pitch tunning. Optimizing pitch computations. (#13223) [m1macrophage]
    • Also simplified and documented pitch computations.
  • 2025-01-12 16:27:13 triplhunt: add default nvram, add debugger side effect checks [hap]
  • 2025-01-12 15:21:47 beluga: change keypad shortcuts [hap]
  • 2025-01-12 14:23:06 misc atari: add nopr to addressmaps for 6800 clr spam [hap]
  • 2025-01-12 13:10:15 m6800: add dummy read to CLR opcode [blueonesarefaster] [hap]
  • 2025-01-12 13:05:50 trclchick: remove duplicated ports [hap]
  • 2025-01-12 12:54:38 elf: correction to in button, remove some more trampolines [hap]
  • 2025-01-12 12:46:40 New working systems [hap]
    • - Beluga [hap, Berger]
  • 2025-01-12 09:38:15 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Toride II (Japan, revision I) [twistedsymphony]
      New systems marked not working
      Omatsuri Yasan: Ganso Takoyaki [SnakeGrunger]
      New clones marked not working - Omatsuri Yasan: Kingyo Sukui [SnakeGrunger]
  • 2025-01-12 02:43:19 kn5000: Improvements to the internal layout. (#13219) [Felipe Corrêa da Silva Sanches]
    • - Highlight pressed buttons by changing color - Remove many unnecessary 'name' attributes. - Add a few details that were missing, like the red lines over a couple sequencer buttons.
  • 2025-01-12 01:54:58 Moved Code Magik to lependu.cpp driver. [Roberto Fresca]
  • 2025-01-12 00:32:49 New working clone (#13218) [algestam]
    • Tronica: Clever Chicken [Milan Galcik, algestam]
  • 2025-01-11 23:24:44 amiga/gayle: Fix include guard after move [Dirk Best]
  • 2025-01-11 23:21:54 amiga/amiga_m.cpp: C++17 should make these instantiations unnecessary [AJR]
  • 2025-01-11 23:11:20 amiga: Move gayle into amiga folder [Dirk Best]
  • 2025-01-11 20:27:01 jetwave: update analog controls [hap]
  • 2024-11-05 09:26:48 mindset: That has not been a skeleton for a while [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2025-01-11 18:23:44 floppy: Start the ready dance on insertion even if motor is always on [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2025-01-11 18:16:16 misc/policetr: Use BT481 device [Dirk Best]
  • 2025-01-11 17:58:29 i8085: correct some variable types [hap]
  • 2025-01-11 16:48:16 Fix include guard check that previous CI runs missed. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
  • 2025-01-11 16:39:27 HP98x6: added HP98628 & HP98629 expansion cards (#12984) [fulivi]
    • z80sio: add support for wait/ready, fix rx int logic, fix SDLC bit stuffing bug
      hp98x6: added support for HP98628 & HP98629 exp. cards
      hp98x6: removed dependency on buggy hp_dio functions, restored original hp_dio.*
  • 2025-01-11 16:01:34 elf2: update note about dma [hap]
  • 2025-01-11 14:27:04 microsoft/jazz.cpp: Update comment [AJR]
  • 2025-01-11 13:49:19 New working machine added (#13204) [algestam]
    • Tronica: Diver's Adventure [Milan Galcik, algestam]
  • 2025-01-11 13:48:39 Update m72.cpp - flip bchopper/mrheli Demo Sounds switch (#13203) [mamehaze]
  • 2025-01-11 13:48:04 Segas32 - Resolution change when zooming (#13047) [mahoneyt944]
    • Wrap tilemap - fix harddunk background in attract
  • 2025-01-11 13:16:19 cosmac: fix load init phase [Robbbert] [hap]
  • 2025-01-11 13:06:37 lsi/m3: Fix floppy regression, add initial software list [Dirk Best]
    • New working software list additions - M3 Utilities (Release 3) [Steve Hunt]
  • 2025-01-11 11:39:26 oberheim/ob8.cpp: Skeleton driver for Oberheim OB8. (#13214) [m1macrophage]
  • 2025-01-11 11:28:16 bus/heathzenith/h89: Remove signals present on a real h89bus (#13193) [Mark Garlanger]
  • 2025-01-11 11:27:38 heathzenith/h19/tlb.cpp: Add joystick support to IGC board (#13171) [Mark Garlanger]
    • heathzenith/h19/tlb.cpp: Add joystick support to IGC board
      Update joystick direction bits
  • 2025-01-11 11:25:42 sound/dac76.h: Documenting equivalence to AM6070. Fixing pin locations. (#13168) [m1macrophage]
  • 2025-01-11 11:24:06 Added emulation for Roland SA sound chips (#13209) [Giulio Zausa]
    • Sound chip
      Fix indent
  • 2025-01-11 11:23:31 Adding a layout to the Roland D-70 driver. (#13212) [Felipe Corrêa da Silva Sanches]
    • Support moving sliders with mouse click & drag.
      Note 1: LEDs declared and positioned in the layout, but the driver still does not control them. Note 2: The rotary encoder is also not functional yet. I'll leave that one to a future separate commit.
  • 2025-01-11 11:21:45 sinclair/tsconf.cpp Improved tiles decoding (#13145) [holub]
    • sinclair/tsconf.cpp Improved tiles decoding
      rm palette hack
      replace math with bitswap
      restore tile cache
  • 2025-01-11 09:55:47 -nichibutsu/nbmj8688.cpp, nichibutsu/nbmj8891.cpp: Renames Mahjong Camera Kozou games for clarity. [Vas Crabb]
    • -cpu/m6502/m6500_1.cpp: Cleaned up a comment a bit.
  • 2025-01-11 01:10:28 microsoft/jazz.cpp: Switch SCSI controller type back to NCR53CF94 and give it a faster clock [AJR]
    • machine/ncr53c90.cpp: Allow clock conversion register to be set to 0 (faster versions allow this)
      microsoft/mct_adr.cpp: Fix issue with DRQ on disabled channels also disabling other channels
  • 2025-01-11 00:44:55 k052109: add function for marking tilemap dirty [hap]
  • 2025-01-10 22:36:13 bgfx: fix compile error after https://github.com/mamedev/mame/commit/ba6f5853e9382a959af8ff81980c0f06a6ffe80e [hap]
  • 2025-01-10 22:34:47 namconb1: small cleanup to gamelist alignment [hap]
  • 2025-01-10 19:08:53 sinclair/tsconf.cpp: Added state save (#13210) [holub]
  • 2025-01-10 17:24:42 mcs51: update savestates, [hap]
    • micro3d: reverse throttle control
  • 2025-01-10 15:46:22 elf2: remove unneeded led write trampoline [hap]
  • 2025-01-10 13:47:08 elf2: invert wait_cb [Robbbert] [hap]
  • 2025-01-10 13:38:43 mm74c922: clock da pin after updating data outputs [Robbbert] [hap]
  • 2025-01-10 10:17:37 Revert "wip" [Patrick Mackinlay]
    • This reverts commit d731222aac57049354191bed35917206a25460db.
  • 2025-01-10 10:12:27 wip [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2025-01-10 10:11:53 mcs51: fix P3.1 output logic [Patrick Mackinlay]
    • mode 0 is still incorrect
  • 2025-01-10 10:06:13 amiga/agnus_copper: handle SKIP properly [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-10 09:16:54 oberheim/dmx.cpp: Sound emulation. (#13206) [m1macrophage]
    • oberheim/dmx.cpp: Sound emulation.
      oberheim/dmx.cpp: Use [] instead of .at() for vectors.
  • 2025-01-10 06:32:02 sgi/gm1: add skeleton card [J.J. van der Heijden] [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2025-01-09 20:44:39 ncv1: nc1cg0 rom dump had 1 bad bit [hap]
  • 2025-01-09 18:40:47 - misc/itgambl2.cpp: redumped ntcasha's GFX ROM [Hammy] [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - nichibutsu/nbmj8891.cpp: dumped mask ROM for avmjts [Hammy]
  • 2025-01-09 18:00:16 New clones marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Cuty Line (LC-88 bootleg, ver.7C.14) [Ioannis Bampoulas] Cuty Line (LC-88 bootleg, ver.8.05C) [Ioannis Bampoulas] F-16 Super 8 Lines [Ioannis Bampoulas]
  • 2025-01-09 15:17:07 vendetta: checked devices for possible savestate issue [hap]
  • 2025-01-09 14:51:32 amiga/agnus_copper: delay MOVE writes regardless of what register it triggers [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-09 14:38:33 eepromser: one variable was missing from savestates [hap]
  • 2025-01-09 12:56:32 dm9368: update output when rbi is written, [hap]
    • seabattl,elf: remove unneeded 7seg output trampoline, didact: #define pia6820_device pia6821_device, please don't do that
  • 2025-01-09 06:58:33 sgi/ip4: correct pit type, add tape [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2025-01-08 21:41:32 Code Magik: Fixed graphics banks and bitplanes. [Roberto Fresca]
  • 2025-01-08 21:19:04 New systems marked not working [Roberto Fresca]
    • Code Magik [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, Jeff Hamelin]
  • 2025-01-08 21:14:15 New systems marked not working [Roberto Fresca]
    • Code Magik [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, Jeff Hamelin]
  • 2025-01-08 20:47:39 analogipt: make inc/dec slider control consistent with other sliders where holding ctrl = 'big steps' [hap]
  • 2025-01-08 19:37:20 hc55516: correct variable type of digital sample in hc55516 class, small cleanup [hap]
  • 2025-01-08 19:02:10 konami/rungun.cpp: Added a slightly earlier US version of Run and Gun. [Vas Crabb]
    • New working clones
      Run and Gun (ver UAB 1993 9.10, dedicated twin cabinet) [Bryan McPhail]
  • 2025-01-08 19:00:18 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Long Hu Da Manguan Duizhan Jiaqiang Ban (V200C3M) [dyq, little0]
      New clones marked not working - Bonus Chance (W-8, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas] Fever Chance (W-6, Japan, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas] Fever Chance (W-6, Taiwan) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
  • 2025-01-08 17:44:00 dynax/ddenlovr.cpp: Show correct credits per note with alternate coinage for Mahjong The Mysterious World/Orient. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2025-01-08 16:24:14 sbrkout: remove unused TIME_4V define [hap]
  • 2025-01-08 13:54:43 bus/amiga/zorro/merlin: Implement RAMDAC with hardware cursor [Dirk Best]
  • 2025-01-08 13:36:30 minitel2: tune palette to differentiate all colors (#13200) [Fabio D'Urso]
    • Previously, some pairs of distinct levels were mapped to the same color, which made them indistinguishable.
  • 2025-01-08 13:35:24 undrfire: remove fake dipswitch [hap]
  • 2025-01-08 12:10:27 xexex: remove empty init function (for invincibility just use -cheat) [hap]
  • 2025-01-08 11:42:04 Systems promoted to working [Patrick Mackinlay]
    • - Silicon Graphics Professional IRIS 4D/50 [Patrick Mackinlay] Silicon Graphics Professional IRIS 4D/70 [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2025-01-08 11:26:39 sgi/ip4: fix scsi dma [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2025-01-08 11:14:02 viofight: remove bad dump flag [hap]
  • 2025-01-08 09:56:07 drgnbstr: allow continue dsw was wrong way around [hap]
  • 2025-01-08 08:06:00 vme/enp10: fix build [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2025-01-08 07:03:04 vme/enp10: improve to working state [Patrick Mackinlay, Plamen Mihaylov] [Patrick Mackinlay]
    • added missing 2ms timer improved interrupt logic corrected and completed vme interface added additional firmware versions
  • 2025-01-08 05:47:13 megacd.xml: Combined the Mega CD and Sega CD software lists. (#13199) [Mike Swanson]
    • sega/mdconsole.cpp: Added compatibility filters for CD-ROM media.
  • 2025-01-08 02:47:31 microsoft/jazz.cpp: Revert SCSI controller to 53C94 type due to flaws in 53CF94 emulation [AJR]
  • 2025-01-08 00:43:19 Golden poker driver improvements [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]. [Roberto Fresca]
    • Added hopper support. Modified layout to add hopper/diverter status. Added extra layout for games that behave different. Moved all Mega Double Poker routines to their own place. Cleaned up the driver.
  • 2025-01-07 22:12:43 asterix: mark tilemaps dirty if tilebank changed [hap]
  • 2025-01-07 22:10:59 espial: workaround for soft reset lockup [hap]
  • 2025-01-07 21:43:12 New working systems [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Cuty Line (ver.1.01) [Taksangs, Charlie]
      New clones marked not working - Cherry Bonus V Five (V1.1) [Taksangs, Charlie] El Dorado (V1.1J) [Taksangs, Charlie]
  • 2025-01-07 19:28:21 philips/minitel_2_rpic.cpp: Corrected periinfo default serial frame settings, apply default serial line settings to null_modem as well as terminal. (#13160) [Fabio D'Urso]
  • 2025-01-07 19:20:44 nmk/nmk004.cpp, nmk/nmk16.cpp: Cleaned up code: (#13173) [cam900]
    • nmk/nmk004.cpp: Removed hard-coded assumptions about surrounding system. nmk/nmk16.cpp: Suppress side effects for debugger reads, improved save state support. nmk/nmk16.cpp: Removed unused variables, reduced use of literal tags, added notes.
  • 2025-01-07 19:11:17 util/coretmpl.h: Added constexpr to the bitswap with explicit count. [Vas Crabb]
    • This was a hangover from poor implementation of constexpr in older compilers.
  • 2025-01-07 19:04:11 poundfor: 0x40 is bit 6, not bit 5 [hap]
  • 2025-01-07 19:03:47 gaelco/goldart.cpp: Changed main CPU clock frequency, cleaned up code: (#13182) [cam900]
    • Changed DS5002 clock frequency to 16MHz (32MHz / 2) rather than 12MHz. Defer allocating RAM until machine start. Restrict drawing to clipping rectangle. Renamed members to reflect the fact that the DS5002 is the main CPU. Reduced run-time tag lookups, suppress side effects for debugger reads, made some variables const.
  • 2025-01-07 18:52:35 misc/4enraya.cpp: Labelled DIP switch on bit 1 (0x02) as unknown. (#13185) [Uncle Petros]
    • Was previously labelled Demo Sounds, but it does not disable sounds in attract mode.
  • 2025-01-07 18:50:02 gaelco/gaelco.cpp: Cleaned up code: (#13195) [cam900]
    • Moved Big Karnak and Squash/Thunder Hoop to derived state classes to reduce optional object finders. Made some variables const, use more appropriate integer types. Reduced code duplication, reduced literal tags, improved ROM region names.
  • 2025-01-07 18:45:12 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • 7 Gold [Hammy] Champion 3001 Regular [Hammy] Golden Number [Hammy] Ji Xiang Ru Yi (V116CN) [dyq, little0] Jin Hua Zheng Ba (V113CN) [dyq, little0] Pairs (Italian gambling game) [Hammy] Sha Yu Da Heng (V104CN) [dyq, little0] Shuang Long Qiang Zhu Te Bie Ban (V104CN) [dyq, little0] Xiao Yao Dou Di Zhu [dyq, little0] Zupapa (Italian gambling game) [Hammy]
      New clones marked not working - NtCash (set 2) [Hammy]
      -stern/supdrapo.cpp: dumped PAL for supdrapo set [f205v]
  • 2025-01-07 18:42:28 gaelco/gaelco3d.cpp: Cleaned up code: (#13194) [cam900]
    • Suppress side effects for debugger reads, use BIT helpers, made some variables const. Use logmacro.h for configurable logging, reduced literal tags and preprocessor macros. Improved some ROM region and member function names.
  • 2025-01-07 18:31:25 roland/roland_d70.cpp: Added five program versions and adjusted LCD palette. (#13187) [Felipe Corrêa da Silva Sanches]
  • 2025-01-07 15:52:50 espial: update notes [hap]
  • 2025-01-07 15:19:02 espial,zodiack: add sound nmi timer, small cleanup, increase netwars sound nmi frequency [hap]
  • 2025-01-07 13:37:00 stkbd: JOY1-5 signal is not for a 2nd joystick button, fix joystick button reads [hap]
  • 2025-01-07 14:44:01 ncr53cf94: Use correct family ID [AJR]
  • 2025-01-07 09:22:22 amiga/paula.cpp: refine silence on empty DMA buffers [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-07 05:07:44 machine/ncr53c90.cpp: Fix NCR53CF94 ID read sequence [AJR]
  • 2025-01-06 23:54:22 namcos1: assume sound irqs are at vblank end [hap]
  • 2025-01-06 21:36:23 amiga/amiga_m.cpp: disable DMA reload on SPRxPOS (Copper) writes [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-06 18:30:26 zsg2: update stream before reading, [hap]
    • tms57002: fix input sample overflow
  • 2025-01-06 15:49:45 Fix SW display in menu (#13189) [Uncle Petros]
  • 2025-01-06 15:26:35 tilemap: account for flipped tilemap in get_info_debug, [hap]
    • diablo: update notes
  • 2025-01-06 10:19:06 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Cherry Bonus III (ver.1.40, set 7) [Hammy] Cherry Master I (ver.1.01, set 12) [Hammy]
  • 2025-01-05 21:46:42 moog/*.cpp: Use GM definitions for piano keyboard inputs. (#13186) [m1macrophage]
  • 2025-01-05 21:34:59 viofight: mark tc0180vcu roms as bad dump [hap]
  • 2025-01-05 19:40:57 stocker: add PORT_TOGGLE to shifter [hap]
  • 2025-01-05 19:40:23 munchmo: small cleanup [hap]
  • 2025-01-05 21:35:18 apple/macpdm.cpp: Hold the 601 in HALT until Cuda's ready for it. Fixes the stuttering boot chime. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
  • 2025-01-05 20:05:29 bus/amiga/zorro: Add preliminary support for the merlin gfx card [Dirk Best]
  • 2025-01-05 20:01:27 pc_vga: vsync interrupt support [Dirk Best]
  • 2025-01-05 19:03:15 amiga/amiga_v.cpp: move sprite DMA triggers to X defined slots [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-05 17:29:10 -bus/isa/prose4k1.cpp: Dumped Speech Plus Prose 4001 CPU firmware. [Matt Balmer] [Vas Crabb]
    • The CPU passes its initial memory test, but no I/O is connected.
      -dynax/ddenlovr.cpp: Identified 18 of 40 DIP switches for hanakanz with high confidence, and improved inputs.
  • 2025-01-05 15:27:32 lasso: merge driver, [hap]
    • wwjgtin: remove dac, pinbo: improve background color
  • 2025-01-05 15:20:40 README.md: Remove obsolete reference to MESS [Dirk Best]
  • 2025-01-05 11:20:32 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • unknown TAX game [Hammy]
  • 2025-01-05 08:01:52 dynax/ddenlovr.cpp: Identified undocumented alternate coinage setting for Mahjong The Mysterious World. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2025-01-05 07:46:45 dynax/ddenlovr.cpp: Corrected DIP switch settings for Mahjong The Mysterious World. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2025-01-05 03:35:50 oberheim_dmx.lay: Adding ability to control faders with the mouse. (#13177) [m1macrophage]
  • 2025-01-05 03:04:12 zx81_cass.xml: Added 27 working items + 2 not working (#13174) [ArcadeShadow]
    • New working software list additions
      3D 3D! (Kayde) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] 3D Monster Maze (Aackosoft) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] 3D Monster Maze (ZX Data) [Spectrum Computing] Asteroids (dK'tronics) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Astral Convoy [Spectrum Computing] Can of Worms (alt) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Centipede (Kayde) [Steven Brown, Mark Westmoreland, Planeta Sinclair] Constellation (red logo inlay) [Steven Brown, Mark Westmoreland, Planeta Sinclair] Dictator (red logo inlay) [Steven Brown, Mark Westmoreland, Planeta Sinclair] Frogs (Aackosoft) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Gulp II (Aackosoft) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Gulp II (ZX Data) [Spectrum Computing] House of Gnomes [Steven Brown, Mark Westmoreland, Planeta Sinclair] Invasion Force (Aackosoft) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Love and Death [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Mazeman [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Monstro das Trevas [Spectrum Computing] Morse Decoder [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Multifile (Bug-Byte) [Steven Brown, Mark Westmoreland, Planeta Sinclair] Ny Teknik - 7 Program till din Sinclair ZX 81 [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Skak [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Stock Car (alt) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] The Damsel and the Beast (red logo inlay) [Steven Brown, Mark Westmoreland, Planeta Sinclair] Videograph [Steven Brown, Mark Westmoreland, Planeta Sinclair] ZX Breakout [Spectrum Computing] ZX Breakout (pink inlay) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] ZX Nightmare Park (Aackosoft) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair]
      New NOT working software list addition
      Space Invaders (Kayde) [Steven Brown, Mark Westmoreland, Planeta Sinclair] ZXED [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair]
      Promoted to working software list item
      3D 3D!
  • 2025-01-05 03:03:38 psx.xml: Added 10 working items + 2 redumped items (#13178) [ArcadeShadow]
    • New working software list additions
      007 Racing (Europe) [Redump] 007 Racing (France) [Redump] 007 Racing (Germany) [Redump] A Ressha de Ikou 4 - Evolution Global (Japan) [Redump] A Ressha de Ikou 4 - Evolution Global (Japan) (PlayStation the Best) [Redump] A.IV - Evolution Global (Europe) [Redump] Actua Golf (Europe) [Redump] Actua Golf (Japan) [Redump] Actua Golf 2 (Europe) [Redump] Actua Golf 3 (Europe) [Redump]
      Redumped software list items
      007 Racing (USA) [Redump] A-Train - Trains, Power, Money (USA) [Redump]
  • 2025-01-05 02:52:45 macadb: Add support for second button of an ADB mouse (#13179) [as-tb-dev]
  • 2025-01-05 02:33:08 Swapped Difficulty and Speed DIP Switches (#13176) [Uncle Petros]
  • 2025-01-05 02:32:51 bus/heathzenith/h89: Remove unneeded save_item for data members set by config (#13180) [Mark Garlanger]
  • 2025-01-05 01:34:43 cpu/powerpc: More support for the 601's POWER/PPC dual nature, including several POWER instructions. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
    • apple/macpdm.cpp: Implemented audio DMA IRQs and some minor cleanup. [R. Belmont]
  • 2025-01-04 23:46:01 makaimurbl: rename to makaimurbbl [hap]
  • 2025-01-04 23:03:48 makaimurba: this was from a bootleg pcb [hap]
  • 2025-01-04 22:48:34 lasso: tweak cpu/sound clocks based on pcb recordings [hap]
  • 2025-01-04 21:06:22 alibaba: add mystery item clock [hap]
  • 2025-01-04 19:14:11 dynax/ddenlovr.cpp: Fixed inputs for htengoku, hkagerou and hginga. [Vas Crabb]
    • Corrected DIP switches for htengoku, hkagerou and hginga based on manuals (except for two illegible settings for hkagerou). Hooked up hopper for hginga. Corrected input types.
  • 2025-01-04 17:38:52 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • New Mondo Plus (V0.6I) [Hammy]
      New clones marked not working - Cherry Master '97 (V1.7, set 2) [Hammy]
  • 2025-01-04 17:04:55 New clones marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Golden Regular (version 388/2000) [Hammy]
      - toaplan/twincobra.cpp: corrected ROM locations for some sets, corrected audio CPU ROM for hishouza [Guru]
  • 2025-01-04 17:00:27 amiga/paula.cpp: clamp output to s16 [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-04 16:13:31 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Endless Riches (Ver 1.10) [Hammy]
      New clones marked not working - Magic Touch (v. 28.05) [Hammy]
  • 2025-01-04 10:06:08 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • AV-Mahjong Two Shot (Japan Ver 1.00 1990/05/21) [Hammy]
  • 2025-01-04 06:11:29 pasogo.xml: Updated list of undumped software in comment. (#13172) [David 'Foxhack' Silva]
    • Confirmed cartridge numbers for undumped software, and listed an additional unumped cartridge.
  • 2025-01-04 04:51:49 pasogo.cpp: Fix RTC register copy/paste errors (#13170) [eientei95]
  • 2025-01-04 00:06:20 drmicro: reduce sn clock [hap]
  • 2025-01-03 23:54:37 spacedem: remove blue background [hap]
  • 2025-01-03 22:18:46 scyclone: replace speech dac with hc55516 [hap]
  • 2025-01-03 17:17:02 bus/amiga/zorro: Improve reset handling [Dirk Best]
  • 2025-01-03 17:08:12 oberheim/dmx.cpp: Driver for Oberheim DMX. Includes layout. No sound. (#13165) [m1macrophage]
  • 2025-01-03 16:13:28 raizing: remove obsolete postload function from base class [hap]
  • 2025-01-03 15:58:08 digfx: mark gfx ram dirty after load state [hap]
  • 2025-01-03 11:55:35 mmc3_clones: remove unneeded workaround, [hap]
    • rungun: remove unneeded bool checks
  • 2025-01-03 11:48:59 gottlieb: fix savestate issue [hap]
  • 2025-01-03 10:03:35 build: adjust msvc warning settings [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2025-01-03 09:58:54 general: housekeeping and msvc warning elimination [Patrick Mackinlay]
    • avoid potential unsafe use of bool avoid potentially empty controlled statements annotate some unused variables remove some undefined functions
  • 2025-01-03 05:49:22 nmk/quizdna.cpp: Fix build [AJR]
  • 2025-01-03 05:25:20 nmk/quizdna.cpp: Simplified program ROM loading. [Vas Crabb]
    • This still had hold-overs from when the region was the address space. Also put common I/O space mappings in a shared function.
  • 2025-01-03 05:20:07 heathzenith/h89: Change how SigmaSoft parallel port connects to IGC (#13040) [Mark Garlanger]
  • 2025-01-03 03:42:04 ds1215: simplify modes, turn off logging [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2025-01-03 02:00:49 mame/moog/*.cpp: Using the more prevalent style for and & placement. (#13163) [m1macrophage]
  • 2025-01-02 23:57:47 amiga/amiga_v: don't add bitplane modulo if DMA is disabled [angelosa]
    • fixes amigaocs_flop:lweapon intro at least
  • 2025-01-02 19:08:13 New working clones [hap]
    • Diablo 68000 (set 1) [Gavin Fance]
  • 2025-01-02 16:52:57 Updated README.md (#13142) [Dirk Best]
    • Rearranged sections and updated links. Updated brief instructions for compiling with Visual Studio. Add repobeats activity graphs. Linked CI badges to workflow pages.
  • 2025-01-02 16:46:30 Added two TV Games (not working), and improved SPG110 SoC emulation. (#13153) [mamehaze]
    • machine/spg110.cpp: Improved interrupt emulation. machine/spg110_video.cpp: Hooked up Y flip, cleaned up code, updated comments.
      New systems marked not working - JAKKS Pacific Inc / HotGen Ltd Bob the Builder - Project: Build It (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) (JUN 2 2006 14:42:01) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] JAKKS Pacific Inc / Digital Eclipse EA Sports Classics: NHL 95 & FIFA Soccer 96 (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
  • 2025-01-02 15:59:00 scyclone: improve starfield colors [hap]
  • 2025-01-02 15:49:16 imagedev/flopdrv.cpp: Remove code supporting functionality that's no longer used (#13135) [Priit Laes]
    • flopdrv: Eliminate floppy_get_drive_type and floppy_set_type
      No callers for these functions allowing us to get rid of the FLOPPY_TYPE_ defines as well.
      flopdrv: Drop flopimg_get_image
      flopdrv: Drop floppy_drive_get_next_id
      Only possible user for this is 990_dk under ti99x, but this code is currently commented out.
      flopdrv: Drop floppy_drive_read_track_data_info_buffer
      flopdrv: Drop floppy_drive_write_track_data_info_buffer
      flopdrv: Drop floppy_drive_format_sector
      flopdrv: Drop floppy_drive_set_index_pulse_callback
      Only caller for this is micropolis, but this code is commented out and callback method does not exist either.
      flopdrv: Drop floppy_drive_get_current_track_size
      flopdrv: Drop floppy_wtd_w
      flopdrv: Drop floppy_wpt_r
      This is used in commented out code in agat.
      flopdrv: Drop floppy_dskchg_r
      flopdrv: Drop floppy_twosid_r
      flopdrv: Drop flopimg_get_sectors_per_track and flopimg_get_id_callback
      flopdrv: Drop unneeded state variables: m_id_index, m_rdy
      flopdrv: Make some members as private
  • 2025-01-02 15:22:01 nmk/quizdna.cpp: Cleaned up memory banking, palette handling and graphics decoding: (#13158) [cam900]
    • Use a memory view to swap ROM over tilemap RAM. Use palette format helpers and generic graphics decoding layouts. Increased the size of ROM regions to cover maximum 32 banks. Reduced code duplication, use more appropriate types.
  • 2025-01-02 13:50:37 Cherry-pick wayland improvements from upstream bgfx (#13070) [Julian Sikorski]
    • Properly support Wayland under EGL and Vulkan. (#3358)
      Dynamically load libwayland-egl.so.1 when dealing with Wayland to remove dependencies at program startup. (#3359)
      Support both X11 and Wayland in the same build. (#3360)
      Support both X11 and Wayland in the same build.
      - Works for both Vulkan and OpenGL. - Remove with-wayland from genie options. - Vulkan loads all three extensions for surface creation instead of only one. - Add width and height parameter to GlContext::createSwapChain(), which is needed for EGL to create a SwapChain with the given window size. - Dirty-fix the example-22-windows to recreate the FrameBuffer by first destroying and then recreating to make sure the window is released of its swapchain. - Fix dbgText glitch in example-22-windows. - Remove old X11-related dependencies for GLFW3.
      Adapt to latest bgfx wayland code
      Fix Vulkan swapchain invalidation issue. (#3379)
      Fix Vulkan swapchain invalidation issue.
      Always clamp render pass to frame buffer size.
      Fix formatting.
      Hopefully fix macOS build
      Hopefully fix macOS build, attempt 2
      Co-authored-by: Martijn Courteaux Co-authored-by: Бранимир Караџић
  • 2025-01-02 10:16:09 Advanced skeleton driver for the Memorymoog. (#13090) [m1macrophage]
    • Advanced skeleton driver for Memorymoog.
      Removed an unecessary semicolon, converted an 'if' to an 'else if', improved comments.
      Style fixes matching those in commit 9e463d2 for moog/source.cpp.
  • 2025-01-02 07:36:37 heathzenith/h19/tlb.cpp: Make the page 2 memory option configurable (#13082) [Mark Garlanger]
  • 2025-01-02 07:26:11 genie: disable command line string escaping, fixes #13150 [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2025-01-02 06:30:59 ds1215: modernize and complete emulation [Patrick Mackinlay]
    • rename previous ds1315 to earlier/original ds1215 device support both ds1215 and transparent access methods implement rtc and nvram interfaces support updating registers
  • 2025-01-02 00:27:26 scyclone: remove flipscreen support in favor of working upright 2-player mode [hap]
  • 2025-01-01 23:44:03 scyclone: improve starfield [hap]
  • 2025-01-01 21:39:13 scyclone: improve speech [hap]
  • 2025-01-01 20:48:58 scyclone: small cleanup (no functional changes), [hap]
    • konamim2: clarify gun switch
  • 2025-01-01 16:59:40 atlus/patapata.cpp: Noted purposed of video timing PROMs. (#13157) [cam900]
  • 2025-01-01 16:58:08 nmk/ddealer.cpp: Clarified that sprite DMA PROM bit is not used at all for this system. (#13156) [cam900]
  • 2025-01-01 16:56:18 nmk/quizpani.cpp: Added comments noting purpose of video timing PROMs. (#13155) [cam900]
  • 2025-01-01 13:30:36 amiga: refactor device names so that they references chipset names instead [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-01 13:00:29 amiga: fix include guards [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-01 12:50:10 amiga: move paula, akiko, copper and fdc from machine to project folder [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-01 12:39:59 amiga/amiga_v: don't run copper cycles for ephemeral out of beam phase [angelosa]
  • 2025-01-01 08:30:57 neogeo: Cleaned up code: (#13119) [cam900]
    • neogeo/midas.cpp: Moved hammer to a derived state class, reduced run-time tag lookups. neogeo/neogeo_spr.cpp: Use more appropriate integer types, made some variables constant. neogeo/neogeo_spr.cpp: Use more symbolic constants, reduced preprocessor macros. neogeo/neogeo_spr.cpp: Reduced public class members. neogeo/neogeo.cpp: Suppress side effects for debugger reads, reduced use of literal tags, made some variables const. neogeo/neogeocd.cpp: Reformatted code to follow MAME conventions, reduced public class members. neogeo/neogeocd.cpp: Suppress side effects for debugger reads, improved save state support, made some variables const. neogeo/neopcb.cpp: Reduced use of literal tags, fixed improved metadata.
  • 2025-01-01 08:21:31 atari: Clearned up various Atari 2D drivers: (#13133) [cam900]
    • Reduce tilemap sizes to match tilemap RAM size. Suppress side effects for debugger accesses. Reduced use of literal tags and run-time tag lookups. Use GFXENTRY_SCALE rather than duplicating bits in the layouts. Made some variable const, improved naming of functions and ROM regions, and updated comments. atari/arcadecl.cpp: moved graphics decoding device to Arcade Classics state as Sparks lacks sprites. atari/atarimo.cpp: Removed unnecessary configuration parameter and unnecessary graphics decode reconfiguration. atari/atarisy1.cpp, atari/atarisys2.cpp: Reduced use of preprocessor macros. atari/skullxbo.cpp: Removed unnecessary driver init functions.
  • 2025-01-01 07:46:19 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Super Poker (v120IN) [The Dumping Union]
  • 2025-01-01 07:21:11 skeleton/digel804.cpp: dumped version 1.7 for ep804 [Siftware] [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2025-01-01 06:36:28 Updated copyright years to 2025 [Vas Crabb]
  • 2025-01-01 04:40:50 sigmasoft_sound.cpp: Fix active state for joystick (#13154) [Mark Garlanger]
  • 2024-12-31 11:04:27 vme: improve machine configuration [Patrick Mackinlay]
    • sgi/ip4: additional firmware revision [J.J. van der Heijden]
NOWSZY [Arcade] DevMAME [log only] 2024/12/31 22:00
  • 2024-12-31 21:44:53 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Super Ball 2001 (Italy version 5.23) [Hammy, The Dumping Union]
  • 2024-12-31 21:08:47 konamim2,namcos23: tweak lightgun sensitivity, [hap]
    • konamim2: add p2/p3 lightguns
  • 2024-12-31 18:54:50 amiga/amiga.h: correct horizontal screen values [angelosa]
  • 2024-12-31 18:53:57 machine/amiga_copper: better WAIT times [angelosa]
  • 2024-12-31 18:35:59 namco/namco_cus4xtmap.cpp: Fixed build. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-12-31 18:03:58 namco/namco_cus4xtmap.cpp: Converted CUS42 + CUS43 tilemap hardware to a device. (#13095) [cam900]
    • namco/baraduke.cpp: - Use video/resnet.h for palette initialization. and simplified graphics decoding layout. - Corrected order of address map entries. namco/namcos86.cpp: - Use video/resnet.h for palette initialization, and use the palette device's indirection features. - Simplified graphics decoding layout and reduced tun-time tag lookups. - Corrected order of address map entries. - Cleaned up code.
  • 2024-12-31 17:35:05 3rdparty/lzma: Don't treat K&R function definitions as an error. (#13080) [FlykeSpice]
    • Some AArch64-specific code in C/CpuArch.c uses () when it should be using (void).
  • 2024-12-31 17:06:09 konami/nemesis.cpp: Moved games to derived driver state classes to reduce optional object finders, and cleaned up code: (#13121) [cam900]
    • Reduced run-time tag lookups and use of literal tags. Improved save state support. Made some variables constant, reduced duplicated code, and improved member function and ROM region names.
  • 2024-12-31 16:27:26 osd/interface/inputcode.h: Fixed enum range warnings in debug builds. (#13137) [ajrhacker]
  • 2024-12-31 16:22:30 atari/atarig1.cpp, atari/atarig42.cpp, atari/atarigt.cpp, atari/atarigx2.cpp, atari/atarirle.cpp: Cleanups: (#13151) [cam900]
    • Suppress side effects for debugger reads, improved save state support, reduce run-time tag lookups. Made some variables const, used bit helpers more, reduced literal tag usage. Reduced preprocessor macros, improved ROM region names.
  • 2024-12-31 15:57:42 3dom2: remove hack believed to have become obsolete, it caused extreme slowdowns during loading [David Haywood] [hap]
  • 2024-12-31 14:23:02 digimon: add stub for external port, [hap]
    • megasys1: use colon instead of dash for sub-titles
  • 2024-12-31 03:10:25 Merge tag 'mame0273' into HEAD [Vas Crabb]
    • MAME 0.273
  • 2024-12-30 23:11:00 cpu/hcd62121/hcd62121.cpp: Add missing save items (#13144) [qufb]
  • 2024-12-30 21:34:42 swclone: Add secondary title from box [AJR]
  • 2024-12-30 21:26:55 tms52xx: Revert commit a74ff88 [Michael Zapf]
  • 2024-12-30 20:39:56 tokio: make cpu quantum the same as bublbobl, it works fine, [hap]
    • slapfght: reduce quantum a bit
  • 2024-12-30 19:34:58 jak_spd3: Add 3rd button (#13141) [mamehaze]
  • 2024-12-30 19:18:29 cassvisn_cart.xml: Fixed a typo. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-12-30 18:33:31 ui/selmenu.cpp: Don't rescale icons that are close to the target size. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-12-30 18:13:40 Clean up some mess: [Vas Crabb]
    • moog/source.cpp: A synth without sound output is not working by definition. casio/pickytlk.cpp: Don't use overly generic short names for Plet's systems. casio/pickytlk.cpp: Don't use overly convolutes code for setting internal layout.
