ZEsarux is another multimulator of Sir Clive's machines - we can find practically all models from ZX80, through traditional Sinclair Spectrum models, including those that have already appeared with the Amstrad logo, to the exotic Z88 Cambridge, if not for the lack of QL to say that he emulates everything from this family. Currently, he also manages the Sam Coupe machine or CPC464 (I will not mention other exotics - hence the feature in development). Author also adds Spectrum QL emulation.
Emulator, by Cesar Hernandez (this is his second project, after ZXSpectr) was created for Unix, but in time he also made a version for Windows - looking at the list of possibilities, it's quite an interesting harvester, which is worth having at hand if you need all-in - with a rainbow on board - at least it gives me some problems, but what can be liked.