Common Source Project Takedy Toshiego to potężny zbiór emulatorów mikrokomputerów z kraju kwitnącej wiśni. Niestety żeby się nacieszyć emulacją japońskich zabawek czeka nas poszukiwanie biosów każdej z emulowanych maszynek, bądź, jeśli posiadamy do nich dostęp, samodzielny dump.
- [EMU/WIN32] support stereo sound
- [EMU/WIN32] fix joystick initialization
- [VM/DATAREC] support to load wave file with 16bit/stereo and any frequency
- [VM/DATAREC] support to load TAP tape images (used for SHARP X1 series)
- [VM/DATAREC] support to rewind tape image
- [VM/EVENT] support stereo sound
- [VM/FMGEN] fix timer not to cause overflow
- [VM/FMGEN] support interface to read int signal
- [VM/SN76489AN] fix mixer issue that volume mixed by other device is doubled
- [VM/YM2151] fix irq handling to refer int signal from fmgen
- [VM/YM2203] fix irq handling to refer int signal from fmgen
- [VM/Z80SIO] support monosync/bisync mode
- [VM/Z80SIO] support auto enables bit in wr3
- [VM/Z80SIO] support send break bit in wr5
- [VM/Z80SIO] support sync/abort bit in rr0
- [VM/Z80SIO] support signals to notify transmitt/recieve is done
- [VM/Z80SIO] support sync signal (input/output)
- [VM/Z80SIO] fix not to reset external signals