  • 2024-12-30 17:20:31 amiga/amiga_m.cpp: couple of logging setups [angelosa]
  • 2024-12-30 17:11:39 gradius3: also indicate that set is newer revision [hap]
  • 2024-12-30 17:01:20 vulcan/gradius2: change set names back to new/old/older [hap]
  • 2024-12-30 16:29:35 konami: be consistent and use "version" instead of "program code" for game revisions, [hap]
    • vulcan/gradius2: use set 1/2/3 instead of new/old/older(st),
      New working clones
      Gradius III: Densetsu kara Shinwa e (Japan, version 3) [alamone]
  • 2024-12-30 16:27:17 tms52xx: Do not treat write accesses during SPEAK execution as NOP, but delay them. [Michael Zapf]
  • 2024-12-30 12:58:51 bus/amiga/zorro/rainbow2: Honor cliprect for drawing [Dirk Best]
  • 2024-12-30 12:34:04 New WORKING machines (JAKKS Pacific Power Rangers SPD) (#13136) [mamehaze]
    • New working systems - Power Rangers S.P.D. (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
  • 2024-12-30 12:18:48 hh_e0c6x: rename to hh_e0c6200 [hap]
  • 2024-12-30 12:08:17 hh_e0c6x: fix typo in comment (#13140) [eientei95]
  • 2024-12-29 22:00:20 trs/gime.cpp: Constify the static arrays [AJR]
  • 2024-12-29 20:50:07 system1: remove todo note [hap]
  • 2024-12-29 17:04:36 cpu/uml.h: Make uml::instruction::is_param_out a member function and really fix build error [AJR]
  • 2024-12-29 16:56:34 cpu/uml.h: Fix debug build error: invalid use of member 'm_numparams' in static member function [AJR]
  • 2024-12-29 15:51:48 cpu/e132xs: Removed workarounds for recompiler backends not clearing upper half of I0-I3 on 32-bit load. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-12-29 15:32:40 Fixed more recompiler backend issues: (#13132) [987123879113]
    • cpu/drcbex86.cpp: Clear top half of iregs on loads to I0-I3, fix LOADS sign extension, and fixed FLOAD/FSTORE data size. cpu/drcbex64.cpp: Use appropriate register size for LOAD. cpu/drcbec.cpp: Fix parameter sizes for READM/WRITEM, and clear upper half of registers after 32-bit operations. cpu/uml.cpp: Fixed definition for FSREAD/FSWRITE and FDREAD/FDWRITE, and fixed READM/WRITEM simplification.
  • 2024-12-29 14:59:34 misc/homedata.cpp: Use standard mahjong matrix and added second player position controls for Mahjong Hourouki and similar. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-12-29 14:24:54 h89/sigmsoft_sound.cpp: Minor cleanup of code. (#13130) [Mark Garlanger]
  • 2024-12-29 14:24:09 New WORKING machines (#13134) [mamehaze]
    • Spider-Man 3 (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
  • 2024-12-29 14:10:49 powerpc: And strip the debug info. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
  • 2024-12-29 13:58:15 powerpc: 601 has POWER and PowerPC instructions, allow both in disassembly. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
  • 2024-12-29 00:05:23 Fixed main/audio CPU clock for janyuki / jantouki [wd40yasu]
    • Both CPUs were running too fast
  • 2024-12-28 22:26:56 cnchess: small note update [hap]
  • 2024-12-28 19:41:22 Expose mame_ui_manager::show_menu() to LUA (#13031) [npwoods]
  • 2024-12-28 18:14:18 tvgames/xavix*: Lots of XaviX, XaviX2, and SuperXaviX updates [David Haywood] [mamehaze]
    • superxavix: some research on the bitmap layer, slight visual improvement where it gets used xavix - begin to move towards a cleaner bus implementation without the memory bypass (as some later SuperXaviX games will need it) superxavix CRTC(?) logging make bitmap writes kinda work in suprtvpchk demo mode attempt to improve plotter behavior some experiments for tak_chq some extra logging for math unit start moving some superxavix specifics to their own class a few xavix2000 opcodes note about loading screens on some super tv-pc sets possible workaround for the super tv-pc issues, there's definitely something more funky with the superxavix address buses added missing cmc_imp opcode for ban_ordj (sprites now appear in demo) swap tilemap priorities in cases where priority is equal (for epo_golf) document how noise effect is enabled, even if it isn't currently understood some notes of things that need revisiting implement tile addressing mode used by epo_stad more closely match math unit behavior to some hardware tests use more appropriate external bus sizes in some cases added 2 more sets, one SuperXaviX, one XaviX2 start trying to understand the extended mode anpanmdx uses xavmusic research some of the anpanman inputs are simple button responses at least improve epo_doka sprites assume bitmap layer has lower priority than tilemaps (several cases suggest as much) mark supertvpc 'double mouse' cart as a bad dump because the code looks corrupt in places, add 2 workaround to boot other sets so that graphic features can be better tested add some (not correct) mouse handling to supertvpc update some notes start trying to improve superxavix IO add Piano PC
      New NOT WORKING machines
      Anpanman Kazoku De Ikunou Mat DX (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood] Let's TV Play Dragon Ball Z Battle Experience Kamehameha 2 Ossu Ome Goku Tenkaichi Budokai (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood] Doraemon Moving! Oekaki (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood] Anpanman Pyon-Pyon Ikunou Mat (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood] Doraemon anywhere - Japan travel game DX experience! Where is the Dragon Grand Prix! (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood] Let's! TV Play Futari wa PreCure MaxHeart Dance on the mat Let's go to MaxHeart (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood] Let's! TV Play Disney Characters Oto! Iro! Ton-Ton! Miracle Parade [TeamEurope, David Haywood] Hello Kitty Piano PC (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
  • 2024-12-28 16:09:16 Fixed various recompiler issues and added functionality: (#13108) [987123879113]
    • cpu/uml.cpp: Added BREAK, SETFLGS, MULSLW and MULULW opcodes. cpu/uml.cpp: Limit range of immediate shift count arguments for consistency. cpu/uml.cpp: Fix simplification of multiplication and division operations. cpu/drcbec.cpp: Added more methods of accessing OP_CARRY. cpu/drcbec.cpp: Fixed flag calculation for BSWAP and MULS opcodes. cpu/drcbec.cpp: Made calculation for shift and rotation opcodes consistent. cpu/drcbec.cpp: Return mapvar register ID instead of value for mapvars. cpu/drcbex64.cpp, cpu/drcbex86.cpp: Fixed bugs in various opcodes to make them behave like the C backend. cpu/drcbex64.cpp: Fixed SAVE, RESTORE and SETFMOD. cpu/powerpc: Implement MULLWx and MULLWOx using the new MULSLW opcode.
  • 2024-12-28 15:46:03 new WORKING machines (#13129) [mamehaze]
    • Superman in Super Villain Showdown (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) (26 Jan 2006 A) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
  • 2024-12-28 07:21:40 sega/segaybd.h: fixed MT09052 [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-12-28 04:01:43 psx.xml: Added 9 working items + 3 redumps (#13089) [ArcadeShadow]
    • New working software list additions
      007 - Die Welt Ist Nicht Genug (Germany) [Redump] 007 - El Mundo Nunca es Suficiente (Spain) [Redump] 007 - Le Monde ne Suffit Pas (France) [Redump] 007 - Tomorrow Never Dies (Europe) [Redump] 007 - Demain ne Meurt Jamais (France) [Redump] 007 - Der Morgen Stirbt Nie (Germany) [Redump] 007 - The World Is Not Enough (Europe) [Redump] 007 - The World Is Not Enough (Sweden) [Redump] 007 - The World Is Not Enough (USA, prototype) [Redump]
      Redumped software list itens
      007 - Tomorrow Never Dies (Japan) [Redump] 007 - Tomorrow Never Dies (USA) [Redump] 007 - The World Is Not Enough (USA) [Redump]
  • 2024-12-28 04:00:29 bus/heathzenith/h89: Add Z-89-11 Multi-Mode Interface Card option (#13105) [Mark Garlanger]
  • 2024-12-28 03:58:48 Replace uPD1771c high level emulation with a cpu core. (#13106) [wilbertpol]
    • cpu/upd177x/upd177x.cpp: Add NEC uPD177x cpu core.
      scv.xml: Promoted 1 item.
      Software list items promoted to working
      Star Speeder
      cpu/upd177x/upd177x.cpp: Remove a comment.
      cpu/upd177x/upd177x.cpp: Remove callback on PA.
      cpu/upd177x/upd177x.cpp: Update comment about setting m_pc to 1 during reset.
      Add a different workaround for the sync issue between the 2 cpus in scv.
      cpu/upd1771x/updf177x.cpp: Use little endian.
      cpu/upd177x/upd177x.cpp: Include device tag in fatalerror messages.
      epoch/scv.cpp: Update upd1771c rom region sizes.
      nec/apc.cpp: Switch to upd177x_cpu_device.
      epoch/scv.cpp: Add location to upd1771c rom name.
      cpu/upd177x/upd177x.h: Remove 'overrides' comments.
  • 2024-12-28 03:56:18 cpu/mpk1839/kl1839vm1.cpp: Improved VAX-11 code decoder in user space (#13107) [holub]
  • 2024-12-28 03:55:28 hash/ibm5170_cdrom: Add Sonic CD (#13114) [Mike Swanson]
    • All but two of the Sonic CD entries on redump.org are represented here. The two left out are part of compilations and do not belong as standalone releases.
      This game doesn’t really run well on ct486, but should be fine on pcipc.
      New working software list items (ibm5170_cdrom.xml) - Sonic CD (USA) [redump.org] Sonic CD (USA, 1997 release) [redump.org] Sonic CD (USA, 1996 release) [redump.org] Sonic CD (USA, Pentium Processor Edition) [redump.org] Sonic CD (USA, Pentium Processor Edition alt) [redump.org] Sonic CD (USA, Packard Bell) [redump.org] Sonic CD (Europe) [redump.org] Sonic CD (China) [redump.org]
  • 2024-12-28 02:45:43 taitotz.cpp: Standards cleanup and fixed direct-poly packet-size calculation. Raizin Ping Pong no longer fatalerrors in attract. [Ryan Holtz] (#13124) [MooglyGuy]
    • Co-authored-by: Ryan Holtz
  • 2024-12-28 00:54:26 New working systems (#13126) [mamehaze]
    • Pirates of the Caribbean - Islands of Fortune [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
      Co-authored-by: David Haywood
  • 2024-12-27 21:52:18 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Hana Night Rose (Japan, TSM008-04) [Hammy] Mahjong Tenho (Japan, P016B-000) [Hammy]
  • 2024-12-27 19:43:54 sinclair/atm.cpp: fix MT08472 heap overflow/crash (#13123) [holub]
    • MT08472: heap overflow fix palette range
  • 2024-12-27 18:26:56 New working systems [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Pyuuta-kun (Japan) [Hammy]
  • 2024-12-27 17:00:19 machine/amigafdc.cpp: add revert reason [angelosa]
  • 2024-12-27 16:39:15 Revert "machine/amigafdc.cpp: avoid spinning floppy motor if disk isn't in" [angelosa]
    • This reverts commit 7772559b286accaf2fff94d924924f8ede1fb9b1.
  • 2024-12-26 21:49:15 apple/cuda.cpp: Updates [Doug Brown, R. Belmont] [arbee]
    • - Set initial I2C data line state to high so systems with no I2C devices don't hang the 6805 - Use the correct Cuda 2.38 for mactv - Hook up power key properly so System 7.1 and 7.5 don't give spurious power down warnings when pressing modifier keys - Hook up Cuda NMI generation so Command-Power drops into MiniBug
      apple/maclc3.cpp: Set LC520/LC550 harddisk to SCSI ID 0 as the restore CD for those systems hard-codes the ID [R. Belmont]
  • 2024-12-26 18:55:58 digimon: apply update from https://github.com/azya52/BrickEmuPy/commit/4c0f7c87b7acfc4d5d84b3de867a4c0dd96827d1 [hap]
  • 2024-12-26 15:28:47 Fix 2 Visual Studio Warnings (#13112) [Meerkov]
  • 2024-12-26 15:10:04 bsharkjjs - Joystick Left and Right Inverted (#13115) [Uncle Petros]
  • 2024-12-26 14:53:40 namcos2: change racing games brake pedal range, and some other small tweaks [hap]
  • 2024-12-26 09:47:25 New clones marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Batman Forever (Italian, 4.0, Sept. 26 1995, Display Rev. 4.00) [Corrado Tomaselli]
  • 2024-12-26 01:59:17 e0c6s46: fix issue with k input irq, add buzzer envelope [hap]
    • Systems promoted to working - Stack Challenge [hap]
      New working systems - Digital Monster (Japan) [hap, azya] Digital Monster Ver. 2 (Japan) [hap, azya] Digital Monster Ver. 3 (Japan) [hap, azya]
  • 2024-12-25 01:33:41 New systems marked not working [hap]
    • Stack Challenge [hap, azya]
  • 2024-12-24 21:40:51 e0c6s46: add e0c6s48 [hap]
    • New working systems - Angel Gotch (Japan) [hap, azya] Mothra no Tamagotch (Japan) [hap, azya]
  • 2024-12-24 18:12:40 machine/amigafdc.cpp: avoid spinning floppy motor if disk isn't in [angelosa]
  • 2024-12-24 17:09:08 vsystem/gstriker.cpp: add serial connection notes [angelosa]
  • 2024-12-24 17:08:09 amiga/amiga_m.cpp: minor chores [angelosa]
  • 2024-12-24 16:49:15 dynax/royalmah.cpp: Added DIP switch settings for Mahjong Cafe Doll. [Vas Crabb]
    • Also corrected some settings for Mahjong Cafe Time.
  • 2024-12-24 15:24:28 formats/fs_vtech.cpp: Fix off-by-one error: end address is exclusive, not inclusive [AJR]
  • 2024-12-24 13:29:34 source org: move tamag1 driver to handheld/hh_e0c6x.cpp [hap]
  • 2024-12-24 13:25:31 tamag1: change to a hh_ collection driver [hap]
  • 2024-12-24 13:13:16 hh_ht11xx: make driver source organization a bit more similar to other hh drivers [hap]
  • 2024-12-24 10:45:09 Revert "machine/ncr5385.cpp: clear status bits first when updating so they aren't stuck on (#13109)" [Vas Crabb]
    • This reverts commit ff6d52d56a9dcac133e5fee805a277bf0f9b60a4.
      Neither of the changes make sense. The addition to ncr5385_device::update_int is redundant is the bits are cleared just above the if statement. The addition to ncr5385_device::aux_status_r is unnecessary as the bits are only set when an interrupt is asserted (if they're set when it isn't, there's a logic bug elsewhere).
  • 2024-12-24 09:19:39 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Beetlemania (Atronic) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73] Chickendales (Atronic) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73] Happy Happy Hippy (Atronic) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73] Typhoon Lagoon [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73]
      New clones marked not working - Atronic SetUp/Clear Chips [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73] Babooshka (Atronic) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73] Dream Maker (Atronic) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73] I C Money (Atronic) (set 2) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73] Sphinx II (Atronic) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73]
      - atari/*flyball*, misc/triviaquiz.cpp: renounced copyright
  • 2024-12-24 04:44:11 formats/vt_dsk.cpp: Recognize .dvz extension [AJR]
  • 2024-12-24 02:22:06 New working systems [hap]
    • - Tamagotchi (Gen. 2, Japan) [hap, azya]
  • 2024-12-24 00:53:44 apple/apple2video.cpp: Don't try and do double-hires or lores on a 64K system. (Github #13111) [R. Belmont, tomcw] [arbee]
  • 2024-12-23 23:46:32 e0c6s46: add osc3 [hap]
    • Systems promoted to working - Chibi Pachi: Alien Fever [hap]
  • 2024-12-23 22:46:18 formats/fs_vtech.cpp: Fixes and improvements [AJR]
    • - Fix incorrect directory sector offset value for file read/write operations - Allow file types other than T and B
  • 2024-12-23 22:40:13 e0c6s46: add callback for transforming lcd pixel x/y, add k input interrupts, venusdm seems to be working now [hap]
    • Systems promoted to working - Beans Collection: Venus Diet Monogatari [hap]
  • 2024-12-23 21:36:38 New systems marked not working [hap]
    • Chibi Pachi Alien Fever [hap, azya] Beans Collection: Venus Diet Monogatari [hap, azya]
  • 2024-12-23 20:49:20 machine/ncr5385.cpp: clear status bits first when updating so they aren't stuck on (#13109) [Adam Billyard]
    • Co-authored-by: AdamB
  • 2024-12-23 20:03:40 tama: add svg screen, svg shapes taken from BrickEmuPy [hap, azya] [hap]
  • 2024-12-23 11:42:07 rungun: correct palette ram size, correct shadow/highlights on palette2 [hap]
  • 2024-12-22 22:39:16 microvision: correct typo ayza/azya [hap]
  • 2024-12-22 22:37:37 yakyuken: correct ay and irq frequency [hap]
  • 2024-12-22 22:09:35 spg2xx_dreamlife.cpp: Add Giga Pets Explorer (#13110) [qufb]
    • New working systems - Giga Pets Explorer (Version 1.34.1, Mar 17 2006) [QUFB]
  • 2024-12-22 17:31:53 virtual/vgmplay.cpp: Use embedded SVG for button labels. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-12-22 14:58:58 amiga_cd: fix validation [angelosa]
  • 2024-12-22 12:50:53 New software list items marked not working [angelosa]
    • amiga_cd: Kang Fu [archive.org]
  • 2024-12-22 12:06:14 amiga/amiga.cpp: kickoff AmigaCD software list [angelosa]
    • move 10on10 from cdtv.xml
      New working software list items - amiga_cd: Aminet Games [archive.org]
  • 2024-12-22 10:56:02 machine/akiko.cpp: convert anon to emu_timer [angelosa]
  • 2024-12-21 20:18:50 namco/mappy.cpp: Moved phozon to a derived state class and cleaned up code: (#13091) [cam900]
    • Reduced optional object finders for phozon. Derive 15XX sound clock frequency from crystal found on PCB. Suppress side effects for debugger reads. Simplified graphics decoding. Reduced run-time tag lookups, reduced duplication and made some variable const.
  • 2024-12-21 19:45:20 i86: don't clear physical irq pins state at reset [hap]
  • 2024-12-21 19:34:00 srcclean and cleanup [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-12-21 19:14:47 hash/nes.xml: Added homebrew PCM Demo With Graphics. (#13094) [Mike Swanson]
    • New working software list items (nes.xml) - PCM Demo With Graphics [frantik]
  • 2024-12-21 18:32:42 namco/toypop.cpp: Use tilemap helpers, fixed save states, and cleaned up code: (#13101) [cam900]
    • Use tilemap helpers for tile maps. Register member variables for save states, and suppress side effects for debugger reads. Derive sound chip clock frequency from master crystal frequency. Simplified graphics decoding. Reduced run time tag lookups, reduced preprocessor macros, and made some variables const.
  • 2024-12-21 04:28:01 gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp: Work around race condition at soft reset [AJR]
  • 2024-12-21 04:05:04 apple/dafb.cpp: Allow "no monitor" as a valid monitor selection to disable the internal video on Quadras. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
  • 2024-12-21 03:12:05 v25: Fix syntax error in previous commit [AJR]
  • 2024-12-21 01:42:30 v25: Correct mistaken idea about DMA [AJR]
  • 2024-12-20 21:13:51 Add a new Spanish Turtles bootleg (#13096) [ClawGrip]
    • New working clones
      Turpin (Novatronic bootleg) [Luis Arrufat, Recreativas.org]
  • 2024-12-20 20:04:13 New working systems [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - King's Ransom (0301689V, New Zealand) [anonymous, Heihachi_73] Player's Edge Plus (X000126P+XP000038) Deuces Wild Poker [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (X002001P+XP000038) Double Double Bonus Poker [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (X002133P+XP000043) Faces 'n' Deuces Double Bonus Poker [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (X002278P+XP000038) Joker Poker (Two Pair or Better) [Brian Troha]
      New working clones
      Player's Edge Plus (PP0045) 10's or Better (set 6, Circus Circus) [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0045) 10's or Better (set 7, Old Reno Casino) [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0045) 10's or Better (set 8, Harrah's) [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0050) Joker Poker (set 2) [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0055) Deuces Wild Poker (set 3, Casino Rouge) [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0102) Standard Draw Poker [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0123) Deuces Wild Poker [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0197) Standard Draw Poker (International) [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0231) Deuces Joker Wild Poker [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0242) Deuces Wild Poker [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PP0540) Double Bonus Poker (set 2) [Brian Troha] Player's Edge Plus (PS0278) 4th of July Slots [Nathan Carlson, Brian Troha]
      New systems marked not working
      Harikiri Junior Baseball (Japan, main ver. 1.0, video ver. 1.3) [Hammy] Joker Poker (0301477V, New Zealand) [anonymous, Heihachi_73] Wild Cat [Hammy]
      New clones marked not working - Bubblen Roulette (Japan, main ver. 1.7, video ver. 1.3) [Hammy] Geisha (0101153V, NSW/ACT) [anonymous, Heihachi_73]
  • 2024-12-20 17:31:49 gottlieb: remove unneeded nmi timer [hap]
  • 2024-12-20 17:19:10 seibu/seibuspi.h: Update object finder tag for standard mahjong matrix. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-12-20 17:13:29 -ui/filemngr.cpp: Show warnings at the bottom. [Vas Crabb]
    • -dynax/royalmah.cpp: Improved DIP switch settings for ippatsu.
      -dynax/royalmah.cpp, seibu/seibuspi.cpp: Use standard mahjong matrix.
  • 2024-12-20 15:25:12 bwing: correct audiocpu clock, correct paletteram size, remove rgb boost dip switch [hap]
  • 2024-12-20 14:49:28 dec0: small cleanup, [hap]
    • darwin: remove comment about prom, 0xf0 is definitely bitrot
  • 2024-12-20 13:49:21 dec8: let's make meikyuh a parent set [hap]
  • 2024-12-20 12:13:19 m7501: correct device name [hap]
  • 2024-12-20 10:09:52 bus/rs232/teletex800: Add front panel layout. [Curt Coder] [Curt Coder]
  • 2024-12-20 05:00:23 mjreach: Fill in DIP switch names from second manual page [AJR]
  • 2024-12-19 21:52:29 apple/apple2e.cpp: Add DE and SE Apple IIe/IIc models (#13086) [as-tb-dev]
  • 2024-12-19 19:58:38 i960: fix regression with emul opcode [hap]
  • 2024-12-19 19:17:04 bus/amiga/zorro: Add support for the Rainbow II/FrameMaster [Dirk Best]
    • New working software list additions - Rainbow II Diashow Professional V1.92 [Amiga Hardware Database] RainbowPainter V0.99b [Amiga Hardware Database]
  • 2024-12-19 17:41:12 ti/ti99_2.cpp: Add note related to MT 09020 [AJR]
  • 2024-12-19 17:40:22 New working clones [hap]
    • Sphinx Dominator (v2.04) [Mr. Lars]
  • 2024-12-19 16:38:09 New working systems [hap]
    • - Sphinx Junior [hap, Sean Riddle]
  • 2024-12-19 15:27:30 leapfrog_leappad_cart.xml: Added 16 items (not working). (#13098) [Ivan Vangelista]
    • New software list items marked not working (leapfrog_leappad_cart.xml)
      Oyako Eigo Step 1-gatsu gou - Doubutsuen ni Ikou! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix] Oyako Eigo Jump 5-gatsu gou - Okashi no Kuni no Daibouken (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix] Oyako Eigo Jump 9-gatsu gou - Monjaa Gou de Tankenja! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix] Oyako Eigo Jump 1-gatsu gou - Shougakkou Taiken Report (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix] Korasho Land 1: Gakkou e Ikou! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix] Korasho Land 4: Machi no Naka o Tanken! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix] Korasho Land 2: Tanoshii Ichinichi (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix] Korasho Land 3: Tanjoubi Omedetou (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix] Korasho Land 5: Bokutatchi no Ichinen (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix] Oyako Eigo Step - March 2006 Welcome gou (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix] Oyako Eigo Step - May 2006, July 2006 (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix] Oyako Eigo Step - September 2006, November 2006 (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix] Oyako Eigo Step - January 2007 (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix] Shimajirou to Ribby no ABC Adventure / Touch and Step Game de Asobou! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix] Shimajirou to Ribby no Eigo Jiten / Onahashi CoCoPad Time Machine de Daibouken! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix] Shimajirou to Ribby no CoCoPad Game Party / Shougakkou Tanken (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix]
  • 2024-12-19 13:26:53 apple/macquadra700.cpp: Remove remainder of no-longer-used timer (Github #13100). [R. Belmont] [arbee]
  • 2024-12-19 12:24:12 New software list items marked not working [Curt Coder]
    • abc832_flop: Teletex 800 [robcfg]
      luxor/abc80x: Rename tags to match BASIC device names. [Curt Coder]
  • 2024-12-19 10:06:31 emu/gamedrv.h: get rid of MACHINE_IS_SKELETON[_MECHANICAL] [angelosa]
    • - cfr. https://github.com/mamedev/mame/pull/13090#issuecomment-2551146118 for details
  • 2024-12-19 04:46:09 misc/cvs.cpp: Add documentation in comments about the effects of the sound registers observed by poking values on a real CVS PCB. (#13099) [Paul Swan]
  • 2024-12-19 04:37:10 v25: Improve peripheral emulation [AJR]
    • - Add preliminary DMA controller (capable of doing burst memory transfers) - Make timer 1 cause two different interrupts - Add kludge for one timer edge case
      tvdear: Map some more ROM; add P0 readback
  • 2024-12-18 17:40:04 ui/menu.cpp: Fix calculation mistake that resulted in NaNs being passed to the renderer, causing assertion failures in debug builds [AJR]
  • 2024-12-18 17:24:26 route16: copy over screen raw params from kangaroo driver [hap]
  • 2024-12-18 16:38:41 ui/ui.cpp: Make failure to mount required media fatal if file manager can't be displayed. [Vas Crabb]
    • ui/filemngr.cpp: Show warnings in a box above the menu so they can be wrapped rather than being truncated to the point of being useless.
  • 2024-12-18 15:59:18 source org: add success folder [hap]
  • 2024-12-18 15:34:39 route16: merge driver [hap]
  • 2024-12-18 15:29:49 route16: split off jongpute class [hap]
  • 2024-12-18 14:56:42 route16: don't do the color OR trick for route16 (see titlescreen reveal) [hap]
  • 2024-12-18 14:14:55 hash/a2600.xml: Fix file name of Fix It Felix Sr NTSC (#13092) [Mike Swanson]
  • 2024-12-18 14:14:23 pv2000.xml: Added seventeen working homebrew cartridges (#13093) [Ectoplasm]
    • Aerial [Inufuto] AntiAir [Inufuto] Ascend [Inufuto] Battlot [Inufuto] Bootskell [Inufuto] Cacorm [Inufuto] Cavit [Inufuto] Cracky [Inufuto] Cross Chase [Fabrizio Caruso] Guntus [Inufuto] Hopman [Inufuto] Lift [Inufuto] Mazy [Inufuto] Neuras [Inufuto] Osotos [Inufuto] Ruptus [Inufuto] Yewdow [Inufuto]
  • 2024-12-18 13:51:25 cvs: add 0x1885 sound trigger, [hap]
    • route16: small cleanup
  • 2024-12-18 13:25:17 Updated timetrv.cpp to improve segment display accuracy (#13049) [PDAisAok]
  • 2024-12-18 10:07:34 amiga/amiga_v.cpp: guard against out of bounds bitmap writes [angelosa]
    • - fix: #9936 - fix: MT8483
  • 2024-12-18 07:24:40 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Hana Doujou (set 1) [Hammy]
      New clones marked not working - Hana Doujou (set 2) [Hammy]
  • 2024-12-17 18:12:07 - dynax/royalmah.cpp: dumped PROM for janohb [Hammy] [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - igs/goldstar.cpp: verified PROMs for eldoraddob [Hammy]
  • 2024-12-17 11:42:45 video/pc_vga_cirrus: workaround crash for zorro/picasso2, fix bit 3 in blitting status [angelosa]
  • 2024-12-17 04:07:11 potnpkro and potnpkrp sets: Dumped the correct bipolar PROMs, [Roberto Fresca]
    • and reproduced the wire hack [Roberto Fresca, Hammy]
  • 2024-12-17 03:06:58 gng: Use 4-way joysticks [AJR]
  • 2024-12-17 01:09:40 espial: swap button1/2 [hap]
  • 2024-12-17 01:02:26 cvs: add 0x1884 sound trigger [hap]
  • 2024-12-16 23:33:56 dec8: correct cpu clocks for some games, make mcu-side comms edge-triggered, remove non-existant coin3 on 2 player games (it was service coin in some cases), misc cleanups, [hap]
    • ghostb3a: this version expects longer irq trigger, srdarwinb: hook up coin inputs
      Clones promoted to working
      The Real Ghostbusters (US 3 Players, revision 2) [hap] SRD: Super Real Darwin (Japan, bootleg) [hap]
  • 2024-12-16 18:11:18 spectrum_cass.xml: Add author and serial fields to Sprites games [AJR]
  • 2024-12-16 17:58:08 spectrum_cass.xml: Added 50 working items (#13088) [ArcadeShadow]
    • New working software list additions
      A to Z [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Answer Back Factfile 500 - Super Sports [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Antony and Cleopatra [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Bounce Panic + Hangman [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Boxform [Planeta Sinclair] Britain in the Age of Total War [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Crook [Planeta Sinclair] Éditeur de Manoir [Spectrum Computing] Graph [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Infrared (Elettronica) [Spectrum Computing] Klub Uzivatelu Desktopu 4 [Spectrum Computing] Konami's Tennis (Erbe) [Spectrum Computing] Land of Mire Mare (v1.06, 5678 keys) [Spectrum Computing] Laser Squad (System 4, small case) [Spectrum Computing] Laser Squad (System 4, large case) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 1 (Febrero 85) (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 1 (Febrero 85) (covertape, alt) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 2 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 2 (covertape, alt) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 3 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 3 (covertape, alt) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 4 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 4 (covertape, alt) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 5 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Libreria de Software Spectrum № 5 (covertape, alt) [Spectrum Computing] Micro Drivin' (PD) [Planeta Sinclair] Play for Peace [Planeta Sinclair] Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 1 (Portuguese release, covertape) [Planeta Sinclair] Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 2 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 3 (Portuguese release, covertape) [Planeta Sinclair] Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 3 (Spanish release, covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 4 (Portuguese release, covertape) [Planeta Sinclair] Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 4 (Spanish release, covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 5 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 6 (Portuguese release, covertape) [Planeta Sinclair] Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 6 (Spanish release, covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 7 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 8 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 9 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 17 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 25 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 28 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Revista de Software VideoSpectrum № 31 (covertape) [Spectrum Computing] Ruleta Parlante [Planeta Sinclair] Space Raiders - Invasores Galácticos (alt) [Planeta Sinclair] Time Warrior (Guild) [Planeta Sinclair] TX-3 [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] The Crystal of Chantie (PD) [Planeta Sinclair] The Final Glide [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair] Winning Games on the ZX Spectrum [Planeta Sinclair]
      Cleanups and fixes: parent/cloneof relationships, descriptions, publishers, years and languages info (information provided by spectrumcomputing.co.uk).
  • 2024-12-16 15:24:12 midcoin/24cdjuke.cpp: update reference URL [angelosa]
  • 2024-12-16 15:23:32 hash/mac_cdrom: add sharedfeat for hexen, add spacing between entries [angelosa]
  • 2024-12-16 15:21:46 video/pc_vga_cirrus: replace cirrus_define_video_mode with VGA arch recompute_params [angelosa]
  • 2024-12-16 13:45:12 bus/amiga/zorro: Preliminary Picasso II+ support [Dirk Best]
  • 2024-12-16 13:42:50 bus/amiga/zorro: Make sure to reset zorro cards on manual calls [Dirk Best]
  • 2024-12-16 13:45:46 system1: clean up mcfg names, lower sound hw clocks for starjack and upndown [hap]
  • 2024-12-16 13:42:45 mconfig: allow sub-mcfg to unset perfect quantum [hap]
  • 2024-12-16 09:48:25 New clones marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Jan Oh (set 3) [Hammy]
  • 2024-12-16 08:11:40 namco/mappy.cpp: added PLD dumps for phozons, removed PROM not actually present on PCB [Corrado Tomaselli, f205v] [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-12-16 03:55:46 hash/ibm5170{,_cdrom}: Original Windows NT 3.1 floppy distribution (#13085) [Mike Swanson]
    • Cleaning up the NT 3.1 entries, the existing floppy set is actually build 528, so simply rename that. Place the original (build 511) floppy set as winnt31o_35.
      The floppy disk connected to the cdrom set winnt31o2 actually belongs to winnt31o (build 528 instead of 511), and the build 511 3.5" install floppy is now marked as “nodump.” Users can still start the installation from DOS and use the CD-ROM version, but a direct boot from floppy is only an option for 5.25" drives until a dump is made.
      The old floppy disk connected to cdrom winnt31/winnt31o has been replaced by what was in winnt31o2. The only difference is that this disk has unused sectors filled out with f6 bytes, the same as what happens from Microsoft's format utilities of the day.
      New working software list items (ibm5170.xml) - Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1) [3.5" floppy] [chungy]
  • 2024-12-16 01:45:23 potnpkro & potnpkrp sets: Corrected docs. [Roberto Fresca]
  • 2024-12-16 01:22:25 New working clones [Roberto Fresca]
    • Jack Potten's Poker (set 16, ICP-1 PCB) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, Hammy] Jack Potten's Poker (set 17, ICP-1 PCB) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, Hammy]
  • 2024-12-15 17:21:28 cpu/upd177x/upd177xd.cpp: Fixed disassembly of jpp instruction. (#13087) [wilbertpol]
  • 2024-12-15 12:09:42 taito/tnzs.cpp: removed kageki sample playback HLE [MetalliC]
  • 2024-12-15 09:44:34 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Janyou Part II (ver 7.02, July 1 1983) [Hammy]
  • 2024-12-15 03:43:44 a2bus/4play.cpp: Fix player 4 joystick definition (#13084) [Mark Garlanger]
    • Fix an apparent copy-n-paste error.
  • 2024-12-15 01:43:59 New working clones [Roberto Fresca]
    • Golden Poker Double Up (tearoom*sara hack) [Roberto Fresca, Hammy]
  • 2024-12-14 23:26:17 Driver for Moog Source, including an interactive layout. No sound. (#12917) [m1macrophage]
    • Driver for Moog Source, including an interactive layout. No sound.
      moogsource: Fix invalid mirroring. It was a last-minute change from mask() to mirror(), and missed updating map(...).
      moog_source.lay: bugfix - attach `interval` input to the button, not the text.
      Added checksum.
  • 2024-12-14 20:57:43 cpc_cass.xml: Metadata updates [AJR]
    • - Add author, developer and serial fields to many entries (particularly Amsoft games) - Correct a few titles and publishers somewhat, adding diacritics to some French titles
  • 2024-12-14 18:29:07 clcd: add maincpu xtal [hap]
  • 2024-12-14 18:27:39 dynax/dynax.cpp: Corrected 7jigen DIP switches based on a very blurry photo of the manual. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-12-14 16:09:10 g65sc02: Remove Rockwell bit opcodes (source comment appears to be mistaken) [AJR]
    • g65sc102, r65c102: Add internal clock divider
  • 2024-12-14 15:32:02 g65sc02: correct constructor [hap]
  • 2024-12-14 15:21:05 m6502: rename m65c02 to w65c02 as well [hap]
  • 2024-12-14 14:40:17 dec0,dec8: correct audiocpu type [hap]
  • 2024-12-14 13:33:19 m6502: add r65c02 subtypes [hap]
  • 2024-12-14 13:05:47 m6502: rename m65sc02. to g65sc02.* [hap]
  • 2024-12-14 12:52:14 m6502: add g65sc02 subtypes [hap]
  • 2024-12-14 14:49:29 cpu/upd177x/upd177xd.cpp: Some small fixes (#13083) [wilbertpol]
    • - Fix disassembly of MVI in the 0x4000 range. - Rename mdi/mdo to md1/md0. - Add STEP_OVER/STEP_OUT to call and ret instrucitons.
  • 2024-12-14 10:42:07 hd6305: update header file after prev commit [hap]
  • 2024-12-14 01:34:22 hd6305y2: Add special function registers to internal map [AJR]
  • 2024-12-13 22:29:45 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Cherry Bonus IV (V5.0) [Hammy]
  • 2024-12-13 22:07:13 New clones marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Dragon Mahjong (Ver 1.03) [Hammy]
  • 2024-12-13 21:41:00 cnchess: correct copy pasted comment [hap]
  • 2024-12-13 21:14:49 New working systems [hap]
    • - Chinese Chess [hap, Sean Riddle]
  • 2024-12-13 20:03:55 dynax/ddenlovr.cpp, dynax/dynax.cpp: Improved DIP switches for mjflove and mjdialq2. [Vas Crabb]
    • More updates based on manuals and playing the games.
      Also some random cleanup and Coverity warning fixes.
  • 2024-12-13 20:02:59 tvgames/spg2xx.cpp: Added Boku wa Plarail Untenshi - Shinkansen de Ikou! (playable but SEEPROM still needs hooking up). (#13050) [mamehaze]
    • New working systems
      Takara Tomy Boku wa Plarail Untenshi - Shinkansen de Ikou! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
  • 2024-12-13 19:52:21 Jack Potten's poker with Fever: Added coinage DSW. [Roberto Fresca]
  • 2024-12-13 19:36:34 goldnpkr.cpp: fixed set list [Roberto Fresca]
  • 2024-12-13 19:13:50 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Crazy Bell (V1.2D) [Hammy]
  • 2024-12-13 18:58:25 bus/amiga/toccata.cpp: fixed Clang compile [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-12-13 18:50:45 New working clones [Roberto Fresca]
    • Jack Potten's Poker (w/fever, ICP-1 PCB) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
  • 2024-12-13 18:35:35 bus/amiga/zorro: Add support for the Toccata SoundCard [Dirk Best]
  • 2024-12-13 15:11:31 ad1848: Add support for auto-calibration [Dirk Best]
  • 2024-11-30 16:07:03 bus/amiga/zorro: Cleanups and 32-bit zorro support for various cards [Dirk Best]
  • 2024-12-13 18:40:19 skeleton/easy_karaoke.cpp: Dumped six more Bandai Karaoke Station units. (#13051) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] [mamehaze]
    • New clones marked not working
      IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station (Japan, set 2) IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station (Japan, set 3) IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station (Japan, set 4) IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station (Japan, set 5) IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station (Japan, set 6) IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station 'For Girls' (Japan)
  • 2024-12-13 18:35:12 sinclair/atm.cpp: Fixed ZX video mode detection. (#13079) [holub]
  • 2024-12-13 17:51:43 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Dream 9 Flower (v1.00c) [Hammy]
  • 2024-12-13 14:59:51 jaleco/megasys1.cpp: Use the proper clock signal for I/O microcontroller in System B (#13077) [Sergio G.]
  • 2024-12-13 14:51:38 excellent/es9501.cpp: Improve PCB description [AJR]
  • 2024-12-13 08:42:35 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Amazonia (Ming-Yang Electronic / TSK) [Ioannis Bampoulas] Halloween (Ming-Yang Electronic / TSK, version 1.0) [Ioannis Bampoulas] Special Dream 9 (v1.0.5G) [nnap]
  • 2024-12-13 05:05:05 ns32000: fix 32532 reset [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2024-12-13 02:02:25 MAME Testers bugs fixed (#13076) [MooglyGuy]
    • - - 08942: [Gameplay] (misc/vamphalf.cpp) coolmini: Minigames don't work properly/softlock
      -e132xs: Sign-extend the divisor in DIVS instructions. [Ryan Holtz]
      Co-authored-by: Ryan Holtz
  • 2024-12-12 23:14:23 New working systems [Roberto Fresca]
    • - Roulette (ICP-1 PCB) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, Matt B]
  • 2024-12-12 21:05:33 warrior: modify internal artwork because of unsupported blend mode (it looks the same) [hap]
  • 2024-12-12 19:47:28 m6805: don't decrement 0 cycles for illegal opcodes [hap]
  • 2024-12-12 19:22:21 m6805: add cycle tables for hd6305 and hd63705 [hap]
  • 2024-12-12 18:23:29 hd6305: add hd6305y0 [hap]
  • 2024-12-12 16:55:50 hd6305: change port functions to templates [hap]
  • 2024-12-12 16:49:41 hd6305: move common peripherals to base class [hap]
  • 2024-12-12 16:22:16 hd6305: refresh port outputs when ddr changes, pass ddr through mem_mask [hap]
  • 2024-12-12 14:00:54 atari/jaguar.cpp: Fix various bugs in quickload handling. [Robbbert] [AJR]
  • 2024-12-12 07:00:56 mame.lst: added dblagent entry I missed earlier [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-12-11 21:55:28 New working systems [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Wonder Circus (Japan, v1.1.1) [nnap]
  • 2024-12-11 21:53:05 Windows NT 3.x/4.0/2000 pristine images (#12783) [Mike Swanson]
    • hash/ibm5170{,_cdrom}.xml: Pristine Windows NT 3.1 builds
      The image that was listed here is a hacked-up warez version from 2003 that doesn't function properly (won't install on most computers NT 3.1 should be able to install on).
      In its stead, this is a list of pristine images direct out of Microsoft, no modifications have been made to them, and NT 3.1's (admittedly limited) full hardware compatibility is supported.
      All language variants are included here, too.
      Taking from the BeOS example, floppy images that are intimately tied to the CD-ROM are listed in the same entry in ibm5170_cdrom.xml, since they are only useful in booting a computer in order to install from CD-ROM (which requires a compatible SCSI controller and SCSI CD-ROM drive). Installing from MS-DOS is always another possibility.
      hash/ibm5170{,_hdd}: Name Windows NT 3.1 the way Microsoft did
      “Workstation” wasn't the name of the client SKU yet
      hash/ibm5170{,_cdrom}.xml: Windows NT 3.5
      The existing floppy-edition images checked out with official sources, but renamed to be consistent with Microsoft's own naming of the operating system.
      hash/ibm5170{,_cdrom,_hdd}: Windows NT 3.51
      Changed the CD-ROM hash of Workstation to a known-good copy from an original CD, added Server, added the full floppy disk edition of Workstation.
      hash/ibm5170_cdrom: add Windows NT 4.0
      This is the first version that shipped without a floppy-only edition, the only floppy disks are to assist in booting the installer on computers that don't support floppy boot. It is likewise the first version to support El Torito booting.
      hash/ibm5170_cdrom: add/fix Windows 2000
      The Windows 2000 image existing in prior commits was _slightly_ off an official build. Official builds use the AutoCRC feature of cdimage to make sure images have a CRC32 hash of 0xffffffff, accomplished by editing a few bytes in extraneous sectors of the ISO-9660 file system that are not user visible. The prior image did not have these bytes, albeit everything else was a match.
      Listed here are a complete set of Windows 2000 Professional, Server, Advanced Server in all service pack levels and RTM. The "Select" licensing disc was used for all of them; this version was released for volume licensing and does not require a product key to be entered.
      Also included are the MUI language packs and standalone service pack 1-4 installers, sourced from official CD-ROMs also.
      hash/ibm5170_cdrom.xml: Windows NT 4.0 service packs
      These are all sourced from Microsoft distributed CDs, containing support for all architectures and an autorun file.
      hash/ibm5170_cdrom: standardize win2kmui's language list
      Correct language identifier for NT Finnish
      Summarize NT commits
      New working software list items (ibm5170.xml) - Windows NT 3.1 Advanced Server (3.10.511.1) [3.5" floppy] [chungy] Windows NT Workstation 3.51 (3.51.1057.1) [3.5" floppies] [chungy]
      New working software list items (ibm5170_cdrom.xml) - Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.528.1, MSDN, en-US) [chungy] Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.528.1, en-US) [chungy] Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1, en-US) [chungy] Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1, MSDN, de-DE) [chungy] Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1, MSDN, es-ES) [chungy] Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1, MSDN, fr-FR) [chungy] Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1, MSDN, it-IT) [chungy] Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1, MSDN, nl-NL) [chungy] Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.511.1, MSDN, sv-SE) [chungy] Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.528.1, MSDN, da-DK) [chungy] Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.528.1, MSDN, fi-FI) [chungy] Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.528.1, MSDN, no-NO) [chungy] Windows NT 3.1 (3.10.528.1, MSDN, pt-BR) [chungy] Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1 (3.10.528.1, en-US) [chungy] Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1 (3.10.511.1, en-US) [chungy] Windows NT Workstation 3.5 (3.50.807.1) [chungy] Windows NT Server 3.5 (3.50.807.1) [chungy] Windows NT Workstation 3.51 (3.51.1057.1) [chungy] Windows NT Server 3.51 (3.51.1057.1) [chungy] Windows NT Workstation 4.0 with Service Pack 1 (4.0.1381.2) [chungy] Windows NT Workstation 4.0 (4.0.1381.1) [chungy] Windows NT Server 4.0 with Service Pack 1 (4.0.1381.2) [chungy] Windows NT Server 4.0 (4.0.1381.1) [chungy] Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition 4.0 (4.0.1381.4) [chungy] Windows NT Server, Terminal Server Edition 4.0 (4.0.419.1) [chungy] Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 2 [chungy] Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 [chungy] Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 [chungy] Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 5 [chungy] Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a [chungy] Windows 2000 Advanced Server (5.00.2195.1) [chungy] Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Service Pack 1 (5.00.2195.1620) [chungy] Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Service Pack 2 (5.00.2195.2951) [chungy] Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Service Pack 3 (5.00.2195.5438) [chungy] Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Service Pack 4 (5.00.2195.6717) [chungy] Windows 2000 Professional (5.00.2195.1) [chungy] Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 1 (5.00.2195.1620) [chungy] Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 2 (5.00.2195.2951) [chungy] Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 3 (5.00.2195.5438) [chungy] Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 4 (5.00.2195.6717) [chungy] Windows 2000 Server (5.00.2195.1) [chungy] Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 1 (5.00.2195.1620) [chungy] Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 2 (5.00.2195.2951) [chungy] Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 3 (5.00.2195.5438) [chungy] Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 4 (5.00.2195.6717) [chungy] Windows 2000 MultiLanguage Version [chungy] Windows 2000 Service Pack 1 [chungy] Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 [chungy] Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 [chungy] Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 [chungy]
  • 2024-12-11 19:59:10 tvgames/xavix2.cpp, tvgames/xavix_2002.cpp: Added four TV games (not working). (#13058) [mamehaze]
    • cpu/m6502/oxavix2000.lst: Don't treat unemulated instructions as fatal errors. tvgames/xavix_v.cpp: Implemented more drawing modes.
      New systems marked not working - Epoch / SSD Company LTD TV de Asobou! Manabou! Chou Nouryoku AIUEO Zukan (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Bandai / SSD Company LTD Let's! TV Play Ongeki Battle! Kamen Rider Hibiki: Kimero! Ikki Kasei no Kata (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Bandai / SSD Company LTD Let's! TV Play Taikan Taitoku Kekkaishi: Houi! Jouso! Ketsu! Metsu! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Takara Tomy / Capcom / SSD Company LTD Ryuusei no Rockman: Denpa Henkan! On Air! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
  • 2024-12-11 19:11:37 jaleco/megasys1.cpp: Hooked up microcontroller for E.D.F.: Earth Defense Force. (#13067) [Sergio G.]
    • Dumped E.D.F.: Earth Defense Force microcontroller. [Darren Olafson] Added support for Mega System 1 Type B with emulated microcontroller. Removed microcontroller simulation support for E.D.F.: Earth Defense Force.
  • 2024-12-11 16:29:30 radikalb: add output start lamp to Gaelco Radikal Bikers (#13069) [Kabuki Flux]
  • 2024-12-10 21:18:34 system1: increase 2nd sn volume [hap]
  • 2024-12-10 20:07:53 qbeebing: add missing change button [hap]
  • 2024-12-10 19:45:00 nbbatman2bl: fix palette array oob access [hap]
  • 2024-12-10 19:35:38 skykid: small cleanup to dipswitches [hap]
  • 2024-12-10 15:13:20 cop01: lower soundcpu clock, copy over sound timer from magmax, [hap]
    • misc nichibutsu: small cleanup to long comment lines
  • 2024-12-10 14:09:25 shared/xbox_nv2a.cpp: Fixed a spelling error in two comments. (#13066) [cam900]
  • 2024-12-10 00:35:57 exedexes: add bonus life dipswitch and dip locations [hap]
  • 2024-12-09 21:12:11 xbox_nv2a.cpp: add support for texture bilinear filtering [yz70s]
  • 2024-12-09 21:26:46 dorachan: make sure interrupts happen at scanline 0 and 128, increase cpu clock, [hap]
    • beaminv: small cleanup, change color overlays
  • 2024-12-09 20:30:46 zxbus/neogs: Added save state (#13060) [holub]
  • 2024-12-09 19:54:17 New clones marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - El Dorado (V2.0D) [Hammy]
  • 2024-12-09 19:02:34 ibm5170, ibm5170_cdrom, psx: Transport Tycoon images (#13057) [Mike Swanson]
    • Scouring archive.org for these images :)
      New working software list items (ibm5170.xml) - Transport Tycoon (German) [goodolddays.net]
      New working software list items (ibm5170_cdrom.xml) - Transport Tycoon [redump.org] Transport Tycoon Deluxe [redump.org]
      New working software list items (psx.xml) - Transport Tycoon (Europe) [redump.org]
  • 2024-12-09 19:00:32 zxbus/neogs: Added support of extended memory mapping configuration (#13059) [holub]
  • 2024-12-09 17:35:37 New clones marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Hanafuda Hana Gokou (Japan, ver. A) [Hammy]
  • 2024-12-09 09:48:50 New working systems [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Double Agent (3XF5287H04, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] Let's Go Fishing (5XF5196I02, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] Penguin Pays Deluxe (AHG1198, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] The Gambler (11XF528902, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] Thunder Heart (13XF528902, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] Trick or Treat (7XF5183H04, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
      New working clones
      3 Bags Full (4XF5196I02, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] Arctic Wins (4XF5227H04, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] Bachelorette Party (BHG1247, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] Black Panther (FHG0949-01, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] Boot Scootin' (AHG1433, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] Boot Scootin' (GHG1012-01, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] Caribbean Gold II (4XF5182H04, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] Dolphin Treasure (FHG4076-02, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] K.G. Bird (3XF5264H04, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] Magic Mask (AHG1207, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] Penguin Pays - Cash Express (AHG1295, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] White Tiger (4XF5139I08, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
      New systems marked not working
      Scatter Magic - Cash Express (0251026, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
      New clones marked not working - Bumble Bugs (CHG0479-02, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] Chariot Challenge (RHG0635-02, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] Double Dolphins (0351006, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] Jumpin' Joeys (DHG4735-02, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] Magic Garden (AHG1211-03, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] Mine, Mine, Mine (NHG0416-99, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] Wild Angels (QHG0477-04, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73] Wild Cougar (NHG0632-07, US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union, Heihachi_73]
  • 2024-12-09 03:54:23 genie: restore MPARAM for non-Windows OS builds [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2024-12-09 01:09:25 technos/tagteam.cpp: Periodic IRQ modernization [AJR]
  • 2024-12-09 00:15:12 kchamp: assume maincpu is 3mhz after all, [hap]
    • quasar: use palxbit functions for effect colors
  • 2024-12-08 23:01:05 technos/tagteam.cpp: Add raw parameters for screen [AJR]
  • 2024-12-08 22:40:06 misc/vamphalf.cpp: Add screen raw parameters [AJR]
    • xtal.cpp: Add value for later use
  • 2024-12-08 21:50:58 h8_dma: Handle forced aborts [AJR]
  • 2024-12-08 20:55:40 cinematronics/leland.cpp: Add raw parameters for screen [AJR]
  • 2024-12-08 19:43:58 misc/epos.cpp: Add screen raw parameters for Tristar 8000 hardware [AJR]
  • 2024-12-08 19:41:44 dataeast/kchamp.cpp: Fix clone relationship [AJR]
  • 2024-12-08 19:31:21 kchamp: separate kchampvs romset from kchamp [hap]
  • 2024-12-08 18:50:00 bmc/bmcpokr.cpp, kaneko/jchan.cpp: Add screen raw parameters [AJR]
  • 2024-12-08 16:54:37 -dynax/dynax.cpp: Fixed more DIP switches. [Vas Crabb]
    • Fixed hjingi, mjcomv1, neruton and nerutona DIP switches based on manuals and observing behaviour. Removed some unused inputs from neruton and nerutona. Filled in descriptions for mjreach DIP switches from the one manual page could find a photo of.
      -igs/igs011.cpp: Some unusued inputs cause garbage to show in test mode because the code doesn't expect them.
  • 2024-12-08 16:49:29 kyugo: add screen raw params, [hap]
    • shaolins: fix nmi freq regression
  • 2024-12-08 15:49:04 kyugo: merge driver files [hap]
  • 2024-12-08 15:07:23 cvs: improve starfield density and blink rate [hap]
  • 2024-12-08 15:06:08 kchamp: improve sound nmi frequency [hap]
  • 2024-12-08 14:04:29 video/pc_vga_paradise.cpp: fetch configuration pins when entering VGA setup mode [angelosa]
    • fix macpb180c setting the wrong monitor type on restarts & waking up from sleep mode
  • 2024-12-08 06:43:45 sinclair/sprinter.cpp: Detect Game Configuration bitstream with checksum (#12908) [holub]
  • 2024-12-08 06:41:35 heathzenith/h89.cpp: Add h89 clone with CDR hardware (#13027) [Mark Garlanger]
  • 2024-12-08 04:36:51 spectrum_betadisc_flop.xml: Added 17 working items + 1 not working (#13009) [ArcadeShadow]
    • spectrum_betadisc_flop.xml: Added 17 working items + 1 not working
      New working software list additions
      Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, English, AY chip sound) [ZX Art] Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, English, Turbo Sound) [ZX Art] Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, English, AY chip sound) [Sinc LAIR] Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, English, Turbo Sound) [Sinc LAIR] Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, Polish, AY chip sound) [ZX Art] Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, Polish, Turbo Sound) [ZX Art] Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, Polish, AY chip sound) [Sinc LAIR] Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, Polish, Turbo Sound) [Sinc LAIR] Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, Russian, AY chip sound) [ZX Art] Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, Russian, Turbo Sound) [ZX Art] Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, Russian, AY chip sound) [Sinc LAIR] Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, Russian, Turbo Sound) [Sinc LAIR] Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, Spanish, AY chip sound) [ZX Art] Delta's Shadow (demo v1.0, Spanish, Turbo Sound) [ZX Art] Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, Spanish, AY chip sound) [Sinc LAIR] Delta's Shadow (demo v1.6, Spanish, Turbo Sound) [Sinc LAIR] Mysterious Dimensions [Spectrum Computing]
      New NOT working software list addition
      Batty [Spectrum Computing]
      Update spectrum_betadisc_flop.xml
      Remove unnecessary region tag
  • 2024-12-08 03:28:00 ap2_dsk.cpp: fix loading bardstl3 (#13055) [Roman Donchenko]
    • I accidentally broke this in 47d8c69b, where I forgot to account for the "oddball" images from the software list. AFAICS, bardstl3 is the only software to be broken, because its images are _shorter_ than they're supposed to be.
      In addition, disk 3 of this image has a different size that's not listed in `identify()`, so it couldn't even be loaded before that commit. Fix that too.
  • 2024-12-08 02:15:34 m72: no need for all those youtube video links in source to back verification claim of irq frequency [hap]
  • 2024-12-08 01:10:44 ap2_dsk.cpp/h: clean up constants (#13021) [Roman Donchenko]
    • convert `#define` to `constexpr`. remove unused constants. replace magic numbers with constants where appropriate. Fix style issues.
  • 2024-12-08 01:07:03 Exposing running_machine::phase() to LUA (#13026) [npwoods]
  • 2024-12-08 01:00:08 apple/apple2gs.cpp: implement the LANGSEL soft switch (#13052) [as-tb-dev]
  • 2024-12-08 00:32:52 dataeast/bwing.cpp: Use raw parameters for screen; reduce MC6809E clocks by 25% [AJR]
  • 2024-12-08 00:01:42 mcm70: fix bitmap array oob access [hap]
  • 2024-12-07 23:44:10 ds1643_device: fix wrong constructor [hap]
  • 2024-12-07 23:34:47 kchamp, kchampvs: Use raw parameters for screen [AJR]
    • kchampvs: Add "Player Vs Player" to game title
  • 2024-12-07 23:01:49 kchamp: use main pcb xtal for cpu/ay clock, assume audiocpu has m1 wait states [hap]
  • 2024-12-07 22:31:33 capcom/sidearms.cpp: Use raw parameters for screen; minor PCB note [AJR]
  • 2024-12-07 21:13:09 srumbler: lower screen refresh rate, [hap]
    • misc capcom: small cleanup
  • 2024-12-07 18:20:52 emu/natkeyboard.cpp: Add CAPSLOCK, CR and LF escapes to post_coded [AJR]
  • 2024-12-07 03:26:34 Clones promoted to working [AJR]
    • Real Mahjong Haihai (Japan, bootleg) [AJR]
  • 2024-12-07 03:01:29 namco cus30: add waveform counter readback [hap]
  • 2024-12-07 01:11:33 cinemat: move watchdog trigger to fake vblank handler [hap]
  • 2024-12-06 23:06:43 irobot: fix compile issue, small cleanup [hap]
  • 2024-12-06 22:30:54 dynax/ddenlovr.cpp: Eliminate custom key assignment for test (service mode) input [AJR]
    • dynax/hnayayoi.cpp: Use bookkeeping input type for "analizer" key
  • 2024-12-06 21:42:40 Various mahjong input improvements: [Vas Crabb]
    • igs/igs011.cpp: Use common mahjong matrix definitions. igs/igs011.cpp Fixed DIP switches for lhb2, nkishusp and xymg. dynax/ddenlovr.cpp: Fixed DIP switches for mjmyornt based on manual. dynax/ddenlovr.cpp: Identified some DIP switches for mjmyster based on similarity to mjmyornt.
  • 2024-12-06 20:41:43 trckydoc: add sprite y flip, crzrally: copy over sprite x clipping from sauro driver [hap]
  • 2024-12-06 20:30:04 pv1000.xml: Added sixteen working homebrew cartridges (#12801) [Ectoplasm]
    • New working software list additions:
      Aerial [Inufuto] AntiAir [Inufuto] Ascend [Inufuto] Battlot [Inufuto] Bootskell [Inufuto] Cacorm [Inufuto] Cavit [Inufuto] Cracky [Inufuto] Guntus [Inufuto] Hopman [Inufuto] Lift [Inufuto] Mazy [Inufuto] Neuras [Inufuto] Osotos [Inufuto] Ruptus [Inufuto] Yewdow [Inufuto]
  • 2024-12-06 20:27:23 dt7.cpp - improve text layer handling (adds rowselect, fixes course select screen) [David Haywood] (#13039) [mamehaze]
  • 2024-12-06 19:28:11 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Venteta [Ioannis Bampoulas]
      New working clones
      New Lucky 8 Lines (set 13, W-4, encrypted) [Hammy]
  • 2024-12-06 15:55:11 skeleton/falconun.cpp: Add PIA and 8035 [AJR]
  • 2024-12-06 13:30:00 nyny: correct ay clocks, [hap]
    • yakyuken: add nvram
  • 2024-12-06 06:07:51 Systems promoted to working [hap]
    • - The Yakyuken [hap]
  • 2024-12-06 04:04:22 rendlay: fix crash with rect element alpha of 0 < n < 1.0/255, [hap]
    • misc: small cleanup
  • 2024-12-06 03:19:01 animaljr, funkyfig, mmpanic, mole: Use normal input types for player buttons [AJR]
  • 2024-12-05 18:24:07 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Chaku Melo Collection [Darksoft] Multi Game (IGT, M0000133) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union] Multi Game (IGT, M0000156) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union] Multi Game (IGT, M0000159) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union] Multi Game (IGT, M0000164) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union] Multi Game (IGT, M0000166) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union] Multi Game (IGT, M0000214) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union] Multi Game (IGT, M0000247) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union] Multi Game (IGT, M0000394) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union] Multi Game (IGT, M0000535) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union] The Munsters [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union] Vision printer [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
  • 2024-12-05 15:08:27 mcs48: remove todo note about EN/DIS I opcode not incrementing the timer, doc is wrong, and add another note [hap]
  • 2024-12-05 14:12:29 capcom/cps1.cpp: remap IPT_SERVICE as IPT_SELECT for CPS Changer games [angelosa]
  • 2024-12-05 02:32:19 o2_cart_slot: allow user to configure cart pin b [hap]
  • 2024-12-05 00:15:12 ef9340_1: revert wrong change from prev commit [hap]
  • 2024-12-04 23:52:08 t6a84: no need for PAGE_SIZE, it's a given that a 16-bit address space has a length of 0x10000 [hap]
  • 2024-12-04 22:44:50 timelimt,suprridr: take clock freqs from thepit driver [hap]
  • 2024-12-04 21:30:19 enigma2: better star blink rate [hap]
  • 2024-12-04 20:54:28 videopac: add 7seg outputs for testcartpl [hap]
  • 2024-12-04 19:53:22 New working software list items [hap]
    • - videopac: Service Test Cartridge (Europe, plus) [anonymous]
  • 2024-12-04 19:42:40 ef9340_1: add window boxing and y zoom mode [hap]
  • 2024-12-04 17:11:31 videopac: let's mark spaans as partially supported anyway [hap]
  • 2024-12-04 20:42:08 igs/igs011.cpp: Moved Virtua Bowling to a derived class and cleaned up code: (#13033) [cam900]
    • Corrected title of Dongbang Jiju in description (Korean version of Dragon World. Improved keyboard and DIP switch matrix reading code. Use generic graphics decoding layout for debugging. Suppress side effects for debugger reads. Generally cleaned up code and improved and fixed some comments.
  • 2024-12-04 19:04:40 dataeast/metlclsh.cpp: convert to set_raw [angelosa]
  • 2024-12-04 18:02:14 suna/suna8.cpp: Add provisional raw parameters for screen [AJR]
  • 2024-12-04 15:15:16 Natural keyboard improvements [AJR]
    • - NUL is no longer a reserved character, and PORT_CHAR(0) is meaningful now. The ioport_field structure now uses a reserved Unicode character rather than 0 as a filler. - PORT_CHAR() with no arguments (formerly illegal) may be used to skip over shift positions that produce no useful codes.
      ioport.h: Use the empty string rather than nullptr as default tag for ioport_condition. (ioport_condition::operator== was blindly passing the null pointers to strcmp.)
  • 2024-12-04 11:18:37 emu/ioport.h: retire PORT_VBLANK / PORT_HBLANK [angelosa]
  • 2024-12-03 21:44:04 i8244: fix collision detection edge case [hap, bataais] [hap]
  • 2024-12-03 19:35:03 cswat: redumped romset, hooked up color prom and a sn76489a [Phil Bennett] [hap]
  • 2024-12-03 18:10:10 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Black Rhino (IGT) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union] Super 8 Race [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union] Wheel of Fortune (IGT) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
  • 2024-12-03 18:01:10 mb88xx: make tc pin an inputline, don't clear irq pin state at reset, small cleanup [hap]
  • 2024-12-03 15:12:04 wyse/wy85.cpp: Slight optimization [AJR]
  • 2024-12-03 11:25:49 New working software list items [hap]
    • - videopac: Melrep (Europe, prototype), Spaans (Europe, prototype), Syracuse (France, plus, prototype) [anonymous]
  • 2024-12-03 07:54:47 dynax/dynax.cpp: Identified most DIP switch settings for Mahjong Reach. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-12-03 04:52:18 -dynax/dynax.cpp: Improved majxtal7 and janyuki DIP switches: [Vas Crabb]
    • Added Mahjong X-tal 7 and Jan Yu Ki DIP switch locations based on input test display. Corrected some Mahjong X-tal 7 DIP switch settings, and marked some as unknown as they were clearly wrong.
      -dynax/ddenlovr.cpp: Demoted Hanafuda Hana Gokou and Hanafuda Gokou Bangaihen to not working - neither of these games works properly.
  • 2024-12-03 03:25:43 -seta/ssv.cpp: Better effort at using common mahjong matrix. [Vas Crabb]
    • -dynax/ddenlovr.cpp: Demoted Hanafuda Hana Gokou and Hanafuda Gokou Bangaihen to not working - neither of these games works properly.
  • 2024-12-03 01:52:23 kangaroo: hook up protection mcu, [hap]
    • mb88xx: increment timer when taking irq cycles
  • 2024-12-02 19:42:51 shared/mahjong.cpp: Moved "standard" mahjong matrix to shared project. [Vas Crabb]
    • The "standard" mahjong matrix can easily be shared by Dynax, Jaleco, Seta and IGS with minor adjustments.
      dynax/ddenlovr.cpp: Hooked up hopper device for Hanafuda Hana Tengoku.
  • 2024-12-02 19:03:13 New systems marked not working [angelosa]
    • Nord Lead 2X [DBWBP]
  • 2024-12-02 19:02:53 video/upd7220.cpp: reset_origin on CRT reprogramming [angelosa]
  • 2024-12-02 18:45:01 - misc/amuzy.cpp, skeleton/banpresto_tomy_h8s.cpp: improved metadata [Wayder] [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - skeleton/guchokipa.cpp: identified as a bootleg of Omori's The Yakyuken [Wayder]
  • 2024-12-02 17:20:16 misc/calomega.cpp: Use tilt input type [AJR]
  • 2024-12-02 14:37:59 mb88xx: add pla mask option [hap]
  • 2024-12-02 04:42:59 gekisha: Identify some DIP switches [AJR]
  • 2024-12-02 03:52:50 apple/macadb.cpp: Updates [R. Belmont] [arbee]
    • - Added ADB power key callback - Added "any key down" callback used in PowerBooks - Removed the last bits of the old adb_vblank() service routine.
      apple/pseudovia.cpp: Added support for SCSI IRQs. [R. Belmont]
      apple/macprtb.cpp: Support sleep and wake-up for Macintosh Portable and PowerBook 100. [R. Belmont]
      apple/macpwrbk030.cpp: Updates [R. Belmont] - Fixed issues with Shut Down and Restart functionality - Support sleep and wake-up for all supported models - Cleanups and save state support
      Systems promoted to working - Macintosh PowerBook 140 [R. Belmont] Macintosh PowerBook 160 [R. Belmont] Macintosh PowerBook 180c [R. Belmont]
      Clones promoted to working
      Macintosh PowerBook 145 [R. Belmont] Macintosh PowerBook 145B [R. Belmont] Macintosh PowerBook 165 [R. Belmont] Macintosh PowerBook 165c [R. Belmont] Macintosh PowerBook 170 [R. Belmont] Macintosh PowerBook 180 [R. Belmont]
  • 2024-12-02 02:26:57 hanakanz: Use different controls in bet and non-bet modes [AJR]
  • 2024-12-02 01:32:16 dynax/ddenlovr.cpp: Further input cleanups [AJR]
    • - Use standard input types for service keys in many games - hnkochou, hjingi, htengoku: Remove some unused inputs
  • 2024-12-01 23:53:57 hgokou: Disable the correct inputs [AJR]
  • 2024-12-01 22:55:00 hgokou: Use standard hanafuda panel input matrix [AJR]
  • 2024-12-01 22:12:56 dynax/ddenlovr.cpp: Fixed mjmyornt inputs, improved hgokou service inputs. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-12-01 21:09:17 dynax/ddenlovr.cpp, dynax/dynax.cpp: More I/O improvements: [Vas Crabb]
    • Fixed 2P side inputs for tenkai, ougonhai and mjmyster. Use hanafuda input types for hginga. Use proper bookkeeping and memory reset inputs for hginga and hanakanz. Started using I/O port finders for mahjong keyboards. More side effects checks. Reduced some duplication.
  • 2024-12-01 21:05:29 gime: Fixed lines-per-row and improved border color for legacy modes (#13038) [tim lindner]
  • 2024-12-01 20:28:12 namco/namcos2.cpp: MCU note [AJR]
  • 2024-12-01 19:49:02 hd6305: update copyright holders now that a large part of this file is OG's, and make code style consistent [hap]
  • 2024-12-01 18:17:54 sony/psx.cpp: Forgot to commit this file in 7a5fcb5ac946e2d696a87cba2962aee368c675f7 [AJR]
  • 2024-12-01 18:15:38 cpu/m6805: Split off HD6305/63705 emulation to a separate source file [AJR]
  • 2024-12-01 15:23:05 cvs: make interrupts edge triggered, increase cpu clock freq, set screen refresh to 50 [hap]
  • 2024-12-01 15:00:59 kangaroo: dumped mb8841 internal rom [Sean Riddle] [hap]
  • 2024-12-01 14:54:25 quasar: correct screen height [hap]
  • 2024-12-01 11:20:35 busicom: driver was demoted by mistake, it's working ok afterall - who to credit if it must be in the whatsnew? the person that demoted it and found out they were wrong? which would be [Robbbert] [hap]
  • 2024-12-01 00:37:45 s2650: correct interrupt cycles [hap]
  • 2024-11-30 20:24:06 s2650: correct subtract overflow flag [hap]
  • 2024-11-30 20:23:11 astrowar: let's flip that bad bit on rom 13i, correct extended play dipswitch [hap]
NOWSZY [Arcade] DevMAME [log only] 2024/11/30 18:00
  • 2024-11-30 17:45:20 skeleton/vgame.cpp: corrected hashes for hilice [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-11-30 16:16:45 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Punk Shot (Asia 2 Players, hacked?) [Dragos]
      New systems marked not working
      unknown Falcon gambling machine [Mark Beckford]
  • 2024-11-30 04:52:08 a2gameio: Updated Sirius JoyPort description to mention Atari joysticks being connected to it (#13032) [as-tb-dev]
  • 2024-11-30 04:23:54 ui/selmenu.cpp: Allow icons to be scaled up as well as down (#12851) [jflatt]
  • 2024-11-30 04:10:41 cpu/m68000: Support direct FPU moves to A registers, not just indirect. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
  • 2024-11-30 04:08:02 machine/nscsi_bus.cpp/.h: Add some more framework for future support of later SCSI command sets. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
    • nscsi/hd.cpp: Support SYNCHRONIZE CACHE command, fix off-by-1 MODE SENSE size reporting. [R. Belmont]
  • 2024-11-30 02:51:08 cpu/hcd62121,casio/pickytlk.cpp: Add support for more Picky Talk models (#13015) [qufb]
  • 2024-11-30 01:13:17 midway/williamsblitter.h: Remove unused variable [AJR]
  • 2024-11-30 01:11:08 Converted Williams SC1/SC2 blitter to a device. (#13030) [MooglyGuy]
    • -williams: Converted SC1/SC2 blitter to a device. [Ryan Holtz]
      Flipped some always-present optional finders to required.
  • 2024-11-30 01:05:20 toaplan/dogyuun.cpp: Fix refactoring [AJR]
  • 2024-11-30 00:43:41 Merge tag 'mame0272' into HEAD [Vas Crabb]
    • MAME 0.272
  • 2024-11-30 00:39:48 -dynax.cpp: More I/O stuff: [Vas Crabb]
    • Added hopper to Mahjong Electron Base games. Suppress side effects for Mahjong Electromagnetic Base keyboard read. Started moving common mahjong DIP switches to macros.
      -toaplan: Cleanup: Renamed "reset" member function as it clashes with device_t::reset. Removed some pointless tests of required object finders. Sorted #includes.
      -Tidied some other stuff.
  • 2024-11-29 23:55:22 Clean up sound reset handling in various Toaplan drivers [AJR]
  • 2024-11-29 22:57:23 galaxia: woops, picked the wrong 13h rom [hap]
  • 2024-11-29 22:50:21 galaxia: reorder sets, pretty sure rom 13H was a bad dump anyway [hap]
  • 2024-11-29 21:54:35 galaxia: add dipswitches, add different address map for galaxiaa [hap]
  • 2024-11-29 21:03:26 bus/amiga/zorro: Add support for the RIPPLE IDE controller [Dirk Best]
  • 2024-11-29 19:38:17 intelfsh: Add SST_39SF010 variant, add missing address mask check to erase command [Dirk Best]
  • 2024-11-29 16:17:21 source org: move cvs driver to misc folder [hap]
  • 2024-11-29 16:13:41 cvs_base: merge with cvs driver [hap]
  • 2024-11-29 15:37:58 zaccaria.cpp: merge driver [hap]
  • 2024-11-29 15:24:44 source org: move galaxia driver to zaccaria folder [hap]
  • 2024-11-29 15:10:28 cvs,quasar,galaxia: shorthand variable types [hap]
  • 2024-11-29 15:03:16 galaxia: improve stars, not 100% accurate yet [hap]
  • 2024-11-29 13:27:37 galaxia: untangle from cvs_base [hap]
  • 2024-11-29 13:05:41 galaxia: correct colors [hap]
  • 2024-11-29 12:29:16 galaxia: correct screen resolution, correct astowar colors, small cleanup, starfield removed temporary [hap]
  • 2024-11-28 15:56:52 cvs_base: simplify star generator a bit (no difference here yet) [hap]
  • 2024-11-29 10:11:00 capcom/cps2.cpp: swap ddsomjr1, ddsomjr2 romsets (#13028) [Igor-Arabe]
  • 2024-11-29 06:46:16 Add a skeleton for Roland MT-100 (#13017) [buffi]
    • New systems marked not working
      MT-100 [buffi]
  • 2024-11-29 02:28:28 upd7220: correct hsync width and invert the vsync wait time. [cracyc]
  • 2024-11-29 01:12:20 psion/mc400.cpp: Fixed unused-function error. [Nigel Barnes]
  • 2024-11-28 23:51:19 Software list items promoted to working [Nigel Barnes]
    • - psion_ssd: EROS Ver.4.0, MC Missile, Spreadsheet, System Disk V2.12, System Disk V2.20, System Disk (MC Word) V2.50 [Nigel Barnes]
  • 2024-11-28 23:48:22 New working systems [Nigel Barnes]
    • - MC 400 [The Last Psion, Nigel Barnes]
      New working clones
      MC 200 [Nigel Barnes] MC Word [zedstarr, Nigel Barnes] MC Word (German) [The Last Psion, Nigel Barnes]
  • 2024-11-28 18:56:25 bus/heathzenith/h19/tlb.h: Fix #include guards [AJR]
    • .github/workflows/includeguards.yml: Fix spelling
  • 2024-11-28 18:47:57 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Lucky 88 (Wing) [Hammy] Mahjong Dai-Reach (Japan, TSM012-C01) [Hammy]
  • 2024-11-28 18:46:25 heathzenith/h89.cpp: Convert SigmaSoft parallel port into an h89 left card. (#13024) [Mark Garlanger]
  • 2024-11-28 18:09:53 Software list items promoted to working [angelosa]
    • - pc98.xml: Spindizzy II [Angelo Salese]
      New working software list items - pc98.xml: Lemmings, Shikinjou [Neo Kobe]
  • 2024-11-28 17:52:22 video/upd7220.cpp: fix vsync timings and update_partial for graphics partition [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-28 15:47:23 split monster 'toaplan2.cpp' file into smaller per-board parts + slight modernization (#13022) [mamehaze]
    • toaplan2 - splitup the big driver
      move some common logic to a device
      further tidyups
      raizing.cpp - begin tidy
      raizing.cpp cleanups
      raizing tidyups
      more raizing cleanups
      sort mame.lst
      attempt to fix CL
      restore original copyright holders to files where not every line is my code (although most of these are no so distant from the files from 20 years ago due to the amount of rewriting they've undergone it's questionable they still apply)
      tekipaki.cpp - remove unused shared_ram
      anonymous namespaces
      rename functions that still had _toaplan2 and _truxton2 in them
      move all the old game specific notes to the drivers containing those games now
      Co-authored-by: David Haywood
  • 2024-11-28 12:48:00 source org: move quasar driver to zaccaria folder [hap]
  • 2024-11-28 12:42:40 quasar: untangle from cvs_base [hap]
  • 2024-11-28 10:47:17 cvs: add logmacro, remove set_vblank_int [hap]
  • 2024-11-28 10:35:41 s2650: add logerror o illegal opcodes [hap]
  • 2024-11-28 07:01:01 wing/luckgrln.cpp: added missing MNW flag for luckstrn [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-11-28 06:58:45 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Lucky Star (newer Z180 based hardware) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
  • 2024-11-28 02:49:36 fix windows build [Patrick Mackinlay]
    • use MPARAM for GENie build architecture avoid escaping issue in 3rdparty/expat
  • 2024-11-28 00:53:48 cvs: fill initial char ram with 0xff, simplify discrete sound placeholder [hap]
  • 2024-11-28 00:46:30 gk2000: update notes [hap]
  • 2024-11-28 00:29:10 zx81_cass.xml: Add metadata to a few entries [AJR]
  • 2024-11-27 22:23:42 zx81_cass.xml: Added 24 working items (#12986) [ArcadeShadow]
    • New working software list additions
      Aerial [Inufuto] AntiAir [Inufuto] Ascend [Inufuto] Battlot [Inufuto] Blitz Balle [Team Zeddy, Planeta Sinclair] Bootskell [Inufuto] Cacorm [Inufuto] Comp-U-Tax/82 [Team Zeddy, Planeta Sinclair] Cracky [Inufuto] Game of Life [Team Zeddy, Planeta Sinclair] Guntus [Inufuto] Hopman [Inufuto] Jogos 80 - Ano 12 - Número 19 (Julho 2018) (cover tape) [ZX81 Never Die] Lift [Inufuto] Mazy [Inufuto] MicroGame: Caçadores do Tesouro [ZX81 Never Die] MicroGame: Challenger [ZX81 Never Die] MicroGame: Pinball Wizard [ZX81 Never Die] Monitor and Disassembler [Team Zeddy, Planeta Sinclair] Neuras [Inufuto] Osotos [Inufuto] Ruptus [Inufuto] Scorpirus [Team Zeddy, Planeta Sinclair] Yewdow [Inufuto]
  • 2024-11-27 20:55:14 -dynax/dynax.cpp: More I/O improvements: [Vas Crabb]
    • Replaced hjingi hopper hack with a hopper device. Improved DIP switch labels for mjembase and hooked up hopper. Improved a few DIP switch labels for mjelctrn.
      -Fixed some more #include guards and added a CI task to check them in src/devices and src/mame.
  • 2024-11-27 20:36:48 New working software list items [angelosa]
    • - pc98: Chitty Chitty Train (Ver 1.00, .hdm installed hack)
  • 2024-11-27 08:29:42 - misc/belatra.cpp: dumped PAL for unkbel [Porchy, TeamEurope] [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - misc/joystand.cpp: dumped GFX ROMs for x180 [buffi, f205v, Hammy]
  • 2024-11-27 02:21:13 s2650: forgot to put back default debugger config [hap]
  • 2024-11-27 02:13:06 raiders: remove MUP flag, game works fine - if it's about the collision detection: it looks like it's intended that enemies that haven't separated from the group yet can't be shot down, [hap]
    • superbik: remove todo note, can't repro bug on current build tms5110: small cleanup
  • 2024-11-27 01:23:18 s2650: fix issue with add/sub half carry flag, small cleanup [hap]
  • 2024-11-26 04:14:05 Sega SC-3000/SK-1100 overhaul [AJR]
    • - Add BASIC functions and katakana symbols to key labels - Add variant of keyboard device with diareses instead of kana - Eliminate sc3000h clone set since SC-3000H has no emulatable differences from SC-3000 - Add PAL version of SC-3000 with different VDP and keyboard with diareses - Add some XTAL-derived clocks to sf7000
  • 2024-11-27 00:22:37 cirsa/cirsa2080606.cpp: Add note about Lucky Player (#13020) [ClawGrip]
    • To avoid mistakes when looking for undumped sets
  • 2024-11-26 20:15:56 Actually demote tautological-compare to a warning. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-11-26 20:09:34 Demote tautological-compare to a warning again. [Vas Crabb]
    • clang on Windows x86-64 is getting upset about code that is making no assumptions about the relative sizes of uint64_t and long.
      Also, fixed more #include guards.
  • 2024-11-26 19:21:34 Enable tautological-compare warning as error. [Vas Crabb]
    • If it causes too much trouble with a supported compiler, it can be downgraded to a warning.
  • 2024-11-26 19:12:25 dynax/dynax.cpp: Added DIP switches that are sometimes populated to Ougon no Pai. [Vas Crabb]
    • Also fixed a bunch more #include guards.
  • 2024-11-26 18:39:05 Updated GENie and changed Visual Studio target to Visual Studio 2022. (#13000) [Patrick Mackinlay]
    • Updated to GENie 1181. Applied local fix for GENie resource include directory bug, sent upstream as bkaradzic/GENie#572. Set MSVC flags to use conformant preprocessor, standards conformance mode, and assume UTF-8 encoding.
  • 2024-11-26 18:09:40 New working systems [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Joker Card (encrypted) [TeamEurope]
      New working clones
      Future Flash (set 2) [chaneman]
  • 2024-11-26 17:37:57 jaleco/tetrisp2.cpp: Use configured banking for sound ROMs, cleaned up code: (#13018) [cam900]
    • Moved Rock'n Tread to a separate state class, and moved more members to the state classes that use them. Use driver device lifecycle functions for initialization. Use generic graphics decoding layouts. Reduced use of literal tags and run-time tag lookups. Reduced redundancy in member names.
  • 2024-11-26 17:10:23 isa/sb16.cpp: add +1 to DMA length for stereo mode as well [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-26 17:08:27 nec/pc9801.cpp: fix upper ARTIC port reads [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-26 09:39:23 ibm5170_cdrom.xml: New software items added (#12995) [David 'Foxhack' Silva]
    • New software list items - ibm5170_cdrom.xml: Corel Linux Deluxe, Civilization: Call to Power (Limited Edition, v1.1 Linux) [Foxhack]
  • 2024-11-26 04:07:18 source org: rename mr to modelracing [hap]
  • 2024-11-26 03:59:37 galaxia: remove partial updates, it was problematic for this driver and unneeded, [hap]
    • quasar: correct cpu speed and improve vblank duration to fix game speed bug on 3rd level, s2636: remove render_first_line, add a start_new_frame instead
  • 2024-11-26 03:40:18 chanbara: guru confirmed that enemy spawn bug happens on pcb [hap]
  • 2024-11-25 22:49:05 screen: prevent race condition on drivers with vblank at y=0, causing partial updates to fail after load state [hap]
  • 2024-11-26 00:42:46 new machines marked as NOT WORKING - Cassette Vision (#11927) [mamehaze]
    • abandoned cassette vison work
      remove comment now that the useful table is gone
      force github to rebuild because github is being github
      add a note based on earlier research
      bring this part over from the previous tree too, it seems worth having still
      actually use this version instead, I thought it was broken, but it actually has advantages
      I've been informed this will be merged if I assign a copyright holder, so as I don't really recognize it as my own design anymore, I'm assigning Vas.
      Update cpu.lua
      Start cleaning up:
      cassvisn_cart.xml: Fixed program region width. cassvisn_cart.xml: Added Japanese titles and proper markup for release dates. epoch/cassvisn.cpp: Removed unnecessary byte swapping when loading software list items. cpu/upd777.cpp: Made order of declarations and definitions more consistent with each other, added more inline and const hints.
      tools/unidasm.cpp: Make data source big Endian to match CPU core.
      epoch/cassvisn.cpp: Digit grouping for big numbers, better error messages.
      Co-authored-by: David Haywood Co-authored-by: Vas Crabb
  • 2024-11-25 22:10:55 new machines marked as NOT_WORKING - Dynamic Trial 7 (#11938) [mamehaze]
    • new machines marked as NOT_WORKING - DT7 (prototype) [Graham Noble]
      make it compile again
      Co-authored-by: David Haywood
  • 2024-11-25 21:35:17 seibu/deadang.cpp: added missing text layer disable, fixes missing text flickering at game start [David Haywood, Corrado Tomaselli] [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-11-25 21:17:40 -tools/imgtool/modules: Fixed remaining calss memory access warnings. [Vas Crabb]
    • -tools/imgtool/modules/vzdos.cpp: Fixed function returning floperr_t value as imgtoolerr_t.
      -devices: Fixed a bunch more #include guards that don't match file paths.
  • 2024-11-25 20:24:31 New clones marked not working [Roberto Fresca]
    • - Super Real Darwin (Japan, bootleg) [Roberto Fresca, Gabriel Vega (El Pampa), Emmanuel Firmapaz, Club Argentino de Arcades]
  • 2024-11-25 19:11:07 apple/apple2e.cpp, apple/apple2video.cpp: Improved IIe keyboard layout/language switch handling. (#12756) [as-tb-dev]
    • Added UK variants of Apple IIe Platinum and Apple //c. Removed the 40/80 column switch from Apple //c+. Added the 40/80 column switch the the Franklin Ace 500 and VTech Laser 128 series. Added the keyboard/language selection switch to UK, French and Spanish //e variants and various clones. Added the character set switch to the Franklin ACE. Added DVORAK mod support to US Apple //e models and VTech Laser 128 series. Improved key labels and default assignments, and added notes about keyboards and ROMs. Initialize //c+ drive state variables on start.
      New working clones
      Apple Computer Apple //c (UK) Apple Computer Apple //c (France) Apple Computer Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, UK) Apple Computer Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, France) Apple Computer Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, UK) Apple Computer Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, France) Apple Computer Apple //c (rev 4, UK) Apple Computer Apple //c (rev 4, France) Apple Computer Apple //e (Platinum, UK) Apple Computer Apple //e (Platinum, France) Apple Computer Apple //e (France)
  • 2024-11-25 19:05:16 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • CPS1 Multi Game [hellshinox, H4M573R, NTDEC, Nnap, Hammy, TeamEurope] unknown Belatra slot machine [TeamEurope]
      - leapfrog/leappad.cpp: verified the Cocopad BIOS ROM matches the corresponding Leappad one [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
      - tecfri/ambush.cpp: dumped PROMs and unprotected PALs for mariobl [f205v]
  • 2024-11-25 11:31:46 sshot: change screen refresh rate to 50 [hap]
  • 2024-11-24 21:52:21 quasar: correct bullet size, hook up videochip sound channels, [hap]
    • galaxia: correct bullet size, better screen refresh rate
  • 2024-11-24 19:38:18 quasar: fix soundlatch, irq vector, 'effect' colors, added dipswitch locations [hap]
  • 2024-11-24 21:01:36 sc3000_cass.xml: Fix hashes for Indiana Jaune [AJR]
  • 2024-11-24 20:45:38 sc3000_cass.xml: Added 17 items (16 working), and improved metadata a little. [AJR]
    • New working software list items - Addition Tutor [6502MAN] Australian General Knowledge Tutor [6502MAN] Columbia [6502MAN] Creation des Sprites [6502MAN] Crocky [6502MAN] Faites Vos Jeux - Niveau 1 [6502MAN] Indiana Jaune & Super Lab [6502MAN] Kamikaze [6502MAN] Keyboard Learning Program [6502MAN] Moniteur Désassembleur [6502MAN] Pre-School Shape and Colour Quiz [6502MAN] Skull Island [6502MAN] Subtraction Tutor [6502MAN] Supertape 1 [6502MAN] Télécran [6502MAN] Watch Me Draw [6502MAN]
      New software list items marked not working
      Reversi Champion [6502MAN]
  • 2024-11-24 17:45:36 bus/interpro/keyboard/hle.h: fixed compile [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-11-24 17:37:11 Cleanup: [Vas Crabb]
    • toaplan/mjsister.cpp: Use memory share creator for VRAM, put banked ROM in its own region so the fixed ROM region can be sized correctly. cpu/s2650: Use util::sext rather than goofy lookup table. Fixed a lot more #include guards that didn't match header paths.
  • 2024-11-24 15:05:19 misc: improve scaling of 2-bit blue for commonly copy pasted color decoder [hap]
  • 2024-11-24 15:03:57 s2650: move s2650cpu.h contents to s2650.cpp [hap]
  • 2024-11-24 12:37:35 ata/atapihle.cpp: clamp buffer size to word units in command packet [angelosa]
    • fix CD audio playback in PC-based systems
  • 2024-11-24 10:41:45 isa/sb16.cpp: halve DMA length if Stereo mode is selected [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-23 18:34:55 bus/isa/sb16.cpp: convert fifo size checks to a named entity [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-24 07:30:43 k007342: update notes [hap]
  • 2024-11-24 06:39:47 k007342: add interface for sending sprite related flags to paired chip [hap]
  • 2024-11-24 05:05:43 k007420: apply same sprite code mask fix as with k007121 [hap]
  • 2024-11-24 06:28:58 cvs/quasar.cpp: fixed MT08973 [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-11-24 06:01:46 toaplan/mjsister.cpp: Cleaned up code: (#13012) [cam900]
    • Reduced literal tag usage and runtime tag lookups. Make some variables constant, reduced preprocessor macros. Use more appropriate types for some variables.
  • 2024-11-24 05:50:47 sc3000_cart.xml: Add extra 2K of RAM to BASIC Level 2 cartridge [AJR]
  • 2024-11-24 05:47:14 cdicdic: Fix restarting audio map after stopping it (MT #8833) (#12988) [Andre Zeps]
  • 2024-11-24 03:43:33 k007121: no need for is_flakatck param, [hap]
    • labyrunr: correct sprite layer priority bit
  • 2024-11-24 02:09:20 labyrunr: fix tile/sprite priorities regression [hap]
  • 2024-11-24 00:43:28 k007121: correct 32x32 sprite code mask [hap]
  • 2024-11-24 00:32:04 sega/sg1000.cpp: Revert speculative change [AJR]
  • 2024-11-24 00:27:33 sega/sg1000.cpp: Eliminate ram_device [AJR]
  • 2024-11-24 00:08:39 romcmp: Print error message when decompression fails [AJR]
  • 2024-11-24 00:00:09 misc/compucranes.cpp: Fix hash for 'mastcranea' program ROM (#13011) [ClawGrip]
  • 2024-11-23 23:59:56 scv: Implement video register 0 bit 2: hide sprites 64-127 (#13010) [David Hunter]
    • Two games Kung Fu Road and Super Golf set this bit to hide half of the sprites.
      This replaces the "screen_sprite_start_line" hack, which only worked on Kung Fu Road.
  • 2024-11-23 22:50:03 gotcha: remove audiocpu nmi (unknown purpose, causes music bug), and merge driver [hap]
  • 2024-11-23 18:42:57 Fixed build, corrected a few more #include guards. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-11-23 18:38:12 quasar: set VIDEO_ALWAYS_UPDATE because of collision flag in screen update [hap]
  • 2024-11-23 17:52:26 srcclean and cleanup [Vas Crabb]
    • Started fixing #include guards that don't match the file path. There are still plenty more in src/devices, but it's a start. When there are none left in src/devices and src/mame, a CI task can be added to catch them.
  • 2024-11-23 16:10:02 bus/cbus/sb16_ct2720.cpp: Fix clang error: lambda capture 'this' is not used [-Werror,-Wunused-lambda-capture] [AJR]
  • 2024-11-23 15:59:52 isa/sb16: move mixer implementation to own ct1745 device [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-21 11:57:05 sound/xt446.h: add missing #pragma once [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-21 11:56:34 hash/ibm5170_cdrom.xml: sb16 is a clone of sb16cd, move zorknem to the games section [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-23 12:16:23 redbaron: change nosedive sound to noteslide down instead of noteslide up [hap]
  • 2024-11-23 08:23:06 - dynax/dynax.cpp: dumped PALs for cdracula [f205v] [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - namco/namcos23.cpp: corrected hashes for crszonev2b [sjy96525]
  • 2024-11-23 05:53:29 mo5_cass.xml, to7_cass.xml: Fix validation errors [AJR]
  • 2024-11-23 02:17:43 sshot: correct cpu clock and fix gunchamps gun inputs [hap]
    • Clones promoted to working
      Gun Champ (newer, Super Shot hardware) [hap]
  • 2024-11-23 01:41:56 emu/romload.cpp: Resolve tags for ROM_COPY relative to current device properly. [Vas Crabb]
    • Tags can contain multiple colon-separated parts. Also, we really don't need tag manipulation code proliferating throughout the codebase.
  • 2024-11-22 23:25:10 mo5_cass.xml, mo6_cass.xml, to7_cass.xml, to8_cass.xml: Metadata updates [AJR]
    • - Add "author" and "serial" info to numerous entries - Add diacritics to titles and some subtitles from boxes - Add "notice" info to most Loriciels and Microids games - Add "usage" info to MO5 and MO6 cassettes that need special loading procedures - Correct a few publishers - Note presence of loader hacks in mo5_cass.xml and mo6_cass.xml - Note some sets that should be combined or split later
  • 2024-11-22 20:03:40 zodiack: use 2 separate soundlatches instead of a shared one, decrease sound nmi frequency for dogfight [hap]
  • 2024-11-22 18:52:22 ukiyobox: Use more literal set name [AJR]
  • 2024-11-22 17:38:09 pinball/recel.cpp: Use a "Poker Plus" ROM dump known to work on hardware. (#13001) [Recreativas.org] [ClawGrip]
  • 2024-11-22 17:05:55 konami/aliens.cpp: Simplified palette RAM banking. (#13006) [cam900]
    • Use a single mapping for main work RAM. Explicitly disable palette access on start.
  • 2024-11-22 17:03:26 konami/blockhl.cpp: Simplified palette RAM banking. (#13005) [cam900]
    • Use a single mapping for main work RAM. Got rid of a literal tag.
  • 2024-11-22 14:14:18 nscsi/cd.cpp: Support ZuluSCSI/BlueSCSI Toolbox commands for uploading and downloading files to the MAME share_directory. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
    • CD switching commands are not (yet) supported but may be in the future.
  • 2024-11-22 11:30:52 chanbara: re-add ym2203 read for now, [hap]
    • airraid: lower quantum after z80 rewrite
  • 2024-11-22 02:02:31 fixed ROM_COPY to use a relative region name, so it can be used in a device. [smf] [smf-]
  • 2024-11-22 02:00:38 Align Point Blank 2, Gunbarl & Ghoul Panic light guns to current PlayStation visible area. [smf] [smf-]
  • 2024-11-22 07:24:44 irem/m72.cpp: dumped MCU for nspirit [Darksoft, Team Europe, TonitoXArcade] [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-11-22 03:27:50 rendersw.hxx: Fix bad use of u32 reference type in 1c50756b3a43811fcd54718f99ef7f96727d06b4 [AJR]
  • 2024-11-22 02:54:07 enigma2: fix off by 1 error from prev commit [hap]
  • 2024-11-22 02:46:57 emu/rendersw.hxx: Get rid of obsolete overly specific blend function. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-11-22 02:44:13 emu/rendersw.hxx: Support RGB multiply blending with 16bpp textures. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-11-22 02:09:45 enigma2: increase audiocpu interrupt frequency [hap]
  • 2024-11-21 23:55:13 chanbara: no need to check attr & 0x08 [hap]
  • 2024-11-21 23:11:27 chanbara: fix cocktail mode and garbage sprites, assume ym2203 read is unconnected, small cleanup [hap]
  • 2024-11-21 17:47:39 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Mite Shinzeyou [Hammy]
      New working clones
      Wonder Boy - Monster Land (English bootleg set 4) [Hammy]
  • 2024-11-21 15:22:06 nightmare: Set joysticks to 4-way [AJR]
  • 2024-11-21 15:07:26 efo_sound3: Improve propagation of data from latch to speech synthesizer [AJR]
    • tms5220: Further logging refinements
  • 2024-11-21 13:19:37 vg5k.xml: Metadata updates [AJR]
    • - Add author and serial fields to numerous titles - Add missing diacritics to titles - Miscellaneous title/publisher corrections
  • 2024-11-21 12:41:15 mspacman: add side_effects check to dynamic bankswitch [hap]
  • 2024-11-21 12:20:30 mustache: refresh flipscreen like travrusa/dogfgt, small cleanups [hap]
  • 2024-11-21 10:55:10 tp880v: added Tadpole Technology TP880V VME single-board computer [Plamen Mihaylov] [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2024-11-21 06:03:28 Fix merge conflict from last commit. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
  • 2024-11-21 04:49:23 New machines added as WORKING [arbee]
    • - Chusenoh [Hammy, R. Belmont]
  • 2024-11-21 04:35:11 sc3000: Make "Reset" a non-keyboard-type input to prevent MAME from making a separate one-button keyboard out of it [AJR]
  • 2024-11-21 04:09:43 nightmare: Cocktail mode appears to be working [AJR]
  • 2024-11-21 03:57:11 nightmare: Remove "nightmarea" set (different IC1 ROM is just a bad dump) [AJR]
  • 2024-11-21 01:18:27 vt_dsk: Restore the newer bitstream generator, except for the part that was actually broken [AJR]
  • 2024-11-21 00:28:31 vt_dsk: Regression fixes for loading and saving both disk formats [AJR]
    • - Remember to put in a flux change at the start of each bit - Revert flux_to_image bitstream generator to as it was before 08f28cee11ce94e6656d4924c7a3c30614811783 (new version simply didn't work)
  • 2024-11-20 20:58:38 seicross: add cocktail mode (flip screen), [hap]
    • ay8910: pass outputs high-impedance state with mem_mask
  • 2024-11-20 20:28:49 Tidy some recent changes. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-11-20 20:02:35 hash: move fm77av:dsenraku to base fm7_disk [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-20 19:51:57 hash: standardize Okumanchouja spelling [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-20 19:51:52 fuuki/fuukitmap.cpp: Extracted common tilemap handling from fuukifg2.cpp and fuukifg3.cpp. (#12981) [cam900]
    • fuuki/fuukispr.cpp: Use generic graphics decoding layout, improve naming (it just emulates sprite hardware).
  • 2024-11-20 19:35:06 sinclair/byte.cpp: Moved PEVM Byte to a separate source file and improed emulation. (#12973) [holub]
    • Added KR580VI53 sound, keyboard mapping and ROM management.
  • 2024-11-20 17:17:05 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Janyou Part II (ver 7.03, July 1 1983, no title screen) [Hammy] New Double Bet Mahjong (bootleg of Royal Mahjong, set 2) [Hammy]
  • 2024-11-20 17:02:04 dogfgt: add dipswitch locations, no need for logmacro for warning messages [hap]
  • 2024-11-20 17:00:59 radradj: mark color proms as bad dump [hap]
  • 2024-11-20 17:00:32 travrusa: make sure to refresh flipscreen when changing the dsw [hap]
  • 2024-11-20 16:21:09 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Chibi Maruko-chan - Wanage de Asobo! [Darksoft, TeamEurope] Crayon Shin-chan - Arashi o Yobu! Sushitori Daigassen [Darksoft, TeamEurope] Dragon Ball Z - Bucchigiri no Chou Kessen [Darksoft, TeamEurope] Dragon Mahjong (Ver 1.20) [Hammy] Ginga Yakyu [Darksoft, TeamEurope] Satoyama Grand Prix [Darksoft, TeamEurope] unknown Banpresto medal game [Darksoft, TeamEurope] Youkai VS Uchuujin [Darksoft, TeamEurope] Yujo Gattai Shishigami-o [Darksoft, TeamEurope] Zoids [Darksoft, TeamEurope]
      New working clones
      Big 10 (1986, System Make) [Hammy] Falcons Wild - World Wide Poker (Falcon original) [Hammy] Super Crowns Golf (Japan, set 2) [Hammy]
      - midway/midvunit.cpp, midway/seattle.cpp, midway/vegas.cpp: dumped PICs for crusnwld, calspeed, blitz, blitz2k, roadburn [Darksoft, Hammy]
      - sega/model2.cpp: redumped texture ROM for hotdp [Colin Davis]
  • 2024-11-20 15:16:28 formats/all.cpp: Fix typo that excluded VTech disk formats from floptool [AJR]
  • 2024-11-20 11:25:12 isa/sb16.cpp: fix incorrect OPL3 range, add quick mixer placeholder so that it returns irq/dma settings [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-20 10:58:16 hash/pc98.xml: fix okumanc3 release year [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-19 08:55:34 scsicd512: disambiguate Toshiba XM3301 naming [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2024-11-20 01:18:50 nightmare, cerberup, spain82: Add emulation of Sound-3 speech synthesizer board [AJR]
    • nightmare: Add coin counters
  • 2024-11-20 01:16:08 cdp1852: Fixes and enhancements [AJR]
    • - Fix clock write handler - Add write handler for automatically clocking 8-bit data into input-mode latch - Add line read handler for SR output
  • 2024-11-20 00:50:54 seicross: z80/mcu are 3.072mhz afterall, add mcu waitstates, [hap]
    • nsc8105: small tweak to opcode cycles
  • 2024-11-19 21:32:36 dogfgt: determine screen refresh rate from pcb video, small cleanup [hap]
  • 2024-11-19 18:32:21 cpu/lh5801: Don't add PC value twice when disassembling relative addressing modes. (#12999) [goldnchild]
  • 2024-11-19 18:25:40 kaneko/kaneko_spr.cpp, kaneko/kaneko_tmap.cpp: Use generic graphics decoding layouts. (#12985) [cam900]
    • Also removed unnecessary object finders, and use bool rather than int for Boolean variables.
  • 2024-11-19 18:18:02 arcadia.xml, apfimag_cass: Use lowercase for descriptive text in descriptions. (#12987) [ArcadeShadow]
  • 2024-11-19 18:10:17 segacd.xml: Added a dump of Sonic the Hedgehog CD (USA) with R4C ring code. (#12996) [David 'Foxhack' Silva]
    • Also updated the descriptions to include the ring codes of the existing dumps of different pressings.
      New working software list items (segacd.xml) - Sonic the Hedgehog CD (USA, R4C)
  • 2024-11-19 18:05:49 jaleco/ms32.cpp, jaleco/bnstars.cpp: Use generic graphics decoding layouts, and cleaned up code: (#12990) [cam900]
    • Reduced literal tags and runtime tag lookups. Fixed mahonng switch matrix reading code. Reduced code duplication and cleaned up spacing.
  • 2024-11-19 17:49:02 konami/88games.cpp: Use memory views rather than trampolines (simplifies memory banking). (#12991) [cam900]
    • Also improved names of some member functions and changed single-line comments to C++ line comments.
  • 2024-11-19 17:41:27 konami/bottom9.cpp: Use memory views rather than trampoline functions. (#12992) [cam900]
  • 2024-11-19 17:38:33 konami/crimfght.cpp: Use memory view rather than address map bank device. (#12997) [cam900]
    • Register member variables for saved states. Improved some member names and turned single-line comments into C++ line comments.
  • 2024-11-19 17:29:03 vtech/geniusjr.cpp: Added accents to vowels in names of Spanish variants (e.g. Pitagorín series). (#12998) [ClawGrip]
    • Also added a comment about an alternate name the system was sold under.
  • 2024-11-19 16:06:18 finalizr: correct green color prom decode [hap]
  • 2024-11-19 15:21:19 dynduke: take xtals from pcb photo [hap]
  • 2024-11-19 14:46:07 dynduke: use DIPUNUSED for unused dsw, small cleanup [hap]
  • 2024-11-19 14:29:00 dynduke: correct oki rom mapping [hap]
  • 2024-11-19 12:19:15 seicross: swap sectrzon/sectrzona to make set 1 the newer set, mark sectrzont as bootleg, [hap]
    • don't mark seicrossa color prom as bad dump: no obvious flipped bits, colors still look sane, title logo green letters/blue border actually matches old flyers
  • 2024-11-19 08:21:19 1801vp128: add missing ttsn function [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2024-11-19 02:40:46 pcw.cpp: fix clocking of printer data, set backslash to printer key (#12994) [goldnchild]
  • 2024-11-19 01:39:41 seicross: deobfuscate draw_sprites [hap]
  • 2024-11-19 00:48:56 seicross: z80/mcu clock is not from 18.432mhz xtal [hap]
  • 2024-11-18 22:27:32 rendersw: fix apparent bug in draw_quad_palette16_add [hap]
  • 2024-11-18 21:33:17 bus/cbus/sb16_ct2720.h: fix header setup [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-18 21:28:08 bus/cbus: initial hookup for PC-98 Sound Blaster 16 [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-18 20:42:01 tms5220: Fix status read when RSQ is held low; clean up logging slightly [AJR]
  • 2024-11-18 20:26:33 Revert "Fix missing and or incorrect sounds with a player 2 game in Title Fight (#1296)".7 (#12989) [arcadez2003]
    • More investigation is required sorry about this.!!
  • 2024-11-18 19:57:29 dassault: reduce quantum (still opcode-granularity) [hap]
  • 2024-11-18 19:33:51 New clones marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Ron Jan (set 2) [Hammy] Ron Jan Super (set 2) [Hammy] Ron Jan Super (set 3) [Hammy]
      - atari/centiped.cpp: redumped sync PROM for warlords [Domenico Cervini]
  • 2024-11-18 19:30:25 nintendo/vt1682.cpp: applied Vas' requested code changes [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-11-18 19:28:31 vt1682.cpp: various improvements for the Classic Max Pocket MX-10 and MX-11 sets (plus other units), promote to working (#12953) [mamehaze]
    • Systems promoted to working - Classic Max Pocket PCMX11 - 12 in 1 Colour Games Console (horizontal, France) [David Haywood, AJR] Classic Max Pocket Mx-10 - 12 in 1 (vertical) [David Haywood, AJR] NJ Pocket 60-in-1 handheld 'X zero' (NTSC) [David Haywood, AJR] Portable Game Station 268-in-1 [David Haywood, AJR] unknown VT1682-based 101-in-1 handheld (PAL) [David Haywood, AJR] Toy Story 3 (Lexibook) [David Haywood, AJR]
      hook up a port to allow cmpmx11 to boot correct ROM mapping for cmpmx11 so all games can be selected add support for SoundCpu -> MainCpu interrupt request so that the SCU can request sample data when it needs it added guard against partial vector addresses being fetched which was causing crashes due to invalid IRQ destinations set the sound 6502 Stack Pointer to a known value on reset for cmpmx10 / cmpmx11 as the sound programs they upload don't set it and it was causing a huge amount of instability due to the stack corrupting critical data added support for an undocumented alt VRAM autoinc mode used by many of the games added rowscroll support (games using it work with the latest ALU fixes) updated logging in places
  • 2024-11-18 19:08:34 shtriderb: reduce z80 clock again for this bootleg [hap]
  • 2024-11-18 18:08:25 shtrider: assume z80 is 6mhz [hap]
  • 2024-11-18 16:38:20 debugger/osx: Don't use uninitialised NSRect when creating pop-up button. [Vas Crabb]
    • The initial size doesn't really matter because the pop-up button is resized before being added to the container that holds it and the expression field. The disassembly viewer apparently wasn't updated properly like the memory viewer when the auto-sizing code was refactored.
      Hopefully this will fix the debugger crashing when restoring window positions from configuration (although I would have thought this would cause crashes in more situations if it was the cause of that).
  • 2024-11-18 16:01:37 efo/nightmare.cpp: Added sound ROM and a new set (#12993) [ClawGrip]
    • efo/nightmare.cpp: Added sound ROM and a new set
      New working clones
      Night Mare (Spain, set 2) [David Tallboom, Recreativas.org]
      mame.lst: Add 'nightmarea'
  • 2024-11-18 13:01:23 travrusa: revert bios option for color proms with exact same rom contents, small cleanup [hap]
  • 2024-11-18 11:44:36 video/pc_vga_tseng: MMU placeholders and direct writes [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-18 10:24:20 nec/pc80s31k.cpp: retire MH BIOS (same as MA) [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-18 00:15:30 pc9821: simulate some bus delays [cracyc]
  • 2024-11-17 22:55:11 lgtz80.cpp: Better ADPCM mapping [AJR]
  • 2024-11-17 22:00:19 lgtz80.cpp: Map the ADPCM interface [AJR]
  • 2024-11-17 21:38:34 New working systems [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Wantouchable [Darksoft, TeamEurope]
  • 2024-11-17 21:29:00 m6805: put hd63705 functions in hd63705z0_device class instead of base class [hap]
  • 2024-11-17 21:19:20 lgtz80.cpp: Identify CPU as KL5C80A12; hook up input ports and interrupt [AJR]
  • 2024-11-17 20:19:06 3rdparty/sol2: Fixed build with clang 19. [Vas Crabb]
    • sol::optional::emplace was broken, and depended on the compiler not checking that members exist if the template wasn't instantiated. See ThePHD/sol2#1606 and ThePHD/sol2#1648.
  • 2024-11-17 19:48:58 cclimber,docastle: shorthand variable types [hap]
  • 2024-11-17 19:43:54 cclimber: merge driver [hap]
  • 2024-11-17 19:31:58 cclimber: move cclimber_m.cpp contents into main driver, add section headers [hap]
  • 2024-11-16 21:05:56 mks3: Add LLE [Matt, Sean Riddle, O. Galibert] [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2024-11-17 19:07:27 osd/windows, osd/sdl: Only check for hold/drag conversion on losing pointer if it hasn't already happened. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-11-17 19:01:56 video/pc_vga_tseng: preliminary HW cursor [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-17 14:49:13 video/pc_vga_tseng: stub ACL/MMU infrastracture [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-17 18:38:43 ussr/juku.cpp: Promoted EKTA Juku E5104 to working. (#9946) [Märt Põder]
    • Implemented sound, and graphics modes, fixed floppy writing/side selection. Added DIP switches for network address (CONTRDAT). formats/juku_dsk.cpp: Corrected single-sided 5.25" disk format.
      Systems promoted to working
      EKTA Juku E5104
      New working software list items (juku) - EKDOS 2.29 EKDOS 2.30
  • 2024-11-17 16:32:45 m37710op: add missing 'else' after prev commit [hap]
  • 2024-11-17 16:17:27 docastle: update some dipswitches [hap]
  • 2024-11-17 14:27:46 m6809: Revert speculative change [AJR]
  • 2024-11-17 14:11:09 diexec: Add callback to allow debugger to break into the middle of wait-type instructions whose execution time is normally indefinite. When this happens, a special message may be printed to the debug console stating the location of the last actual instruction executed before the wait (if there was one). [AJR]
    • Note that since the callback ignores the current value of the program counter, this special type of debugger break cannot be entered through breakpoints or instruction stepping commands. The callback also leaves no effect on PC history tracking or trace logs.
      cpu/hd61700, cpu/tms32031: Add standard IRQ callback cpu/m68000gen.py: Change name of invoked executable to bin/python3 cpu/m6809: Eliminate PC "massaging" for SYNC and similar instructions
  • 2024-11-17 11:06:09 jaguar: add [[maybe_unused]] to the speedup functions [hap]
  • 2024-11-17 10:36:20 idsoccer: do adpcm_w edge triggered instead [hap]
  • 2024-11-17 01:52:17 idsoccer: improve adpcm emulation [hap]
    • Clones promoted to working
      Indoor Soccer (set 2) [hap] Indoor Soccer (Tecfri) [hap] American Soccer (Japan) [hap]
  • 2024-11-16 21:51:55 docastle: merge driver files, make idsoccer a subclass [hap]
  • 2024-11-17 00:30:12 video/pc_vga_tseng.cpp: add offset bit 8 [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-16 22:09:00 Exposing full build version to LUA as emu.app_build (#12959) [npwoods]
  • 2024-11-16 20:45:30 pc/ct486.cpp: bump VGA default to svga_et4kw32i [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-16 20:32:07 New systems marked not working [angelosa]
    • AST Advantage! 6050d/6066d, AST Advantage! 610/611 [The Retro Web]
  • 2024-11-16 18:07:46 video/pc_vga_tseng: add ET4KW32I_VGA, hookup overflow high register [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-16 15:50:57 video/pc_vga_tseng: implement extended start address register [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-16 19:52:41 sega/sega_ferie.cpp: Add new not working systems (#11862) [qufb]
    • New systems added as NOT WORKING - Ferie Kitten (1994, Sega) Ferie Puppy (1995, Sega) Ferie World Travel (1995, Sega)
  • 2024-11-16 19:36:34 devcpu: add retry_access and document [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2024-11-16 18:06:29 devcpu: add retry_access with abort_timeslice for redoing the access at the same point in time [hap]
  • 2024-11-16 16:51:48 irem/m72.cpp: Split driver state for reduce optional finders, Updates: (#12983) [cam900]
    • - Fix typename values for boolean flags - Reduce literal tag usages - Fix naming - Fix spacings - Add notes
  • 2024-11-16 16:43:22 viewgfx.cpp: Fix palette viewer if indirect pen exists (#12982) [cam900]
  • 2024-11-16 16:43:07 added a newer revision of dgunl3227 (#12968) [mamehaze]
    • New working clones
      My Arcade Pac-Man Pocket Player (DGUNL-3227) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  • 2024-11-16 16:18:38 Revert "devcpu: do an abort_timeslice instead of eating all cycles on defer_access" [hap]
    • This reverts commit fb8198689ac4b91e7369b07a2b8e6504c833f1c5.
  • 2024-11-16 15:37:25 devcpu: do an abort_timeslice instead of eating all cycles on defer_access [hap]
  • 2024-11-16 15:33:25 diexec: don't eat negative cycles with abort_timeslice when icount<0 [hap]
  • 2024-11-16 15:32:39 docastle: do main-sub comms a bit differently (defer_access on subcpu was eating cycles), re-add logging [hap]
  • 2024-11-16 13:47:34 bus/isa/svga_tseng: add ET4000/W32i variant [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-16 12:58:30 bus/isa/svga_tseng: ET4000AX is a ISA16 card [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-16 11:17:24 hash/pc98.xml, hash/pc98_cd.xml: misc QA updates [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-16 11:13:39 nec/pc9801: hookup ARTIC I/O port 0x5f write [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-15 19:49:31 nec/pc9801_cd.cpp: add identification notes [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-16 04:23:56 sdl/window.cpp: Remove assert(0 <= info->clickcnt) (#12951) [ajrhacker]
  • 2024-11-16 04:22:35 ap2_dsk.cpp: add missing error handling code (#12980) [Roman Donchenko]
  • 2024-11-16 00:28:06 feas: correct default clock divider [hap]
  • 2024-11-15 22:48:02 docastle: remove main-sub comms hack, hook up sn ready pin [hap]
  • 2024-11-15 14:07:56 swimmer: no need for m_sidepen variable [hap]
  • 2024-11-15 04:39:12 nscsi/cd.cpp: Update the Apple CD-ROM device based on the developer documentation. [R. Belmont, thanks to Antoine Vignau] [arbee]
  • 2024-11-15 00:57:36 igs_fear.cpp: confirmed Icescape XA as the same as fearless [Team Europe] (#12976) [mamehaze]
    • added some XA opcode groups that get executed with this now
      Co-authored-by: David Haywood
  • 2024-11-14 20:02:34 yamato: make US version a cloneset (renamed yamato to yamatou, yamato2 to yamatoa) [hap]
    • New working clones
      Yamato (set 1) [Caius, Josef Schaffer, The Dumping Union]
  • 2024-11-14 18:13:48 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Dojokko Tsukami (Japan, ver 1.02) [Darksoft, TeamEurope] Haunted Hunter (Japan, ver 1.00) [Darksoft, TeamEurope] Itazura Cockroach (Japan, ver 1.02) [Darksoft, TeamEurope] PK Rainbow (v 1.5) [Hammy] PK Turbo Great 2 [Hammy] Rodeo King (Japan, ver 1.00) [Darksoft, TeamEurope] unknown Boram poker game [Hammy] Wanikko Punch (Japan, ver 1.20) [Darksoft, TeamEurope]
      New clones marked not working - Real Mahjong Haihai (Japan, bootleg) [Hammy]
  • 2024-11-14 16:54:12 swimmer: add nmi clear [hap]
  • 2024-11-14 16:49:14 namco: Various Namco 2D driver cleanups and updates: (#12962) [cam900]
    • Made some local variables const, use BIT helper for extracting bits, reduce literal tag use. Suppress side effects for debugger reads. Use explicitly sized integers for member variables that are saved. Updated notes. Reduced preprocessor macro usage. namco/namco_c123tmap.cpp: Use generic graphics decoding layouts, use references rather than pointers in delegate parameters. namco/namco_c169roz.cpp: Use generic graphics decoding layouts, use references rather than pointers in delegate parameters. namco/namcofl.cpp: Reduced main CPU program ROM region size to match address map. namco/namconb1.cpp: Moved NB2 and Point Blank/Gun Bullet to derived state classes. namco/namcos1.cpp: Moved quester to a derived state class. namco/namcos2.cpp: Simplified graphics decoding layout. namco/namcos2_roz.cpp: Use generic graphics decoding layouts. namco/namcos2_sprite.cpp: Implement device_gfx_interface to decode graphics. shared/namco_c355spr.cpp: Use generic graphics decoding layouts.
  • 2024-11-14 16:10:55 sega/stv.cpp: Use literal renderings of main titles for All Japan Pro-Wrestling game descriptions (resolves MT08946). [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-11-14 16:03:26 ui/selsoft.cpp: Fixed sorting (fixes MT08966). [Vas Crabb]
    • Clones should match parent on list name and short name, instance name of first part is irrelevant. List names actually need to be compared.
  • 2024-11-14 15:55:47 heathzenith/h89.cpp: Fix GPP bit definitions based on the schematic (#12975) [Mark Garlanger]
  • 2024-11-14 15:10:55 yamato: improve background gradient [hap]
  • 2024-11-14 11:59:54 cclimber: reorganize some comments (move TODO to top of driver, remove old embedded changelogs) [hap]
  • 2024-11-14 11:52:18 yamato,toprollr: add coin b dipswitch [hap]
  • 2024-11-14 14:37:38 oric1_cass.xml: Metadata updates [AJR]
    • - Fill in author, notice and serial info for various releases - Slightly modify titles of some French games
  • 2024-11-14 09:34:06 nec/pc9801_v.cpp: fix 15 kHz pixel clock [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-14 04:58:50 heathzenith/h89.cpp: Add SigmaROM BIOS (#12969) [Mark Garlanger]
    • heathzenith/h89.cpp: Add SigmaROM BIOS
      Add SigmaROM option to Z90 system
  • 2024-11-13 23:46:59 hash/ibm5170_cdrom.xml: add Star Trek games (#12828) [Mike Swanson]
    • New working software list items (ibm5170_cdrom.xml) - Star Trek: 25th Anniversary (Enhanced CD-ROM) [unknown] Star Trek: Judgment Rites (Collector's Edition) [unknown]
  • 2024-11-13 23:46:05 Update trkfldch.cpp - add notes about where sample playback request is in abl4play (#12972) [mamehaze]
  • 2024-11-13 23:28:14 pc9801: bitswap egc mask just like the vram [cracyc]
  • 2024-11-13 21:56:42 skeleton/guchokipa.cpp: improved GFX, identified some more dips [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-11-13 21:42:28 snkwave.cpp: Fix frequency register bit alignment as well as waveform sample bit alignment based on the schematics and observations of running games. Fixes wrong laser/other sounds in Vanguard II and some wrong sounds in Marvin's Maze. [Lord Nightmare] [Lord-Nightmare]
  • 2024-11-13 19:30:31 dynax/dynax.cpp: Use reading from game for Ougon no Pai. [Vas Crabb]
    • Boot screen displays "OUGON PAI", attract mode shows "Ogon PAI" on tiles in the background. Whether it's "Ougon" or "Ogon", it ins't "Hai".
  • 2024-11-13 18:30:48 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Gu, Choki, Pa [mindstorm88]
      New clones marked not working - Jack Potten's Poker (set 15, ICP-1 PCB) [hammy]
  • 2024-11-13 17:47:56 dynax/dynax.cpp: Improved I/O for Mahjong Tenkaigen and Ougon no Hai: [Vas Crabb]
    • Hooked up hopper for Mahjong Tenkaigen and Ougon no Hai. Identified three more DIP switches for Ougon no Hai. [little0] Use bookkeeping input type for Analyzer key. Use describe context helper for logging rather than extracting PC.
  • 2024-11-13 17:38:45 pc9801: remove debugging leftover [cracyc]
  • 2024-11-13 17:31:01 pc9801: make sure a read by itself can load the shifter [cracyc]
  • 2024-11-13 15:43:04 yamato: simplify sound comms [hap]
  • 2024-11-13 14:15:14 formats/thom_cas.cpp: Improve handling of MO5 .k7 format [AJR]
    • - Recognize a variant with the "DC" tag in hex rather than ASCII - Add padding for an extended block type found in Androides
  • 2024-11-13 14:10:53 yamato,toprollr: correct xtal value [hap]
  • 2024-11-13 13:43:38 hash/spectrum_cass.xml 18 items confirmed working (#12965) [holub]
    • Software items promoted to working
      Astro Blaster (pirate) [holub] Astroblasters [holub] Batman (set 4) [holub] Edd the Duck! [holub] Edd the Duck! (Zeppelin) [holub] Mister Kung-Fu (set 1, v1.3) [holub] Mister Kung-Fu (set 2, v1.3) [holub] Mister Kung-Fu (set 3, v1.3, Plus 2a / Plus 3) [holub] Mister Kung-Fu (set 4, Plus 2a / Plus 3) [holub] Comercio Cosmico [holub] Cosmic Commerce (English) [holub] Cosmic Commerce (English, alt) [holub] Cruising On Broadway [holub] Cruising On Broadway (Sunshine) [holub] Cruising On Broadway (pirate) [holub] Cruse On [holub] Dictator [holub] Dictator (pirate) [holub]
  • 2024-11-13 13:07:12 snk: add more side effect checks, tangramq: add sound nmi clear [hap]
  • 2024-11-13 01:29:43 New working clones [Roberto Fresca]
    • Makaimura (Japan Revision B, alt GFX) [Roberto Fresca, Gabriel Vega (El Pampa), Emmanuel Firmapaz, Club Argentino de Arcades]
  • 2024-11-13 01:26:14 tangramq: swap dipswitches, mark game as working [hap]
    • Systems promoted to working - Tangram Q [system11, buffi, rtw, f205v, Sean Sutton, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, Ivan Vangelista, hap]
  • 2024-11-13 01:10:55 tangramq: add note, sound pcb freqs should be correct since it's same pcb as Marvin's Maze [hap]
  • 2024-11-12 23:42:23 tangramq: add more inputs, correct music tempo [hap]
  • 2024-11-12 22:47:40 nec/v25sfr.cpp: Fix BRG logging message [AJR]
  • 2024-11-12 21:47:40 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Carnival (ManilaMatic bootleg) [trol]
  • 2024-11-12 21:25:46 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Lode Runner III - Majin no Fukkatsu (Japan, rev. C) [Kebrank]
  • 2024-11-12 21:23:03 cbus/pc9801_86.cpp: attempt to resolve DAC FIFO under/overflows [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-12 21:07:35 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Tangram Q [system11, buffi, rtw, f205v, Sean Sutton, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
  • 2024-11-12 19:55:47 dynax/dynax.cpp: Corrected DIP switch settings for Ougon no Hai. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-11-12 19:15:22 tsamurai: correct stupid strcmp [hap]
  • 2024-11-12 17:53:47 sega/megadriv_acbl: Hook up PIC dumps for aladmdb and jparkmb. [Dirk Best, Darksoft, Hammy] [Dirk Best]
    • Systems promoted to working - Jurassic Park (bootleg of Mega Drive version)
  • 2024-11-12 17:43:55 -dynax/dynax.cpp: Corrected Mahjong Tenkaigen DIP switches according to the manual. [Vas Crabb]
    • -rm/rm480z.cpp: The system is just called LINK 480Z.
  • 2024-11-12 17:28:27 pc9801: reset egc on rop reg write [cracyc]
  • 2024-11-12 16:30:34 system1: correct mcu t0 pin [hap]
  • 2024-11-12 15:13:54 bus/cbus/pc9801_86.cpp: Fix clang error: lambda capture 'this' is not used [-Werror,-Wunused-lambda-capture] [AJR]
  • 2024-11-12 15:12:08 tfight: Fix missing and or incorrect sounds with a player 2 game (#12967) [arcadez2003]
    • The game requires the same mono style banking which is used by Stadium Cross, with thanks to mahoneyt944 who spotted the issues
  • 2024-11-12 12:06:37 cbus/pc9801_86.cpp: convert PCM space to address_map [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-12 10:51:02 cbus/pc9801_86.cpp: convert irq handling to input_merger [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-12 05:34:24 Correct cluedo.lay license from BSD-3 to CC0-1.0 (#12966) [as-tb-dev]
  • 2024-11-12 04:13:13 pc9801: save the egc pattern regs when set on write [cracyc]
  • 2024-11-12 01:17:27 homerun: fix coin inserted at boot, fix regression with upd7756 sound [hap]
  • 2024-11-11 23:52:47 ap2_dsk.cpp: add read-only support for the D13 format (#12956) [Roman Donchenko]
    • This is the equivalent of DSK used for 13-sector disks.
      While `diskiing` cannot directly boot from 13-sector disks, you can still access such disks with it (for example, using the BOOT13 and MUFFIN programs), so list the format as supported by both `diskiing13` and `diskiing`.
  • 2024-11-11 23:48:32 oric1_cass.xml: Added 26 working items (#12960) [ArcadeShadow]
    • Removed region info tag since there isn't any notice or restriction to a particular region.
      New working software list additions
      Aerial [Inufuto] AntiAir [Inufuto] Ascend [Inufuto] Battlot [Inufuto] Bootskell [Inufuto] Cacorm [Inufuto] Cavit [Inufuto] Cracky [Inufuto] El Prisionero [Commodore Plus] Guntus [Inufuto] Hopman [Inufuto] I Sentieri di Galdeon (Italian) [Defence Force] Impetus [Inufuto] Killer Caverns [The Oric Site] Les Chemins de Galdeon (French) [Defence Force] Lift [Inufuto] Los Camiños de Galdeon (Spanish) [Defence Force] Mazy [Inufuto] Neuras [Inufuto] Osotos [Inufuto] Pulsoids [Defence Force] Rodmän (demo) [The Future Was 8 Bit] Ruptus [Inufuto] The Paths of Galdeon (English) [Defence Force] Torreoscura [Commodore Plus] Yewdow [Inufuto]
  • 2024-11-11 20:32:45 cbus/pc9801_86.cpp: implement PCM mute control [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-11 18:59:08 Update megadriv.xml for ESPN Hockey Night (#12831) [Don Jones]
    • I've been looking into this ROM as the trusted dump and scene dumps on no-intro did not match and were marked bad as Mame considers them bad. I did my own testing, as I don't think one db should rely on another or why be separate? Dumping 3 copies on OSCR, plus desoldering a chip and dumping it, I get the hashes I'm updating it to here. While I don't think Mame should consider it bad because No-intro does or vice-versa, I'm the dumper and glad to answer any questions to both projects.
  • 2024-11-11 18:57:01 Updating Ukrainian translation (#12871) [StanleyKid-22]
    • Ukrianian translation updated to actual 0.270. There were minor cosmetic corrections and translating empty problematic strings (that was noted in #9100).
  • 2024-11-11 18:56:40 heathzenith/h89.cpp: Reduce duplicate BIOS declarations (#12929) [Mark Garlanger]
    • heathzenith/h89.cpp: Reduce duplicate BIOS declarations
      Don't use macro for MTR-88
  • 2024-11-11 18:04:34 - dataeast/madmotor.cpp: dumped PROM [Phil Bennett] [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - nichibutsu/galivan.cpp: consolidated driver into single file, split into subclasses
      - skeleton/palsystems_sh2.cpp: added documentation and Mach dumps for 2 boards [Hammy, buffi]
  • 2024-11-11 15:22:58 dakkochn: actually mark unknown dsw as unknown [hap]
  • 2024-11-11 15:20:00 hash/nes: fix name of Tetramino (LJ65 prototypes) (#12964) [Mike Swanson]
  • 2024-11-11 13:45:31 system1: no need for m_videomode_prev variable [hap]
  • 2024-11-11 13:01:21 chalgear: Some notes for later [AJR]
  • 2024-11-11 12:58:05 hash/gba.xml, hash/nes.xml: add Pin Eight's Lockjaw games (#12932) [Mike Swanson]
    • These titles were retrieved out of the Way Back Machine; some versions were not archived by it, it is unknown if they will surface again.
      New working software list items (gba.xml) - LOCKJAW: The Reference LOCKJAW: The Overdose Tetanus on Drugs (Milestone 3) Tetanus on Drugs (Preview Release 1)
      New working software list items (nes.xml) - LJ65 (0.41, NTSC) LJ65 (0.41, PAL) Tetrimino (0.30, NTSC) Tetrimino (0.30, PAL) Tetrimino (0.27, NTSC) Tetrimino (0.27, PAL) Tetrimino (0.2) Tetrimino (0.1)
  • 2024-11-11 12:56:35 jpmimpct: add layout to Cluedo? Murder Mystery Quiz Game (#12879) [as-tb-dev]
    • jpmimpct: add layout to cluedo
      - widen accusation lamps to make text more readable on 1920x1080 screens - protect against gap between upper and lower suspect lamps
      - illuminate text instead of the background for the accusation section of the panel
  • 2024-11-11 12:43:53 system1: correct 2nd coincounter, clean up single line comments, make shtngmst and dakkochn subclasses, fix shtngmst rapid fire gun [hap]
  • 2024-11-11 02:12:29 vt1682_alu.cpp: Copy multiply result to registers 4/5 [AJR]
  • 2024-11-11 01:17:31 m6809: Remove fake SWI interrupt line, replacing interrupt callback with exception hook for debugging [AJR]
  • 2024-11-11 01:09:09 upd7220: reset pattern to pram after figd [cracyc]
  • 2024-11-11 01:03:50 irem/irem_cpu.cpp: Change encrypted opcode 0x37 to map to 0x98 (cvtbw) in dynablaster table. (#12961) [Martin Donlon]
    • Title screen sine wave effect loads a byte from a lookup table and scales it. Byte value needs to be sign extended using `cvtbw`, previous encryption table was mapping 0x37 to `xch aw, cw`.
      Co-authored-by: Martin Donlon
  • 2024-11-10 23:34:52 cpu/i960, cpu/sharc, cpu/sparc, cpu/v60: Use 32x32=64-bit multiply inlines [AJR]
    • cpu/v60: Simplify operation of DIVX, DIVUX, MOVD, RVBIT, RVBYTE
  • 2024-11-10 22:19:18 pc9801: if the grcg or egc is enabled then write to the planes in the currently selected vram bank [cracyc]
  • 2024-11-10 20:43:42 nec/pc9801: convert pc9801vm11 as partial pc286u set for pc9801_epson [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-10 20:03:46 system1: no need for m_mute_xor variable, add 2nd coincounter for nob, add shtngmst gun adjustment port [hap]
  • 2024-11-10 17:51:35 cpu/drcbec.cpp, cpu/mips/mips3.cpp: Use 32x32=64-bit multiply inlines [AJR]
  • 2024-11-10 15:50:09 mips3: Fixes for IDT-specific instructions. [Ryan Holtz] (#12958) [MooglyGuy]
    • Co-authored-by: Ryan Holtz
  • 2024-11-10 14:02:55 video/upd7220.cpp: backport pitch shift from pc9821 PEGC [angelosa]
    • fix pc9821:os2warp3 installation & chkdsk screens
  • 2024-11-10 13:47:35 kaneko_grap2: add rle blitter dstaddress (fixes gals gfx issues on 100% clear) [dink] [hap]
  • 2024-11-10 10:15:06 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Mad Motor (prototype, set 2) [SnakeGrunger!!11one]
      - igs/goldstar.cpp: dumped 3 of 4 PLDs for cmast99 [TeamEurope, Porchy]
  • 2024-11-10 00:16:20 nec/pc9821.cpp: implement VRAM segment mode f/f [angelosa]
    • fix os2warp3 display once installed
  • 2024-11-09 23:09:53 nec/pc9801.cpp: workaround KAC dot access for pc9801vm onward [angelosa]
    • fix bogus CPU not set High for pc98_cd:os2warp3 with pc9821 class machines
  • 2024-11-09 22:59:09 nec/pc9801_kbd.cpp: convert to serial interface (#12936) [Angelo Salese]
    • nec/pc9801_kbd.cpp: preliminary attempt to serial interface
      nec/pc9801_kbd.cpp: provide better typematic values [skip ci]
      nec/pc9801_kbd.cpp: make stub RDY / RTY lines, allows actual tx transmission nec/pc9801.cpp: zero m_dma_access_ctrl for pc9801rs, pending further investigation [Angelo Salese, smf]
      nec/bungo.cpp: fix validation
      nec/pc9801_kbd.cpp: add reset command, srcclean
      nec/pc9801_kbd.cpp: pinpoint i8251 connection
      nec/pc9801_kbd: assume KBDE effect happening on transitions
  • 2024-11-09 18:49:54 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Thunder Heroes (set 2) [twistedsymphony]
      - skeleton/palsystems_sh2.cpp: dumped Oki ROM for mpoker2a [buffi]
  • 2024-11-09 18:42:04 midway/cashline.cpp: Fix year and add notes about the reels (#12927) [ClawGrip]
  • 2024-11-09 18:18:55 vt1682_alu: Refinements [AJR]
    • - Use one set of registers for all calculations - Adjust calculation of remainder to match weird behavior of emulated code
  • 2024-11-09 16:08:15 formats/fs_fat.cpp: Guard against divide by zero errors when the bytes per sector field in the parameter block is not properly set (as on some early PC-DOS disks) [AJR]
  • 2024-11-09 15:56:09 Add a skeleton for a Cabal bootleg on Modular System (#12886) [ClawGrip]
    • New clones marked not working - Cabal (Modular System) [Darksoft]
  • 2024-11-09 15:55:08 nichibutsu/galivan.cpp: Add a (not working) Tecfri-licensed clone of Ninja Emaki (#12920) [ClawGrip]
    • New clones marked not working - Ninja Emaki (Tecfri license) [hammy]
  • 2024-11-09 15:53:11 Add a skeleton for a Spanish video-slot from Codere (#12922) [ClawGrip]
    • New systems marked not working
      Codere Ruleta Mágica [David Villaverde, Recreativas.org]
  • 2024-11-09 15:49:10 misc/compucranes.cpp: Fix ROM sizes, year, comments, etc. and add a new game (#12937) [ClawGrip]
    • New systems marked not working
      OM Vending Toy Shop [anonymous]
  • 2024-11-09 15:48:16 sega/vicdual.cpp: Add a Head On bootleg by Niemer (#12938) [ClawGrip]
    • New working clones
      Bumba (bootleg of Head On) [Jordi Tuells, Jordi Beltrán (Crazy Taxi)]
  • 2024-11-09 15:47:38 gaelco/wrally.cpp: Add a new Atari-licensed World Rally set (#12939) [ClawGrip]
    • New working clones
      World Rally (US, version 1.0, checksum 75A5) [Pr3tty F1y]
  • 2024-11-09 15:46:58 Add a skeleton for Shadow Warriors bootleg on Modular System (#12946) [ClawGrip]
    • New clones marked not working - Shadow Warriors (Modular System) [Darksoft]
  • 2024-11-09 15:46:06 Add a skeleton for Double Dragon bootleg on Modular System (#12949) [ClawGrip]
    • New systems marked not working
      Double Dragon (Modular System) [Arcadedealer aka Edgar Solé aka Dios, Recreativas.org]
  • 2024-11-09 15:45:16 Add a skeleton for Gryzor bootleg on Modular System (#12950) [ClawGrip]
    • New systems marked not working
      Gryzor (Modular System) [Arcadedealer aka Edgar Solé aka Dios, Recreativas.org]
  • 2024-11-09 15:44:01 galaxian/galaxian.cpp: got recently added jumpbugbc to work [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-11-09 09:32:47 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Major Poker 2 (set 1) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
      New clones marked not working - Major Poker 2 (set 2) [Hammy, buffi] Major Poker 2 (set 3) [Hammy, buffi]
      - wing/lucky37.cpp: dumped PROMs for luckystr [Hammy]
  • 2024-11-09 02:40:47 T10MMC, Mode select length does not include the length itself. [smf-]
  • 2024-11-09 01:13:09 pc9801: egc improvement [cracyc]
  • 2024-11-08 21:04:03 Added cat702 roms to pump it up games, CD images will be added soon. Test mode seems to lock up in the 2002 & 2003 games, if you build with clang 18.1.18 on windows. gcc 14.2.0 on windows & clang 16 on macos/m1 works. [smf/windyfairy] [smf-]
    • New not working machines added
      Pump it Up: The 2nd Dance Floor (Feb 28 2000) Pump it Up: The 2nd Dance Floor (Dec 27 1999) Pump it Up The O.B.G: The 3rd Dance Floor (v3.04 - Jun 02 2000) Pump it Up The O.B.G: The 3rd Dance Floor (v3.03 - May 07 2000) Pump it Up The O.B.G: The Season Evolution Dance Floor (R4/v3.25 - Aug 27 2000) Pump it Up: The Collection (R5/v3.43 - Nov 14 2000) Pump it Up: The Perfect Collection (R5/v3.52 - Dec 18 2000) Pump it Up The Premiere: The International Dance Floor (R6/v4.01 - Feb 22 2001) Pump it Up The Premiere: The International Dance Floor (R6/v4.01 - Feb 22 2001 USA) Pump it Up Extra (Mar 21 2001) Pump it Up Extra (Mar 08 2001) Pump it Up The PREX: The International Dance Floor (REV2 / 101) Pump it Up The Rebirth: The 8th Dance Floor (Rebirth/2002) Pump it Up The Premiere 2: The International 2nd Dance Floor (Premiere 2/2002) Pump it Up The PREX 2 (Premiere 2/2003) Pump it Up EXTRA + Plus (Premiere 2/2003) Pump it Up The Premiere 3: The International 3rd Dance Floor (Premiere 3/2003 - 28th Mar 2003) Pump it Up The Premiere 3: The International 3rd Dance Floor (Premiere 3/2003 - 17th Mar 2003) Pump it Up The PREX 3: The International 4th Dance Floor (X3.2MK3) Pump it Up The PREX 3: The International 4th Dance Floor (INT X3.1MK3) Pump it Up The PREX 3: The International 4th Dance Floor (Korea X3.1MK3)
  • 2024-11-08 20:57:07 Fixed ATAPI Mode Sense and Mode Select for MSCDEX Mode 2 Form 1 support [smf, windyfairy] [smf-]
  • 2024-11-08 19:54:55 system1: increase quantum for games with mcu, hook up sn ready pin [hap]
  • 2024-11-08 17:49:57 util/cdrom.cpp: Change fprintf(stderr, ...) calls to osd_printf_error [AJR]
  • 2024-11-08 17:23:07 -util/cdrom.cpp: Fixed issues with CUE, TOC and GDI parsers. (#12948) [987123879113]
    • Rewrote GDI parser to be more robust and identify more kinds of invalid input. Don't ignore the last line in CUE and TOC files if there is no terminating newline. Use osd_printf_ family functions for output.
      -tools/chdman.cpp: Added a sink for osd_printf_ family function output.
  • 2024-11-08 16:13:46 machine/t10mmc.cpp: Added stub CD-TEXT TOC read; util/cdrom.cpp: Handle control flags in TOC files. (#12954) [987123879113]
    • machine/t10mmc.cpp: Return dummy data for CD-TEXT format TOC read. machine/t10mmc.cpp: Fixed bug in track transition. util/cdrom.cpp: Handle track type and serial copy management flags in TOC file input.
  • 2024-11-08 16:08:15 sega/segag80r.cpp: Add a French Astro Blaster set (#12940) [ClawGrip]
    • sega/segag80r.cpp: Add a French Astro Blaster set
      New working clones
      Astro Blaster (French) [Victor Fernandez (City Game)]
      mame.lst: Add 'astrobf'
  • 2024-11-08 16:07:41 mac_cdrom, ibm5170_cdrom: new CD-ROM dumps (#12891) [Mike Swanson]
    • mac_cdrom, ibm5170_cdrom: new CD-ROM dumps
      New working software list items (ibm5170_cdrom) - My First Math Adventure: Adding and Subtracting [chungy] Ultimate Solitaire [chungy]
      New NOT WORKING software list items (ibm5170_cdrom) - Multimedia Middle School Grammar [chungy] Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Special Edition 10 [chungy]
      New working software list items (mac_cdrom) - My First Math Adventure: Adding and Subtracting [chungy]
      ibm5170_cdrom: Note a true color bug for Mavis Beacon
  • 2024-11-08 16:07:07 pacman/pacman.cpp Dumped PROMs for "Pengo (Marti Colls bootleg on Pac-Man hardware, set 1)" [Arcadedealer aka Edgar Solé aka Dios, Recreativas.org] (#12952) [ClawGrip]
    • pacman/pacman.cpp Dumped PROMs for "Pengo (Marti Colls bootleg on Pac-Man hardware, set 1)" [Arcadedealer aka Edgar Solé aka Dios, Recreativas.org]
      Still missing one PROM, that was bad on the dumped PCB
      Add notes about the Novatronic NVS board
  • 2024-11-08 15:16:12 system1: vram wait timing was still assuming 20mhz z80 clock from before 0.259 (fixes pitfall2 titlescreen, and allows tokisens overclock hack to be removed), [hap]
    • theglobme: correct company string, mondial68k: update notes
  • 2024-11-08 14:56:09 thomson/thomson.cpp: Get rid of unnecessary downcasts [AJR]
  • 2024-11-08 13:05:09 capcom/cps1bl_pic: Avoid trampoline for okibank, handle mcu port b reads a bit differently [Dirk Best]
  • 2024-11-08 12:32:34 fruitcat, arthurkn: Decrypt program ROMs [AJR]
  • 2024-11-07 19:29:34 igs/igs_fear.cpp: Dumped IGS027A internal ROM and GG ROMs for Icescape. (#12942) [mamehaze]
    • igs/igs_fear.cpp: Dumped IGS027A internal ROM and GG ROMs for Icescape. [TeamEurope, Peter Wilhelmsen, XingXing] cpu/xa: Implemented unsigned 16*16 multiply, and branch if positive. cpu/xa: Fixed flags for unsigned 32/16 divide. igs/pgmcrypt.cpp: Removed obsolete XOR table for Icescape.
  • 2024-11-07 19:25:33 Added sixteen TV games and handheld systems (five working). (#12919) [mamehaze]
    • Also moved Classic Max Pocket PCMX11 - 12 in 1 Colour Games Console (horizontal, France) from nintendo/nes_vt369_vtunknown.cpp to nintendo/vt1682.cpp.
      New working systems
      Tomy / SSD Company LTD IDATEN Jump: Gekisou IDATEN Battle (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood] YSN GameU Joint TV Bank 108-in-1 (model AH9069) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
      New working clones
      Radica / SSD Company LTD ConnecTV Opus (PAL) [TeamEurope, David Haywood] Radica / SSD Company LTD Plug & Play Opus (NTSC) [TeamEurope, David Haywood] Takara / SSD Company LTD Machi o Tsukurou: Kouji no Kuruma 5 (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
      New systems marked not working - Bandai Tamagotchi Pix [TeamEurope, David Haywood] BornKid 16 Bit Handheld Games 100-in-1 (model GB-10X) [TeamEurope, David Haywood] Handheld Game Console 319-in-1 [TeamEurope, David Haywood] Jungle Soft Classic Max Pocket Mx-10 - 12 in 1 (vertical) [TeamEurope, David Haywood] San-X / Tomy Sumikko Gurashi - Sumikko Sagashi [TeamEurope, David Haywood] SSD Company LTD XaviX Aerostep (XaviXPORT, Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood] Takara / SSD Company LTD Beyblade Ultimate Shooter (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood] Takara / SSD Company LTD Zuba Zuba Blade (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood] Tomy / SSD Company LTD TV Hockey (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood] YSN Play Portable Color GameU+ (108-in-1) (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
      New clones marked not working
      Epoch / SSD Company LTD Let's Play Excite Striker (UK) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
      New working software list items (ekara_cart.xml)
      e-kara Web cartridge 12M (used, with 5 songs) (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
  • 2024-11-07 19:14:59 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Multi GAMEe XL [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
  • 2024-11-07 18:08:09 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Ukiyo Box (Japan, v1.3.7) [Hammy]
      New systems marked not working
      Arthur's Knights [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope] Fruit Cat (v2.00) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope] Hi Lice (V102FA) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
      - igs/goldstar.cpp: verified PROMs for cmast99 [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
  • 2024-11-07 13:45:48 feas: add elite private line to internal artwork [hap]
    • New working clones
      Elite Private Line (EAG 6081 conversion) [hap, Berger]
  • 2024-11-07 13:43:38 reversic: add click with ALT key to flip piece [hap]
  • 2024-11-07 13:01:55 att630: Add mouse and associated interrupts [AJR]
  • 2024-11-07 11:20:34 capcom/cps1bl_pic: Update filename for the undumped jurassic99 mcu [Dirk Best]
  • 2024-11-06 19:51:42 machine/pxa255.cpp: add basic screen visible area configuration [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-06 18:40:20 msx/slot/disk.cpp: TC8566AF ready line is not connected. [crazyc] (#12945) [wilbertpol]
  • 2024-11-06 18:21:48 capcom/cps1bl_pic: Hook up newly dumped PIC16C57 for punipic and punipic2, giving them working sound. [Dirk Best, Apocalypse] [Dirk Best]
  • 2024-11-06 17:12:17 New clones marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Black Beard (US.00, 2005/03/14) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
  • 2024-11-06 16:29:48 These two commits broke zoom handling on the QX10 (#12944) [Brian Johnson]
    • Revert "epson/qx10.cpp: rectify previous commit"
      This reverts commit 35f1ec96be9e097247f13680acb4f62d6e63e538.
      Revert "epson/qx10.cpp: use copyrozbitmap for (external to 7220) zoom handling"
      This reverts commit a266a60699b4fe34fe14a8d11f2415ee4b48ef46.
  • 2024-11-06 16:13:47 Various Super Cassette Vision updates (#12933) [wilbertpol]
    • scv.xml: Promote starspdr to partially supported. devices/sound/upd1771.cpp: Reset m_state when resetting state in pcm_write (fixes hanging sound in some games).
      bus/scv/rom;cpp: Move implementations to anonymous namespace.
      bus/scv/slot.cpp: Let cartridges install themselves.
      epoch/scv.cpp: - Tweak scv_pal video timings to get closer to 50Hz refresh rate. - Block graphic color 0 is transparent (fixes Ton Ton Ball background). - Update comments.
  • 2024-11-06 16:10:10 Namco System 23 texturing improvements + boot fix for aking (#12941) [MooglyGuy]
    • New clones marked not working - Crisis Zone (World, CSZO2 Ver. B) [Guru]
      -namcos23.cpp: Improved texturing in Super System 23 games. [Ryan Holtz] Added missing address-map setter.
  • 2024-11-06 11:50:29 New clones marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Jumanji (V113) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
  • 2024-11-06 08:55:05 upd7720: Fix pitch calculation in rdat/wdat routines (#12943) [Brian Johnson]
  • 2024-11-06 01:38:04 thomson/thomson.cpp: Move video emulation to a separate device [AJR]
  • 2024-11-06 00:00:04 hmcs400: add hmcs412/414/424 [hap]
  • 2024-11-05 18:24:20 video/upd7220.cpp: implement experimental partition fetch fn [angelosa]
    • nec/pc9821.cpp: add 31 kHz monitor setting
  • 2024-11-05 18:06:57 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Jungle King (V200PR) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope] Tarzan (V103M) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope] Tarzan (V202FA) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
      New systems marked not working
      Diamond Heart New (v20.0) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope] Honey-Bee (v3.0) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
      New clones marked not working - Magical Kengo 2005 (Ver. USA 1.10) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
  • 2024-05-22 15:48:47 mu100b, psr540: minor corrections [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2024-11-04 22:26:55 nec/pc9821: hookup PEGC MMIO as memory_view [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-04 18:52:15 tehkanwc: Note re: previous commit [AJR]
  • 2024-11-04 18:49:59 tehkanwc: Use raw parameters for screen [AJR]
  • 2024-11-04 18:45:44 tehkanwc: correct refresh rate (#12934) [JOTEGO]
    • dummy .share is needed, 2 cpus have access to same ram
  • 2024-11-04 18:17:22 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Golden Poker Double Up (bootleg, set 5) [Hammy]
      New systems marked not working
      Joker Bonus [Hammy] Lucky 75 [caius] Lucky Star [Hammy]
  • 2024-11-04 17:57:04 tmp95c063: correct typo from prev commit [Hydreigon] [hap]
  • 2024-11-04 14:55:58 formats/sap_dsk.cpp: A few refinements [AJR]
  • 2024-11-04 12:26:39 misc: leijac company corrections, add space between AmeriDarts title [hap]
  • 2024-11-04 11:53:25 coolpool: add vram mirror, merge driver files [hap]
  • 2024-11-04 10:45:03 video/upd7220.cpp: experimentally allow area 3 graphic drawing in forced bitmap mode [angelosa]
    • fix pc98:steamhea gameplay drawing
  • 2024-11-04 01:48:14 upd765: also set ST0_SE when seeking not ready drive (verified on real hardware) [cracyc]
  • 2024-11-03 23:43:13 Add support for reading SAP (Systeme d'Archivage Pukall) disk images to Thomson systems [AJR]
  • 2024-11-03 22:42:25 nec/pc9821.cpp: fix refresh rate regression [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-03 20:43:10 battlera: combined input ports [hap]
  • 2024-11-03 18:47:24 Polysix: Add basic initial wave generation, "organ" eg, plus default nvram and floppy support. [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2024-11-03 18:58:43 batsugunsp: Correct label for maincpu ROM (#12935) [PabloArcade]
    • The original chip has that exact silkscreen.
  • 2024-11-03 15:46:36 seattle: zerofill class variables, use memory_share_creator for nvram [hap]
  • 2024-11-03 14:56:31 video/upd7220.cpp: modernize logging [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-03 10:54:09 namcos23: correct subcpu irq1 i/o pin [hap]
  • 2024-11-03 09:25:37 finfurl2j: correct pointrom loading (after byteswap, old files are identical to parent set) [hap]
  • 2024-11-02 22:52:38 video/upd7220.cpp: horizontal multiplier is x16 if in gfx mode, x8 otherwise [angelosa]
    • fix microbx2 and pc9801:diremono
  • 2024-11-02 22:35:49 video/upd7220.cpp: bump scissor cutout for graphic layer when interlace mode is on [angelosa]
    • fix microbx2 regression
  • 2024-11-02 22:34:39 sharp/mz6500.cpp, skeleton/if800.cpp: bump refresh rate to a sane value [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-02 20:18:04 gl5000: Show all of the logo, not just the top half [AJR]
  • 2024-11-02 19:59:46 gl5000: Make the display show something [AJR]
  • 2024-11-02 16:59:49 sound/cdda.cpp: Updates and additions [R. Belmont] [arbee]
    • More flexible API; you can set the start and length separately without forcing unpause/play start/etc. Data tracks are force muted, headphone users are safe Added forward and reverse fast scan capability
      nscsi/cd.cpp: AppleCD improvements [R. Belmont, thanks to Joshua Bell] Fixed bug causing APPLE_AUDIO_STATUS to always return PLAYING APPLE_READ_SUB_CHANNEL now returns the current location information even when playback is stopped APPLE_AUDIO_PLAY semantics have been overhauled to support the start playback/set end flag APPLE_AUDIO_STOP now sets the stop position to the end of the specified track, as per comments in Apple II DeskTop's CD Remote and the behavior of Apple CD-ROM Explorer. APPLE_AUDIO_SCAN is now implemented and works Many other minor fixes and behavior updates
  • 2024-11-02 15:47:40 hash/pc98.xml: fix lavaleur boot order, sort out and promote gamepac entries [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-02 14:58:05 hash: standardize danchits entries [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-02 12:07:30 nec/pc9801_v.cpp: double height 0 fontsel tiles when LR is 16 and monitor is 24kHz [angelosa]
    • fix arcus2 intro and gamepac1:03:valiant gameplay graphics
  • 2024-11-02 12:04:43 bus/cbus/pc9801_26.cpp: approximate better mixing [angelosa]
  • 2024-11-02 15:22:05 namcos22: no need for parentheses when bitshift has higher precendece, [hap]
    • namcos23: copy over simpler gfxlayout from namcos22
  • 2024-11-02 14:43:20 namco/namcos22.cpp: Move C71 internal ROM and device defines into namco_dsp.cpp, Cleanups: (#12924) [cam900]
    • - Make some variables constant - Fix typename value for some bools - use BIT helper for bitfields - Reduce literal tag usages - Suppress side effects for debugger reads - Simplify gfx decode layouts - Fix some notes
  • 2024-11-02 14:40:53 h89/h17_fdc.cpp: Move to h89 bus directory and make into h89 card (#12931) [Mark Garlanger]
  • 2024-11-02 13:47:52 Add preliminary MSM665xx execution core [AJR]
  • 2024-11-02 13:46:21 Add Novatek NT7502 LCD Driver as SED1560 variant [AJR]
  • 2024-11-02 04:31:19 bus/heathzenith/h89/h_88_3.cpp: Connect interrupt lines (#12928) [Mark Garlanger]
  • 2024-11-02 01:23:19 scripts/src/bus.lua: Actual correct location for h89bus. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
  • 2024-11-02 00:55:59 bus.lua: correct h89bus folder location [hap]
  • 2024-11-01 18:27:08 misc: add some missing ATTR_COLD [hap]
  • 2024-10-26 17:58:38 Polysix desqueletization [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2024-11-01 18:11:09 cmi01a: Guard against NaN errors [AJR]
  • 2024-11-01 16:53:35 fairlight/cmi.cpp: Fix logerror [AJR]
  • 2024-11-01 16:49:36 fairlight/cmi.cpp: Fix unused variable error [AJR]
  • 2024-11-01 16:17:31 cmi2x: Modernization and cleanup [AJR]
    • - Use interrupt vector read callbacks to handle context switching and special IRQ and RESET vectoring - Use addressable latch device for CPU function register
  • 2024-11-01 15:57:36 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Jack Potten's Poker (set 14, ICP-1 PCB) [Hammy]
  • 2024-11-01 15:07:12 positron: Make vector logerror a bit more useful [AJR]
  • 2024-11-01 14:25:38 positron: Use interrupt_vector_read callback [AJR]
  • 2024-11-01 13:39:23 m6809: Add interrupt vector read callback [AJR]
  • 2024-11-01 10:53:10 i386: make the sse opcodes generate the #NM exception used to saverestore the fpu state [yz70s]
  • 2024-11-01 10:04:31 atlus/cave.cpp: identified unkyujin as Cellage [Yasu] [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-11-01 09:24:47 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • unknown Yujin photo booth [Hammy]
      - irem/vigilant.cpp: consolidated driver into single file
  • 2024-11-01 03:43:16 thom_dsk.cpp: Note [AJR]
  • 2024-11-01 03:29:07 a2bus: Cleanups [AJR]
    • - Eliminate A2BUS_7M_CLOCK constant except in apple2e.cpp driver. Use DERIVED_CLOCK for almost all clocks formerly generated from this value. - Don't default the 7M clock for the bus slots. Add confirmed or at least sensible-looking clocks (some differing from Apple's) to all configurations. - Convert some more macros to constexpr variables and eliminate one tag macro.
NOWSZY [Arcade] DevMAME [log only] 2024/10/31 20:00
  • 2024-10-31 19:28:52 Software list items promoted to working [angelosa]
    • - x68k_flop: Emerald Densetsu, Strider Hiryuu [Carl]
  • 2024-10-31 19:21:02 nintendo/snes_m.cpp: fix logging on write with read only ports [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-31 16:58:05 Merge tag 'mame0271' into HEAD [Vas Crabb]
    • MAME 0.271
  • 2024-10-31 15:34:55 misc/changyu.cpp: Actually instantiate hopper for 999 (changyu2). [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-10-31 15:30:07 formats/ap2_dsk.cpp: don't crash when loading a NIB file with an all-zero track (#12926) [Roman Donchenko]
    • In this case, `levels` is empty, and `generate_track_from_levels` immediately crashes with a division by zero. To fix this, just leave the track empty instead.
  • 2024-10-31 15:03:21 misc/changyu.cpp: Hooked up hopper for 999 (changyu2). [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-10-31 13:17:54 quickpick5: correct waijockey tilemap Y alignment (green strip at upper fence matches with arcade cab video recording) [hap]
  • 2024-10-31 13:11:30 quickpick5: lower sound frequency more, matches video recording [hap]
  • 2024-10-31 10:44:57 quickpick5: correct nvram range [hap]
    • Systems promoted to working - Wai Wai Jockey [hap]
  • 2024-10-31 00:49:48 bookkeeping: don't increment coin counter at power-on when initial counter_w input is 1, add handlers for resetting counters [hap]
  • 2024-10-30 23:01:11 quickpick5: lower sound frequency, add waijockey coinage/payout dipswitches [hap]
  • 2024-10-30 20:54:02 quickpick5: split classes, fix sprite priority [hap]
  • 2024-10-30 20:49:16 nec/pc9801.cpp: Fix precedence error [AJR]
  • 2024-10-30 20:43:37 Cleaned up miscellaneous stuff. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-10-30 20:01:37 nec/pc9801: add RS232 port, hookup SIO irq handling [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-30 19:49:37 video/upd7220.cpp: allow optional parameter for screen tag [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-30 18:10:24 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Captain X [Dirk Best, Brian Troha, Sean Riddle]
      New clones marked not working - Batman Forever (Dutch, 3.02) [inkochnito, PinMAME]
  • 2024-10-30 17:40:17 ausnz/poly.cpp: Replace bankdev with memory view [AJR]
  • 2024-10-30 17:08:39 quickpick5: fix address range copy paste error, guard against ttlrom array overflow [hap]
  • 2024-10-30 16:49:19 mo5_cart.xml, to7_cart.xml, to770_cart.xml, to770a_cart.xml: Metadata updates [AJR]
    • - Add serial numbers for most cartridges - Add diacritics, box-cover subtitles and alt_title fields as appropriate - Add Microsoft to publisher field of BASIC cartridges and SOLI to publisher field of LOGO cartridges
  • 2024-10-30 16:46:50 emu/schedule.cpp: Mark one path as EXPECTED [AJR]
  • 2024-10-30 16:46:37 m6809: Mask PCR-mode addresses in disassembly [AJR]
  • 2024-10-30 16:44:28 quickpick5: actually, let's just use a memory_view [hap]
  • 2024-10-30 16:20:27 quickpick5: remove trampolines to internal scc r/w handlers [hap]
  • 2024-10-30 03:52:14 apple/macpwrbk030.cpp: Major updates [R. Belmont] [arbee]
    • - Major modernization pass to bring in line with other Mac drivers - Pseudo VIA hooked up for VIA 2 - Displays properly emulated for all models - Added 165 and 165c support - Power management MCU hookup greatly improved - Fixed ADB, audio, and SCSI issues - All models set the correct Gestalt ID
      New systems marked not working
      Apple Macintosh PowerBook 165 Apple Macintosh PowerBook 165c
  • 2024-10-29 01:05:20 fix midi in/out selection [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2024-10-29 00:16:59 upd7220: pass cursor height to drawing functions [cracyc]
  • 2024-10-26 18:00:28 psr540: Add the mks3 [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2024-10-29 00:01:41 file selector: Add midi connection selection to midi ports [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2024-10-15 15:42:57 sh_mtu: Add a forgotten update [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2024-10-28 20:05:00 video/upd7220.cpp: command reset shouldn't touch RA parameters (#12905) [Angelo Salese]
  • 2024-10-28 19:53:15 bus/sunkbd/hlekbd.cpp: typo fix [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-28 19:52:56 hash: add AD&D prefix to several entries across SW lists [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-28 16:31:52 epson/qx10: add checksums for multifont rom dumps (#12910) [Brian Johnson]
  • 2024-10-28 16:29:47 sound/upd1771.cpp: Improve check for end of adpcm stream when the stream contains multiple samples. (#12913) [wilbertpol]
    • Fixes SCV Star Speeder.
  • 2024-10-28 16:28:53 heathzenith/h89.cpp: Connect write-enable pullup on new h89bus (#12918) [Mark Garlanger]
  • 2024-10-28 14:20:02 thmfc1: Use CMD2 rather than CMD1 to verify side in track header. Fixes errors on loading parts of 640K disks in to8, to8d & to9p. [AJR]
  • 2024-10-28 11:06:37 New working clones [hap]
    • Kasparov GK 2000 (H8/3212 version) [hap, Sean Riddle]
  • 2024-10-28 03:44:02 Fixed several things using memset on non-trivial objects. [Vas Crabb]
    • In particular, this fixes a delegate getting nuked in cpu/powerpc.
  • 2024-10-28 02:59:46 apple/pseudovia.cpp: Split out the pseudo-VIA device used by RBV, V8, VASP, and Sonora. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
    • This device was previously copy-pasted almost verbatim between those 4 devices, and it will be appearing in PowerBooks in the future as well.
      apple/mac*.cpp: All 68020 and 68030 Macintoshes that didn't come with an FPU but were able to be fitted with one later now gate it behind a configuration switch. [R. Belmont] You must completely exit out of the driver to for changes take effect. This may be relaxed in the future.
  • 2024-10-28 01:17:16 Fixed dip switch hookup, added unpopulated buttons and updated IO port documentation on the Namco TSSIO JVS I/O board, based on hardware analysis by Guru. [smf-]
  • 2024-10-27 21:51:28 thomson.cpp: Overhaul all ROM definitions to correspond to actual ICs rather than logical banks. The sizes and hence hashes of virtually all files have changed due to being combined or split up. NO_DUMP entries have also been added for some known undumped PROMs. [AJR]
  • 2024-10-27 20:26:38 machine/smioc.cpp: Cleaned up parameter bounds checking that could cause a compiler diagnostic. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
  • 2024-10-27 20:18:41 namcos23: remove texture_enabled flag, it caused missing graphics so this bit must have a different meaning, [hap]
    • reset poly counts each frame to prevent trailing graphics and MAME crashing when holding INS
  • 2024-10-27 17:48:15 emu/input.cpp: Guard against automatic integer promotion on arithmetic. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-10-27 15:14:19 Thomson floppy disk updates [AJR]
    • - to8, to9 & to9p now include the FDC in the base configuration. to9 uses a WD1770 (WD2793 appears to fail calibration), while to8 & to9p use the THM-FC-1 gate array (now a separate device). This eliminates the need to, and ability to, configure floppy disk extensions for the to8, to9 and to9p. - Changed sector offsets for double-sided .fd images so that they load correctly (usually).
  • 2024-10-27 10:13:05 metro/metro.cpp: verified some clocks for puzzlet [Guru] [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-10-27 08:41:08 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Dynasty (1992, V5.1G) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
      - kaneko/hvyunit.cpp: confirmed tiles ROM dump for hvyunitja [Brian Troha, Sean Riddle]
  • 2024-10-27 01:48:40 wpc_s: correct rom region for some sets [hap]
  • 2024-10-27 01:24:58 cactus: fix MAME crash [hap]
  • 2024-10-27 00:46:34 quizpun2: better way for stalling maincpu for mcu comms [hap]
  • 2024-10-27 00:37:26 heathzenith/h89.cpp: Add initial support for the H-89 (and H-88 and Z-90) slot bus [arbee]
    • - Uses the real I/O decoding PROMs - Z-37 and MMS 77316 floppy controllers converted to cards - H-88-3 serial and H-88-5 cassette interfaces converted to cards - Sigmasoft Sound card converted to a card
  • 2024-10-26 23:31:47 cpu/upd7810/upd7810.cpp: Improve uPD7801 Mode C handling. (#12914) [wilbertpol]
    • Fixes banking in SCV Star Speeder.
  • 2024-10-26 22:56:07 hash/pc98.xml: demote yumeijin [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-26 22:07:57 cpu/m68000: Stub out the Coprocesor Interface Registers found on '010-'030 so that Mac ROMs can detect if an FPU is present. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
  • 2024-10-26 22:02:14 stfight_dev: correct a comparison of an uint16_t with -1 [hap]
  • 2024-10-26 21:40:54 midway/midvunit.h: Fix range error in "Galil" wheel controller emulation. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
  • 2024-10-26 21:17:31 scripts/3rdparty.lua: Enabled -Wno-tautological-compare for BGFX in order to evaluate turning it off for MAME. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
    • cpu/es5510: Removed hack that never could possibly have worked, comparing a uint8_t to a 24-bit constant. [R. Belmont]
  • 2024-10-26 20:10:52 srcclean and cleanup [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-10-26 19:33:15 namco/namcos12.cpp: Restored mnemonic clone suffixes. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-10-26 19:31:56 hash/pc98.xml: move LOGiN Disk & Book non-game disks to appropriate categories, mark ekispert as cracked [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-26 17:39:00 hash/pc98.xml: add known game maker tools [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-26 17:39:00 scv.xml: Improved Star Speeder ROM loading and marked it unsupported. (#12890) [wilbertpol]
    • Also converted ROM sizes and offsets to hexadecimal, and removed zero offsets from cartridges with a single ROM.
  • 2024-10-26 17:17:38 hash/pc98.xml: get rid of (way outdated) unsupported formats section [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-26 15:35:27 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Super Cherry Master (V5.2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
      New clones marked not working - Super Cherry Master (V1.2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
  • 2024-10-26 14:10:36 i82371sb_isa_device & sis85c496_host_device can now redirect their IRQs. [smf-]
  • 2024-10-26 12:23:37 copy paste error caused -valid to fail. [smf-]
  • 2024-10-26 11:50:08 crszonev3b: remove leftover line in rom load [hap]
  • 2024-10-26 11:47:55 Stop motor error in Crisis Zone test mode [smf-]
  • 2024-10-26 11:19:01 Increased timeout in namco_csz1 ROM to stop it timing out, the H8 is either running too fast or the SUB CPU is running too slow. [smf-]
    • Configured Crisis Zone gun to match game defaults & default to namco_csz1 JVS I/O board.
  • 2024-10-26 07:51:12 igs/pgmprot_igs027a_type*: fixed some regressions [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-10-26 05:35:53 nsc810: Save internal state [AJR]
  • 2024-10-26 05:34:16 husky: Correct RTC type; use addressable latch device [AJR]
  • 2024-10-25 23:54:10 dirtc: Devirtualize set_current_time, cleaning up misuse [AJR]
    • midway/atlantis.cpp: Remove unused leftover
  • 2024-10-25 22:48:12 New clones marked not working (#12909) [MooglyGuy]
    • - Race On! (Japan, RO1 Ver. B) [Guru]
      -namcos23.cpp: Significant improvements. More games boot and are playable, albeit with glitchy graphics at times. [Ryan Holtz, Olivier Galibert, smf]
  • 2024-10-25 21:03:00 Added seven TV games (two working), and redumped Excite Ping Pong 2. (#12901) [mamehaze]
    • tvgames/xavix.cpp: Redumped Takkyuu Yarouze! Excite Ping Pong 2 (Japan). [TeamEurope]
      New working systems - Bandai / SSD Company LTD Let's! TV Play Keroro Shoutai Dai Panic! Dotabata Daikessen de Arimasu (Japan) [David Haywood, Peter Wilhelmsen, TeamEurope] Epoch / SSD Company LTD Tokyo Friend Park II Special! (Japan) [David Haywood, Peter Wilhelmsen, TeamEurope]
      New systems marked not working - Epoch / SSD Company LTD Black Bass Tsurouze! Excite Fishing (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Epoch / SSD Company LTD Card Scan! Excite Stage Soccer Nippon Daihyou Team (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Epoch / SSD Company LTD Home Run Datouze! Excite Stadium (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Epoch / SSD Company LTD Tottoko Hamtaro - Ham Ham Dai Circus! (Japan) [David Haywood, Peter Wilhelmsen, TeamEurope] Epoch / SSD Company LTD TV Mahjong Shoudan Taikyoku - 4-nin Uchi (Japan) [David Haywood, Peter Wilhelmsen, TeamEurope]
      Systems promoted to working - Takara Tomy / SSD Company LTD Asobitai Hyper Rescue - Boku wa Kyuujotai! (Japan)
  • 2024-10-25 20:45:35 technodr: lower analog controls keydelta [hap]
  • 2024-10-25 18:45:03 Make JVS work with -listxml [smf-]
  • 2024-10-25 18:32:21 Added gdbstub support for MC68030 (#12906) [kms1212]
  • 2024-10-25 17:15:10 Games Promoted to working [smf-]
    • - Kart Duel (World, KTD2/VER.A) Kart Duel (Japan, KTD1/VER.A)
      Converted Namco System 12 to allow JVS or JAMMA in each game. See src/devices/bus/jvs/cyberlead.cpp for list of games that support Namco Cyber Lead cabinet animations. Added Techno Drive LED artwork. Moved CDXA documentation and memory map into it's source file, converted the shared memory to 16bit on the PlayStation side and acknowledge the interrupt correctly. Converted to logmacro.h Setup analogue inputs to match the games defaults, except Kart Duel because the defaults seem impossible to achieve. Made set names and formatting consistent.
  • 2024-10-25 17:00:10 mame/whtm68k.cpp: fixed GFX decoding, tilemap and screen size [Olivier Galibert] [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-10-25 16:11:27 Added a new modular JVS framework [smf-]
    • New devices added:
      Namco Cyber Lead I/O LED(I/O) PCB 8699014200 Namco Cyber Lead I/O LED(I/O) PCB 8699014200 (compatibility patch) Namco Cyber Lead I/O LED(LED) PCB 8699014500 Namco AMC PCB (Extra I/O,JPN,Ver1.10) Namco ASCA-1 (Multipurpose I/O,JPN,Ver2.00) Namco ASCA-3 (Multipurpose + Rotary Encoder,JPN,Ver2.04) Namco ASCA-3 (Multipurpose + Rotary Encoder,JPN,Ver2.02) Namco ASCA-5 (Multipurpose,JPN,Ver2.09) Namco CSZ1 MIU-I/O (GUN-EXTENTION,JPN,Ver2.05) Namco EM I/O1-02 (Techno-Drive I/O,JPN&EXP,Ver2.00) Namco TSS-I/O (GUN-EXTENTION,JPN,Ver2.02) Namco XMIU1 TSS-I/O (GUN-EXTENTION,JPN,Ver2.11,Ver2.12)
      Note: the Cyber Lead compatibility patch is required because later versions aren't
      Namco FCA-1 (Multipurpose + Rotary Encoder,JPN,Ver1.00) Namco FCA-1 (Multipurpose + Rotary Encoder,JPN,Ver1.01) Namco FCB (TouchPanel&Multipurpose,JPN,Ver1.02)
      Note: These use ASCA3 patched to return the correct ID string as the full ROM is yet to be extracted
      Namco EM Pri1-01
      Note: The printer for Techno Drive is HLE'd only enough to make the game happy
  • 2024-10-25 13:24:09 Added C77, custom H8 for Namco. [smf-]
  • 2024-10-25 13:22:03 Added ATMEL_29C020, added support for SDP & added missing state save registrations. [smf-]
  • 2024-10-25 13:13:22 f2mc16: Created devices for the onboard analogue to digital converter, clock generator, interrupt controller/Extended intelligent I/O service, I/O port, Programmable Pulse Generator, reload timer and UART. [smf-]
    • CPU core exposes the RMW line for onboard devices. Log messages will contain the address of the start of the instruction, rather than the next byte the CPU is about to fetch. Added INT9/INT addr16 & INT addr24 software interrupt instructions. Fixed INCW @RWx & DECW @RWx instruction length Added missing fetch of immediate value in MOV @RWx + RW7, #imm8. Rewrote Tomy Prin-C keyboard handling and pen to use new onboard devices, substantially increasing the reload timer 0 frequency as it's now correctly waiting for 0x7530 underflows with reload = 0x37f at startup.
  • 2024-10-25 16:07:44 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Mystery J & B (V1.3G) [Ioannis Bampoulas] Super El Dorado (Ver. 1.04H) [Hammy, buffi] Triple Jack (V1.6G) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
  • 2024-10-25 15:53:57 to7_cass.xml: Spelling fix [AJR]
  • 2024-10-25 15:24:20 {mo5/mo6/to7/to8}_cass.xml, {mo5/to7}_cart.xml, {mo5/mo6/to}_flop.xml: Metadata corrections [AJR]
    • - Change name of publisher Answare to Answare-Diffusion - Add missing diacritics to name of publisher Microïds and some titles - Correct title of to7_cart:chiflett - Add subtitle of to7_cass:epargne - Correct spelling of to7_cass & to8_cass list names
  • 2024-10-25 12:33:07 h8_sci: Disable logging by default & don't log debugger reads. [smf-]
    • Only start sending data via DMA if transmitter is enabled. Clear TEND when sending data via DMA. TDRE, RDRF, ORER, PER and FER flags can be cleared to 0 only if they have first been read while set to 1. Only set TEND when there is no more data to send. Receiver is started only on high to low rxd in asynchronous mode, when receiving and sending in synchronous mode when data is sent, or continuously when receiving without sending in synchronous mode. Set rx status to idle when stopping clock in rx_async_step(). Remove double invert when calculating parity in rx_async_step(). Remove redundant check for synchronous mode in rx_async_step().
  • 2024-10-25 01:53:30 m68k: add FPU instructions `FETOX`, `FETOXM1`, `FTWOTOX`, `FTENTOX` (#12903) [kms1212]
  • 2024-10-25 01:51:55 matsushita/kn5000.cpp: add 2 newly dumped data ROMs (#12902) [Felipe Corrêa da Silva Sanches]
    • With this we now get a good-looking "CPU communication" error screen during boot.
  • 2024-10-24 22:51:46 nec/pc9801_kbd.cpp: clear irq line in device_reset [angelosa]
    • fix pc9801vm non-working keyboard on soft resets
  • 2024-10-24 21:40:48 nyny: add dac enable bit, [hap]
    • r2dtank: remove unneeded trampoline
  • 2024-10-24 21:02:12 New working software list items [angelosa]
    • - bml3_cass: IG Demo [Anna Wu]
  • 2024-10-24 18:22:10 sigmab98: fix regression with hopper motor [hap]
  • 2024-10-24 15:03:17 hitach/bml3: hookup BAUD SEL [Robbbert] [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-23 19:23:11 nec/pc9801: add 7220 monitor clock register, cleanups around display enable [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-23 18:08:40 igs/igs_m027_023vid.cpp: Trigger FIQ at start of vertical blanking and IRQ at end of vertical blanking. (#12895) [mamehaze]
  • 2024-10-23 18:06:14 spectrum_cass.xml: Added fourteen items working items (thirteen working). (#12897) [ArcadeShadow]
    • Combined Provincial League tape with Speedway - Team Championship - 1960. Combined Star Watcher Applications Program and Teaching Program. Combined Bridge Software Statistics Groups Comparison and Multiple Observation Designs. Fixed some metadata and parent/clone relationships.
      New working software list items (spectrum_cass.xml)
      3D Desert War [Planeta Sinclair] Altair (Athena) [Planeta Sinclair] Altair (Athena, alt 1) [Planeta Sinclair] Altair (Athena, alt 2) [Planeta Sinclair] Apocalypse (Santoli) [Planeta Sinclair] Magic Worm (mod, alt) [Planeta Sinclair] Manic Miner + Kong (pirate) [Planeta Sinclair] Psytraxx + Hell Fire (pirate) [Planeta Sinclair] Samurai Warrior (MCM) [Spectrum Computing] TasWord 2 (French) [Spectrum Computing] TasWord 2 (MCI) [Spectrum Computing] TasWord 2 (Microbaite) [Planeta Sinclair] Tipster [Planeta Sinclair]
      New software list items marked not working (spectrum_cass.xml)
      Lunar Rescue (Crystal Computing) [Spectrum Computing]
  • 2024-10-23 17:53:49 Added ten TV games (two working). (#12883) [mamehaze]
    • tvgames/st2302u_bbl_rom.cpp: Increased size of ROM area for BBL338 configuration, and changed class200 from DPHH8213 to BBL338.
      New working systems
      Epoch / SSD Company LTD Tokyo Friend Park II Perfect! Mezase! Grand Slam!! (Japan) [David Haywood, Peter Wilhelmsen, TeamEurope] Takara / SSD Company LTD Poko Poko Hammers (Japan) [David Haywood, Peter Wilhelmsen, TeamEurope]
      New systems marked not working
      Bandai / SSD Company LTD Let's! TV Play Touin Ougi Onmyou Taisenki: Mezase Saikyou Toushinshi (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Epoch / Mizkan / SSD Company LTD Shamoji de Ping Pong (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Epoch / SSD Company LTD mini-moni Party! Rhythm de Pyon! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Epoch / SSD Company LTD Super Shot! Excite Golf (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Epoch / SSD Company LTD Super TV-PC - Doraemon [QUFB, TeamEurope] Takara / SSD Company LTD Choro-Q Byun Byun Racer (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Takara Tomy / SSD Company LTD Asobitai Hyper Rescue - Boku wa Kyuujotai! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Tomy / SSD Company LTD Star Wars Saga Edition - Lightsaber Battle Game (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
  • 2024-10-23 17:44:17 toaplan2: lower sound volume because of distortion [hap]
  • 2024-10-23 17:05:03 fuukifg2/3: init palette ram to black (nomore white flash at boot) [hap]
  • 2024-10-23 17:04:46 taito/taito_f3.cpp: Added TODO note to use common TC0640FIO device. (#12899) [cam900]
  • 2024-10-23 15:45:36 tim011: Use raw parameters for screen [AJR]
  • 2024-10-23 15:25:50 dec0: use input merger device for 6502 irq [hap]
  • 2024-10-23 13:06:35 horseran: no need for 7seg lcd outputs [hap]
  • 2024-10-22 23:44:10 nec/pc9801_v.cpp: more aggressive PCG LR checks, fix mightyhd and volley2a [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-22 22:30:05 pc9801_v: fix explicit tile lr [cracyc]
    • upd7220: stop drawing if active lines is reached
  • 2024-10-22 21:24:11 bus/cbus: drop PC9801 prefix for AMD-98 sound card [angelosa]
    • make it output mono improve AY3 flip-flop mechanism add logmacro
  • 2024-10-22 21:14:19 dataeast/supbtime.cpp, fuuki/fuukifg2.cpp, fuuki/fuukifg3.cpp: consolidated drivers into single files [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-10-22 14:00:32 tim011: Updates [AJR]
    • - Replace generic keyboard emulation with CDP1802-based keyboard - Hook up RS-232 port to other Z180 ASCI channel - Enable floppy sounds - Eliminate tag macro
  • 2024-10-22 13:28:32 tim100: Invert parity of keyboard to make it usable [AJR]
  • 2024-10-22 13:25:05 nmk/nmk16: Hook up MCU for tharrierb [Dirk Best, Porchy, Hammy] [Dirk Best]
    • Test mode can now be accessed.
  • 2024-10-22 13:07:29 jupace: correct gfxdecode region [hap]
  • 2024-10-22 12:41:00 86f_dsk: different workaround for (unused) BIG_ENDIAN enum [hap]
  • 2024-10-22 12:20:38 jupace: correct cass output, small cleanup (ioport_array for keyboard, remove _TAG defines, template for ppi/pio trampolines) [hap]
  • 2024-10-22 04:41:56 apple/apple2e.cpp: Bring the indentation back to spec. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
  • 2024-10-22 01:02:42 horseran: add svg screen for lcd [hap, Sean Riddle] [hap]
  • 2024-10-21 23:07:02 z180asci: Fix calculation of framing and parity errors [AJR]
  • 2024-10-21 20:52:15 pc98_dsk: handle 256bps images [cracyc]
  • 2024-10-21 17:42:34 cpu/powerpc: Fix QNan check (#12896) [toxie]
    • a) all constants were one digit too short b) the payload was always expected to be 0 (which is just a special case qnan (Real Indefinite) though)
  • 2024-10-21 16:57:59 misc/mjsenpu.cpp: Fixed I/O and DIP switch settings. [Vas Crabb]
    • This makes it possible to complete a game with either mahjong keyboard or joystick controls.
  • 2024-10-21 16:35:43 upd7801: Reduce prescaling of timer value when loaded by STM. Fixes speed issues in various scv games. [AJR]
  • 2024-10-21 14:18:50 misc/mjsenpu.cpp: Cleaned up code: (#12885) [cam900]
    • Use palette_device handlers for palette. Corrected video RAM width, and changed to allocate on start. Constrain screen update to clipping rectangle. Fixed input matrix reading. Reduce literal tags, changed logging to use logerror, made come variables const. Reduce duplication, and improved ROM region names. Added notes about languages for in-game text and voice samples. Use C++ line comments for single-line comments.
  • 2024-10-21 12:10:15 nec/pc9801.cpp: kanji PCG MMIO window actually wants the LR setting [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-21 00:29:50 hash/pc98.xml: split PC Training Disk from n88bas61, misc shuffling and QA [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-20 23:57:03 apple/apple2e.cpp: Fix behavior of $c02x softswitches to match behavior of hardware (#12894) [Dennis Munsie]
  • 2024-10-20 20:15:51 -igs/igs_m027.cpp, igs/igs_m027_023vid.cpp: Hide inactive inputs for more games. [Vas Crabb]
    • -Tidied up some recent changes.
  • 2024-10-20 20:13:26 tecmo/tecmo.cpp: Reduced literal tags and cleaned up code. (#12469) [cam900]
    • Use I/O port array finder for DIP switches, made some variables const. Use C++ line comments for single-line comments, added notes.
  • 2024-10-20 18:06:50 taito/retofinv.cpp: Added a Return of the Invaders bootleg from Video Dens. (#12884) [ClawGrip]
    • New working clones
      Return of the Invaders (Video Dens bootleg, without MCU) [Rubén Casaña (Retro Arcadia), Isaías Hernández]
  • 2024-10-20 14:18:43 hash/pc98.xml: QA [angelosa]
    • fix 98lespro, 98lespr2 publisher fix solitaira SHA1
      New working software list items - pc98: Classic Road 3 [Neo Kobe]
  • 2024-10-20 04:37:18 upd765: reset st0 when starting a seek and fail if drive isn't ready [cracyc]
  • 2024-10-20 01:34:05 gkigt.cpp driver improvements. [Roberto Fresca]
    • Identificated the Triple Play set. Changed description to Triple Play (M0000230, Spanish).
  • 2024-10-20 01:22:20 New systems marked not working [Roberto Fresca]
    • Triple Play (Spanish) [Roberto Fresca]
  • 2024-10-20 01:18:16 pc98.xml: fix beastlr2 sha1 [cracyc]
  • 2024-10-19 22:28:01 ibm5170_cdrom, mac_cdrom: Quake and id Anthology release (#12793) [Mike Swanson]
    • Replace existing Quake with a good dump Add more Quake variants Add missing id Anthology disc 4 (Mac) Point id Anthology disc 3 to quake
      New working software items (ibm5170_cdrom.xml)
      Quake 1.06 (DOS, Windows) [chungy] Quake 1.09 (Windows) [chungy] Quake Shareware 1.01 [chungy] Quake Shareware 1.01 (TestDrive) [chungy] Quake Mission Pack 1: Scourge of Armagon [chungy] Quake Mission Pack 2: Dissolution of Eternity [chungy]
      New working software items (mac_cdrom.xml)
      id Anthology [chungy]
  • 2024-10-19 22:08:55 Add Linksys PAP2 again (#12854) [Octocontrabass]
    • New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
      Linksys PAP2 [unknown]
  • 2024-10-19 22:07:28 Add a Skeleton driver for Cirsa "2080606" slot machines hardware (#12592) [ClawGrip]
    • Add a Skeleton driver for Cirsa "2080606" slot machines hardware
      New systems marked not working
      La Máquina del Tiempo [Recreativas.org]
  • 2024-10-19 21:57:29 sega/model2.cpp: Fix ROM locations for 'Desert Tank' [Tailsnic Retroworks] (#12888) [ClawGrip]
  • 2024-10-19 19:31:02 ussr/bk: attach floppy (#12889) [shattered]
    • cpu/t11: VM1 does not use RMW bus transaction for MOV and MOVB insns (fixes writing to floppy)
  • 2024-10-19 13:58:21 hash/pc98.xml: more categorization setups, get rid of boot OK comments, misc conversions of cloneof to info datadisk [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-19 12:06:13 hash: get rid of info user_notes [angelosa]
    • Either use info usage or actual notes field depending on use cases.
  • 2024-10-19 10:49:03 hash/pc98.xml: reorganize to better defined sections [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-19 08:35:31 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Labyrinth Runner (World Ver. F) [Hammy]
  • 2024-10-19 08:12:06 igs/igs_m027_023vid.cpp: Added notes, promoted mxsqy to working with imperfect graphics. [Vas Crabb]
    • Systems promoted to working - Mingxing San Que Yi [David Haywood, XingXing, Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-10-18 22:43:53 igs/igs_m027_023vid.cpp, igs/pgm.cpp: removed unneeded trampoline [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-10-18 21:54:08 video/upd7220.cpp: ignore parameters beyond first one for pitch command [angelosa]
    • fix pc9801:burai intro MAME crash
  • 2024-10-18 21:33:54 -igs/igs_m027_023vid.cpp: Hooked up I/O for Mingxing San Que Yi. [Vas Crabb]
    • -igs/igs017.cpp, igs/igs_m027.cpp: Added notes about game controls.
  • 2024-10-18 16:19:07 pc98.xml: replace aigo3 with d88 image [cracyc]
  • 2024-10-18 05:37:00 pc98.xml: convert fix format images to d88 except ones that don't work [cracyc]
  • 2024-10-18 00:40:49 video/upd7220.cpp: return 0xff on FIFO underflows [angelosa]
    • fix pc9821:skinpan intro hang
  • 2024-10-18 00:15:17 nec/pc9801.cpp: FDC uses DMA CH. 3 when in 2dd mode [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-17 21:19:18 igs/igs017.cpp: Use slots input types for Tarzan Chang Tian Guan in "joystick" mode to make playing slightly less confusing. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-10-17 21:16:44 nfd_dsk: fm should be cell_count / 2 [cracyc]
  • 2024-10-17 19:51:49 -igs/igs017.cpp: More input improvements: [Vas Crabb]
    • Fixed DIP switches for Long Hu Zhengba, Shuang Long Qiang Zhu 2, Tian Jiang Shen Bing and Tarzan Chuang Tian Guan. Cleaned up inputs for Shuang Long Qiang Zhu 2, Tian Jiang Shen Bing and Tarzan Chuang Tian Guan. Removed mahjong keyboard row that isn't read from Tarzan Chuang Tian Guan.
      -igs/igs_m027.cpp: Changed Chaoji Tuolaji MSM6295 clock to 2MHz with pin 7 low, and added a note about the game using inputs that aren't shown in test mode.
  • 2024-10-17 19:27:49 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Raiden II (Great Britain) [Domenico Cervini]
      - igs/igs_m027.cpp: confirmed some more internal ROM dumps [Guru]
  • 2024-10-17 19:03:01 igs/igs_m027_023vid.cpp: fix external IRQ generation (#12887) [XingXing]
  • 2024-10-17 18:49:48 nec/pc9801_v.cpp: kanji select takes over semigraphics [angelosa]
    • fix beatvice bitmap layer masking on edges during gameplay
  • 2024-10-17 18:24:09 nec/pc9801_v.cpp: reverse attribute will draw opaque on Y char limit [angelosa]
    • fix daremo intro
  • 2024-10-17 15:47:56 emu/ioport.h: Made syntax for configuring callbacks more consistent. [Vas Crabb]
    • You now use FUNC or NAME to configure port field callbacks, like you would when configuring other kinds of callbacks. This has a number of benefits: No need to remember different syntax for port field callbacks, and more approachable for new contributors. May use function templates with multiple arugments using NAME((&...)) syntax without resorting to another layer of macros. May use non-member functions on the odd chance it's useful. More natural syntax for referring to member functions.
  • 2024-10-17 15:39:55 fix error handling (nw) [smf-]
  • 2024-10-17 15:37:39 st9: Fix disassembler mnemonics for CPJFI/CPJTI [AJR]
  • 2024-10-17 14:12:33 source org: move dedicated dave soundchip to enterprise folder [hap]
  • 2024-10-17 11:36:52 video/upd7220.cpp: fix sync position [angelosa]
    • fix pc98:daremo booting
  • 2024-10-16 20:23:48 New working systems [hap]
    • - Electronic Trio [hap, Sean Riddle] Kasparov Mk 12 [hap, Sean Riddle]
      New working clones
      Kasparov Pocket Chess [hap, Sean Riddle] Pocket Checkers [hap, Sean Riddle] Kasparov Pocket Plus [hap, Sean Riddle]
  • 2024-10-16 20:07:51 primo: some PORT_CHAR corrections, small cleanup [hap]
  • 2024-10-16 18:05:43 igs/igs_m027.cpp, igs/igs017.cpp: Mostly input improvements: [Vas Crabb]
    • igs/igs_m027.cpp: Corrected Chaoji Tuolaji inputs (same as Long Hu Da Zhengba 4). igs/igs_m027.cpp: Corrected Chaoji Tuolaji M6295 sound chip frequency. igs/igs017.cpp: Corrected Long Hu Zhengba 2 DIP switch settings and cleaned up inputs. igs/igs017.cpp: Corrected Manguan Daheng DIP switch settings and started cleaning up inputs. igs/igs017.cpp, igs/igs_m027.cpp: Reduced repetition in inputs a little, made conventions a bit more consistent across files, and corrected a few comments.
  • 2024-10-16 16:52:15 igs/igs017.cpp: corrected sprites' ROM for lhzb2b and lhzb2c. Turns out they are actually Long Hu Zhengba (they don't have the 2). [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-10-16 11:44:28 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Super Tuo La Ji Plus (V206CN) [dyq, little0, Guru]
  • 2024-10-16 08:58:11 New clones marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Long Hu Zhengba 2 (China, VS105M, set 1) [dyq, little0, Guru] Long Hu Zhengba 2 (China, VS105M, set 2) [dyq, little0, Guru]
  • 2024-10-16 07:27:08 hooked igs_m027_023vid.cpp to PGM video system (made 023 video a device) - game runs attract demo (#12881) [mamehaze]
  • 2024-10-16 04:54:41 pc9801: if neighboring char tiles have the same code then draw them as left and right [cracyc]
  • 2024-10-16 04:03:56 86f_dsk.h: Fix build error with certain libraries [AJR]
  • 2024-10-16 03:15:25 86f_dsk: add read 86f image support [cracyc]
  • 2024-10-16 00:42:54 igs/igs017.cpp: Fixed DIP switches and cleaned up inputs for Manguan Caishen. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-10-15 23:46:45 Systems promoted to working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Fever 13 (Japan, v1.3) [Angelo Salese, Hammy] Miracle Seven - Heaven's Gate (Japan, v1.0.2) [Hammy, nnap] Poker & 21 [Angelo Salese]
      - igs/igs_m027c.cpp, igs/pgmcrypt.cpp: got rid of duplicate methods
  • 2024-10-15 23:02:32 igs/igs_m027.cpp: Hooked up sound banking for Long Hu Zhengba III Shengji Ban. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-10-15 21:14:45 igs/igs_m027.cpp: Hooked up I/O for Long Hu Zhengba III Shengji Ban. [Vas Crabb]
    • Also verified I/O for Long Hu Zhengba III (V106C5M).
      Systems promoted to working - Long Hu Zhengba III Shengji Ban (V300C5)
  • 2024-10-15 20:48:18 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Miracle 7 - Heaven's Gate (Japan, v1.0.2) [Hammy, nnap]
  • 2024-10-15 20:09:25 igs/igs_m027.cpp: made the 2 lhzb3unk sets boot [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-10-15 19:19:48 -igs/igs017.cpp: Fixed DIP switches and improved inputs for Chaoji Da Manguan II games. [Vas Crabb]
    • -igs/igs_m027.cpp: Confirmed I/O is correct for Chaoji Dou Dizhu Liang Fu Pai and added Chinese title to comment.
  • 2024-10-15 18:08:54 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Ming Xing San Que Yi (China) [dyq, little0, Guru]
      - igs/igs_m027.cpp: trojaned internal ROMs for cjddzlf, lhzb3unk, lhzb3unk2 [Guru]
  • 2024-10-15 09:05:09 igs/igs_m027.cpp: Changed lthyp description to use the reading used in the attract mode voice sample. [Vas Crabb]
    • Also added some notes about DIP switch settings.
  • 2024-10-15 06:48:54 igs/igs_m027.cpp: Cleaned up added Long Hu Zhengba 4 and Chaoji Dou Dizhu versions: [Vas Crabb]
    • Confirmed I/O and DIP switches match other games. Corrected title for Long Hu Zhengba 4 Dui Hua Ban. Removed parent/clone relationship for Long Hu Zhengba 4 Dui Hua Ban.
  • 2024-10-15 02:30:12 tomshoot: Use full Japanese title instead of rough translation [AJR]
  • 2024-10-15 00:57:57 tvgames/ Documentation and metadata updates (#12874) [mamehaze]
  • 2024-10-15 00:56:00 8080bw.cpp: Change Jatre Specter to licensed (#12875) [David 'Foxhack' Silva]
    • 8080bw.cpp: Change Jatre Specter to licensed As described in MT 08149, Jatre Specter was licensed by Taito.
  • 2024-10-15 00:54:47 sinclair/sprinter.cpp: Added 2 full joysticks support (#12878) [holub]
  • 2024-10-15 00:54:02 Upgrade checkout and upload-artifacts actions (#12880) [Margen67]
  • 2024-10-14 22:51:08 mtx_rom.xml: Corrected dataarea names (fixes MT08925). [Nigel Barnes]
  • 2024-10-14 22:31:53 bus/psion/honda: Added PC Link and Parallel Printer Link cables (not working). [Nigel Barnes]
    • bus/psion/honda/ssd.cpp: Added Honda serial port.
      bus/psion/module: Added Psion RS232/Parallel Module.
  • 2024-10-14 20:57:48 psion/psionhc.cpp: Added ROM version V1.64F [The Last Psion] [Nigel Barnes]
  • 2024-10-14 22:27:01 hash/pc98.xml: bump QA [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-14 21:40:10 nec/pc9801_v.cpp: beast3 uses PCG LR from the tile attribute alias [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-14 19:28:52 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Chaoji Dou Dizhu Liang Fu Pai [dyq, little0, Guru]
      New working clones
      Chaoji Damanguan II (China, V754C, set 2) [dyq, little0, Guru]
      New clones marked not working - Chaoji Dou Dizhu (V219CN) [dyq, little0, Guru] Chaoji Dou Dizhu (V217CN) [dyq, little0, Guru] Long Hu Zhengba III (unknown version, set 1) [dyq, little0, Guru] Long Hu Zhengba III (unknown version, set 2) [dyq, little0, Guru] Long Hu Zhengba 4 (V203CN) [dyq, little0, Guru]
      - igs/igs_m027.cpp: renamed Long Teng Hu Yue to Long Teng Hu Yue Duizhan Jiaqiang Ban, as per title screen [dyq]
  • 2024-10-14 14:10:06 mcompgin: add svg screen for lcd [hap, Sean Riddle] [hap]
  • 2024-10-14 14:07:34 scptchess: rename to scpchess, [hap]
    • misc: small cleanup
  • 2024-10-14 01:55:49 cpu/m68000: Don't emulate byte smearing for the 68040, and fix disabling the FPU for the 68030. [R. Belmont] [arbee]
  • 2024-10-14 01:29:26 acorn/bbc.cpp, alpha/equites.cpp: Fix validation [AJR]
  • 2024-10-14 00:44:34 cpu/m68000: Rename m_instruction_restart to m_can_instruction_restart to clearly distinguish from m_restart_instruction (#12869) [Adam Billyard]
  • 2024-10-14 00:42:54 rm/rm380z.cpp: Split RM480Z out to its own driver with MQ2 floppy drive support (#12576) [Robin Sergeant]
  • 2024-10-13 18:12:05 addrmap: Allow ioport finders in portr/w/rw [Olivier Galibert]
    • Convert a number of drivers to use ioport finders in the memory map.
      This is not entirely gratuitous. The idea is to ensure all the ports are in the class, so that eventually ioport finders become ioport creators. The ultimate aim is to C++-ify port descriptions which would be made way nicer by getting rid of the need for PORT_START.
  • 2024-10-13 20:47:46 jarajal: Use romanization found on title screen and packaging [AJR]
  • 2024-10-13 18:22:17 util/chd.cpp, util/chdcodec.cpp: Added a safer way to let codecs do special stuff with hunks. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-10-13 16:29:10 bus/a2bus/suprterminal.cpp: Allow mapping control via C0Bx reads. (#12876) [Roman Donchenko]
    • C0B2, C0B4 and C0B6 react to both reads and writes according to the manual.
  • 2024-10-13 15:46:31 fm77av.xml; fm7_disk.xml; dragon_cass.xml; dragon_flex.xml: Avoid unnecessary abbreviations and use lowercase for descriptive text in descriptions. (#12873) [ArcadeShadow]
  • 2024-10-13 15:12:03 concept: Add NO_DUMP entry for 6801 microcontroller [AJR]
  • 2024-10-12 19:16:21 Added a number of TV games and cartridges. (#12850) [mamehaze]
    • New working systems - 265-in-1 Handheld Game (SPG2xx based) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Epoch / SSD Company LTD mini-moni Stage! Dance Dapyon! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Peter Wilhelmsen] Epoch / SSD Company LTD mini-moni Stage! Dance Dapyon! Plus (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Takara / SSD Company LTD All-Star Kansha-sai Chou Gouka! Quiz Kettieban: Akasaka 5-choume Taikan Studio (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Peter Wilhelmsen] Takara / SSD Company LTD Bakushin Sno-Bo - Gingin Boarders (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Peter Wilhelmsen]
      New working clones - Sega Toys Mega Drive Play TV 2 (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Sega Toys Mega Drive Play TV 3 (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
      Systems promoted to working - dreamGEAR My Arcade Gamer Mini 160-in-1 (DGUN-2953) [David Haywood] Fizz Creations Arcade Classics Mini Handheld Arcade (Supreme 150) [David Haywood] Fizz Creations Mini Arcade Console (Arcade 10-in-1) [David Haywood] Millennium 2000 GmbH Millennium Arcade 250 (M527) [David Haywood] Orb Retro Arcade Game Controller 153-in-1 [David Haywood] Orb Retro Handheld Console 152-in-1 [David Haywood] Takara / SSD Company LTD Taiko de Popira (Japan) [David Haywood]
      New systems marked not working - Bandai Anpanman TV (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Color LCD Classic Game 200-in-1 [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Epoch TV Globe (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Epoch / SSD Company LTD Goal Kimeruze! Excite Striker (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Epoch / SSD Company LTD Ham-chans Dai Shuugou Dance Surunoda! Hashirunoda! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Epoch / SSD Company LTD Hanshin Tigers Excite Stadium DX (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Peter Wilhelmsen] Epoch / SSD Company LTD TV-PC Tottoko Hamutaro (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Mini Arcade Handheld Game Console 2.8 Inch Screen Built in 156 Retro Games (Mega Drive handheld) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Pocket Game / Game Computer Pocket Game 118-in-1 / Game Computer 118-in-1 [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Premier Portfolio International Classic Max Pocket PCMX11 - 12 in 1 Colour Games Console (France) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Shenzhen Shiji New Technology Tou ma Pet [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Sega Toys / SSD Company LTD Bistro Kids: Boku mo Watashi mo Kok-san! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Peter Wilhelmsen] Takara / SSD Company LTD Comet-san Lovelin Baton (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Takara Tomy Pocket Monsters PC [TeamEurope, Peter Wilhelmsen] Takara Tomy Pocket Monsters Rotom Tablet [TeamEurope, Peter Wilhelmsen] Tomy / SSD Company LTD Disney Princess Kirakira Mahou no Lesson (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] YSN Play Portable Color GameU+ (50-in-1) (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
      New software list items marked not working (hikara.xml) - Hi-kara 20-song capacity user cartridge (blank) (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] Hi-kara PIZZA-LA [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
      New software list items marked not working (super_tv_pc_cart.xml) - Doraemon Excite Ping-Pong [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
  • 2024-10-12 17:24:20 efo/cidelsa.h: Verified clocks for Cidelsa's Destroyer and Altair. (#12868) [Recreativas.org] [ClawGrip]
  • 2024-10-12 17:23:12 Use qmake to query Qt libexec directory to find moc. (#12870) [Michael Cho]
  • 2024-10-12 17:12:47 bus/a2bus/suprterminal.cpp: Initialize m_bC800IsRAM on start. (#12872) [Roman Donchenko]
    • Fixes unpredictable RAM/ROM mapping in C800 range if not set by writing to C0n2 or C0n4 first.
  • 2024-10-12 16:55:43 util/chd.cpp: Made a few more member functions return error conditions. [Vas Crabb]
    • Also mark error paths as unexpected to optimise against them.
  • 2024-10-12 06:30:21 tools/chdman.cpp: Throw errors when examining metadata to determine compression defaults [AJR]
  • 2024-10-12 02:58:12 chd.cpp: More API changes [AJR]
    • - Have metadata_find return std::error_condition instead of throwing an exception - Replace the is_XXX predicates with check_is_XXX methods that return a std::error_condition, enabling improved error reporting for cdrom_image_device - Retain read error information in chd_file_compressor - Make a bunch of methods noexcept
      This mostly restores the changes from cc772072fa635146b1df39a5694d2a8f8aa5a34f.
  • 2024-10-11 14:40:58 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • 1945k III (Promat license, OPCX1 PCB) [System11, The Dumping Union]
  • 2024-10-11 10:54:59 Add a skeleton for DASH4 Debug Adapter for SH CPUs (#12790) [ClawGrip]
    • Add a skeleton for DASH4 Debug Adapter for SH CPUs
      New systems marked not working
      DASH4 Debug Adapter [Arcade Hacker]
      Remove "Ltd." from system name
      Add a note about HASP parallel port dongle
  • 2024-10-11 02:50:31 msm665xx: Minor register update [AJR]
  • 2024-10-10 18:17:34 util/chd.cpp, util/chdcodec.cpp: Made some APIs return errors rather than throwing exceptions. [AJR] [Vas Crabb]
    • Mostly salvaged from 901a68e2e0bb0d9178ffdb59e128718c1495250f.
  • 2024-10-10 09:15:55 igs/igs_m027.cpp: Fixed title for lhdmgp. [Vas Crabb]
    • Also added version numbers from service mode or bookkeeping to descriptions, and added comments where displayed version number doesn't match what was already in the description.
  • 2024-10-10 08:10:16 igs/igs_m027.cpp, igs/igs_m027xa.cpp: Miscellaneous improvements: [Vas Crabb]
    • igs/igs_m027.cpp: Added memory clear switch to clear memory contents when power is removed (hard reset with the switch on to clear NVRAM). igs/igs_m027xa.cpp: Got rid of hopper from Crazy Bugs (V103JP) since there appears to be no way to use it and exposed hopper switch as a user input so it can still be tested. igs/igs_m027xa.cpp: Got rid of third bank of DIP switches from Crazy Bugs (V103JP) as comments indicate it isn't physically present (although it is displayed in the input test). Use mnemonic short names for clones.
  • 2024-10-09 17:57:16 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Sunset Riders / Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers (scrambled bootleg of Mega Drive versions) [Hammy]
      - sega/megadriv_acbl.cpp: updated comments to better show the driver includes two different types of PCBs [Hammy]
  • 2024-10-09 17:28:56 zx81_cass.xml: Added 31 items (30 working). (#12858) [ArcadeShadow]
    • New working software list items (zx81_cass.xml)
      Ant Attack [Bob's Stuff] Avalanche [Revival Studios] Argolath [Spectrum Computing] Bar Billards [Spectrum Computing] Boulder Logic [Bob's Stuff] Bigg Oil [Spectrum Computing] Budget Familial [Spectrum Computing] Budget Familial (alt) [Spectrum Computing] Casse-Briques + Pendu [Team Zeddy, Planeta Sinclair] Chiromancie [Spectrum Computing] Crozxy Road [Bob's Stuff] Domin8tr1s [Bob's Stuff] Down! [Revival Studios] Impact [Bob's Stuff] Jogos 3 [Planeta Sinclair] Mayhem [Revival Studios] Miner Man [Bob's Stuff] Noir Shapes [Bob's Stuff] One Little Ghost [Bob's Stuff] Pandemic [Bob's Stuff] Panique [Team Zeddy, Planeta Sinclair] Quack! [Bob's Stuff] Rebound [Bob's Stuff] Rigel [Spectrum Computing] Shrooms [Bob's Stuff] Stairrunner [Revival Studios] Steps [Bob's Stuff] U-Bend [Bob's Stuff] Virus [Bob's Stuff] ZXagon [Bob's Stuff]
      New software list items marked not working (zx81_cass.xml)
      3D 3D! [Spectrum Computing]
      Removed sets - duplicate, same as parent (zx81_cass.xml)
      The Flight Simulator (Timex) Flug-Simulation
  • 2024-10-09 17:21:39 -misc/multfish.cpp: Minor cleanups: (#12862) [cam900]
    • Use more appropriate types for integer variables, and made some variables constant. Allocate video RAM on start, and reduced run-time tag lookups. Improved some function and variable names, and reduced use of static functions and preprocessor macros. Cleaned up spacing, and converted single-line comments to C++ line comments.
      -machine/timekeeper.cpp: Suppress side effects for debugger reads.
      -misc/multfish_boot.cpp: Converted single-line comments to C++ line comments.
  • 2024-10-09 17:13:02 hash/thinkpad8xx.xml: Added AIX 4 (not working). (#12832) [ClawGrip]
    • Also added some metadata to AIX 4.1.5.
      New software list items marked not working
      thinkpad8xx.xml: IBM AIX 4 [OS/2 Museum, ClawGrip]
  • 2024-10-09 16:23:42 igs/igs_m027.cpp: Fixed I/O and DIP switches for cjddzp. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-10-09 15:18:07 igs/igs_m027.cpp: Added Chaoji Dou Dizhu Jiaqiang Ban. (#12865) [mamehaze]
    • New working systems
      Chaoji Dou Dizhu Plus (S300CN) [XingXing]
  • 2024-10-09 14:36:40 snk/k1ge.cpp: Implement device_palette_interface. (#12864) [wilbertpol]
  • 2024-10-09 03:13:32 asteroid: Set the watchdog frequency. (#12866) [Mike]
  • 2024-10-08 15:51:20 hash/nes.xml: Verified content for several NESert Golfing games. (#12859) [Mike Swanson]
    • Versions 1.0-1.3 and 1.4 was located by the author. Also marked early versions as beta releases as recommended by the author.
  • 2024-10-08 15:48:47 misc/mosaic.cpp: Minor cleanups: (#12863) [cam900]
    • Suppress side effects for debugger reads. Use more appropriate types for some integer variables. Use generic graphics decoding layouts, made CPU ROM region size match size of ROM.
  • 2024-10-07 19:25:31 New working software list items [angelosa]
    • - pc98.xml: Mirror, Mime, Wakusei Omega no Q Ouji [Neo Kobe]
      New software list items marked not working
      pc98.xml: Twilight [Neo Kobe]
  • 2024-10-07 18:11:25 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Jungle King (V302US) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
  • 2024-10-07 15:44:07 -sinclair/chloe.cpp: Added external PC keyboard support; Fixed ULA attributes decoding (#12845) [holub]
    • -sinclair/screen_ula.cpp: Fixed attributes decoding.
      -sinclair/tsconf.cpp: Document DMA controller clock source.
  • 2024-10-06 22:30:02 nec/pc9801.cpp: kanji window don't bother with LR setting [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-06 20:41:56 polysix: Separate polysix and poly-61 since they won't actually be similar once not skeleton [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2024-10-06 19:43:53 cmi01a: Add filters [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2024-10-06 17:47:47 pinball/inder.cpp: Dumped ROMs from "bonus expansion board" used by Moon Light. (#12841) [jordigahan] [ClawGrip]
    • This board is used for driving lamps. It is described in the manual and schematics.
  • 2024-10-06 17:11:32 machine/sc16is741.cpp: Fixed bad if/else matching breaking THR interrupt logic. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-10-06 17:06:05 famicom_flop.xml, ,nes.xml, snes.xml: Add (s)NESert Golfing games. (#12751) [Mike Swanson]
    • Old versions no longer available fore download were rebuilt from source.
      New working software list items (famicom_flop.xml)
      NESert Golfing (v1.5) [rainwarrior] NESert Golfing (v1.4) [Mike Swanson]
      New working software list items (nes.xml) - NESert Golfing (v1.5) [rainwarrior] NESert Golfing Tournament Edition (v1.4) [Mike Swanson] NESert Golfing (v1.4) [Mike Swanson] NESert Golfing (v1.3) [Mike Swanson] NESert Golfing (v1.2) [Mike Swanson] NESert Golfing (v1.1) [Mike Swanson] NESert Golfing (v1.0) [Mike Swanson]
      New working software items (snes.xml) - sNESert Golfing [rainwarrior]
  • 2024-10-06 16:59:02 coleco_homebrew.xml: Added fourteen working items. (#12796) [ArcadeShadow]
    • New working software list additions (coleco_homebrew.xml)
      Air Battle [colecovision.dk] Bejeweled (v2001) [colecovision.dk] Bunny [colecovision.dk] BUsTin-Out Volume 1 [colecovision.dk] BUsTin-Out Volume 2 [colecovision.dk] Commando Returns (demo) [colecovision.dk] Double Breakout [colecovision.dk] Ghostblaster (rev. B) [colecovision.dk] Le Château du Dragon [colecovision.dk] Osotos [Inufuto] Quiz Wiz [colecovision.dk] Search for the Stolen Crown Jewels 1 (demo) [colecovision.dk] Search for the Stolen Crown Jewels 2 (demo) [colecovision.eu] Search for the Stolen Crown Jewels 3 (demo v2011) [colecovision.eu]
  • 2024-10-06 16:52:33 docs: Improved notes about DirectX SDK and added a link in compiling instructions. (#12848) [veganaiZe]
    • Also fixed typo "SDL" in place of "SDK".
  • 2024-10-06 16:50:49 sound/k054539.cpp: Fix build [AJR]
  • 2024-10-06 16:49:02 snk/ngp.cpp: Improved real-time clock behavior - fixes MT05279. (#12855) [wilbertpol]
  • 2024-10-06 16:45:50 sound/k054539.cpp: Corrected reverb RAM size and addressing. (#12856) [JOTEGO]
    • Top address bit for the 32K RAM is bit 16, rather than the intuitive bit 14.
  • 2024-10-06 16:34:27 misc/mirax.cpp: Minor cleanups: (#12857) [cam900]
    • Use more appropriate types for some variables. Simplified graphics ROM decoding. Reduced literal tags, made some variables const, improved ROM region and variable names.
  • 2024-10-06 03:41:00 upd765: indicate ready status in polling irq sense [cracyc]
  • 2024-10-05 23:58:47 hash/pc98.xml: fix lammal boot order, misc QA [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-05 19:43:06 nec/pc9801_v.cpp: kanji attribute doesn't want tile_lr [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-05 22:07:46 upd765: don't enable_transfer after tc [cracyc]
  • 2024-10-05 18:00:21 bus/isa/hpblp.cpp: fixed validation [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-10-05 16:31:38 funworld/snooker10.cpp: identified manufacturer for tenballs, using original program ROM [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-10-05 14:54:29 tvdear: Add preliminary keyboard matrix [AJR]
  • 2024-10-05 13:32:43 verifone/tranz330.cpp: Update the one thing that doesn't use the standard macros. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-10-05 12:53:59 emu/ioport.cpp: Improved validation of DIP switch locations. [Vas Crabb]
    • Treat an empty switch name as an error. Treat a non-positive switch number as an error. Also allocate fewer temporary strings.
  • 2024-10-04 20:57:43 Mumble mumble spaces mumble [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2024-10-04 19:36:54 ioport.h: Preemptive srcclean [AJR]
  • 2024-10-04 17:36:59 ioport: Add piano keyboard definitions and automatic names [Olivier Galibert]
  • 2024-10-04 18:34:00 -taito/taito_f2.cpp: Added note about alternate qcrayon sprite ROM. [Vas Crabb]
    • -jaleco/bestleag.cpp: Screen update functions aren't cold.
      -machine/sc16is741.cpp: Actually assert IRQ output on CTS/RTS interrupt.
  • 2024-10-04 18:29:13 jaleco/ddayjlc.cpp: hookup i8257 in place of custom code [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-04 18:22:54 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Jungle King (V103A) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
      New systems marked not working
      Super 70's (V100US) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
      - astrocorp/astropc.cpp: verified chip under heatsink for recently added sets [TeamEurope]
      - igs/igs017.cpp: verified cpoker2 dump with another PCB [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
  • 2024-10-04 18:03:40 homelab: fix array OOB crash [hap]
  • 2024-10-04 17:48:05 bus/spectrum/musicmachine.cpp: confirm port decoding; fix save state (#12853) [holub]
  • 2024-10-04 17:42:44 jaleco/bestleag.cpp: cleanups [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-04 17:21:18 -igs/igs_m027xa.xpp: Fixed inputs for Crazy Bugs (V103JP). [Vas Crabb]
    • The hopper is hooked up because an input for it appears in the I/O test, however both the Payout and Ticket buttons seem to use the ticker dispenser to pay out credits.
      -machine/sc16is741.cpp: Implemented CTS/RTS deasserted interrupt.
      -bus/spectrum/musicmachine.cpp: Get device out of global namespace, and some cleanup.
      -lnux4004.xml: Include Linux distro in software item description.
  • 2024-10-04 16:27:34 to_flop.xml: Add notes [AJR]
  • 2024-10-04 16:21:30 mc6843: Fixes and improvements [AJR]
    • - Make Seek Track Zero issue step pulses when the track 0 sensor is off rather than on - Enable IRQ output from device (bml3 software needs this) - Issue Status Sense Request in PC I/O mode, not DMA mode - Raise Seek Error if STZ command doesn't end at track 0 - Add settle timeout for head unload after certain commands - Enhance logging messages but hide them behind logmacro compilation switches
  • 2024-10-04 16:01:59 midway/cashline.cpp: Added a skeleton driver for the Bally/Sente Cashline slot machine. (#12838) [ClawGrip]
    • New systems marked not working
      Bally/Sente Cashline [Vicente y Sergio de ElectronicaVyS]
      skeleton/bullion2.cpp: Marked Inder Bullion 2 as mechanical.
  • 2024-10-04 15:51:10 bus/spectrum: Added The Music Machine (MIDI I/O expansion). (#12842) [holub]
  • 2024-10-04 14:32:43 igs/igs_m027xa.cpp: Dumped internal CPU ROM for Crazy Bugs (V103JP). (#12847) [mamehaze]
    • Systems promoted to workin
      Crazy Bugs (V103JP) [buffi, Peter Wilhelmsen, XingXing]
  • 2024-10-04 12:58:33 -homebrew/linux4004.cpp: Emulated Linux/4004 board. [Vas Crabb]
    • VFD is not emulated, but all other features are present.
      -machine/sc16is741.cpp: Emulated basic SC16IS741A UART functionality in SPI interface mode.
      -macine/spi_sdcard.cpp: Improved interface logic: Start in unprotected mode as specified by the standard. Ignore stop bits in unprotected mode - apparenty real cards do this. Set protected or unprotected mode in response to CMD59. Reset SPI logic when initially selected.
      -machine/spi_psram.cpp: Started adding PSRAM QPI functionality.
      -emu/diserial.cpp: Got rid of the per-instance parity lookup table.
      New working systems - Dmitry Grinberg Linux/4004
      New working software list items (lnux4004.xml)
      uMIPS Linux 4.4.292+
  • 2024-10-04 11:20:54 ibm/thinkpad600.cpp: swap boot banks, make it go standard x86 POST [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-04 10:17:56 ibm/thinkpad600.cpp: hookup Super I/O [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-04 10:12:51 hash/pc98.xml: QA update, promote molemole [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-04 02:32:02 pc9801: try again to handle pcg chars [cracyc]
  • 2024-10-03 21:17:52 to8, to9, to9p: Split out serial keyboards as separate devices [AJR]
  • 2024-10-03 20:38:52 machine/i82371sb.cpp: reduce PIT range [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-03 19:22:05 thomson/thomson.cpp: CPU type fix fixed [AJR]
  • 2024-10-03 19:01:38 jaleco/acommand.cpp: port over cischeat_draw_sprites [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-03 18:41:11 to8, to9, to9p: Fix mapping of monitor ROM area [AJR]
    • to7: Change CPU type to MC6809
  • 2024-10-03 17:11:34 warpwarp_a/geebee: update sound stream before volume decay [hap]
  • 2024-10-03 13:47:38 cpu/nec/v25sfr.cpp: Logging fixes [AJR]
  • 2024-10-03 12:16:17 ibm/thinkpad600.cpp: hookup base chipset [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-03 04:05:21 hash/ibm5170_cdrom.xml: add Duke Nukem Kill-A-Ton Collection (#12808) [Mike Swanson]
  • 2024-10-03 04:04:28 apple2_flop_orig.xml, apple2_flop_clcracked.xml, apple2gs_flop_orig.xml: Added latest dumps and improved metadata. (#12824) [A-Noid33]
    • apple2_flop_orig.xml: Added twenty-one new dumps apple2_flop_clcracked.xml: Added four new dumps (Computer Baseball 1983 Teams split from original since sold separately) apple2gs_flop_orig.xml: Added six new dumps Improved metadata for all SSI dumps
      New working software list items (apple2_flop_orig.xml) - B-24 (version 1.0) Baltic 1985: Corridor to Berlin (version 1.0) Battalion Commander (version 1.0) Battle of Antietam (version 1.3) Battle of Antietam (version 1.5) Battlecruiser (version 1.0) Battles of Napoleon (version 1.0) Bomb Alley (version 1.0) Breakthrough in the Ardennes (version 1.1) Carrier Force (version 1.0) Champions of Krynn (version 1.0) Champions of Krynn (version 1.1) Colonial Conquest (version 1.1) Computer Air Combat (version 1.0) Computer Air Combat (version 1.1) Computer Ambush (version 1.0 revision 1) Computer Ambush (version 1.0 revision 2) Eagles (version 1.0) Fifty Mission Crush (version 1.1) Fifty Mission Crush (version 1.2) Fighter Command (version 1.0)
      New working software list items (apple2_flop_clcracked.xml) - Battle of Antietam (version 1.3) (4am and san inc crack) Computer Bismarck (version 1.1) (4am and san inc crack) Computer Baseball 1983 Teams Disk (4am and san inc crack) RoadWar 2000 (version 1.1) (4am crack)
      New working software list items (apple2gs_flop_orig.xml) - Time Pilot (version 1.2) [Stefan Wessels, Antoine Vignau, Brutal Deluxe Software, A-Noid] Time Pilot (version 1.3) [Stefan Wessels, Antoine Vignau, Brutal Deluxe Software, A-Noid] Time Pilot (version 1.4) [Stefan Wessels, Antoine Vignau, Brutal Deluxe Software, A-Noid] Time Pilot (version 1.5) [Stefan Wessels, Antoine Vignau, Brutal Deluxe Software, A-Noid] Time Pilot (version 1.5.A) [Stefan Wessels, Antoine Vignau, Brutal Deluxe Software, A-Noid] Time Pilot (version 1.6) [Stefan Wessels, Antoine Vignau, Brutal Deluxe Software, A-Noid]
      Halls of Montezuma is distributed by Strategic Studies Group (SSG)
      Co-authored-by: Bob Schultz
  • 2024-10-03 03:46:48 New working clones [Roberto Fresca]
    • Mirax (set 3) [Roberto Fresca, Gabriel Vega (El Pampa), Emmanuel Firmapaz, Club Argentino de Arcades]
      - Changed the manufacturer to 'Current Technology, Inc.'
  • 2024-10-03 00:27:43 bus/vcs_ctrl/trakball.cpp: Fix comment [AJR]
  • 2024-10-03 00:01:12 vcs_ctrl: Add support for Atari CX22/CX80 Trak-Ball in native trackball mode (#12722) [as-tb-dev]
  • 2024-10-02 23:51:33 sinclair/sprinter.cpp: more precise HALT handling for accel purpose (#12786) [holub]
  • 2024-10-02 22:35:47 New working systems [hap]
    • - Bridge Computer (Diamond) [hap, Sean Riddle] Pocket Micro De-Luxe [hap, Sean Riddle]
  • 2024-10-02 22:30:50 mcompgin: improve internal artwork [hap]
  • 2024-10-02 22:30:11 stkbd: decrease mouse sensitivity [Robbbert] [hap]
  • 2024-10-02 22:34:47 ibm/thinkpad600.cpp: The 2nd SEEPROM was on the 600E, not on the 600 (#12844) [ClawGrip]
    • Sorry, my bad.
  • 2024-10-02 21:30:40 thinkpad600: Add missing SEEPROM for ThinkPad 600 and its missing mame.lst entry (#12843) [ClawGrip]
  • 2024-10-02 18:00:17 New clones marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - Bullion Blox (BWB) (BVM_____.1__) (MPU4 Video) [Trol]
  • 2024-10-02 11:30:47 jaleco/acommand.cpp: cleanups [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-01 22:46:40 hash/a2600.xml: removed unkact2 as it's identical to hardhead [Ivan Vangelista]
  • 2024-10-01 20:31:08 cbus/mpu_pc98.cpp: hookup int2 [angelosa]
  • 2024-10-01 20:23:00 v25: Add stubs for serial interface registers [AJR]
  • 2024-10-01 19:42:16 princ.xml: Add subtitle for Pochacco [AJR]
  • 2024-10-01 18:53:57 tvdear: This is supposed to have a printer, too [AJR]
  • 2024-10-01 18:49:32 tvdear: Change release year to match copyright on package [AJR]
  • 2024-10-01 18:43:21 tvdear: Add kana title in comment [AJR]
  • 2024-10-01 18:28:30 Add a skeleton for IBM ThinkPad 600 series (#12834) [ClawGrip]
    • Add a skeleton for IBM ThinkPad 600 series
      New systems marked not working
      IBM ThinkPad 600E [ArcadeHacker]
      Add also the ThinkPad 600 model
      New systems marked not working
      IBM ThinkPad 600 [ArcadeHacker]
  • 2024-10-01 18:23:44 tvdear: Use complete system name; split out cartridge; add some RAM and improve ROM mapping [AJR]
    • New software list items marked not working
      Shoujo Manga Collection [Team Europe]
  • 2024-10-01 18:11:42 new NOT WORKING systems (TV Dear) (#12836) [mamehaze]
    • TV Dear [David Haywood, Team Europe]
  • 2024-10-01 14:14:34 primusex: Move to separate driver; add preliminary key matrix, memory map and LCD video [AJR]
  • 2024-10-01 02:44:11 emu/debug, osd/modules/debugger/qt: Clean up #includes a bit [AJR]
  • 2024-09-30 23:05:37 machine/spi_sdcard.cpp: More fixes: [Vas Crabb]
    • Send faux CRC status response immediately after receiving data. Allocate a large enough buffer for an SD Card with 2048-byte blocks. Don't indicate partial block read support for SDHC cards. Reject tranfers that cross block boundaries for SD Card (misaligned read support is not flagged as supported). Reject partial block writes and writes that cross block boundaries (also not flagged as supported). Behave a bit better when no card is present.
NOWSZY [Arcade] DevMAME [log only] 2024/09/30 22:00
  • 2024-09-30 21:07:15 imagedev/floppy.h: Remove #include "screen.h" [AJR]
  • 2024-09-30 20:58:16 funtech/supracan.cpp: rectify sprite ysizes == 9, skip blank sprites for drawing [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-30 18:20:33 -machine/spi_sdcard.cpp: Generate appropriate CSD for mounted image. [Vas Crabb]
    • The Linux/4004 firmware gets very upset if the CSD looks like an SDHC Card but the card acts like an SD Card or vice versa.
      -machine/spi_psram.cpp: Added SPI ram device compatible with SPI SRAM and Pseudo-SRAM chips for small transfers. Additional functionality will be added as use cases arise.
      -cpu/mcs40: Don't log messages about NOP aliases for the 4004 (the Linux/4004 firmware uses these for instrumentation points).
  • 2024-09-30 18:18:10 Add a skeleton for Bullion 2, a slot machine from Inder (#12813) [ClawGrip]
    • New systems marked not working
      Bullion 2 [Victor Fernandez (City Game), Recreativas.org]
  • 2024-09-30 18:17:13 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Carnival (Astro Corp., US.004.D) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope] Santa Claus (IN.001.07.A) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
      - dynax/royalmah.cpp: fixed release year and bootlegger for akamj [Wayder]
      - maygay/maygayew.cpp: split the 'altrevs' in proper clone sets
  • 2024-09-30 17:51:25 pc9801: force single width chars in pcg area [cracyc]
  • 2024-09-30 10:42:16 hash/pc98.xml: fix spcstage floppy order [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-30 10:20:23 irem/m14.cpp: cleanups [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-30 01:10:26 apple2_cass: Fix filenames for brkocol (#12830) [eientei95]
  • 2024-09-29 23:07:28 New systems marked not working [Nigel Barnes]
    • Triple X [Nigel Barnes, Binary Dinosaurs]
  • 2024-09-29 20:29:27 ibm5170_cdrom.xml: Add EA Sports Cricket 96 (#12819) [Ectoplasm]
    • New working software list addition:
      EA Sports Cricket 96 [te_lanus]
  • 2024-09-29 17:28:28 misc/mcatadv.cpp: Clarified comment about Magical Cat Adventure sound chips. (#12829) [PabloArcade]
    • Specified exact Z80 part used as sound CPU for sound CPU. Noted that Y3106-F DAC is present.
  • 2024-09-29 16:49:53 hash/pc98.xml: QA demotions [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-29 16:35:04 video/upd7220.cpp: clear FIFO and DMA status on RESET command issued [angelosa]
    • fix pc9801rs spindiz2 boot
  • 2024-09-29 15:59:58 igt/gkigt.cpp: suppress SENET readback for now, fix base video ROM banks, document workaround for i960 init crash [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-29 13:10:20 Add FreeDOS 1.3, remove release candidates (#12776) [Mike Swanson]
    • hash/ibm{5150,5170,5170_hdd,5170_cdrom}: Remove FreeDOS 1.3 RCs
      These aren't particularly useful releases, and FreeDOS is in no grave danger of losing their development history by excluding them from MAME software lists, being an open source project with plentiful of mirrors.
      Removed software list titles (ibm5150.xml, ibm5170.xml, ibm5170_cdrom.xml, ibm5170_hdd.xml) - FreeDOS 1.3 Release Candidate 1 FreeDOS 1.3 Release Candidate 2 FreeDOS 1.3 Release Candidate 3 FreeDOS 1.3 Release Candidate 4
      hash/ibm{5150,5170,5170_cdrom}.xml: add FreeDOS version 1.3
      New working software list items (ibm5150.xml, ibm5170.xml, ibm5170_cdrom.xml) - FreeDOS 1.3 [FreeDOS Project]
      hash/ibm5170{,_cdrom}.xml: Move all FreeDOS boot floppies to cdrom
      These files are inseparatably attached to the CD-ROM releases, as their only purpose is to boot the installer on systems that do not support CD-ROM booting.
      hash/ibm5150.xml: Add FreeDOS 1.3 8086 Minimized
      This is not an official FreeDOS distribution, but it is a useful one for the ibm5150 driver, stripping down the operating system into something reasonable to run on the original IBM PC architecture.
      Useful links about what it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOVLlMQs9f8 https://archive.org/details/free-dos-1.3-8086-minimized
      New working software list items (ibm5150.xml) - FreeDOS 1.3 8086 Minimized [AkBKukU]
      hash/ibm{5150,5170}_hdd.xml: Add FreeDOS hard disk images
      These are just basic installs of the operating system from the installation media.
  • 2024-09-28 17:59:52 igt/gkigt.cpp: hookup OPLL, irq3 ties with the other QUART [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-28 16:48:58 New systems marked not working [angelosa]
    • Multistar 14, Multistar 5, Double Hearts, Mystic Jaguar [nerd4gw]
  • 2024-09-28 16:19:58 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Discs of Tron (Environmental, prototype, 8/9/83) [Peter Roesler, The Dumping Union]
  • 2024-09-28 16:15:55 Add skeletons for three new bootlegs on Modular System (#12791) [ClawGrip]
    • New clones marked not working - Last Duel (Modular System) [Museo del Recreativo, Recreativas.org] Power Spikes (Modular System) [Museo del Recreativo, Recreativas.org] Twin Cobra (Modular System) [Museo del Recreativo, Recreativas.org]
  • 2024-09-28 11:00:48 igt/gkigt.cpp: notes [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-28 10:58:55 igt/gkigt.cpp: fix release years for ms3 / bmoonii / ms72c [Dam0] [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-28 10:13:34 input_sdl: fix deadlock issue with joystick (remove reset() call during process_event) [hap]
  • 2024-09-28 09:37:50 New working software list items [Ivan Vangelista]
    • - a2600.xml: Dig Dug (PAL, alt) [Guru]
  • 2024-09-28 09:22:32 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Dynasty (Ver. 1.02) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
      - igs/igs017.cpp: dumped GFX ROM for tarzanb [Hammy]
      - skeleton/whtm68k.cpp: very preliminary GFX and sound
  • 2024-09-28 00:51:18 igt/gkigt.cpp: partial decoding of CG ROM regions [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-27 21:35:01 igt/gkigt.cpp: debug notes, preliminary background layer [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-27 00:11:49 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Diamond Heart (v1.0) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
      -taito/slapshot.cpp: dumped opwolf3's unprotected PALs [Domenico Cervini, Porchy]
  • 2024-09-26 23:48:35 igt/gkigt.cpp: remove most QUART2 overlay hacks [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-26 23:46:18 machine/mc68681.cpp: sc28c94 has 64 registers [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-26 21:15:54 hitachi: Cleanup. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-09-26 20:17:01 machine/mc68681.cpp: unambiguous xr68c681 control blocks [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-26 19:55:22 igt/gkigt.cpp: cleanup video functions, hookup debug terminal as default [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-26 19:25:06 Fix clang error: 'pointer_options' defined as a struct here but previously declared as a class; this is valid, but may result in linker errors under the Microsoft C++ ABI [-Werror,-Wmismatched-tags] [AJR]
  • 2024-09-26 19:14:22 hash/ibm5170_cdrom: Added Zork Nemesis. (#12807) [Mike Swanson]
    • New working software items (ibm5170_cdrom.xml) - Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands
  • 2024-09-26 19:07:03 Added ATTR_COLD to common lifecycle methods for many files in src/devices. (#12822) [holub]
  • 2024-09-26 18:57:52 -emu/render.cpp: Always translate coordinates if container is found (fixes GitHub #12817). [Vas Crabb]
    • -ui/videoopt.cpp, ui/ui.cpp: Allow pressing UI Clear to restore default pointer timeout settings.
      - midway/starrider.cpp: Added PROTO 3 program ROMs.
      New clones marked not working - Star Rider (PROTO 3) [Matt Ownby]
  • 2024-09-26 18:41:08 New systems marked not working (#12816) [Angelo Salese]
    • hitachi/bml3.cpp: initialize in S1 mode
      hitachi/bml3.cpp: separate mbs1 to own file, add enough meat to make it boot in S1 mode
      Missed a conflict marker
      hitachi/mbs1.cpp: QA stub
      hitachi/bml3.h: reinstate ATTR_COLD
  • 2024-09-26 18:28:16 neogeo.xml: Added a newer Gladmort demo. (#12465) [ArcadeShadow]
    • New working software list addition (neogeo.xml)
      GladMort (demo²) [PixelHeart]
  • 2024-09-26 18:23:23 misc/esd16.cpp: Cleaned up code. (#12823) [cam900]
    • Use appropriately sized integers for tilemap color values. Reduced literal tag usage, improved variable names, use C++ line comments.
  • 2024-09-26 14:00:45 skeleton/bitgraph.cpp: Simplify screen update routine a little more [AJR]
  • 2024-09-26 13:57:12 skeleton/bitgraph.cpp: Use memory share to access video RAM [AJR]
  • 2024-09-26 10:44:28 hash/supracan.xml: drop trade entities [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-25 22:46:33 funtech/supracan.cpp: add note [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-25 20:35:19 funtech/supracan.cpp: transfer upper byte for DMA fill in work RAM [angelosa]
    • fix rebelst hex grid display
  • 2024-09-25 22:05:27 New software list items marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • sat_vccart.xml: Victor Twin Operator Video CD & Photo CD (Japan, v4.000) [TeamEurope, CyberWarriorX, cafe-alpha]
      hash/sat_vccart.xml: removed unneeded offset, changed size to hex, demoted everything to unsupported since the softlist isn't even hooked up
  • 2024-09-25 21:27:07 New working clones [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Metal Black (World, single PCB) [rtw] Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Players ver OAA) [Guru]
      New clones marked not working - Crazy Balls (Bontempi, set 2) [Domenico Cervini]
  • 2024-09-25 20:40:10 sinclair/spec_snqk.cpp: Fixed bugs in format detection and cleaned up code. (#12821) [holub]
    • Use const for things that shouldn't be modified, use snake_case for locals, etc.
  • 2024-09-25 20:00:20 funtech/supracan.cpp: fix sprite/tilemap banking bits [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-25 19:01:07 pgm2.h: fix compile [hap]
  • 2024-09-25 18:49:28 Merge tag 'mame0270' into HEAD [Vas Crabb]
    • MAME 0.270
  • 2024-09-25 18:39:22 sega/megadriv_acbl.cpp, skeleton/zorbakbd.cpp: Sorted DIP switch options. [Vas Crabb]
    • Order coinage options from least to most generous, put off to the left of on.
  • 2024-09-25 18:35:29 Added ATTR_COLD to common lifecycle methods for many files in src/mame. (#12789) [holub]
  • 2024-09-25 16:11:06 hmcs40: add hmcs46/hmcs47 [hap]
  • 2024-09-25 12:10:15 supracan.xml: use hex for rom size values [hap]
  • 2024-09-25 12:00:36 hash/supracan.xml: hookup NVRAM for rebelst and standardize description [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-25 11:55:40 new NOT WORKING Software List additions (#12820) [mamehaze]
    • supracan.xml: Rebel Star [anonymous]
      Co-authored-by: David Haywood
  • 2024-09-25 11:26:22 source org: move Chess King drivers to chessking folder [hap]
  • 2024-09-24 19:20:27 misc/changyu.cpp: add inputs for both games [Angelo Salese, Roberto Fresca] [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-24 18:18:22 barek2mb: Hook up PIC MCU [Dirk Best]
    • Systems promoted to working - Bare Knuckle II (bootleg of Mega Drive version)
  • 2024-09-24 17:38:14 sbackgc: just use cpu_device for m_maincpu [hap]
  • 2024-09-24 16:17:08 misc/changyu.cpp: Implemented changyu2 MCU communication well enough to get attract mode working with music. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-09-24 10:39:38 mame.lst: add bh1000 that was omitted [hap]
  • 2024-09-24 01:29:17 Revert "New systems marked not working" [hap]
    • This reverts commit 5ade77ff644bd4a37991a88028c32dd757c11da7.
  • 2024-09-24 01:08:42 sbackgc: invert buttons_r, [hap]
    • hmcs40d: set page start to 0x3f
  • 2024-09-23 22:07:52 New systems marked not working [angelosa]
    • Hitachi MB-S1 [archive.org]
  • 2024-09-23 21:52:57 bus/bml3: standardize read/write function names [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-23 20:43:00 ecbackg: rename driver to sbackgc [hap]
  • 2024-09-23 20:00:17 sbackg: remove driver, merge with ecbackg driver instead [hap]
    • Systems promoted to working - Sensory Backgammon Computer [hap, Sean Riddle]
  • 2024-09-23 18:07:59 New systems marked not working [Ivan Vangelista]
    • Fisherman Battle (Japan, ver 1.03) [TeamEurope] Wanpaku Pirates (Japan, ver 1.00) [TeamEurope]
  • 2024-09-23 16:00:21 ibm/thinkpad8xx.cpp: Use simpler BIOS tags, put BIOS options in ascending order, explicitly specify default BIOS. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-09-23 04:44:57 x68k: further adjust vblank irq [cracyc]
  • 2024-09-22 18:43:01 hitachi/b16.cpp: FDC wants ready line connected [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-22 17:59:02 hitachi/b16.cpp: stub a bunch of keys, make it disk error explicitly [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-22 17:57:25 emu/diserial.cpp: Improved stop bit handling (fixes #12762). (#12770) [Colin Leroy-Mira]
    • Never check more than one stop bit on reception. Don't add an extra stop bit on transmission.
  • 2024-09-22 17:36:10 capcom/lwings.cpp: Hooked up sound CPU reset control for Trojan and Avengers. (#12804) [JOTEGO]
    • Original Trojan schematic shows that the main CPU controls the sound CPU reset line.
  • 2024-09-22 16:24:54 hitachi/b16.cpp: fix compile [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-22 15:09:47 hitachi/b16.cpp: identify some irq sources [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-22 13:03:16 hitachi/b16.cpp: dump kanji ROMs for b16ex2 [Mike Stedman] [angelosa]
    • allow it to display a "system starting up"
  • 2024-09-22 00:06:35 hitachi/b16.cpp: hookup FDC [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-21 23:11:09 hitachi/b16.cpp: hookup PIT and PICs [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-21 22:05:51 sun/sun4.cpp: Less convoluted way of changing default SCSI devices. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-09-21 21:46:38 apple2_flop_orig.xml, apple2_flop_clcracked.xml, apple2_cass.xml: Added latest dumps and improved metadata. (#12798) [A-Noid33]
    • apple2_flop_orig.xml: Replaced one item with a better dump. apple2_flop_orig.xml: Improved metadata. apple2_flop_clcracked.xml: Split Bank Rate Tutorials from Bank Rate Software as it was sold separately. apple2_flop_clcracked.xml: Replaced one item with a better dump. apple2_flop_clcracked.xml: Removed two imperfect cracks. apple2_flop_clcracked.xml: Improved metadata. apple2_cass.xml: Added one not working item.
      New working software list items (apple2_flop_orig.xml) - A Week That Changed The World [4am, yesterbits, A-Noid] Adventure in Time [4am, txgx42, A-Noid] Animate [4am, A-Noid] Bag of Tricks 2 (version 2.0) [4am, A-Noid] David-DOS [4am, A-Noid] Early Heroes of the Bible [4am, yesterbits, A-Noid] Federation [4am, A-Noid] Israel's Golden Years [4am, yesterbits, A-Noid] Measuring Economic Activity [4am, LoGo, A-Noid] Moses Leads His People [4am, yesterbits, A-Noid] Paul's Missionary Journeys [4am, yesterbits, A-Noid] Prince of Persia (interactive demo) [4am, A2_Canada, A-Noid] Science Toolkit [4am, A-Noid] Searching for a King [4am, yesterbits, A-Noid] The Bank Street Speller [4am, A-Noid] The Bank Street Writer (version 1.3) [4am, A-Noid] The Bank Street Writer Tutorial (version 1.0) [4am, A-Noid] The Bank Street Writer Tutorial (version 1.1 1982-12-13) [4am, A-Noid] The Bank Street Writer Enhanced (version 2.6) [4am, A-Noid] The Bank Street Writer Enhanced Tutorial for ][+ [4am, A-Noid] The Bank Street Writer Enhanced Tutorial for IIe [4am, A-Noid] The Bank Street Writer Expanded (version 2.2) [4am, A-Noid] The Bank Street Writer Expanded Tutorial (version 2.2) [4am, A-Noid] The Bank Street Writer IIc (version 2.1 revision 1) [4am, A-Noid] The Bank Street Writer IIc (version 2.1 revision 2) [4am, A-Noid] The Bank Street Writer IIc (version 2.11) [4am, A-Noid] The Bank Street Writer IIc Tutorial (version 1984-06-27) [4am, A-Noid] The Bank Street Writer III (version 1.1) [4am, A-Noid] The Bank Street Writer III (version 1.4) [4am, A-Noid] The Bank Street Writer III Tutorial (version 1.1) [4am, A-Noid] The Bank Street Writer III Tutorial (version 1.4) [4am, A-Noid] The Bank Street Writer Plus (version 1.1) [4am, A-Noid] The Bank Street Writer Plus (version 1.4) [4am, A-Noid] The Bank Street Writer Plus Tutorial (version 1.1) [4am, A-Noid] The Bank Street Writer Plus Tutorial (version 1.4) [4am, A-Noid] The Boy Jesus [4am, yesterbits, A-Noid] The Early Church [4am, yesterbits, A-Noid] The Time Tunnel: Sports Edition [4am, A-Noid] The Time Tunnel: The America Series: Early America [4am, A-Noid] The Time Tunnel: The America Series: The Presidents [4am, A-Noid] The U.S. Constitution: Nationalism and Federalism (version 1987) [4am, A-Noid] Trapshoot [4am, A2_Canada, A-Noid] Wheeler Dealers (DOS 3.3 conversion) [4am, A2_Canada, A-Noid] Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overload (version 2.0 01-JAN-82) [4am, A2_Canada, A-Noid]
      Redumped software list items (apple2_flop_orig.xml) - Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn (version 4, 20-Aug-1983 update) [4am, A-Noid]
      New not working software list items (apple2_cass.xml) - Wheeler Dealers [4am, A2_Canada, A-Noid]
      Redumped software list items (apple2_flop_clcracked.xml) - Animate (4am crack) [4am, A-Noid]
      Removed (apple2_flop_clcracked.xml) - Animate (imperfect clean crack) Bank Street Writer II (imperfect clean crack)
  • 2024-09-21 21:21:51 New systems marked not working [angelosa]
    • B16 EX-II [Mike Stedman]
  • 2024-09-21 21:05:48 New systems marked not working [hap]
    • Sensory Backgammon [hap, Sean Riddle]
  • 2024-09-21 20:58:06 srcclean in preparation for 0.270 release branch. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-09-21 20:28:05 nes.xml: Added Micro Mages (confirmed cartridge and download match). [Mike Swanson] [Vas Crabb]
    • New working software list items (nes.xml)
      Micro Mages [Mike Swanson]
  • 2024-09-21 20:16:39 ibm/thinkpad8xx.cpp: Added a skeleton for IBM ThinkPad 850 and its operating systems. (#12704) [ClawGrip]
    • New systems marked not working
      IBM ThinkPad 850 [Arcade Hacker]
      New software list items marked not working (thinkpad8xx.xml)
      AIX 4.1.5 [Arcade Hacker, ClawGrip] OS/2 Warp PowerPC Edition [Arcade Hacker, ClawGrip] Solaris 2.5.1 Limited Availability PowerPC Platform Edition [Arcade Hacker, ClawGrip] Windows NT Workstation 3.5 PowerPC Edition [Arcade Hacker, ClawGrip]
  • 2024-09-21 20:05:55 nes_kstudio.xml; nes_ntbrom.xml: Avoid unnecessary abbreviations in descriptions. (#12781) [ArcadeShadow]
  • 2024-09-21 20:04:47 -sinclair/tsconf.cpp: Replaced Centronics port and COVOX device with a DAC. (#12785) [holub]
    • -sinclair/tsconfdma.cpp: Refactored code.
  • 2024-09-21 19:57:12 sinclair/tsconf.cpp: Added BIOS upgrade 24.07.28 option and made it the defaut. (#12788) [holub]
  • 2024-09-21 19:22:43 -cpu/arm7: Added interrupt helpers, hid details from most clients. [Vas Crabb]
    • cpu/arm7: Moved input line and state item numbers into class declaration so most users don't need the internal header. cpu/arm7: Added callbacks so run to next interrupt works in the debugger. cpu/arm7: Added helpers for SoCs that generate effective FIQ/IRQ signals with and onboard interrupt controller. igs/igs027a.cpp: Moved presumed onboard RAM and possible FIQ enable into the device.
      -igs/igs_m027.cpp: Cleaned up installation of varying numbers of PPIs, got rid of the chessc2 and gonefsh2 PPIs that don't really exist.
  • 2024-09-21 15:44:33 video/mc6845.cpp: lift horizontal display and mode control from being zeroed in device_reset [angelosa]
    • fix bml3 getting stuck on soft resets;
  • 2024-09-21 15:02:13 hitachi/bml3.cpp: add PORT_DIPLOCATION, remove non-existant dips for bml3mk5 [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-21 13:16:37 hitachi/bml3.cpp: bump interlace clock [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-21 14:57:44 newhunterd: Looks like this bootleg uses a plain Z80 [AJR]
  • 2024-09-21 14:33:46 hmcs400: add nvram [hap]
  • 2024-09-21 14:04:29 a2gameio: Add support for the Softape Bright Pen (#12721) [as-tb-dev]
    • a2gameio: Add Softape Bright Pen support for the Apple ][/][+
  • 2024-09-21 14:02:50 hash/{ibm5170,mac}_cdrom: Doom and related games (#12794) [Mike Swanson]
    • New working software list titles (ibm5170_cdrom.xml)
      Chex Quest [Digital Café] Demon Gate: 666 New Levels for Doom & Doom II [Laser Magic] Depths of Doom Trilogy [id Software] Doom II [id Software] Doom II French [id Software] Doom Shareware [id Software] Doom: Collector's Edition [id Software] Final Doom [id Software] Hell to Pay [Wraith Corporation] Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders [Raven Software] Hexen: Beyond Heretic [Raven Software] Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel [Raven Software] Master Levels for Doom II [id Software] Strife: Quest for the Sigil [Rogue Entertainment] The Ultimate Doom [id Software]
      New working software list titles (mac_cdrom.xml)
      Chex Quest [Digital Café] Hexen: Beyond Heretic [Raven Software] The Ultimate Doom [id Software]
  • 2024-09-21 14:01:30 gm1000.cpp: Add dump of Eniac Sound Saurus BH-1000 (#12797) [buffi]
  • 2024-09-21 14:00:35 ts2624: Remove no sound flag [AJR]
  • 2024-09-21 13:59:49 ts2624: Add bell [AJR]
  • 2024-09-21 13:34:33 falcots.cpp: Major improvements [AJR]
    • - Add preliminary display (including most character attributes) - Add some RS-232 ports
  • 2024-09-21 12:42:11 cxg_granada: small tweak to internal artwork [hap]
  • 2024-09-21 12:38:19 hitachi/bml3.cpp: fix IG RAM debug display, hookup cassette SW list [angelosa]
    • New working software list items - bml3_cass: BM Tetris [Anna Wu]
  • 2024-09-21 11:50:44 avengers: remove unneeded m1 trampoline, assume that unused palette bits in mcu rom are not a bad dump [hap]
  • 2024-09-21 11:49:27 pv1000/pv2000: remove empty offset param, use hex instead of decimal for sizes [hap]
  • 2024-09-21 01:45:33 New working clones [hap]
    • Sphinx Granada [hap, Sean Riddle] Sphinx Supra [hap, Sean Riddle]
  • 2024-09-21 01:05:54 hitachi/bml3.cpp: preliminary IG display [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-20 23:55:14 New working systems [hap]
    • - Sphinx Royal [hap, Sean Riddle]
  • 2024-09-20 20:46:49 chess*: use IPT_POWER_OFF for power off trigger [hap]
  • 2024-09-20 19:36:47 hmcs400: add standby/stop mode [hap]
  • 2024-09-20 20:56:12 igs/igs_m027.cpp: Added second 8255 PPI for Extra Draw. [Vas Crabb]
    • Second PPI is installed in memory map, but no I/O connected to it yet.
  • 2024-09-20 20:45:56 hitachi/bml3.cpp: IG RAM initial support for bml3mk5, adhere to official naming for System I/O fns [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-20 19:26:31 cpu/xa: Implemented add with indexed addressing mode for source. (#12795) [mamehaze]
    • Used by the tripfevb microcontroller program. The game no longer causes a fatal error, but hangs instead.
  • 2024-09-20 19:13:04 igs/igs_m027.cpp: Hooked up I/O and clickable layout for Triple Slot. [Vas Crabb]
    • Systems promoted to working - Triple Slot (V200VE)
  • 2024-09-20 12:18:03 hitachi/bml3.cpp: convert System I/O address_map to proper block, misc cleanups [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-20 11:06:16 tlcs90: move too generic irq enum to class [hap]
  • 2024-09-20 10:53:36 tlcs90: small spacing cleanup, remove execute_burn altogether (renamed but keeping it in z180 after seeing TODO note), [hap]
    • kl1839vm1: execute_input_lines getter was removed from mame
  • 2024-09-20 09:42:32 hmcs400: add timers [hap]
  • 2024-09-20 09:34:38 bus/bml3: drop bml3 prefix for slot options filenames [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-20 09:33:07 hash/bml3_flop.xml: QA notes [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-20 09:32:20 formats/d88_dsk.cpp: relax track_count check to a warning [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-19 17:00:56 hitachi/bml3.cpp: drop bml3 prefix for all bus slot options [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-20 04:37:49 kl1839: fix compile. [arbee]
  • 2024-09-20 04:21:11 igs/igs_m027xa.cpp: Only one version of Triple Fever crashes MAME. [Vas Crabb]
    • Systems promoted to working - Triple Fever (V108US)
      Clones promoted to working
      Triple Fever (V107US)
  • 2024-09-20 04:03:32 igs/igs_m027xa.cpp: Hooked up proper inputs, lamps and layout for Triple Fever games. [Vas Crabb]
  • 2024-09-20 03:26:23 samcoupe_flop.xml: Added 8 working items (#12778) [ArcadeShadow]
    • New working software list additions
      Boggle Bubble [Spectrum Computing] Dave Infuriators [Black Jet] Dave Invaders [Black Jet] Hexagonia [Spectrum Computing] Lost Disks of Sam [Black Jet] Moby DX [Black Jet] WaterWorks [TOSEC] Wop Gamma (pre-release version) [World of SAM]
  • 2024-09-20 03:25:58 spectrum_cass.xml: Added 25 working items (#12761) [ArcadeShadow]
    • New working software list additions
      Amnesia (v1.02, Spanish) [Spectrum Computing] Astor Musica [Planeta Sinclair] Chaos (Aackosoft) [Planeta Sinclair] Ficheiro Astor (cracked) [Planeta Sinclair] Galivan (Erbe) [Spectrum Computing] Grand National (ABC) [World of Spectrum] Grand National (Zafi Chip) [World of Spectrum] Gridrunner (Century) [Spectrum Computing] Hydrofool (Zafi Chip) [Spectrum Computing] Impero Romano [Planeta Sinclair] Indoor Soccer (System 4) [Spectrum Computing] Master Word (Hopkinson / Tribe) [Planeta Sinclair] Match Point (alt) [Spectrum Computing] Match Point (IBSA) [Spectrum Computing] N.O.M.A.D. (Erbe) [Spectrum Computing] Raptores de la Galaxia (Microbyte) [Spectrum Computing] Simulador de Voo (Groupi, pirate) [Planeta Sinclair] Soko Ban [Planeta Sinclair] Soko Ban (hack) [Planeta Sinclair] Sokoban (Spanish) [Spectrum Computing] Strike Attack (alt) [Spectrum Computing] SSTV [Planeta Sinclair] SSTV (sample pictures) [Planeta Sinclair] Tabuada Infantil (master tape) [Planeta Sinclair] Tabuada Infantil [Planeta Sinclair]
      Merged sets
      Gridmaster - Part 1 + Gridmaster - Part 2 Alien Swarm & Arena! + Alien Swarm (K-Tel)
      Demoted to NOT working software list item
      Ficheiro Astor
      Cleanups and fixes: parent/cloneof relationships, descriptions, publishers, years (information provided by spectrumcomputing.co.uk) and added languages info.
  • 2024-09-20 03:23:11 ussr/pk32.cpp: Electronika PK-32 - not working (#12732) [holub]
    • mpl1839/kl1839vm1.cpp: MPL's l1839vm1 cpu device
  • 2024-09-20 03:20:35 sun/sun3.cpp: Add DIAG/NORMAL switch (#12734) [Chris Hanson]
    • Adds a DIAG/NORMAL switch that affects how a Sun-3/60 (and other models) are configured at boot.
  • 2024-09-20 03:07:59 new WORKING machine (DDRGame) (#12702) [mamehaze]
    • new WORKING machine
      16-bit TV Dance Pad with 15 songs (DDRGame) [David Haywood, Sean Riddle]
  • 2024-09-20 02:07:11 Update notes on undumped namcos12 games (#12774) [simzy39]
    • -Added links to a flyer for Aerosmith's Quest For Fame and changed the date from 2001 to 1999 in order to match the year on the flyer and other sources that reference this as the release year
      -Added a video of game footage of Submarines, and added a specific reference of where a cabinet was demonstrated
      Reference of the trade show: https://web.archive.org/web/20200927151212/https://ascii.jp/elem/000/000/314/314701/
  • 2024-09-19 16:53:22 x68k: adjust vblank to fix lines at top and bottom in strider [cracyc]
  • 2024-09-19 16:19:18 sun3, sun3x, sun4: Add NSCSI tape to default devices. (#12733) [Chris Hanson]
    • Note that only sun4, not sun4c or other variants, has tape among the default devices; by that era, most installation and recovery was via CD-ROM (already in the default devices) rather than via tape.
  • 2024-09-19 15:52:42 atarisy2: change some ioport tag lookups to portr, fix conflict between PORT_SERVICE and IPT_SERVICE [hap]
  • 2024-09-19 13:27:35 hmcs400: add pinout reference [hap]
  • 2024-09-19 13:13:08 hmcs400: add irq controller [hap]
  • 2024-09-19 05:44:07 Add Linksys PAP2 and other MIPS-X improvements (#12726) [Octocontrabass]
    • New machines marked as NOT WORKING
      Linksys PAP2 [unknown]
      cpu/mipsx/mipsxdasm.cpp: fix various bugs [Octocontrabass]
      tomy/kissite.cpp: memory map borrowed from Linksys PAP2 [Octocontrabass]
  • 2024-09-18 21:20:40 hitachi/bmjr.cpp: hookup cassette software list [angelosa]
    • New working software list items - bmjr_cass: Wilwesp [Gaming Alexandria]
  • 2024-09-18 20:46:25 igs/igs_m027.cpp, igs/igs_m027xa.cpp: Added three more video slots games. (#12779) [mamehaze]
    • igs/igs_m027xa.cpp: Dumped XA microcontroller for Triple Fever (V108US) (matches Crazy Bugs). [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope] igs/igs_m027.cpp: Improved ROM labels for extradrw and added note about additional 8255 PIA. [Jorge Silva, TeamEurope] igs/igs_m027.cpp: Found a board with an external game program ROM that isn't double-sized. igs/igs_m027.cpp, igs/igs_m027xa.cpp: Removed outdated/incorrect comments about ROM dumps.
      New systems marked not working
      Triple Slot (V200VE) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
      New clones marked not working
      Triple Fever (V108US) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope] Triple Fever (V105US) [Ioannis Bampoulas, TeamEurope]
  • 2024-09-18 20:16:48 bus/pci: PowerVR Neon 250 stub [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-18 18:02:16 -Don't use image_error::BADSOFTWARE for things that aren't software list errors. [Vas Crabb]
    • -scripts/minimaws: Use python3 superclass method call syntax.
  • 2024-09-18 16:36:09 diexec: Remove vestigial execute_burn override [AJR]
  • 2024-09-18 16:21:11 diexec: remove vestigal execute_input_lines() [hap]
  • 2024-09-18 15:23:20 wy30p: Add keyboard [AJR]
  • 2024-09-18 12:30:18 misc: Added proper error messages to COM quickload (MT 08915) [Robbbert] [hap]
  • 2024-09-18 12:13:07 hmcs400: add logerror for unmapped ports [hap]
  • 2024-09-18 00:48:13 hmcs400: add i/o ports [hap]
  • 2024-09-17 23:15:58 kchamp: remove duplicate function [hap]
  • 2024-09-18 11:48:51 Systems promoted to working [angelosa]
    • - Hitachi Basic Master Jr. (MB-6885) [Angelo Salese]
  • 2024-09-18 04:56:22 trs/coco3.cpp: Extend display from 639 to 640 pixels (#12780) [tim lindner]
  • 2024-09-18 03:34:40 wy85: Add character attributes and cursor; tweak some key definitions [AJR]
  • 2024-09-17 20:36:38 hitachi/bml3.cpp: add note to break key [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-17 20:31:21 hitachi/bmjr.cpp: hookup break key [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-17 20:19:18 hitachi/bmjr.cpp: preliminary DAC sound [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-17 19:54:22 hitachi/bmjr.cpp: implement memory views [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-17 17:20:29 wy85: Add beeper [AJR]
  • 2024-09-17 11:49:03 hitachi/bmjr.cpp: implement MP-1710 color features [angelosa]
  • 2024-09-17 03:44:08 zx81_cass.xml: Added 10 working items + 1 not working (#12771) [ArcadeShadow]
    • New working software list additions
      3D Formule 1 [Team Zeddy, Planeta Sinclair] AERI - Análise de Estruturas Recticuladas Isostácticas [Planeta Sinclair] Alien Invaders [Team Zeddy, Planeta Sinclair] Air Traffic Control [Team Zeddy, Planeta Sinclair] Colunas - Dimensionamento de Colunas Montantes de Edifícios [Planeta Sinclair] Dis-ACSem [Planeta Sinclair] Em Busca dos Tesouros [Spectrum Computing] Geometria I [Planeta Sinclair] Letter Hunt [Planeta Sinclair] Tut-Tut [Spectrum Computing]
      New NOT working software list addition
      1K Games Pack (Crystal) [Team Zeddy, Planeta Sinclair]
  • 2024-09-17 02:58:18 x68k: fix offset and try to improve blending [cracyc]
  • 2024-09-17 02:54:40 upd765: don't bail immediately when a sector address crc failure fixes ea interlock copy pro [cracyc]
  • 2024-09-16 22:04:02 hmcs400: fill in most of the opcodes [hap]
  • 2024-09-16 21:58:49 emumem: add support for passing mem_mask parameter on 8-bit handlers [hap]
  • 2024-09-16 15:03:11 hmcs400: add opcode placeholders [hap]
  • 2024-09-16 10:55:14 hmcs400: add disassembler [hap]
  • 2024-09-15 23:42:57 hmcs400: add cpu skeleton device [hap]
  • 2024-09-15 14:07:33 pc6001: fix wrong char code for enter key [hap]
  • 2024-09-15 11:02:51 chess*: update some company strings again [hap]
  • 2024-09-14 12:08:00 namco*: no need for offs variable in tilemap mappers [hap]
  • 2024-09-16 21:11:19 -scripts/minimaws: Removed Python 2 support. [Vas Crabb]
    • -igs/igs027a.cpp, igs/xamcu.cpp: Slight simplification.
      -sony/news_r3k.cpp: Sorted #includes.
  • 2024-09-16 18:12:43 mvme328: new device [Tom Uban, Plamen Mihaylov] [Patrick Mackinlay]
  • 2024-09-16 14:02:32